Electronic air ionizers schemes. Homemade car air ionizer

In the past few years, the use of ionizing air purifiers was very popular. And it is not surprising, because in the cities the atmosphere is becoming worse and dirty, and such devices are capable of quickly and efficiently clean it. This allows you to reduce the number of viral infections, strengthen the immune protection of the body, get rid of allergies and other diseases.

First of all, experts recommend to put ionizers in those homes where children and older people live, who have heart disease, vessels and respiratory organs. Also actively use air ionizers is recommended during flu lacers and sharp respiratory diseases. It is advisable to ionize the air in apartments, where a computer and TV and TV are working for a long time, more than 2 hours per day. Useful will use a ionizer if you are in a closed room for a long time, an apartment or office.

What is a ionizer: work principles

Everyone is familiar, as nice and easy breathing in mountainous areas, by the sea or in the forest with a large number of coniferous trees. And all because the air there is saturated with oxygen ions, which have long been used for therapeutic purposes. In the premises, especially rarely ventilated, the number of these ions is less than 10, or even 15 times. If a person is constantly breathing in such air, he will suffer from aero-ionic insufficiency, which in the future will be the cause of serious diseases, will lead to premature old age and death.

The air ionizer will help strengthen the body's immune defense and resistance to adverse environmental factors. Also, it lowers the frequency of the occurrence of ORZ and others. Infectious and viral diseases. When air ionization eliminates factors provoking allergies. Breathing becomes easy and pleasant.

An important positive effect of air saturation by ions is to reduce the electrostatic voltage from the TV and the computer monitor. When using ionizers, air is cleaned from dust, it takes on a negative charge and settles on the floor and walls. True now you will have to quickly wipe the dust on the furniture and wash the floor.

Contraindications for the use of air ionizer:

  • In cancerium diseases, the use of the ionizer accelerates the development of tumors. But in the absence of neoplasms, ionized air is the prevention of cancer.
  • Increase body temperature. The ionizer can cause even greater heat and worsen the condition of the sick person.
  • With individual intolerance of the ionizer.

How to do air ionizer with his own hands?

The ionizer can be done at home, because it is very simple. Factory and homemade devices work equally. The device will not require the acquisition of expensive spare parts and experience in assembling radioshem. The air ionization unit can be 2 species: automotive and home. An elementary ionizer for the house will be able to collect a person without experience in a very short time. You will need materials:

  1. 2 containers from kinder surprise or similar plastic containers
  2. Scissors
  3. 2 wires with a diameter of 0.5 cm, each of them should be with a fork
  4. Insulation for wires
  5. Needle.

You can take 3 or 5 containers, but if you are a ionizer for the first time, follow the instructions clearly. There is always a chance that from the 1st time you will not work. Materials prepare in advance so as not to be distracted while working on their selection and search.

Stages of manufacturing ionizer:

  • Make holes with needles in each of the containers. They should not be too small to increase them twist the needle in the hole.
  • Thin wiring needs to be dissolved on separate veins.
  • These wiring passes through the holes in the containers. At the same time, 1 must be negative "-", and the other positive "+". Opposite wires need to be located in different containers.
  • Then insulate the wires using an insulating tape.
  • Isolated vendors combine each other.
  • Connect the wiring to the fork, and then turn on the ionizer into the outlet.

The homemade ionizer is a rather fragile device and it is easy to break it. To protect the device fold it into a small box and store on the shelf. The ionizer needs to be installed where it will be unavailable for children and domestic animals.

Collect the ionizer for the car is more difficult than for the house and there will be some experience and accuracy. Time making such a device will take a little more. First prepare the power supply that you can take, disassemble old technique, For example, computer. Gently remove the transformer, it is most convenient to do this with a soldering iron. To facilitate the process, specialists are recommended to heat the ferrite lighter, and then with the help of the needle, separate the halves from each other. It is important to do it slowly and make sure that they do not break and did not crumble.

Old winding you will not need. It will need to be done again, primary by 14 revolutions, and the secondary to 600. Between the winding, do not forget to install at least 2 layers of isolation, and better 3. The simple transparent stationery tape is suitable for this purpose. Isolation should be done every 100 revolutions, a total of about 5-6 layers of insulation.

When the winding is ready, connect the timer to the transformer. Then attach the voltage multiplier to them. This item can be made from KC106 diodes and capacitors with a capacity of 10 kW 3300pf. Output wires Slide on a voltage multiplier by 3 cm, and then connect the device to the power grid. If the device is assembled correctly, you will soon feel the presence of ozone in the air, it will become fresh and pleasant.

Car ionizer: reviews

People who purchased air ionizers for the car are very satisfied with the device. Many have noted that they are less likely to sow with flu and ARVI even during the outbreaks of these diseases. Well-being noticeably improved, cheerfulness and ease appeared. Judging by some reviews it can be concluded that people who suffered from chronic allergic diseases noticed the relief of the state and began to take less drugs from allergies. Air ionization at home and in the office also brings great benefits. Buyers of this device noticed that it became more pleasant to breathe, and performance increased. Gradually, sleep disorders, insomnia, improves the mood. Sleep is becoming deeper, and wake up easier. Many people have noticed that they began to get enough sleep when they started using ionizers.

The quality of the air masses is directly connected with the number of positive and negative ions. The numerous number of factors that reduce the positive effects of ions are distinguished. It is possible to correct this situation with an air ionizer, with your own hands make this device will not be difficult.

Appointment and principle of operation

Before you figure out how to make an air ionizer with your own hands, it is required to study the characteristic features of the equipment and the principle of its work. According to research, in the air of apartments, the number of ions positively affecting the human body is 10-15 times less than the normal value. In nature, their number is equal to the indicator from 600 to 50 thousand units per cubic centimeter.

In the case of accommodation in the apartment, it is simply not to do without an air cleansing device because it provides an increase in the number of useful ions. Due to this, the immune system is strengthened, sleep is improved, the normal functioning of the heart is restored. In addition, the fatigue and the likelihood of infectious and viral diseases is reduced. Even the self-made air ionizer will remove all allergens and dust particles, destroy bacteria.

Air ionizer. Is it worth buying it

The main function of the device consists in applying the air particles of a negative charge, as a result of which they are transformed into aeroiodions that have a positive effect on human health. But in order for simple elements to transform into ions of a negative type, air masses must pass through the corona electrical discharge. Substances causing allergies, dust and malicious microorganisms passing through the ionizer are exposed to electricity charge.

After these elements reaches a plate having the opposite charge, they begin to attract it to it. The remaining harmful elements are subjected to settlement on the surface located next to the cleaner, after which they are removed during the cleaning process. Create a crown discharge can only be used with a voltage of at least 15 kV. It is fed to the pointed electrodes made of metal in the form of pulses.

The ionizer of the air should not be used at home If such groups of persons live there:

  • cancer patients;
  • people with high temperatures;
  • children in the age group up to the year.

Creating a ionizer according to the standard scheme

The assembly of the homemade ionizer should be carried out in accordance with the air scheme. It should be understood that in the case of improper assembly, the device can be very harmful to health, getting burns or shocks.

As the basis of the device can be a housing from computer Block. The fan can be a cooler from the same device where the case was taken. An increase in force transformer can be absolutely any, the main thing is that it is in the range of 220 / 18-20 V.

As additional elements are the following:

  • textolite type board with a thickness of 0.25-0.30 cm;
  • fastening elements;
  • connecting cables.

All items must be selected in accordance with electrical scheme. The air ionizer requires also the acquisition of transistors (CT315) and Stabilians (D815 scheme). Instead of diode bridges present in professional cleaners, one can use single diodes that are connected together. Their voltage should be 400 volts at a current no less than 0.5 amps. The remaining elements of the ionizer scheme can be replaced by analogs that have the same technical characteristics.

To create electrodes of ionizing type, use a stranded wire of copper. It is initially performed by its purification from the insulator, after which each of the core is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, a certain "umbrella" is obtained. Its installation is performed at such a distance from the ionizer, which will be sufficient to generate the required number of ions.

In addition, an important role is played by blowing air through electrodes of pre-curved lived. To do this, inside the computer power supply case and the cooler is installed. To provide it with nutrition, use a rectifier unit equipped with stabilization, and power transformer. If the air ionizer was made according to the instructions, it will immediately begin to function. The only thing to do is - adjust the work of the equipment.

Air purifier for machine

The car salon is a closed space, which is not ensured by the influx of air masses. Relative purity can be ensured by applying air conditioning, but there is no speech about any benefit. That is why most car owners began to buy and independently create air purifiers.

Start creating equipment required with a transformer. To do this, prepare a core (you can get out of old unnecessary devices) and cable. Then the winding winding is performed: primary - includes 14 turns, secondary - 600 turns. After the primary winding is created, you need to be insulated, for this you can use 2-3 sheets of scotch. The secondary winding is insulated after the fulfillment of each hundred turns.

To create a voltage multiplier, you can use KC106 diodes and condensers at 10 kW. The distance between those present in the multiplier electrodes should be 30 mm. Then the manufactured air purifier is connected to the on-board network.

The ozonizer of the air with his own hands [Fixed and supplemented!]

Chandelier Chizhevsky

To create an air ionizer used in the house, you can pay attention to the chandelier of Chizhevsky. This device contains two elements:

  • directly chandelier;
  • high voltage converter.

The design of the device consists of an aluminum hoop with a diameter of up to 100 cm, on which the fastening of the tinned wires from copper is performed, their diameter is 1 mm. The grid step is 3.5-4.5 cm. Mesh sagging regarding the hoop is in the range from 60 to 90 mm. In each intersection area, a metal needle is soldered, the length of which can reach 40 mm.

The needles should be used as sharp as possible, this will improve the efficiency of the functioning of the device. Three copper wires placed every 120 degrees are fixed to the hoop. Their ends solder together above the hoop. Next occurs this point and high-voltage generator.

In order for the Chizhevsky chandelier to work properly, it needs to provide high-voltage voltage not lower than 25 square meters. This value may vary with the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For this, the scheme of the ionizer is complemented by the desired number of cascades of the multiplier, which is represented as a high-voltage generator. After performing all these manipulations, you can proceed to the use of equipment.

Powerful air ozonator with their own hands

Create the simplest air ionizer at home will not be difficult with minimal skills of working with electricity, but to create a bipolar air purifier far from all. In this case, it is better to purchase a device in the store or seek help from professional electricians who will tell you what to do to create a device without harm to your own health.

We offer another option of the converter. The design was published by S. Bryukov, Moscow. The magazine "Radio", No. 2, 1997. As you know, the aeroionizer consists of a high-voltage source of constant voltage of negative polarity and the chandeliers itself - the "emitter" of Aeroions. Consider the source of high voltage of the ionizer, the diagram of which is shown in the figure below.

The source works so. Positive network voltage network via diodes VD2, VD3 and resistors R5, R6 charges C1 and C2 capacitors. The VT1 transistor is open and saturated, and VT2 is closed. When a positive half-wave ends, the VT1 transistor closes, and VT2 opens. The C1 capacitor is discharged through the R4 resistor and the control transition of the VS1 trinistore. The Trinistor turns on, and the C2 condenser is discharged to the primary winding of the T1 transformer. In the oscillatory circuit consisting of a C2 condenser and a transformer winding, dropping oscillations occur.

High voltage pulses arising on the secondary winding come to a multiplier performed on the diode columns VD6-VD11 and CONDENSERS SZ-C8. A negative voltage of about 30 kV from the release of a multiplier is supplied through the current-limit resistors R7-R9 on the "chandelier". The source used mainly resistors MLT, R7-R9 - C2-29 (MLT with the same total resistance is suitable), R6 - SPO-1 or any other power of at least 1 W. Capacitors - K42U-2 on voltage 630 V (C1) and 160 V (C2) and KVI-3 on a voltage of 10 kV (SZ-C8). In place C1 and C2, you can use capacitors to voltage at least 400 and 160 V, respectively. Capacitors SZ-C8 - any other voltage at least 10 kV and with a capacity of at least 300 PF.

Diode VD1 is any low-power silicon, VD2 and VD3, VD4 - any at least 400 VD5 operating voltage - any of the KD202 series to voltage at least 200 V or other similar. High-voltage pillars can be CC110A, KC105D, KC117A, CC118B or others to voltage at least 10 square meters. Trinistor - Series KU201 or KU202 on voltage of at least 200 V.The VT1 transistor can be replaced by almost any n-P-N structures small or medium power, for example, series KT312, CT315, KT3102, KT603, KT608; VT2 - any of the same structure of medium or high power with permissible tension Emitter collector at least 300 V, for example, KT850B, CT854A, CT940A. As a transformer T1, a car ignition coil B-115 was used, but any other car or motorcycle coil is suitable.

The MGSV-0.75 wire to the "chandelier" is removed from the housing through an insulator, isted from fluoroplastic, but you can use any thick-walled tube from the insulating material. Unlike, "chandelier" is advisable to make in the following order. Initially, the corresponding number of stationery pins with a ring should be prepared as an needle.

Next, it is necessary to make a ring with a diameter of 80 cm, bending it from a metal tube with a diameter of 5 ... 20 mm and connecting the ends of the dressing tube using the segment of the metal rod of the suitable diameter and rivets. Cut from corrugated cardboard a circle freely passing into the ring. The circle is placed with a grid with a side of squares of 40 mm and in the grid nodes stick the needles, after which the needles over the rings to stretch the tinned copper wire in two directions and suck the rings. Insert the circle into the ring and the ends of the wire to wind on it, the turns are preferably sued. Carefully remove the cardboard circle, a little stretch the grid to get the desired deflection - "chandelier" is ready.

Install the "chandelier" at a distance of at least 80 cm from the ceiling, walls, lighting and 120 cm from the location of people in the room. It is advisable to arrange it above the bed, securing on two tights stretched between the walls of the room with a line with a diameter of 1 mm. The fishing line is comfortable to pull the triangle - two hooks for its mounting are installed on the wall, to which the "chandelier" is closer, one on the opposite wall. The chandelier itself is attached to the fishing lining with small wire hooks.

IN this variant The chandelier did not do - he was limited to such a compact design of the ion emitter. Before the first turning on the device, the variable resistor R6 should be set to the lower position. By turning on the source connected to it to it, smoothly increase the voltage supplied to it, turning the axis of the R6 resistor. After the ozone smell appears, the voltage is reduced to its disappearance. If there is a coronation in the high voltage source, determine its place in the dark and squeeze the molten paraffin (of course, during a de-energized source). The ionizer gathered and experienced Fesca.

Surely everyone heard about this invention as "chizhevsky chandelier." This device is able to charge the air with negative ions, which is very favorably affected by health. According to some, such a device is able to heal from a variety of diseases. In nature, air with such qualities can only be found in the mountains, but now it is possible to create mountain air at home.

Chizhevsky's chandelier was invented 1927, and to this day it is actively used in medicine, crop production, animal husbandry agriculture, and so on. Today it is a miracle of technology can be bought, but not all devices can work correctly. For example, in the acquired device, the voltage on the electrode rarely is more than 25 kV, which means that such ionized air does not affect health at all. And if the ionizer forms the smell of ozone or nitrogen oxides, then this is all harmful to health. Consider several simple schemesWith which you can collect an air ionizer with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

- soldering iron with a solder;
- high-voltage transformer;
- transistors;
- Stabilians;
- diode bridges;
- resistors;
- condensers;
- And other radio elements.
A complete list of materials depends on the specifically selected homemade.

The process of manufacturing the ionizer:

The safest air ionizer

The most secure version of the air ionizer was presented on the popular electronics website.

First of all, the plus of the device is that there are no external elements on which there is a high voltage, in this connection, the likelihood is reduced by a shock when touched.

Another proposed scheme does not create such a level of radio interference and less develops static voltage, which can lead to disrepair to the surrounding equipment.

Well, finally, industrial ionizers often attract dust very much, here this deficiency also tried to remove.

Scheme of ionizer from Radioskot.ru
A multivibrator built on the VT1 and VT2 transistors is used as the ionizer base. The multigrrator frequency varies with the help of a rapid resistor R7 ranging from 30 to 60 kHz. From multivibrator pulses are entered on the voltage converter, it was built on two transistors VT3, VT4, as well as the T1 transformer. When the frequency changes on the converter, the output voltage at the output of the converter changes. If you reduce the frequency, the output voltage will grow.

Next, high voltage (about 2.5 kV) from the secondary winding of the T1 transformer goes to the multiplier input, it is assembled on C8-C13 condensers and VD5-VD10 diodes. Well, then the voltage is sent directly to the chandelier itself, it is made of a stranded copper cable, whose veins are branched to an umbrella at a right angle. One output of the secondary winding of the T1 transformer is connected to the housing (minus) of the device. The distance between the electrodes is selected individually.

To prevent the system from the occurrence between the electrodes and other elements of the design of too much potential difference, R8-R10 resistors are used. In order not to break the secondary winding of the transformer, the SG1 arrester is provided in the system.

Power diagram is built on reactive capacitive resistance. It consists of vd2 stabitron, C1, C2 capacitors, a diode bridge VD1 and a resistor R2.

Case and fan
To make the device safe, it is placed in the case from the computer power supply. To ensure the circulation of ionized air, a computer cooler is used, which stands in a native place in the power supply. The fan runs from the power supply of 12V and also provides a separate scheme for it.

As for the transistor, it should be powerful, IRF740 or IRF840 is well suited for these purposes. As for the transformer, it is used here that is used in the kinescopes for the lower case sweep. On the free side of the core, it is necessary to wind ten turns of the copper wire with a diameter of one millimeter. The secondary staircase winding is used native.
High voltage comes from the secondary winding on the rectifier and then charges the capacitor. You can use KC106G or CC123 as a diode.

Still a couple of air ionizer schemes
The site covered the scheme for creating a classic air ionizer, that is, in the form of a chandelier. The main ring is made of bare copper wire with a diameter of 4.5 mm. Next, this ring perpendicularly stretch the thinner copper wire with a diameter of 0.7-1 mm.

Even to create a ring, you can use a metal gymnastic hoop.

The manifold of technology sold in stores is striking with their widespread. Among the proposed devices there are those, the purpose of which is understandable and they are vital we need, and seeing some, we think about their appointment. Now all the more popular devices become air ionizers, so let's find out why the air ionizer is needed than different from each other different types of it and how to assemble such a useful device yourself.

Why do you need an air ionizer?

As a scientific retreat, let's say that in the natural air atmosphere in 1 cm 3 contains negative ions in the amount of 1000 - for the middle strip, 2000 - for the sea coast and up to 15,000 for mountainous areas. It is in places such as forests, groves, sea and mountain resorts, the coasts of lakes and rivers, are most often building medical and wellness institutions, because there the air itself is favorable on the body. In the closed room, the ion content is reduced 10-15 times, which does not correspond to sanitary standards. With a long-term location in a closed room, a person emerges aero-ionic insufficiency, which often leads to serious diseases of chronic flow, premature aging and decrease in immunity. The ionizer located in the room will significantly improve air quality, reduce the influence of harmful factors and the spread of viral infections and increase the body's resistance. It is very good to establish a ionizer in those rooms where many electrical appliances, because their electromagnetic field converts ionized oxygen into molecular.

The principle of action of the ionizator

Will you collect an air ionizer with your own hands or buy in the store, the principle of its work will remain unchanged: an electric field is created between two ear-shaped electrodes by supplying a DC of different polarity. The created field is the cause of emission, the flow of negative electrons to positive.

Negatively charged particles are attached to air molecules, saturating with it by ions, creating a "lively atmosphere" effect. At the same time, dust particles are charged, they do not fly in the air, but settle on special plates.

Types of air ionizers

Any of these devices can be described as bipolar but they are divided into several types of functionality, a place of use and a method of ionization. So, you can select ionizers-cleaners and the same devices with air humidification function; They can be used in the apartment, car or office; Filters in them are coal, water or type "non-".

Of course, such a device can be bought in the store - today big choice Ionizers S. various functions. But you can collect an air ionizer with your own hands, and the creation of the simplest of them will not cause difficulties. To do this, you will need:

  • 2 small plastic containers, perfectly suitable packaging from toys in the eggs "Kinder-surprise";
  • fork with two wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm;
  • tape or other isolation;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

If this is your first experience, two containers will be enough, in the future you can collect the device from more "Eggs". Before starting work, make sure that children and animals will not interfere with the process. In each container, do a hole with a needle, slightly twisting it so that the diameter is sufficient to pass the wire. Wires dissolve on one dwelling and skip them so that in one container there were positive, and in the other - negative charges. Isolate the veins, and only then connect them together, and then attach the wire to the fork (if it was separated). The design is ready, you can connect to the network. To protect the collected design, you can make a small box for it and store in place inaccessible for pets and children.

do it yourself

Make an ionizer for the car is a bit more complicated than home. Therefore, you need to be confident in your abilities and abilities, starting to this process. A relatively simple and proven scheme of the air ionizer is assembled with the use of a generator to which else is called a timer. It is worth such a detail 15-20 rubles, and you can find it in any radio component store. In the diagram, it plays the role of a single-channel generator, the operating frequency of which is adjusted by the selection of components of the RC chain. To not buy a transformer, you can take any power supply, for example, remaining from the old system Block. From there, the transformer should be carefully dropped, to facilitate work, ferrite can be heated with a lighter, and then separate the needle of halves from each other. They should not crumble or break. Old winding boldly throw out - you need to wind a new one. Primary contains 14 revolutions that need to be wrapped in 2-3 layers with insulation, the stationery tape is suitable. The secondary winding consists of 600 revolutions, and through each hundred you need to install isolation. Now the timer is connected to the transformer, in accordance with the scheme, the collected from the capacitors and diodes KC106 is connected. It remains to push the wiring from the multiplier to a distance of 2-3 cm from each other - and can be included in the network. If the experiment succeeds, the air appears in the air the characteristic odor of ozone.

Possible disadvantages of the device

Of course, the bipolar air ionizer has a mass of positive characteristics: it improves air, cleans it from unpleasant odors and harmful impurities of gases, dust, bacteria, microbes and allergens. But it also creates a rather powerful electromagnetic field, which affects the human body. Until now, scientists have not yet decided and conduct research, trying to understand, brings such radiation more harm or more benefits. Harmful is a large number of Ozone in the air, which is highlighted in the form of positively charged ions along with useful negatively charged. In this regard, it is not necessary to include such a device for a long time, and at the time of work it is necessary to have it as far as possible from the person.

It is quite easy to collect an air ionizer with your own hands to use it at home or in the car. Let this device improve your well-being and delight fresh and healthy air.