What is telex. SWIFT formats (for example MT103)

Telex - a type of telegram allocated in connection with a special method of transmission over the subscriber's telex network. In other words, a telex is a telegram sent by a teletype (teleprint), i.e. a telegraph device subscribed to by the organization. Telex communication is subscriber, therefore it lacks categories and types, as in telegrams.

Telex communication is widely used in business communication, especially in the field of foreign economic relations at all stages of the conclusion and execution of a transaction. This type of communication differs from the transmission of a message over the public telegraph network in the speed of transmission of the message: the addressee receives the message at his telex installation almost at the same moment when it is sent from the other end of the communication (it takes at least 3 hours to transmit and receive a telegram).

In addition, a telex, like a telegram, is a document, unlike a fax, which also ensures the efficiency of transmission, but is just a copy of a document.

The cost of a telex message is determined by the time taken to transmit it. The unit of payment is the connection fee of 1 minute, and the amount of the fee depends on the country of destination.

Telexes differ from telegrams in their use of punctuation marks: periods (.) And commas (,), as well as various fonts.

Mandatory details of the telex are: addressee, signature, number, name and address of the sender. The requirements for telex formatting are generally similar to the requirements for the formatting and writing of telegrams. The telex differs from the telegram in the content of the service header, which contains information about the addressee and the sender, as well as the time of message transmission.

There is a special form in which telex is written. In the telex itself, the following parts can be conventionally distinguished.

In the upper left part of the telex, the so-called block of operational information (hereinafter referred to as the OS block) is presented, which contains information about the addressee and the sender, the time of message transmission.

A significant part of the OS block is occupied by an auto-reply, which is a coded message containing:

  • - a certain set of numbers and letters denoting the routing number of the station, the individual number of the subscriber, the abbreviated name of the company;
  • - abbreviated name of the country.

Another important component of the OS block is the indication of the communication time. Sometimes the entire telex begins exactly with the indication of the time, which is indicated as follows: for example, "04 14 23" means "the fourth day at 14 hours 23 minutes".

In some cases, the start time and end time of the telex transmission are indicated, since the payment for the telex is calculated depending on the duration of the message transmission.

The sender, or caller, is designated A, and the recipient, or called, is designated B. When sending a telex message, caller A first specifies an auto-reply from his paging partner and then places pus data.

41199 DMIRU 31611 MTAWKG 23567 COLSEA G 3161 MTAWKG 04/02/01 12:20 TO: COMPLEKT








  • 31611 MTAWKG
  • 4119910 DM IRU

The format of the automatic reply of subscribers of the Telex Russia network should have the form

ABC abe xxxxx RU,

where ABC is the routing number of the station, abe is the individual number of the subscriber, xxxxx is the abbreviated name of the subscriber containing no more than five characters of the Latin alphabet, RU is the country designation code (in this case, Russia). For the correct use of telex communication, the subscriber must know the International code for service calls over the Telex network, the numbers of subscribers of other countries and their auto-responses.

Thus, the OS unit usually includes the auto-responses of subscribers A and B and the date. Dates are written in numbers. In the above telex, this part of the OS block is deciphered as follows:

  • 1) 411911 В DMI RU - telex, abbreviated company name and addressee's country: DMI - Domintorg; RU - Russian;
  • 2) 31611 MTAWK G - telex, company name and sender country: G - Great Britain; MTAWK - MTA Warwick;
  • 3) 23567 COLSEA G - the name or code of the parent company in the UK;
  • 4) 040201 - date of sending the telex: February 4, 2013;
  • 5) 12:20 pm - telex departure time.

The next part of the OS block, which is optional and may be absent, gives in more detail, often in decrypted form, the name of the recipient and the sender. Here also the outgoing telex number and the telex number can be given, in response to which this is written. In the above telex, this part of the OS block is deciphered as follows:

  • 6) TO: COMPLEKT - the telex is addressed to the company "Komplekt" OJSC "Domintorg";
  • 7) S.S. MGO MOSCOW - a copy of the telex has been sent to the company's representative office in Moscow;
  • 8) JSH - the initials of the telex author (below the full name is given: J. S. Howkins), ABL - the initials of the operator transmitting the telex;
  • 9) TX 24633 - telex No. 24633; ST 2219 - Domintorg's telex died, in response to which this telex was sent.

The sender of the telex can also indicate a specific person to whom the telex is intended. In this case, a phrase like: "ATTN IRINA IVANOVA" ("Attention of Irina Ivanova" - "Attention of Irina Ivanova") is placed before the text of the telex.

Business telexes may provide a brief indication of the content of the telex. It is placed between the phrase: "Attention of ..." and the main text, or is given as the first phrase of the main text: Re - an abbreviation of the Latin expression "in re" ("on business").

In our example: RE: MODELS 2E450 APPENDIX 83 AND 3/40.

In telexes, as a rule, there is no reference.

The structure of the telex OS block may include other components, depending on the practice adopted in a particular country and company. This information is not essential for communication, but only details or repeats the basic information of the OS unit (where, to whom, from whom and when the telex was sent). It is of a technical nature and is not needed in operational work.

The OS block is followed by the actual telex message text.

The telex text is summarized. The use of combinations of numbers and letters is allowed only in factory and trade marks and brands; in the numbering of houses, apartments; in outgoing numbers of documents; in the numbers of military units and field posts; in the numbers of trains and wagons and some other cases.

The telex text should not begin and end with numbers, since at the beginning of the reply telex the index of the document to which the answer is given is put, and at the end of the text its outgoing number is put.

The telex text should contain specific information that reflects the essence of the situation. In some cases, a brief proof, argumentation is allowed.

Telexes use a large number of abbreviations. The abbreviation is done both at the phrase level (for example, ASAP - "as soon as possible") and at the word level (YR - "Your"). Grammatical features are characterized by the fact that in telexes, as in telegrams, some parts of speech are omitted:

  • b) auxiliary verb in tense verb forms: "MR MACKENZIE (HAS) FINISHED INSPECTION FACTORY (AND IS) RETURNING 26ТН";
  • c) pronouns (including in the function of the subject): "PLEASE DELIVER (OUR) ORDER AB 6321 SATURDAY NO SUNDAY. (I AM) ARRIVING 26 OCTOBER";
  • d) prepositions;
  • e) unions;

Modal verbs are not omitted.

In the above telex, the linking verb ("we (are) convinced") has been omitted; union ("we (are) convinced (that) we will"); pronoun ("we receive (your) urgent reply"); article ("in (the) near future").

The economical use of language means is evidenced by some lexical features of the telex:

  • - instead of a verbose expression, one word with the same meaning is used, for example, "with best regards" - "regards";
  • - complex, verbose sentences typical for business letters are not used, for example: "We confirm receipt" instead of "We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of";
  • - the choice is made in favor of shorter words, for example, instead of "approximately" - "about";
  • - preference is given to neutral and specific business vocabulary, the use of which does not cause its various interpretations;
  • - it is not recommended to use excessive vocabulary that does not carry new information, but only repeats what has already been said.

The punctuation rules used in telexes are generally closer to those of business writing than telegrams. In telexes, in this case, periods and commas are put, as in letters.

In international telex correspondence, special rules for writing numbers are adopted:

  • a) fractions are written with a slash: 2/3, 1/2; if it is necessary to designate an integer and a fraction, the fraction is separated from the integer by a dash: 2 - 5/6;
  • b) numbers are indicated in telexes by numbers, however, in accordance with the accepted norms of international practice, the digital designation of multi-digit numbers is usually followed by their letter designation, for example: "1000 - one thousand";
  • c) when denoting percentages, instead of the percent sign (%), the number 0 and the oblique bar are used, i.e. 0/0 instead of%.

When composing a telex, sometimes it becomes necessary to correct a detected error. In this case, the following can be recommended.

Immediately after the detected error, the letter "X" is printed five times in a row (without intervals), after which, at several intervals, the correct word is placed, for example, "PLEASE CONFIRM DELIVERY OF FIRST LEXXXXX LOT".

The main text is followed by the final formula of politeness, which in telexes is reduced to various abbreviations of the expression "With best regards" ("Best rgds"; "regards"; "rgds").

The end of the telex may contain numbers and words that are not meaningfully related to the content of the telex. These are comparison marks related to the technical control of telex transmission and they do not carry a semantic meaning.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of telex

telex in crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    International subscriber telegraphy network. Contact by telex.

    An apparatus for such telegraphy.

    The text of the message received by such a device. Received urgent vol.

    adj. telex, th, th. Telex station.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    International subscriber telegraphy network.

    The subscriber number of such a network.

    Apparatus for the implementation of such telegraphy.

    The text of the message received by such a device.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


TELEX [from the English. tel (egraph) - telegraph and ex (change) - switch] international subscriber telegraphy network; equipped with automatic telegraph stations. Telex unites (late 90s of the 20th century) national networks of approx. 150 countries (including the Russian Federation). Frequency telegraphy channels are used in the most critical sections of telex.


international network of subscriber telegraphy. It unites (mid-70s of the 20th century) about 100 national networks equipped with automatic switching stations "Telex" - decade-step stations with rotary dialing (see Telegraph station). Frequency telegraphy and radio channels are used on the international section of the T. network. In most countries, the telegraph network does not stand out from the country's subscriber telegraph network. T. covers about 600 thousand subscribers, of which more than half are located in Europe.

Examples of the use of the word telex in literature.

Mandin put on the table telex: - This is related to the history of the Priston agglomeration, I think, - he said without much enthusiasm.

According to my information, you can pick up bazookas and mortars any day after June 10, and this was also confirmed yesterday by telex, said Alan Baker.

In addition, three weeks ago he received an appointment to the post of director of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, where I headed the department of volcanology, and sent me to Paris as my boss. telex that he forbids me to return from Ecuador to Guadeloupe.

Contextual hypertext links were recognized as the most effective form of organizing hypertext, and in addition, division into links associated with the entire document as a whole and its individual parts was recognized.

Telephones, telefax, telexes should be considered from the point of view of the security of information transfer.

Keflavik, Iceland - Excellent weather, Lt. Mike Edward said, looking at the weather report that had just arrived. telex.

V telex it already appeared that Boris Yevdokimovich Shcherbina, deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, had been appointed chairman of the government commission, and that I also needed to be in Pripyat on April 26.

Of course telex was from Sister Mary Magdalene of St. Ladislav Monastery in New York.

I looked like a fool, but I got telex Nima and showed it to the boy, seriously fearing that Vahad would think I was playing him.

Just arrived telex from Atlanta with her blood test data, and Dr. Moody immediately went to the infectious diseases ward.

Has already been sent telex to a company that was engaged in the manufacture of aircraft of this type, informing her that one of their machines suffered a disaster at sea.

The secretary handed to the minister telex, which he carefully read and then passed on to Adler.

Then the administrator of the sanatorium brought me telex signed by Minister Mayorz.

A regular was sent to Tel Aviv telex, but those who expected him were far from in their usual state.

I replaced Himmler and at that time received telex about the Italians who were detained by us.

The exchange of messages between the participants of the SWIFT system is carried out using messages of a certain format. The entire set of messages (request, request, response to a request, notification of a check, etc.) within the SWIFT system is divided into Categories. Within each Category, each message type, in turn, corresponds to a SWIFT-formatted message.

Examples of SWIFT messages:

MT 103- one-time crediting of client funds MT 110- receipt notice

MT 200- translation of a financial institution MT 205- execution of an interbank transfer

V Appendix No. a detailed description of the MT 103 SWIFT message is given as the most commonly used outgoing message type.

Appendix No. an example of a SWIFT message in MT 103 format is shown in the form in which it is processed in the information system - bank.

TELEX system (for example TX 103)

Along with the SWIFT system, the TELEX system is widely used as an interbank transfer system.

The factors that contributed to the spread of the TELEX system are the following:

Provision of a range of services, in many respects similar to the services of the SWIFT system;

The absence of a number of restrictions inherent in the SWIFT system (for example, the imposition of restrictions on the length of a number of fields (tags);

The bank's counterparty only has the TELEX system as an external system (i.e., for a number of reasons, the counterparty has connected to the SWIFT system).

One of the features of the TELEX system is the possibility of more flexible configuration of the TELEX message format. So, in the practice of A-bank, it was decided to stick with the SWIFT-like format. Thus, the format of TELEX messages used by A-bank largely repeats the format of SWIFT messages.

V Appendix No. an example of a TELEX message in TX103 format is shown in the form in which it is processed in the bank's information system. As mentioned earlier, the TELEX message format is largely the same as the SWIFT message format.

3.6. Minimum balances on LORO accounts as a tool for

attraction of bank resources

As one of the aspects of using correspondent bank accounts within the framework of this work, we will consider raising funds for irreducible or fixed balances (hereinafter referred to as FO).

The essence of attracting funds from the respondent banks is to increase the bank's resources in exchange for the accrual of a certain percentage on the LORO accounts.

In other words, as a result of the conclusion of an additional agreement on the FD (additional to the correspondent account agreement), the respondent banks undertake not to violate the amount of the balance of their LORO account specified in the agreement during the course of the agreement. The bank, for its part, undertakes with a certain

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to pay the respondent banks the loan interest at a fixed interest rate, fixed in the agreement.

A preliminary agreement on the conclusion of an agreement is reached by the bank in the interbank market with a sufficiently large number of its participants. At the same time, each of the responding banks can conclude at any time any number of additional agreements on FD.

V Appendix No. 3 an example is given of a sample contract of an additional agreement on the FO.

The qualitative growth in the number of contracts and their volumes is shown in Diagrams No. 5 and No. 6, respectively (graphical representations are obtained on the basis of the data in Table No. 5).

Table no. 5

Diagram No. 6

It is also of some interest to analyze the timing of supplementary agreements by category.

By terms of time, additional agreements are divided into short, medium and long (more than six months).

Additional agreements are divided into categories depending on the amount of funds raised: small, medium and large.

The corresponding dependencies are shown in Diagrams No. 7 and No. 8 (graphical representations are obtained on the basis of the data of Tables No. 6 and

Table no. 6


Analysis of the data in Tables 6 and 7 shows that as a result of the interest rate policy pursued by the bank, the respondent banks began to store large amounts of money on their LORO accounts for long periods of time. Thus, the interest rate policy of the bank in terms of attracting funds from customers to federal districts can be recognized as successful.

3.7. Development prospects and ways of improving correspondent relations

Attaching special importance to correspondent relations, large banks create specialized divisions to control their conduct and further improve them in order to achieve such a level of development in which correspondent relations would cover all aspects of the banking business and would contribute to the growth of profits. The most important condition for the effective operation of these divisions is their operational interaction with departments and departments of banks involved in international settlements, foreign exchange non-trading operations and dealing, as well as access to international financial information. The principle of correspondent relations is, first of all, providing each other with the opportunity to conduct profitable transactions. In addition, on the basis of correspondent relations, the range of services provided is expanding, including, for example, training the personnel of their correspondents, assistance in organizing representative offices, information support, etc. V

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Many of these services can be provided free of charge to strengthen collaboration.

For banks in conditions of fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, it is necessary to rationalize the use of funds in correspondent accounts by carefully regulating balances in their accounts with other banks, on the one hand, and the most profitable use of funds in their correspondent accounts, on the other hand.

Using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the largest banks began to create various automated systems for obtaining operational information about account transactions and managing them within the framework of correspondent relations. Such systems are used, for example, by counterparties and clients of "First Bank of London" (MYSIS), "Bankers Trust Co." (Cash Connector), "Morgan Guarantee Trust Co." (M.A.R.S.) Bank of America (BAMTRAC), Chemical Bank (Chemlink) and a number of other other banks in various countries. A number of European and Russian banks have also started to create and implement similar automated systems.

In addition to the SWIFT and TELEX systems discussed in detail above, the "Reuters" system has become widely recognized in banking circles, which provides operational information about the state of affairs on international exchanges and about exchange rates. Also, at present, one of the leading roles is claimed by the World Wide Web (WWW) Internet, which also provides a wide range of opportunities for exchanging information and obtaining the necessary data.

Some banks, including medium-sized ones, began to specialize in transferring funds between their clientele and correspondent banks. An example is the French bank "l Europeenne de Banque", which, as a member of the SWIFT organization, has taken over the translation services of international transactions of a number of French and Italian banks and firms.

The widespread introduction of computer systems into banking practice is also dictated by the fact that competition among banks maintaining correspondent accounts is largely based on how prompt and complete the information provided is, which in modern conditions has become a commodity on the banking services market and is used to achieve optimal conditions for maintaining accounts.

The problem of account balances is closely related to the issue of the cost of banking services provided to correspondents. Typically, these balances (a minimum interest-free balance may be specified) are placed in the market by the holding bank to cover operating costs and generate profits. In conditions of low interest rates, there is a certain mutually beneficial relationship: one bank receives funds that could be used

with a benefit for themselves, the other - the services of their correspondent, the cost of which was acceptable to banks and which could be reduced by increasing the volume of transactions on the account. However, during the period of a sharp increase in interest rates in the mid-1980s, maintaining interest-free balances became disadvantageous for banks and an outflow of funds from correspondent accounts began.

As a result, banks began to revise the basis for constructing the profitability of their operations on correspondent accounts, supplementing it with commissions. Despite the subsequent decrease in market rates, the trend towards transferring transactions on correspondent accounts to a commission basis continues.

Commissions have the advantage of being payable straight away, stable and not subject to fluctuations in rates and foreign exchange rates. Some banks carry out 80 - 90% of transactions on correspondent accounts on the basis of commissions. Banks in the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Great Britain and Russia are also increasingly using the commission basis. However, it should be noted that a number of banks in Germany and Switzerland still use mainly the system of minimum balances, and only 30% of them began to apply commissions.

In modern conditions, it is of great importance, on the one hand, to increase the efficiency of using its own branch network of branches, representative offices, agencies and subsidiaries (for example, the English Midland Bank has a network of more than 200 such institutions) and, on the other hand, to optimize the correspondent network ... The departments responsible for correspondent relations must constantly monitor the expediency of maintaining relations with one or another correspondent and prevent non-payments and overdrafts, if the latter are not provided for by correspondent agreements, the presence of a sufficient number of accounts in different currencies (this avoids the costs associated with currency conversion and exchange rate differences, provided there is no commission for maintaining an account and a sufficient volume of transactions), the optimal distribution of funds between accounts in different banks of the same country.

Thus, the main areas of work to improve correspondent relations with banks are: the allocation of special units in the organizational structure of banks dealing directly with correspondent relations, the widespread introduction of automation and computerization, control over the rational use of funds on correspondent accounts, optimization of the correspondent network abroad and within the country. ...

Telex is a type of telegram allocated in connection with a special method of transmission - by subscriber telex. In other words, a telex is a telegram sent by a teletype (teleprint) - a telegraph device subscribed to by an organization. Telex communication is subscriber, therefore it lacks categories and types, as in telegrams.

Telex communication is widely used in business communication, especially in the field of foreign economic relations at all stages of the conclusion and execution of a transaction. Telex communication differs from the transmission of a message over the public telegraph network in the speed of transmission of the message: the addressee receives the message on his telex installation almost at the same moment when it is sent from the other end of the communication (it takes at least 3 hours to transmit and receive a telegram). In addition, a telex, like a telegram, is a document, unlike a fax, which also ensures the efficiency of transmission, but is just a copy of a document.

The cost of a telex message is determined by the time taken to transmit it. The unit of charge is a connection charge of 1 minute, and the charge depends on the country of destination.

Telexes differ from telegrams by the use of punctuation marks - periods (.) And commas (,), as well as different fonts.

Mandatory details of the telex are: addressee, signature, number, name and address of the sender. The requirements for telex formatting are generally similar to the requirements for the formatting and writing of telegrams. The telex differs from the telegram in the content of the service header, which contains information about the addressee and the sender, as well as the time of message transmission.

Telex is transmitted in Latin script; to write Russian letters in Latin, a conversion table is used:

There is a special form in which telex is written. In the telex itself, the following parts can be conventionally distinguished.

In the upper left part of the telex, the so-called block of operational information (OS block) is presented, which contains information about the addressee and sender, the time of message transmission.

A significant part of the OS block is occupied by an auto-reply, which is a coded message containing:

a certain set of numbers and letters denoting the route number of the station;

individual subscription number;

abbreviated company name;

abbreviated name of the country.

Another important component of the OS block is the indication of the communication time. Sometimes the entire telex begins with the indication of the time, which is indicated as follows: for example, "04 14 23" means "the fourth day at 14 hours 23 minutes."

In some cases, the start time and end time of the telex transmission are indicated, since the payment for the telex is calculated depending on the duration of the message transmission.

The sender, or caller, has the symbol A, and the recipient, or the called subscriber, has the symbol B. When sending a telex message, caller A first indicates the auto-answer of his pen partner, and then puts in his data.

  • 41199 DMI RU
  • 31611 MTAWK G
  • 23567 COLSEA G








  • 31611 MTAWK G
  • 31611 MTAWK G
  • 4119910 DMI RU

The format of the automatic reply of subscribers of the Telex Russia network should be as follows:

ABC abc xxxxx RU,

where ABC is the routing number of the station, abc is the subscriber's individual number, xxxxx is the abbreviated name of the subscriber, containing no more than 5 characters of the Latin alphabet, RU is the country designation code (in this case, Russia). For the correct use of telex communication, the subscriber must know the International code for service calls over the Telex network, the numbers of subscribers of other countries and their auto-responses.

Thus, the OS unit usually includes the auto-responses of subscribers A and B and the date. Dates are written in numbers. In the above telex, this part of the OS block is deciphered as follows:

  • 411911 B DMI RU - telex, abbreviated company name and addressee's country: DMI - Domintorg, RU - Russian.
  • 31611 MTAWK G -telex, the name of the company and the country of the sender: G - Great Britain, MTAWK - MTA Warwick;
  • 23567 COLSEA G - name or code of the parent company in the UK;
  • 040201 - date of sending the telex: February 4, 2001.
  • 12:20 pm is the time of departure of the telex.

The next part of the OS block, which is optional and may be absent, gives in more detail, often in decrypted form, the name of the recipient and the sender. Here also the outgoing telex number and the telex number can be given, in response to which this is written. In the above telex, this part of the OS block is deciphered as follows:

TO: COMPLEKT - the telex is addressed to the Komplekt company, Domintorg OJSC;

C.C. NGO MOSCOW - a copy of the telex was sent to the representative office of the firm in Moscow;

TX 24633 - telex no. 24633;

ST 2219 - telex number of OJSC Domintorg, in response to which this telex was sent.

The sender of the telex can also indicate a specific person to whom the telex is intended. In this case, a phrase like this is placed before the telex text:

ATTIN IRINA IVANOVA (Attention of Irina Ivanova - Attention of Irina Ivanova)

Business telexes may provide a brief indication of the content of the telex. It is placed between the phrase: "Attention of ..." and the main text or is given as the first phrase of the main text: Re - abbreviation of the Latin expression "in re" in the case.

In my example:


In telexes, as a rule, there is no reference.

The structure of the telex OS block may include other components, depending on the practice adopted in a particular country and company. This information is not essential for communication, but only details or repeats the basic information of the OS unit (where, to whom, from whom and when the telex was sent). It is of a technical nature and is not needed in operational work.

The OS block is followed by the actual telex message text.

The telex text is summarized. The use of combinations of numbers and letters is allowed only in factory and trade marks and brands; in the numbering of houses, apartments; in outgoing numbers of documents; in the numbers of military units and field posts; in the numbers of trains and wagons and some other cases.

The telex text should not begin and end with numbers, since at the beginning of the reply telex the index of the document to which the answer is given is put, and at the end of the text its outgoing number is put.

The telex text should contain specific information that reflects the essence of the situation. In some cases, a brief proof, argumentation is allowed.

Telexes use a large number of abbreviations. Abbreviation is performed both at the phrase level (for example, ASAP - as soon as possible) and at the word level (YR - Your). Grammatical features are characterized by the fact that in telexes, as in telegrams, some parts of speech are released:

a) linking verb:

b) auxiliary verb in tense verb forms:


c) pronouns (including the function of the subject):

d) prepositions:


f) articles:


Modal verbs are not allowed.

In the above telex, the linking verb has been omitted: we (are) convinced; union: we (are) convinced (that) we will; pronoun: we receive (your) urgent reply; article: in (the) near future.

The economical use of language means is evidenced by some lexical features of the telex:

instead of a verbose expression, one word with the same meaning is used, for example, with best regards - regards;

complex wordy sentences typical for business letters are not used, for example: We confirm receipt instead of We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of;

the choice is made in favor of shorter words, for example, instead of approximately - about;

preference is given to neutral and specific business vocabulary, the use of which does not cause its various interpretations;

The punctuation rules used in telexes are generally closer to those of business writing than telegrams. In telexes, in this case, periods and commas are put, as in letters.

In international telex correspondence, special rules for writing numbers are adopted:

fractions are written with a slash: 2/3, 1/6; if necessary, the designation of an integer and a fraction is separated from the integer by a dash: 2 - 5/6;

  • b) numbers are indicated in telex numbers, however, in accordance with the accepted norms of international practice, the digital designation of multidigit numbers is usually followed by their letter designation, for example: 1000 - one thousand;
  • c) when denoting percentages, instead of the percent sign (%), the number 0 and the oblique bar are used, i.e. 0/0 instead of%.

When composing a telex, sometimes it becomes necessary to correct a detected error. In this case, the following can be recommended. Immediately after the detected error, the letter "X" is printed 5 times in a row (without intervals), after which, at several intervals, the correct word is placed, for example,


The main text is followed by the final form of politeness, which in telexes is reduced to various abbreviations of the expression With best regards (Best rgds; regards; rgds).

The last telex message ends with "++". The "+?" at the end of the telex - waiting for a reply or a new message - eliminates the need to redial the number.

The end of the telex may contain numbers and words that are not meaningfully related to the content of the telex. These are comparison marks related to the technical control of telex transmission and they do not carry a semantic meaning.