Post day. Disposable (temporary) mailbox E-mail: Best services for creating self-reading email

The settings of the mail service portal Mail.Ru appeared the Anonymizer function.

With it, you can start a temporary email address and use it

  • for in different forums and sites that do not cause confidence
  • in coupon services,
  • either in doubtful, unreliable online stores,
  • as well as when submitting ads for the sale of something (for communication with possible buyers), etc.

Then, when the temporary e-mail is not needed, it can be easily removed.

Anonymizer Mail.Ru is a service for creating temporary mailboxes inside its main, permanent mailbox on Male Ru.

It is a generator of temporary email addresses inside the main mail

How to create temporary Mail.Ru

Create disposable mailbox (In other words, temporary Mail RU) can after 6 steps:

1) You need to go to your mailbox Mail RU Official website:

2) enter your username, password,

3) in the upper right corner click on their login. The menu will open in which you want to click "Mail Settings" (2 in Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Where mail settings in Mail.Ru drawer

4) At the end of the Mail Settings menu, select "Anonymizer" (1 in Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Anonymizer: Add a temporary address in Mail.Ru

5) in the "anonymizer" form by clicking on the button "Add a temporary address" (2 in Fig. 2).

6) A temporary address creation window appears (Fig. 3):

Fig. 3. Creating a temporary address for your mail mail ru

To create a temporary mail inside your mail mail ru, it remains:

  • 1 in fig. 3 - agree with the proposed name for temporary mail Mail.Ru, or enter your address (of course, provided that such a name has not previously been occupied by other users).
  • 2 in fig. 3 - agree with the mail domain (that is, Mail.Ru), or click on the small triangle and choose from the proposed list another domain:, or
  • 3 in fig. 3 - preferably, but not necessarily, to write for yourself a comment so as not to forget why some e-mail was created for what was created.
  • 4 in fig. 3 - Select the folder in which the coming correspondence will be collected. The default folder is created by default (with the same name as temporary mail), but you can select a folder from other, already existing in Mail.Ru mailbox
  • 5 in fig. 3 - Enter the code from the picture. If the code is fuzzy, visible is bad, it is worth clicking on the link "I do not see the code".
  • 6 in fig. 3 - Click on the "Create" button.

Fig. 4. How to copy and how to remove temporary mail mail ru.

As can be seen in fig. 4, a temporary email has been created - [Email Protected]

How to use a temporary box

Temporary address when registering on sites

  • Open the site where you want to register.
  • Click on this site to the link (button) "Register".
  • Then the Email input field should appear in which the temporary address can be entered. It can be copied to not enter manually.

To do this, in front of the temporary Email, click on the "Copy" button (1 in Fig. 4). After that, temporary email will be copied in, that is, it is placed in the temporary memory of the computer. Please note that the "Copy" button (and the "Delete" button) appears ("pops up") only after bringing the mouse cursor to the timeline name.

Now go to where you need to specify this temporary mail - this may be a field for entering an email address, for example, when registering on some site. We put in this field the cursor and click on Ctrl + V (this is to insert what was copied to the clipboard). After that, temporary email will be placed where it is needed for registration or any other action.

Useful moments

You can create many such temporary boxes. The main thing is that then the user does not get confused in them. We must remember that

all temporary boxes are available only through the main box

In other words, it is possible to access temporary boxes only if you enter your main box. Temporary boxes are available only by login and password of the main mail It is about how we get into your home: first go into the corridor and only then you can get to other rooms.

After the temporary mail is created, you can go to your main mail There you should find a new folder (Fig. 5), which will have the same name as the time-mail. Compare the folder name in Fig. 5 With the name of the temporary E-mail, which was previously created, in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the names coincide.

You can open a letter with additional information that came to a new folder. He will have such a title: "You have created a temporary address. Mail.Ru recommends that you read this letter. "

Fig. 5. Folder with new temporal mail Mail.Ru inside the main mailbox

What are the good temporary boxes? Of course, the fact that they can be removed. In this case, the main mailbox will remain safe and maintained.

How to delete temporary mail Mail.Ru

After deleting temporary mail, the letters will stop coming, but old letters will remain in the folder.

To remove temporary mail, you need to do the steps described above, I repeat them here:

  • you need to enter your main box Mail.Ru by entering the login and password from the main mail,
  • click on your login, that is, by the name of your email (Fig. 1),
  • go to "Mail Settings",
  • click on the "anonymizer" (Fig. 2),
  • take the mouse cursor to the time mail you want to delete. Only after this will appear "Copy" and "Delete"
  • click on the link "Delete" (2 in Fig. 4) opposite that temporary e-mail, which is no longer needed.

Other ways for temporary e-mail

Often after registering on some resource, obsessive newsletters are beginning to come. Spam filters in mail do not always cope with their function. Anonymizer Male Ru will help compensate for this disadvantage. Although, in principle, there is nothing new in this function.

Already have long exist resources to create temporary e-mail, for example:

  • (more),

The only difference is that Mail.Ru combined a temporary e-mail with the main mail service. The main box can now be used only for rewriting with real people.

How to delete Mail temporary box can be removed without long thought, then it is temporary. But with the main mailbox you need to think well and remember everything that can be connected with it: besides bad, then there (alas, often only after removal) can be detected and good, and valuable.

The fact is that after deleting the main mail it will be possible to restore the login (name) of this mail. But all the information that was previously stored in this post and which was associated with this account, alas, the restoration is no longer subject to. Therefore, before deleting the main address of Mail.Ru, you need to be tied to this account, because after deleting, all information from these projects will disappear without the possibility of its recovery.

If you have a solid solution to delete the main mailbox on Mail.Ru, and there is also access to the box (i.e., the mail and password is known), then enter the link to your browser to the address bar:

To delete you need to enter the mail name, password, specify the reason for the removal. After that, Mail.Ru box will be deleted with all information and with all the projects that have been associated with this email.

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The range of use of disposable or temporary postal electronic boxes is very wide. Each service for generating a temporary email address has its drawbacks and advantages, but they all provide anonymity and no spam.

Create disposable email addresses

Services such as Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix allow free to test their services a limited amount of time, but if you do not want to turn on paid subscriptionNo need to stop there. However, it is necessary.

In fact, you can continue to use the service for free using another address. email After the expiration of the trial period. Retail sellers - both online and outside - also tend to demand an email address in order to send their proposals in a timely manner, but this often leads to an unwanted spam stream in emails.

Methods for obtaining disposable email, the best services for creating temporary email

Gmail option to create a temporary postal address


Browser expansion

how Google Chrome., so I. Mozilla Firefox. Have a wide range of extensions intended to create disposable email addresses.



CrazyMailing - free and easy to use online service that generates random temporary addresses Email. These email addresses will be automatically removed after a short period of time. for Mozilla Firefox

Unlimited mail forwarding

No expiration of the pseudonym

Filters incoming messages by the CAPTCHA system.

You can send emails Using the secure SSL web form

Backup address name for 365 days

Currently available 16 domain names that can be used for Trashmail


Of course, these are not the only services in which there are additions for a browser. Quick search On the Mozillaux add-ons or in the Chrome online store will lead to a variety of other extensions.

Here are the easiest opportunities how to create email for short-term use.

When registering sites, forums, file sharing and some public wi-Fi points It is often asked to specify the email address, however, by making it, you can soon detect a set of spam in your electronic box, reports about promotions and other unwanted correspondence.

For such cases, there are special services to create a temporary email specifically to confirm registration on any resource.

It is worth noting that a number of sites are not allowed to specify a temporary mail. In this situation, you can try to select another mailing domain.

2. Guerrilla Mail.

This service has existed relatively long - since 2006. To use the Guerrilla Mail, you do not need to specify your real postal address, but you can create only one temporary mailbox, which will be valid for an hour.

The service is easy to use and completely free. In addition, the Guerrilla Mail has a separate Android application.

3. Nada.

Absolutely free service Designed by the Creators of Airmail - Popular mail client For Apple devices. To create a disposable email in NADA, you do not need to register.

The service has the ability to create up to 10 disposable addresses simultaneously. The electronic box can be created independently by selecting from 10 different domains, or use the randomly generated address.

The letters received to the address are stored within a week, after which they are automatically deleted.

4. Dropmail

Simple and convenient service to create disposable email addresses With unlimited work time. Dropmail allows you to create an unlimited number of mailboxes that will be available until the user updates the page.

In addition, the service is present in the service. Registration on the site is not required.

5. Mailinator

This service allows you to create a temporary mailbox, specifying any address. At the same time, even if such an address is already busy, the service will still allow them to use it. Thus, users who indicated the same address can read all the letters received.

The service provides for the registration function that allows you to make one-time electronic boxes private. For developers I. corporate clients There are separate tariff plans.

6. Fake Mail Generator

On Fake Mail Generator You can create a disposable postal address for free, which will operate 24 hours. There are 10 different mail domains to choose from.

The service works similarly to Mailinator, allowing you to read messages entering the same address.

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What is the site?

the site is a service for the so-called temporary electronic box, trash or fake email address. The service was founded in 2004, then called and later Thus, the site is one of the most long-time services for disposable, trash and fake email addresses on the Internet, as well as the most unique thanks to its own! Speed \u200b\u200band reliability - the main criteria for the work site, which, due to the careful construction of the service and its own post Server allow you to use features such as using your own domains!

What is a disposable email?

Disposable email is used when you do not want to provide your personal email unknown and unreliable services. After all, if you specify your personal email, most likely they will begin to send you unnecessary mailing and spam - but it is not necessary for anyone! You want to register on the site that you are not familiar, and looks unreliable, but you still wonder on it to sit on it? This is the most typical situation for the use of temporary or disposable hasone. One-time email should be used only for privattive purposes, not as the main email, but only temporary, since all emails will be automatically deleted after a while. In addition, often disposable email domains enter the blacklist, but compared to other services, the site has an explicit advantage, as it regularly provides new domains - mainly through communities.

Overview of all functions

Optimally for computers, tablets and smartphones!

30 days of availability!
. 30 days. Of course, you can delete them and manually.

Text and HTML emails with file attachments!
The site easily gets text and html emails, even with file attachments.

Many Internet domains are available!
! New domains are added every week.

Use your own domain!
This is the most important feature! You have a domain that you no longer need?. You can even choose whether you want to make your domain publicly available, personal! For more information, click on the link

Many features!
The site allows you to send, respond, print and even save email as EML files.
In addition, you can write and send emails yourself!

Password protection!
All disposable emails on the extension domains (PW) can be protected by a password.

Spam protection for each mailbox!
The site forms a personal black list for each email address. Using a black list, you can hide unwanted emails.

RSS and ATOM channels!
To quickly receive incoming emials, the site provides for each password-protected mailbox RSS and ATOM channels.

Keep your electronic address in bookmarks!
To receive fast access To your disposable email, the site allows you to save your email as a bookmark in a web browser.

More information

If you are a more or less advanced Internet user, then you should be familiar with such situations where you need to register on some forum or site-service only once. After all, many sites now require registration both to send a message and for work, but it often happens that subsequently there is no need to use this e-mail. For example, you need to download any file on the site, and you need to register on the site. Familiar? Or you need to leave the question, and then just watch the answers. Or registration in the catalogs of different. In general, many can be situations. For such purposes, disposable (temporary) e-mail (mailboxes) have been invented for such purposes. They can be used for instant receipt of their mailbox, register on a site, get a link to activate (and sometimes it is not even needed) and you can forget.
To create such boxes, you do not need to invent your name and password, as well as all sorts additional questions and enter the phone number. In general, you can create in a second.

Why do you need temporary mailboxes?

In addition, what was described above, these e-mail will help you "not shine" your main (permanent) e-mail. After all, as often happens, after such a normal registration, with an indication of the mailbox, you may begin to come a lot of letters with sending from both the site itself, which was recorded and completely left - spam. I think little to be good from the fact that letters with advertising or some references will come to their mail.
In general, you yourself can understand why you will need a mailbox at a time.
The main minus in such boxes is that in the subsequent you will not be able to access it (after removal). And it can come in handy when you registered on some and forgot the password from it. But this is the case not for one-time use and you need to decide in what cases to use such a temporary mailbox, and in what no.

We now turn directly to the services that allow you to create and use temporary mailboxes (e-mail).

The most famous I. popular service Disposable e-mails. And this is justified. After all, you just need to go on the link and you immediately get your own (randomly generated) temporary mailbox (the duration of existence is 10 minutes). In the same tab, you can immediately see a list of incoming messages, and if necessary, it is straight there to extend the period for another 10 minutes (if there is no time). In a special field, you can immediately select and copy your address, and then insert where you need and make your affairs.

When used, you should know that this service blocks the attachments and if responding to letters, then the Russian letters will be corrupted and unreadable.

Good post service disposable e-mail. The same as the previous site, only more beautiful design And it is possible to redirect mail to your (real) mailing address.

What is good redirection function? Yes what you "shine" somewhere there during registration only temporary and not the desired address, And all the information is needed (as it was written above, for example, the login and password for the forums) is sent to you on an existing box and persists. It turns out the spammers to get a box, which is no longer, and you will come only necessary information. Conveniently.

Good, beautiful, comfortable, modern. Originally created 2 hours and the remaining time can be monitored from above

Pay attention to the left panel - you can immediately copy the address, update emails, change the mailing address (indicating your login, choice of service and time), extend the time (1 hour per click) and remove the box.

Automatic generation of the box name, storage time of 60 minutes, drawer lifetime - until a new session is created.

A little "curve" in terms of design (personally), but allows you to store up to 5 days and supports attachments

Simple English-speaking service translated into Russian. Supports Cyrillic, you can create with your name (login) and domain (which goes further @). Created for 15 minutes

Some english-speaking servicesthat will help create a temporary e-mail. They differ simplicity and asceticism. You just need to select a login (name), enter in the field, select the existence time and get the address:
Finally, I want to note that some services and sites are not allowed to register with the help of these services and write that they need normal - from Rambler, Gmail, Yandex, Mail, etc. I advise then either use another service (or domain) or create one email, especially for spam.