What is the green code. Color in styles can be set in different ways: by hexadecimal value, by name, in RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA format

This page provides a table with keywords that can be used to denote colors in web development languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and more.

In the old specifications of the WC3 concern, only 16 keywords were spelled out, with the help of which colors were set in HTML and CSS. In later, more recent specifications, 130 more keywords have been added to denote color names. The following table lists the color names, hexadecimal and RGB codes they correspond to.

According to CSS rules, color names are not case sensitive. IndianRed and indianred color entries are equivalent.

It is also worth noting that of the 146 keywords of the table, there are actually fewer colors in it. This is because some keywords mean the same color. So the names Gray and Gray stand for 50% gray with the code # 808080, and the word Magenta is a synonym for the HTML color Fuchsia, which corresponds to the hex code # FF00FF. Also synonyms are the words Aqua and Cyan, they correspond to the code # 00FFFF.

Color name in HTML and CSS HEX RGB
Red tones:
IndianRed# CD5C5C205, 92, 92
LightCoral# F08080240, 128, 128
Salmon# FA8072250, 128, 114
Darksalmon# E9967A233, 150, 122
LightSalmon# FFA07A255, 160, 122
Crimson# DC143C220, 20, 60
Red# FF0000255, 0, 0
FireBrick# B22222178, 34, 34
Darkred# 8B0000139, 0, 0
Pink tones:
Pink# FFC0CB255, 192, 203
LightPink# FFB6C1255, 182, 193
HotPink# FF69B4255, 105, 180
Deeppink# FF1493255, 20, 147
MediumVioletRed# C71585199, 21, 133
PaleVioletRed# DB7093219, 112, 147
Orange tones:
LightSalmon# FFA07A255, 160, 122
Coral# FF7F50255, 127, 80
Tomato# FF6347255, 99, 71
OrangeRed# FF4500255, 69, 0
DarkOrange# FF8C00255, 140, 0
Orange# FFA500255, 165, 0
Yellow tones:
Gold# FFD700255, 215, 0
Yellow# FFFF00255, 255, 0
LightYellow# FFFFE0255, 255, 224
LemonChiffon#FFFACD255, 250, 205
LightGoldenrodYellow# FAFAD2250, 250, 210
PapayaWhip# FFEFD5255, 239, 213
Moccasin# FFE4B5255, 228, 181
PeachPuff# FFDAB9255, 218, 185
Palegoldenrod# EEE8AA238, 232, 170
Khaki# F0E68C240, 230, 140
Darkkhaki# BDB76B189, 183, 107
Purple tones:
Lavender# E6E6FA230, 230, 250
Thistle# D8BFD8216, 191, 216
Plum# DDA0DD221, 160, 221
Violet# EE82EE238, 130, 238
Orchid# DA70D6218, 112, 214
Fuchsia# FF00FF255, 0, 255
Magenta# FF00FF255, 0, 255
MediumOrchid# BA55D3186, 85, 211
MediumPurple# 9370DB147, 112, 219
Blueviolet# 8A2BE2138, 43, 226
Darkviolet# 9400D3148, 0, 211
DarkOrchid# 9932CC153, 50, 204
DarkMagenta# 8B008B139, 0, 139
Purple#800080 128, 0, 128
Indigo# 4B008275, 0, 130
SlateBlue# 6A5ACD106, 90, 205
DarkSlateBlue# 483D8B72, 61, 139
Brown tones:
Cornsilk# FFF8DC255, 248, 220
BlanchedAlmond#FFEBCD255, 235, 205
Bisque# FFE4C4255, 228, 196
NavajoWhite#FFDEAD255, 222, 173
Wheat# F5DEB3245, 222, 179
BurlyWood# DEB887222, 184, 135
Tan# D2B48C210, 180, 140
RosyBrown# BC8F8F188, 143, 143
Sandybrown# F4A460244, 164, 96
Goldenrod# DAA520218, 165, 32
DarkGoldenRod# B8860B184, 134, 11
Peru# CD853F205, 133, 63
Chocolate# D2691E210, 105, 30
Saddlebrown# 8B4513139, 69, 19
Sienna# A0522D160, 82, 45
Brown# A52A2A165, 42, 42
Maroon#800000 128, 0, 0
Primary colors:
Black#000000 0, 0, 0
Gray#808080 128, 128, 128
Silver# C0C0C0192, 192, 192
White#FFFFFF255, 255, 255
Fuchsia# FF00FF255, 0, 255
Purple#800080 128, 0, 128
Red# FF0000255, 0, 0
Maroon#800000 128, 0, 0
Yellow# FFFF00205, 92, 92
Olive#808000 240, 128, 128
Lime# 00FF00250, 128, 114
Green#008000 233, 150, 122
Aqua# 00FFFF205, 92, 92
Teal#008080 240, 128, 128
Blue# 0000FF250, 128, 114
Navy#000080 233, 150, 122
Color name in HTML and CSS HEX RGB
Green tones:
GreenYellow# ADFF2F173, 255, 47
Chartreuse# 7FFF00127, 255, 0
LawnGreen# 7CFC00124, 252, 0
Lime# 00FF000, 255, 0
LimeGreen# 32CD3250, 205, 50
Palegreen# 98FB98152, 251, 152
LightGreen# 90EE90144, 238, 144
MediumSpringGreen# 00FA9A0, 250, 154
SpringGreen# 00FF7F0, 255, 127
MediumSeaGreen# 3CB37160, 179, 113
Seagreen# 2E8B5746, 139, 87
ForestGreen# 228B2234, 139, 34
Green#008000 0, 128, 0
DarkGreen#006400 0, 100, 0
YellowGreen# 9ACD32154, 205, 50
OliveDrab# 6B8E23107, 142, 35
Olive#808000 128, 128, 0
DarkOliveGreen# 556B2F85, 107, 47
MediumAquamarine# 66CDAA102, 205, 170
DarkSeaGreen# 8FBC8F143, 188, 143
LightSeaGreen# 20B2AA32, 178, 170
DarkCyan# 008B8B0, 139, 139
Teal#008080 0, 128, 128
Blue tones:
Aqua# 00FFFF0, 255, 255
Cyan# 00FFFF0, 255, 255
LightCyan# E0FFFF224, 255, 255
Paleturquoise#AFEEEE175, 238, 238
Aquamarine# 7FFFD4127, 255, 212
Turquoise# 40E0D064, 224, 208
MediumTurquoise# 48D1CC72, 209, 204
Darkturquoise# 00CED10, 206, 209
CadetBlue# 5F9EA095, 158, 160
SteelBlue# 4682B470, 130, 180
LightSteelBlue# B0C4DE176, 196, 222
PowderBlue# B0E0E6176, 224, 230
LightBlue# ADD8E6173, 216, 230
SkyBlue# 87CEEB135, 206, 235
LightSkyBlue# 87CEFA135, 206, 250
DeepSkyBlue# 00BFFF0, 191, 255
DodgerBlue# 1E90FF30, 144, 255
CornflowerBlue# 6495ED100, 149, 237
MediumSlateBlue# 7B68EE123, 104, 238
RoyalBlue# 4169E165, 105, 225
Blue# 0000FF0, 0, 255
MediumBlue# 0000CD0, 0, 205
Darkblue# 00008B0, 0, 139
Navy#000080 0, 0, 128
MidnightBlue#191970 25, 25, 112
White tones:
White#FFFFFF255, 255, 255
Snow#FFFAFA255, 250, 250
Honeydew# F0FFF0240, 255, 240
MintCream# F5FFFA245, 255, 250
Azure# F0FFFF240, 255, 255
AliceBlue# F0F8FF240, 248, 255
Ghostwhite# F8F8FF248, 248, 255
WhiteSmoke# F5F5F5245, 245, 245
Seashell# FFF5EE255, 245, 238
Beige# F5F5DC245, 245, 220
OldLace# FDF5E6253, 245, 230
FloralWhite# FFFAF0255, 250, 240
Ivory# FFFFF0255, 255, 240
AntiqueWhite# FAEBD7250, 235, 215
Linen# FAF0E6250, 240, 230
LavenderBlush# FFF0F5255, 240, 245
MistyRose# FFE4E1255, 228, 225
Gray tones:
Gainsboro#DCDCDC220, 220, 220
LightGrey# D3D3D3211, 211, 211
LightGray# D3D3D3211, 211, 211
Silver# C0C0C0192, 192, 192
DarkGray# A9A9A9169, 169, 169
DarkGrey# A9A9A9169, 169, 169
Gray#808080 128, 128, 128
Gray#808080 128, 128, 128
DimGray#696969 105, 105, 105
DimGrey#696969 105, 105, 105
LightSlateGray#778899 119, 136, 153
LightSlateGrey#778899 119, 136, 153
SlateGray#708090 112, 128, 144
SlateGrey#708090 112, 128, 144
DarkSlateGray# 2F4F4F47, 79, 79
DarkSlateGrey# 2F4F4F47, 79, 79
Black#000000 0, 0, 0

Hexadecimal numbers are used to set colors. The hexadecimal system, in contrast to the decimal system, is based, as its name suggests, on the number 16. The numbers will be as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C , D, E, F. Numbers from 10 to 15 are replaced by Latin letters. Numbers greater than 15 in hexadecimal are formed by combining two numbers into one. For example, 255 decimal equals FF hexadecimal. To avoid confusion in the definition of the number system, the hash character # is placed in front of the hexadecimal number, for example # 666999. Each of the three colors — red, green, and blue — can range from 00 to FF. Thus, the color designation is divided into three components #rrggbb, where the first two characters mark the red component of the color, the two middle ones - green, and the last two - blue. It is allowed to use an abbreviated form like #rgb, where each character should be doubled. So, the # fe0 entry should be treated as # ffee00.

By name

Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Safari Firefox Android iOS
4.0+ 1.0+ 3.5+ 1.3+ 1.0+ 1.0+ 1.0+

Browsers support some colors by name. Table 1 shows the names, hexadecimal code, RGB, HSL values ​​and description.

Tab. 1. Names of colors
Name Color The code RGB Hsl Description
white #ffffff or #fff rgb (255,255,255) hsl (0.0%, 100%) White
silver # c0c0c0 rgb (192,192,192) hsl (0.0%, 75%) Grey
gray #808080 rgb (128,128,128) hsl (0.0%, 50%) Dark grey
black # 000000 or # 000 rgb (0,0,0) hsl (0.0%, 0%) Black
maroon #800000 rgb (128,0,0) hsl (0.100%, 25%) Dark red
red # ff0000 or # f00 rgb (255,0,0) hsl (0.100%, 50%) Red
orange # ffa500 rgb (255,165,0) hsl (38.8,100%, 50%) Orange
yellow # ffff00 or # ff0 rgb (255,255,0) hsl (60,100%, 50%) Yellow
olive #808000 rgb (128,128,0) hsl (60,100%, 25%) Olive
lime # 00ff00 or # 0f0 rgb (0.255.0) hsl (120,100%, 50%) Light green
green #008000 rgb (0.128.0) hsl (120,100%, 25%) Green
aqua # 00ffff or # 0ff rgb (0,255,255) hsl (180,100%, 50%) Blue
blue # 0000ff or # 00f rgb (0,0,255) hsl (240,100%, 50%) Blue
navy #000080 rgb (0,0,128) hsl (240,100%, 25%) Navy blue
teal #008080 rgb (0.128.128) hsl (180,100%, 25%) Blue green
fuchsia # ff00ff or # f0f rgb (255,0,255) hsl (300,100%, 50%) Pink
purple #800080 rgb (128,0,128) hsl (300,100%, 25%) Violet

With RGB

Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Safari Firefox Android iOS
5.0+ 1.0+ 3.5+ 1.3+ 1.0+ 1.0+ 1.0+

You can determine the color using the decimal values ​​of the red, green, and blue components. Each of the three color components takes a value from 0 to 255. It is also permissible to set the color as a percentage, while 100% will correspond to the number 255. First, the rgb keyword is indicated, and then in parentheses, the color components are indicated, separated by commas, for example rgb (255 , 128, 128) or rgb (100%, 50%, 50%).


Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Safari Firefox Android iOS
9.0+ 1.0+ 10.0+ 3.1+ 3.0+ 2.1+ 2.0+

The RGBA format is similar in syntax to RGB, but includes an alpha channel that controls the transparency of the element. A value of 0 corresponds to full transparency, 1 to opacity, and an intermediate value like 0.5 to semi-transparency.

RGBA was added in CSS3, so CSS code validation should be done using this version. It should be noted that the CSS3 standard is still under development and some features may change. For example, an RGB color added to the background-color property is validated, but a color added to the background property no longer. At the same time, browsers quite correctly understand the color for both properties.


Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Safari Firefox Android iOS
9.0+ 1.0+ 9.6+ 3.1+ 3.0+ 2.1+ 2.0+

The name of the HSL format is formed from a combination of the first letters Hue (hue), Saturate (saturation) and Lightness (lightness). Hue is the value of a color on the color wheel (Fig. 1) and is given in degrees. 0 ° is red, 120 ° is green, and 240 ° is blue. The hue value can range from 0 to 359.

Rice. 1. Color wheel

Saturation is the intensity of a color, measured as a percentage from 0% to 100%. A value of 0% denotes no color and a shade of gray, 100% is the maximum saturation value.

Lightness sets how bright the color is and is indicated as a percentage from 0% to 100%. Low values ​​make the color darker, and high values ​​lighten, extreme values ​​of 0% and 100% correspond to black and white.


Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Safari Firefox Android iOS
9.0+ 1.0+ 10.0+ 3.1+ 3.0+ 2.1+ 2.0+

The HSLA format is similar in syntax to HSL, but includes an alpha channel that defines the transparency of the element. A value of 0 corresponds to full transparency, 1 to opacity, and an intermediate value like 0.5 to semi-transparency.

Color values ​​in RGBA, HSL, and HSLA formats have been added in CSS3, so be sure to check for version validity when using these formats.

HTML5 CSS2.1 CSS3 IE Cr Op Sa Fx



All the methods for catching a lion listed on the site are theoretical and based on computational methods. The authors do not guarantee your safety when using them and disclaim any responsibility for the result. Remember, the lion is a predator and a dangerous animal!


The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Colors on the web page

The CSS color module details the values ​​that allow authors to define the colors and opacity of html elements, as well as the values ​​of the color property.

Color property

1. Priority colors: the color property

The property sets the color of the font using various color rendering systems. The property describes the color of the text content of the element. It is also used to provide a potential indirect value (currentColor) for any other properties that accept color values.

The property is inherited.

2. Color values

2.1. Main keywords

The list of main keywords includes the following meanings:

Name HEX RGB Color
black #000000 0,0,0
silver # C0C0C0 192,192,192
gray #808080 128,128,128
white #FFFFFF 255,255,255
maroon #800000 128,0,0
red # FF0000 255,0,0
purple #800080 128,0,128
fuchsia # FF00FF 255,0,255
green #008000 0,128,0
lime # 00FF00 0,255,0
olive #808000 128,128,0
yellow # FFFF00 255,255,0
navy #000080 0,0,128
blue # 0000FF 0,0,255
teal #008080 0,128,128
aqua # 00FFFF 0,255,255

Color names are not case sensitive.


Color: teal;

2.2. Numerical color values

2.2.1. RGB colors

The RGB hexadecimal value format is a # sign immediately followed by three or six hexadecimal characters. Three-digit RGB #rgb is converted to six-digit #rrggbb by copying digits rather than adding zeros. For example, # fb0 expands to # ffbb00. This ensures that white #ffffff can be specified in the short #fff, and removes any color depth dependencies from the display.

The RGB value format in functional notation is rgb (followed by a comma-separated list of three numeric values ​​(either three integer values ​​or three percent values) followed by a character). The integer value 255 corresponds to 100% and F or FF in hexadecimal notation:

Rgb (255,255,255) = rgb (100%, 100%, 100%) = #FFF

Space characters are allowed around numeric values.

There are several ways to represent color in web design.

HEX is a base 16 hexadecimal color representation system. For this system, Arabic decimal digits from 0 to 9 and Latin letters from A to F are used to complement the digital number to 16. For web design, 16 basic (key) colors are taken, the so-called hexadecimal color code #RRGGBB, where each pair is responsible for its share of the color: RR - red, GG - green and BB - blue. Each color fraction ranges from 00 to FF.

Two other representations of color in web design are: in the form of RGB (*, *, *), where each "*" color fraction is represented by decimal digits from 0 to 255 and by color names in English.

When creating a color image, the main problem is the correct rendering of colors on different types of computers, monitors and browsers. If the browser cannot display a color correctly, then it picks up a similar one or mixes several colors. And sometimes it can be replaced with some completely different color.

table 16 primary colors which are used in all browsers

Name Color Hex (RGB)
Aqua (sea wave) # 00FFFF (000,255,255)
Black (black) #000000 (000,000,000)
Blue # 0000FF (000,000,255)
Fuchsia (fuchsin) # FF00FF (255,000,255)
Gray (gray) #808080 (128,128,128)
Green (green) #008000 (000,128,000)
Lime (bright green) # 00FF00 (000,255,000)
Maroon (maroon) #800000 (128,000,000)
Navy (navy blue) #000080 (000,000,128)
Olive (olive) #808000 (128,128,000)
Purple #800080 (128,000,128)
Red (red) # FF0000 (255,000,000)
Silver (silver) # C0C0C0 (192,192,192)
Teal (gray-green) #008080 (000,128,128)
White (white) #FFFFFF (255,255,255)
Yellow (yellow) # FFFF00 (255,255,000)

table purple colors and shades

Name Color Hex (RGB)
Magenta (magenta) #FFCBDB (255,203,219)
Magenta (magenta) # FF0099 (255,000,153)
Magenta (magenta) # F95A61 (249,090,097)
Fuchsia (fuchsia) # FF00FF (255,000,255)
Movein (aniline purple) # EF0097 (239,000,151)
Salmon pink (orange pink) # FF91A4 (255,145,164)
Cenise (a shade of magenta) # DE3163 (153,149,140)
Aubergine Eggplant (eggplant) #990066 (153,000,132)
Lavender blush (pinkish lavender) & nbsp # FFF0F5 (255,240,245)
Lilac (lilac) # C8A2C8 (200,162,200)
Magenta (magenta) # FF008F (255,000,143)
Orchid (orchid) # DA70D6 (218,112,214)
Red-violet # C71585 (199,021,133)
Sanguine (sanguine) # 92000A (146,000,010)
Thistle (shade of magenta) # D8BFD8 (185,211,238)
Violet-eggplant (shade of purple) #991199 (153,017,153)
Rosa vivo (deep pink) # FF007F (255,000,127)
Lavender-rose (shade of purple) # FBA0E3 (108,123,139)
Mountbatten pink # 997ABD (153,122,141)

table gray colors and shades

Name Color Hex (RGB)
Gray #808080 (128,128,128)
Gray #bebebe (190,190,190)
(Gray-tint) #858585 (133,133,133)
Gray33 (Gray-33) #545454 (084,084,084)
(Gray slate) #708090 (112,128,144)
(Quartz) # 99958с (153,149,140)
(Light gray) #bbbbbb (187,187,187)
(Silver) # c0c0c0 (192,192,192)
(Gray-white) # f0f0f0 (240,240,240)
(Abdel-Kerim's beards) # e0e0e0 (224,224,224)
LightGray (Light gray) # d3d3d3 (211,211,211)
LightStateGray () #778899 (119,136,153)
StateGray-1 (Pale cornflower blue1) # c6e2ff (198,226,255)
StateGray-2 (Pale cornflower blue2) # b9d3ee (185,211,238)
StateGray3 () # 9fb6cd (159,182,205)
StateGray4 () # 6c7b8b (108,123,139)

Table (palette) html colors gives you the opportunity to independently choose the tone you need. The color value is displayed in three formats: Hex, RGB, and HSV.

  • Hex consists of three two character values ​​in hexadecimal notation. For example: # ff00b3, where the first pair of numbers is red, the second is green, and the third is blue.
  • RGB (RedGreenBlue) has the form "200,100,255" indicating the amount of the corresponding tone (red, green, blue) in the resulting color.
  • HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value - hue, saturation, value) - color model, in which the coordinates are:
    • Hue - hue, can vary from 0 ° to 360 °.
    • Saturation - saturation, ranges from 0-100 or 0-1. The larger this parameter, the "purer" the color, which is why this parameter is sometimes referred to as color purity. And the closer this parameter is to zero, the closer the color is to neutral gray.
    • Value (color value) - sets the brightness, the value can also vary between 0-100 or 0-1.

Enter color code: Go

List of colors with names

The table lists the English color names (which can be used as values) supported by all browsers and their hexadecimal values. All the listed colors are "safe", that is, they will be displayed the same in all browsers.

Color name HEX Color
Darkblue# 00008B
MediumBlue# 0000CD
Blue# 0000FF
DarkCyan# 008B8B
DeepSkyBlue# 00BFFF
Darkturquoise# 00CED1
MediumSpringGreen# 00FA9A
Lime# 00FF00
SpringGreen# 00FF7F
Aqua# 00FFFF
Cyan# 00FFFF
DodgerBlue# 1E90FF
LightSeaGreen# 20B2AA
ForestGreen# 228B22
Seagreen# 2E8B57
DarkSlateGray# 2F4F4F
LimeGreen# 32CD32
MediumSeaGreen# 3CB371
Turquoise# 40E0D0
RoyalBlue# 4169E1
SteelBlue# 4682B4
DarkSlateBlue# 483D8B
MediumTurquoise# 48D1CC
Indigo# 4B0082
DarkOliveGreen# 556B2F
CadetBlue# 5F9EA0
CornflowerBlue# 6495ED
MediumAquaMarine# 66CDAA
SlateBlue# 6A5ACD
OliveDrab# 6B8E23
MediumSlateBlue# 7B68EE
LawnGreen# 7CFC00
Chartreuse# 7FFF00
Aquamarine# 7FFFD4
SkyBlue# 87CEEB
LightSkyBlue# 87CEFA
Blueviolet# 8A2BE2
Darkred# 8B0000
DarkMagenta# 8B008B
Saddlebrown# 8B4513
DarkSeaGreen# 8FBC8F
LightGreen# 90EE90
MediumPurple# 9370D8
Darkviolet# 9400D3
Palegreen# 98FB98
DarkOrchid# 9932CC
YellowGreen# 9ACD32
Sienna# A0522D
Brown# A52A2A
DarkGray# A9A9A9
LightBlue# ADD8E6
GreenYellow# ADFF2F
LightSteelBlue# B0C4DE
PowderBlue# B0E0E6
FireBrick# B22222
DarkGoldenRod# B8860B
MediumOrchid# BA55D3
RosyBrown# BC8F8F
Darkkhaki# BDB76B
Silver# C0C0C0
MediumVioletRed# C71585
IndianRed# CD5C5C
Peru# CD853F
Chocolate# D2691E
Tan# D2B48C
LightGray# D3D3D3
PaleVioletRed# D87093
Thistle# D8BFD8
Orchid# DA70D6
GoldenRod# DAA520
Crimson# DC143C
Plum# DDA0DD
BurlyWood# DEB887
LightCyan# E0FFFF
Lavender# E6E6FA
Darksalmon# E9967A
Violet# EE82EE
PaleGoldenRod# EEE8AA
LightCoral# F08080
Khaki# F0E68C
AliceBlue# F0F8FF
HoneyDew# F0FFF0
Azure# F0FFFF
Sandybrown# F4A460
Wheat# F5DEB3
Beige# F5F5DC
WhiteSmoke# F5F5F5
MintCream# F5FFFA
Ghostwhite# F8F8FF
Salmon# FA8072
AntiqueWhite# FAEBD7
Linen# FAF0E6
LightGoldenRodYellow# FAFAD2
OldLace# FDF5E6
Red# FF0000
Fuchsia# FF00FF
Magenta# FF00FF
Deeppink# FF1493
OrangeRed# FF4500
Tomato# FF6347
HotPink# FF69B4
Coral# FF7F50
Darkorange# FF8C00
LightSalmon# FFA07A
Orange# FFA500
LightPink# FFB6C1
Pink# FFC0CB
Gold# FFD700
PeachPuff# FFDAB9
Moccasin# FFE4B5
Bisque# FFE4C4
MistyRose# FFE4E1
PapayaWhip# FFEFD5
LavenderBlush# FFF0F5
SeaShell# FFF5EE
Cornsilk# FFF8DC
FloralWhite# FFFAF0
Yellow# FFFF00
LightYellow# FFFFE0
Ivory# FFFFF0