Photos for Facebook cover Ultrasonic scanner. An ideal cover for your page on Facebook

When buying a magazine, the first thing that rushes into the eye is the cover. The same thing happens when visiting your virtual page - the first impression creates a photo on the cover.

And this happens, regardless of which social network you went - Facebook, Vkontakte, LinkedIn or Youtube channel - first of all, you pay attention to the cover. The first impression is created before watching your page.

The key factor of the ideal cover is its size. If you download the picture of the inappropriate dimensions, you risk getting a "cut" picture and your subscribers and will not be able to see its important details. The problem is that there is no single oven for all networks and this article will tell you about them in detail. So, when you go to the design of social networks - this guide will help you create covers for your groups.

Brief: What is the size of the covers of the VK Group, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn

There is some difference in the size of the covers when loading the site - this is noticeable, when visiting the page from its two different versions - desktop or mobile. Below are the dimensions for Facebook, VK, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and YouTube Channel.

Cover Cover Size

The perfect cover size for your group in VKontakte will be 1590 per 400 pixels. This size takes into account the display on screens with increased clarity (Retina). And the minimum size of the CC - 795 per 200 pixels.

Facebook cover size

The perfect cover size for your profile in Facebook will be 820 per 462 pixels. These are ideal parameters for your Facebook page, the minimum width should be at least 720 px.

Creating photos for a page in Facebook, it is very important not to miss 4 important details:

1. Your cover in Facebook will be other sizes on the mobile version of the site.

The mobile version of this social network is distinguished by the fact that your photo will look higher or already. If the photo is long - it will be displayed completely, if wide - edges will be cut. The method of trial and errors it was found that the above dimensions are ideal for both versions.

On the computer, the size of the visible part will be 820 per 312 pixels. And in the mobile version 820 per 462.

2. You specify which part of the cover to show

If your picture contains important items in its top or bottom, and you are worried that Facebook can trim them, you have the ability to specify which part of the photo you need to show on your page. Drag the picture up or down.

3. Your photo page, name and buttons are superimposed on your cover

If you drew the following example, several components are superimposed on the photo of the cover. It is worth paying attention to this when choosing and creating photos of the cover. In the mobile version of the site, the profile photo will break a few photos in the middle. You should always take the rule to prevent important details at the bottom of the photo, as they can be blocked by photography profiles.

4. When you go to your Facebook, the profile is displayed only half of your cover.

This means that the photo will not be shown completely - for this you will need to scroll through the pages. In order to attract the attention of the photo and make it clearly, it is worth adding a highlight in a photo or something attractive at the bottom of the cover photo.

Facebook Cover Size - For Page (Groups)

The perfect cover size for your Facebook page will be 820 per 462 pixels.

Below are key points to select and create an image for a page where your audience will sign:

  1. Unlike the photo on the cover of your personal profile, nothing is superimposed on the cover of the page for Facebook. And this is just super - you do not have to worry that something important will be blocked for the attention of the audience.
  2. Like the photo in the profile, the photo cover looks different on the mobile version.

It should take into account that the Facebook cover size on the page is displayed in 820x312 pixels in the desktop version, and in mobile - 640x360. These data were shown in Facebook itself and they will allow you to demonstrate the entire picture. However, there will be more suitable dimensions in 820x462 px - this will allow you to lay out your pictures in this form, as I would like it yourself.

Use the PNG file for a better picture. The Facebook website indicates that if your cover contains company logos, it is best to use the PNG file - this will improve the image quality.

Facebook video cover size

Finally! You have the opportunity to use the video instead of the picture. Isn't it beautiful?

Below are the Facebook tips for your video on the cover:

  • Your video should be at least 820 pixels in width and 312 pixels in length. For better quality, download video with dimensions 820x465px.
  • The video duration should be from 20 to 90 seconds.

Cap size for a group in Facebook

The perfect size of the photo caps for your group on Facebook will be 820 per 462 pixels.

The cover photo for the group is practically no different from the photo cover - just looks a little shorter. However, the dimensions displayed through the computer version are 820x250. This means that the image must be at least 400x150px.

Although in the computer version the cover for the cover does not overlap with inscriptions, in the mobile version everything happens up to the opposite.

Another thing that is worth thinking about is how your photo for the cover looks in the "Groups" section in the mobile application Facebook.

To fully display the picture (so that the inscriptions are not shifted), it is best to post a photo in the center - it will look much better.

Size Photo Events for Facebook

The perfect photo size for the banner event on Facebook will be 1920 at 1080 pixels.

The recommended size for the photo on the page of the upcoming events, from the point of view of Facebook, is 1920 pixels in the width and 1080 pixels in length (in proportion 16: 9). For an event in open access, everyone who browsing the event has access to this image, while for private events - only those who are in the list of invited.

Cover size for LinkedIn

The perfect cover size for your page on LinkedIn will be 1584 at 396 pixels.

Perfect Cover Relationship - 4: 1

Photos for the rear background in the LinkedIn profile displays in the 4: 1 proportion; It is also worth noting that it is recommended to use photos of 1584 pixels in the width and 396 pixels in length. However, there is one problem - your photos can become blurred after downloading, the following tips will help you eliminate it:

If the background image looks blurred or disintegrates into squares, select images with the size of the file as close as possible to the maximum size, as the images with such dimensions look much more clearly. It is also worth considering that the photos will look better than images with logos. If the image still looks blurry, and it seems to be divided into squares, you should use compression tools such as Trimage forWindows or imageoptim forMAC., Before downloading to your profile.

LinkedIn will trim the back background photo when switching to a mobile device

As clearly shows the picture below, LinkedIn will trim your photo from the right and left side.

Cover size for page company in LinkedIn

The perfect cover size for your company on LinkedIn will be 1536 at 768 pixels.

LinkedIn will doit the picture in the desktop version. Despite the fact that it is recommended for using the image with dimensions in 1536x768px, when the image is loaded, in any case it will be cropped. This is shown in the screenshot from above. Therefore, if possible, it is best to place important details for pictures in the center. It is also worth considering that the minimum sizes of the pictures are 1192x220p.

The photo for the cover looks more on the mobile version of the site. Most likely, this is one of the reasons why LinkedIn recommended the above dimensions.

Cover size for youTube

The ideal cover size for YouTube channel will be 2560 per 1440 pixels.

Your cover has different visibility on TV, mobile and computer versions.

A photo cover is called a banner and is displayed completely differently - depending on which device you work. The ideal sizes for the cover, as Youtube recommends, is 2560x1440px.

Below are some important details:

  • Minimum sizes for loading: 2048x1152px.
  • Ideal sizes for loading images with logos and inscriptions: 1546x423px. More volumetric images are not fully loaded (depending on the type of device from which they are viewed).
  • The maximum image dimensions are 2560 × 423 px. The above dimensions will be viewed from any device. It is also worth considering that part of the banner for your channel will be cut when viewed from different devices.
  • The file size loaded image is 4MB (or less).

YouTube has created an excellent template for the cover of your channel - it is convenient for comparing the final appearance on various devices.

The template is loaded into the PhotoShop file and FireWorks file, allowing you to impose it on the image; So you will understand how the image will be cropped and look on your channel.

Below is an example of adaptation of the size of the cover for Youtube Channel.

Pay special attention to the profile photo and link links

When creating your channel, most likely you will not place important details in the upper left and right corners on your banner. And this is true - the photo of your profile and links of the channel will be placed at the top of the banner and in mobile, and in the desktop version. So it will look like a drawing in a computer and mobile version of sites together with the image of the profile:

Twitter Cover Size

The ideal cover size for your twitter account will be 1500 per 500 pixels.

Your photo on Twitter should be width in 1500rh, and a length of 500rh. And this, notice - much wider, compared to other social networks.

By the way, it is very important to use the image of a sufficient width - it will prevent the image to twitter and it will not be blurred.

Photos profile will cover the title photo

Also, like on Facebook, the photo profile on Twitter will obscure a small fragment of your title image. It is very important not to miss this nuance.

You can scale and choose a photo fragment downloaded to the profile.

Here you can freely choose which fragment you really need - and not be afraid that it will be cut.

The title image looks larger on the mobile version.

On a mobile device, provided that your photo is sufficient dimensions, it will be displayed in full length. (Please note that my shoes are displayed on mobile, but not on the computer version).

If the title photo is 500 pixels in length (or shorter), zooming can occur and it will be closed on both sides.

Google+ cover size

The perfect cover size for your Google+ account will be 1600 per 900 pixels.

The Google+ cover is displayed with dimensions from 1084x610rh, which is nearest to 16: 9 in a proportional ratio. If you want to be sure that the image looks clear, it is worth sticking to the dimensions of 1600 wide and 900px in length.

The most important details of the photo should be located in the center

Excellent news - photo for the cover has sensitivity when hovering the cursor. What does this mean? The cover photo will gradually move away as the page scrolls, so that it will always be in sight.

Your photo on Facebook Cover "This is one of the first things that people see when they want to score on your facebook, and that is why it is so important to make the best possible first impression, and with the help of the photo on the cover it is accurately conveying what you are striving for.

Despite the fact that it sounds simple, we found that it is quite difficult! Still, do not worry, we are here to help you.
Let's deal with together, what is the best way to use your photo to cover the best possible way to use your facebook.

And so, today we will make three things:

  1. you will acquaint you with a photo for the cover on Facebook and their ideal sizes;
  2. we will develop for you a manual how to create a photo for the cover and how to choose the perfect image;
  3. we show examples of Facebook pages with brilliant photos on the covers.

Photo Cover Size for Facebook

Let's start with a brief review of photos for the cover and the best size for use ...

What is the perfect size for photos of the cover on Facebook?

820 pixels wide on 462 pixels in height.

This is the perfect size for sorting out your page, but of course it can vary.

Here you can download cool pictures for free facebook . The site is constantly updated, the number of covers and pictures is constantly increasing. New free widescreen covers For Facebook Photo.

Here you can download Free, and without registration, a variety of options for finished covers for Facebook. You can also find template blanks in PSD format for creating and design of interesting furnaces for Facebook.

But this option contains ready-made covers for Facebook in PSD format. Download files with covers for free, but the PhotoShop program is needed. Excellent option for designer design business pages in Facebook.

Yes, of course, this is the easiest option, but this option does not guarantee uniqueness in the design of your cover in Facebook. Especially if you downloaded the photos and the first 100 in the search.

  • 2 Option - Create or modify the downloaded cover on Facebook.

    I use Photoshop or other visual editor. In the first version, we mentioned sites with PSD format files that are as races for Photoshop.

    Another simple and free online photo editor. There are much more free pictures and icons than in Canva. But Cyrillic fonts are not available and you can download only 5 photos per month. But this is quite enough that it would be beautiful to arrange 1 cover on Facebook.

    PS. Photoshop, Canva and DesignBold, just just help you to change the size of any picture that it is beautifully fitted into the necessary sizes for the cover in Facebook.

    Also, you can always combine all these tools, for example, create a beautiful pattern using DesignBold, and then supplement it with text in Canva or Photoshop.

Your Cover on Facebook

Now that we know how to create your cover, the question is what photo for the cover should you choose?Let's start viewing the best tips.

First of all, when it comes to photography for Facebook cover, let's discuss some of the best practical techniques. We have collected a great list What to do and not doWhen it comes to photographs for covers. Here are some of the main points:

What covers attract attention?

We looked at some of the components that make any images attractive, such photos are divided with the rest:

  • Emotion: Forcing people to feel, encourages them to action.
  • Relevance: The inclusion of something that matches the interests of your audience.
  • Colors: Choosing the right colors that will be divided into this.
  • Typography: Choosing a right font that will make your message clear.
  • Hashtegi and text: Find the right words that your audience will lead to interaction.

These constituents can also be applied to your facebook cover on Facebook so that people feel in a certain way or have taken concrete actions when they enter your page.

For example, a photo on Coca-Cola cover depicts a few happy young people who wrap their cola bottles. Probably, it gives hope that it is capable of making people to feel happy, thinking about Coca-Cola and establish a connection in the consciousness of people that it means to drink a cola - this means happiness. Simple and effectively.

mKR. Black River, d.15 Russia, St.Peterburg 8 812 497 19 87

Sizes for Facebook Images


The dimensions of the Facebook pictures are very important, like the entire visual component of advertising.

Every day 300.000 photos are loaded in Facebook!

If you represent a brand and actively advance with Facebook, you need to know all the subtleties relative to the size of the pictures so that your brand looks in the best way.

This article will tell about the exact dimensions of Facebook pictures and the best services for creating and editing images.


Dimensions of pictures for Facebook. 2017 updates

To begin with, get acquainted with the new items that appeared on Facebook in recent months.

1. Facebook Page Cover

Facebook Cover onPC 828 x 315 pixels and 640 x 360 pixels for smartphones. It seems like everything is simple, right? But if you create a picture format for a PC, not the fact that the same quality will be on your mobile phone or tablet. Watch out for this.

Still catch the fact: 90% of users enter Facebook through mobile devices! In my opinion, everything is obvious. Do better pictures under the mobile version.

Still a nuance. When loading in Facebook, the image quality is slightly reduced. Therefore, make sure that the size is small at high resolution.

And when you update the cover photo, immediately check how it looks mobile to make sure that the text remains the same.

Portion of Lifehakov when creating advertising on Facebook:

  1. Minimum text. His big number looks like a cumbersome and proper effect such an advertisement will not give.
  2. Choose 2 or 3 colors And make it fat.
  3. Yellow Increases conversion to 14.5% .
  4. Eyes and lips In the image increase Ctr..
  5. Recommended sizefor news feed 1200x900 pixels.
  6. For advertising B. right column Size it should be 254 x 133 pixels.

Show that you are a real person !! Leave a comment and tell you what you think.

Almost every business and person uses Facebook, ranging from personal and ending with workpages. Most likely, this is an integral part of any marketing strategy. It may even be your main professional site.

Therefore, it is important to maximally used this platform to ensure that your social networking profile will be impeccable and professional. Careless image, bad trim or text that is incorrectly scaled, can create an incorrect first impression. Here are ten tips on creating a perfect image for the cover of Facebook, through which people will want to click.

1. Know the specification

The first part of the puzzle in the cover of the cover for Facebook is the size. There is nothing worse than incorrectly determine the size of the image and create a major Facebook failure. And if you have not updated the cover photo for some time, this is a good reminder to check the specifications, because they change periodically.

As of March 2018, the following specifications are available:

2. Select the correct image.

Facebook is a highly visual environment, the selected image can make or destroy the interaction and how users belong to your brand or page. You need a great image, so you must:

  • Select high quality photo or high-resolution illustration.
  • Find what is easy to read or understand even if it is not enough on the screen.
  • Select an image that represents your brand and shows a person or product in action.
  • Try to establish emotional connection with images.
  • Find a photo that fits well into space. Crop the image using editing software to make sure that it looks great with the size of 851 pixels into a width of 315 pixels in the height and that there are no vital parts of the image.

3. Add CTA

Although it is not part of Facebook cover design, think about the fact that users will see when they go to your profile. Cut the cover photo and related appeal to help generate potential customers, calls or cliques on the site. Excellent photo can help stimulate interaction.

The "call to action" buttons are right under the photo on the right. Make sure you have enabled something to make users.

4. Use your branding

Photos for Facebook cover must match your overall branding. Use the same style of images, colors and tags as in all other communication lines.

All parts must have a consistent external, so that when the cover is appeared - as a change in user ribbons or when you visit your page on Facebook - there was no doubt that the image belongs.

Think about branding regarding how photos work with profile and cover on your Facebook page. They appear side by side in the square (profile photo) and rectangular (cover). In the tape, the profile photograph is in a round container, and the cover of the cover retains its rectangular shape.

5. Try video

The excellent image on the cover for Facebook does not have to be a photo. You can also download videos. The main thing is to follow the specifications.

Add video to the cover in the same way as a photo, given the following:

6. Do not forget about mobile trimming

Now this is the main trap image for the cover - it is cut on mobile devices. While the cover photo is displayed 820 by 312 pixels on the desktop screens (almost all that you downloaded), the mobile image is a bit more square and it automatically cropped some lower and upper parts of the image.

Although you can not download a separate image for mobile users right now, we know how many of this image will be displayed on mobile devices: 640 pixels wide on 360 pixels in height. The reiser uses the full width of the image and takes a roughly the same amount from above and below the image for the mobile photo of the Facebook cover.

Select and cut your image, respectively.

7. Make it shared

Look for an image containing many emotions or actions that are related to your audience. Turn on the hashteg or a small text block to inspire an action. Choose colors that are allocated in ribbons - bright options can work perfectly, as well as branded colors to establish a visual connection.

8. Keep the image simple

Do not overcome the design of the cover of the cover on Facebook. Most people are likely to see him small - think about phones when applying your content - and an attempt to make too much with one image may not have success.

Find an excellent photo. Cut it to proper specifications. Publish it. Ready.

9. Two minimum text

The most complex element when creating a cover for Facebook is the text. Think about two available trimming - desktop and mobile. Think about the size that will be displayed for users.

If you can't stick to something short and easy for understanding - for example, logo or hashtega - you can, in general, avoid text on the cover. Do not clutter an excellent image with words only to ensure that they were there. Any text elements must be added taking into account a specific purpose and convenience of use.

10. Are still stuck? Start with the designer or template

Still not sure about trimming and alignment to get the perfect photo for the cover? There are several templates for Facebook and tools that can facilitate this task. All three possible options are free, although you will need to register for the account.

A pleasant thing in the constructor or Facebook cover template is that all the necessary sizes and shapes are created for you. You do not need to worry about trimming or editing images if you are not strong in this. Each of these tools allows you to place your photo in the frame, which is the right form and size, and export it for easy download to Facebook.


Remember that every time you create and download a new cover image for Facebook, your subscribers receive notification in your tape. Make changes and choose the right moment for this with a specific purpose. Enable a comment or link to support interaction when making changes.

Consider the possibility of seasonal change in the cover of the cover or every time you offer a new product or service. This is a simple update can save your profile fresh and create a lightweight piece of content to decrease.

All successful work!