E-mail how to use instruction. E-mail address

Write in this field concise and clear information that reflects the essence of the letter. Add a word urgently if you need to read it immediately. This will orient the interlocutor about what the letter is about, and will also help in the future to quickly find the letter of interest in the archive.
If the subject has changed as a result of the correspondence, change it in this field.

2. Disable CapsLock
Do not write your email text and subject line in capital letters. Many people consider this to be bad form as it expresses a loud tone. As well as a large number of exclamation marks at the end of the sentence.

3. Brevity is the sister of talent
Try not to write long letters, formulate information clearly and concisely, this saves the addressee's time.

4. Attached files
If you only need to send a file, you still need to write brief information in the text of the letter. For example, "I am sending instructions on how to work with e-mail." Do not leave such letters empty, from the attached letter it is not always clear what the speech is about.
If you have received an empty letter with an attached file from an unknown address, then it is not recommended to open it. There is a high probability that there is a virus.

5. Reply or Reply all

Pay attention to these two buttons when receiving your email. Their purpose is different! The sender can send not a personal letter, but make a group mailing. At the same time, you can see all the addressees in the copy of the letter. It is in this case that the "Reply All" button appears. Click on the "Reply to all" button when you need to convey information to everyone in the copy. If you want to reply only to the sender, then you need to click the "Reply" button.

6. Chain of letters
When replying to a letter, do not erase the original. Having received your answer without the original text, the addressee may no longer remember what the question was and will be forced to look for his sent letter.

7. Sign letters
It is not only good manners to write "Sincerely, ...". It is customary to indicate in the signature the full name, position, organization name and contact phone number. Thus, you uniquely identify yourself and, if necessary, you can be quickly contacted.
In the email settings, you can set an automatic signature, these words will be added to all new letters automatically.

7. The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won't catch it
Before sending, re-read the letter, try not to immediately respond to emotional emails, so as not to regret it later.
Remember that your letter may be forwarded by accident or on purpose, so confidential information should not be sent by email.

8. Explore your email settings
Spending time on studying the settings of your mail once, you will save it in the future. It is in the settings that you can set a personal signature, configure the collection of mail from other mailboxes, create a folder hierarchy, add filters and much more.

9. Pay attention to email security

  • Come up with a complex password, do not write it down on a piece of paper next to the computer, change it periodically.
  • When entering e-mail from someone else's computer, do not click remember the password.
  • Remember to log out of email when working on someone else's device.
  • Do not open files received from unfamiliar emails.
  • Check attachments for viruses.
  • Send unwanted emails to spam.
10. Emoticons
It is not customary to use emoticons in official letters, but you can add emoticons in correspondence with friends to add emotion to the letter.
Below are the most popular ones:

For the past few years, one of my most effective tools has been email. I note that this tool will be effective only when you learn to manage it, and not let things take their course. I wrote a little earlier.

To begin with, we need to be clear about what we need email for. Wikipedia suggests: for receiving, sending and forwarding mail messages. The purpose of e-mail is to make life and work of people effective. But in reality, not everything is so easy.

According to statistics, on average, the number of messages received by a person is more than 100 letters per day. This is a huge figure. And it continues to grow, which leads to the fact that a person is no longer able to process the received information with high quality due to lack of time.

It is this question of how to work with e-mail correctly that worries many people. An overabundance of unverified mail leads to stress and lowers productivity.

Have you also found yourself in a similar situation? Then this article is for you.

The most efficient and organized people build their own system of work with mail, based on their own experience, by trial and error.

If there are more or less common rules for business correspondence in e-mail, then with regard to managing your work with e-mail, everything is a little more complicated. It depends on many factors, such as the field of activity, the degree of business activity and organization of a person, lifestyle and business, and so on.

Working with e-mail

So, let's begin. I need my effective email guidelines to:

  • Increase your efficiency
  • Always be obligatory and correct person for your correspondents.
  • Always know how I processed mail.
  • Never lose your incoming emails.

There are several principles for working with mail:

1. Use your Inbox as a checklist and leave unprocessed messages in it.

2. Create separate folders for each project, category. This will help you quickly find the information you are looking for.

3. Actively use the use of labels, color marks. This will make the sorting of letters noticeable for visual perception.

4. Thoroughly study and know the system of settings in the mail account. This will help you manage it effectively.

5. Determine the time that you are willing to devote to work with mail. For example, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. And not a minute more.

6. If the working conditions permit, disable the function of pop-up notifications about new letters. This way you will be less distracted.

7. Unsubscribe from out-of-date mailings.

8. during the day.

9. Save all sent emails. Something can always come in handy. Today I found a scan of my passport in this way.

10. Be able to determine the signs by which you will process and sort your mail.

Email Technique

If you remember the first rule well, then our goal when parsing mail is to leave as few letters as possible in the inbox.

At the same time, the second task, no less important, is to sort all letters by categories, specifics and importance. In the "Inbox" folder, you can leave letters that require an immediate or early response from you. They can also be immediately marked with colored tags or tags. I will add that I mainly use the G-mail mail program, having a few more accounts in other mail programs.

How others work with email

Once I watched a video about working with a mailbox, where the author showed how he famously dealt with two hundred letters in a few minutes. Naturally, a tempting headline made me see how this can be done, since I did not know an effective answer to this question. It turned out that its principle of operation is based on deleting letters and leaving important and necessary ones in the Inbox. Surprised! Anyone can do that. I quickly made a conclusion: this technique does not suit me.

We cut it live

Agree that the lion's share of letters is the mailings we need and a storehouse of information. And when we are advised to unsubscribe from many of them, admit it honestly - who raised a hand to unsubscribe from their choice? Since we chose this, it means we need it and it is important. Nevertheless, I would also advise you to unsubscribe from those mailings that are less relevant to you today. It's like cleaning your wardrobe - and it's a pity to throw it away, and I haven't worn it for how long ...

Convince yourself that, as a last resort, you know where this newsletter is located, and if necessary, you can always look at the information there or subscribe again.

Take your folder names seriously. Here you cannot give advice for everyone at once - a lot depends on the individual's personality. I know that many people prefer to place any mailings, letters related to sales in a folder called Sales. This option works too. My folders can have the name and surname of the person from whom the letters come, including the topic of sales, and the name of the mailing lists. That is, not one folder corresponds to the Sales topic in my mail, but several. I am well oriented in them. The author's personal brand matters to me.

Structure outgoing emails

It is also easy to structure outgoing emails. Assign shortcuts or tags to them so they can be found faster when you need them. Create folders for the most important ones and use navigation. For example, during my work on several projects at the same time, I had to send clients similar letters and correspond. Having created a folder with the name of the project, after sending the letter, I moved the necessary letters into it.

When parsing mail for the first time, I try to skim through the letters and determine to which category they need to be moved. I also divide them according to the degree of importance and urgency: urgent - unimportant; urgent - important; non-urgent - not important: non-urgent - important. I leave important letters that require a response from me or some work today in the Inbox folder, and after the work is completed, I move them to the appropriate folder.

If I understand that the subject of the letter will be relevant to me in the near future, then I allow myself to move the message to the folder unread. At the right time, hands will surely reach him.

I draw your attention to the fact that all of the above methods were born not in one day, and not even in two. Already today, many companies are thinking about the development and implementation of rules for working with e-mail. Effective management and organization of time will become essential qualities in work for all companies.

If you don't manage your mail, it will soon manage you, which will lead to unnecessary stress. Develop your rules for working with e-mail.

By using and applying these rules, you will become effective in your business life. Friends, success in your business! Be Effective And Don't Forget And as always, your comments and retweets and your personal advice will be appreciated.

People in the modern world spend more and more time on the Internet - looking for and finding work, reading the news, communicating in, checking the weather, buying, selling, making money, saving, meeting, watching movies, listening to music, and often just messing around. Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know what a search engine is, online mode, ICQ, blogs, how to use e-mail. But there are still some, and this text is intended for them.

In the usual sense, mail is the exchange of letters and parcels. So far, the power of human thought has not reached the level to send parcels through e-mail, but, perhaps, this will also come true in the near future. Despite this, there are many benefits to email.

1. In an e-mail, you can send not only messages in the form of text, but also attach files to the letter: tables, photographs, drawings, videos, presentations, and so on. Letters can be deleted, sent to other people, stored, filtered.

2. E-mail allows you to deliver correspondence (information) instantly, saving a lot of time and effort.

3. No need to go to the post office, as you can use e-mail from the comfort of your home, if you have the Internet and a computer.

4. Cost effective - there is no need to pay for each letter, regardless of the amount of information in it. It is enough that the Internet service is paid on time to the provider.

5. Efficiency - you can check your mail and answer the letter even from a mobile phone with Internet access.

So, let's answer the question: "How to use e-mail"?

First you need to go to the site of a certain search or mail system, for example, "Yandex", "Google", "Rambler", "Mail.ru" and so on.

Let's try using an example to set up a mail on Google. At the top of the site, you should find and click "Mail", a new window will appear to enter your mail and your account. Since while you have no mail in Google, press the red button in the upper right corner - "Create an account". Next, personal data are filled in - name, surname, username, password, gender, date of birth, mobile phone, spare mail address. create it yourself, it must be unique (if there is already a user with such a login, the system will warn you and ask you to enter a different name), consist of Latin letters, the length of the name is from 6 to 30 characters. Keep in mind that if you are going to conduct business correspondence via email, then you should come up with and choose more discreet logins.

Next, you need to enter a password for mail. It must be reliable enough, preferably containing both uppercase characters and numbers, and must be at least 8 characters long. We enter the password again to confirm it.

The date of birth on this site must be indicated in order to have access to the materials in accordance with your age. The fact is that a Google account allows you to have access to services such as Gmail (mail), YouTube (video portal) and Google+ (social network). You can set up your account so that no one can see your age.

Gender, as well as mobile phone number is filled in at the discretion of the user.

To register mail, it remains only to prove that you are a real person (and not a robot), and enter the indicated Latin letters on the keyboard. If the signs are difficult to read, you can click on the "Audio" sign, the system will dictate them to you. If you do not want to do this, please indicate your mobile phone number. A confirmation code will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS, you will need to enter it in the "Confirm Account" field.

So, you have your own e-mail box, you can send and receive letters. How to write a letter? We find the button "Write a letter", in the window that appears in the field "To" we write the recipient's address. If you want someone else to receive a copy of the letter, enter another email address in the "Cc" field. The "Subject" field can be left blank, but if you specify the subject and essence of the letter, the recipient will be more comfortable. You can write text in the letter, format it, attach files with the "Attach" button or the "Paperclip" icon, insert links, photos, pictures, save a draft of the letter. You can check your spelling before clicking the submit button. If you want to know exactly whether the addressee received and read it, put a tick in the "Notify about reading" box.

It is easier to read the received letters - you just need to click on the new letter (it is usually highlighted in bold). If you do not wish to receive any more letters from any author, you can mark one of them as spam. Further, all letters from this address will be automatically sent to the "Spam" folder. So, now you have an idea of ​​how to use e-mail, you can correspond with business partners and friends, register on social networks, make purchases over the Internet and much, much more.

The mistake most people make is that they underestimate the importance of creating an email messaging system. One way is to imagine working with email as a sequence of the following steps.

1 - Access to email
2 - A batch of letters
3 - Checking incoming correspondence
4 - Removal
5 - Execution
6 - Storage


The first step is to schedule what time you check your email every day. Typically, most people should check their email four times a day:

1. First thing in the morning. Most people start their day by checking their email to make sure they haven't missed anything urgent.

2. Before lunch break. Lunch time is a natural pause in your business activity; to make this time more productive, you can check your email.

3. Mid afternoon. This is another natural pause when you need to take a break or are about to leave for a business meeting.

4. End of the working day. If you free up the inbox folder as much as possible before leaving your workplace, then the next morning you will immediately go to viewing new messages. If you are confident that there are no urgent matters left unattended at the last minute, this will guarantee a more relaxed evening for you and your colleagues.

For most people, the best option and least likely to interfere with their workflow is to check their mail four times a day and set aside no more than 15 minutes for each email “session”.


It is important to understand that you process email correspondence four times a day. This does not mean that you must immediately respond to all messages requiring a response, or write all the emails that you planned to send within 15 minutes. You have to accept the fact that your inbox is nothing more than a batch of letters waiting to be taken apart.


The next step is to check all messages, which does not mean that you should read every one. Oftentimes, an email decision can be made based on the subject line or the first few lines. Mailings and newsletters constitute an essential part of our correspondence. If you are an industry analyst, perhaps a newsletter -
the most important document for you and you study it carefully every day. For the rest of us, however, this is not the case, and we can quickly determine if this newsletter is important or useful to us. Not all emails require a response: for example, those letters where you are indicated in the copy, or the subject of the message implies that you just have to familiarize yourself with this information.


If your main goal is to free up your inbox, one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to delete messages. If, after reading the newsletter, you come to the conclusion that this information is not useful to you, unsubscribe from this newsletter. You will not regret it, and you will not need to spend more time processing it. Delete all messages that do not require further action from you.

If you suddenly find yourself deleting all messages coming from a specific address, think about why this is happening.


Just like when working with paper documents, it is advisable that you do not return to the letters you read again.

If you only need a few minutes to reply to or forward a message, do so right away. You should, if possible, immediately respond to messages that confirm or schedule a meeting, request information about your contacts, contain any questions or requests, unless, of course, this does not take you much time.

If you understand that you need more information, attract other people, or time to think, then you will not be able to immediately respond to such a letter. You will need to take some action later: perhaps decide whether you really should reply to this letter and do something. If not, you can immediately send the letter to the right person. Before you delegate a task, it may take some time to determine who
the same must be a responsible person. If the letter requires action from you, save only the significant part of the information, and delete the letter itself. Free your inbox from such messages, and store the necessary information, for example, in a system for tracking work on your projects, in a calendar or a scheduling system to make sure you complete it. This is what execution is - the confidence that whatever needs to be done will be done.


If an email message cannot be deleted (or you cannot respond to it and then delete it), it becomes necessary to save it.

The primary reason you might need this is because you need to refer to this document in the future (for example, information about something, a decision made, an instruction, a progress report, etc.). If you suddenly do not have a document to which you can refer, it will have adverse consequences for you.

There is no single correct way to store emails. You must come up with a system that is effective for you personally.

One option is a subfolder system in your inbox. You can sort the subfolders by topic, category, client or project, depending on what kind of message you usually receive. Many people create a separate folder called "Processed letters", where they put all checked messages and messages that require further action.

Whichever system you choose to store your email, remember that the only place you shouldn't store it is in your Inbox. Remember, too, that email shouldn't take you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Keeping your email inbox tidy at a predetermined time will save you hours a week, reduce the stress you feel for fear of missing out, and increase efficiency when dealing with what really matters. These are simple principles that are easy to remember.

Today the Internet offers so many interesting things, and we try not to lose information - we subscribe to various mailings, correspond with friends and make new acquaintances, use mail in business correspondence.

How to properly organize your email? This question worries many.

There are rules for business correspondence using e-mail. During its use, some developments have appeared on the rules for working with e-mail. This became necessary in order to keep abreast of events, not to lose incoming information and to respond promptly to it. I think that the knowledge of how to work with your email will be useful to many.

How to properly organize the work of e-mail?

♦ Check your mail at a clearly designated time

E-mail is usually not a transmission of urgent information, it is used for non-urgent matters.

There are telephones for urgent information, and in the office can also be transferred personally. Therefore, if it is not agreed in advance that you will now receive an important letter by mail, then do not check your mail constantly. Just close the program on your computer during your main work so that you do not see constantly incoming letters in a browser tab or in a pop-up window. This will not distract from important matters.

And, oddly enough, the mail will be sorted out in a shorter period of time, because we will deal with it purposefully, setting aside time in the morning and evening, and possibly only once a day. It depends on the circumstances and the type of your activity.

All of this, of course, does not apply to those whose job it is to respond to emails, for example, in the helpdesk.

♦ Empty your inbox every night

The Inbox is where all the incoming information is collected, which you need to learn to sort through quickly.

In order to sort letters by subject, we need to additionally create some important folders. For example, Reply, Personal, Work, Interesting, Important, and Personalities.

Create subfolders in each folder. The "Personalities" folder can contain correspondence with people who are important to you. For example, in this folder, create a subfolder "Ivanov I.I." and we stipulate the rule (filter) in the mailbox that all letters from Ivanov I.I. will be sent to this folder immediately. You do not have to worry that you will miss this letter, because in the menu next to the name of the folder, an icon will be highlighted that this folder contains an unread letter.

This is what we do with all the letters that are important to us.

♦ We clear mail from spam

When sorting letters, you must necessarily mark unwanted messages and mark those that you did not subscribe to as spam.

The mailer has a spam filter function. She is able to memorize such letters and when re-sent from this author, the letter will go directly to the spam folder.

If you have not cleared this folder yourself, then after 30 days all messages are automatically deleted from the spam folder and you do not need to worry about it.

Never reply to unsolicited emails, because your email can be used by scammers.

By following the rules for working with e-mail, your workday will be more efficient - you can take less time to sort, answer and write letters. Here are some specific tips:

Rules for working with e-mail

  • Set a specific time for emailing. After completing this work, disconnect the mailbox.
  • Explore the capabilities and settings of your mailbox. This will help you quickly navigate when working with letters.
  • Use your inbox as a gathering point for information that needs to be sorted out. In this case, use labels to mark letters. This folder should be empty every night.
  • Set up filters in the mailbox to organize important letters directly into subject folders
  • Periodically clean (unsubscribe) the newsletter from not interesting and irrelevant. To do this, set a schedule in the calendar. For example, once a quarter. The more often you do this, the less time this cleaning will take.
  • Sort emails in your inbox every day and, if possible, reply to emails as soon as possible.
  • Prepare ready-made templates for replies to letters. Include a greeting and signature template in your responses. This will significantly save time while writing responses to letters.
  • Try to be as short as possible. Please attach additional information to the letter in a separate file.
  • Always check the files attached to emails with an antivirus program.
  • Follow the rule: "one letter - one subject." This makes it easier for the recipient to work with letters.
  • If you come across the same question from different people, then it makes sense to answer publicly on your blog or website and provide a link to this article in your letter. This way you will save time on writing a response and provide complete information to interested parties.
  • Remember the rule: the less you write, the less letters you receive.
  • Save an archive of sent emails.
  • Do not provide the password for the account where your mail is located to third parties.
  • Use the "Mail Properties" function to find out more information about the letter. To do this, click on the right mouse button in the letter reading mode.

Whether to use these rules or not is up to you. But when organizing work with a mailbox, you need to remember that the correspondence should be managed by us, not she by us. Email should make our lives easier, not more busy.

Electronic mail is one of the first services on the Internet to allow the exchange of messages, or for the term “electronic mail,” so-called emails. Today, few people write ordinary letters - it is faster to send a letter from your e-mail box, which will reach the addressee almost instantly.

E-mail has several slang names - email (from the English. Email), "soap", e-mail, mail. As well as for regular paper mail, there are such terms as mailbox, delivery, attachment, receipt, sending, write a letter, addressee, sender, etc. We can say that email is in many ways similar to ordinary mail, with the only difference that the letter is not written with a pen, but typed on a computer keyboard, and post offices are mail servers that collect, sort and send mail to addressees.

This section will consider all aspects of working with e-mail necessary for a novice computer and Internet user.

Email is a modern, affordable and fast communication medium. If before the massive spread of the Internet, electronic correspondence was the lot of enterprises and organizations, now almost every computer user with Internet access can use it. Over time, a certain culture of using e-mail has developed in the form of simple rules for conducting electronic correspondence. By adhering to these rules, you [...]

You have received an email and the sender is waiting for a reply from you. How to do it right? Of course, you can write the sender a letter with a response, where you can indicate that this is a response to an email from such and such a date and such and such a subject. But it will be more correct and easier to use a special function of the mail service, which is called “Reply”. Let's learn it right [...]

Every active Internet user necessarily uses e-mail, because it is very convenient, fast and simple. In order to send e-mail, you need a mailbox from your Internet service provider (ISP) or a registered mailbox on one of the popular free mail services - yandex.ru mail, mail.ru mail and gmail. How to create a mailbox is discussed in the article [...]

Sooner or later, any active Internet user will have to create their own e-mail. without it, the full use of all the possibilities that the Internet provides is impossible. Of course, you can do without an e-mail box if you only need a network to watch news, view weather forecasts or TV programs, but to register in any services, forums or [...]

E-mail, or "e-mail", "soap" is now a mandatory attribute for a user on the Web. It is used to communicate with friends and comrades, conduct business correspondence, send photos, videos and documents. And an email account is also required to register an account on social networks, online games, on sites and forums.

This article will teach you how to use email and walk you through the steps of creating an account on.

So let's get started! We give a guarantee - in 15-20 minutes you will have your own e-mail.

Service selection

The first step is to decide on which service (site) you want to create a mailbox. It is worth noting that there is a huge number of web resources on the Internet that offer visitors to create their own e-mail. Some are better, some are worse in terms of safety and usability.

If you want to personally verify the variety of services, type in the search engine "e-mail". At the very least, he will present you with a hundred or two online mail services.

But so that you do not get dizzy from research and searches, we suggest you choose one of the services offered below. They are unanimously recognized as the best on the web by IT pros and consumers alike. So you risk nothing. On the contrary, you get a 100% guarantee of user comfort.

Service from the well-known company Yandex. It has been working properly and stably since 2000, that is, for more than 15 years. Has reliable protection against spammers and evil hackers trying to steal confidential data from mailboxes. The Dr.Web anti-virus module automatically checks the downloaded files. Supports machine translation of letters into various foreign languages ​​and also translates foreign messages into Russian. All information (letters) is sent via encrypted channels. It functions perfectly both on computers, laptops and mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). Recommended for use for those who primarily use Runet and actively correspond with Russian-speaking users.

Open the main page of the web service - yandex.ru in your browser. And then click in the upper right corner "Create mail".

Huge web portal. One of the oldest in Runet, founded in 1998. The account owner is provided not only with a mailbox, but also with access to a variety of services (games, dating service, videos, news, etc.). Endowed with a user-friendly interface and a powerful spam filter. Easy to manage. It will definitely appeal to those who are not indifferent to social networks and want to actively correspond online, view a variety of content (photos, videos), except for using e-mail.

Go to the mail.ru page and in the upper left block under the login fields, click the link "Register in mail".


"Overseas" service from Google. Has a huge number of user settings and functions. It was launched on April 1, 2004. Reliably protected from third-party interference and hacking, supports all popular data exchange protocols. Equipped with a convenient control panel. Knows how to back up data. A Gmail account will be especially useful for those who often use foreign web services, as well as other Google services (Maps, News, Play Market, Calendar, etc.).

Type in the address bar of your browser - mail.google.com and press "enter". On the page that opens, click on the "Create an account" button.

Well, have you decided on the service? Now is the time to start creating your account.

Account registration

If you have not clicked the link indicated in the service overview, be sure to do so (see descriptions above). We need to go to the registration form. Do you see the page with the fields of the questionnaire in front of you? This is what you need at the moment.

The rules for registering a mailbox on services are almost the same, with the exception of only a few nuances. Follow this instruction to enter all the required data correctly.

1.In the lines "Name" and "Surname" you can specify both your passport data and a pseudonym. It all depends on the purpose of using e-mail - business, entertainment, communication with friends.

2. Some postal services ask to additionally indicate the place of residence, gender, date of birth. In these fields, you can also, if you wish, indicate reliable information or fictitious information.

3. Login is your mailbox address. It must be unique. Think over its name well. To compile it, you can use your first and last name, date of birth.

Note! It is advisable to keep the login (address) in full format to avoid confusion. For example, if on Yandex, then the login will look like this: [email protected] That is - @.

4. The password is a symbolic key for entering the mailbox. Come up with a complex combination of 10-15 characters from Latin letters and numbers.

Attention! Remember, or better, save the login and password specified in the form in a safe place. They are required to enter the box.

5. Phone - in this line, enter your mobile number. Use only valid number.

6. Check that all fields are filled in correctly. To send the completed form to the service, click the "Register" button. It is usually located at the very bottom of the registration page.

The verification algorithm is as follows:

  • an SMS with a code is sent to the mobile;
  • you enter this code into a special form;
  • send to the service;
  • after successful completion of the procedure, the phone will be “attached” to the box and it can be used to restore access in case of password loss.

How to enter the box?

So, the box is registered. To enter it or log in, you need to do the following:

1. Go to the website of the postal service (for example, yandex.ru).

2. In the login panel, enter in separate fields the login and password that you specified during the registration of the mailbox.

3. Press the "Login" button.

How to write and send a letter?

To send a message to someone from your e-mail, you, of course, need to know the address of the recipient - the interlocutor, business partner, to whom you want to send the letter. Make sure you have it in full format - @.

2. In the form that opens, in the specially designated fields, specify the full address of the recipient (in Gmail this line is called "To"), the subject of the letter and the text of the letter itself.

If you need to attach a file stored on your computer to the message, use the "paperclip" button. However, please note that the size of the files uploaded in this way is limited. Depending on the service, its limit is 10-50 MB.

3. After completing the letter, click the "Send" button. The letter will be instantly delivered to the addressee.

Caution spam!

During the operation of your mailbox, you will periodically receive promotional letters (spam) and other dubious messages. If you do not know the sender (an unfamiliar address is specified) or you are suspicious of the name of the letters, in no case open them, and even more so do not run the files and interactive elements that are located in these texts. This is how many hackers try to get the e-mail of gullible users.

You can track and delete messages blocked by the spam filter in the special "Spam" folder.

How do I upload a large file?


  1. In the profile, top right, click the "group of squares" icon.
  2. In the tiled menu that opens, click on "Disk".
  3. On the page that opens, click the "My Disk" menu. Select "Upload Files ...".

  1. Click in the top panel "Cloud".
  2. In the new tab, click "Download".

Yandex. mail

  1. In the horizontal menu (near the logo at the top of the page) click "Disk".
  2. Click the Download button.

After you upload the file to the repository, open access to it for other users and copy the download link. Send the received URL to the addressee. It will paste it into the address bar of your browser and download the file you downloaded to your computer.

Enjoy your use of the Internet postal services!

Hello everyone! Let's continue to dive into Yandex functionality in more detail. In one of the articles, we have already figured out that. Today we will continue this topic and take a closer look at how to use Yandex mail. Let's find out many of its previously unfamiliar features. we will reveal the maximum of functions and "chips" of your mailbox.

Authorization and pre-configuration

To access Yandex mail through a browser, just go to the yandex.ru page, click on the button with the corresponding name "Enter mail" in the upper right corner of the page and enter your account login and password in the window that opens.

Once on the page with letters, you should customize the work of mail for yourself. The basic features are quite minimalistic, and the settings have a lot of interesting things. Pre-configuring Yandex mail includes many points.

You should start by visiting your account settings: click on your login icon (by default, the circle shows the first letters of the first and last name specified during registration) in the upper right corner of the page and select "Account Management" in the drop-down menu.

Here you can add a photo that will be seen by everyone who receives letters from you and respond to them, change personal data, add social media accounts for quick login without entering a password from Yandex, and also improve account security: set up two-factor authentication, passwords for Yandex applications or for the mail itself, add an additional box for recovery in case of loss of access to this account.

To give the mail individuality, there is a customization of the Yandex-mail interface - this is a change from a boring standard theme to something pleasing to the eye.

To do this, find the gear icon at the top right of the main page of the box. By clicking on it from the drop-down list, select "Design" and apply any theme you like. Now it will be more pleasant to parse letters.

How to use email on Yandex

Email is not only about sending and reading correspondence. You can make working with letters convenient and fast. This is especially true for those users who use Yandex mail for business purposes and have to parse hundreds of emails every day.

Creating and sending letters

To create a new letter, click on the large "Write" button at the top of the page. You will be greeted by fields:

From: Here you can edit the sender's name or choose a different ending for the mailbox address.

"To" in this line you specify the recipient's full mail address with the @ sign and the domain of the mail service (for example, @ yandex.ru).

"Subject" Specify the subject of the letter so that the recipient quickly understands what it is about and from whom.

Below in the editor window, enter the text of the letter. The editing panel allows you to insert a variety of elements into the letter: lists, quotes, hyperlinks, images, and also beautifully design the text.

To activate the function of writing a letter, you need to click on the button "Without registration".

If you have to send such a letter to a large number of people, then save it as a template so as not to write again. To do this, before sending, at the end of the "Subject" line, click on the word "Template". The "Send" button will deliver the letter to the addressee.

If you need to reply to a received letter, it is not necessary to use the "Write" button. You can always click on "Reply" in the open letter window to write a reply.

How to send a photo and other files with text

If you want to transfer a file to the recipient in addition to text, there are three ways. In the window for entering the text of the letter on the editing panel there are three icons - paper clips, Yandex disk and envelope.

By clicking the first, select a file on your computer's hard drive - when you send a letter, it will be sent along with the letter as an attachment.

You can attach a photo to a letter in four clicks

If the file or photo to be sent is on a Yandex disk, click on the corresponding icon. In the window that opens, select the desired file and send it directly from yours.

In my opinion, this is the most convenient and fastest way to send files. This method makes it possible to send files and photos using a smartphone. You can attach any number of files and not only photos, but also text documents, PDF files, archives, etc. Your recipient will receive an email with links to these files and will be able to download them from your Yandex disk.

You can read more about uploading photos to Yandex cloud storage in our article:.

If you need to send a file that is in mail attachments, click the envelope icon in the editing panel, select the desired file from the mail and attach it to this letter for sending. This method works similarly to the previous one. So, if you were sending a file from a Yandex disk.

By selecting the icon with a picture in the editing panel, you can insert a photo into the text of the letter by entering a direct link to this image on the Internet.

Working with the address book

The address book is a convenient way to collect all the most important addressees in one place. You can open the list of your contacts by clicking on the word "Contacts" at the top of the main mail page to the right of the inscription "Yandex Mail".

In the "Contacts" section, you can manually add a contact by filling in all its details in the appropriate fields.

To set up the address book, click on the gear button you already know and select the "Contacts" item.

You can uncheck or leave the checkbox next to automatic collection of contacts, load contacts from a file, or save existing contacts to a file.

How do I find the letter I need?

If you need a specific e-mail, and you remember the exact phrase from it or other data, then enter them in the blank line next to the word "Find" at the top of the page. A list with the best matches appears.

What are labels and how do I use them?

Tags are a way of cataloging letters by importance, subject matter, addressees (for example: work contacts, friends, relatives, services). Open any letter and in the top line after "Reply, Forward, Delete ..." you will see the "Label" button.

By default, the list of options is small, but you can select New Label from the drop-down menu. Give it a name and choose a comfortable color. Now the letter marked in this way is easier to find in the general list.

You can also configure the automatic installation of such a label for similar letters.

How do I move emails between folders?

There is a To Folder icon next to the Label button. The letter will be moved when you select a folder. You can create your own folders, for example "Letters from colleagues" or "Special importance".

Speeding up work with mail using hotkeys

While on the main mail page, press the "?" or just "7" (you don't need to hold down Shift). A mini-window will open with a list of all available hotkeys for more efficient work with letters and contacts.

If this did not work, click on the gear and select "Others." Find the item "Use hotkeys" - there should be a checkmark. To disable keyboard shortcuts, remove it.

Yandex-mail mobile application: how to use

In the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android, you can easily find the Yandex-mail application. It is very popular and is a convenient way to read and send emails from a mobile device.

Having installed it on a smartphone or tablet at the first start, you will need authorization by login and password. All possible functions and folders are accessed via the context menu button in the upper left corner of the screen.

The application duplicates the basic capabilities of browser mail. For example, let's note: the button "write a letter" is in the upper right corner of the screen.

If you forgot your email password

There are three ways to restore access to the mailbox:

  1. by the number of the linked mobile;
  2. using an additional box (if specified);
  3. the answer to your secret question.

Therefore, make sure in advance that if you lose your password, you can use any of these options.

Deleting a mailbox on Yandex

If you no longer need mail, you can delete your account.

Go to "Account Management" and scroll down to the bottom.

There is a faint inscription "Delete account".

Remember: deleting an account will delete all Yandex services that were active on it, including a Yandex disk with files, photos and albums. Plus, you will permanently lose access to your wallet. Therefore, if you decide to delete your Yandex account, weigh the pros and cons and prepare for this in advance.

The ability to work with e-mail has become an important part of knowledge in the field of modern work. As a rule, people who have e-mail still do not know how to properly work with their inbox. They often complain that email distracts their attention, which leads to a lot of wasted time.

One of the best ways to take control of your mail is by using a folder structure and handling emails correctly. I want to tell you about a processing technique that is very effective when dealing with email.

To show how to use folders in email, I'll use the Gmail email service as an example. But the same ideas can be used with other mail services (Yandex, Mail.ru, Hotmail, etc.) or mail clients (AppleMail, Thunderbird, MicrosoftOutlook, etc.). So don't worry if you don't have Gmail. You can use the same principles when working with another mail service or application.

Note: If you are looking for Gmail-client forMac, I can recommend Mailplane for you.

Empty inbox

The first idea I would like to convey is that your inbox should always be empty. Most people perceive their Inbox as the place where their emails are stored, but I would like to change your perception.

Start thinking of your inbox as a temporary storage location for emails - they can only stay there until you start processing them.

In other words, your inbox should contain only unread emails. There should not be letters that you have read or otherwise processed (they will be in another place, in which one - I will tell you later).

Every time you process an inbox folder, you must reduce the number of letters in it to zero.

Every time you process incoming mail, your goal is to bring the number of emails in this folder to zero. From a psychological point of view, it is much better to realize that you have completely processed your mail and that in the future you will only need to work with new letters that arrive in your Inbox. If your mail is full of letters, it will be very difficult for you to find the one you need, especially if you have to look through hundreds of others to do this. If you have about 235,346 letters in your inbox, finding the right one from them can turn into a real torture. There is a simple solution to this problem, which I will discuss later.

I want to repeat, this is very important. Begin to view your inbox as a temporary location - you need to read them and decide what to do with them next. Every time you check your mail, you need to reduce the number of letters in your inbox to zero.

Folder structure

The proposed method for processing letters requires the creation of three folders: Answer,Expectation and archive.

Create folders (or tag them in Gmail) Reply, Pending and Archive

Answer: emails that take more than 2 minutes to answer are placed here.

Expectation: emails that you are waiting for a response to or that you want to process later are placed here.

archive: all other emails that you want to have access to in the future are placed here.

When working with email clients, you will need to create these folders. In this article, I am using Gmail as an example. Gmail also has folders, but there they are called "shortcuts." Here's how to set them up:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the gear that represents settings, then click Settings
  2. Click the Shortcuts tab.
  3. Create new shortcuts Answer and Expectation... Gmail already has a folder replacing the folder archive, it is called All mail, so you don't need to create a new one. If you have another mail service or client, you will have to create it.

Here are some types of emails to put in a folder Answer:

  • Someone asks you to do something (with or without a deadline).
    For example: submit a report, clarify information or accept a task for work.
  • Someone asks you for an answer, but for that you need time to think.
    For example: someone asks your opinion or invites you to an event.

After replying to emails from this folder, they should be moved to the folder archive... In Gmail, this is easy, you just need to click on the X next to the name of the shortcut.

Typical letters that should be in a folder Expectation:

  • You have assigned a task to someone and are waiting for an answer.
    Example: letters to an assistant, subordinate or someone else from whom you expect the task to be completed.
  • Tracking codes (UPS or FedEx). Postal identifiers of parcels in the stage of delivery after purchase on the Internet.
  • Confirmation from someone. If you are waiting for confirmation that you have received something (for example, a parcel).

The two minute rule

Another golden rule of email is what I call the two minute rule. It's very simple: if it takes more than two minutes to reply to an email, put it in a folder. Answer and reply later. Otherwise, answer right away (similar to the GTD rule of thumb: how to get things done).

When working with e-mail, you need to apply the principle of fast work. Don't reread the same letters - it's just a waste of time. Especially if you deal with dozens or hundreds of emails every day.

The value of this rule is that it allows you to quickly process your inbox, doing only what you really need to do. If someone needs a quick answer, you can give it. If this letter requires more attention, you can work with it later by determining which of the letters requires more attention (after you have processed all the mail and there are no letters left in your Inbox).

Most people process letters one at a time and deal with each new letter that comes in throughout the day in sequence. it very ineffective way of working with email because you don't prioritize. For example, if you have 10 unread letters, how can you know that letter # 2 is more important and priority than letter # 9? You will never understand this if you sit for a long time over each new letter. The rule of limiting the time to two minutes is very effective precisely because you understand which emails require the most attention from you.

My time limit is now two minutes. Set your limit based on how much time you want to spend working with email and the number of emails you receive. Personally, I have determined that I want to spend less than one hour a day working with e-mail. Currently, I receive less than 50 emails a day, and therefore with a 2-minute limit for processing each, I manage to work everything in less than one hour in total.

Remember, that, the more letters you receive per day, the less time limit you need to set to work with each of them.

This is very important: when working with e-mail, you should use the "one contact" rule. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time re-reading the letters you receive in a week.


When working with incoming e-mail, you need to apply the empty Inbox rule and the two minutes rule. They are very important for the processing of emails, and now I would like to tie it all together.

Once you've emptied your inbox, you can start working efficiently with your email. By default, you know that all emails in the folder Answer require your attention (they require more than two minutes of your time). As long as you work through this process, you will respond to all emails except those that require your special attention. All these important letters will be in the folder Answer, you can later work with them and prioritize them.

As you process your inbox, you need to quickly scan the letter and determine what to do with it. When nothing is left in the inbox, you can decide how to prioritize the messages from the folder Answer... Now you can safely work with letters, treating each one with due attention (since they are in this folder, it means that you need to pay attention to their consideration).

More advanced users can make each letter from the Answer folder a task that needs to be solved and put it on the to-do list. This is what I prefer to do, but for that you need to use to-do lists or an organizer (which I highly recommend to you!). Due to the fact that emails go to the Reply folder, they require attention, and therefore I want to turn them into a task to complete. A common mistake many people make is that they think of their inbox as a to-do list. But it's better to use a separate organizer and consider your inbox as a source of tasks. Just as your boss can assign you a task in person or call you on the phone, mail is also just one source of tasks. Keeping all of your tasks in one place (in your separate list or task manager) makes it much easier to get the job done. Again, your inbox cannot be a to-do list.

Email workflow diagram

It is not surprising if a task posed via email requires you to implement a large project. For example, your boss might write, “I need you to identify the three most interesting companies in the precious metals market and advise which stocks are the most promising. Send me information within five days, starting today. " Yes, this is a prime example, but I hope you get what I mean. After receiving such an email, you need to create a task (or even a project) in the list or task manager in order to work on it and respond by mail.

A simpler example: your friend asked if you would like to go to a concert with her in two weeks. You can answer right away by writing that you will look later and set yourself a task. Three days later, having found out your schedule, you answer “Yes, I will be free. Let's go!" and check the "done" checkbox on your to-do list.

Email can be time consuming. It often happens that people read an email, click on a link, read something interesting, click on something else, and only then realize that they have already spent an hour of time. But by creating tasks from letters, you stay within the email client (or on the same site) and prevent the loss of time due to the fact that you are doing something useless.

An example of organizing work with e-mail

Regular file handling is the key to making this system effective. A good habit is to check your email twice a day at a specific time. You need to view your inbox twice a day, applying the empty inbox rule and the two minute rule. As an example, I'll show you how I work with my email.

  • Monday-Friday: processing of new letters at 11-00.
  • Monday-Friday: processing of new letters at 16-00.
  • Friday: working with a folder Expectation at 16-30 (after processing new letters with letters).

I work with letters twice a day at certain times. The first time is in the morning, but (never check your email early in the morning, this will greatly reduce productivity). By the time I start my mail, I have completed my most important tasks, so working with it is more enjoyable.

There is a time interval between the time of the first and second check of mail, which can be used for other work. This job may include something I learned about earlier in the morning from email. During the second mail check, I can update my task list and schedule things for tomorrow (if I received an email with assignments and tasks for me). By checking my email at the end of the day, I can identify the most important tasks for the next days.

Before the weekend, I go through the Waiting folder. I do this once a week. I treat this folder as a separate inbox and work with it as quickly as possible. If I have not received a response from someone within 48 hours, I will send a reminder. If I get a response, I delete the message from the folder and move it to the archive.

With this organization of workflow, I like the fact that the most important tasks are done first, then mail is checked, and then scheduling occurs. I do important work from 9 to 11 (I usually start work at 9), while not being distracted by the mail. By the time I checked my mail, I had already completed the most important work, so after checking my mail I can start doing the work that I received in the mail that day.

  • 9 – 11: fulfillment (this could be a job assigned to me by mail yesterday)
  • 11 – 11-30: email processing
  • 12-30 – 15.30: performing other work (including tasks received on the same day by mail)
  • 16-00 – 16-30: email processing
  • 16-30 – 16-45: compiling a to-do list based on today's tasks and the last received emails

This workflow is great for people working in an environment where email is the primary means of communication.

Well, I have given enough theory and examples. Learning all of this can be a daunting task, but applying and experimenting with email handling is a worthwhile undertaking.

Next step

  1. Create three folders: Answer, Expectation and archive.
  2. Move the contents of your inbox to a folder archive.
  3. Get started now, follow the guidelines for handling emails.
  4. Determine how many times a day and at what time you want to check your mail.
  5. Browse the folder Expectation Every Friday.