Sho me does not connect to the computer. What to do if the computer does not see the USB device? What do the letters PRO mean in the model name

What to do if the computer does not see USB? First of all, you need to make sure that the device itself that you need to connect is not damaged. You can check this very simply: if everything is fine when connecting it to another computer, then the device itself is working. In addition, when connecting it to your PC, pay attention to whether the light bulb (LED) lights up. If the USB ports and cable can be fully functional, but you need to check the settings of the device itself and confirm the possibility of data exchange between it and the computer (if this option is disabled, the device will not be displayed on your computer). This also applies to tablet PCs, smartphones, MP3 players and similar gadgets.

Many people connect new devices to the USB ports located on the front of the system unit. However, very often the front ports do not have a connection to the power supply, or there is power, but it is not enough for correct operation. What if the computer does not see this situation? Simply reconnect the device to one of the ports on the back.

Sometimes the system immediately detects a new data drive, but displays a message stating that the device is not recognized and refuses to read the information. Most often, the problem lies, again, in insufficient power and is solved by connecting the media to another port. However, in some cases there is a need for an easier and more convenient way to do this with the help of specialized programs (say, Everest). It will help you find out the name of your board, and then download the appropriate drivers from the manufacturers' official websites.

It is also possible that the problems occurred due to the fact that Windows assigned a volume label (letter) already in use to the new device. This is corrected using the control panel tools (right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut, select "Manage" from the menu that appears). On the right you will see the "Storage devices" tab, and in it - It remains only to find the label of our device, press the right mouse button and select the "Disk path" ("Change drive letter") item. In the window that opens, enter a new character. After that, the problem can be fixed.

What to do if the computer does not see USB? Although very rare, it still happens that the ability to read data from USB devices is disabled in the BIOS. Most often, this is done in Internet salons and similar establishments, so that people, using their media, do not infect computers with viruses. If we are talking about a home PC, you should go into BIOS, and then check the box that allows the motherboard to turn on USB devices.

If the computer does not see the information on your drive via USB, this may be due to the presence of malicious virus programs on the PC itself or on the attached device. Here the solution is obvious: you should download a reliable powerful antivirus and conduct a full scan of both the computer itself and the drive.

This advice, rather, applies to those who cannot connect a USB flash drive. What if you have already done everything described above? You need to be aware that sometimes there is a conflict between the file systems of USB devices and PCs. As a rule, on flash drives, these are FAT and FAT32 systems. Modern hard drives support the NTFS system. With the help of the Disk Management already familiar to us, you can change the type of the file system of the flash drive to FAT32 or NTFS.

Finally, you may just need to format the drive. This can be done if it is displayed in the list of connected devices. However, when formatting, all data stored on it will be permanently deleted.

Dear users!

Features of the new firmware:

New coordinate base for stationary radars

Update of radar detectors:

The program is available for download for registered users in the section our official website. To update, you need to go through a simple registration procedure (the LOGIN button at the top of the screen), download the updater, unpack the archive and run the Updater_X32 file, then connect the detector to the computer using the supplied USB-Mini USB cable and enter the detector into update mode through the settings menu . After the computer sees the detector, in the program window you need to press the Refresh button and wait for the end. Please note that in the USB connection mode, the display of the detector works in a reduced brightness mode, this is normal.

GP-One module update:

In the current version, two radar coordinate bases are available to choose from:

1 . File STR _GP 1_DB _Updater_FullDB contains a complete database of coordinates of all radars, which includes all types of meters (Avtodoria, Strelka, Robot, Cordon, Avtohuragan, Krechet, Places, Odyssey, Video control, Strelka-Model, etc.) The device software has also been updated! Now the STR -GP One external module does not disturb with sound signals when driving at a speed below 50 km/h.

2 . File STR _GP 1_DB _Updater_ReducedDB contains the same complete coordinate base for all radars, which includes all types of meters, but with the exception of the Strelka, Strelka-Model and video control modules. We recommend this base for experienced users to use in tandem with our models equipped with Strelka radar alert modules with a special signal (models with the EX or EXT index in the name). Thus, the operation of the tandem detector EX + external module STR -GP One will be more informative. The device software has also been updated! Now the STR -GP One external module does not disturb with sound signals when driving at a speed below 50 km/h.

Module update instructions:

2. Install it on your PC by unzipping the files on your desktop.

3. If you are using a Windows 7 or 8 computer, skip to step 4. If you are using a Windows XP computer, the dotnetfx35setup.exe program will run first to install the necessary drivers.

What does the arrow on the screen of the SilverStone F1 Monaco radar detector mean?

Symbols on the SilverStone F1 Monaco display?

1. Off- this means you have the filter turned on: "Auto-switching off the radar part". Optionally, you can set it to 0 (by default, in the menu where speed filters are set to 40 km/h)
2. AO- at the moment, the radar detector recognizes cameras only by GPS, the geiger is disabled.
3. T- the mode "ROAD" is set
4. C1, C2, C3- set mode "CITY 1", "CITY 2", "CITY 3"
5. Camera image- geiger, which means that at the moment the device is catching cameras with the radar part.
6. Page icon with key- indicates that the boot file has not been fully installed. Hold down the DIM button when you turn it on and it will load to the end and will no longer interfere

2. Turn on the radar detector
4. In the menu, select the item "Factory settings"
6. A sound signal will notify you that the reboot has been completed.

In the Monaco radar detector, when the “OverSpeed” option is set to 19 km / h, the voice sounds already exceeding the speed by 9-10 km / h. What to do?

The “OverSpeed” option works on GPS points: for example, the speed limit of 60 km/h is registered in the GPS point database, the user sets the “OverSpeed” settings to 15 km/h, we get 60+15=75 km/h. As a result, when the user moves in the warning zone of the GPS point above the speed of 75 km / h, an alert sounds - “Reduce speed”, if below 75 km / h the alert sounds - “Reduce speed” should not sound(!!!) Try to update the RD again and reset to factory settings. It is also possible some kind of incorrect work exactly at 19 km / h, try setting limits: 15 km / h, then 10 km / h to find out what's wrong. Try setting the upper speed limit to 200 km/h as well. If all this does not help - and the alerts continue, then it is better to take it in for repair (at the place of purchase), describing the symptoms in detail (especially about the speed limits you set) and attaching the description to the box.

How does the GPS alert distance algorithm work when Smart GPS is running (Detection range of cameras at a certain speed in Smart mode)?

0-40 km/h - 200 m
40-60 km/h - 500 m
60-80 km/h - 700 m
80-100 km/h - 800 m
100-120 km/h - 900 m
> 120 km/h - 1500 m

Monaco very close catching Arrow / tripod

1. Make sure the "Track" mode is set (it is more sensitive)
2. Reset the device to factory settings
3. Install the latest firmware and camera base
4. Set all filters in the menu to 0.
5. If all this did not help, you need to take the device for repair (under warranty) to the store where you bought it. Be sure to include a description of the problem inside the box. This will speed up the process of diagnosis and repair.

How does Monaco catch cameras at traffic lights?

Monaco detects this type of cameras only by gps. There are very few of these cameras, they can be configured in different ways: to detect both a stop line or a roadside, or simply to shoot without fines.

How are cameras determined in Monaco?

Like MM (low power radar) radarless complexes Ptolemy-S, Avtohuragan-VSM and radars poorly detected by the radar part, such as Kordon, Skat, Krechet, Multiradar, etc., are determined.
Like Stationary Radar strongly luminous radars Chris, Arena, Avtohuragan-RS (radar Iskra Da/210) and various anti-vandal boxes for the same radars Chris, Arena are detected.

How does Monaco catch mobile radar systems (tripods)?

In automatic mode, at a certain distance, Monaco sends a pulse signal (K range, the geiger shows about 3 divisions), the signal is short-term. Further, when approaching the mobile radar, the signal gradually increases (the geiger shows 5-7-9 divisions). It is better not to miss this moment and after the first short-term signal do not increase the speed.

How does the Monaco radar detector catch Cordon M2?

Mobile Cordon M2 is a low-power and low-noise radar. When driving on it head-on, there should be no problems in detection, unless of course it is installed right on the side of the road, and not hidden. In the back, this radar is detected very poorly by any taxiway - everything will depend on the traffic ahead: the reflected signal, the attentiveness and the driver's reaction. For a real range check, you need to turn off the GPS in the taxiway and drive to this radar in the forehead and in the back - this is the only way to understand the real work of the taxiway to this radar.

How does the Monaco radar detector catch the laser Amata?

Amata radar is one of the laser devices capable of detecting violations from a stationary position or from an inspector's car. The license plate is determined at a distance of 15 to 250 meters, but a high-quality photo can be obtained from 15 meters. The Amata emitter is in the spectrum invisible to the human eye, and the beam itself is very small (about half a meter), and if they “shoot” at the number, and the radar detector is located near the rear-view mirror, it simply does not fall into this beam and does not detect Amata. In addition, Amata is often used when an offense is filmed aimingly, i.e. are driving a specific car, so the exact car that Amata was targeting is stopped, while the other one, which is outside the range of Amata, is not.

Whether the radio antenna remains active in the event of a fixed GPS radar alert. For example, will Monaco catch a tripod if it stands under the Avtodoria radarless complex?

The radio antenna (horn tube) is active in parallel with the GPS module. But if the situation is as you described, then the priority for visual notification will be for gps. The display will show the distance to Avtodoria, but the sound alert remains, the Monaco radar detector will say: “K RANGE” - this will already apply to the tripod, but will not be able to write anything. Or, if the traffic situation is favorable, the notification on the display will change: it will show both the distance to Avtodoria and the geiger with gradually increasing signal reception (tripod).

If instead of a clear voice in the Monaco radar detector, when the camera approaches, only squeaking sounds begin to sound or the voice notification becomes much quieter, then you accidentally switched the voice notification mode to EXTRA MUTE. To return the voice back, you need to switch the mode yourself while driving using the MUTE button. There are only three voice modes: "No Mute", EXTRA MUTE and "Auto Mute". Use the MUTE button to select the mode that is convenient for you.

After turning on / updating / a couple of days of work, the voice in Monaco became barely audible

There was a technical problem with the speaker. Factory defect, pinched wires going to the speaker. You will have to take the device for repair (to the store where you purchased the goods).

GPS not working

1. Initially gps worked? Show time and speed? Or was there nothing right away?
2. Try rebooting the device with a factory reset. On the turned off device, turn on the CITY button, and holding it turn on the radar. F-Reset will appear. Then release the CITY button, the device reboots.
3. Did the radar show any strange (increased) speed values ​​before gps disappeared? Perhaps the firmware was not installed correctly. Try disabling antiviruses and installing the latest firmware and camera database again.
4. If all this did not help, then the GPS module is faulty and you need to take the device for repair (under warranty) to the store where you bought it. Be sure to include a description of the problem inside the box. This will speed up the process of diagnosis and repair.

What is the length of the wire in the cigarette lighter of the SilverStone F1 Monaco radar detector?

Wire length - 190 cm.

Can I power the Monaco with a 12V 2.5A portable battery?

Monaco has input characteristics of 12V and 0.25A - 0.5A. The fuse is rated at 5A. It should work, in the event of an overload in the worst case, the fuse will burn out. But we do not recommend taking risks.

In the Monaco power connector on the device, the case and the central pin: what is "+" and what is "-"?

"-" external, "+" internal

What is the difference between Monaco and Monaco S?

This is a signature model, the regular Monaco does not have such a function. The signature allows you to reduce false positives and identify cameras that are caught by the radar part by name. The technical characteristics of both models are the same, except for the chipset (it is more powerful) and a board with a signature has been added.

Is it possible to upgrade an old Monaco to Monaco S with Monaco S firmware?

No, this cannot be done. Radar detector SilverStone F1 Monaco S- a completely separate model with its own firmware, which does not correlate with the old device. Attempting to update Monaco with firmware from Monaco S may damage the device and cause it to fail.

Is it true that the SilverStone F1 Monaco S runs hotter than the SilverStone F1 Monaco?

No, this is not true. All our RDs are heated in the same way, within the permissible limits, they are designed for such work. No deviations in the operation of the Monaco S radar detector were noticed.

Is it possible to turn off the signature on the SilverStoneF1 Monaco S radar detector and how to do it?

You can simply turn off the signature - use only the "Route" mode, in this mode the Monaco S will work like a regular Monaco, the only thing on the real radar will still be sounded by the signature when driving (for example, Cordon), and all the interference in the K-band will be voiced as in the usual Monaco. You can also set up a normal speed filter and auto mode transition. According to the modes themselves, the situation is as follows: City 2 (signature) - City 1 (semi-signature) - Highway (normal) - Smart (automatic)

Under what conditions does the Monaco S radar detector switch from C1 to T mode?

For a gradual transition between modes, you need to set:
Smart - on (not to be confused with Smart GPS)
AutoCity - 50 km/h, up to 50 km/h mode C2 will work
Autotrassa - 80 km/h, from 50 km/h to 80 km/h mode C1 will work, after 80 km/h the transition to mode T
In manual switching, the Sity button should be in Smart mode.

I bought a Monaco S on a Mazda CX-5 with a full range of electronic assistants. In the track mode, it ceases to be signature and constantly works on the car. What to do?

If in City 1 and City 2 mode there is NO reaction to his Mazda CX-5- means RD filters Mazda's DMZ signature. In the Route mode, the reaction will be accordingly, of course, here you need to know in which region you are using the taxiway, if the region has radars in known and recorded signatures, you can safely use the City 2 mode.
In City 2 mode taxiway sensitivity is the same as in Highway, but it will only notify if the signature is determined and known to the device. There are no other options at the moment for any signature RD. The City 2 mode is the Highway mode, but in the signature mode, the K-band is completely blocked, the radar part works only when analyzing the signature of known radars.
If Monaco S does not react to Mazda in City 1/2 modes, and in Highway mode there is a reaction to DMZ auto, Smart mode setting should be done in this way:
AutoCity - set the speed from 50-90 km / h (depending on the types of radars in the region)
AutoTrasse - set the maximum value to 150 km / h, there will be a reaction to your car from above.
Or use the modes set to manual City 1 (semi-signature) or City 2 (signature), but when using the latter mode, you need to know the types of radars in the region.

How does the Monaco S radar detector detect the low power mobile radar Vocord Cyclops (VOCORD Cyclops)?

There is NO recorded signature for this radar, detection is only in the K-band, in the back is very dangerous. In the Stationary version in the same building there is both with a radar and in a non-radar version. There are dummies of similar radars, both with and without false K emission. Because it is low-power, catches close, but also has weak radiation, and therefore it is detected close (single warnings start more than a kilometer away on a straight road). In the face 400-500 m, in the back 50-100 m or along the way.

Radar detector Monaco S does not detect mobile / stationary radar Kordon

The Monaco S radar detector must detect this type of radar by signature. There are no problems with detection on a real stationary Cordon. However, numerous active dummies of the Kordon radar appeared. They are very similar to a real radar, they can only be distinguished by a small solar panel next to the radar. Such dummies emit a weak K-band signal and the owner of the signature RD thinks that there is no definition by the signature. But this is a dummy and it is not determined by the signature.

Adjusting the distance of the alert to the stop line control in Monaco S. It is very annoying when the alert is triggered 500 meters before the intersection in the city, when before that you have to cross more than one. 50 meters or less would be enough.

Try turning off the SMART GPS mode in the settings (not to be confused with the smart mode) and then in the settings set the distance in the City 2 modes - 200 m, in the City 1 modes - 300 m (maybe 200), in the Route mode - whichever is convenient. Based on the speed settings of the City2 > City1 > Highway modes, it will work like this - when driving in the City 2 mode, the GPS alert will be 200 m away, when moving to City 1, 300 m away, and on the Highway, it will be as comfortable as possible to reduce speed. And switching by speed in automatic SMART GPS mode was soon promised to be fixed in the firmware.

Individual settings not loading in SilverStone F1 Monaco S

1) Make sure that you save the settings correctly, especially pay attention to point 9: after saving the settings, you need to install the firmware from above!

Changing Menu Options via SilverStone F1 Updater v4.6

1. Go to the "Settings Menu".
2. Set the required parameters in the Menu.
3. Press the "Save" button.
4. Press the "OK" button, then you will exit the menu.
5. Put a dot in a circle on the Menu item.
6. Click the "Download" button
7. Only after that you can exit the Updater v4.6 program
8. Your settings have been loaded into the RD
9. And only after that download the firmware file (MonacoS_Fxxxx_Vxxxx_Dxxxxxx_Sxxxx.bin) to the device. Then the settings will be saved.

2) Please note that every time you connect to a PC, the radar detector resets the settings to factory settings. The settings themselves are saved after the firmware is loaded and this can be seen when the radar detector is connected in the car, and if you reconnect it to the PC, they are reset again. Therefore, check that the settings are saved directly when connecting the device to the car.

What is the difference between Monaco and Leman?

They differ in display. Monaco has an oled display (creeping line), Leman has a led display (symbolic, like a stencil, a diode on the back). Internal content (modules and hardware are the same). Monaco is more understandable and friendly for an unprepared user, but you can also quickly get used to Leman and understand what the symbols mean in a given situation.

1. Connect power to the radar detector
2. Turn on the radar detector
3. Press the MENU button on the case
4. In the menu, select the item Factory settings
5. Next, press the button on the CITY or DIM case.
6. A sound signal will notify you that the reboot has been completed.

Designations on the radar detector SilverStone F1 Leman

1. Leman on the display shows the distance to the camera.
2. It displays (and sounds) the recommended speed. Type: Arrow! Speed ​​60 km/h. Reduce your speed!
3. Constantly SilverStone F1 Leman driving speed does not show.

Should the SilverStone F1 Leman radar detector get very hot?

The device heats up quite strongly during operation (it is hot when touched) - this is normal, it is designed for high temperatures and long work in this mode. At the same time, low temperatures can disable it. It is not recommended to leave it overnight in the car in winter, after which the device may not recover.

How to update SilverStone F1 Monaco?

What does the City button on the SilverStone F1 Z55 Pro radar detector mean??

Short presses switch the modes Highway-City1-City2. Pressing 2 sec. activates the device self-test.

The display stopped burning / The display went out / The display pixels on the SilverStone F1 Z55PRO radar detector burned out

Yes, with the SilverStone F1 Z55PRO radar detector, this is a known issue, the display burns out.
1) The device can be handed over for non-warranty repair (at the place of purchase, where you received the receipt). After the end of the warranty, the repair is already paid. However, there is a difficulty, it is that the plant that produced these devices was closed and there are no components for this device. Therefore, the Z55PRO can be under repair for quite some time, waiting for a donor.
2) If you do not have a receipt or the store is closed, then you can send to us. But in this case, both repair and transportation costs will be at your expense, and this is noticeable for the cost of this device. And he will also be waiting for a donor for some time.
3) Alternatively, we can make a significant discount on the purchase of our new devices - Monaco and Leman, in order to somehow compensate for the non-working Z55PRO.

How to find out the firmware number of Z55PRO?

How to update the camera database for the SilverStone F1 Z55PRO radar detector?

3. Go to the section on the site. At the bottom of the page, select your radar detector.
4. Download the archive with the camera database to your computer. Extract the archive by right-clicking on the archive icon and selecting Extract here from the drop-down menu / Extract to...

During the update, the radar detector does not emit signals. If it says Error or something similar, it means that you have not disabled antiviruses. Disable them and try again. You can also try running the program as administrator.

SilverStone F1 Z77PRO is it a radar detector?

It is important to distinguish between radar detectors and radar detectors. A radar detector is a device that warns about a radar or a camera, a radar detector is a device designed to jam the radar signal. Radar detectors are prohibited in most countries of the world, including Russia and the CIS countries. And about prohibitions: Russian car owners are lucky to some extent, for example, in European countries such as France, Austria or Poland, the use of radar detectors is prohibited.

What is the difference between SilverStone F1 Z77PRO and Z550ST radar detectors?

The 77PRO has a GPS module that allows you to identify cameras by the base, show the time and speed of movement.

What is the difference between the SilverStone F1 Z77PRO and Z55PRO radar detectors from Monaco and Leman?

In general, they have the same set of functions, but Monaco and Leman are produced at a new factory with better components, they have more "advanced" software and, as a result, complex cameras are better detected.

What is the difference between Z77PRO and Monaco?

1. Monaco has an advanced laser signal receiver. The laser signal receiver received an increased radius, which catches much more signals.
2. Monaco differs in components (made at a different factory) - they are of better quality.
3. Monaco is a more advanced version of Z77PRO.
4. A new Updater has already been written for Monaco - a program for updating firmware and camera databases.
5. Z77PRO has been discontinued and will no longer be produced.
6. Monaco is cheaper because it is assembled at another plant using other, more economical technologies (which does not affect the quality).

What do the letters PRO mean in the model name?

The letters PRO in the model name mean that this radar detector is equipped with a GPS sensor.

What does the DIM key mean on the body of the radar detector?

Short press - change the brightness of the display. Long press (2 sec.) - to mark a false alarm point (or delete a false alarm point if it was marked earlier in this place)

What do the letters (AO) in the right corner of the Silverstone F1 z77 pro radar detector mean?

AO - indicate the selected mode. AO is automatic mode.

What does the arrow on the screen of the SilverStone F1 Z77PRO radar detector mean?

The arrow on the display shows the direction of movement of the machine, up - movement to the north, down - to the south, left - to the west and right - to the east (intermediate options - respectively, northwest, southeast, etc.)

How to add a custom point to the base?

Press the Menu button and hold for 2 seconds. The display will show “Add-OK”. This means that the point has been added. If the point has not been saved, the display will show “Full” (the device memory is full) or “Creatures” (the point already exists).

How to remove a custom point from the database?

- one point: when the device announces the stored point, press the Menu button and hold for 2 seconds.
- all points: press the Menu button to enter the setting mode. Select DEL.UP. Select DEL.2/4/5 to delete points within 200/400/600 m or DEL.A to delete all points. To confirm deletion, press the Mute and City buttons simultaneously.

How to find out the firmware number of Z77PRO?

1. On the switched off device, hold down the MUTE button
2. Turn on the device with the wheel, holding down the button and the radar base version, firmware number will first appear on the screen, followed by the firmware version.
3. The version of databases and firmware is displayed in YYYYMMDD format.

After updating the firmware, the radar base, and also if the radar detector “freezes” or starts to work incorrectly, you need to reset the settings.
There are two options:
1) Full reset(recommended after changing the firmware or in case of errors in the operation of the device) - by pressing and holding the "CITY" button, turn on the device by turning the volume wheel. A double beep will sound and F-RESET should appear on the display.
2) Reset with saving user settings(can be done after changing only the radar base) - by pressing and holding the "MENU" button, turn on the device by turning the volume wheel. A double beep will sound and U-RESET should appear on the display.

How to connect the SilverStone F1 Z77 PRO radar detector to a computer?

Using the USB cable included in the kit.

The SilverStone F1 Z77 PRO radar detector turns on / off spontaneously. What to do?

Most likely a contact has come loose from the board. The radar detector should be taken for repair (to the store where you bought it).

The radar detector does not pick up the GPS signal well, what could be the reason?

Firstly, "cold start" - start after a long shutdown or after a reboot. A cold start takes longer than a "hot start" (starting after a brief shutdown).
Secondly The reception of the GPS signal also depends on the weather: if it is very cloudy, it will take longer to establish a connection with the satellites.
Thirdly, it is important to correctly update the firmware and database, not forgetting to reboot the radar detector. An incorrect update or reboot may affect the operation of the GPS module. To solve the problem, it is recommended to update the radar detector again.

The SilverStone F1 Z77 PRO radar detector lost connection with satellites.

1) Make sure you have done the firmware update. Did this action solve the problem?
2) Do a factory reset (via MENU and CITY). Is there a connection with the satellites? If not, then → the gps-module has become unusable for some reason.
3) If you did not drop, drown, or freeze the device → it must be returned under warranty to the store where you bought it. The radar detector will be taken away for diagnostics, according to the results of which the device will either be repaired (gps module replaced) or exchanged for a new one. Manufacturer's warranty - 1 year.

Why do I need updates for the SilverStone F1 Z77PRO radar detector?

Like other devices, the radar detector has software that needs to be updated periodically. We strive to constantly improve our devices, so we release updated versions of the software from time to time.

Update is a way to fix bugs for free, improve performance and speed, as well as expand functionality. As a general rule, software updates improve stability and improve overall performance to provide a better user experience with our devices. Sometimes the effect of the update is almost imperceptible, but it is necessary in order to avoid problems in the future.

New software is released all the time. However, the moment of its appearance in the public domain and the schedule for the release of the corresponding updates depend on the model of the radar detector.

An error occurs when updating the SilverStone F1 Z55PRO and SilverStone F1 Z77PRO radar detectors, writes ERROR!

Most likely, this is how antispam blocks third-party software. It is necessary to disable antiviruses, try to run the program as administrator and reflash again.

When updating the SilverStone F1 Z77PRO radar detector, it writes unknown device and does not turn on in the car

This inscription means that the firmware is installed incorrectly. Most likely, this is how antispam blocks third-party software. It is necessary to disable antiviruses, try to run the program as administrator and reflash again.

SilverStone F1 Z77PRO stopped turning on after update

You may have Windows 10 installed. Unfortunately, the update is not possible on this OS. Try to find an earlier Windows OS, disable antiviruses and reflash again.

Why are there no firmware / software updates for the SilverStone F1 Z55PRO and SilverStone F1 Z77PRO radar detectors?

The latest firmware for these devices is dated March 2015, they can be found in the tab "Updates" in the "Archive" section. The devices have been discontinued and their software will not be updated anymore. If the device is working correctly, you do not need to install the firmware, you can simply update the camera database.

How to update the camera database for the SilverStone F1 Z77PRO radar detector?

1. Make sure you have an operating system older than Windows 10. On Windows 10, the radar detector will most likely not be updated.
2. Disable all possible antiviruses (including the firewall and firewall), they block the program and the software will not install correctly.
3. Go to the site in the section "Updates" Select your device at the bottom of the page. Download the Standard Edition.
4. Download the archive with the camera database to your computer. Unpack the archive (!) - right-click on the archive icon, in the drop-down menu select Extract here / Extract to.
5. Connect the radar detector to the USB port.
6. Run the camera base program, which will automatically download the updated gps-points table to your radar detector.

During the update, the radar detector does not emit signals. If it says Error or something similar, it means that you have not disabled antiviruses. Disable and try again.

I want to update the firmware and databases on F1Z77. The device is not visible through the usb-device, writes "incorrectly installed drivers" ... How to choose the right driver? Win-32 or Win-64?

Drivers are installed on your computer so that it automatically detects your radar detector. Download and run the required - for 32-bit or 64-bit system - driver (once) on your computer.
If you don't know which system you have (32-bit or 64-bit), it's easy to check:
Windows XP: Click the Start button, right-click My Computer, and select Properties. If your system is 64-bit, this will be indicated there; if there is no corresponding inscription in the window that appears, the computer is running a 32-bit version of Windows XP.
Windows Vista, Windows 7: Click the "Start" button, right-click "Computer" and select "Properties". In the "System" section, you can view the type of system.

After connecting the SilverStone F1 Z77PRO to the computer, the device is not visible through the usb device, it says "the drivers are installed incorrectly".

1) Make sure you have installed the drivers for the OS you need.
2) After installing the drivers, you need to connect the device via a usb cable and turn on the update program (this is a different file).
3) If the program does not start - either disable antiviruses, firewall, firewall - they can block the program from starting, or run it as an administrator

What are the lenses in the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS DVR made of?

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-GPS has one lens. The lens is plastic with metal mounts. High-quality Chinese impact-resistant plastic, which is not inferior to glass in terms of technical characteristics.

What is the length of the wire to the cigarette lighter on the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS DVR?

The length of the wire is 2 meters.

There is an item in the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS settings menu: frequency 50 (60) Hz - what is it?

What is the allowable supply voltage range for the A70-GPS DVR?

4.9...5.5V | 4.8-5.5V

Can I use a 5V 3A output power supply when connecting the A70-GPS dash cam to a car network? (Declared in the instructions for the recorder, the current consumption is 225 mA and the voltage is 5V)

Why is the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS DVR not catching GPS?

1) Make sure that the DVR is connected to the mount (not to the body, but to the mount)
2) GPS satellites do not start to be detected immediately, it is better not to stand still, but to start moving.
3) "Cold start" (first start or start after a long break) can take from 5 to 30 minutes.
4) If all this did not help, then the GPS module may have "flew" and the device should be taken for repair (to the store where you bought it)

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-GPS turns on and turns off after 3-5 seconds

4) If the A70-GPS lights up when connected, but still does not turn on - try RESET. It sometimes helps even when the device is turned off.

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-GPS writes: low card speed / freezes / writes: recovery. What to do?

Does the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS dash cam catch handheld cameras?

No, it only detects fixed cameras that it has in its database. It's still a DVR with an extended function. Its main task is to shoot, and not to work as a radar detector or a hybrid device.

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-GPS does not hold a charge / Does not work without recharging

How long does the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS DVR charge in offline mode?

In standalone mode, the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS DVR has a charge of 11 minutes.

Can I update the SilverStone F1 A70-GPS firmware at home via USB cable?

How to update firmware in SilverStone F1 A70-GPS DVR?

fully charged

4) Unzip the file.



What are the lenses in the SilverStone F1 A70-SHD DVR made of?

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-SHD has one lens. The lens is plastic with metal mounts. High-quality Chinese impact-resistant plastic, which is not inferior to glass in terms of technical characteristics.

What is the length of the wire to the cigarette lighter on the SilverStone F1 A70-SHD DVR?

The length of the wire is 2 meters.

There is an item in the SilverStone F1 A70-SHD settings menu: frequency 50 (60) Hz - what is it?

This is the frequency of alternating current, for Russia the standard is set - 50 Hz

What is the allowable supply voltage range for the A70-SHD DVR?

4.9...5.5V | 4.8-5.5V

How many volts is the power supply in the SilverStone F1 A70-SHD DVR?

5V (as in all DVRs)

Can I use a 5V 3A power supply when connecting the A70-SHD dash cam to the car network? (Declared in the instructions for the recorder, the current consumption is 225 mA and the voltage is 5V)

The fuse costs 2 amperes in charging, it is better not to experiment with 3 amperes.

What is the interval between saved segments (not recorded while the recorded file is saved) in the SilverStone F1 A70-SHD DVR?

There is no interval between the saved files if there is a cyclic recording without a motion detector and a g-sensor.

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-SHD turns on and turns off after 3-5 seconds

1) Check if there is enough tight contact with the charger.
2) Make sure the device is charged or is currently being charged.
3) Turn on the DVR in the car. Its battery is very small and by itself it may not show signs of life.
4) If the A70-SHD lights up when connected, but still does not turn on, try RESET. It sometimes helps even when the device is turned off.
5) Try running the video on another computer.
6) If everything does not help - hand over the device for diagnostics and repair (to the store where you bought it), this is probably a non-standard error.

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-SHD writes: low card speed / freezes / writes: recovery. What to do?

1) Try to change the card, because. most of the problems with hanging / losing the card are due to their fault. There are especially many complaints about Kingston and Transcend. Take a smaller card (for example, 16 GB) from another company - Sony, Sundisk, Toshiba. Even Smartbuy had a minimum of complaints.
2) Install the latest update, format the card and try driving again. The problem is not solved?
3) Look in what format your card is - make sure it is formatted in fat32.
4) Try to reboot the device with the Reset button and do a "factory reset" through the menu.
5) If it does not help, then with your diagnosis, take it to the store at the place of purchase for repair and diagnostics, perhaps the problem is deeper than just a card. Be sure to indicate the cause of the breakdown, what you did and what led to it - this will help the master to fix the problem.

1) What cards did you use for recording? Make sure you have a quality flash card with a high write speed above class 10. Try changing the map. Has the problem recurred?
2) Does the video play in the DVR itself? If so, then everything is fine with the device, which is already good news.
3) Try to format the card, turn off the g-sensor, motion sensor and record-watch the video again. Happened?
4) Next, try installing another player (maybe some codec is missing). It is better to use the player that comes with the device. Or regular Windows player.
5) If all this did not help, then the power supply system to the device may be faulty and it must be taken for repair (to the store where you bought it).

DVR SilverStone F1 A70-SHD does not hold a charge / Does not work without recharging

Please note that the technical capabilities (including battery capacity) of the DVR should not hold a charge for either 10 or 15 minutes. The battery is designed only to support the saving of settings (date, time, number) and the internal memory of the device in an emergency. Those. turning on the device without connecting to 12V is useless, it will not work. If a small battery (which is in the DVR) starts to hold a charge even for 15 minutes, this will very quickly exhaust its resource and we will come to the conclusion that when you turn it off, the settings will go astray every time.

Can I update SilverStone F1 A70-SHD firmware at home via USB cable?

Please do not try to update the device at home by connecting it via usb - there is not enough power from usb, which leads to the fact that the DVR stops turning on (the old firmware is erased, and the new one does not have time to boot)! The update must take place in the car, when connected to 12V.

How to update firmware in SilverStone F1 A70-SHD DVR?

1) Make sure your DVR is fully charged! If the device is not charged, the firmware will not install completely, which may lead to irreversible changes in the DVR software.
2) Check the model number and original firmware version installed on your combo device (the firmware version is listed in the menu). If it is the latest, you do not need to change the firmware.
3) Download the firmware file to your computer.
4) Unzip the file.
5) Format the memory card (either through the device's menu or through your computer's menu). It is MANDATORY to format the memory card!
6) Write the firmware file in .bin format to the memory card (For example: firmware.bin). Just a file, nothing else!
7) Insert the memory card with the recorded file into the DVR, take it to the car, connect to 12V and turn it on.
8) A window will appear on the screen with the question: Update the registrar? Please select YES(by switching the UP / DOWN buttons on the left side of the device).
9) After completing the firmware, the device will turn off
10) Pull out and format the flash drive (otherwise, when you turn on the device, it will try to update again).
11) Insert the flash drive into the DVR. You can go! Have a nice trip =)

The ADAS function does not turn on (inactive) in the SilverStone F1 A50-SHD DVR

Try switching the video resolution to 1920x1080 (remove the highest and set the average). The ADAS feature should become active.

Why does the SilverStone F1 A50-SHD DVR have image shaking when turned on before driving?

1) This shaking is associated with the peculiarity of processing (registration and compression) of the video signal. When you turn on the recorder and start shooting, the device sees a lot of small details (joints between bricks, tree leaves, cracks in the wall, etc.). The motor is running in the car, which also gives minimal shaking of the device. If the speed of movement of details in the frame coincides with the speed of the electronic shutter of the video sensor, such a stroboscopic effect is possible. If you try to shoot a video from the same place with the engine turned off, or shoot another scene before driving, the shaking will disappear.

2) Also, a similar effect may be due to the fact that the registrar shoots through hot air hovering over a heated hood. And when the car starts moving, this air from the hood immediately leaves. Does the shaking appear every time you start shooting?

In any case, such shaking is not a defect :)

How to set the 1920x1080 60p mode in the SilverStone F1 A50-SHD DVR through the menu?

There is no 1920x1080 60 fps mode in this device. There was such a resolution, but in devices of an earlier delivery, where the Ambarella A7LA70 processor was used. Subsequent shipments used the Ambarella A7LA50 processor and do not have this permission. On the box and in the manual, the Ambarella A7LA70(LA50) processor is indicated, and there is a warning that the device may have minor differences from the functions and characteristics described in the manual.

The DVR SilverStone F1 A50-SHD does not charge / does not turn on / is constantly charging. This is fine?

Yes, this model has weak batteries or battery controllers. When in doubt about the charge level, here's what to do:
- Power up the registrar; it will turn on.
- Turn it off, make sure that the blue indicator on the recorder is on.
- Leave to charge in the off state for 6 hours; When charging is complete, the blue indicator will turn off. If after 6 hours it does not go out, then it is worth handing over the device for repair with a description of the malfunction "does not charge".
- If it goes out, turn on the recorder; disconnect the power cable. Check that the wire icon on the screen has changed to a full battery icon.

What do the indicator modes mean in the SilverStone F1 A50-SHD DVR?

Double indicator: blue and red LEDs in one window.
Blue lights up when charging. Red lights up when the recorder is on (no recording), and flashes when recording is in progress.

What is the rotation angle of the mount in the SilverStone F1 A50-SHD DVR?

Is the GPS antenna input working on the SilverStoneF1 NTK-351 Duo DVR?

Unfortunately no, it doesn't work. The slot is made as a spare, so that in the future it will be possible to release a model with a GPS module.

What is the pinout of the SilverStoneF1 NTK-351 Duo DVR?

Red wire - to the reverse light (+) Black wire - to ground, car body (-) If you shoot from the rear view camera only when you switch to R, then either you used a non-standard camera / wires / charging, or mixed up the wire connection.

What are the parameters of the charger power supply for the SilverStone F1 NTK-351 Duo dash cam?

DC converter 12 Volts to 5 Volts and 1 Amp. USB connector.

Is it possible to disable the parking lines in the SilverStone F1 NTK-351 Duo dash cam through the menu?

Parking lines are programmatic - i.e. they only appear on the screen when reverse gear is engaged to make it easier to park. You cannot turn them off. You can scroll with the left arrow to the mode when the view from the rear camera will be on the whole screen and the lines will disappear.

The SilverStoneF1 NTK-351 Duo DVR does not turn on / the screen flickers

With a completely DISCHARGED battery, the mirror from the standard charger tries to turn on a couple of times, but immediately turns off. But if you leave the mirror to charge for at least half an hour, then it will work fine. If the mirror with a discharged battery is powered from a more powerful charger, it will turn on immediately. Try charging your device before sending it in for repair.

Can I connect an Interpower rear view camera to a SilverStone F1 NTK-351 Duo dash cam?

Unfortunately no. The SilverStone F1 NTK-351 video recorder is equipped with its own standard camera, in which the pinout of the contacts is completely different than in the Interpower rear view cameras. It is very important to consider that it's not even about the pinout. When connecting a third-party rear view camera, parameters such as power, resolution and connection method are important (they are different for different cameras). The DVR will only work with the camera for which it has sharpened components and software. The chip built into the recorder, which processes the signal from the second camera, is weaker than the main one and can only digest a 480p stream. A connected third-party camera may result in a burnt device. Warranty service is canceled when third-party components and third-party software are installed on the DVR!

DVR SilverStone F1 NTK-351 Duo turns off and on by itself

In the menu of the registrar there is an item "Parking mode". The principle of operation of the "Park monitor" function is such that if the value of the option is ON, the device will automatically turn on from any slight movement in front of the device lens. If the device is picked up, it will turn on, but only because the image in front of it changes. This function works this way, assuming that the user's SD card memory is saved. It is enough to turn it off in the MENU so that the device starts up in the usual way: from an external power supply or from the ON / Power button. By default, the ALWAYS (!) function is set to OFF at the factory.

If the rear camera is not connected to the reversing light, will the picture be displayed on the screen?

Without connection to the FZH (reversing lamp), when the reverse gear is engaged, the image from the rear view camera will not be displayed on the screen (in full screen mode).

Is there a mode for switching between cameras on the move?

There is a switch (display of 2 images from 2 cameras with different ratio).

Rear view camera does not work / does not record from the rear view camera

In this case, only repair will help. Return the device to the store where you purchased it. After the diagnosis, the rear view camera will be repaired or replaced.

Does the power for the rear camera come only from the reversing light or also from the registrar?

The rear camera is powered only by both the reversing light and the DVR.

Can I connect the Interpower rear view camera to the SilverStone F1 NTK-9000F Duo DVR?

Unfortunately no. The SilverStone F1 NTK-9000F DVR is equipped with its own standard camera, in which the pinout of the contacts is completely different than in the Interpower rear view cameras.

In the SilverStone F1 NTK-9000F Duo DVR, does the second camera switch to reverse (parking) mode?

If the contact from the camera is connected to the reversing lamp (FZH), then everything will switch.

What is the video resolution of the remote camera of the SilverStone F1 NTK-9000F Duo DVR?

What is the horizontal viewing angle of the main camera for the SilverStone F1 NTK-9000F Duo DVR?

What is the cable length on the NTK-9000F Duo recorder and what is the cable length of the optional camera?

Why does the NTK-8000F video recorder need bulbs on the front side of the case? They don't shine!

These are not light bulbs, these are LED infrared indicators. They glow in a spectrum invisible to the human eye. In complete darkness, you can catch a faint glow, but if there is at least some kind of light source, it no longer glows in the usual sense of the word, i.e. In daylight it is not visible at all.

In the SilverStone F1 NTK-8000F DVR, after some time of operation, the screen turned white (in a small strip) and no manipulations (including Reset) correct the situation.

This situation occurs due to the fact that the screen connector oxidizes over time. If the screen is taken out and put back in, the image is restored. But it is very difficult to disassemble and assemble the SilverStone F1 NTK-8000F DVR, only a specialist should do this. Return the device for repair (at the place of purchase), describing the symptoms in detail and attaching the description to the box.

What is the screen resolution of the Silverstone F1 NTK-8000F DVR?

In the SilverStone F1 NTK-330F DVR, after some time of operation, the screen turned white (in a small strip) and no manipulations (including Reset) correct the situation.

This situation occurs due to the fact that the screen connector oxidizes over time. If the screen is taken out and put back in, the image is restored. But disassembling and assembling the SilverStone F1 NTK-330F DVR is very difficult, only a specialist should do this. Return the device for repair (at the place of purchase), describing the symptoms in detail and attaching the description to the box.

In the SilverStone F1 NTK-330F dash cam, when connected to a PC, the USB charging mode is automatically turned on, although the selection menu must first appear: 1) Flash memory and 2) PC camera, so it is not possible to use the device as a camera to a PC.

Unfortunately, the SilverStone F1 NTK-330F DVR does not have a webcam function. It was removed from the test version, and the instructions were not rewritten. This is an instruction error. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

What is the screen resolution of the Silverstone F1 NTK-330F DVR?

Display 2.7 inches, 16:9. LCD screen T27P05. Screen resolution: 480x320p.

Loop recording not working

Loop recording should work in all of our DVRs. Try disabling the g-sensor, reformat the card, set loop recording, and drive again. If this does not help, then there is some problem with the hardware inside and it is worth taking the device for repair as soon as possible (to the store where you bought it) with a detailed description of the malfunction.

How to update the firmware?

Not only A70GPS is updated with firmware, for some other models they are also released. Please note that if there is no need and the device is functioning normally, it is NOT NECESSARY to change the firmware.

1) Make sure your DVR is fully charged! If the device is not charged, the firmware will not install completely, which may lead to irreversible changes in the DVR software.
2) Check the model number and original firmware version installed on your combo device (the firmware version is listed in the menu). If it is the latest, you do not need to change the firmware.
3) Download the firmware file to your computer.
4) Unzip the file.
5) Format the memory card (either through the device's menu or through your computer's menu). It is MANDATORY to format the memory card!
6) Write the firmware file in .bin format to the memory card (For example: firmware.bin). Just a file, nothing else!
7) Insert the memory card with the recorded file into the DVR, take it to the car, connect to 12V and turn it on.
8) A window will appear on the screen with the question: Update the registrar? Please select YES.
9) After the flashing is completed, the device will turn off or report a successful flashing.
10) Pull out and format the flash drive (otherwise, when you turn on the device, it will try to update again).
11) Insert the flash drive into the DVR. You can go! Have a nice trip =)

What is the warranty for SilverStone F1 devices?

All SilverStone F1 devices (radar detectors and video recorders) have a 12-month warranty. The guarantee is carried out on a check (even if the warranty card is not filled out or lost) in the store that issued this check. During the entire warranty period, repairs are free. After the end of the warranty period, the repair is paid by the buyer.

Service center

The company does not have an official service center, this is due to the unfair fulfillment of the obligations of the SC in the regions. Therefore, the store that issued the check and bears warranty obligations. You come to them with a check, they take the device and send it to us. If the store refuses (this also happens), take a letter of refusal from them and then send the device to us. If the store has closed / disappeared - also send the device directly to us.

Trade-in! Replacing an old radar detector with a new one

The trade-in promotion applies only to the official SilverStone F1 retail store at the Kuntsevo car market. Address: 55th km of the Moscow Ring Road, Avtomall shopping center (car market in Kuntsevo), north side, gallery No. 3, pavilion 19.

Why on your site the prices for devices are much more expensive than in other stores. Is it possible that there is a fake?

The difference in price is due to the fact that we are an official manufacturer and are forced to keep the RRP (recommended retail price), and other stores can sell goods at the price they consider acceptable to themselves, sometimes even at a loss. No fakes have been identified so far, so the buyer himself can choose where it is more profitable and convenient for him to purchase SilverStone F1 devices. Warranty and service in any case remains.

Why don't I receive messages about updating the software and camera bases?

Notifications come only about firmware. The camera databases are updated once a week on Monday evenings. It is impossible to send mailings to all devices using the camera databases, there are too many letters, the robot considers them spam, and the site has already been blocked 2 times.

If the computer does not see the navigator, the problem may be directly in the USB cable itself. As a rule, the connection process does not cause difficulties, and each user knows how to connect the navigator to the computer. The need to connect a car device to a computer may arise if it is necessary to transfer data from the device or when flashing. But what to do if the problem is not the fault of the USB cable, and the PC still cannot see the gadget?

How to connect the device correctly?

How to connect a navigator via USB to a personal computer? A step-by-step description is given in the operating instructions for the device. The connection method looks like this:

  1. The mini USB connector of the wire must be inserted into the gadget connector (it is located on the side faces of the device). After connecting the cord, you need to start the device. If the system works correctly, charging should go.
  2. If the PC does not see the navigator, you should start troubleshooting the problem by installing the software that comes with the device. Difficulties during the installation process, as a rule, do not arise, the software is installed automatically after loading the disk.
  3. The connected gadget should start charging. This signal often indicates that you can start transferring files from the device to the PC and vice versa.
  4. After transferring the necessary data, the cable should be disconnected. By pressing and holding the "Start" button on the device itself, you need to reboot the device.

If the computer does not see the Prestegio navigator when using Windows XP, the problem can be corrected by downloading and installing additional software for the navigation device. In most cases, the installation of the Navitel program is required. After that, the connection of the Prestigio gadget often occurs, but in some cases additional software from Microsoft is required - ActiveSync.

What should I do if I can't connect my device?

After purchasing a new gadget for navigation, it is necessary to download new software and maps for orientation on the ground. In the event that it is impossible to connect the device itself to the Internet for downloading new products. its communication with the computer is required. Quite often it happens that the computer does not see the navigator, and then the consumer faces the question of why this happens and how to connect the device correctly.

Important! There can be many reasons for diagnosing such a problem. With a number of reasons you can cope on your own, at home, but some require a visit to a specialist.

You should consider the main reasons and get an answer to the question why the PC or laptop does not see or recognize the device.

Main causes of problems

A number of the main causes of problems when connecting a gadget to a laptop include:

  1. Problems in the cord itself, through which the device must be connected to the PC.
  2. Connector dirty or oxidized.
  3. Very often, the reason for the impossibility of making a connection lies in the malfunction of the connector on the computer itself.
  4. Errors of the card placed in the device.
  5. Uninstalled software of the corresponding gadget on the PC.
  6. The source of an impossible connection may be damage to the device itself.

If the reason is a malfunction of a special cable, it is enough to simply replace it with a new one. Such a connecting element is not expensive. It is important to note that you should buy original components, not Chinese fakes. A Chinese fake is much cheaper, but its service life is scanty.

If the cable is OK, then the source of the problem may be oxidation or another malfunction of the device. This often happens when dust or dirt enters the hole. In this case, you should not try to solve the problem yourself, you must visit the service center and make a replacement.

The source of the inability to connect is often a malfunction of the USB socket on the PC itself. It is important to note that the PC is often endowed with several holes for connection, so you should try to use a different input. The personal computer may not see the device if it does not have special software installed. This problem often occurs with users of Garmin and Prestigio navigators. In most cases, a software disk is included with the device, if it is not available, drivers for the corresponding model are freely available on the Internet.

The reason for the inability to connect the device to a computer may be software errors inside the gadget system. Only specialists in the service center will be able to detect and eliminate such an error.

Trying to fix any radical problems yourself is not worth it, this can lead to serious damage to the device. If the computer does not see the navigator, and the problem occurs constantly or periodically, you should not delay the solution of the problem.