How to make a screen of messages on android. How to make a screenshot of the screen on Android: Methods for all occasions for smartphones and tablets of different firms and models

Hello, friends.

Many of the functions we regularly use on the computer have become available in phones, but not always clear how to enable them. Until recently, I did not know that you can take a picture of the screen in the smartphone, and broke my head as to save the image. I had a few ideas, but, as it turned out, you don't need to invent the wheel again, it has long been invented. Now I regularly use this opportunity and today I will tell you how to make a screenshot on Android.

Each of us has its own tasks that need to be regularly solved using various techniques. Can help in many matters. For example, I often write instructions for people, including working with a phone, and to explain the explanations are clear and understandable, I attach photos.

Sometimes they are treated with a problem that occurs in the mobile device or computer. I know several ways to help at a distance, but always please send a screen to understand what kind of failure occurred in the program.

You may have different circumstances when you need to save what you see on the screen: payment in the online bank, correspondence in WhatsApp, Telegram or another messenger, whose post or comment in the social network. It is better to prepare for this in advance. If it is interesting, read about the other article of our blog. Then we will talk only about Android phones.

How to make a photo of the screen on different versions of Android

On a computer or in a laptop you can always take a picture using the key " PRINT SCREEN.", It is almost on each keyboard. The situation is a bit more complicated with phones. The method of performing the task is depends on the manufacturer, the device model and the operating system version, which is installed on it.

Now I will tell you about the universal methods, which in most cases are triggered on any phone.

To make photos of images in old smartphones with Android 3.2 and earlier, try to press and hold the button of the latest applications. But note that in such devices this function may not work.

In the phones with Android 4.0 and the above shot, you can make 2 keys: "POWER", which is responsible for turning on and off the device, and "Volume Down", which reduces the sound. Both of them are on the sidebar of the smartphone. You need to press them simultaneously and hold a couple of seconds to sound, reminiscent of the camera's click.

In the version of Android 9.0 and above can work another method. Hold and hold the power button "Power". A menu appears in which you want to select a "screenshot". After that, the phone should take a picture and save it in memory. Then you can send it in Messenger or by email.

Try these ways, they act on many models of modern smartphones, including from manufacturers such as Huawei, Alcatel, Samsung, HTC, ASUS and others.

Note: To find out the version of the operating system in your phone, go to the settings. To do this, click on the gear icon in the menu. Then find the item "Help" or "On System". Tap on it and in the window that opens, look at the phone model and version of Android.

How to make a screenshot on phones of different manufacturers

If you are the owner of an unusual apparatus for which you do not work universal instructionsDo not be discouraged, there are other methods for different devices.

Note: Before making a screenshot, make sure that you are the most image that you want to save the phone. The snapshot captures the entire visible screen of the device. To trim it, you need to use a graphic editor.


In the old models of the phones of this brand, the photo can be done by pressing 2 buttons simultaneously: "Home" and the "Back" arrow.

In new devices, the function can be called by pressing the same "Home" button in conjunction with the "POWER" key.

also in modern smartphones Samsung has a third way to photograph the screen - to spend the edge of the palm from left to right or in reverse direction. To activate such a function, go to the settings, section - "Palm control", item - "Screenshot".

Ready photos are saved to the "Pictures" folder - "Screen" - "Capture".


In the phones of this company with Zenui shell, you can make screenshots by holding a single button for a single button that shows the latest open applications.

If it does not work out the photo of the screen, go to " Individual settings Asus "," Button of the latest applications "and set the correct action during long press.

There is another way. Most models in the settings have a "Personal Data" section, and in it a subsection "Screenshot". Activate the function by moving the lever.

Also here you can change the format of the obtained images, if it is important for you.


In these smartphones you have 2 options:

  • universal with pressing "Power" + "Volume Down" buttons;
  • hold down the "Power" and "Home" keys.

Try first the first option, it most often works. If it did not work, the second way should help.


For devices of this company, 2 method captures the screen:

  • hold the "POWER" button and select the desired action from the list;
  • spell on the screen from top to bottom and select the "Screenshot" item in the notifications panel.


In Android, for smartphones of this brand there is a built-in application called "Quick Memo +", which allows you to make screenshots and immediately change them in a simple graphic editor.

To take advantage of the capabilities of the application, spend on the screen from top to bottom and in the dropping panel, select the appropriate section.


If you are the owner of the phone or tablet of this company, then use a versatile way with the on and down volume buttons. Also in Xiaomi gadgets, a special "Screenshot" icon is provided, which you can see in the notifications panel, spending your finger across the screen from top to bottom.


In the devices of this Chinese manufacturer, it works either universal way, Described at the beginning of the article, or simultaneously pressing the "Home" and "Power" buttons.

Appendix Screen Master

If the methods described do not work on your phone or tablet, try installing an application from Play Market. Open the store, type "Screen Master" in the search string and install the program.

When the process is completed, click on the "Open" button and open access to media mothers on your device. Make sure the "Show floating button" is active, then turn on the screen capture and allow the program to open over other windows.

After that, you can close the Screen Master window. On the screen of your smartphone to the left there should be a pictogram in the form of a shutter of a camera. It can be dragged on the screen at wisdom.

When you need to take a picture, click on this floating button. The reduced version of the image will appear before you, and you can immediately make some actions with the photo received:

In my opinion, this is an efficient and easy-to-work program that allows you to remove the screen of the mobile device and immediately process the picture.

Other methods

If none of the ways described above do not come up, it remains another opportunity to make a screenshot - install special utilitywhich will show the phone screen in the computer. I know 2 such programs:

  1. MyPhoneExplorer. To work it, you need to install the server version on a PC or laptop and client on a mobile device, then connect their USB cable. After the data from the phone appears in MyPhoneExplorer on the computer, you can make a screen.
  2. Android Studio is a medium for applications for smartphones. It also allows you to synchronize the data on mobile device and computer.

This method is quite complicated and requires a lot of time to understand the work of a very specific software.

There is still a spare plan: if it does not work out the screen, and you have an acute need for this, take a picture of the smartphone with another device with the camera.

What can be done with screenshots

Screenshots are saved in a separate folder catalog "Photo" or "Gallery". With them you can make the same actions as with conventional photos:

  • edit,
  • delete,
  • download to the computer and other devices,
  • send your friends and acquaintances through messengers
  • download in the social network.

Screen photography is useful featurewhich makes the use of a smartphone even more comfortable and convenient.


Share useful information with friends using buttons social networks, Save the page bookmarks to not lose.

Total good and new meetings, dear readers.

Often there is a need to fix information on the Internet or in an application for further browsing, editing or transferring to other users. For such purposes it is better to use the screenshot function. More expensive what it is both on Android to make a screenshot, described in this article.

What is the screenshot and where it is saved

A screenshot implies a screen shot with visible at the time of saving, information. The screenshots taken are automatically saved to the Pictures / Screenshots folder of the internal memory partition. Also, pictures are displayed in the gallery, for further viewing, editing, sending to the cloud or forwarding to another user. Advantageously, screenshots are used to quickly save seen on the mobile information.

Ways to create screenshots on Android OS

Select four ways to create screenshots:

  1. Hardware method - Pressing a specific key combination.
  2. Software method - use of third-party applications.
  3. Built-in tools - gestures or system available applications.
  4. Connected accessories - Button installed in the headphone jack.

Hardware is the easiest and most common way to obtain screenshots.. Supported by all Android devices version 4.0 and higher. To create a snapshot, you need to clamp two buttons are the same for all models. At the same time, some manufacturers offer alternative combinations, with advanced features: previewediting, etc.

For the software mode, it is required to pre-download and install an application for screenshots. This method is used mainly in devices with the version of Android to 4.0 - 2.1-2.3.5. Applications are also available for modern versions - 5.0 and higher. Such programs have advanced functions floating widgets, a picture of the entire page, sending to the cloud, etc.

In some models, such as Xiaomi production, the manufacturer embed additional tools to create screenshots. This makes it easier to get a picture of the screen and allows you to perform an action with one hand. Also in some devices, more often in android versions 5.0 and above, a function obtaining a screenshot with gestures is available. After activating the parameter in the settings, to obtain a screenshot, it is enough to spend three fingers across the screen.

An optional accessory, in the form of a button being installed in the headphone jack, allows you to perform pre-configured actions, including screen snapshot. Pre-buy button - Xiaomi, Klick, 360 Smart Key, etc., at a price of 1-3 dollars and set up in the appropriate application. Since the accessory itself is useless, and the application works on Android 4.1 versions and above.

Instructions for creating screenshots on the Android OS with a hardware way

For all devices on Android 4+

The basic way is to press the power button and the volume reduction key. Keep the specified combination of 1-1.5 seconds before the appearance of a short sound signal and appropriate animation.

Instructions for Android 9

In the 9th version of the Android, the screenshot button has been added to the restart / off menu. To call the menu, you must hold the power button before the shutdown / reset menu appears. Immediately the button for obtaining a screenshot. The method works in any system menu and is convenient because it allows you to get a screenshot using only one hand finger.

For Motorola smartphones

In the 8th version of the Android manufacturer updated brand app Moto where gestures are collected to control the smartphone. In particular, obtaining a screenshot with three fingers.

Instructions for activation:

Open Moto application.

Select the "Moto Actions" section.

The transition from the Actions menu will allow you to familiarize yourself with the activation of the gesture and set up exceptions.

Exceptions allow to prohibit the screenshots in the specified application, for example in games. To configure exceptions, click on the "Settings" button. Next, "exceptions", and after clicking on the button below to add applications.

To remove the application from "exceptions", just click on the button opposite the program.

For smartphones and tablets samsung

Some Samsung devices make it possible to obtain a screenshot with a combination of power buttons and return to the desktop - the central button of the oval form.

In Xiaomi devices, in addition to the base method, the screen snapshot is obtained by a key combination: reduce the volume and menu of the latest tasks. The method acts on MIUI firmware.

Instructions as on Android OS to obtain a screenshot programmatically

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Download and install an application if Android version is below 4.0.
  2. Run and go to the settings to set the preferred method of obtaining a screenshot: on the icon, shaking, combine the buttons, press the camera button or with a long power outage.

The application also contains a built-in gallery, which allows you to quickly browse the pictures taken. Install the preferred storage folder.

For Android versions above 4.0, the list of available applications is wider:, etc. In addition, the Lightshot program also includes additional features: Built-in gallery for convenient viewing Screenshots, editing tools, maintaining a local way or downloading to a cloud service.

Important! Most applications operate according to the same principle described above. The main differences only in the available methods of obtaining screenshots. Also, some programs work only after granting.

Instruction how to make a screenshot using built-in tools

For smartphones and tablets ASUS

In some devices manufactured by ASUS, the screenshot is obtained on a long press button - the last task menu. This requires pre-activate this feature In the gadget settings.

For Xiaomi smartphones and tablets

In Xiaomi production devices, on firmware miui. 7 and above, 4 tools are available for screenshots: through the panel fast settings In the status bar, with the help of an interactive assistant Quick Ball, label on the desktop and with the help of a gesture - holding three fingers down.

Fast settings panel

This method requires:

  1. Expand the status bar anywhere where the screenshot is required.
  2. Next, on the quick settings panel, select the icon in the form of scissors to obtain a screenshot.

Important! The screen snapshot will be automatically after clicking. The upper right corner will appear an icon for previewing, saving the entire page, save, edit and send.

Assistant Quick Ball

In MIUI 8, an interactive assistant has appeared, in the form of a button widget with customizable functions. After pre-activating the Quick Ball function, it is enough to click on the widget and select the button in the proposed points with scissors.

Desktop label

Located on one of the desktop screens, the label will allow you to quickly and easily create screenshots. To do this, you need to call the widget menu, long finger holding on the desktop. Then drag the icon in the free screen area.

With gestures

In some models, the settings provide a screenshot function using gestures. After activation, it is enough to spend anywhere where you need to take a screen shot, three fingers from top to bottom.

Important! Smartphones and tablets of some other manufacturers are also equipped with the function of obtaining screenshots using gestures. To do this, you need to find the "gestures" item in the settings section, after which you activate or configure the function.

Instructions as on android make a screenshot using connected accessories

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Connect an accessory in a 3.5 mm headphone jack. In the absence of a port, you should use the adapter for USB connector.
  2. Download and install a button to control the button.
  3. Go to the program and configure the type of pressing to obtain a screenshot.
  4. 12 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

This is an instant snapshot of the device screen. In other words, screen is a picture with a picture of what in this moment Time is displayed on the device screen. IN operating system Windows In order to get a screen shot to click on pRINT key Screen. In this article we will tell about how to make a screen on android.

Due to the fact that the versions of android many, and various firmware even more, then methods for obtaining screenshots also a lot. Default, in standard Android In order to make the screen, you need to simultaneously press the volume button and the button on the device (lock button).Press these buttons you must simultaneously and after pressing, hold them until the device does the screenshot. The screenshot is ready to learn about the characteristic sound, as well as from the notification menu, which will appear about creating a screenshot.

At the moment, this method of obtaining screenshots on android is the most common. It is used on devices with a clean android (without shells and other changes), as well as many other devices.

If you have a device under android management 3.2, in order to make the screen, you need to click on the "Recent Programs" button And keep it until the device does the screen and will not report it.

If you have more old version Android, in order to make the screen you will have to install third-party applicationsSince in the old Android versions there is no built-in function for screenshots.

If you have a device from Samsung, then the method with long retention buttons to reduce volume and turn on will not work. Instead, you need to use another key combination. On devices from Samsung to make a screenshot, you must simultaneously click on the phone's power button and the mechanical button "Home"which is under the device screen.

After pressing these buttons, they need to be held before the smartphone will make a screenshot. You will learn about creating a screenshot with a characteristic audio and a message that will appear in the notification area.

Other ways to make a screen on android

In addition to the above methods, there are others. For example, you can make a screen on android using applications installed from Google Play.. Using third-party applications you will get more additional features related to the receipt of screenshots.

Drocap2 application allows you to make screenshots in jPEG formats and PNG. In order to make a screen using the Drocap2 application, it is enough to start the program, turn on the application using the "Start" button, go to the screen you need and shake your smartphone. Thus, you do not have to press anything, the application will make the screen reacting to the movement of the device. It should be noted that for work this application You need root rights.

Screenshot ER is paid. With it, you can make screenshots in many different ways: Using the smartphone shaking, using the widget on the desktop, using a shortcut, using a timer, or using a long keys to hold. At the same time, the user can select the format of images (JPEG and PNG) and send the resulting image using Dropbox, Picasa and other similar services.

All popular I. available methods creating a screenshot on Android.

The rapid development of the Internet opens up daily new benefits for doing business, finding work, entertainment and communication. One of the popular destinations is the creation of blogs, sites, online stores. Many users are able to realize their potential, creating video instructions and step by step guides. To do this, you need to capture a video or screen shot. Hold such a procedure on stationary computer Quite simple, but how to make a screenshot on a smartphone or tablet?

Options for solving such a task a lot, each has its own characteristics. Consider in detail all the solutions.

Standard means

Manufacturers of gadgets running Android provided the need to create screenshots using function buttons:

  • In most cases, it is enough to press and hold the button "Reducing the volume" and "Power" button.
  • In smartphones Sony Xperia. It is necessary to use "Volume Reduction + Enable". However, the function is not available for all devices, but only for certain models.
  • In gadgets Samsung Galaxy S Requires simultaneous pressing "Home + Lock". By default, in Samsung smartphones, screenshots are saved to the ScreenCapture folder. After pressing the combination, a menu appears with action options.
  • Many HTC brand models also execute a screenshot function. This feature is implemented by a combination of the + home buttons.
  • Starting with the Android 3.2 version, the screenshot can be performed using the "Recent Programs" button. It is necessary to simply hold it for a few seconds. In some cases, a variant of the simultaneous use of the "Reduction of the volume + inclusion" is possible.

On the result of the action performed, it will be possible to learn from characteristic sound alerts or on the smartphone screen.

On the one hand, such methods allow you to quickly take a snapshot of the entire screen. On the other hand, the user has no control over the characteristics of the screenshot obtained. If, for example, you only need to display a specific part of the screen, then the standard funds will not cope.

Screershov creating programs

If the gadget works on Android recent versions (4.0 and higher), then most practical way to make a screenshot will use additional programs. Here you need to know the main rule - it is necessary to install such programs. Simply put, the user must have administrator rights to get additional features of using the operating system.

After completing all the settings, you can start installing the desired software. The choice is very large, many developers worked on the creation efficient programs To execute screenshots. The highest quality development: Screenshot UX, Screenshot ER Pro and MyPhoneExplorer.

There are a lot of programs, you can find them in Google Play.

Consider in more detail how to make a screenshot on Android using Screenshot UX. After installing and running the program, a special service icon appears on the screen facilitating the setting and execution of screenshots. The program has some additional features and functions:

  • Setting the reverse timer until the screen shot is taken.
  • Execution of the screenshot after shaking the gadget.
  • Select the image format in which the snapshot will be saved.
  • Setting the size of the service icon on the screen.

It is worth noting that Screenshot UX allows you to edit a screenshot: you can add text comments, cut the desired fragment, work with a brush with a transparency setting and color selection. The program provides a choice of further action options with a ready-made screenshot.

Screenshot with a computer

This method is difficult to name optimal, but it is definitely effective. Standard means may not work in many models of Chinese gadgets. If the smartphone works on android old versions, then the screenshot function will also be unavailable, as it is simply not provided there. Here and comes to the rescue home computerwhich will make the screen shot special program SDK. The versatile method works in all versions of Android. It is necessary to perform the following procedure:

  • Connect the device to the PC. Make it better through a standard USB cable that is included.
  • Now you need to install software and drivers for the gadget. If such a procedure was performed earlier, the action can be skipped.
  • Download SDK, unpack the archive. In the root folder of the disk (for example, D or C), create a folder (it is better to select a short name, for example, SCR) and copy the contents from the unpacked archive to it. This is done for the convenience of further use and input commands. As a result, the SCR folder must contain the following items: Eclipse, SDK folders and SDK Manager application.
  • Next in the SDK folder we find the Platform-Tools directory. Now copy the ADB.exe files from it, adbwinapi.dll, as well as fastboot.exe, in system folder System32, which is located in the Windows directory.
  • Next you need to start the command console. You can do it through the Start menu. The command console is in the Standard section. More fast way It is to press the Win + R key combination. In the appeared window we enter cMD command And press ENTER. A black window with a flashing cursor should be opened to enter commands.
  • The next action is moving into the desired folder. For this purpose, DOS commands are used: CD D: \\ (switch to root folder), CD SCR (transition to SCR folder), CD SDK (transition to subdirectory), CD Platform-Tools. Each command must end with pressing the ENTER key.
  • The last entry on the screen will be the line D: \\ SCR \\ SDK \\ Platform-Tools\u003e and the flashing cursor at the end. Now you need to start the executable file. To do this, enter the ADB Shell command, press ENTER. With successful execution of the command on the screen, a message will appear [Email Protected]: / $. The work in the console is over, but it is impossible to close it, just turn it out.
  • Through the conductor go to the folder D: \\ SCR \\ SDK \\ Tools \\. There must be a DDMS.Bat file that needs to be launched. Davlik Debug Monitor should be downloaded.

Standard way to make a screenshot in Android

To create a screen shot, you usually need to press two buttons on android device - either the volume key and the power button, or the home and power button.

When the correct combination is pressed, the screen of your device will flash and, usually, will be accompanied by the sound of the camera shutter. Sometimes a pop-up message appears or a notification that the screen shot was taken.

In some cases, you can find the screenshot option in the power menu. Just press and hold the power button, wait until the menu appears and select "Make a screen shot" or "Screenshot" to take a picture of the current screen. This can be a useful method, especially when it is difficult to press the combination of physical buttons.

Android devices manufacturers often offer additional and unique ways to make screenshots on your device. For example, you can take a snapshot of the screen in the smartphones of the series Galaxy Note. With s Pen. In most sAMSUNG smartphones You can take a snapshot of the screen by spending on the screen with the palm. There are many alternative ways creating screenshots, but not all of them can be mentioned in this manual.

Creating screenshots on Samsung devices

Smartphones with physical button "Home"

For Samsung phones with a physical button "Home" you can use a combination of the home and power keys to take screenshots.

Just press both buttons simultaneously until the screen flashes and you will hear the sound of the camera shutter. You will also receive a notification confirming that the screen shot was removed.

Smartphones without physical button "Home"

Observe Galaxy S8 or another Samsung device, who does not have a physical home key? In this case, it is possible to make a screenshot as on most smartphones - a combination of buttons to reduce volume and power. Hold both buttons until the screen shot is taken.

Smartphones with Bixby Assistant

If you have a flagship phone Samsung Galaxy, for example, Galaxy S9 or Galaxy Note 9, it is already pre-installed on it digital Assistant BIXBY. With it, you can take a snapshot of the screen using voice team. All you need to do is go to the screen on which you want to take a screen shot, and, if it is properly configured, just say "Hey Bixby". When the assistant starts to work, just say "Take a Screenshot" (unfortunately, Bixby does not support Russian), and it will make a screenshot. You can see the saved snapshot in the application gallery of your phone.

If your Samsung phone is not configured to call Bixby using a voice command, just press and hold special button Bixby on the side panel of the phone, and then say "Take a Screenshot" to take a picture.

Smartphones with Feed S Pen

On Samsung devices that are supplied with S Pen (for example, the Galaxy Note series), you can use the stylus itself to take a screen shot. Just remove the S Pen and run the Air Command (if it is not done automatically), then select "Screen Write". Usually after the snapshot was made, the image will be immediately open for editing. Just do not forget then save the edited screenshot.

Smartphones with support for the "Picture Screen Script"

On some phones samsung There is another way to make a screenshot. Go to "Settings", and then click on " Additional functions" Select "Movement", "Palm Control", "Gesture Management" or "Additional Functions" (the name depends on the model and version of the OS) and activate this feature.

Then, if you want to take a screen shot using this method, just swipe the edge of the palm on the left right or right to left. Then the screen should blink, and you will receive a notice that the screenshot was made. You can view the created screenshot by clicking on the notification or entering the Gallery application.

Creating screenshots on HTC devices

On the HTC devices, you can make the screen snapshot you can enjoy the home and power button. If you have a smartphone without a physical button "Home", it is enough just to simultaneously press the power button and reduce the volume, as in most Android devices. If you have older model HTC.You may find that this option does not work, and instead you first need to press and hold the power button, and then quickly press the "Home" capupus button. The screen will flash and you will hear the sound of the camera shutter. You will also see a pop-up message confirming that your screenshot has been saved.

Creating screenshots on Sony devices

On the phones sony XPERIA The key combination to create a screenshot is the volume and power reduction buttons. Hold them at the same time until the screen flashes and thumbnails will appear on the screen. Also appears notice in the curtain after the screen shot was taken.

There is also an alternative method. You can also take a screen snapshot through the power menu. Hold the power button until the dialog box appears. Click on "Make Screenshot".

Creating screenshots on LG devices

On LG devices, you can make the volume and power reduction buttons. Press and hold these buttons simultaneously until the screen flashes and you will not hear the sound of the camera shutter. The notification also appears in the curtain after creating a picture.

You can also take a screen shot using the Quick Memo application, which can instantly create and allow you to record on screenshots. Just activate Quick Memo from the curtain. After enabled, the edit page appears. Now you can make notes on the current screen, and at the end, click the Disk icon to save the image.

Creating screenshots on ONEPLUS devices

On ONEPLUS smartphones, create a screenshot can be several ways. Standard - using the volume and power reduction keys. You can also make a snapshot of the screen in the power menu - you need to press the power button and select the "Screenshot" item in the menu that appears. Another way is to make a screenshot by spending three fingers across the screen. In order for this method to earn, you need to turn it on before in the settings. To do this, you will need to go to "Settings", select the "Buttons and gestures" section, then go to "fast gestures" and activate the "Screenshot three-finger screenshot" item. Now, in order to make a screenshot need to spend three fingers from top to bottom on the screen.

Creating screenshots on Xiaomi devices

On Xiaomi, make a snapshot of the screen by closing the power button and reduce the volume. On the old devices with touch keys under the screen, you can simultaneously pressing and holding the volume button and the menu. You can also find the "Screenshot" item in the quick settings panel, after clicking on which it will create a snapshot of what was opened to lower the curtains. There is also a way to create a screenshot, you can spend three fingers down the screen. To activate this feature, you need to go to "Settings" → "Advanced" → "Screenshot" and note the function "Swipe down with three fingers to make a screenshot."

As you can see, make a screenshot in Android very simple. With these pictures, you can easily share with all what is depicted on the screen of your device. And what ways to create screenshots on Android do you know? Share this in the comments below.