Will Facebook pay from November this year? Facebook introduces paid groups. Social sharing on social networking site Facebook already offers a paid version for companies

13:58 / 22.09.2014

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The head of one of the most popular Internet resources in the world - Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg made a sensational statement. According to the American press, he announced that the social network will become paid in November 2014.

At a specially convened press conference, the founder of Facebook announced that users will soon have to pay for the social network. This will have to be done already from November 1 of this year, the price will be $ 2.99 - for monthly use of the service, according to the American edition of National Report. "I thought about this decision for a long time and, in the end, after consulting with partners and friends of Facebook, I decided to introduce a monthly fee. If we do not do something to balance the increased costs, Facebook may cease to exist in the near future," the publication quotes Zuckerberg.

“This is great news for all Facebook shareholders. Facebook had a billion 317 million registered users in August this year. If three-quarters of them paid to use Facebook, then the company will receive three million dollars every month only for servicing... This is not just a small amount of earning, it can change the rules of the game from the first month of the introduction of this service, "- quoted the famous IT analyst Dale Sackrider Vesti.Ru.

Wherein a number of major American media outlets believe that National Report information should not be trusted... In favor of the fact that the news is a duck, the presence of instructions on how not to pay for using the social network can also speak. Allegedly, for those who cannot afford to pay a monthly fee, in their status it is necessary to write the text I am poor Facebook please wave my monthly fee ("Facebook, I am poor, please do not charge me a monthly fee") and add the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee ... According to the publication, this message will reach the Facebook department, which deals with accounts, and he will relieve the user of the obligation to pay for using the site.

The news caused a great resonance in the Internet community. On the page of the social network itself, a message has been published that clearly characterizes the current state of affairs: "Do I need to pay to use Facebook? They say that Facebook will become paid. Is it true? Facebook is a free service, we will never charge a fee for using the site. However, you have the opportunity to spend money here: make purchases related to games, applications and other items. "

Facebook has officially announced a test run of a service that allows administrators to charge subscribers. The fee will be charged for unique content and can range from $ 4.99-29.99.

Over the past years, there have been rumors on the network that the social network will sooner or later become paid. In a sense, they paid off, since the groups can become paid.

Facebook is testing a new feature

For example, a group dedicated to American universities (Grown and Flown Parents: College Admissions and Affordability) will charge the maximum amount from the presented range, subscribers to which will have the opportunity to discuss conditions of admission and aspects of the curriculum of US universities with professional advisers. At the same time, free groups will continue to work as usual, but closed subgroups with a paid subscription may appear in them.

Facebook is currently testing the new feature on a "small number of groups." Alex Deve, product director of the company, said in an official blog social networks: "We hear from group admins that they are looking for ways to make money, and that this will increase their relationship with members and allow them to continue to support their communities."

In addition to the American Universities group, communities dedicated to cooking, interior design and other topics will participate in the pilot program.

Facebook goes to meet admins

At the same time, Deve emphasized that administrators could create closed groups and charge subscribers using external tools before. The essence of the introduction of closed groups is to "make it easier for admins using built-in tools, save them time for working exclusively on content for subscribers."

For example, the new closed group Organize My Home will charge $ 14.99 a month for access to “mini-projects, group assignments, training and real-time answers” ​​related to home improvement. The Meal Planning Central Premium group is also introducing paid subscriptions, offering weekly meal plans and grocery store recommended shopping lists.

“After analyzing the pilot launch and the reaction of closed group subscribers, we can continue to improve this direction to help admins offer more to their readers and continue to invest in working with communities,” said Deve.

The Facebook community may stratify

Facebook users will be able to manage their private group subscriptions through the iOS and Android app. It is especially noted that during the trial period, Facebook will not take a part of the groups' profits, but later it may begin to do so.

The leaders of online platforms and social networks proclaim that their main value is to bring people closer and closer together. Mark Zuckerberg himself has repeatedly stated this. However, in reality, it turns out that they segment people according to their income level - divide them into able and inability to pay, highlight closed paid communities, make it difficult for people with average income to belong to a large number of different groups.

That is, the poor will be isolated in the free segment, the middle-income people will be limited to a small selection of paid groups, and only the rich will be able to afford a wide range of content.

In itself, this is not a crime, but quite understandable logic: administrators create interesting content and want to receive money for it. First of all, the group administrators will benefit from the innovation. But the entire social network is unlikely to become closed and paid. The trend towards segmentation of the audience of the social network by interests and income may intensify.

In general, Business Class passengers are welcome to board first.

A new wave of reposting is raging on the Facebook social network - the text is copied from one blog to another: “In response to the new Facebook policy, I hereby declare that all my personal data, illustrations, drawings, articles, comics, pictures, photos, videos, and so on. are the objects of my copyright (according to the Berne Convention) ”and further in the text.
It is completely pointless to copy this statement and will not result in copyright protection, warns the publication "Gawker". The authors point to the following reasons:
- The author of any post automatically owns the copyright to it, as indicated in the Facebbok help: "Help Center" and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities: "You are the copyright holder. By uploading content, you give us the rights to use and broadcast the content. "
- You have already agreed to allow Facebook to use your intellectual property published on Facebook when you signed up, as stated in the statement of rights and obligations: “You grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide right to use any information you post on or in connection with with Facebook ". You cannot change this agreement with one status update! Facebook's license ends when you delete your intellectual property.
- Facebook's status as a public company does not affect copyright compliance in any way.
The management of the social network denied this message, calling it false. “There are rumors circulating on social media that Facebook is making changes to the regulation of rights to user data or content published on the site. This is not true, ”news agencies cite the company's official statement.
Thus, the statement spread over the network is nothing more than spam. I remember a pathetic post about 115 Dolmatinsky puppies being given away, and if you don't take them, they will be drowned. Subsequently, it turned out that this statement was spam, and malicious: when you tried to call the kind-hearted rescuers of puppies from your mobile, a significant amount was debited.
Let's remember other myths about this popular social network.

1. Paid Facebook. Earlier this year, the American edition of National Report reported that from November 1, 2014, users will have to pay $ 2.99 monthly to use the service. The message caused a huge resonance, but few paid attention to the satirical bias of the publication, which repeatedly published fake scandalous news. This fake made a lot of noise. and Facebook representatives had to give a rebuttal. There, in particular, it was written: "Facebook is a free service, we will never charge a fee for using the site. However, you have the opportunity to make purchases related to games, applications and other elements. In addition, if you use Facebook with mobile phone, please note that using the internet and / or sending text messages may be charged according to your mobile operator's tariffs. "

2. Facebook follows users. The largest social network Facebook works like a spyware: it monitors which sites its users visit and even, possibly, reads comments and emails. This fact was revealed by the journalists of the Businessinsider portal while testing the Abine DNT + utility. This is a small program that detects special files, the so-called "trackers", which collect data about the user's movements and transfer them to their owners. Such files are registered among cookies - small pieces of information exchanged between the user's computer and the server of the requested site. Usually they are used to keep statistics, save user settings and his passwords for quick access to the site.
Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, said that the web platforms Facebook, Google and Yahoo have a hidden user-tracking interface. According to the main whistleblower of the XXI century, such functionality was developed specifically for the American intelligence, which thus receives one of the richest resources filled with personal data of citizens. In turn, representatives of social networks and the named online services categorically refuse to comment on such information. In an interview with the Russia Today TV channel, Julian Assange said, "Such programs can be used in different ways by someone for their own purposes, but they all have a special interface that was designed specifically to be used by American intelligence services."
The 39-year-old whistleblower called the worldwide American social networking site Facebook "the greatest espionage tool in history." On the social network, you can find confidential user data, which is used by the US special services. True, the revelations were not so sensational. "Assange is a sick man, it would be a sin to reproach him because the American authorities behave inadequately towards him. He has no information about Facebook. This is all conspiracy. It is difficult to take him for an expert on Facebook," one of the most popular users of LiveJournal told Neva24 ", a well-known startup manager and journalist Anton Nosik.

3. Facebook cannot be completely deleted. Since about 2009, once a year, the FB begins to spread information that the account on this social network cannot be completely deleted, information is provided that the FBI, NSA, etc. took over data from a previously deleted Facebook user. The waves of re-posts are spreading to disappear later, and emerge with a new intensity next year. Journalists from several publications at once understood this issue and found out that there is an option to permanently delete your Facebook page, but it is not easy to find it. For these purposes, it is required to request the final destruction of the account. You will see a warning message stating that it will be impossible to restore your account or get any data posted there. Click "Send". After that, you do not need to do anything else. The system gives a few days to think about it in case the user changes his mind. However, it must be remembered that if you go to your page during this time, you will thereby cancel your request to delete your account.

At a press conference on Sunday, Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook, announced that the social network will become paid, according to the American edition of National Report. From November 1 of this year, users will have to pay $ 2.99 monthly for using the service.

"I thought about this decision for a long time, and in the end we decided to introduce a monthly fee. If we do not do something to balance the increased costs, Facebook may cease to exist in the near future," - quotes the publication of the words of Zuckerberg

“This is great news for all Facebook shareholders,” says analyst Dale Sacrider. “Facebook had 1 billion 317 million registered users in August this year. will receive $ 3 million each. This is not just a small amount of earnings, it can change the rules of the game starting from the first month of the introduction of this service. "

A number of major media outlets believe that National Report information should not be trusted, even the disclaimer states that National Report is a news and political satirical online publication that may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious news. ... All articles in the National Report are bogus and presumably fake. Any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental: thus, the publication disclaims responsibility for the information provided.

In favor of the fact that the news is a "duck", the presence of instructions on how not to pay for using the social network can also speak. Allegedly, for those who cannot afford to pay a monthly fee, in their status it is necessary to write the text I am poor Facebook please wave my monthly fee ("Facebook, I am poor, please do not charge me a monthly fee") and add the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee ... According to the publication, this message will reach the Facebook department, which deals with accounts, and they will relieve the user of the obligation to pay for using the site.

Despite the reputation of the publication, the news caused a great resonance in the Internet community.

Facebook is a free service, we will never charge you for using the site. However, you have the option to make purchases related to games, apps, and other items. In addition, if you use Facebook on your mobile phone, please note that Internet usage and / or sending text messages may be charged according to your mobile operator's rates. "

In the era of rapidly developing technologies, various types of Internet fraud are also rapidly developing. There are so many methods of deceiving gullible users of social networks that it will not be enough for a day to list them. All of you have come across letters from "African millionaires", or Nigerian letters.


"Nigerian mail" is a common type of fraud that has developed most with the advent of bulk email (spam).

As a rule, scammers ask the recipient of the letter for help in multi-million dollar transactions, promising substantial interest on the amounts. If the recipient agrees to participate, more and more sums of money are gradually lured away from him, allegedly for the execution of transactions, payment of fees, bribes to officials, etc.

Another option for such mailings is a fake message from "Mark Zuckerberg" that Facebook will allegedly become paid. A message is spread over the Messenger application from one friend over the network to another. Moreover, the letter was written quite illiterate. In some places it is not even clear what the author of this masterpiece wants. We present part of the text without changes, the style and spelling are preserved:

“Hi, I'm Mark, Facebook CEO. Hi everyone, all the warnings seem to be real. Using Facebook will cost money. If you send this line to 18 other than your list, your icon will be blue and it will be free for you. If you don't believe me, tomorrow at 6 pm Facebook will be closed and you have to pay to open it. This is all according to the law. This message informs all of our users that our servers have been very overloaded lately. We ask you to help solve this problem. We require our active users to forward this message to each of the people on your contact list in order to verify our active facebook users, "says Mark's letter.

No official payment information Facebook there is no real Mark Zuckerberg on the page.

In the help center of the social network, when asked, "Do I have to pay to use Facebook? They say that Facebook will be paid. Is it true?" the answer was received: "No. Facebook is a free site and we will never charge you for its use ".

Meanwhile, such letters are received periodically by users in Russia and Ukraine, and it began a long time ago.

In January, the zik.ua portal devoted material to a fake message "from Mark Zuckerberg". "Despite the fact that messages of this type appear from time to time on social networks, not everyone has yet learned to distinguish between them," the portal notes.