Studio Sound Effects Pond 5. Pond5 - Excellent Video Station with High Sales

- This is a powerful platform for creativity. You can sell or buy: photo, video, music, themes for sites, illustrations, 3D graphics, drawings and a lot more interesting.

In order to make money on media stock (Pond5) you must sell your work, browse the main information to know how to work in the future.

General information about pond5

Considered on the example of the sale of music (audibilities)

One of the best audibilities. A large traffic attendance, easy to learn, the ability to work as a non-exclusive author - the share of the author is 50%, not bad sales compared to other drains. No need to create a preview file (preliminary file).

Files must be in WAV format (16 bits, 44.1 kHz) or MP3 (from 192 kb / s).

Registration in Pond5

For registration, go to Pond5 (Pond 5) . Next, you can choose the language of the site and click "Check in".

In this window, you can register with "Facebook" By clicking on it or enter your data in the field.

  • Specify your email.
  • Specify the username (login) of at least 6 characters.
  • Come up and enter your password for at least 8 characters.
  • Enter the password of the same time again.

After all this press "Check in".

How to upload file to pond5

To download your music files on Pond 5 (Pond5) , click on your icon in the upper right corner, the menu will fall, and click "Downloads". Next click "+ Download new file".

A new window will open, where you will be offered to download your files by clicking on "+ Choose Files", You can also download using FTP, choose how it is more convenient for you.

After downloading your file, it will appear in the same window. You can download some more files by clicking "+ Add More Files"After that, you will need to get out of this window by pressing the cross.

Below in your list you will see your downloaded files. You need to now specify information to your files by clicking "Need editing".

Now proceed to add information. In some fields in the drawings, I will give examples. You will naturally introduce your data.

  • Audio type - You choose from what you added, music or sound effect.
  • Allowed to use in musical works? - If you choose "Yes", your audio tracks will be available for use in other music works (for example, the licensee can add texts or use it as a loop or sample within the track). If you select "No" Your track will be available only to synchronize with video and other music numbers.
  • Name (in English) - Write your name only in English.
  • Coil "I don't use it, honestly, I don't even know what she needs." If I find out, I will definitely write about it.
  • Description - Everything is clear here, you write a description to your file. The more in more detail, the better for you. Buyers will read and figuratively represent what your music file is about.
  • date of creation - Here you can specify the date of creating your file.
  • City - Specify your city.
  • Country - From the list you can choose your country.
  • CREATED / RECORDED WITH - Created / recorded.
  • Colding without breaks? - You can choose "Yes" or "No".
  • Does this Clip Contains Lyrics or Human Voice? - This clip contains texts or human voice?
  • What pace of this record? - It is instead of "BPM", you can choose: fast, medium, slow.
  • Composer - Who wrote music.
  • Publisher - Who published it.
  • Price ($ US) - Specify your price. Standardly it is set $ 1, you can change to any other price, but at least $ 5. On average, even professionals set their prices within $ 30 - $ 50.
  • Set the price for me - If you can not decide on your price, you can set the checkbox on "Yes" and you will appoint a price.
  • This work can be provided for free in promotions. - You can choose "Yes" or "no".
  • Enter keywords in English - Here you enter your tags related to your music file. You need to specify no more than 50 tags.
  • Suggestions - You can also choose tags from this list.

Pond5 - Young video, with high level of sales. Advantageously on this, videos are sold. The author himself sets the price for its content and when selling receives a commission in the form of 50% of the price. All videos are sold under the RF license (Royalty Free).

At the time of writing the article, there were more than 5.5 million videos on sale on sale, more than 400 thousand music tracks, more than 600 sound effects. The high level of sales on the drain is due to the fact that among the buyers of the contents there are such media giants as BBC, NBC, MTV, National Geographic Channel, etc.

What is good pond5?

  • the authors independently install the price of their content and at the start of sales receive 50% of the price. No steps to increase commission payments.
  • not very high requirements for video content. It has already been proven that the loyalty of inspectors on Pond5 to their authors at the height.
  • you can download video 4K and 360 degrees.
  • there is no exam.
  • no need to ship documents for identifying the personality.
  • payments by the author are made through the check, PayPal, Moneybookers (), bank transfer, Payoneer.
  • buyers can significantly cheaper to buy the desired content than on other photos.
  • payment is made by a plastic card or PayPal payment system.

Technical requirements for downloadable video on Pond5

  • video clip without sound track, and if there is sound, it should be recorded in excellent quality.
  • duration of 3-60 seconds.
  • hD video size should not exceed 3GB.
  • 4K video size should not exceed 5GB.
  • welcome video clips without mounting
  • the video file permission must be MOV, .mp4, or .m2ts, .mxf. Avi ship it is impossible.
  • you can ship video with any bit rate, but there are recommendations (more).

In principle, while all. Difference Pond5 from other photo sets when loading content is minor. You can load both FTP and browser. Big Subjects of the loaded content and quick access for buyers.

As we see, in a separate category highlighted video from Gopro, 4K, Timeslaps, and in the English version of the site there is still a category of Drone and Slow Motion.

More detailed information about the requirements for the technical instances of the downloadable content can be obtained on the official website.

P.S. Today, many forums write that Pond5 is in the leaders on the authors sold video content. Therefore, be sure to register and try to sell something ... Personally, I, in the near future, I will do ...

Pond5 is one of the giants of the stock of the content market. Today Pond5 is a huge platform for selling video, music, images, 3D models. It is very popular among the authors and buyers around the world, it takes leadership positions on the sale of video clips, sound effects. Larger demand on the site is used illustrations, photos, 3D, however, the sale of such works is also not uncommon.

Features Pond5:

- no exam, you do not need to provide documents during registration;

- high level of sales of video and audio files;

- sufficiently high demands for quality and plot files;

- opportunity to sell photos, vector illustration, video footage, audio;

- Since March 2015, the sale of PSD files on Pond5 has also begun;

- Comfortable Russified Interface.

How much can you make money on the sale of files on Pond5?

Here, Pond gives us complete freedom of action when selling our work, as each author can independently set the price on its files, regardless of what it sells: video, audio or image.

The second advantage of Pond5 regarding earnings is the fact that the author's deductions are at a fixed level and do not fluctuate depending on different factors as it happens on other microstoks. The percentage of deductions is 50% of the same price set. Agree, it is not very bad, because this level of deductions is much higher than the average percentage of most microstocks.

It is also worth noting the fact that Pond5 does not offer exclusive cooperation, thereby drag seeks to provide all authors equal working conditions.

Money output methods with pond5

Earned on sale of video, audio and other content on the Pond5 website can be displayed using PayPal, Moneybookers, Payoneer systems, as well as check. The minimum is $ 25. The output of money from Pond5 can be done on request or automatically once a month.

Outcome: It is 100% recommend selling files on Pond5. Be sure: the sale of audio and video will certainly bring their fruits. As for the authors of the images, everything depends on good luck here and, of course, your activity. There are no huge income from images, however, those who are accustomed to work with a lot of effluent, still worth trying their strength on Pond5.

Today we will tell about how to register on Pond5 - Microtoka, which is famous for high levels of videos and audio files, as well as images and 3D models. In addition, we consider the features of the interface and downloading files to Pond5.

Registration and start of work on Pond5

In order to register on Pond5 go to the start page of the microstok.

1) Click on the button Sign up in the upper right corner.

2) Fill data (e-mail, nickname, password, password confirmation). Click check in.

3) Now you have a buyer account. In order to start selling on Pond5, click link Sell \u200b\u200byour work In the account menu.

4) On the next page, we can familiarize yourself with the useful information about the microstoka, as well as watch the video about the successful authors of Pond5. Next Zhmem. Start selling.

6) Fill in contact details and payments on payments.

The address must be written by Laticine, and the name is in the passport. The "Organization Name" field can be left blank or put an individual mark, thereby specifying what is registered as a private individual.

When choosing a way of paying money earned on Pond5, you will also need to specify details (email address or e-mail of an electronic wallet account).

After filling out all the data, you can proceed to download files, in addition, all these information can be changed in the account settings.

Pond5 interface features

After we have registered on Pond5 as the author, the main working office is available to us, which we want to tell. In general, the Pond5 mediastock interface is not complicated and intuitive largely due to the presence of a Russified version of the site.

Personal Area. Here you can view: the latest sales; Files that require; recent and active downloads; statistics of views and sales. It also reflects the status of the account.

Finance. It reflects the main cash transactions and you can see detailed sales statistics for a different period of time, as well as information about referral earnings. In the same section, according to the link "Payment details", you can change the contact details and data on the output of funds.

Downloads. This section displays the files that you plan to sell on Pond5. Here you can see the status of the file, change any information about it (metadata, price, etc.), remove unnecessary work, attach releases. The download button is also posted here. You can upload files on Pond5 through the standard bootloader or via FTP. We, in turn, we recommend using, with which you can quickly attribute and download files to several microstocks immediately.

Purchases. Pond5 interface section for buyers. It is not difficult to guess, here we will find all the information about the transactions on the purchase of video, audio or images on the Pond microtok.

Messages. Communication with site moderators. The main part of the letters that comes to this box is information about downloading and accepting files.

Account. Account settings where you can view and change the basic user of the microstok.

Pond5 requirements for files

In addition to registering on Pond5 and interface features, many authors at the beginning of the stock tracks are worried about the requirements that this mediastle plays files. You can always find a detailed description of the requirements and recommendations on the Microstock website. We will try to allocate the main criteria that are guided by Pond5 when considering new loaded works.

Pond5 requirements for video:

Duration - from 3 to 120 seconds.

Size - no more than 2 GB (2000 MB).

Format - .mov, .mp4, .m2ts, .mxf.


The video may be accompanied by a sound track only if this is part of the environment. Using sound should not violate copyright.

Requirements Pond5 to Audio:

Duration - from 1 second (for effects) up to 10 minutes (for high-grade sound tracks).

Size - no more than 1 GB (1000 MB).

Format - WAV, AIFF or MP3 (320 kbps).

Pond5 requirements to images:

Format - JPEG.

Size - not less than 2MP; Increased size is permissible no more than 5% of the original.

Color mode - RGB; CMYK is not allowed.

Vector file: Format - EPS10 (AI, CDR formats, BMP are not accepted).

Preview - JPEG size of 2000 × 2000 pixels (minimum).

The name of the vector file and previews must match and downloaded to the microsts in one zip-archive.

Requirements Pond5 to PSD:

Format - PSD Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later; Minimum - 72 DPI.

Preview - JPEG size 750x650pixels (minimum).

Color mode - RGB or CMYK; The layers in the file must be clearly structured and indicated.

File size is no more than 1 GB (1000 MB).

PSD and preview file must be loaded in one zip archive, where in addition to the main files, you can add a few additional previews with the same name and sequence number (Name2.jpg, name3.jpg).

As you can see in registration on Pond5, there is nothing complicated in the features of cooperation with this microstok. The adaptation of the new author occurs quickly, and selling on Pond5 is becoming easier. If you have any questions about working with Pond5, you can ask them in the official group of our website VKontakte (link to public in the left sidebar). We are always happy to come to help new authors and help them earn money on selling their video, audio files and other types of content.

At the moment is the leader on the sale of stock video. In most Strokers, this photobank brings the most tangible contribution to total income and is already in second place costs Shutterstock. In addition to video Pond5, sells photos, vectors, audio, animation and 3D models. And in this article we will consider the requirements that PHOTOBANK places to be downloaded for sale.

Pond5 requirements for video

Pond5 takes a video taken with a multitude of rabral chambers, including: all professional and semi-professional video cameras, mirrors, smartphones, drones, and Gopro and its analogues. The defining criterion for the equipment is the ability to remove with permission at least 1080p (HD). The photo bank can take 720p, but preference will always give 1080, because This is the generally accepted standard at the moment, which is most in demand by buyers. The duration of the clip must be in the range from 3 to 60 seconds. You can download and longer rollers, but for this you need to contact the representative of the photobank.

Resolution File size Frequency
HD.1080 p. up to 3GB 1920x1080 (24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 60 frames per second)
HD720P. up to 3GB 1280 × 720 (24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 60 frames per second)
4k and above up to 5GB Automatically converted to 1080p
3 Rd (Red Cameras) up to 6gb. Original and Preview in HD1080 (ZIP)
PAL 720 × 576 (25 frames per second)
NTSC 720 × 486 (29.97 frames per second)
NTSC DV. 720 × 480 (29.97 frames per second)

Pond5 takes a large set of codecs. An important point here is their authenticity, i.e. Their use directly in the chamber, and not in the post processing. In other words, it is necessary to use the codec that was used when shooting video.

The following codecs Pond5 photobank does not accept:

  • Motionjpeg.
  • Not native MP4
  • Until the DNXHR is supported with a 4K resolution, but in the near future it is planned to fix it.

Requirements Pond5 to photos

Requirements Pond5 to the vector

To download, the vector illustration will need the files listed in the table below.

Requirements Pond5 to Animations (After Effects)

Requirements Pond5 to audio

Requirements pond5 to 3D models

Format Texture Preview

3D Studio Max (.3ds / .max)

Cinema 4D (.c4d)

Blender (.blend)

SoftImage (.xsi, .hrc)

Lightwave (.lwo, .llw, .lws)

AutoCAD (.dwg, .dxf)


These are the main requirements Photo Bank Pond5.. More specific details can be found on