Electronic homemade schemes for cars. Schemes for home, electronics do it yourself in the house

Electronic homemakesToday, they are an affordable way to manufacture useful mechanisms that can ease life and diversify leisure. Modern craftsmen are capable of collecting both simple toys and complex, multitasking mechanisms. About how easy and quickly make electronic toys, interesting and useful electronic homemakers for home and car do it yourself - read below!

Simple electronics with your own hands: do spinner

Electrical engineering, today, is used everywhere to implement both practical and entertainment purposes. Some inventions (such as a smart home system) make a newcomer quite difficult. They require experience and in-depth knowledge of physics. Other designs are simple and accessible to beginner radio amateurs. So, for example, you can make interesting toys with your own hands - spinners whose sales incredibly increased this year.

To collect the toy you will need to stock:

  • Wooden billet size 9x4x1.2 cm;
  • Bearing of 2.2x0.8x0.7 cm (with a rubber seal);
  • Two RGB LEDs;
  • Two batteries and CR2032 holders;
  • Bolt from stainless steel 0.8x2 cm;
  • Cap nuts M8.

After that, you can proceed to work. First of all, it will be necessary to find a design scheme on the Internet, and transfer it to the untreated bar - the workpiece. In order to properly outline the technological holes (there are three of them) it will take a ruler.

After that:

  1. In the middle of the workpiece drill a pass-through hole with a diameter of 2.2 cm under the bearing;
  2. Drill on the sides of the billet two holes with a diameter of 2.5 cm and a depth of 7.5 mm;
  3. Using the drill to do in the middle of two non-current two holes with a diameter of 6 mm for LEDs;
  4. Treat the holes of the zenkovka;
  5. Give the toy rounded shape using an electrolovka, a ribbon saw or a logging machine;
  6. Sanding the workpiece with sandpaper, and cover it with varnish;
  7. Soldering LEDs to batteries;
  8. Check the LEDs and install them into the seating holes by fixing on super-glue;
  9. Clear bearing, and process its insides WD 40;
  10. Cut off the bolt cap, and fasten the axis in the bearing on both sides with nuts;
  11. Install the bearing into the seating hole.

Spinner is ready! The toy will be interesting not only for children. Adults will be able to use such an electronic: the device, rotating, will help relax or distract.

Uncomplicated electronic homemade schemes: Making an electric lion

It is enough simple and quickly with your own hands you can make an electric-connector.

Such a call will last long and will delight the ear. After all, when you click, it will be able to create signals of various frequencies and tonality.

Thus, the electro-call can be one-photon and multi-torrent.

On the ability of a call to reproduce the sound in one or more tonalities will influence the presence in the multivibrator radioconstruction scheme with two bipolar transistors. Consider the details of the electronic call scheme with a complex sound signal.

So, electronic homemade scheme will consist of such radio components:

  • Lowering transformer series TA;
  • Ring buttons;
  • Five alloy silicon diodes;
  • Electrolytic capacitor with a capacity of 1000 microfrades
  • Two electrolytic capacitors with a capacity of 10 microfrades;
  • Two stroke resistors with resistance in 470 kiloma;
  • Two mlts of resistors with a resistance of 10 kiloma;
  • Two mlts of resistors with resistance 33 kiloma;
  • Resistor MLT on 1 kilome;
  • Resistor mlt at 470 kiloma;
  • Three silicon-plenary transistors type 630d
  • Silicon-planar transistor type 630g.

The principle of operation of the device is simple. Pressing the button will open the third transistor of type 630d, giving the current to the fourth transistor of type 630g. This will create a primary signal. When opening a second transistor of type 630d, the third and fourth transistors will turn, creating a signal of another tonality.

Homemade do it yourself for the car

Autoelectronics, for today, has a huge demand. At the same time, homemade automation, often, has simple schemes, Easy performance and installation. What electrical sequels can be done on your own car?

So, with your own hands for the car you can do:

  • Dynamic turn signals using Kit DIY constructor;
  • Universal charger from old electronics;
  • Air conditioning based on water pump;
  • Withers with heating and much more.

The easiest way will be constructed backlight for safety belt locks. To do this, it will be necessary to dismantle, and disassemble the locks using a flat screwdriver. After that, with the help of a thermal stake in the locks, it is necessary to secure LEDs.

Each LED can be included through its current-limiting resistor: it will prolong the service life of the semiconductor light-emitting device.

After that, you should collect locks, and the wires that feed the LEDs, stretching under the seats to the ignition or the dimensions button through the cigarette lighter. At the request of the owner, the car lighting of the cabin can be supplemented with lamps that signal that the seat belt is not fastened.

Unusual electronic homemakes: binary watch with their own hands

You can make funny binary watches for your own hands. To do this, you need Arduino Platform. Electroschemes on this platform are characterized by simplicity and convenience, used for the manufacture of most electronic homemakes.

In addition, you will need a binary watch:

  • Real-time clock module on the DS1302 chip;
  • Diffuse LEDs with a diameter of 1 cm (20 pieces);
  • Resistors with resistance of 10 ohms (20 pieces);
  • Resistors with resistance in 10 kiloma (2 pieces);
  • Two clock buttons;
  • Case.

The case of the clock should consist of two halves, which can be made of wood, plastic, metal. It depends on what style will be your watch. Before making the case, you will need to assemble the LED matrix.

At the same time, each LED must be connected through its current-limiting resistor.

After that, the conclusions from the LEDs must be connected to the platform. The controller itself will need to connect to the real-time clock module. After that, contacts from Arduino and the module must be carried out to the clock buttons to adjust the time through the resistors with a par value of 10 kilomes. They will serve as loads. Under the end, you should connect the power cable to the diagram.

Useful homemakes with their own hands: How household scales are made

Today, in almost every house there are outdoor or kitchen scales. In order to independently make this useful measuring instrument, it is necessary to deal with its device and the principle of work.

So, to the external components of the scales include:

  • Web processor;
  • Housing;
  • Screen for readings;
  • Platform;
  • Legs.

The principle of operation of the scales is extremely simple. The load, falling on the platform, presses on it due to gravity, activating the strain gauge weight sensor inside the instrument. The strain gauge, in turn, affects the tesorressor, changing his resistance. The latter transmits a signal to an analog-to-digital converter. After that, the ADC translates the signal into digital and serves it on the microcontroller, which makes conclusions about the mass of the load on the platform, and displays the values \u200b\u200bto the screen.

When assembling the scheme, you must pay attention to the type of strain gauge sensor.

So, for the central location under the platform of outdoor, trading and technical scales It is better to choose a single-point sensor. A block sensor is used to install on bending. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the strain gauge has a reliable connection with the ADC. Solution will solve the problem of connecting devices.

Radioshames do it yourself for home: Making an electronic lock

The electrician can serve to protect the house. So, today, the sites of self-delicacies offer simple radioshes of electronic locks for the front door. Open such a lock using the physical key will not work.

The simplest electrical system for the manufacture of the lock, usually, is based on the four-digit Johnson counter.

This scheme can be implemented in several variations. The most simple - using the chip 4017. The principle of operation of the circuit is quite simple: when entering the correct code consisting of four digits, a logical unit is activated at the input of the chip, which opens the lock.

Consider the operation of the device more details:

  • When you press the wrong keys, the diagram is restarted without the operation of the mechanism through the RESET entry.
  • The correct signal, when you press the key, should enter the VT1 field transistor, which, after opening, supplies the output to the appropriate key;
  • After the correct introduction of the correct code, from the output corresponding to the last right key, the signal is fed to the VT2 transistor connected to the relay;
  • The transistor is activated for a time that determines the capacitance of the capacitor;
  • The relay opens the actuator (for example, a latch).

In order to open up such a castle, you need to go through about ten thousand different codes. At the same time, the numbers on the code should not be repeated. That is, the code 3355 will be impossible, all digital values \u200b\u200bmust be different.

Most of the electronic homemakes that are manufactured by modern masters are designed to perform the usual household tasks faster and high quality authentic devices. So, for example, it will significantly speed up the process of creating an electric stroke yarn. It is possible to quickly make electrical shields by putting an electric feed on an authentic device.

At the same time, the engine for the electrokeum must have a power of at least 15 watts.

As an engine, you can use the motor from the fan, the fan, the player. To activate the engine, use the pedal. You can change the motor movement by including a TP type toggle switch to connect a condenser and resistance to different windings.

Useful, easy to assemble and operation will be an electric wobble.

In order to implement such a mechanism, you will need to collect a standard block generator. At the same time, it will be necessary not to forget to isolate the fluff stick.

Where to find amateur diagrams and homemade

Modern radio amateur websites propose not only useful, but also unusual radios models. So, for example, on the brains website, you can find interesting radio-electronic schemes for the manufacture of reminders for the refrigerator, thermometers that change the color depending on the temperature, etc.

Interesting and helpful will be electrical things for life and crafts from girlfriend for fishing from the site "Visiting Samodelkin".

On how to design, debug and make electronic mechanisms at home, you can read in the book "Entertaining Radio Electronics". NEWs among radios models often posts the website of the Radio Worker's Workshop. Employed and useful technical materials contain new issues of the magazine "Radio Piters".

Homemade with your own hands at home (video)

Radiate mugs enjoy today, popular with both schoolchildren and adults. Master classes and radioches presented on various sites make it possible to collect almost any electrical appliances at home. The main thing is to find the necessary schemes, to clearly follow the instructions, and adhere to the safety technique when working with electricity. And you can collect everything you want!

For those who are just starting to make the first steps in electronics, it is important to start with something. Well, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the ideas that can come in handy in the future and at the same time will give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do something. What to choose if there is a desire to make simple with your own hands? Here are the options that can be used in everyday life.

Simple power regulator for smooth power on lamps

This type of device has been widely used. The easiest is an ordinary diode that is turned on sequentially with the load. Such regulation can be used to extend the operation of the incandescent lamp, as well as to prevent the soldering iron overheating. Also can apply them to change the power in a wide range of values. First there will be the most simple electronic homemakes with your own hands. Schemes you can see here.

How to protect yourself from network voltage fluctuations

This device turns off the load if the mains voltage goes for the permissible limits. As a rule, within the framework of normal, deviation is considered up to 10% of the regulatory. But due to the peculiarities of the energy supply system in our family, such a framework is not always observed. So, the voltage can be 1.5 times higher, or much lower than necessary. The result is often unpleasant - the instrument fails. Therefore, there is a need for a device that will turn off the load earlier than something will have time to burn. But when creating such a self-made must be careful because the work will be carried out with a significant voltage.

How to make a safety transformer

In various electronic structures, tang-transformer power supplies are often used. Usually such devices have a small power, and to avoid electricians, they are placed in an insulating plastic case. But sometimes they need to be tuned, and then there is an opening of protection. To avoid possible injuries, use the unleashing security transformer. It will also be useful when repairing such devices. Constructively, they consist of two identical windings, each of which is designed for the network. As a rule, the power of transformers of this type varies in the range of 60-100 W, these are optimal parameters for adjusting different electronics.

Simple source of emergency lighting

What if it is necessary so that in the event of a power failure, the illumination of some kind of plot has retained? The response to such calls can serve as an emergency lamp, performed on the basis of standard energy saving lamp, the power of which does not exceed 11 watts. So if it is necessary that the light be somewhere in the corridor, a utility room or in the workplace, this homemade will have to be placed. Usually, if there is a voltage, they operate directly from the network. When it disappears, the lamp begins to function on the battery energies. When restoring the voltage in the network and the lamp will work, and automatically charge the battery. The best electronic homemakes with their own hands were left at the end of the article.

Warming Power Controller

In cases where it is necessary to solder massive parts, or a network voltage is often reduced, the use of the soldering iron becomes problematic. And to help out this situation may increase the power regulator. In these cases, the load (i.e. soldering iron) is powered by rectified network voltage. The change is carried out using an electrolytic capacitor, the container of which allows to obtain a voltage greater than 1,41 network. Thus, with a standard voltage value of 220V, it will give 310 V. And if there is a drop, say, up to 160 V, it turns out that 160 * 1.41 \u003d 225.6 V, which will optimally act. But this is just an example. You have the opportunity to make a scheme suitable for your conditions.

The simplest twilight switch (photoorela)

As new items are created, it is now necessary to make less and less components to make some kind of device. So, for the conventional twilight switch, they must be needed. 3. With the versatility of the structure, multipurpose use is possible: in an apartment building; For lighting the porch or courtyard of a private dwelling, or even a separate room. Indicating the features of such a design as a twilight switch, they call it more "photowork". You can find a lot of implementation schemes that were made or lovers, or industrialists. They possess their set of positive and negative properties. As negative properties, it is usually called or the need to prevent the source of constant voltage, or the complexity of the diagram itself. Also, when buying cheap and simple details or integer kits, they often complain that they simply burn out. The scheme functionality is based on three components:

  1. Photocell. Usually under it understand photoresistors, phototransistors and photodiodes.
  2. Comparator.
  3. Simistor, or relay.

When there is daily lighting, the resistance from the photocell is small, and does not exceed the triggering threshold. But it is necessary to darken only - as the design will be included in the present moment.


These are interesting electronic homemakes with their own hands you can do. The main thing in cases where something fails is to continue to try, and then everything will succeed. And gaining experience, it will be possible to switch to more complex schemes.

Who deals with the radio electronics at home is usually very inquisitive. Radiator schemes and homemakes will help to find a new direction in creativity. Perhaps someone will find an original solution for one or another problem. Some homemakes use ready-made devices, connecting them. in various ways. For others, it is necessary to fully create a circuit itself and produce the necessary adjustments.

One of the most simple homemade. More suitable for those who are just starting to make. If there is an old but working cell push-button phone With the player's power button, you can do it, for example, a doorbell into your room. The advantages of such a call:

First you need to make sure that the selected phone is able to produce a sufficiently loud melody, after which it must be fully disassembled. Basically, the details are fastened with screws or brackets that are carefully rejected. When disassembling, it will be necessary to remember what is going on, so that later it was possible to gather everything.

The player's turning button is disappeared on the board, and two short wires are soldered instead. Then these wires are glued to the board so as not to tear the soldering. The phone is going. It remains to connect the phone with a call button through a two-housing wire.

Self-timers for cars

Modern cars are equipped with everything necessary. However, there are cases when self-made devices are simply needed. For example, something broke, gave a friend and the like. But the ability to create electronics with your own hands at home will be very useful.

The first thing you can intervene, without fearing to harm cars, is a battery. If in the right moment Charging for the battery did not turn to hand, it can be quickly assembled independently. This will require:

Ideal a transformer from the lamp television. Therefore, those who are fond of self-made electronics, never throw out electrical appliances, in the hope that they will ever need. Unfortunately, transformers were used two species: with one and two coils. To charge the battery, 6 volts will go any, and for 12 volts only with two.

On wrapping paper of such a transformer, winding outlets are shown, voltage for each winding and operating current. To power the filaments of electronic lamps, a voltage is 6.3 V with a large current. The transformer can be converted by removing the extra secondary windings, or leave everything as it is. In this case, the primary and secondary windings are connected sequentially. Each primary is calculated on the voltage of 127 V, therefore, combining them, it is obtained by 220 V. Secondary connected sequentially to obtain at the output of 12.6 V.

Diodes must withstand current at least 10 A. For each diode, a radiator is required with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 25 square centimeters. They are connected to the diode bridge. Any electrical insulating plate is suitable for mounting. The primary chain includes a fuse by 0.5 A, in secondary - 10 A. The device does not tolerate short circuit, so polarity cannot be confused when connecting the battery.

Simple heaters

In the cold season, it is necessary to warm the engine. If the car costs where there is an electric current, this problem can be solved using a heat gun. For its manufacture, it will be necessary:

  • asbestos pipe;
  • nichrome wire;
  • fan;
  • switch.

The diameter of the asbestos pipe is selected by the size of the fan that will be used. The performance of the heater will depend on its power. The length of the pipe is the preference of each. You can collect the heating element and the fan in it, only the heater can be used. When choosing the last option, you will have to think about how to put the air flow to the heating element. This can be done, for example, by placing all components in a sealed case.

Nichrome wire is also selected on the fan. The more powerful the last, the larger diameter you can use nichrome. Wire twisted into the spiral and placed inside the pipe. For fastening, bolts are used, which are inserted into the pre-drilled holes in the pipe. The length of the spiral and their quantity is chosen by experienced. It is desirable that the spiral does not heat up with the fan when the fan does not heat up.

From the selection of the fan will depend on how voltage should be applied to the heater. When using the electric fan 220V, it will not be necessary to use an additional power supply.

The entire heater connects to the network through a cord with a fork, but it must have a switcher. It can be both just a toggle switch and automatic. The second option is more preferable, it allows you to protect the general network. For this, the transition current of the automaton must be less than the operation current of the room. The switch is still needed to quickly disconnect the heater in case of malfunctions, for example, if the fan does not work. This heater has its own minuses:

  • harmfulness for the body from asbestos pipe;
  • noise from the running fan;
  • the smell of dust falling on the heated spiral;
  • fire hazard.

Some problems can be solved by applying another homemade. Instead of an asbestos pipe, you can use a can of coffee. So that the helix does not close to the jar, it is attached to the textolite frame, which is fixed with glue. The cooler is used as a fan. For its power you will need to collect another electronic device - a small rectifier.

Homemade brings someone who is engaged in, not only satisfaction, but also benefits. With their help, you can save electricity, for example, shutting down the electrical appliances that forgot to disable. For this purpose, you can use the time relay.

The easiest way to create a setting time element is to use the charge time or discharge of the condenser through the resistor. Such a chain is included in the transistor database. The following details will be required for the scheme:

  • electrolytic capacitor of high capacity;
  • transistor type P-N-P;
  • electromagnetic relay;
  • diode;
  • variable resistor;
  • permanent resistors;
  • dC source.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine which current will switch through the relay. If the load is very powerful, it will take a magnetic starter to connect it. The rebel of the starter can be connected through the relay. It is important that the relay contacts can work freely without sliding. On the selected relay, the transistor is selected, it is determined with what current and voltage it can work. You can navigate on CT973A.

The transistor base is connected through a restrictive resistor with a capacitor, which, in turn, is connected via a two-bearing switch. The free contact of the switch is connected via a minus resistor. This is necessary for the discharge of the capacitor. The resistor executes the role of the current limiter.

The condenser itself connects to the positive bus source bus through a variable resistor with greater resistance. Selecting the capacitor capacitance and resistance of the resistor, you can change the delay time interval. The relay coil is shunting the diode, which turns on in reverse direction. In this scheme, 105 B CD is used. It closes the chain when de-energizing the relay, protecting the transistor from the breakdown.

The scheme works as follows. In the initial state, the transistor base is disconnected from the condenser, and the transistor is closed. When you turn on the switch, the base is connected to the discharged capacitor, the transistor opens and supplies the relay voltage. The relay is triggered, closes its contacts and delivers the load voltage.

The condenser begins to charge through a resistor connected to a positive power supply terminal. As the capacitor charges, the voltage on the base begins to grow. With a certain voltage value, the transistor closes, de-energizing the relay. The relay disables the load. So that the scheme earned again, you need to discharge the capacitor, for this switch the switch.

Many consider themselves far from physics. But even with minimal knowledge (enough evenly received at school) you can do something interesting and most importantly - special. It is about electronic homemakes with your own hands. The schemes of their assembly are usually not complicated. Several simple options for novice electrical workers consider in this article.

Cat's house

The empties are electronic - this is a flight of fantasy, connected to knowledge of electronics. So, for example, from the old monitor from the computer you can make a great house for a cat. To do this, it is necessary to disassemble it. When the bottom and walls of the monitor are separated from the boards, a kinescope and all other parts, they must simply twist. To the animal it was more convenient, it is necessary to make a litter inside.

Music Box

The empties electronic very often serve as a subject that gives the joy of their owners. A bright example is a music box. And it does not just play music. It completely saves the place to store the smallest things.

For work you will need:

  • the box itself;
  • music module with transistor;
  • speaker (suitable from the phone or player);
  • switch (can be from a wall phone);
  • compartment for AAA format batteries (for example, from children's toys or flashlights).

To the music module, the first thing is necessary to solder the transistor 8050 (the diagram is indicated in the figure above). Next, the conductors are soldered to connect power supply and dynamics. When power is applied, it is important to observe polarity. Speaker and board are attached with glue. The resulting design should fit into the casket cover.

After that, the switch is installed. The loop is made from the lace and throws onto the rod. It is necessary for control. The second end of the lace is glued on the inside of the casket. Its length is chosen in such a way that the music module is triggered at the time of the full opening of the lid.

The electronic module hides with a cut piece of cardboard or tissue.

Electronic Fishing

Electronic homemade schemes offer fishermen to make an electronic fishing rod. It works from the "finger" battery. You can throw it to a depth of 5 meters. At the same time, the time of work is up to 12 hours.

Homemade Electronic This kind works on the multivibrator scheme. Quite a piece of 2x6 cm boards, on which all elements of the scheme will be mounted. The relay is selected with resistance to 2.4 ohms.

Home tattoo machine

Electronic homemade schemes in this case Provide the presence of an electric motor with a capacity of 12-18 W. As a rule, all similar motors on the shaft have a gear. It is necessary to glue a button of medium sizes with 4 holes (they must remain free).

Next, choose a suitable handle. It will be the body of the whole product and direct the needle. Well suited mechanical pencil. To connect it with a motor, a bracket is made in the form of the letter "g". It can be made from a handle from a spoon (fork).

The needle is cut off from a guitar string. Its length should be slightly larger than the pencil tube. It should be from the center of the Motor to the tip of the tube. The needle needs to boil 10 minutes.

Connect the handle and bracket with the help of a tape. The long side of the bracket goes along the knob. Fold brackets at one level with the top end of the pencil. There should be no staggering. To the smaller side of the bracket the motor with a button is mounted. Through the pencil to the motor we skip the handle and insert it into the opening of the button. Home electronic homemakers at the last stage are connected to the power source.

Stationary lamp

To illuminate the workspace at the table homemade electronic offer many options. One of them involves the use of a luminescent lamp and a metal profile, which is used to attach plasterboard sheets.

The profile shallows the letter "P" in the context. Thanks to this, he will serve not only by the holder, but also to direct (reflect) the light from top to bottom.

Profile must be bent. For this, the two sides are cut. After the collapse of the edges are connected by self-drawing to give rigidity. The lamp has a switch. For him, we make a hole in the profile. Next, the lamp is attached to the base. Strengthening the strength of the profile will help its rectangular option. For mounting to the table to one edge of the profile, screw the metal corner.

Do for your favorite

When you love, you want to always please your "soul mate." And this desire is strengthened on the eve of Valentine's Day. The problem of the search for a gift will be helped to solve electronic homemakers. You can prepare a wonderful and amazing gift with your own hands. For example, LED Valentine's.

It is going from the finished elements included in the special set. It can be ordered in the online store. The set includes the following details: transistors (3 pcs.), Resistors (6 pcs.), LEDs (18 pcs.), Electrolytic condenser (3 pcs.), Printed circuit board.

Collect the product is easy. To do this, you will need only a soldering iron with a small power that other electronic homemakes are collected with their own hands. Assembly schemes are included in the set. They are guided while working. At the same time, several points must be observed:

  • When installing capacitors, it is necessary to take into account the polarity of the electrodes. The desired electrode is marked on the body of the part.
  • Installation resistors must comply with the specified rates. They are marked on the case with color code.
  • Next, the LEDs are installed.
  • To mount the transistors there is a key in the form of a shape on the housing.

When working, it is important to solder parts quickly, avoiding overheating. Feed the fee will be from a battery with a voltage of 3 V. From the board there are two wires to the battery compartment, which, by the way, is suitable from any electronic toy. The battery compartment with glue is attached to the back of the board from the bottom. This will set the fee in a vertical position.

Many electrical appliances can be repaired or made new with their own hands. For this house there is always something that can be removed to perform new features: old electronic watches, baby cars, which came out of use of a computer and much more. Useful crafts can always be repaired or removed. To work it is better to have a workshop with tools.

Equipped Master Homemade Workshop

Power Supply

Homemade electronic devices We need nutrition of different voltage. In particular, the solder requires an adjustable power supply. Such an opportunity can provide a LM-317 chip, which is a voltage stabilizer.

Scheme of adjustable power supply

Devices based on this scheme allow you to change the output voltage in the range of 1.2-30 V, using an alternating resistor P1. The permissible current is 1.5 A, the power of the device depends on the selection of the transformer.

The adjustment of the voltmeter is made by the P2 stroke resistor. To do this, set a current of 1 mA at the output voltage of the circuit 30 V.

The chip is allocated the greater the power, the greater the difference between the input and output signals. To reduce heating for it, a radiator with a cooler is required.

The home-made board with the LM-317 microcircuit is placed in the housing - the computer power supply. A voltmeter and clips to output wires are installed on the front panel from the textolite.

Simple self-baffer

Prober for cars and other purposes should always be at hand at home, in the garage or on the way. Figure below shows the scheme of the self-model, which allows you to check electrical chains with resistance up to 10 kΩ and the presence of voltage 6-15 V.

Two display chains are connected sequentially to the battery and in parallel to each other. The first consists of a resistor R1 and the HL1 LED, which glows when checking the voltage. At the same time, the battery is recharged.

Scheme and construction: a) Scheme of homemade, which allows you to check the electrical chains with resistance up to 10 kΩ and the presence of 6-15 V voltage; b) homemade design of the autobrobe

When the circuit is checked, the current flows from the battery over the chain HL2, R2. The HL2 LED is lit. His brightness will be the greater than less resistance chains.

Like all the homemakes, a constructive test program can be performed different waysFor example, place it in a transparent plastic case, which is easy to glue with your own hands.

Such devices are indispensable when repairing at home the mains or household appliances. DIY can be more complex and have additional features.

Electrical devices for heat treatment of meat products without fuel use are manufactured on a small amount of Portions and can be used at home or in the country. For the preparation of kebabs, with the help of electrosserts, there is no need to spend expensive hours of rest, standing on the street at Mangala.

In specialized stores, you can choose any devices, but much solves the price. If you have the skills of circulation with electricity, much cheaper will make the electroshalchair with their own hands.

Designs are made in horizontal or vertical design. The power of the device usually does not exceed 1.5 kW. The meat is heated with a spiral with tungsten or nichrome thread. All metal parts are made of stainless steel.

Model devices are vertical heaters in the center and skewer with the product around. They are attached from above. It is advisable to make a skewer in the form of spirals, from which the meat does not slip down in the cooking process.

View of the electrochloride vertical version

For high-quality cooking skewers with their own shed hands, it is necessary to have as closer to the heater, but so that the product does not touch the spiral. When placed at a distance, the meat will not be roasted, and will be dried.

Pieces of the product, the size of no more than 40 mm, are planted on the semumbur, which is vertically placed around the heater. Then the electricity is turned on and the heating of the spiral.

The basis of the heater is the heat-resistant ceramic tube on which the spiral is wound. The attachment below is performed using a special cartridge.

In the round base, special cups for collecting fat and frame, employee for holding skewers vertically, are attached.

Cups are made of stainless steel. From below, they have cruciform protrusions that are inserted into the slots of the base. Inside, they are mounted devices for fastening skewers. Fixing the cup on both sides allows them to hold the skewers vertically.

The connection must be durable and at the same time it is easy to understand for cleaning. You can make a shared removable pallet for all skewers.

The submarine wire is selected under the heater power (2.5 or 4 mm 2). At home or in the country should be a socket on 16 A.

Timer for watering plants

Devices C are used for drip watering area from a capacity at a certain time. They can be connected to valves with any bandwidth.

Often branded devices do not provide the required reliability. Then old wall clocks come to the rescue, which are no longer applied at home. At the ends of the minute and clockwise, small magnets are mounted, and on the dial - 3 Herkeon.

Timer scheme for watering plants in which wall clocks are applied

As soon as the hour arrows comes to the number 7, and the minute - to 12, which corresponds to the time of 7 hours, the Germans SA1 and SA3 are triggered and the signal opens the electroclap. After 2 hours, the arrows will go over to 9 and 12, and the current through the contacts of the gerons SA1 and SA2 will be fed to closing the valve.

The diagram shows the "rain sensor", which in crude weather closes the VT1 transistor and the valve remains constantly in the closed state. Also provided manual control Electroculant through the S1 and S2 buttons.

You can configure the clock at any time to turn on the valve.

Auto with control panel

Home-made models on radio control capture not only children, but also adults. They can be used to play at home or arrange real competitions in the yard. For the assembly with their own hands you will need a chassis with wheels, an electric motor and a housing.

There is a large range on sale, but first of all you need to decide what machine it is better to do. The control panel can be wired or with radio control.

When choosing details should pay attention to their quality. On plastic should not be jar, enclosures and other mechanical defects. The wheels are sold with the chassis and should be easily rotated. The clutch with the surface is better provided by rubber. Plastic wheels in this regard are much worse.

The newcomer is better to take an electric motor, which is cheaper and easier to maintain than in service. The case can be chosen any or made according to your sketch.

Motor, battery and a radar with an antenna are installed on the chassis of a mini-car. If a set with components is purchased, an assembly instruction is attached to it.

After installing parts, the operation of the motor is adjusted. The chassis case is installed after everything earns.

Assembly of mini-copies can be made of houses as follows:

  • the car is going to carefully and joint efforts;
  • material details of the model may differ from the original;
  • small and minor details can be omitted.

The model can be made without looping on a specific car brand. Much depends on the finance and availability of free time. Assembling a mini-car at home together with the child has a large educational value.

Work on the assembly of the car model is made according to plan. Some details need to be bought, but you can use old toys.

The motor must match the weight of the device. Fresh batteries or battery apply to power.

If you use a special autoconstructor, crafts can be the most varied. Assembly sequence:

  • the first gathering frame;
  • motor is attached and regulated;
  • a power source is established;
  • fixed;
  • wheels are installed and adjustable.

Types of radio-controlled car models

Many tricks of homemade are disclosed in this video.

Electronic homemakes allow you to make life comfortable and save a lot of money. In addition, you can find the use of old electrical appliances so that they do not dust in the storage room without a goal. Useful crafts with their own hands often turn out to be better products of factory production.