The scheme of the thermaller of the refrigerator. Electrical schemes for free

The temperature sensor allows you to maintain the desired amount of cold in the refrigerator. It activates the compressor when it is required that fills the technique by cold. And such "emissions" it creates clearly programmed conditions inside the refrigeration chamber. Too heat? Compressor turns on. Cold? Turns off.

It is based on the fact that the pressure in the details changes depending on the temperature. It connects or complies with them, regulating the compressor operation. So there is a constant maintenance of the desired amount of cold. However, a violation of work can allow the compressor too or not enough.

Signs that it is time to change the thermal sensor

The item is important, so signs of breakage will be more than serious and noticeable. They will definitely not be doubts that it is time to replace it. Therefore, you will not deliver problems checking and subsequent replacement of the thermostat of the refrigerator. Signs of breakage:

  • Technique began to turn products into ice. Yes, it is very easy to notice. We are sure that it will definitely not pass by your eyes and instantly make you think about the repair. Also, such a breakdown can manifest itself in the formation of ice on the walls of technology.
  • Products get insufficiently cold. It is clear that this will lead to them.
  • You too or insufficiently hear the performance of the compressor. Yes, during the work of the technique you probably got used to noise, however, the change in frequency may indicate a breakdown.
  • The leaks also show violation of the technique. Ice melts due to lack of cold, which does not allow a broken thermostat.

Instructions for replacing the thermostat

1. Check the location of the part

Old refrigerators have it inside, and the new outside. We will analyze the case with its finding on the door, but the method is suitable for any refrigerator.

2. Unscrew the bolts and remove the door

They may be closed with a rubber overlay. First dismantle it, then the door.

3. Remove the rear door

Most likely, it holds on hexagon screws.

4. Remove the temperature adjustment knob

To do this, just unscrew it from the main case.

5. Remove the bracket and pull out the thermostat

Remember the type of connection! You have to connect a new one exactly the same.

Thermostat for refrigerator do it yourself

It all started with the fact that returned from work and opening the refrigerator found warmth there. The rotation of the thermostat controller did not help - the cold did not appear. Therefore, I decided not to buy a new block, which is also rare, and make the electronic thermostat itself on attiny85. With the original thermostat, the difference is that the temperature sensor lies on the shelf, and not hidden in the wall. In addition, 2 LEDs appeared - they signal that the unit is turned on or the temperature above the upper threshold.

Device diagram:

To connect, it was necessary to carry out the second wire 220 V (took from the lighting lamp) to power the transformer.

The connector to which the potentiometer is connected is simultaneously the ISP programming connector.

The fee is protected from moisture with a special varnish for printed circuit boards.

The transformer here on 6 V. was chosen such to minimize the loss on the 7805 chip.

The relay here can be put on 12 V. If you take voltage to it before the stabilizer. To reduce costs, it would be possible to create a battlefield unit, although there are supporters and opponents of such a solution (electrical safety). Another cost reduction is an exception. aVR microcontroller. There are Dallas thermometers that can also work in thermostat mode.

Here is the design of the thermostat for the refrigerator, which has been working for more than 2 years. It all started with the fact that returning from work and opening the refrigerator discovered heat there. The rotation of the thermostat controller did not help - the cold did not appear. Therefore, I decided not to buy a new block, which is also rare, and make the electronic thermostat itself on attiny85. With the original thermostat, the difference is that the temperature sensor lies on the shelf, and not hidden in the wall. In addition, 2 LEDs appeared - they signal that the unit is turned on or the temperature above the upper threshold.

Refrigerator thermostat circuit on MK

Stock Foto Original thermostat and homemade

To connect, it was necessary to carry out the second wire 220 V (took from the lighting lamp) to power the transformer.
The connector to which the potentiometer is connected is simultaneously the ISP programming connector.

The fee is protected from moisture with a special varnish for printed circuit boards.

The thermostat is currently working without problems, and that the main thing - it costs about 10 times less than the original.

The transformer here on 6 V. was chosen such to minimize the loss on the 7805 chip.

The relay here can be put on 12 V. If you take voltage to it before the stabilizer. To reduce costs, it would be possible to create a battlefield unit, although there are supporters and opponents of such a solution (electrical safety). Another cost reduction is the exclusion of the AVR microcontroller. There are Dallas thermometers that can also work in thermostat mode.

It is difficult to submit your life without household appliances. There are devices without which we could do, and there are such, without which the arrangement of residential space is quite reasonable to be defective. One of these vital items is the refrigerator. Agree?

The repair of household appliances made with its own hands is a good help for the family budget. If you wish, you can master many repair operations. For example, replace the thermostat for the refrigerator is not so difficult. It is worth only to figure out the features of the design and principles of the device.

We will tell about how to detect a thermostat malfunction. In the article proposed, the article describes in detail how it is replaced during the repair of the Stinol brand refrigerator. Information accompanies the thematic selection of photo and video materials with expert advice.

The thermostat or thermostat is one of the main elements without which the normal operation of the refrigerator is impossible. It records the readings of the temperature sensors in the refrigeration and freezer and gives a signal to the compressor launch relay.

In accordance with these signals, the compressor is turned on if it is not cold in the chamber, and turns off when the temperature reaches the specified level. Technically, the thermostat is a relay, at one end of which there is a hermetic tube filled with freon.

On the other hand, contacts, opening and connection of which will receive a signal to the compressor. The end of the tube with freon, it is also called a capillary tube, fixed to the evaporator.

The refrigerant placed inside, sensitively reacts to heating and cooling. When the temperature decreases or rises, the pressure level changes inside the tube, as a result of which the relay contacts are connected or unlocked.

The movement of contacts controls a small spring. It is used to set the temperature level, which should be inside the refrigerator. The spring adjustment knob is attached to the spring. When turning this handle, the degree of spring tension changes.

As a result, for closing and opening contacts, it is necessary to make a greater or less effort. This affects the level of pressure in the capillary tube, in which the contacts are triggered.

The thermostat is a small device that is equipped with a hermetic tube with a sensor filled with a refrigerant. Based on changes in the temperature of the evaporator, the relay includes or turns off the compressor

This is how air cooling is regulated in the refrigerator. When using the electronic regulator, this process is carried out somewhat differently, but the principle remains in about the same: the desired temperature level is set based on the actual indicators that the capillary tube fixes.

But in such models, an electronic control module is used, which can simultaneously control the data from several sensors. Such a thermostat is fixed or replaced at home may not always. To handle complex electronics, knowledge and special equipment are needed.

Typically, the thermostat is installed inside or outside the refrigerator. Before starting repair, it will not hurt to explore the instrument passport. There may be a lot useful information By device specific model The thermostat, as well as about its location.

Usually, the terrier is located next to the handle to set the temperature mode. The internal location is characteristic of relatively old models. Inside the chamber, the element is usually enclosed in a plastic protective case.

The adjustment knob is located directly on it. To remove the thermorel, you need to remove this knob and unscrew the fastening screws to remove the housing.

In more modern models of the terrier placed outside the chamber to save the precious cubic centimeters of the indoor space and not spoil the design with additional elements

But to look for the thermostat, you also need the control knob, usually under the casing of the refrigerator somewhere above. The handle is just also removed, unscrew the fasteners and find the desired protective panel.

Ways to detect the problem

If the thermoeleere broke, it does not mean that the whole refrigerator will immediately stop working. But the absence of correct information about the current temperature will affect its operation.

Option # 1 - Check the functioning of technology

Symptoms of incorrect refrigeration equipment may be:

  • the compressor works without interruptions or with very short and rare breaks;
  • the temperature inside the refrigerator chamber is dropped to zero, and sometimes below;
  • on the walls appears a large number of frost or even ice;
  • inside the refrigerator is too warm;
  • the refrigerator does not turn on after shutdown, etc.

Of course, these signs can be associated not only with the breakdowns of the teroreere, but also with malfunctions of other elements.

In order to correctly determine the cause of the problems identified during the functioning of the household refrigerator, it will be needed to carry out a small diagnosis. It can be done yourself

Option # 2 - Diagnostics using a thermometer

To do this, you need to completely turn off the refrigerator from the power supply, and then hold it a complete defrost in accordance with the instruction. Of course, the content will have to be removed.

After that, you need to turn on the device to the network and translate the control knob to a position that allows you to obtain the lowest possible temperature. If the frost mode is provided in the refrigerator model, it is recommended to use it.

To test the work of the ter., you need to release the refrigerator from all products, put the thermometer inside the camera and check its readings in a few hours

In the refrigeration chamber, in the middle, it is necessary to put a thermometer designed to measure the air temperature. It is better to use a device that allows you to make measurements and below zero. The refrigerator is left in this mode for about two hours. After that, you need to check the thermometer readings.

If in the refrigeration chamber the temperature at about this moment decreased to about six degrees, there are no problems with the thermostat. But when inside it became noticeably warmer or colder than this level, the thermostat will have to be replaced.

Option # 3 - visual inspection of the refrigerator chamber

If the so-called snowy hat is formed inside the chamber, the primary diagnostics of the thermostat service can be performed very simply.

The appearance of a snow fur coat in the refrigeration chamber almost always means that the thermostat works incorrectly, it is necessary to diagnose its status

To do this, at the time of operation of the compressor, the adjusting handle is started turning up to the temperature of the temperature inside the chamber. If the relay is properly, at a certain point, the sensors will fix the desired temperature level, after which the compressor will turn off. If the engine continues to work - the thermostat needs to be changed.

After such diagnostics and with a good thermaller, it is recommended to remove all the contents from the camera and allow the instrument to work in a fast about six hours. During this period, you need to pay attention to the duration of the interruptions in the compressor.

If it is about 40 minutes, everything is fine, you can use the refrigerator as usual. If the compressor turns on too often or rarely, you need to try to adjust this moment using the relay settings. If this fails, most likely, you have to put a new thermostat.

Terminal rules Termorelay

If the refrigerator does not turn on at all, the diagnostics described above will be impossible. The probable cause of the breakdown can be called the crash of the electricians of this element.

But the problem may become and, for example, the burnt engine winding. To understand whether the thermoster needs to be replaced, it will have to remove it from the refrigerator for research.

Usually, the thermostat is located next to the adjusting handle, with which the air temperature is exhibited in the refrigeration chamber. Two-chamber models are equipped with a set of two such handles.

First you need to turn off the refrigerator from the network. Now you should detect the place where it is located, as described earlier. You usually need to remove the adjusting handle, remove fasteners and remove the protective elements.

Then you need to carefully inspect the device, turning close attention to the wires for which the power supply is connected.

All of them have a different color label depending on the destination. Usually for grounding take yellow wire with a green strip. This cable must be left alone, but everyone else should be disconnected and closed with each other.

Now the refrigerator is again included in the network. If the device is still not turned on, probably the thermostat is working, but with a compressor there are serious problems.

If the refrigerator does not turn on at all, the cause can be not only the fault of the thermal, but also breakage of the compressor, for example, the distilled engine winding

If the engine earned, you can make a clear conclusion that the relay needs to be replaced. Before starting work, it will not hurt to arm yourself with a smartphone or a camera to sequentially fix all operations. When installing a new thermal, these images may be very useful, especially for beginners.

It is necessary to clearly remember which cable veins was used for what purposes. Usually, a black, orange or red wire is used to connect the thermorel with an electric motor. Brown lives on zero, the yellow-green wire provides grounding, and purely yellow, white or green is connected to the light indicator.

To connect the thermaller, wires with different color marking are used, you need to remember the purpose of each wire, so as not to confuse during the reverse assembly

Sometimes it is not easy to remove the spoiled regulator, especially when it is outdoor. For example, in some models of the "Atlant" refrigerators, you have to completely remove the camera door with the loops. To do this, you must remove the lining that is installed above the top loop, and unscrew the bolts hidden under it.

Before removing the adjustment knob, you also have to remove the plug and unscrew the fasteners. All these operations need to be done carefully. Fastening elements and lining it is better to store in a small container so that they are not lost. Actually, the thermostat is usually screwed to the bracket, it needs to be carefully removed, disconnect and remove.

If the thermostat is located inside the refrigerator, it is usually hidden under a plastic casing, where the lighting lamp can also be mounted

A new thermostat is installed in his place, sticking to reverse order assembly. Sometimes a thermostat breakdown is associated with a malfunction of the so-called capillary tube or a bellows. If you can replace only this element, the relay can be left.

To accomplish this procedure, you will have to remove the thermorel, adhering to the method described above. Silphon must be disconnected from the evaporator and gently remove from the body of the device. Now install a new capillary tube, they attach it to the evaporator, and the relay is mounted to the previous place, and join the disabled wires.

Replacement on the example of the refrigerator Stinol

For breakdown, the relay is a fairly common phenomenon, especially after five to seven years of operation.

The bitter tube is most often here, since it is this option that the manufacturer of this element is laid. The Stinol-101 \u200b\u200bmodel has only one compressor, but in Stinol-103 there are two of them: separately for the refrigeration and freezer.

This scheme of contacts of the T-59 type thermorel, which allows you to make an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of wires should be connected. Color marking may vary, save the information will help the photo on the phone, such a diagram can also be drawn independently

Automation different models It is slightly different, which is reflected in the corresponding electrical circuits, otherwise these refrigerators are very similar, therefore it makes sense to consider the order of their repair at the same time.

To understand that the Stinol refrigerator needs to be repaired or replaced by the thermostat, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the compressor works without stopping and does not respond when the regulator is set to off;
  • when translating the adjusting handle, but the wrong button is not a characteristic click;
  • the temperature in the refrigerator cameras significantly exceeds the parameters set by adjustment.

In the Stinol-103 refrigerator, the thermaline is used to-59, check the label is easy, it is indicated on the housing. To remove adjusting handles, you need to use a thin sequel. They need to just pry and remove. In the Stinol-101 \u200b\u200bmodel, there is only one adjusting handle, and in Stinol-103 - two, one for each compressor.

To remove the Stinol refrigerator adjustment handle (1), you must use some sharp item, for example, a seboard. Then remove the decorative lining (2), which holds four protrusions

After the handle is removed, you need to remove the decorative lining having six protrusions. This is a fragile element, you should act carefully in order not to damage it. Under the lining are nuts that should be turned away. After that, you need to unscrew the screws that record the control panel.

Under the decorative lining there are fastening screws (1), which hold the thermorel in the correct position, they must be unscrewed to continue dismantling the element

Screws holding the door of the refrigerator doors, it is better to shoot the last. To avoid possible damage, the door must be held. Now you can raise the panel and remove the door with the loops.

The next step is to remove the top cover of the refrigerator.

Fastening elements that fix the control panel and the door jamming (1) of the Stinol refrigerator must be unscrewed, moving to the door, and not from it

Required mounting elements are located on the back. They are unscrewed and removed the lid. Thus, free access to the thermostat will be obtained.

First, you need to turn off the relay contact connectors, after which you can remove the element from the refrigerator control panel.

After the doors are removed and top panel Stinol refrigerator, you can carefully remove the thermorel for inspection and diagnostics

At this stage, you need to remember or record the color marking of individual wires. To remove the worn capillary tube, you should remove the plastic overlay.

Now you need to unscrew the fastening screw and remove the lighting block. The tube is removed through the hole intended for this.

To continue the replacement of the thermostat in the Stinol refrigerator, you need to remove the lining (1) in the refrigeration chamber and remove the capillary tube (2)

The new element is installed so that the uninsulated area in its lower part is securely hidden under the overlay. The hole is closed with a plastic plug to restore the tightness of the camera.

Typically, the capillary tube acts beyond the limits of the thermostat. It must be carefully placed under the top cover of the refrigerator, there is enough space there.

To remove the capillary tube (2) and replace it, you first need to disconnect the block of lighting, which is fixed with a screw recessed in its package

Now you need to reverse the thermorel and refrigerator assembly: connect all the necessary connections, install and secure the refrigerator cover, hang the door.

And again, screwing fasteners of the door samples perform the latter when the rest of the same screws are already installed.

An opening that is formed on the rear panel in the process of repair work should be chopped by plastic to restore the tightness of the refrigeration chamber

To check the state of the stinol refrigerator thermostat at home, you can use simple diagnostics. Contacts 3 and 4 of such an appliance at room temperature should remain in a closed state.

If after connecting them with a jumper, the compressor is turned on, the thermostat is faulty, it is required to replace it. If the thermostat settings are knocked out, they can be corrected, turning the adjusting screws, but it follows service centerWith the necessary equipment.

No less important functional node The design of the refrigerator is, with the device, destination and the repair methods of which will introduce the article recommended by us.

The procedure for replacing the thermostat cannot be called too complicated. However, with incorrect handling this element, you can only worsen the situation. A detailed study of the repair procedure and attention to the details will help restore the refrigerator performance.

Tell us about how the thermostat was selected to restore the refrigerator's performance. Share useful information and valuable information on the topic of the article that can be useful to site visitors. Please leave comments, publish the photo and ask questions below the block below.

Modern refrigerators are considered reliable household appliances. They have practically no complex electronics, therefore, and details failing at a minimum. The most common breakdown of the refrigerator is the failure of the thermostat. In the mechanical management scheme of the refrigerator, it participates in the functioning of the compressor engine. The thermostat is mounted in the chamber or on the front panel of the unit.

In the latest generation refrigeration devices, the thermostat replaced the device more accurately copes with its responsibilities. In this article we will try to figure out how to check the refrigerator thermostat.

General scheme of the refrigeration unit

As you know, refrigeration and work on Freon. While this is the only gas that is not dangerous and due to special properties can change the aggregate state. It is moving along the cooling system with a compressor motor. First, an increased pressure is created on the rear wall of the unit, while the evaporator is formed low. As a result, Freon, located on the back of the cooler, is liquefied, and evaporation begins on the evaporator, which confirms the refrigerator scheme attached to the instructions.

Device of the device regulating temperature

Thermostat is a fairly simple device. Even in modern refrigeration chambers and refrigerators is a simple contact group. It controls the pressure gauge with the capillary tube, the end of which is in the chamber and measure the temperature. Today there are two types of temperature regulators in refrigerators: mechanical and electronic.

Modern thermostat has two main elements. This is a box in which managers and actuators are located, and an elongated in the tube, capillary. The box is a bellows (hermetically packed tubular spring). The accuracy of the determined indicators depends on its tightness. Compressing and stretching the bellows adjusts the spring, optimizing it with pressure indicators. Modern can have several springs. It depends on the destination: a refrigerator or freezer.

More reliable and allowing to smoothly adjust the operation of the entire refrigeration system - the electronic thermostat for the refrigerator. The price of this device is significantly higher mechanical and varies within two thousand rubles (while mechanical stands up to a thousand). In the electronic thermoster, a thyristor is responsible for sensitivity, sometimes a resistor.

In refrigerators with high energy consumption, such thermostators quickly fail. In the cooling plants of the class "A +" with linear compressors, electronic temperature regulators require a replacement much less often. Therefore, most of the manufacturers of such equipment passes today on linear compressors with electronic thermostators.

Principle of operation of the device

Direct assignment of the thermostat in the refrigeration unit is the holding of a temperature-defined temperature mode. In compression refrigerators, the thermostat turns on and off the compressor engine, and in the absorption - heater. The device adjusting the temperature in the cooling chambers is calculated to the pressure gauge designs. This means that the work of the unit depends on the instability of the pressure of its filler (usually gas) when fluctuating the temperature.

A mechanical thermostat is a lever in which there is a power lever and a contact circuit. The elastic element (tubular bellows) of the thermostatic system and spring produce an impact on the power lever. The electrical part of the device from the mechanical separations the electrically insulating gasket.

Working conditions for freon - concentrated steam, the pressure of which depends on the temperature conditions. Already liquid gas accumulates at the end of the tube. The segment of the tube, in which the section of the vapor-shaped freon and liquid occurs, reacts to temperature fluctuations. It is this segment that is in the cooling zone.

The location of the thermostat

The mode is always associated with a handle that switches temperature modes. In the models of generations of past years, the terrier is under a plastic cover inside the refrigerator. To replace it, you need a flat screwdriver to pick up the mode switch, remove it, then dismantle the plastic lid.

In the models of recent years from the attached instruction (refrigerator scheme), you can find out where the thermostat is in the refrigerator. Most often it is placed above the door. To get to it, you need to dismantle the mode switch and plastic design closing the thermorel.

Probable problems

The thermostat can be associated with several breakdowns. For example, the refrigerator freezes, but very weak. In this case, you need to try to adjust the temperature controller or replace it. Before checking the refrigerator thermostat, you need to make sure that the door closes quite tightly, and the compressor works at a given power.

It happens that the device began to leak or the compressor works without stopping. It is not necessary that in each of these cases, there is a thermostat. It is likely that the reason may be different, but the temperature controller needs to be checked first.

Possible temperature regulator breakdowns

The most common cause of the failure of the thermostat is physical wear. Why is this happening? Faults of the refrigerator thermostat can be associated with loss of tightness, bloating or oxidation. There are cases of defective devices, but it is rare. Therefore, it does not make sense to repair such a system. Cheaper will be replaced by the thermostat in the refrigerator.

How to check the thermostat yourself yourself

Ways how to check the refrigerator thermostat, several:

  • The most reliable, experts consider, to check the tester. He will show if there is resistance. To do this, the thermostat is dismantled (after turning off the refrigerator from the network). Its location can be found in the instructions attached to the refrigerator. But almost always it is under the temperature switch. If the tester is analog, it needs to be translated into mode measuring resistance, and set the starting point. Then hold calibration (connect the probe and simultaneously set the arrow to "zero"). Digital tester should be transferred to the "200" or "Circuit" position. Before measuring, you need to pre-mainate the thermostat in ice water. So the indicators will be accurate.

  • How to check the refrigerator thermostat using a simpler way? You need to turn off the unit. From the thermostat, it is necessary to remove the terminals and directly close the wires with a small wire segment. Next, you should turn on the refrigerator and listen, whether the compressor was launched. Then everything is simple: if the compressor is silent, it means that you need to continue trouble finding a fault. Perhaps these are problems with the starting mechanism or the compressor itself. If the latter earned, it means that the thermostat is needed in the refrigerator.

Malfunction of the thermostat in the "Stinol" refrigerator

This brand of refrigerators is very popular in our country. Almost the only minus such aggregates - very quickly becomes a faulty thermostat (after 5-6 years of work). The reason for breakdown is a small working resource of this device supplied by the German company Ranco (5 years). Violated in the thermostat tightness of a bellows sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Defects indicating that the refrigerator thermostat is faulty:

  • Stinol does not start when the switch is rotated to the "Off" label (no click).
  • Above the norm even when the "Maximum" regulator is positioned.
  • The compressor of the device works without stopping, even if the knob of the knob is in the "Off" position.

At home, it is impossible to accurately determine the fault of the stinol refrigerator thermostat. But if with closed jumper contacts, the compressor is turned on, it means that the temperature controller is faulty, and therefore it is necessary to contact the company producing urgent repairs refrigerators.

Urgent correction of faults

The breakdown of the refrigerator due to the failure of the thermostat, especially in the hot season, looks at the end of the world. Products are missing, there is no possibility to cool drinks, leakage may occur, which will hurt an outdoor coating. Naturally, it is necessary to call the masters.

It is necessary to consider that the urgent repair of refrigerators is always at home. But a professional master who has extensive experience, by named symptoms easily define a malfunction and comes to a call with a necessary set of spare parts.

You can adjust the operation of the thermostat yourself alone

After replacing the temperature controller or during a long resolution, minor changes may occur in the refrigerator. There may be several reasons, but most often it is not up to the end adjusted thermostat. How to fix it?

Setting the refrigerator thermostat - the process of time consuming and long. The time spent depends on the duration of cycles between the inclusion and disconnection of this device. If the time is limited, it is possible to debug the temperature controller using temperature measurements in the freezer or refrigeration chamber. In this case, there is no necessary amendment to the ambient temperature.

Fundamentals of debugging thermostat

Adjustment lies in tension or weakening the power spring. To do this, it is necessary to find out where the power spring screw is located, in which direction the turn will weaken the temperature, and in what will increase for a specific refrigerator model. Usually, the rotation of the screw on the spring clockwise increases the temperature, and counterclockwise lowers (one turn is approximately 5-6 ° C).

Before starting work, you need to pull the gasket between the bellows and the chamber wall (after the adjustment of the adjustment, the gasket should return to the place). Then the temperature on the evaporator shelf is measured when the Motor Compressor and Middle Motor temperature mode. After 3-3.5 hours, the temperature is measured again. After comparing the initial and final temperatures, it is necessary to relax or tighten the power spring (pre-disconnecting the refrigerator from the electrical network).