Attachment of copies of documents on sheets. How to arrange an attachment to a document

Appendices in thesis - the section in which you include visual materials is called. Visibility can be presented in different forms - diagram, table, figure, comparison table, etc. These materials are so voluminous that they cannot be included in the work itself. Therefore, we came up with applications. Different universities have different requirements, but there are general rules for the design of applications in scientific papers. So how do you style the application?

How to design an application correctly

Appendices are drawn up at the end of the scientific work, after the list of used literature. You can file them for work, or rather attach them to your diploma in a separate folder. If you file attachments to the text of the thesis, separate them from the main part with a clean sheet.

Applications are numbered in the upper right corner of the page. If the application takes 2 sheets, then on the last sheet you need to write "End of application ...". If the appendix includes three or more sheets, on the 2 and subsequent ones, mark "Continuation of the appendix ...", and on the last one - "End of the appendix ...". If one application contains several figures or tables at the same time, then do not forget to number them. Each illustration is numbered separately.

Give your applications names that will relate to the text of your manuscript. We put links to these applications in the text. "Cm. appendix…, fig. ... ". To make everything clear to the reader, there is no confusion and unnecessary questions, draw up applications clearly, with the decoding of all the conventions that can be found in tables, figures and diagrams.

Indicate the application itself in the table of contents of your work. Check with your school about whether to use sequential pagination or create your own for applications. At the same time, we save the application numbers.

How to draw up an annex to the contract

The annex to the agreement must be drawn up correctly, otherwise, it is fraught with the fact that the document will not have legal force. For a start, familiarize yourself with the GOST standards for the design of applications and try to carefully comply with all the standards. After you get the job done, I advise you to send the document for verification to specialists, or immediately seek help from special companies that are involved in the preparation and execution of documentation.

If you decide to do everything yourself, then be guided by this hint:

  1. We prepare documents that will become an annex to the contract (graphs, tables, acts, lists, etc.).
  2. Attachments are printed on separate sheets and bound multiple pages into one document or brochure.
  3. Put down the numbering in accordance with the regulations.
  4. All documents must be marked with the application. On the initial page of the document, write in the upper corner "Appendix No." and put the serial number on the right. Immediately below it we write the name of the administrative document "to the service agreement" and its details (number and date of signing).
  5. In the main document we put a mark about the application.
  6. Having indicated the names of the section, after we put a list of the attached documents. We arrange it in the form of a numbered list. In it we indicate the name, the number of sheets and copies, do not forget about the observance of the numbering.

Many management documents have attachments. An appendix to a document can be either an independent, finalized and valid document, or a draft document or a part of a document that explains or reveals the content of individual provisions of the main document. We will discuss in the article how to arrange an attachment to a document.

An annex to the document can be either an independent, finalized and valid document (for example, a copy of the organization's charter, a copy of the organization's staffing table, signed and registered copies of the contract sent to the counterparty, etc.), and a draft document (for example, a draft resolution, a draft orders) or a part of the document explaining or disclosing the content of individual provisions of the main document (for example, a list of members of the commission created by the order of the head of the commission, which is an appendix to this order, or an action plan, also approved by the order).

Registration of attachments to documents according to all the rules

There are two types of communication between the main document and its annexes: the main document and the application are connected by the need to send documents, that is, workflow, for example:

  • cover letter and attachment to it;
  • the main document and the appendix are linked by content:
    • agreement and annex to it in the form of a cost estimate, schedule or other document;
    • an order and an action plan or a list of commission members that disclose the content of the relevant items of the administrative part of the order;
    • the order and the regulations approved by this order, which is an appendix to the order.

In the first case, the cover letter and attachment documents make up a single set of documents, in the second case, the main document and attachment documents are parts of one document.

Depending on how the main document and attachments are linked, the attachment mark is issued differently.

How to format an attachment when the main document and attachments are linked by the need for forwarding

Let us consider the first option, when the main document and applications are combined, mainly in order to ensure that documents are sent to the addressee that have an independent character and are in no way related to each other by their content. Since documents are sent with a covering letter that are of an independent nature, which can be finalized documents or prepared draft documents, you cannot make any additional marks or add additional details on these documents. In this regard, a special requisite - a mark on the presence of applications, containing information about applications, is affixed to the cover letter.

The rules for issuing a mark on the presence of attachments are established by GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork ”(hereinafter referred to as the Standard). And although the Standard provides for several options for the design of the mark, in practice there are situations that are not provided for by the standard. In this regard, it makes sense to consider all situations, both provided and not provided for by the Standard.

Application design situations provided for by the Standard

  1. If the document-attachment is named in the text, the mark of the presence of the attachment is made as follows:

Application: 5 liters. in 2 copies.

If the letter has an attachment not named in the text, then in the mark about the presence of the attachment, indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies, and if there are several attachments, they are numbered, for example:

If the attachments are bound, then the number of sheets is not indicated. For example, if the document-attachment is named in the text:

Appendix: in 1 copy.

or if the annex document is not named in the text:

Appendix: Catalog of spare parts for Samsung washing machines in 1 copy.

If another document is attached to the document, also having attachments, the mark on the presence of the attachment is made as follows:

Attachment: letter of Rosarkhiv dated 05.06.2010 No. 02-6 / 172 and attachment to it, only 3 pages.

If the application is sent not to all the addresses indicated in the document, but only to the first (main) addressee, the mark about the application is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: on 3 l. in 5 copies. only to the first address.

Non-standard situations in the design of attachments to cover letters

As already mentioned, in practice situations arise, the design of which is not provided for by the Standard. Let's consider them.

1. Documents on paper and electronic media (floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, flash cards) can be sent as attachments to the covering letter. In this case, the mark on the presence of applications can be drawn up as follows:

Since the number of sheets of the attachment document in the mark on the presence of the attachment is indicated to control the completeness of documents when they are sent and received, when sending documents on electronic media, it is enough to indicate the number of media themselves.

If only an electronic document is sent with a covering letter, the attachment mark can be made as follows:

Appendix: Draft contract for the supply of electrical products on CD in 1 copy.

2. A mark about the attachment is drawn up in a special way when sending confidential documents (documents containing an official secret marked “For official use”, a commercial secret marked “Commercial secret” or other confidential information marked “Confidential” or “Strictly confidential” or other ).

Although regulatory legal acts do not establish a special procedure for issuing cover letters and marking the presence of an attachment when sending confidential documents, in practice such rules have developed. These rules are enshrined in local regulations (rules, regulations, instructions), which regulate issues of confidential office work in organizations.

In accordance with these rules, when sending confidential documents in a cover letter in the mark on the presence of an attachment, the number of the attachment document (meaning the registration number of the document) and the stamp of restriction of access to the document are additionally indicated, for example:

Attachment flag when document and attachment are bound by content

Consider the design of applications in cases where the main document and the application are linked by content. Applications of this kind can have a variety of documents: administrative documents (decrees, decisions, orders, orders), any types of contracts, especially civil law, various acts (inspections, audits, examinations, etc.), plans, programs, reports, etc. ...

Since in this case, as noted above, the attachment document is an integral part of the main document, the notes about the presence of the attachment are present both in the main document and in the attachment document, but they are drawn up differently, not in the same way as in cover letters.

As a rule, when drawing up the main document, a reference to the appendix is ​​made in the corresponding paragraph of the document. Let's give as an example the text of the administrative document.

Single application design

Multi-app styling

Accordingly, on each appendix to the main document, a mark about the appendix is ​​drawn up in the form established by GOST R 6.30-2003:

Appendix 2
to the order of Rosarkhiv
dated 03/15/201 1 No. 35

The word “attachment” can be printed in capital letters with the # sign, it is also allowed to center the attribute lines relative to the longest line:

In a similar way, annexes to contracts, acts, plans, reports and other documents are drawn up, for example, on the annex to the agreement:

If the attachment to the document is a document approved by an administrative document (for example, an order), then along with the mark about the attachment on the approved document-attachment there must also be an approval stamp. Since the approval stamp also contains a link to the main document (for example, an order), the Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of Rosarkhiv dated 23.12.2009 No. 76) provide the following.

If the attachment to the document (for example, to the order) is the approved document (regulation, rules, instructions, regulations, etc.), a mark about the attachment is put in the upper right corner, below - the stamp of approval of the document, for example:

Appendix No. 1
by order of Rosarkhiv dated 12.11.2009 No. 125

That is, in this case, in order not to repeat the reference to the administrative document (order) in the mark on the application and in the approval stamp, the date and number of the administrative document are given once - in the approval column.

V.F. Yankova, Cand. ist. Sciences, Assoc., Deputy. Director of VNIIDAD

It is recommended that the appendices include materials that, for whatever reason, cannot be included in the main part: materials that supplement the work; intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas and calculations; tables of auxiliary digital data; instructions, methods, descriptions of algorithms and programs of tasks, illustrations of an auxiliary nature; regulations, such as job descriptions. The appendices also include illustrations, tables and printouts made on A3 sheets.

Appendices are drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets after the list of sources used.

Applications are designated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, 3, Y, O, H, L, Y, b (APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, APPENDIX C, etc.). It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of letters I and O. In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

The word "APPENDIX" itself is written in capital letters.

If there is one application in operation, it is designated "APPENDIX A".

Each application should start on a new page. In this case, the word "APPENDIX" and its letter designation are written with paragraph indentation.

The application must have a title, which is written on the next line after the word "APPENDIX" with paragraph indentation. The title is written with a capital letter.

In the text of the work, all appendices should be referenced, for example: "... in appendix B ...". Applications are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the work.

The text of each appendix, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, clauses, subclauses, which are numbered within each appendix. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

Appendices should share sequential pagination with the rest of the document.

Content design


1 Theoretical foundations of taxes

2 Characteristics of the tax system of the Russian Federation

3 Problems and prospects for the development of the tax system of the Russian Federation


List of sources used


Dots are not put between the title of the content element and the page number .

The procedure for submitting for verification and defense of term paper

Course work must be completed and submitted to the department on time (approximately 2 weeks before the start of the session). When checking, existing comments are indicated in the fields.

With a positive assessment, the course work is admitted to the defense, at which the student makes an oral report on the content of his work, answers the questions asked.

If there are deficiencies in the content and design, the course work is sent for revision. In this case, the student must eliminate the indicated shortcomings as soon as possible and submit the work for re-examination.

After defending the course work, the student receives a final grade, which is put down in the record book and in the statement.

Coursework allows the student to summarize and systematize all the previously acquired knowledge, deepen his knowledge in the field of economic disciplines, develop the ability for creative thinking in the field of enterprise management, and is also the foundation for the preparation of the final qualifying work.

An important element of the thesis project are applications that clearly display the research done by the student. Applications enhance the positive impressions of teachers about the degree of preparation of the author of the work and the quality of the work itself. In addition to the content of the appendices, it is extremely important to draw them up correctly and according to the rules of GOST. The main rules for designing applications are described below.

Application in the diploma, what it is and why the student needs it

The appendix is ​​a separate section with additional, often visual, materials on the research methods and algorithms developed by the author. It contains information that cannot be formatted according to the standards of the entire work, for example, drawings or images that do not fit into the A4 sheet format.

This section is a great addition to enhance the quality and overall experience of your work. Despite the fact that the content of the applications may not be formatted according to the standard, it is important to draw up information about this application correctly, after consulting with the teacher and being guided by the requirements in the manual (GOST).

What is included in the Diploma Supplement

They contain any additional information on the diploma project. Both graphic materials and handouts, examples of the tools used to conduct the research, more detailed calculations, etc. are acceptable.

Most often, the section "Application" includes:

  • Charts and graphs;
  • Tables are too large;
  • Detailed calculations using formulas;
  • Intermediate calculations;
  • Information about the instruments and equipment used in the research;
  • Conclusions of a metrological nature;
  • A detailed description of the author's research methods or solutions to the problems posed;
  • Additional supporting graphic information in the form of maps, photographs, drawings, and so on;
  • Copies of reference materials (statistical reports of the enterprise, etc.)

All materials presented in the appendix make the thesis more detailed and detailed. They give an idea of ​​the course of thought of a graduate student when conducting research. The diploma commission often assesses how correctly and skillfully the student was able to use the applications when defending the diploma, which affects the assessment.

How to draw up a diploma supplement according to the rules and requirements of GOST

Despite the fact that applications are usually designed in accordance with the requirements of GOST, they are absolutely not complicated. The basic principle is to adhere to the basic requirements.

GOST 2.301 states that the sheet format for the application can be A4, A3, A1, etc. But it is possible to use non-standard sheet sizes only if the information really cannot be located on a standard A4. The number of applications can be any, but sufficient for a full disclosure of the topic of the thesis (GOST 2.109).

In general, you need to adhere to the following rules:

1. Supplements do not need to be attached to the main part of the thesis. They should be put in a separate folder.

2. Each attachment is a new sheet with the word "APPENDIX" written in the center (in capital letters).

3. Applications are not numbered, but marked with letters in alphabetical order, with the exception of e, z, d, o, h, b, b, s (GOST 2.109).

4. For designation, you can use the Latin alphabet, except for the letters i, o.

5. As a last resort, when there is not enough alphabet, it is permissible to use Arabic numerals, but undesirable.

6. Even if there is only one application, it still needs to be designated with the letter A.

7. In the application, you can divide the text into paragraphs.

8. It is necessary to adhere to the uniform style of the headings of all applications.

9. If the appendix is ​​placed on several sheets, each subsequent sheet is designated "Continuation of Appendix B" and "End of Appendix B".

Remember, well-designed applications can have a significant impact on the grade for a diploma.

An example of registration:

Registration of the appendix to the table of contents of the diploma

The structure of the diploma is reflected in its table of contents, where it is also necessary to indicate the presence of applications. All additional materials placed in the appendices are indicated last after the list of references. It is very important to list all annexes, indicating their numbering and names. For example, if you have annex A, B, C, D and E, then all of them must be indicated in a clear sequence in the content. After the letter denoting the application (A, B, C, etc.), its name is written, i.e. the title specified in the application.

An example of registration:

Registration of links to the application of the diploma

The text of the diploma must contain links to all applications. It is done something like this: "more detailed information about the balance sheet can be viewed in Appendix A." In the very same Appendix A should be this detailed balance sheet.

Important! The sequence of applications is determined by the sequence in which they appear in the text.

An example of registration:

Detailed instructions on how to fill out the diploma supplement

  • When filling out the front side, it is required to indicate in the nominative case the full surname, first name, and patronymic.
  • The student's full date of birth is required. This is done in a strictly defined order: the date of birth is written in the form of a full digit (10), the month is indicated in words (December), and the year is indicated in a strictly four-digit format, after which the word “year” in words is needed - 1991.
  • There is a separate column for recording a document of graduation, on the basis of which an order is issued on the student's enrollment in the appropriate educational institution - "Previous educational document". In this line, you need to indicate and fully describe the full name of the previous place of study, as well as the year of its graduation. It can be: a certificate of graduation from an educational institution - school.
  • In some cases, appropriate entrance examinations are provided for a specific list of areas of study. This column may remain empty, since not all areas require entrance exams. In accordance with the above information - this column is filled in or skipped when filling out.
  • There is a separate line that indicates the year of admission and the year of graduation from the respective higher education institution. All of these dates are indicated in four-digit numeric format, according to the respective student's enrollment and graduation years.
  • A separate column is provided, which indicates the period of study in the relevant educational institution. Depending on the form of training, the time period of training can extend from 4 to 5 years.
  • The column "Direction" is filled in on the basis of the direction of study, which the graduate finishes at the relevant higher educational institution.
  • The column "Specialization" is filled out exclusively by undergraduates and persons who have been trained under the specialty program (5 years). Bachelors fill in this line with the words “not provided”. It is strictly forbidden to write specialization code in this column.
  • There is a separate column for completed coursework that was completed during the entire period of study. All works should be listed here, indicating their titles and the corresponding assessment, always in capital form.
  • "Practice" - indicates all the practices, as well as their types that were passed by the student in the learning process, as well as, without fail, the timing of their implementation and the corresponding assessments.
  • There is a separate column for the final state exams, which indicate all the relevant names of the exams, as well as the corresponding grade for each of them, always in capital form.
  • There is a separate column that refers to the duration of writing a qualifying work, here it is necessary to clearly indicate the time frame for work on this document. It also indicates the very day on which the defense of the final work took place, its full name, as well as the assessment, strictly in capital form.
  • In the appropriate column, it is necessary to indicate on the basis of the record book all the credit subjects and put them down.


It is necessary to indicate all the designations that must be indicated during filling, whether it is the name of the specialty or the name of the coursework - it is necessary without quotation marks, in ordinary words.

If during the training a large number of coursework was completed, which, in turn, cannot be accommodated in the above columns, then they can be indicated on the back of the diploma supplement after the list of credit disciplines.

After completing this application form, you need to revise and recheck it again in order to avoid all incidents.


So, it is not at all difficult to draw up supplements to the thesis. The main thing is that they are meaningful, of high quality, and that they all have links in the text of the work.

1. The letter is printed on white or light-colored paper in A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A5 (148 x 210 mm).

2. The sheet must have at least margins:

20 mm - left;

10 mm - right;

20 mm - top;

20 mm - bottom.

The date of the letter is the date of its signing. The date is drawn up in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and the month are drawn up with two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year - in four Arabic numerals.

4. Outgoing number.

The registration (outgoing) number of the letter consists of its serial number, which can be supplemented at the discretion of the index (for example, the initials of the head of the direction). The registration number of a letter drawn up jointly by two or more departments consists of the registration numbers of the letter of each of these departments, separated by a slash.

6. Addressee

The addressee can be organizations, their structural divisions, officials or individuals. When addressing a letter to an official, the initials are indicated BEFORE the surname. The name of the organization and its structural unit is indicated in the nominative case.

For instance:

LLC "Company" Name "

Planning department

The position of the person to whom the letter is addressed is indicated in the dative case, For example:

to CEO

LLC "Company" Name "

A.A. Ivanov

LLC "Company" Name "

Planning department

B. B. Petrov

The letter should not contain more than four addressees. The word "Copy" before the second, third, fourth addressees is not indicated. If the number of addressees is larger, a mailing list is formed.

The "Addressee" variable may include a postal address. The elements of the postal address are indicated in the sequence established by the rules for the provision of postal services.

When addressing a letter to an organization, indicate its name, then the postal address, For example:

LLC "Company" Name "

Yaroslavsky pr-kt, 12, Yaroslavl, 150001

When addressing a letter to an individual, indicate the name and initials of the recipient, then the postal address, For example:

V.V. Sidorov

st. Svobody, 5, apt. 12,

Yaroslavl, 150000

7. Text of the letter

The text of the letter is drawn up in the form of a table, coherent text, or in the form of a combination of these structures.

The columns and rows of the table must have headings expressed as a noun in the nominative case. Column and row subheadings should be consistent with the headings. If the table is printed on more than one page, the columns of the table should be numbered and only the numbers of these columns should be printed on the following pages.

The connected text usually consists of two parts. In the first part, indicate the reasons, grounds, purposes of drawing up the letter, in the second (final) - decisions, conclusions, requests, suggestions, recommendations. The text can contain one final part (for example, a request without explanation).

In the text of the letter, prepared on the basis of documents of other organizations, their details are indicated: the name of the document, the name of the organization - the author of the document, the date of the document, the registration number of the document, the title to the text.

The following forms of presentation are used in the letter:

First person plural ( "please send", "send for consideration");

First person singular ( "I consider it necessary", "please highlight");

Third person singular ( "the society does not object", "Title" LLC considers it possible ").

8. Appendix

A mark on the presence of an attachment named in the text of the letter is drawn up in the following way:

Application: 5 liters. in 2 copies.

If the letter has an attachment not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; if there are several applications, they are numbered, For example:

Appendix: 1. Lease agreement for 5 liters. in 2 copies.

2. Acceptance certificate for 1 liter. in 2 copies.

If attachments are bound, then the number of sheets is not indicated.

If another document is attached to the letter, also having an attachment, a mark on the presence of an attachment is drawn up in the following way:

Appendix: letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2007 N 02-6 / 172 and an appendix to it, only 3 pages.

If the application is not sent to all the addresses indicated in the document, then a mark on its presence is drawn up in the following way:

Appendix: on 3 l. in 5 copies. only to the first address.

9. Signature

The "Signature" requisite includes: the name of the position of the person who signed the letter (full, if the letter is not drawn up on a letterhead, and abbreviated - on a letter drawn up on a letterhead) and a decryption of the signature (initials, surname), For example:

When signing a letter by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held, For example:

When signing a document by several persons of equal positions, their signatures are placed at the same level, For example:

10. Printing

The seal imprint certifies the authenticity of the official's signature on documents certifying the rights of persons fixing facts related to FINANCIAL funds, as well as on other documents PROVIDING certification of a genuine signature.

11. Performer

The mark about the performer includes the initials and surname of the performer of the document and his phone number. The mark about the performer is placed on the front or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner, For example: