What is the extension of the KGB file? Three mystical secrets from the declassified KGB files of the KGB files.

- Extension (format) are symbols at the end of the file after the last point.
- The computer defines the file type according to the expansion.
- By the default of Windows Does not display file name extensions.
- The name of the file and expansion cannot be used some characters.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all programs with which you can open the KGB file.

Universal Extractor is a convenient utility for unpacking various archives, as well as some additional file types. This programFirst of all, it is suitable for users who are engaged in creating archives on a computer, but only download various archives from the Internet, and then unpack them. The Universal Extractor utility fully copes with this task. It allows you to unpack all the well-known archives as well dLL files, EXE, MDI and other types of files. In fact, the program can serve to some extent, a kind of installer of programs, because It allows you to unpack some of the installers, and then run ...

KGB Archiver - a comfortable archiver with a fairly high compression ratio, as well as understandable user interface. The KGB Archiver program allows you to work with ZIP-archives, and also allows you to create archives of your own KGB format. It is possible to create self-extracting archives with the necessary comments and parameters. A distinctive feature of this program is that when encrypting the archive, the program applies one of the most reliable encryption algorithms with a 256 bit key, which practically eliminates the possibility of its decryption without password knowledge. Another feature of this program is multilingual and ...

If you have on a computer installed antivirus program can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file separately. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to check the file for the presence of viruses.

For example, in this picture allocated my-file.kgb filethen you need to right-click on this file, and select the option in the File menu "Scan with AVG". When this parameter is selected, opens Avg Antivirus.which will check this file For viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result invalid installation software What can be related to the problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system. tie your KGB file with proper applied software having an impact on the so-called "Association of File Extensions".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Kremlin Encrypt. It can solve your problem correctly linking KGB with Kremlin Encrypt. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad Software Programming developer and you may need to contact the developer to receive additional help.

Tip: Try updating Kremlin Encrypt to latest versionTo make sure that the latest fixes and updates are installed.

It may seem too obvious, but often directly the KGB file itself may cause the problem. If you received a file through attachment email or downloaded it from the website, and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or for another reason), the file may be damaged. If possible, try to get a new copy file KGB. And try to open it again.

Caution: The damaged file may entail the emergence of the accompanying damage of the previous or already existing malware On your PC, so it is very important that the updated antivirus constantly worked on your computer.

If your KGB file associated with hardware on your computerTo open the file you may need update device driversassociated with this equipment.

This problem Usually related to the types of multimedia filesthat depend on the successful opening of hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file, but you can't open it, you may need update sound card drivers.

Tip: If when you try to open the kgb file you get error message associated with S.Sys File, the problem is likely to be associated with damaged or outdated device driversthat need to be updated. This process It is possible to facilitate through the use of software to update drivers, such as DriverDoc.

If the steps did not solve the problemand you still have problems opening KGB files, it may be related to lack of available system resources. For some versions of KGB files, considerable amount of resources may be required (for example, memory / RAM, computing power) for proper opening on your computer. Such a problem is often found, if you use a fairly old computer hardware And at the same time a much newer operating system.

Such a problem may occur when a computer is difficult to cope with the task, since operating system (and other services operating in the background) can consume too much resources to open the KGB file. Try to close all applications on your PC before opening Kremlin Encrypt File. After freeing all the available resources on your computer, you will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the KGB file.

If you performed all the steps described above, and your KGB file still does not open, it may be necessary to perform equipment update. In most cases, even when using old versions of equipment, computing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (if you do not perform a lot of resource-intensive processor operation, such as 3D rendering, financial / scientific modeling or intensive multimedia work) . In this way, it is likely that your computer lacks the required amount of memory.(more often called "RAM", or rAM) To execute the task of opening a file.

On March 13, 1954, Chekists were derived from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, a new department was formed: The CCCP State Security Committee - KGB. The new structure was injured in intelligence, operational and search activities and the protection of the State Government. In addition, the task of the KGB included the provision of the CPSU Central Committee with information affecting state security. The concept is widespread, what to say: the personal life of dissidents fall under it, and the study of unidentified flying objects.

Separate the truth from the fiction, recognize the disinformation intended for the "controlled leakage", is now almost unrealistic. So, believe or not believe in the truth of the declassified secrets and mysteries of the KGB archives - the personal right of everyone.

The current security officers who worked in the structure during its heyday, who with a smile, who dismissed irritation: no secret developments were carried out, nothing paranormal was studied. But, like any other closed organization that has an impact on the fate of people, the KGB failed to avoid a hoax.

The activities of the Committee covered hearing and legends, and dispel them not even by the partial declaration of archives. Especially since the archives of the former KGB were seriously cleaning in the mid-50s. In addition, the wave of decaying began in 1991-1992, a decline quickly, and now the public disclosure is also in almost imperceptible pace.

Hitler: died or saved?

Disputes about the circumstances of the death of Hitler do not subside from May 1945. Did he commit suicide or did the body of the twin found in the bunker? What happened to the remains of the Fuhrer?

In February 1962, in Tsagar USSR (modern State Archive Russian Federation) Were transferred to the storage of trophy documents of the Second World War. And with them - fragments of the skull and armrest of the sofa with blood traces.

As the head of the department of registration and archival funds of the FSB of Vasily Khristofors told Interfax, the remains were found during the investigation of the circumstances of the disappearance of the former Reichsident of Germany in 1946. Foundation foundation found partially charred remains determined as fragments of dark bones and the occipital bone of an adult. In the act of May 8, 1945, there is: discovered pieces of skulls, "possibly disappeared from the corpse, seized from the pit on May 5, 1945."

"Documentary materials with the results of re-investigation were combined into dealing with the symbolic name" MIF ". The materials of the title case, as well as the investigation of the circumstances of the death of the Fuhrer for 1945, stored in the Central Archive of the Federal Software of the Russian FSB, were declassified in the 90s of the last century and They became available to the general public, "the agency's interlocutor told.

What remains from the top of the Nazi elite and did not fall into the archives of the KGB, did not immediately find a rest: the bones were repeatedly reburied, and on March 13, 1970, Andropov ordered to withdraw and destroy the remains of Hitler, Brown and the Fauce Gibbels. Thus, a plan of the secret event "Archive" appeared, implemented by the operational group of the Special Department of the KGB of the 3rd Army HSVG. Two acts were compiled. The latter is: "The destruction of the remains is made by burning them on the fire on the wasteland in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Shekebek, 11 kilometers from Magdeburg. The remains burned, along with the coal are shared in ashes, collected and thrown into the bideritz river."

It is difficult to say what the Andropov was guided by giving such an order. Most likely, it was afraid - and it is not possible - that even after the time, the fascist regime will have followers, and the place of burial place of the ideologist of the dictatorship becomes the place of pilgrimage.

By the way, in 2002, the Americans declared that they had X-rays, which were kept by a dental doctor, Obrafürera SS Gugo Blasshe. Record with existing fragments in the archives once again confirmed the authenticity of the jaw parts of Hitler.

But despite the seemingly continued evidence, the version that the Führeru managed to leave Germany, occupied by Soviet troops, does not leave modern researchers alone. Looking for it, as a rule, in Patagonia. Indeed, Argentina after the Second World War was given to many Nazis trying to avoid justice. There were even witnesses that Hitler, along with other fugitives, appeared here in 1947. It is hard to believe: even the official radio of fascist Germany on that memorable day announced the death of the Fuhrer in an unequal struggle with the Bolshevism.

The first fact of Hitler's suicide suffered a question of Marshal Georgy Zhukov. A month after the victory, he said: "The situation is very mysterious. We didn't find the identified corpse of Hitler. I can't say anything about the fate of Hitler. At the very last minute he could fly out of Berlin, since the take-off tracks allowed to do it." It was June 10th. And the body was found on May 5, the act of autopsy is dated to the eighth of May. ... Why did the question about the authenticity of the body of the Fuhrer originated in a month?

The official version of Soviet historians is: On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Brown committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide. At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, the Führer shot himself. By the way, when an opening in the oral cavity was discovered glass, which speaks in favor of the version with poison.

Unidentified flying objects

Anton Pervishin in their copyright investigation leads one indicative history, which characterizes the ratio of the KGB to the phenomenon. This story was at one time he loved to tell the writer and assistant Chairman of the Committee Igor Sinitsyn, who worked for Yuri Andropov from 1973 to 1979.

"Somehow, looking through a foreign press, I came across a series of articles about unidentified flying objects - UFO ... I was dictated by stenographer in Russian writing from them and, together with the magazines I was peering the chairman. ... he quickly shed materials. A little thought, he Suddenly took out a written table from the box any thin folder. The folder was the report of one of the officers of the 3rd control, that is, military counterintelligence, "said Sinitsyn.

The information transferred to Andropov could well be the plot of the sci-fi film: the officer, being on night fishing with his friends, watched, as one of the stars approached the Earth and took the form of an aircraft. The navigator on the eye appreciated the size and location of the object: the diameter is about 50 meters, the height is about five hundred meters above sea level.

"He saw two bright beams came out of the center of UFOs. One of the rays got up vertically to the surface of the water and rested into it. Another beam, like a searchlight, shake the waterspace around the boat. Suddenly he stopped, refreshing the shipyushko. After a few more Seconds, beam went out. Together with him, there was a second, vertical beam, "Cincin counterintelling report quoted.

According to his own testimony, these materials came later to Kirilenko and with time it seems to be lost in the archives. This is about it to reduce the skeptics of the probable interest of the KGB to the problem of UFOs: pretend that it is interesting, but in reality to bury materials in archives, as potentially minor.

In November 1969, almost 60 years after the fall of the Tungusian meteorite (which, in the opinion of some researchers, was not a fragment of the heavenly body, but the victims of the wreck of a spacecraft), a message appeared about one fall in an unidentified object in the territory of the Soviet Union. Not far from the village of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region, several luminous balls were seen in the sky, one of which began to lose height, fell, then followed a strong explosion. In the late 1990s, a film was at the disposal of a number of media, captured by the work of investigators and scientists on the site of the intended fall of UFOs in the Urals. The works led the "man similar to the KGB employee."

"Our family just lived in Sverdlovsk, and in the regional parties even worked my relatives. However, almost no one knew the whole truth about the incident. In Berezovsky, where familiar lived, everyone accepted the legend about the exploded granary ; The same who saw UFOs preferred not to spread. The disk was exported, it is necessary to believe in the dark, in order to avoid unnecessary witnesses, "the contemporaries of events recalled.

It is noteworthy that even the ufologists themselves, people originally tuned to believe in the history of the UFO, these videos criticized: the form of Russian soldiers, their manner to keep the weapons flashing in the frame of cars - all this did not cause confidence even at susceptible people. True, the denial of one particular video does not mean that the adepts of faith in the UFO refuse their beliefs.

Vladimir Azhaja, a Ufologist Acoustic Engineer by Education, said this: "Does the state hides any information about UFOs from the public, it is necessary to believe that yes. On what basis? Based on the list of information constituting state and military secrets. Indeed, in 1993, the State Security Committee of the Russian Federation at the written request of the then President of the Uphelical Association of Sosmonaut Pavl Pavlo Popovich conveyed to the UFO-Center headed by me, about 1,300 documents related to UFOs. These were reporting official bodies, commander of the military units, posts of individuals. "

Occult interests

In the 1920s and 30s, the prominent Christian of the CC / OGPU / NKVD (the predecessor of the KGB) Gleb Boky, the one that created the laboratories to develop drugs to influence the consciousness of the arrested, became interested in studying psychic and even looking for the legendary Shambalu.

After his execution in 1937, the folders with the results of experiments as if they would have fallen into the secret archives of the KGB. After Stalin's death, some of the documents were irretrievably lost, the rest was settled in the basements of the Committee. When Khrushchev, work continued: America was worried periodically reaching rumors about the invention of biogenerators, mechanisms controlling thinking.

Separately, it is worth mentioning another object of close attention of Soviet security officials - the famous Mentalist Wolf Messing. Despite the fact that he himself, and later his biographers, were eagerly shared by intriguing stories about the prominent abilities of the hypnotist, the KGB archives did not save any documentary confirmations of the miracles by the miracles. In particular, nor in Soviet, nor in German documents there is no information that Messing ran from Germany after predicted the fall of fascism, and Hitler appointed a reward for his head. Also, it is also impossible to confirm nor refute the data that Messing personally met Stalin and he checked his outstanding abilities, forcing those or other tasks.

On the other hand, Ninelle Kulaginina, in 1968, attracted the attention of powerful departments with his extraordinary abilities, the data were preserved. The abilities of this woman (or their absence?) There are still disputes so far: among the lovers of the supernatural, it is revered as a pioneer, and among the scientific of the brethren of her achievements cause at least an ironic smile.

Meanwhile, the video transmission of those years recorded how Kulagina without the help of the hand or any devices rotates the arrow of the compass, moves small items, such as matchboxes. The woman complained during the experiments on the back pain, and her pulse was 180 shots per minute. She was a secret, allegedly, in the fact that the energy field of hands, due to the supercontraction of the subject, could move objects entering the zone of its influence.

It is also known that after the end of World War II, a unique device made on the personal disposal of Hitler was also included as a trophy to the Soviet Union: it served for astrological predictions of a military-political nature. The device was faulty, but Soviet engineers restored it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsky.

Knowing people told that Major General FSB Georgy Rogozin (in 1992-1996 former first The deputy head of the Presidential Security Service and the nickname "Nostradamus in the pursuit" nickname) used in his studies in his studies of the SS trophy archives concerning the occult sciences.