Recognize file on content online. How to determine the type of file without expansion


Have you happened to get on email Or on other communication channels Files without expansion? Such files have the appearance of a white icon, which indicates that the system does not know which program to open it.

In response to an attempt to open a mysterious document, Windows will offer you to choose a program from the list.

Such "behavior" is due to the fact that operating systemBy analyzing the expansion of files, compares them with the desired program and assigns them the corresponding icons so that not only the car, but also the user understood, with what kind of information it deals. In our example, the system thinks that the file that we are trying to open has an extension of 09, which is not in its directory, therefore gives such a message.
How does it come out that the file received or another type does not have expansion? Most likely, the fact is that your interlocutor, editing the name of the document, simply sustain the same extension.

How to open the file if there is no extension, but the contents of the file know

Well, if we know the sender and know what kind of document the document is sent to us. For example, we know exactly that this file is a table. In this case, we simply choose a tabular editor from the list suggested by the system and safely reveal our file.

To do this, bring the cursor to the file, click the right mouse button and select "Open with" in the context menu

Then, click "Use the application from this PC"

We dry the list of programs to the end and choose the item "Find the application on this computer"

It will be asked to search the necessary program In the C. folder installed programs Program Files. If the package office programs Installed on your computer, then you can find the appropriate folder. If you use free software, then instead Microsoft Office. Perhaps there will be such folders as Libre Office or Open Office

Another option is to finish the extension manually, for example.xls, if we are talking about an excel table.

We bring the cursor to the file, call context menu right key mouse and choose "rename".

Then carefully, after the point we enter the correct extension and click Enter to save the changes. We agree with the warning, click "Yes".

But how to be if you specify the type of file is not possible?
Is it worth saying that if the sender is unknown, then try to open invested it is impossible in any way in order not to subjected to your computer with viral infection. But if the file is obtained from a reliable source and does not cause any doubts, then you can not recognize it anything else by analyzing its contents.

How to determine the type (format) of the file according to its contents

Every file, whether it is a text document, an image, or anything else, there is nothing but a definitely structured code, understandable programintended for reading and / or editing. As mentioned above, the selection of the program to open the file operating system is based on its expansion. It is written after the file name through the point. Analyzing the image1.jpeg file, where.jpeg - extension, the system understands that this is an image, and for reading this file You need to use the image viewing program. By changing the extension of the file S.jpeg for example by by.Txt, we certainly do not turn the image into a text file, just the system will try to open it using a text editor, as a result of which we will see only a set of characters. Obviously, the format (type) of the file is determined not at all by expansion, but its contents.
To see in the contents of the file features indicating its belonging to some type, we use the hex editor or online service, for example.
Which JPEG image we did not open, we can observe the similarity in the first three pairs of numbers, which indicate the type of file.

It remains to find what format corresponds to encoding. But you can not complicate your life and take advantage of the finished application that will make all the work. In our example, this will be a File Type Verificator (FTV) program. It freely extends and has a clear Russian-speaking interface.
Learn the file format using this program is easier simple. Click the Add File button,

choose the desired file. through the window of the conductor,

and we see the file format corresponding to its contents.

The program provides the ability to rename the file by changing its expansion. To use this function by click "File" -\u003e "Start renaming ..."

And in the appeared by the window, we click apply if you agree with the proposed program option.

After such manipulations problem file. will be opened by the desired program.

Imagine that you get the mail from your friends or colleagues, and in the investment they sent you some document in the form of a file attached to the letter in which the information you need. You save this file to your computer, but you see that instead of the usual icons of any program (Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) there is no badge, and Windows believes that this is a file with an unknown format. It often happens due to the fact that the file in the process of attaching to the letter to the sender (or when saving a file to the computer to the computer) loses its expansion, and the operating windows system It ceases to understand what kind of file type in front of it, and, accordingly, does not know which program you need to open such a file. What is the file extension, and how to display them and hide in various windows versionsYou can read in.

The second most frequent reason for the loss of the file extension is to be inaccier renaming the file when you have the display mode of all known file types in Windows, and you try to rename the file by randomly erase the file extension and get a document of an unknown origin that can no longer open a double Click mouse. For example, the file you called "letter.doc", which used to be easily opened with word programAnd after renaming, he began to be called a "letter of work". Please note that the file now does not have the ".doc" extension, which was randomly done when changing the file name, and now this file will not open a double mouse with a double click, but will try to ask you exactly what program needs to open this file.

Well, if you know exactly what type of file in front of you, and you can simply add it the desired extension, for example, Doc or XLS so that it automatically opened with a double click of the mouse over it. In a separate article you can read about. But what to do if you don't know the type of file? There are at least two ways to find out which file type is before you, and set the correct expansion.

In this article, we will conduct an experiment - take a few ready-made files different formatsThey considered in the above article, the extension either, as if they were lost or accidentally deleted, and we would try to find out which type of each file, and what should it add an extension to easily open it.

Several files will participate in our experiment:

  1. Bonnie Tyler - Turn Around.mp3 - MP3 Song
  2. bonus.mp4 - small video in MP4 format
  3. KeePass-2.28.exe - installation file. KeePass programs (about this wonderful program I will tell you in one of the following articles)
  4. - Zip Archive
  5. Point Break.avi - Little AVI video format video
  6. Tulips.jpg - picture with tulips
  7. Report.PPT - Presentation made in MS PowerPoint 2003
  8. Materials for the meeting.pptx - Presentation made in MS PowerPoint 2007
  9. Letter.doc - text file made in MS Word 2003 Editor
  10. Order.DOCX - text file made in MS Word 2007 Editor
  11. 4.RAR application - RAR archive
  12. resolution.pdf - PDF file
  13. Compliance Table.xlsx - file with data made in the MS Excel 2007 Table Editor
  14. Table data.xls - file with data made in the MS Excel Table Editor 2003

In the picture below, all files have their own extensions (highlighted by frames with red edges):

We delete all file extensions, and after that all program icons disappear by which these files can be opened. In Windows XP it looks like this:

In Windows 7, it looks a little different, but the point is the same - the operating system does not know which program to open these files.

Now when trying to open any windows file. Suggest us first select the program you want to open this file:

And here you have to be neat, because the wrong choice of the program for this type The file will disable the file, and the program will give an error, and the incorrect association of its opening program will enaches this file.

Sometimes about what the file type of file and which extension should have, you can guess the file name. But we will take the case when it is impossible.

So, in front of us a bunch of files with unknown formats and extensions, and we need to understand what files are.

The first way to find out what kind of file type is in front of us is to see the contents of these files using simple text editors, such as notepad, and better - either using embedded viewing programs of various file managers, such as Total Commander. or FAR, or with a free enhanced NotePad ++ text editor. I recommend you download and install it because it has many advantages over the usual notepad.

Take the first file "Bonnie Tyler - Turn Around", in the list of programs for opening, select NotePad ++ (if you did not install it - use the usual notepad, but it's better notepad ++, because when you open large files, the notebook simply freezes), and we see some Krakozyabry:

It should not embarrass this, because to determine the type of file, it is enough to see the first line of the contents of the file. Here you can see that the file begins with the letters "ID3".

So, I remember that if its contents begins on " ID3.", Then this is a MP3 music file, and it is this extension that needs to register him. After specifying the extension, the file will be recognized as a system as a musical, and you can listen to it.

Open the second file "Bonus" by the same NotePad ++ program and look at its contents:

As you can see in the first line of the contents of the file, it repeatedly refers to it that this is a video file of the MP4 format (allocated red in the screenshot above). And in general, if you see the text inside the file like " fTYPMP42.", Then, as a rule, is a video file of the MP4 format.

Having done the same operation to view the contents with all other files, we obtain the following information:

  1. When you open the contents of the KEEPASS-2.28 file, it is seen that the file begins with the letters MZ - this is a sign that the executable exe executable file is.
  2. When you open the contents of the file, it is clear that the file begins with the letters PK - this tells us that this file is an archive. Given that the RAR archives have another entry in the contents of the file, most likely this is a ZIP archive, but be careful and pay attention to paragraph 6 below.
  3. When you open the contents of the Point Break file in the first line, we see the prompt that the AVI video file is visible.

  1. When you open the contents of the TULIPS file, we see two word-defining file format - at the beginning of the Line "Yashe" and then "EXIF". These words determine the graphical file format, in particular JPG, and in this case we are exactly sure that the file-picture is definitely.

  1. Regarding MS Office Files 2003 "Report", "Letter" and "tabular data" - all of them in domestic content begin with "RP", so it is quite difficult to determine which of them is made in Word, Excel or PowerPoint. The only thing that can be exactly sure is that these files relate to one of the MS Office applications 2003 and below. Therefore, to open such types of files, you can use bust three extensionsstarting with "Doc", then "XLS", then "PPT". As a rule, one of them is suitable.
  2. With files "Materials to the Meeting", "Order", "Compliance Table" are a bit more complicated - because they are made in MS Office 2007 applications, they are essentially archives, and therefore at the beginning of their contents you will see the same letters as The Zip archive is the letters "PK". However, then in the same line you can see the line.xml, it is she who will tell us that we are not just an archive before us, and the document from the MS Office series as well as in the previous paragraph, you can use a sequential search for three extensions "DOCX ", Then" XLSX ", then" PPTX ". One of them must come.
  1. When you open the contents of the "Appendix 4" file, we see that it starts with the word "RAR" - is the easiest indication that we have a RAR format archive.
  2. When you open the contents of the "Resolution" file, it is seen from the very beginning to specify what the file is because it starts with the line "% PDF-1.3". The numbers may vary, but nevertheless, the PDF abbreviation is usually present, and indicates the file format.

The second way to determine the type of file requires an Internet connection, and it is also desirable that the file size is small, since we will use the Internet service to determine the file format.

Click on the "Select File" button, specify our file for analysis (I will try to analyze one of the complex "Materials to Meeting" files to see if this analyzer can cope and understand that this file was created in MS PowerPoint 2007 ( It was the PPTX extension, and we removed it with our experiment). After selecting the file, press the "Analize" button and get the following result:

As you can see, a service with a 97% probability determined that this is a PowerPoint file with PPTX extension. And since this file is also a container archive containing other files inside itself, the analyzer also indicated the three-minded probability that it can be a ZIP archive.

Let us also try to check if this service will be able to determine the type of our "Resolution" file, which we needed the extension PDF. We download the file to the service, press the "Analize" button and see that the service has coped perfectly with the task:

As I said, disadvantage this service It may be that to analyze the file, it needs to be completely downloaded, and if you have a large file, then this process can be delayed for a long time, or even at all do not reach the end. Therefore, when large sizes Unidentified files Try first to use the first way to determine its type, namely - view the contents of the file through file manager or NotePad ++ editor.

You can of course use special programs To determine the type of file, for example, File Type Verificator, but in my opinion, it will be much easier and faster to use one of the two ways to be higher.

So, dear visitors to the site, today we disassembled how to determine the format (type) of the file, if it was lost its extension. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments to this article.

Record navigation

Ak knows any information whether it is text, an image or video, in fact, is nothing but a set of binary code - sequences of zeros and units. It is in this form that the data is stored on the hard disk. The concept of binary code is hardly abstract, it is not an entry in the usual understanding of this word, binary or machine code is rather the condition of microscopic cells on a magnetic surface hard disk. Positive charge Such a cell has a plus sign or 1, negative - minus or 0.

Logically combined sequences of zeros and units are exactly what we call files. But we also know that the types of files are very much. there is text files, multimedia, archival, systemic, executable and so on. How does the operating system define how to read or process a particular file? Application programs recognize the type of file by expanding - a set of characters following after the file name and dot separated from it.

But what will happen if the extension is removed? That's right, the operating system will not be able to open such a file, as it will not know which program for this to use. However, no logical structure nor the contents of the renamed file will change. You yourself can make sure that you delete the expansion of some file, and then trying it to open the corresponding program. We are confident, you will not have any problems.

Consequently, at all not extension defines the type of file. Then what? The file type determines its format or otherwise the data structure specification. Extension and format are very confused, although in fact it is completely different concepts. There is a completely natural question, and how to determine the file format if its expansion for some reason turned out to be lost? It turns out very simple.

Roughly speaking, all files consist of two parts. The first part is a title containing various meta-information including those data that allow applied programs This very file is identified. The second part is the "body" of the file. The part of the file header is responsible for the definition of the file type as a descriptor or description. The most common types of descriptors are HEX and ASCII. The first type of titles can be viewed only with special utilities - hex editors.

To view the second type descriptors, you can do the usual text editor, the same notepad or. However, it should be borne in mind that not all byte sequences can be translated into ASCII code, so it is better to use hex editors to determine the format. The file open in the hex editor is displayed as a matrix from the byte sequence. Each cell corresponds to one byte. The data of the descriptor is contained just in the first three cells (less often two or four) horizontally. They represent six characters in hexadecimal, eg 49 44 33 or fF D8 E0.

Naturally, they need decoding. And you can decipher them on special sites with descriptions of formats. One of the best sites where you can define the HEX-descriptor format is . There are other similar resources, but they are not so comfortable. On Open-File.Ru, there is a special search form where you can insert the hex or ASCII descriptor and punch it through the database. The system will quickly find the appropriate format and will provide you with its full description.

Hex-editors are more or less clear, but as we said to determine the ASCII headers, you can also use text editors. The principle here is the same, open the file with notepad or NotePad ++, copy the first characters and insert them into the search field of the same Open-File or another site with support for the heading search.

It would seem that everything is very simple, but there is in identifying formats and their difficulties. Sometimes the ASCII headers coincide with the file extension (RAR and PDF), but may also be that the title is provided by several formats. This can be seen by the example of the DOCX office format (PK and 50 4B 03 04). In such cases, it is precisely determined by the format problematic.

So, string .xml in Docx It clearly indicates that the file under study is a text document.

A program to determine the expansion of unknown files by their content.

Let's see what this program can.

Installing filetype verificator

Download the program on the link and unpack in a comfortable place. Go to the folder and run the installer. The installation process itself should not cause difficulties, simply press the "Next" button, put a checkbox "I accept the terms of the agreement" and continue to press "Next", "Install" and "Done."

Upon completion of the installation, we will see the empty, the main program window:

Defining extensions in FileType Verificator

Let's deal with the work of the program. Using the "Add file" button, select which files we are going to rename.

Files are added through standard window And then appear a list in the main program window. For example, I renamed expansions in three JPG pictures, and also took one real TXT file:

As you can see, the program easily recognized the pictures disguised as text. To put everything in order, choose the files that are going to rename and press the "Start Renaming" button.

By clicking on the button we will see a program warning:

If there are no doubts in your actions, click "rename" and see the result. If renamed files disappeared from the list of the program, it means that renaming has passed successfully. Note that the program has turned on the old, incorrect extension in the file name (that is, for example, it was primer1.txt, and became primer1.txt.jpg.).

How to simply replace the old extension to a new one, I unfortunately did not find it. Perhaps it has some kind of secret meaning, such as saving information about the old expansion, but it seemed to me not very convenient.

Additional tools filetype verificator

In general, according to the basic properties of the program, this is all. The remaining buttons and settings are secondary or give a cosmetic effect, such as highlighting files different types Different colors, viewing properties and file content.

Well, and perhaps, if a lot of recognizable files, tools from the "List" menu can be useful.

These tools will help allocate many files at once for subsequent renaming.

Let's summarize:

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • perfectly copes with their responsibilities;
  • supports Russian;
  • it works very simple.
  • does not replace the extension new, and attributes a new one after the old;
  • there is no separate button "Select All" on the toolbar.


The program standing is installed simply, renames well, it works correctly, there are no serious flaws.

P.S. Allowed to copy and quote this article Subject to the indication of an open active reference to the source and maintaining the authorship of Ruslana Toruschny.

P.P.S. There are programs for a similar topic, for example, this

Type consisting of three characters after point at the end of the title file. So, for example, ".exe" at the end of the title file will mean that in front of you the file that will start without the help of outsiders, and the file with expansionm ".mp3" contains a musical composition and can only be opened with special media players.

So to learn expansion fileOpen any window windows Explorer. For example, the "My" window. In the menu, select "Service" and further "Folder Properties". In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab and remove the checkbox from the "Hide Extensions for Registered" item. Click OK. Now at the end of the name of everyone file will be it expansion! Hide expansion You can act in the same way.

For each file type provided its format and application that this format Recognizes. There are different cases in which the extension of the files is not displayed. You need to choose the way of action that suits your specific situation.


If the extension is not displayed due to user specified (or used by default) settings, there are several ways to determine the type of file. The easiest of them are: Move the mouse cursor to the file icon and wait a couple of seconds without clicking on the buttons. A small window will pop up with brief information. Among other things, the type of file will be specified in such a pop-up hint.

Refer to the properties of the file if the information is missing. To do this, move the cursor to the icon of the file you need and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu, select "Properties". A new dialog box opens, go to the General tab and read the information you need in the File Type field. If you accidentally opened the properties of the wrong file itself, and the label, the type "Label" will be specified on the General tab. In this case, go to the Label tab and read the data in the Object Type field.

You can also always configure the display of file extensions. To do this, open the "Control Panel" through windows key or the "Start" button. Select the "Folder Properties" icon in the "Design and Topics" category. Or you can open any folder on your computer and select "Folder Properties" in the "Service" menu. When a new dialog box opens, make an active tab "View".

Imagine that you get the mail from your friends or colleagues, and in the investment they sent you some document in the form of a file attached to the letter in which the information you need. You save this file to your computer, but you see that instead of the usual icons of any program (Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) there is no badge, and Windows believes that this is a file with an unknown format. This is often due to the fact that the file in the process of attaching to the letter to the sender (or when saving the file to the computer, the recipient loses its extension, and the Windows operating system stops understanding what kind of file in front of it, and, accordingly, does not know which program You need to open such a file. What is the file extension, and how to display them and hide in various versions of Windows, you can read in.

The second most frequent reason for the loss of the file extension is to be inaccier renaming the file when you have the display mode of all known file types in Windows, and you try to rename the file by randomly erase the file extension and get a document of an unknown origin that can no longer open a double Click mouse. For example, the file was called "Letter.doc", which was previously easily opened with the Word program, and after renaming it began to be called a "letter of work". Please note that the file now does not have the ".doc" extension, which was randomly done when changing the file name, and now this file will not open a double mouse with a double click, but will try to ask you exactly what program needs to open this file.

Well, if you know exactly what type of file in front of you, and you can simply add it the desired extension, for example, Doc or XLS so that it automatically opened with a double click of the mouse over it. In a separate article you can read about. But what to do if you don't know the type of file? There are at least two ways to find out which file type is before you, and set the correct expansion.

In this article, we will conduct an experiment - take several ready-made files of different formats that were considered in the above article, the extension either, as if they were lost or accidentally deleted, and try to find out which type of each file, and what it needs to add Extension to easily open it.

Several files will participate in our experiment:

  1. Bonnie Tyler - Turn Around.mp3 - MP3 Song
  2. bonus.mp4 - small video in mp4 format
  3. KeePass-2.28.exe - the installation file of the KEEPASS program (about this wonderful program I will tell you in one of the following articles)
  4. - Zip Archive
  5. Point Break.avi - Little AVI video format video
  6. Tulips.jpg - picture with tulips
  7. Report.PPT - Presentation made in MS PowerPoint 2003
  8. Materials for the meeting.pptx - Presentation made in MS PowerPoint 2007
  9. Letter.doc - text file made in MS Word 2003 Editor
  10. Order.DOCX - text file made in MS Word 2007 Editor
  11. 4.RAR application - RAR archive
  12. resolution.pdf - PDF file
  13. Compliance Table.xlsx - file with data made in the MS Excel 2007 Table Editor
  14. Table data.xls - file with data made in the MS Excel Table Editor 2003

In the picture below, all files have their own extensions (highlighted by frames with red edges):

We delete all file extensions, and after that all program icons disappear by which these files can be opened. In Windows XP it looks like this:

In Windows 7, it looks a little different, but the point is the same - the operating system does not know which program to open these files.

Now when trying to open any Windows file, we will offer us first to select the program you want to open this file:

And here you have to be careful, since the wrong selection of the program for this type of file will result in the file that the file does not open, and the program will give an error, and the wrong association of its opening program will enaches this file.

Sometimes about what the file type of file and which extension should have, you can guess the file name. But we will take the case when it is impossible.

So, we have a bunch of files with unknown formats and extensions, and we need to understand what files are.

The first way to find out what kind of file is in front of us is to see the contents of these files using simple text editors, such as notepad, and better - either using embedded viewing programs for various file managers, such as Total Commander or Far, or using Free enhanced NotePad ++ text editor. I recommend you download and install it because it has many advantages over the usual notepad.

Take the first file "Bonnie Tyler - Turn Around", in the list of programs for opening, select NotePad ++ (if you did not install it - use the usual notepad, but it's better notepad ++, because when you open large files, the notebook simply freezes), and we see some Krakozyabry:

It should not embarrass this, because to determine the type of file, it is enough to see the first line of the contents of the file. Here you can see that the file begins with the letters "ID3".

So, I remember that if its contents begins on " ID3.", Then this is a MP3 music file, and it is this extension that needs to register him. After specifying the extension, the file will be recognized as a system as a musical, and you can listen to it.

Open the second file "Bonus" by the same NotePad ++ program and look at its contents:

As you can see in the first line of the contents of the file, it repeatedly refers to it that this is a video file of the MP4 format (allocated red in the screenshot above). And in general, if you see the text inside the file like " fTYPMP42.", Then, as a rule, is a video file of the MP4 format.

Having done the same operation to view the contents with all other files, we obtain the following information:

  1. When you open the contents of the KEEPASS-2.28 file, it is seen that the file begins with the letters MZ - this is a sign that the executable exe executable file is.
  2. When you open the contents of the file, it is clear that the file begins with the letters PK - this tells us that this file is an archive. Given that the RAR archives have another entry in the contents of the file, most likely this is a ZIP archive, but be careful and pay attention to paragraph 6 below.
  3. When you open the contents of the Point Break file in the first line, we see the prompt that the AVI video file is visible.

  1. When you open the contents of the TULIPS file, we see two word-defining file format - at the beginning of the Line "Yashe" and then "EXIF". These words determine the graphical file format, in particular JPG, and in this case we are exactly sure that the file-picture is definitely.

  1. Regarding MS Office Files 2003 "Report", "Letter" and "tabular data" - all of them in domestic content begin with "RP", so it is quite difficult to determine which of them is made in Word, Excel or PowerPoint. The only thing that can be exactly sure is that these files relate to one of the MS Office applications 2003 and below. Therefore, to open such types of files, you can use three extensions, starting with "DOC", then "XLS", then "PPT". As a rule, one of them is suitable.
  2. With files "Materials to the Meeting", "Order", "Compliance Table" are a bit more complicated - because they are made in MS Office 2007 applications, they are essentially archives, and therefore at the beginning of their contents you will see the same letters as The Zip archive is the letters "PK". However, then in the same line you can see the .xml line, it is she who will tell us that we are not just an archive before us, and the document from the MS Office series is as well as in the previous paragraph, you can use a sequential search for three extensions "DOCX ", Then" XLSX ", then" PPTX ". One of them must come.
  1. When you open the contents of the "Appendix 4" file, we see that it starts with the word "RAR" - is the easiest indication that we have a RAR format archive.
  2. When you open the contents of the "Resolution" file, it is seen from the very beginning to specify what the file is because it starts with the line "% PDF-1.3". The numbers may vary, but nevertheless, the PDF abbreviation is usually present, and indicates the file format.

The second way to determine the type of file requires an Internet connection, and it is also desirable that the file size is small, since we will use the Internet service to determine the file format.

Click on the "Select File" button, specify our file for analysis (I will try to analyze one of the complex "Materials to Meeting" files to see if this analyzer can cope and understand that this file was created in MS PowerPoint 2007 ( It was the PPTX extension, and we removed it with our experiment). After selecting the file, press the "Analize" button and get the following result:

As you can see, a service with a 97% probability determined that this is a PowerPoint file with PPTX extension. And since this file is also a container archive containing other files inside itself, the analyzer also indicated the three-minded probability that it can be a ZIP archive.

Let us also try to check if this service will be able to determine the type of our "Resolution" file, which we needed the extension PDF. We download the file to the service, press the "Analize" button and see that the service has coped perfectly with the task:

As I said, the disadvantage of this service can be that to analyze the file, it needs to be completely downloaded, and if you have a large file, then this process can delay for a long time, or even do not reach the end. Therefore, with large sizes of unidentified files, try first use the first way to determine its type, namely - view the contents of the file through the file manager or the NotePad ++ editor.

Of course, you can use special programs to determine the type of file, such as File Type Verificator, but in my opinion, it will be much easier and faster to use one of the two ways to be easier.

So, dear visitors to the site, today we disassembled how to determine the format (type) of the file, if it was lost its extension. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments to this article.

Record navigation

Have you happened to receive email or on other communication channels without expansion? Such files have the appearance of a white icon, which indicates that the system does not know which program to open it.

In response to an attempt to open a mysterious document, Windows will offer you to choose a program from the list.

Such "behavior" is due to the fact that the operating system, analyzing the expansion of the files, compares them with the desired program and assigns them the corresponding icons so that not only the machine, but also a user understood, with what kind of information it deals. In our example, the system thinks that the file that we are trying to open has an extension of 09, which is not in its directory, therefore gives such a message.
How does it come out that the file received or another type does not have expansion? Most likely, the fact is that your interlocutor, editing the name of the document, simply sustain the same extension.

How to open the file if there is no extension, but the contents of the file know

Well, if we know the sender and know what kind of document the document is sent to us. For example, we know exactly that this file is a table. In this case, we simply choose a tabular editor from the list suggested by the system and safely reveal our file.

To do this, bring the cursor to the file, click the right mouse button and select "Open with" in the context menu

Then, click "Use the application from this PC"

We dry the list of programs to the end and choose the item "Find the application on this computer"

It will be prompted to search for the desired program in a folder with the Program Files installed programs. If the office software package is installed on your computer, then you can find the appropriate folder. If you use free software, then instead of Microsoft Office, you may need such folders as Libre Office or Open Office

Another option is to finish the extension manually, for example.xls, if we are talking about an excel table.

We bring the cursor to the file, call the context menu of the right mouse button and select "Rename".

Then carefully, after the point we enter the correct extension and click Enter to save the changes. We agree with the warning, click "Yes".

But how to be if you specify the type of file is not possible?
Is it worth saying that if the sender is unknown, then try to open invested it is impossible in any way in order not to subjected to your computer with viral infection. But if the file is obtained from a reliable source and does not cause any doubts, then you can not recognize it anything else by analyzing its contents.

How to determine the type (format) of the file according to its contents

Any file, whether it is a text document, an image, or anything else, there is nothing more than a certainly structured code, a clear program intended for reading and / or editing. As mentioned above, the selection of the program to open the file operating system is based on its expansion. It is written after the file name through the point. Analyzing the image1.jpeg file, where .jpeg is an extension, the system understands that this is an image, and to read this file you need to use the image viewing program. By changing the extension of the file S.jpeg for example by by.Txt, we certainly do not turn the image into a text file, just the system will try to open it using a text editor, as a result of which we will see only a set of characters. Obviously, the format (type) of the file is determined not at all by expansion, but its contents.
To see in the contents of the file features indicating its belonging to some type, we use the hex editor or online service, for example.
Which JPEG image we did not open, we can observe the similarity in the first three pairs of numbers, which indicate the type of file.

It remains to find what format corresponds to encoding. But you can not complicate your life and take advantage of the finished application that will make all the work. In our example, this will be a File Type Verificator (FTV) program. It freely extends and has a clear Russian-speaking interface.
Learn the file format using this program is easier simple. Click the Add File button,

select the desired file through the conductor window,

and we see the file format corresponding to its contents.

The program provides the ability to rename the file by changing its expansion. To use this function by click "File" -\u003e "Start renaming ..."

And in the appeared by the window, we click apply if you agree with the proposed program option.

After such manipulations, the problem file will be opened by the desired program.

Ak knows any information whether it is text, an image or video, in fact, is nothing but a set of binary code - sequences of zeros and units. It is in this form that the data is stored on the hard disk. The concept of binary code is hardly abstract, it is not a record in the usual understanding of this word, binary or machine code is rather a state of microscopic cells on the magnetic surface of the hard disk. A positive charge of such a cell has a plus sign or 1, negative - minus or 0.

Logically combined sequences of zeros and units are exactly what we call files. But we also know that the types of files are very much. There are text files, multimedia, archived, system, executable and so on. How does the operating system define how to read or process a particular file? Application programs recognize the type of file by expanding - a set of characters following after the file name and dot separated from it.

But what will happen if the extension is removed? That's right, the operating system will not be able to open such a file, as it will not know which program for this to use. However, no logical structure nor the contents of the renamed file will change. You yourself can make sure that you delete the expansion of some file, and then trying it to open the corresponding program. We are confident, you will not have any problems.

Consequently, at all not extension defines the type of file. Then what? The file type determines its format or otherwise the data structure specification. Extension and format are very confused, although in fact it is completely different concepts. There is a completely natural question, and how to determine the file format if its expansion for some reason turned out to be lost? It turns out very simple.

Roughly speaking, all files consist of two parts. The first part is a title containing various meta-information including those data that allows applications to identify this file. The second part is the "body" of the file. The part of the file header is responsible for the definition of the file type as a descriptor or description. The most common types of descriptors are HEX and ASCII. The first type of titles can be viewed only with the help of special utilities - hex editors.

To view the second type descriptors, you can do the usual text editor, the same notepad or. However, it should be borne in mind that not all byte sequences can be translated into ASCII code, so it is better to use hex editors to determine the format. The file open in the hex editor is displayed as a matrix from the byte sequence. Each cell corresponds to one byte. The data of the descriptor is contained just in the first three cells (less often two or four) horizontally. They represent six characters in hexadecimal number, for example 49 44 33 or fF D8 E0.

Naturally, they need decoding. And you can decipher them on special sites with descriptions of formats. One of the best sites where you can define the HEX-descriptor format is . There are other similar resources, but they are not so comfortable. On Open-File.Ru, there is a special search form where you can insert the hex or ASCII descriptor and punch it through the database. The system will quickly find the appropriate format and will provide you with its full description.

Hex-editors are more or less clear, but as we said to determine the ASCII headers, you can also use text editors. The principle here is the same, open the file with notepad or NotePad ++, copy the first characters and insert them into the search field of the same Open-File or another site with support for the heading search.

It would seem that everything is very simple, but there is in identifying formats and their difficulties. Sometimes the ASCII headers coincide with the file extension (RAR and PDF), but may also be that the title is provided by several formats. This can be seen by the example of the DOCX office format (PK and 50 4B 03 04). In such cases, it is precisely determined by the format problematic.

A program to determine the expansion of unknown files by their content.

Let's see what this program can.

Installing filetype verificator

Download the program on the link and unpack in a comfortable place. Go to the folder and run the installer. The installation process itself should not cause difficulties, simply press the "Next" button, put a checkbox "I accept the terms of the agreement" and continue to press "Next", "Install" and "Done."

Upon completion of the installation, we will see the empty, the main program window:

Defining extensions in FileType Verificator

Let's deal with the work of the program. Using the "Add file" button, select which files we are going to rename.

Files are added via the standard window and then appear as a list in the main window of the program. For example, I renamed expansions in three JPG pictures, and also took one real TXT file:

As you can see, the program easily recognized the pictures disguised as text. To put everything in order, choose the files that are going to rename and press the "Start Renaming" button.

By clicking on the button we will see a program warning:

If there are no doubts in your actions, click "rename" and see the result. If renamed files disappeared from the list of the program, it means that renaming has passed successfully. Note that the program has turned on the old, incorrect extension in the file name (that is, for example, it was primer1.txt, and became primer1.txt.jpg.).

How to simply replace the old extension to a new one, I unfortunately did not find it. Perhaps it has some kind of secret meaning, such as saving information about the old expansion, but it seemed to me not very convenient.

Additional tools filetype verificator

In general, according to the basic properties of the program, this is all. The remaining buttons and settings are secondary or give a cosmetic effect, such as highlighting files of different types of different colors, viewing properties and content of files.

Well, and perhaps, if a lot of recognizable files, tools from the "List" menu can be useful.

These tools will help allocate many files at once for subsequent renaming.

Let's summarize:

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • perfectly copes with their responsibilities;
  • supports Russian;
  • it works very simple.
  • does not replace the extension new, and attributes a new one after the old;
  • there is no separate button "Select All" on the toolbar.


The program standing is installed simply, renames well, it works correctly, there are no serious flaws.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article if you specify an open active reference to the source and maintaining the authorship of Ruslana TRADER.

P.P.S. There are programs for a similar topic, for example, this