Log in to your mailbox. My mail

In this lesson, I will tell you how to enter your Mail, Yandex or Google email. And what to do if the address does not open.

What is email

Email- This is a personal box on the Internet. Through it, letters are received and sent: both plain text and files from a computer - documents, photos, videos.

Each box has its own address. This address is assigned to only one user - it cannot belong to several people at once.

The address consists of English characters without spaces and consists of three parts:

  1. Login - name.
  2. @ is a separator, called dog . To dial it, you need to English layout hold down the Shift key and the number 2 (top).
  3. Mail site address- the address on the Internet where the box is located.

Address example e-mail box

Every mailbox on the Internet is located on some kind of mail site. For example, on the site Yandex or Mile.ru. And it turns out that in order to enter your mailbox, you must first open the mail site.

The most common sites are mail.ru, yandex.ru and gmail.com.

There are others, a little less popular: rambler.ru, tut.by, ukr.net, i.ua. This does not mean that they are worse, just that fewer people use them.

You can find out which site the box belongs to by looking at its address. The mail site is written right after the @ sign.

  • If mail.ru, list.ru, inbox.ru or bk.ru is written after @, this means that the mailbox is located on the mail.ru website.
  • If after the dog is gmail.com, then the mailbox is located on the site gmail.com (Google).
  • If yandex.ru, yandex.by, yandex.ua, yandex.kz, yandex.com, ya.ru, then on the site yandex.ru (Yandex).

How to enter mail

How to enter Mail.ru mail. Instructions for those who have @mail.ru, @list.ru, @inbox.ru or @bk.ru in their mailbox address.

one . Open the site mail.ru in a new tab.

2. In the upper left square, in the line "Box name", type the login - the name before the @ sign. Click on the "Enter password" button.

For example, if the mailbox address [email protected], you need to print ivan.ivanov35

If the address does not end with mail.ru, then in the next field, select your ending from the list.

3 . In the "Password" line, type the password for your mailbox. It will be typed in dots - as it should be. Then click on the "Login" button.

If everything is typed correctly, mail will open. It looks like this:

The next time you enter Mail.ru (mail.ru), instead of the login window, there will be another window:

This means that your mailbox is already open. You do not need to enter a username and password - just click on the inscription "Mail".

In the event that you do not want it to open itself every time, inside the box, on the right upper corner, click on "exit". And the next time you enter the box, remove the bird from the "Remember" item.

How to enter Yandex mail. For those whose address is @yandex.ru, @yandex.by, @yandex.ua, @yandex.kz, @yandex.com or @ya.ru.

one . In a new tab, open the site yandex.ru.

2. In the upper right rectangle, click on the "Login to mail" button.

3 . The login window will load. In the line "Enter your login, mail or phone" type your email and click "Login".

4 . In the "Enter password" line, type the password for the mailbox and click "Login".

If you entered everything correctly, mail will open. It looks like this:

The next time you visit the Yandex website (yandex.ru), there will be another window in the upper right corner. In it, you just need to click on the inscription "Mail" and the box will open without entering a login and password.

If such an automatic login does not suit you, then inside the box, in the upper right corner, click on your login. And from the list, select "Exit Yandex services".

Login to Google mail (Gmail). Instructions for those whose mailbox ends with @gmail.com.

Often, immediately after that, your box opens by itself. But if it doesn't, the login window will appear. Google prompts you to enter a phone number or email address. The phone will only work if you previously attached it to the box. And so in this field you need to enter the address and click "Next".

Sometimes instead of the login window opens home page gmail. In this case, click on the inscription "Login" in the upper right corner.

In the next window, type in the password and click Next.

If everything is correct, incoming emails will open.

Why is my mail not opening

There are three reasons why a person cannot get into their box:

  • Wrong login
  • Wrong password
  • Mailbox deleted or blocked

I will tell about each case now. And I will also tell you what to do. The tips are banal, but this is the only sure way to open your email.

Wrong login. Each box has a login. This is his unique identifier on the mail site. According to it, the site can identify you and open your mailbox, and not someone else's.

The login always consists of English letters and/or numbers. It can contain a period, as well as a hyphen or underscore. And from this login the address (email) is formed.

To enter your mailbox, you need to type your login correctly. You can not make a mistake in a single letter, number or symbol!

For example, my login is ivan.petrov-35. And if I type ivan.petrov35 instead, then my Email will not open - an error will be generated.

In addition, on some mail sites it is important to correctly specify not only the login, but also the ending - the part that comes after the @ sign. This applies to everyone's favorite Mail.ru. There, the end of the box can be either the standard mail.ru or another: bk.ru, list.ru or inbox.ru.

For example, I have a mailbox on my mail [email protected]. So, in addition to the correct spelling of the login, you also need to choose the correct ending. Otherwise, I won’t be able to get into my mailbox - the site will give an error.

Wrong password. The password is the key to the box. A set of letters and/or numbers with which it opens. If you make a mistake in at least one character, the password will not pass, and the site will give an error.

If the password contains letters, then they are typed only in English.

Also, it is case sensitive. This means that if it contains a capital letter, and you typed it in a small (lower case), then such a password will not work.

Mailbox deleted or blocked. It happens that you can’t get into the mailbox, because it has been removed from the mail site. That is, it was simply erased along with all the letters.

This usually happens if the address has been inactive for a long time. For example, they did not enter the mailbox on Mail.ru for six months - then, according to the rules of the service, they can delete it.

What to do if the mail does not open

1. Open Notepad, type the password from the mailbox there, copy it and paste it on the site.

To do this, open "Start" and right in the window we print notepad. We start the program.

A window for printing text will open. This is where we type the password. Without spaces!

Select it and copy it. To do this, move the cursor to the end of the password, hold down left button mouse and circle it. Then right-click inside and select "Copy".

This simple procedure will help not to make mistakes when entering. After all, on the site the password is typed in dots, and it is difficult to notice an error.

2. Try different login options.

Login is a unique mailbox identifier on the mail site. If you enter just one wrong letter, the system will not be able to determine the mail, and, therefore, will not be able to open it.

Often people are not exactly mistaken in writing a login, but rather, they are described. For example, a person has an address [email protected]. And it prints the login yan.ivanov . This is mistake. Even if the password is entered correctly, the box will not open.

By the way, the login, unlike the password, is not case sensitive. That is, you can type it in letters of any size. Big, small, whatever, it doesn't matter.

3 . Use the login and password recovery feature.

Mail sites allow you to restore access to the mailbox. The system will ask you a few questions about your mail and if you answer correctly, it will ask you to enter a new password. Immediately after that, the box will open.

In Mail.ru, to restore access, click on the inscription "Forgot your password?".

In Yandex - on "I don't remember my login" or "I don't remember my password."

In Gmail.com, click "Forgot your email address?" or "Forgot your password?".

If you can't remember your login

It also happens that a person remembers the password, but forgot the address of the box. But the address, that is, the login on the mail site, is the main thing. Without it, it will not be possible to restore access.

You can try to find out the login using the browser - the program through which you access the Internet. To do this, simply click on the address field with the left mouse button. If you're lucky, a list will appear where your login can be written.

Another way to find out your mail is to contact the person to whom you sent letters. If he still has at least one letter from you, ask him to say what is indicated there in the address bar. To do this, open the message and look at the line under the title (at the top).

If the site says that the mailbox does not exist

It happens that the mail site writes that the mailbox name is incorrect or there is no such account.

There are two reasons why this happens:

  1. You made a mistake when printing the login.
  2. The box has been removed.

The first reason is clear. The address is typed incorrectly and there really is no such login in the system. You just need to enter it correctly.

But if you are sure that the login is correct, but the site still shows that such mail does not exist, then the mailbox has been deleted. You can delete it yourself in the mail settings. Or it can happen automatically.

On some mail sites, this happens if the mailbox is not used for a long time. For example, if you haven’t accessed your mail.ru mail for more than six months, it can be deleted.

The address is erased along with all content. You can return it, but without letters. To do this, you need to re-register mail with the same name.

Answers on questions

Can someone other than me access my mailbox?

Anyone who has a password from it can enter your mailbox. Therefore, it is important to keep it in a safe place and not show it to anyone.

Is it possible to change the address of a valid mailbox?

No, you cannot change an already opened address. You can only register a new one.

Is it possible to change the password from the mailbox?

You can change your password at any time. This is done in the box settings:

  • Mail.ru: Click on your address in the upper right corner and select "Password and Security".
  • Yandex: click on the gear icon at the top right and select "Security".
  • Google (Gmail): click on your icon in the upper right corner, select "Manage Google account". Will open new tab, where you need to go to "Security and Login" and select "Password".

How to log out of your mailbox on someone else's computer?

In Mail.ru, for this you need to click on the door icon. Or on the inscription "exit" in the upper right corner of the site.

In Yandex, click on the avatar (icon on the right) and select "Exit".

In Gmail, click on the avatar (icon) in the upper right corner of the site and select Sign Out.

I didn't find an answer to my question.

You can try to find the answer yourself through the help of the mail site (support):

Or you can ask a question in the comments to this article. The form for submitting a comment is just below on the page.

Is one of popular services in runet. Every day through it is created a large number of mailboxes, but novice users may experience certain difficulties with authorization.

Logging into your mailbox Mail.Ru allows different ways, depending on the capabilities of the user. Let's see how you can enter mail from a computer and mobile device.

If you're having trouble signing in, see these guidelines.

Method 1: Standard input

A simple and classic way to get into your mail is to use home page site.

Method 2: Authorization through other services

Using the interface and capabilities of Mail.Ru mail, you can work with letters registered in other services. This is very handy if you have several email addresses and need to combine them in one place so that you can quickly switch later.

  1. Follow the link above to the Mail.Ru Mail page. You can find it in the future by simply going to the main page and clicking on the button "Mail" at the top of the window.
  2. Here you will be offered several ways to enter: Yandex, Google, Yahoo!. Here you can also log in with a mailbox from Mail.Ru, and by clicking on the button "Another", you can enter the mailbox of other domains, such as work or foreign.
  3. When you select a specific service @ and domain will be substituted automatically. All you have to do is enter your username and password, and then click the button "To come in".
  4. As an additional protection, the service may require you to re-enter your password.
  5. Authorization service (Google, Yandex and, possibly, your mail service) will make a request to access the data. Allow it.
  6. A notification will appear about entering the mailbox of another service through the Mail.Ru interface. If you wish, you can change your first and last name, and then click "Log in mail".
  7. Since this is the first entry for Mail.Ru, it will offer to optimize the use of this email for its service. This consists in setting an avatar, adding a signature and choosing a background. Go through these steps if you plan to actively work with letters, or click the button "Skip" at every stage.
  8. At the first entry, the letters may not be loaded and the mailbox will be empty.

    Please wait a while or reload the page for the Inbox/Outbox/Drafts/Trash list to refresh. In some cases, the problem is solved by exiting and re-entering the box.

Method 3: Multi-account

To manage two accounts, you can use the convenient function of adding additional mailboxes. If you are not signed in to any account, please do so using Method 1 or 2. Then follow these steps:

Method 4: Mobile version

Smartphone owners can work with their mail from a mobile browser. In this case, a simplified version will be displayed, adapted for devices on Android, iOS or Windows phone. Let's consider the entrance to Mail.Ru on Android.

This option is only available for domains @mail.ru, @inbox.ru, @list.ru, @bk.ru. If you want to enter the mail with the address of another mail service, use one of the two options:

Alternative for quick login through other services:

Method 5: Mobile application

It is more convenient for regular users to install mobile app instead of logging into the site through a browser. In this case, authorization will not be reset after clearing cookies, as is the case with browsers, and push notifications about new emails will be sent.

Method 6: Mobile multi-account

In both mobile versions Apps can freely switch between multiple accounts. To add a second address, do the following:

We have analyzed 6 options for entering the Mail.Ru mailbox. Choose the right one and stay in touch always.

This social network appeared in 2007, after the creation of the largest networks in the CIS countries VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. At the time, no one had any idea that social media will have such significant value people, and even more so in different age groups.

After some time, My World and other social networks began to quickly gain popularity among a huge number of registered users.

My World in a short time becomes a fairly large social network, with about 45 million users, and thereby increases the activity of other projects from the Mail group. Perhaps this happened due to the fact that registration is not required for those people if they have their own mail account Mail.ru, the largest in our countries.

My World "My page" - enter the page

My World "My Page"

On the left is an area with the main headings of the personal page, where personal information is stored that is available for review on the My World social network.

There is also a button at the top. quick access to other sections of "My Page" with the possibility of distributing the display of information and materials by opening the window " Settings".

To the right is the section Search for friends», with quick search options.

Registration and creation of "My Page" in the social network My World

If you don't have a Mail.ru mail account yet, you can use the page (opens in a new tab) with detailed instructions. After the mail is created on Mail.ru, you can proceed to the settings:

  • enter the mailbox, at the top it will be entrance to the social network My World;

  • button at the top left Edit"(in the form of a pencil), by clicking on it, you can add your own photo in the section " Personal data", to display on my page, as well as change other personal information about yourself.

The main task of the My World social network is to create conditions for finding friends, work colleagues and relatives, supporting communication between users, regardless of their place of residence and distance from each other, exchanging video, audio and other files. The employees of this company have created a logical and understandable management so that a person of any age, for the first time being on own page social network My World was able to immediately navigate its main functions.

My World "My Page" - login, registration involves the possibility of storing and playing media files, there is a function to create your own blogs.

The Mail group owns such giant portals, as well as a significant part of it. Thus, almost the entire market share of social networks and other communities belongs to this corporation.

Mail.ru- the most popular postal service Internet in the CIS. The resource also includes thematic news sections, social networks, messenger and search engine. Nice interface mailbox And easy setup allows him to bypass similar Google services and Yandex.

Mail.ru Service Portal - Main Page


When registering, we indicate personal data, a phone number to restore access, if the password is lost or forgotten, we select on which of the service domains your mailbox will be located -

  • mail.ru;
  • list.ru;
  • bk.ru;
  • inbox.ru

When specifying the name of the mailbox, you can view which variants of names the service has generated for you for a hint. Can stop at one of the proposed options or enter your own.

Registration form: Be sure to indicate the phone number, choosing the country of residence first.

You can have several mailboxes at once and connect them to one, not even necessarily only mail.ru. So you can view all mail from one account. For this on top panel go “More => Settings => Mail from other mailboxes” and add already registered emails:

  • Yahoo
  • gmail
  • Yandex
  • Outlook etc.

Just click the "Add mailbox" button and enter the connected email


To make your mailbox unique, you can select ready theme in the tab on the top panel, which is called "Themes". Choose and install, try and reinstall as much as your heart desires.

You can choose any theme or color as the background.

There is one more point in the design of letters, which is desirable to set up - this is your signature at the bottom of the letter. This is what the recipient usually sees at the end, like "Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov." This can be written in "More => Settings => Name and signature" and the signature will be automatically added to each letter.

Can be used original signature if you do not conduct official correspondence.

You can also configure how the response will be sent - with or without the content of the received letter - “More => Settings => Work with letters”. Just leave or uncheck the box "Send emails". There are many more useful parameters that make it easier to work with the box:

  1. Adding new contacts to the Address Book.
  2. Display incoming mail in a folder.
  3. Grouping letters.

As you can see, in this tab you can create, delete, edit and clean folders.

Working with folders

For better mail organization, additional folders are sometimes required. You can create a new one by right-clicking on the list of folders. It can become an archive, a subfolder of an existing folder, store important information and be password protected, or serve for private correspondence.

Can be used to create a blacklist.

Mail.ru mail settings are not complicated at all. You may also be interested in the "Notifications" and "Auto Reply" tabs. You can set them up yourself.

A social network called My World appeared in 2007. This happened a few months after the other two very popular Internet projects VKontakte and Odnoklassniki were created at the present time. Unlike them, the website from the Mail.ru holding initially combined several functions at once - it was not only a social network, but also mail, video and audio hosting, own blogs, and so on.

At that time, social networks began to actively enter our lives, so it is not surprising that in the first six months, as many as five million users were registered on the resource! But do not rush to be surprised by this figure, because everything is not so simple here. The fact is that those users who initially used mail from Mail.ru automatically received a page. Therefore, it is not unusual that a few more months later the number of registered participants increased by another five million.

Today it is a full-fledged social network with a lot of all kinds of services that you can use. According to representatives of Moi Mir, at present, at least 45 million members are registered on the site, and at least 300 thousand of them are constantly online.

By the way, very interesting fact, which has already flashed on the pages of our site more than once - it is the Mail.ru holding that owns the social network My World, Odnoklassniki and part of VKontakte. By the way, when the project was launched, the developers, according to some sources, wanted to make paid registration, however, this idea was eventually abandoned. And they did it right.

But enough of the lyrics. In order to get to your page in My World, you need to follow the link http://mail.ru/. On the right side of the screen, you must enter the login from your email account, as well as the password.

Pay special attention to the fact that the end of the mailbox address must be chosen independently. If you forget to do this, you will not be able to get into your account.

What to do if you forgot your login password? To do this, you need to press the button of the same name and you will be taken to a page where you will be prompted to enter your login and answer Security Question that you specified during registration. If you have forgotten it, then recovery is possible only with the help of the support service. However, if you verified your page by linking it to the number mobile phone, then the password will come to you in the form of an SMS message. This is another important reason why we strongly recommend that you pass verification on the project.