Information technology by whom to work. Information Systems and Technologies - Bachelor's Degree (09.03.02)

Good mastering of the specialty will endow you with the following competencies and allow you to apply them in future work in professions where they are needed:

  • Programming in high-level languages.
  • Development of software associated with various operations carried out with information.
  • Development of software for various purposes.
  • Creation of instructions for the operation of IS.
  • Collecting IP from existing components, supporting its operation and preventing threats to data.
  • Creation of web servers, internet sites.
  • Digital information processing.
  • Organizational activity.

      A graduate with a bachelor's degree is engaged in research activities in the field of IT. He develops, implements and maintains information systems (IS) and technologies. This presupposes the ability to work with information processes, skillfully select the optimal tools and methods for their customization, production and use. The main areas of application of professional skills are the automation of the trading process, software for modern education, computerization of business, production and research organizations.

      Professions for which this specialty can become the basis:

      • WEB-administrator;
      • developer and database administrator;
      • specialist in the field of digital video, computer graphics and animation;
      • system analysts and programmers.
      • in more detail in the next profession tab


Good specialists are needed everywhere: in commercial, government agencies, web studios and other companies where programmers, database specialists and others are needed. On average, in Russia, the salary level of a young specialist is 30-40 thousand rubles. But with the skillful use of the knowledge gained and a certain talent, you can get many times more, an unlimited amount, since you can find very profitable application of your knowledge. If we take the labor market, then an experienced good specialist gets an average of 100k.

Information Systems Specialist is engaged in the development, maintenance and implementation of various information systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see the choice of profession by interest in school subjects).

An information system is a system for automating the activities of organizations, which includes:

  • technical support (a set of technical means for the operation of the system);
  • software and software;
  • information support and technologies;
  • organizational, methodological and legal support.

The main purpose of an information system, for example, in economics, is to create an information infrastructure for efficient operation and management of a company. So, the information system "1C: Enterprise" is designed to automate all accounting processes at the enterprise. Information systems for organizational management automate the activities of executive personnel in hotels, banks, trade. At manufacturing enterprises, systems for automating the functions of technical personnel are used: production lines, production of microcircuits, assembly. Automation of design processes is information systems such as the creation of design and graphic documentation, modeling of objects.

The professional standard for this profession was developed and approved relatively recently - November 18, 2014 by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 896n "On the approval of the professional standard" Information Systems Specialist ".

Information systems are initially created with a view to users who are specialists in their subject area, but do not possess special knowledge in the field of IT. Therefore, applications of information systems should be as simple, convenient, easy to learn, and intuitive as possible.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of an information systems specialist can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Creation and maintenance of information systems:
  • negotiations with the customer in order to clarify his requirements for the information system;
  • collection of information for modeling the subject area of ​​the project and the requirements of future users of the system;
  • drawing up, together with the customer, a technical assignment for the development of an information system;
  • development of an information system and interaction with all project participants in the course of work;
  • deployment of workplaces of the information system at the customer;
  • installation and configuration of application software required for the functioning of the system;
  • setting up technical equipment involved in the operation of the system;
  • integration of the information system with the customer's technical support;
  • conducting internal testing of the system with parameter setting;
  • trial operation of the information system at the enterprise;
  • elimination of claims from users of the system after trial operation;
  • identification and elimination of errors in the process.
  1. Technical support:
  • installation of the information system;
  • system support during operation;
  • software coding within a certain framework of the assigned tasks;
  • development of operating instructions and technical documentation.
  1. Interaction with system users:
  • training users of the information system in methods of working with it; consulting users of the information system;
  • creation of presentations and demo versions of the system;
  • preparation of a report on learning outcomes.

At each stage, a group of specialists can work, depending on the volume of the enterprise and the tasks set.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Demand.
  2. High wages for qualified specialists.
  3. Developing useful contacts and acquaintances in business.


  1. Initial training of users is associated with their misunderstanding and opposition.
  2. The need to convince and repeatedly explain elementary things to users who do not have special qualifications in the field of information technology.
  3. Frequent business trips are possible.

Place of work

Legally, an information systems specialist is an employee of an IT company that develops information systems, but geographically, during the implementation of the system, he works at an enterprise. In the structure of the enterprise itself, a department is sometimes created to support the implemented information systems, so that after training and trial operation, its own specialists can identify and eliminate possible incidents.

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind;
  • systems thinking;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to work with groups of people;
  • the ability to create constructive interaction between IT specialists and system users;
  • attention to detail;
  • a responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • knowledge of English for reading technical literature.
  • Professional skills
  • knowledge of the architecture and functioning of modern information systems;
  • knowledge of the principles of analysis and storage of databases;
  • knowledge of the basics and programming languages, modern methods of testing information systems;
  • knowledge of automation standards for various processes (ERP, CRM, MRP, ITIL, ITSM, etc.);
  • the ability to quickly delve into and understand the subject area of ​​the projected information system;
  • knowledge of the basics of economic activity and enterprise management is desirable;
  • ability to work with information: collection, processing, analysis.

Training for an Information Systems Specialist



Salary as of 02/03/2020

Russia 18000-55000 ₽

Moscow 35000-74000 ₽

A beginner information systems specialist can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles or more. A specialist with more than 3 years of experience can receive from 100 thousand rubles. in the metropolitan area.

Career Steps and Prospects

An information systems specialist can start his career with the operation of a system at an enterprise, then go through all the stages from a simple specialist to the main one for the implementation of information systems. The next stage is the Project Manager for the implementation of the information system, then - the level of the developer of information systems.

Types of information systems

Classification by purpose and use of the system:

  • organizational or administrative management systems;
  • process control systems;
  • automated research systems;
  • computer-aided design (CAD) systems.

According to the organizational level, 4 types of information systems are distinguished:

  • Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) systems for interactive processing of requests at the operational level;
  • knowledge-level systems, Knowledge Work System (KWS) and office automation systems - Office Automation Systems (OAS);
  • management level systems Management Information Systems (MIS) and decision support systems - Decision Support Systems (DSS);
  • systems of strategic level Executive Support Systems (ESS).

In the past, information was considered a bureaucratic field and a limited decision-making tool. Today, information is considered as one of the main resources for the development of society, and information systems and technologies as a means of increasing the productivity and efficiency of people.

Information systems and technologies are most widely used in production, management and financial activities, although shifts have begun in the minds of people employed in other spheres regarding the need for their implementation and active use. This determined the angle of view from which the main areas of their application will be considered. The main attention is paid to the consideration of information systems and technologies from the standpoint of using their capabilities to increase the efficiency of workers in the information sphere of production and support decision-making in organizations (firms).


Under system they understand any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a set of dissimilar elements combined in the interests of achieving the set goals. The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in terms of their main goals.

Example 3.1. Here are several systems consisting of different elements and aimed at the implementation of different goals.


System elements

The main goal of the system

People, equipment, materials, buildings, etc.

Production of goods


Electronic and electromechanical components, communication lines, etc.

Data processing

Telecommunication system

Computers, modems, cables, networking software, etc.

Transfer of information

Information system

Computers, computer networks, people, information and software

Professional information production

In computer science, the concept of "system" is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of hardware and software. The hardware part of a computer can be called a system. A system can also be considered a variety of programs for solving specific applied problems, supplemented by procedures for maintaining documentation and managing calculations.

Adding the word “informational” to the concept of “system” reflects the purpose of its creation and functioning. Information systems provide collection, storage, processing, search, and delivery of information necessary in the process of making decisions on problems from any field. They help analyze problems and create new products.

Information system- an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in order to achieve the set goal.

The modern understanding of the information system involves the use of a personal computer as the main technical means of processing information. In large organizations, along with a personal computer, the technical base of an information system may include a mainframe or a supercomputer. In addition, the technical implementation of the information system in itself will mean nothing if the role of the person for whom the information is intended is not taken into account and without whom it is impossible to receive and present it.

It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and information systems.

Computers equipped with specialized software are a technical base and a tool for information systems. Information system unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications

Stages of development of information systems

The history of the development of information systems and the purpose of their use at different periods are presented in table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Changing the approach to the use of information systems

Time period

Information use concept

Type of information systems

Purpose of use

1950 -1960

Paper flow of settlement documents

Information systems for processing settlement documents on electromechanical accounting machines

Improving the speed of processing documents Simplifying the procedure for processing invoices and calculating salaries

1960 -1970

Essential help in preparing reports

Management information systems for production information

Speeding up the reporting process

1970 -1980

Management control of implementation (sales)

Decision support systems

Systems for senior management

Working out the most rational solution

1980 - 2000

Information is a strategic resource that provides a competitive advantage

Strategic Information Systems Automated Offices

Survival and prosperity of the firm

The first information systems appeared in the 50s. During these years, they were intended for processing invoices and payroll calculations, and were implemented on electromechanical accounting machines. This led to some reduction in costs and time for preparing paper documents.

Processes in the information system

The processes that ensure the operation of an information system of any purpose can be conventionally represented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 3.1), consisting of blocks:

    input of information from external or internal sources;

    processing input information and presenting it in a convenient form;

    output of information for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;

    feedback is information processed by the people of a given organization to correct the input information.

The information system is defined by the following properties:

    any information system can be analyzed, built and managed on the basis of general principles of building systems;

    the information system is dynamic and evolving;

    when building an information system, it is necessary to use a systematic approach;

    the output of an information system is information on the basis of which decisions are made;

    the information system should be perceived as a human-computer information processing system.

The structure of an information system is made up of a set of its individual parts, called subsystems.
Rice. 3.1. Processes in the information system

Types of provisioning subsystems

The structure of an information system is made up of a set of its individual parts, called subsystems.

Subsystem- This is a part of the system, allocated according to some attribute.

The general structure of an information system can be considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope. In this case, they talk about structural feature classification, and the subsystems are called providing. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of supporting subsystems (Figure 3.4).

Rice. 3.4. The structure of the information system as a set of supporting subsystems

Information, technical, mathematical, software, organizational and legal support are usually distinguished among the supporting subsystems.

Information Support- a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information.

The purpose of the information support subsystem is the timely formation and delivery of reliable information for making management decisions.

Information Support- a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in an organization, as well as a methodology for building databases.

Technical support- a set of technical means intended for the operation of the information system, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes.

Mathematical and software- a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of the complex of technical means.

Organizational support- a set of methods and tools that regulate the interaction of workers with technical means and among themselves in the development and operation of the information system.

Legal support- a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and operation of information systems, regulating the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information.

Information process and its structure

The information process is a set of operations related to the collection, storage, transmission, processing, search and delivery of information. In accordance with this, the structure of the information process is as follows:

The source of information in agricultural production is - animals, plants, fields, atmosphere, scientific experiments, machines, etc.

Communication channel - air (speech information) vibrations caused by natural phenomena, the operation of machines and apparatus; electric current (information is transmitted by telephone, telex communication at any distance); ether (the thinnest matter for transmitting radio and television vibrations); X-rays and light rays.

The following technical media are used for storing and issuing information: paper, iron, silicon, plastic, cloth, wood, clay, stone. In accordance with what type of media prevails, information processes are classified into two groups:

1. Paper information processes.

2. Paperless information processes using the rest of the media.

There is a revolutionary change from paper information technology to paperless technology. According to forecasts, by the middle of the XXI century in the developed countries of the world, paper technology will be replaced by paperless technology.

The main means of information processing is a computer. The amount of information that society must process in the course of its development, as the system of social production grows, increases intensively. Information is becoming an important means of the existence of society.

The development of these processes leads to the emergence of information barriers. In the history of mankind, two information barriers have been identified:

    The information barrier arises at the moment when one person cannot cope with the processing of the flow of information passing through him. The way to overcome it is the social division of labor and the rationalization of socio-economic distribution.

    Associated with the enormous bandwidth of the human brain. The way to overcome this barrier is to increase labor productivity in the field of management and its automation. The main tool is a computer, with its help most of the information flows can pass and close outside a person. To ensure human interaction with a computer, the problem of complex automation of individual sections of information processes is being solved. Automation is the execution of the information processing process without direct human participation.


Definition of information technology

Technology when translated from Greek (techne) means art, craftsmanship, skill, and these are nothing more than processes. Under process you should understand a certain set of actions aimed at achieving the goal. The process should be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods.

Under material production technology understand the process determined by a set of means and methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials or materials. Technology changes the quality or initial state of matter in order to obtain a material product (Fig. 3.10).

Rice. 3.10 . Information technology as an analogue of material resources processing technology

Information is one of the most valuable resources of society along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processing of material resources, can be perceived as technology. Then the following definition is valid.

Information technology- a process using a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The goal of material production technology is the release of products that meet the needs of a person or a system.

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and making, on its basis, a decision to perform an action.

It is known that by applying different technologies to the same material resource, it is possible to obtain different products and products. The same will be true for information processing technology.

Example 3.18. To complete the test in mathematics, each student applies his own technology for processing the initial information (initial data of the tasks). The information product (the results of solving problems) will depend on the technology of the solution that the student chooses. Manual information technology is commonly used. If we use computer information technology capable of solving such problems, then the information product will have a different quality.

For comparison, in table. 3.3 shows the main components of both types of technologies.

Table 3.3. Comparison of the main components of technologies

Computer science as a science

The term "informatics" in the sense in which it is now used, originated in the early 60s in the French language (informatique). The word "informatics" is formed from two words - "information" and "automation". Therefore, the meaning of this word should have been something like this: automatic work with information.

In fact, at present, we are only talking about "automated" work with information, that is, about the combination of human functions and technical devices. Note that the term "automatic", generally speaking, means without human participation. Until the beginning of the nineties of the XX century, discussions took place in our country, in which they tried to define as accurately as possible both the term "informatics" and fix the subject of this science and distinguish it from related sciences. However, to this day there are several different points of view on this issue. We will understand by this term the following.

Informatics is a fundamental natural science about expedient information processing carried out mainly with the help of automated means, considered as a display of knowledge and facts, information, data in various fields of human activity. This is the science of the means, methods and ways of collecting, exchanging, storing and processing information.

At present, in our country, as well as throughout the world, the processes of computerization and informatization are proceeding quite rapidly in most spheres of the national economy.

Computerization is the process of equipping organizations, enterprises and workplaces of individual specialists with various computer technology, combining individual machines into computer networks, installing and mastering modern software systems. Informatization is the widespread introduction of modern information technologies in the professional activities of specialists in various fields, in educational, research, management, administrative activities, in the life and leisure of a person. Information technology is a specific system of means, methods and methods of collecting, accumulating, searching, processing, receiving and transmitting information. Technology translated from Greek means art, skill, skill, and these are nothing more than processes. A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving the set goal. Information technology is a process that uses a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon. Information technology is the most important component of the process of using society's information resources. By now, it has gone through several evolutionary stages, the change of which was determined mainly by the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new means of information processing. The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a result, changed its name due to the addition of the word "new". New information technology - information technology with a friendly "user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications facilities. The adjective "computer" emphasizes that the main technical means of its implementation is a computer. As an information technology toolkit, you can use the following common types of software products for a personal computer: word processor, desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional information systems, expert systems, etc. outdated information technology is purely paper technology, when all work with information is carried out on paper or its equivalents. Modern information technologies, in particular, imply: - almost complete rejection of paper information carriers, starting with the registration of primary information on computer media; - the availability of any information (except for information, access to which is limited by law) anywhere in the world and at any time. Many experts believe that humanity is gradually moving from the industrial stage of its development to the post-industrial, or rather, to the informational stage, since at the present stage the further development of science, technology, and the economy of the state cannot be imagined without the widest use of the latest achievements of informatics. And the life of an individual person is more and more associated with information science. Information, informatization is considered one of the most important types of strategic national resources, and these indicators, in particular, determine the economic and military power of the state.

Information is one of the most valuable resources in the modern world. Every year more and more different spheres of human life are associated with computers and all kinds of programs. For this reason, the profession "Information technology and systems" is considered at the moment not only in demand, but also prestigious, as well as having far-reaching prospects. The fact is that this area continues to develop rather quickly, and constantly new areas are in need of such specialists.

Knowledge of information systems is necessary not only in everyday life in order to work on a computer or understand the functions of modern phones, but also to protect all kinds of files, create various programs and even ensure the correct functioning of industrial equipment.

What is the specificity of the profession?

The Information Technology and Systems profession includes many different knowledge and specializations. You need to understand that the future specialist studies not only programming languages, databases, application development and software development, but also the computer device, the capabilities of its components and their compatibility. The scope of such information is extremely wide. You can study information technology in:

  • design;
  • production of various industries;
  • education;
  • media systems;
  • transport, etc.

Also, areas for study can be:

  • programming;
  • theory of information systems and processes;
  • information processing technology;
  • management of various data;
  • information protection and much more.

Each of the areas has its own specific characteristics, but the main points are similar. The profession "Information systems and technologies" is divided into many areas, which can be chosen as a specialization or give preference to several industries. In addition, in the learning process in most educational institutions there is an opportunity to gain additional knowledge in one direction or another, which in the future will give an advantage when looking for work and employment.

Considering the fact that information technologies are developing very quickly, almost all systems are automated and computerized, future specialists should be ready to constantly study new trends and directions in this area. Without improvement and advanced training in any profession, it is impossible to be a sought-after specialist. It is necessary to constantly be aware of all new products and not be lazy to delve into their essence.

Where to study: requirements for future specialists

The specialty "Information systems and technologies" can be obtained on the basis of 11 or 9 grades. There is an opportunity to do this in vocational schools, colleges or universities. It happens that after receiving the first education, a specialist wants to have more in-depth or additional data. The profession "Information technologies and systems" allows you not only to gain superficial knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the computer as a whole, but also to find out the peculiarities of the work of all kinds of programs, add-ons, applications, etc. In addition, it helps to learn how to create them yourself, to be able to understand breakdowns PC or its components, their compatibility and more.

To obtain the profession "Information systems and technologies", the applicant must have excellent knowledge of mathematics, English, in addition, in some educational institutions he will have to pass physics, computer science or his native language. The number and list of items may vary. Mathematics and English are specialized, without a fairly high level of knowledge in them it will be very difficult for a student, if not practically impossible, to master all the necessary sciences and subtleties of the specialty.

Now in almost every city there is, if not a university, then a specialized secondary educational institution, where you can get this profession. Moreover, there is an opportunity to master this specialty not only in the full-time department, but also in the correspondence, evening or mixed department. Basically, the number of years of study, regardless of its form, is the same. This makes it possible to get the desired profession not only for those who graduate from school, but also for people who have a permanent job, if they need additional education or knowledge in this area. They can be important for day-to-day use, finding a better, better-paying or prestigious position, career advancement, and more.

Demand for a specialty and prospects

According to various sites and surveys, the profession "Information systems and technologies" is in demand not only in the CIS, but throughout the world. This makes it possible not only to consider the prospects of working in the territory of your country, but also to search for more interesting and prestigious options outside its borders. Moreover, this specialty has been leading the ratings for more than one year for the reason that the development of information and computer technologies not only does not slow down, but is also gaining momentum.

In the modern world, specialists in this field are needed for literally all industries and firms, from the smallest to large enterprises and corporations. Now it is difficult even to imagine at least one company that would manage in its work without computers, information technology and other things. And in everyday life, each person constantly encounters and interacts with various programs and systems.

Considering that the majority of modern equipment is computerized, specialists are needed not only to maintain its correct functioning, adjustment and debugging, but also to create programs for it. For this reason, all companies that are associated with the industry, purchasing or developing mechanisms for production, need a highly qualified specialist in the field of information technology.

In addition, data protection plays an important role. This is one of the main directions in this area. Since almost all operations are carried out via the Internet, corporate information can be transmitted or stored in the "cloud" or on the computers themselves, as well as all kinds of media, it is necessary to ensure their safety and reliable protection from hacking and theft. This also applies to banking systems, government, trade, military and other data.

After receiving this specialty, a professional can occupy a position from a system administrator to an engineer or programmer. Many people start their own companies. Such a business is called promising and profitable today.

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you will have to constantly improve and deepen your skills and knowledge, which, however, is true for absolutely any profession. This will ensure a high salary and a prestigious position. In addition, additional education and the study of the latest technologies will allow you to constantly remain in demand and competitive specialist, with whom the best companies in the world will be interested.

This specialty is in the spirit of the times, so to speak. It can give you knowledge that will definitely be in demand in the modern information technology world. Information systems are everywhere. The ability to work with information in every sense will give you a guaranteed place in the labor market. Within the framework of the specialty, students will study a number of highly specialized disciplines (can vary and be supplemented depending on the profile): tools, IP modeling and architecture, computer graphics, programming and database technologies, information processing technology, computer science theory, information and network technologies. The priority task of the course is to train a young specialist who will be able to realize himself in any areas related to computerization, automation, information technology. Here one cannot do without love for the exact sciences, the knowledge of which is tested among applicants. *

* The set of disciplines and the bias of teaching