Names of large numbers. Large number names Number order from 1 to 100

In school years, many teenage girls first get acquainted with the mysterious world of the unknown. And this acquaintance occurs most often through various fortune-telling. For example, one of the most popular types of divination is divination by numbers.

The meaning of the numbers

Numbers left Answer to divination
1, 10, 19
2, 11, 20
3, 12, 21
4, 13, 22
5, 14, 23
6, 15, 24
7, 16, 25
8, 17, 26
9, 18, 27

Divination by numbers on paper

Divination by numbers has several synonymous names:

  • divination from 1 to 100;
  • fortune telling for 100 numbers;
  • "A hundred";
  • "Sotka".

Divination by 100 numbers is incredibly simple. All that is required to receive a prediction is a piece of paper in a cage and a pen (pencil).

“Sotka” is focused more on the teenage age category, because it is during these tender years that interest in the opposite sex begins to show in the hearts of teenagers, the first love is born, the bitterness of the first disappointments is known.

Divination from 1 to 100 cannot be called a serious kind of divination. It is, rather, an exciting entertainment, with the help of which girls in love can get an interpretation of how relations with the boy of interest will develop, what feelings there are on the part of the object of sighing - in general, slightly open the veil of heart affairs. You can guess in this way both alone and in the company of friends - this only increases his fascination.

The relative frivolity of divination by numbers, however, does not mean that it should be underestimated. "Hundred" combines elements of numerology and classical divination, which in itself is a fairly weighty argument in its favor. There is still some truth in fortune-telling from 1 to 100 - you just need to believe in the prediction that has fallen out.

Preparing for divination by numbers

Fortune telling from 1 to 100 does not require any complicated preparation. All the fortuneteller needs:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Get comfortable and relax.
  3. Tune in to your lover: imagine in your imagination his image (facial features, voice, gait, manners, etc.).

After all these manipulations, you can start divination.

How is divination by numbers carried out?

Fortune telling "Sotka" has 3 main varieties that differ from each other:

  • method of compiling a numerical grid;
  • how to cross out numbers;
  • interpretation of the obtained results.

All available options are easy to implement, and the choice of any one of them depends only on the preferences of the fortuneteller.

Divination 100: the first option

Having tuned in to fortune-telling (see above), you need to write numbers from 1 to 100 on a piece of paper in a cage, but with some conditions:

  • zeros are omitted, that is, instead of 10, 20, 30, ... we write 1, 2, 3, ...;
  • the first line can contain an arbitrary number of digits, but the second and subsequent ones must be equal to the first, that is, if we wrote, say, 17 digits in the first line, there should also be 17 in the second and subsequent ones;
  • last write the number 99.

The numerical grid must end with the date on which fortune-telling is performed, also without zeros. For example, a girl is guessing on January 17, 2017 (01/17/2017) - the numbers 171217 are written. It will look something like this:

After the numerical grid has been drawn up, the longest stage of divination begins - crossing out the numbers horizontally and vertically. Crossed out:

  • identical numbers next to each other: 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3 and 3, etc.;
  • numbers standing side by side and giving a total of 10: 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5.

It should look something like this (in our example, the numbers you need are circled in pairs):

After there are no more options left in the table for crossing out, we proceed to the next stage: we write the full name of the beloved (in our example -), and already under the name we begin to write out the remaining numbers from the numerical grid and also cross out the numbers, adhering to the above principle. You will get something like this:

Again we write the name of the guy, write out the remaining numbers, cross out. We repeat this action until there are no numbers left in the numerical table that are suitable for crossing out. As a result, at the very end of the divination, the following will come out:

The final stage: we consider how many digits are left and look at the interpretation under this number. In our example, there are 9 digits left in total, the answer is 9.

Nuance: if there are more than 27 numbers, we carry out numerological folding, that is, we add the two constituent numbers together. Let's say there are 32 numbers left: 3+2=5. We look at the value at number 5 - this will be the answer to our divination by numbers.

Interpretation of the results for the first option

The values ​​​​of divination 100 according to the first option are as follows:

Numbers left Answer to divination
1, 10, 19 The mysterious guy likes you and has good chances of a relationship with him, you just need to make a little effort.
2, 11, 20 You won't be able to get his attention. Stop trying - this is not your betrothed.
3, 12, 21 A spark flew between you. Be bolder - you have every chance to be with him, to build a serious relationship.
4, 13, 22 He likes you, and he is jealous of you to others. This jealousy can spoil everything - do not give reasons.
5, 14, 23 He treats you like a friend and nothing more. There is no serious relationship here yet.
6, 15, 24 The guy still doesn’t know you well and doesn’t mind getting to know you better. Take action.
7, 16, 25 He is interested in you, it remains only to take the first step to one of you.
8, 17, 26 There is some understatement and misunderstanding between you, perhaps resentment on his part. Talk frankly.
9, 18, 27 He is your betrothed. You can be a wonderful couple. Do not miss your chance.

As you can see, in our example (the answer is 9), the most favorable scenario turned out.

Fortune telling from 1 to 100: the second option

In the second version of fortune-telling “Weaving”, the numerical grid is compiled by analogy with the first option (numbers from 1 to 99, without zeros, date without zeros). Identical numbers and numbers are also crossed out in pairs, the sum of which is 10, but there is one difference: it is permissible to cross out the numbers in pairs through those already crossed out - both horizontally and vertically (see the example given below).

Let's say the third row of our numerical grid is: 71819212223. First of all, we crossed out 8, 9, 1, 2, 2 in it (vertical pairs with other numbers, all this is clearly visible in the photo). It remains in the end: 711223. First we cross out 1 and 1, then - 2 and 2, lastly - 7 and 3. We do the same with the entire numerical grid.

When the possible number pairs in the grid are over, we write the guy's full name (we have it) and write the remaining numbers under it, cross out again according to the same principle - the numbers next to each other and the numbers through the already crossed out numbers. It turns out the following:

Again we write the name of the chosen one, write out the remaining numbers and cross out. We continue until there are no paired numerical combinations left. Example:

Completing fortune-telling, we count the total number of remaining numbers and look at the corresponding value in the table. If the remainder exceeds 27, we also carry out numerological folding (see above).

Interpretation of the results for the second option

The values ​​of divination 100 according to the second option are as follows:

Divination by numbers: the third option

There is another version of fortune-telling on numbers from 1 to 100. The principle of divination in it is almost completely similar to the first variety, the only difference is that at first it is not an arbitrary numerical grid, but numbers from 1 to 99 (without zeros) and a date (without zeros) are written immediately under the full name of the hidden guy. The deletion of pairs is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first variant - until the necessary numerical combinations remain.

Fortune-telling “Weave” in its third variety ends with the total number of remaining digits being counted, which will indicate the answer. If the remainder exceeds 16, numerological folding is performed (see above).

Interpretation of the results for the third option

Divination values ​​100 according to the third option:

  • 1 - you will be bored with him;
  • 2 - you will be a good couple;
  • 3 - his heart is occupied by another girl;
  • 4 - he does not feel love for you;
  • 5 - he trusts and respects you;
  • 6 - he deceives you;
  • 7 - the chosen one is jealous of you;
  • 8 - the road awaits you;
  • 9 - separation awaits you;
  • 10 - you will be together soon;
  • 11 - you have to have a serious talk with him;
  • 12 - you will become husband and wife;
  • 13 - he likes you;
  • 14 - the chosen one loves you;
  • 15 - misses and thinks about you;
  • 16 - on his part there is no interest in you.

Fortune telling on numbers from 1 to 100 is just a fun way to get an answer about a possible option for developing a relationship with a guy of interest. If you received a negative prediction, do not take it to heart. Man is the smith of his own happiness. And it depends only on you, what will be the further fate of your couple.

This is a tablet for learning numbers from 1 to 100. The manual is suitable for children over 4 years old.
Those who are familiar with Montesori education have probably already seen such a sign. She has many applications and now we will get to know them.
The child must know numbers up to 10 perfectly before starting work with the table, since counting up to 10 is the basis of learning numbers up to 100 and above.
With the help of this table, the child will learn the names of numbers up to 100; count up to 100; sequence of numbers. You can also practice counting after 2, 3, 5, etc.

The table can be copied here

It consists of two parts (two-sided). We copy on one side of the sheet a table with numbers up to 100, and on the other, empty cells where you can practice. Laminate the table so that the child can write on it with markers and wipe it off easily.

How to use the table

1. The table can be used to study numbers from 1 to 100.
Starting at 1 and counting up to 100. Initially the parent/teacher shows how this is done.
It is important that the child notices the principle by which numbers are repeated.

2. Mark one number on the laminated chart. The child must say the next 3-4 numbers.

3. Mark some numbers. Ask the child to name their names.
The second version of the exercise - the parent calls arbitrary numbers, and the child finds and marks them.

4. Count in 5.
The child counts 1,2,3,4,5 and marks the last (fifth) number.
Continues counting 1,2,3,4,5 and notes the last number until it reaches 100. Then lists the marked numbers.
Similarly, he learns to count through 2, 3, etc.

5. If you copy the template with numbers again and cut it, you can make cards. They can be placed in the table as you will see in the following lines
In this case, the table is copied on blue cardboard, so that it can be easily distinguished from the white background of the table.

6. Cards can be placed on the table and counted - call the number by putting its card. This helps the child learn all the numbers. Thus he will exercise.
Before that, it is important that the parent divide the cards into 10s (1 to 10; 11 to 20; 21 to 30, etc.). The child takes a card, puts it down and calls a number.

For the convenience of reading and remembering large numbers, the numbers are divided into so-called "classes": on right separate three digits (first class), then three more (second class), and so on. The last class can have three, two and one digit. There is usually a small space between classes. For example, the number 35461298 is written as 35461298. Here 298 is the first class, 461 is the second class, 35 is the third. Each of the digits of a class is called its rank; the number of digits also goes to the right. For example, in the first class 298, the number 8 is the first digit, 9 is the second, 2 is the third. The last class can have three or two digits (in our example: 5 is the first digit, 3 is the second) or one.

The first class gives the number of units, the second, thousands, the third, millions; in accordance with this, the number 35 461 298 reads: thirty-five million four hundred sixty-one thousand two hundred ninety-eight. Therefore they say that the unit of the second class is a thousand; the unit of the third class is the million.

Table, Names of large numbers

1 = 10 0 one
10 = 10 1 ten
100 = 10 2 one hundred
1 000 = 10 3 one thousand
10 000 = 10 4
100 000 = 10 5
1 000 000 = 10 6 million
10 000 000 = 10 7
100 000 000 = 10 8
1 000 000 000 = 10 9 billion
10 000 000 000 = 10 10
100 000 000 000 = 10 11
1 000 000 000 000 = 10 12 trillion
10 000 000 000 000 = 10 13
100 000 000 000 000 = 10 14
1 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 15 quadrillion
10 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 16
100 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 17
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 18 quintillion
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 19
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 20
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 21 sextillion
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 22
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 23
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 24 seplillion
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 25
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 26
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 27 octillion
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 28
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 29
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 30 quintillion
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 31
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 32
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 33 decillion

The unit of the fourth class is called a billion, or, in other words, a billion (1 billion = 1000 million).

The unit of the fifth class is called the trillion (1 trillion = 1000 billion or 1000 billion).

Units of the sixth, seventh, eighth, etc. classes (each of which is 1000 times larger than the previous one) are called quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, etc.

Example: 12,021,306,200,000 reads: twelve trillion twenty one billion three hundred six million two hundred thousand.

This is a tablet for learning numbers from 1 to 100. The manual is suitable for children over 4 years old.

Those who are familiar with Montesori education have probably already seen such a sign. She has many applications and now we will get to know them.

The child must know numbers up to 10 perfectly before starting work with the table, since counting up to 10 is the basis of learning numbers up to 100 and above.

With the help of this table, the child will learn the names of numbers up to 100; count up to 100; sequence of numbers. You can also practice counting after 2, 3, 5, etc.

The table can be copied here

It consists of two parts (two-sided). We copy on one side of the sheet a table with numbers up to 100, and on the other, empty cells where you can practice. Laminate the table so that the child can write on it with markers and wipe it off easily.

How to use the table

1. The table can be used to study numbers from 1 to 100.

Starting at 1 and counting up to 100. Initially the parent/teacher shows how this is done.

It is important that the child notices the principle by which numbers are repeated.

2. Mark one number on the laminated chart. The child must say the next 3-4 numbers.

3. Mark some numbers. Ask the child to name their names.

The second version of the exercise - the parent calls arbitrary numbers, and the child finds and marks them.

4. Count in 5.

The child counts 1,2,3,4,5 and marks the last (fifth) number.

5. If you copy the template with numbers again and cut it, you can make cards. They can be placed in the table as you will see in the following lines

In this case, the table is copied on blue cardboard, so that it can be easily distinguished from the white background of the table.

6. Cards can be placed on the table and counted - call the number by putting its card. This helps the child learn all the numbers. Thus he will exercise.

Before that, it is important that the parent divide the cards into 10s (1 to 10; 11 to 20; 21 to 30, etc.). The child takes a card, puts it down and calls a number.

7. When the child has already advanced with the score, you can go to an empty table and arrange the cards there.

8. Account horizontally or vertically.

Arrange the cards in a column or row and read all the numbers in order, following the pattern of their change - 6, 16, 26, 36, etc.

9. Write the missing number.

The parent writes arbitrary numbers to an empty table.

The child must complete the empty cells.