Temporary email address. Create disposable email addresses

Create temporary mail now allow more than 20 services, the functionality of most of which is very similar - you click only one button and get full mailbox with random domain name And the password on which any letters can be obtained. After some time (usually 10-30 minutes) Temporary address email Deleted, but some services allow you to extend this period. We will look at the very following popular Services temporary mail 10 minutes without registration.

This service is almost the founder of the service. Temporal Mail is used on all devices, for the convenience of users, plugins for browsers, applications for smartphones and bots in Telegram are created. This functionality cannot boast other temporary mail services. It works everything extremely simple, we will look at the option of creating a mailbox via Telegram and receiving letters to it:

  • Find @temp_mail_bot;
  • Give him a command / new;
  • Get the address and password from the time mail for 10 minutes along with the buttons to view links, text letters or the opening of the web interface;
  • You can view information from temporary mail pace Mail straight to Telegram.

Temporary email Mail from Dropmail

A similar service with one significant difference - Dropmail temporary mail lives as long as you do not upgrade the page. At the same time, access to the arena formed boxes can also be restored through separate tab Recovery. Interesting function - The ability to send letters to another box. It is useful for those cases when people do not want to show a real e-mail. There is also a bot in Telegram and in Viber, which is still in a state of Beta test.

Functional disposable box from discard.email

The title here is not an empty word, since the mail in discard.email is stored for a whole month, and users can choose a suitable domain and logs. You can respond to the received e-mail, for some domains it is possible to install your own password. Entering email letters may be issued in RSS RentaAnd the user will be access to the mailbox from the browser bookmarks. Everything works quickly and simple, the interface has an intuitive service. You can even save letters to the computer - we wrote before.

Whose disposable mail is better?

In fact, 3 of the above service and some more dozen existing solve the same task. Differences are a bit: Tempmail has a very comfortable bot, Dropmail is the ability to send letters, and Discard has a whole month of drawer work instead of the usual 10-30 minutes. You should choose from personal prejudices, but we like the bot Tempmail most - all working dialogs are conducted in Telegram, so you can create boxes for registration without distracted by the usual interface Messenger.

The article describes how to create a disposable mail.


The overwhelming majority of Internet users own email. Mail, as a rule, is necessary for correspondence, communication in messenger (for example, " Male Agent"), Sharing photos, etc. But often email is required for registrations on different sites, chat rooms, forums and other resources.

One user can be registered on dozens and hundreds of Internet services, most of which he needed only for temporary use. For example, I wanted to download any file once, but can not do this without registration. But always and everywhere register your mail, I don't really want to get rid of yourself from spam and mailing.

Therefore, in such cases it is recommended to use a temporary or disposable mail that will be required only for the registration itself, and after it will be removed from the Internet. In this review we will talk about how to create a temporary fast mailbox. The temporary box can be used in any domains: on " Yandex», « Google», « Male», « Gmail." etc.


"TEMPMAIL" is one of the most popular resources where you can register a disposable mail. Temporary mail here is issued for one hour. During this time you have time to get a letter asking for registration on the site where you wanted to register.

True, from this mail you will not be able to send letters to other people, but not for this it will be needed. After the expiration of the mail, if necessary, you can extend its "life" for a while.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"10minutemail" - disposable mail for ten minutes. As soon as you enter this site, you immediately provide new generated mail. Everything, in principle, easy and simple. Ten minutes later you can extend its action for the next ten minutes.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Mailinator" also refers to resources where you can get a temporary email. To do this, in the field at the top of the site you need to enter any word on a Latin or meaningless set of letters with numbers and click " ENTER" Mail will generate, you immediately find yourself.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Yopmail" is one of the options for disposable electronic boxes. Here it is issued for several days. Principle of receipt disposable mail Here exactly the same as in the previous case.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Discard.Email" - a resource for providing temporary mail. Mail is issued for free, it is not necessary to register on the site, everything is done quickly and efficiently. With this electronic drawer You can even send and receive emails with files. You can also choose any domain you need.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

MailForspam also competes among temporary mail sites. There is an opportunity to get a disposable mailbox, lead through it a correspondence and store letters. Mail is issued when you enter a set of letters on Latin.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Guerrillamail" - a site for the provision of disposable mail. The box is issued for one hour, after which the box itself and the letters stored in it will be removed from the Internet. Also here is your antivirus.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"MYTRASHMAIL" is another solution for obtaining a disposable email. You are issued four megabytes of space, so you can take advantageously text letters.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"TEMPINBOX" is also intended to create its temporary e-mailbox. The site is very convenient, all services are free.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Dropmail.me" is a disposable email site that provides email for unlimited use. True, when you go to the mail, you do not need to update this page, all letters will be displayed as soon as they come. When updating the page, the mailbox is simply changed to a new one.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Disposableinbox" gives a disposable email on one day. You can be made from it, so send letters.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

Airmail provides users with a disposable email, which can be used to register on other sites. But it will not be able to use it as a full-fledged mailbox.

"Incognito Mail"

How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Incognito Mail" site for issuing disposable email. Mail is issued for one hour, you can send letters from it, as well as extend if desired.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"MINTEMAIL" Temporary email, outstanding for one hour when visiting this resource.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Mytempemail" - this resource, in contrast to the previous ones, can provide more opportunities. Here you can get a generated mailbox; Create mail with the title at your discretion; Get mail with automatic redirection to your permanent mail. True, only text letters are possible here.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"No-spam.ws" - temporary email, which is issued for thirty messages. If this digit is exceeded, the mailbox will be deleted.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

SPAMOBOX is a resource issuing email for one hour. From the box you can send letters.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Tempemail" - email issued for two weeks.


How to Create Temporary Email, Disposable Email Online To Send Letters with Attachments and Registration Services

"Anonymousemail" is a resource that allows you to send letters from the mail that you yourself indicate.

Video: Create a temporary mailbox per second!

In the process of the Internet surfing, you often have to register on a particular site for any purpose. Usually, when registering, you must specify the email address - for communication or, more often, to confirm the registration. Real working or home email address In such cases, it is not recommended to specify strictly - if only registration is performed on a carefully verified service, where the real address is required for long work using confirmed personal data.

  • Preface
  • How to use a temporary mailbox
  • Disposable mail: online services

Ideally, a disposable mail is suitable for such authorizations or as still say the temporary mailbox, which you, as a rule, without filling out the complex registration form, create on a specially intended service and letters in which are stored from a few minutes to several months. Then you can specify an email address of one of your temporary boxes when registering on any site. Having received a letter from reference to the registration confirmation, you activate the account by clicking on the link in the letter, and the temporary mailbox can be closed and forget about it, it will be automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

Most often on such services you can only specify the login, i.e. the first part email address, Before the symbol @, after which you get access to the contents of the box. There are also services that allow you to create a temporary mailbox that falls into which the mail will automatically be sent to your real email address.

This is especially dangerous if letters with your registration data were sent to your box (as some sites do). We talked about similar cases in the article ". Therefore, it is recommended to create temporary mailboxes with address names (logins) in the form of a chaotic set of characters - for example: or

How to use disposable mail

In this chapter, on the example of the Yopmail service, I will show you how to register a temporary mailbox correctly.

So. We go to the temporary mail site and in a special form enter the email address to your choice. I highly recommend to come up with the address more complicated. The more complicated and the email address you invented will be longer, the less likely that someone else can temporarily register it and see the contents of the box. Of course, aliases are provided for these cases, but this is not a panacea.

Chose yourself a name? Do not rush to click on the "Check Mail" button.

Disposable mail yopmail

Before you register a temporary mailbox, I recommend checking your selected email address to existence. You can do this on the 2IP website.

Go to the site 2IP, enter the selected address and click the Check button. These method is not working for all services. With yopmail it will not roll. This service will always show Email existence.

Checking the existence of mail

Now you can already click the "Check Mail" button and start using the service. You can copy the mailbox address and insert sites in the registration form.

Disposable mail yopmail

Keep in mind some such sites leave cookies on your computer, and if you enter the temporary mail website, the mail address will be automatically updated.

It is also worth noting that some such services are designed to be used here and now, and the browser window will not close, so the content restoration of the contents after closing the window is not provided. Choosing a similar service Pay attention to the description.

In what cases should not be used by temporary mail

In some situations, instead of one-time mail, it is better to use one or more registered mailboxes and use them for all garbage. The fact is that temporary email addresses are convenient when you need to perform several registrations or periodically register on the server to get multiple accounts.

If you often use various websites assumed to be registered to view a specific content, there are no multiple accounts. It is enough to make the email box of the type and indicate it when registering on all such websites. This is very convenient for several reasons.

  • First, you will always remember the email address when you need to specify it as a login (if you use a unique name as a login, you can specify, for example, the first part of the email address: pupkinvasya).
  • Secondly, sometimes the address of the box is used during the password recovery - and if the registration was conducted on the temporary box, then the cherished letter with the password recovery data is most likely no longer get. The permanent email address will exist for a long time until you use it.

The most important thing is that you do not associate your real email addresses with your left.

Disposable Mail: List of Services

URL Time Wheat. investments Extra. information
10minutemail10 minutesnotRespond to letters.
10 × 9.15 minutesyes Respond to letters.
ABC-K.60 daysyes \u003e 10MB
Asdasd.7 daysnot
Disposableinbox24 hoursnotRespond to letters.
Donemail4 hoursnotRespond to letters.
Guerrillamail60 minutesnotRespond to letters.
Hidemyass.1 day-
1 year
Incognitomail60 minutesnot
Key-Mail.2 hoursnotRespond to letters.
Mailexpire.12 hours-
90 days
yes \u003e 10MBRedirect letters (do not work with Gmail).
MailForspam. not
Mailinator~ 7 hoursyes
Mail-IT24.7 daysnotRespond to letters.
Mytempemail30 minutesnotRespond to letters. Redirect letters.
No-spamneagr.yes ~ 500kbSupport messages in UTF. Stores the last 30 letters. From the Kaspersky Keys laboratory (as attachments) do not come.
Odnorazovoe.24 hoursnotAll your IP are saved. And who the box "watched"
Spam.la~ 48 hoursyes

Quite often, you need to register on some site that you plan to use only once. Forums, blogs, file sharing and even some common wi-Fi points They ask your email address. Then you find that your box is full of spam, the disagreement and other nonsense that you are sent from everywhere where you were registered.

Temporary email services are designed to solve this problem. With the help of disposable mailboxes, you can register where you need, without worrying that you will be annoyed by unwanted correspondence.

Note that some sites and forums are not allowed to use a temporary email during registration. You can bypass this restriction, trying to choose another mail domain.

Popular service disposable email. To use them, you need to specify your real mailing address where messages will be sent. The number of sent messages can be configured. In addition, you can choose how long the temporary mailbox will function.

Registration in Trashmail is optional, but registered users can create several temporal addresses. You can choose one of the 16 postage domains.

If you need a lot of disposable postal addresses, you can register account Trashmail Plus for $ 21.99 per year. Paid Account It makes it possible to create up to 5,000 temporary postal addresses with an unlimited number of sent messages.

Trashmail has extensions for Chrome and Firefox, which facilitate fast registration.

Guerrilla Mail is one of the oldest disposable email providers operating since 2006. Unlike Trashmail, the Guerrilla Mail does not allow you to create multiple mail addresses and does not request your real email.

The address received will be valid only within an hour. But the Guerrilla Mail is much easier to use and absolutely free.

In addition to the web interface, there is an app for Android.

3. Nada.

nADA - service disposable mail from the creators - popular mail client For Mac and iPhone. NADA does not require registration or instructions real addresses. In addition, the service is absolutely free.

nADA allows you to create up to 10 addresses at the same time. You can use the randomly generated address or create your own by choosing from ten postal domains.

The received messages are kept during the week. The number of investments in incoming letters is not limited.

The mobile version of the NADA web interface allows you to work with the service on any smartphones under android management and iOS.

Easy to use service disposable service. The work time of the created mailbox is not limited, the address is available until you update the page. In addition, you can create an infinite number of mailboxes.

Dropmail is equipped with a built-in forwarding function, so you can make your temporary address permanent if necessary. Dropmail works very quickly and does not require registration.

Mailinator has one feature. Creating a disposable mailbox, you can enter any address. If he is already busy, you can still take advantage of them. You can read all letters in drawers created by other users. They will also be able to read your letters. So Mailinator should not be used when registering on really important sites and forums.

If necessary, you can register with Mailinator, making your temporary boxes private and inaccessible to other users. In addition, the service provides special tariff plans For developers and business, but for personal use enough and free version.

This is a popular and free disposable email provider. Fake Mail Generator allows you to come up with your postal address and choose one of ten domains. The time of the mailbox is 24 hours.

Like Mailinator, Fake Mail Generator allows all users to read letters in any disposable mailboxes if their address is known.

Temp Mail is a fairly well-known service of disposable mail. It is very simple and actually devoid of settings. Just open it and copy your temporary postal address. Your mailbox is valid until you delete it, but all received messages disappear within an hour.

In addition to the web interface, you can interact with the service using extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Opera, as well as through Android and iOS applications.

10minutemail is different from most similar service to the fact that there is an opportunity to respond to the received letters. In addition, they can be sent to their real postal address.

To use 10minutemail, you do not need to register. Just open the service in the browser and copy the address you created. For each user it is unique, so no one else can read your letters.

As follows from the name of the service, the mailboxes here live ten minutes. But if necessary, you can extend this period. The service is absolutely free.