Radar stations in franz joseph land. Radar stations on franz-joseph land 5n84a defense 14 radar station

Since the early 1950s, several military installations have been established on several islands in the Franz Josef Land archipelago, including Graham Bell Island. Their purpose was to protect the polar territories from a possible invasion from the United States.

Due to the particular importance of the task, new models of the S-200 long-range anti-aircraft missile system, the first S-300 battalions, MiG-31 and Su-27 fighter-interceptors, new three-coordinate radar stations, worked out elements of interaction with the aircraft radar patrol A-50 - an analogue of the American AWACS system.

This is what I want to tell you about the radar stations. They are still on the island, in fairly good condition.

Radar station (radar), radar (English radar from radio detection and ranging) is a system for detecting air, sea and ground objects, as well as for determining their range, speed and geometric parameters. Uses a method based on the emission of radio waves and registration of their reflections from objects.

There are many radars on the island, so I'll start with a few of them - those that are located at the location of the 30th separate radar company "Graham Bell" (at Cape Aerography).

I'm not quite sure I got the names right. There are too many nuances there. If something goes wrong, I hope the experts will correct me.

P-14. Radar building and antenna system "Defense"

The P-14 two-coordinate early warning radar has been developed and mass-produced at NITEL JSC since 1959.


1RL113 and 44Zh6 - stationary options, located in a special building.
Radar 5N84 - mobile, located in six large vans - semitrailers. The parabolic antenna has a mirror span of 32 meters and a height of 11 meters.

These stations provide target detection at a distance of up to 400 km at a flight altitude of air targets up to 30 thousand meters.

The large radar antenna on Graham Bell is very secure, on six guy wires.

It is in good condition.

There is a building under the antenna, but it is impossible to get inside because of snow and perennial ice.

The antenna itself is fine. Shrouds and tensioners have no visible faults.

If you climb onto the roof of a building and grasp the emitter with your hand, then all this huge structure can be turned without much effort.

There is another antenna of the same kind nearby, but it is damaged, lying on the ground.

Mobile radio altimeter PRV-11 "Top" (1RL119)

Back in 1953, the development of a noise-immune altimeter PRV-11 ("Top") was started at the NII-244 of the Ministry of Armaments. A prototype of this altimeter, manufactured by the plant No. 588 of the same ministry (chief designer of the sample V. A. Sivtsov), passed state tests in 1961 at the Donguz proving ground. The altimeter was adopted.

The purpose of the radar is to determine the height.

The altimeter provided detection of the fighter aircraft at a range of 230 km - at medium and high altitudes (up to 34 km), and 60 km - at low altitudes (0.5 km) in the sector of elevation angles from 0.5 to 30 °. In this case, the errors in measuring the range were about 1000 m, and the altitudes were 200-500 m at ranges of 200-230 km.



The radar station at Graham Bell is in excellent condition. It is quite clean inside, there is no snow, there are instruments.

Radar P-35 "Saturn"

At the end of the 50s, a circular viewing station (rangefinder) - P-35 radar with increased energy characteristics, with a smaller number of dips in the detection zone, with increased accuracy of determining the elevation angle (height) of the target - was developed and put into service. The station was used in the Air Defense Forces of the country, in the Air Force, in units of the Air Defense of the Navy and in radio engineering formations of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground.

The station was developed at plant number 37 GKRE. Start of operation - 1958.


The P-35M radar was distinguished by a modified design of antenna mirrors, an increase in the limits and speeds of tilt of these mirrors.
The Mech-35 radar differed from the P-35M in improved protection against passive interference and meteorological factors, and also provided the detection and guidance of targets at low altitudes (50-300 m) in the near zone.

Graham Bell radar has damage to the lower antenna. Kung is in perfect order. Almost all the equipment remained inside the box.

The radar station stands on a small hill, with a lot of broken bricks lying around.

Due to the fact that it is located on the outskirts of the village, you can see it from afar, and it looks incredibly picturesque.

Radar interrogator-identifier of the state identification system

I found an interesting one about him, I want to quote something from it.

The problem of identification in military affairs has a long history. The need to identify objects in the air sphere arose with the appearance of the first air attack weapons in 1911, and much earlier on the battlefield and in naval battles.

The most reliable way to protect your own aircraft from the fire of your troops is to restrict the entry into the zone of anti-aircraft missile fire of your aircraft by time or line. But in a combat situation, such a tactical technique cannot always be applied. Therefore, by all technical means (including identification means), it is necessary to achieve coherence in the conduct of joint aviation and air defense operations in the same direction and to establish complete clarity in assessing the air situation at command posts.

In order to solve this problem, all samples of ground-based air defense and aviation of the Armed Forces are equipped with state identification system equipment. The presence of the system on board the transponder and the receipt of the response signal to the request of the ground radar interrogator (NRP) significantly increases the safety of aviation. But provided that the same equipment is installed on all aircraft located in the detection and destruction zones. It turns out that the system is more adapted to the combat situation. In peacetime, it has a number of problems that affect the quality of airspace control.

On the territory of the USSR and its allies, for the first time such a radar identification system was put into operation in the 1960s. It was named "Silicon". Along with many advantages, it also had two fundamental disadvantages - the absence of a guaranteed identification mode and the use of the frequency range, which, with the development of television, was occupied by decimeter broadcasting channels, so it was decided to modernize it by creating a new unified system of state radar identification (EU GRLO) "Password ".

One of the reasons why the transition to the new "Password" state recognition system accelerated was the ill-fated flight to Japan of pilot V. Belenko on a MiG-25 aircraft. On board the interceptor, a state-identification "Silicon" transponder was installed. Our plane was disassembled and examined by Japanese and American specialists. They got the blocks and keys of the state recognition system. After that, "Silicon" ceased to be a secret. The replacement of special equipment on airplanes and the ground part of the identification system after the betrayal of V. Belenko cost the state military budget dearly. This case convincingly proved the correctness of the decision to switch to a new system of state recognition, taking into account similar situations in the future.

The creation of a new unified system of state radar identification (EU GRLO) "Password" was completed by 1970. In fact, in the field of identification there was a potential opportunity to reliably identify air targets in the interests of the country's air defense. After tests, modifications and numerous changes in 1977, the EU GRLO and its means were put into service. The importance of this link in the country's defense, the urgent need for new means of guaranteed identification for practically all types and arms of the troops determined the massive deliveries of "Parol" to the troops in 1970-1980.

In 2005, a Russian Su-27 aircraft fell on the territory of Lithuania. At the same time, a special device for destroying the "Password" system transponder unit was triggered. If we assume (theoretically) that the defendant's block and together with it the keys got to our neighbors, then this does not declassify the entire system of state recognition of the country, but only requires the adoption of urgent organizational measures. But that is why the plane with the "Password" transponder did not turn on the "Distress" signal and was not noticed by ground-based air defense systems when deviating from the planned route - this is another problem.

According to the information we have, these radars are still on the island. But next year, work on "cleaning up the Arctic" will continue there, so we have no confidence in the safety of the facilities.

Designed for early detection and measurement of the range and azimuth of air targets when operating as part of an automated control system or autonomously.

The radar is located on six transport units (two semi-trailers with equipment, two with an antenna-mast device and two trailers with a power supply system). A separate semitrailer has a remote post with two indicators. It can be removed from the station at a distance of up to 1 km. To identify air targets, the radar is equipped with a ground radio transmitter.

The station uses a folding design of the antenna system, which made it possible to significantly reduce the time of its deployment. Protection against active noise interference is provided by tuning the operating frequency and a three-channel auto-compensation system, which automatically forms "zeros" in the antenna directional pattern in the direction of the jammers. To protect against passive interference, coherent compensation equipment based on potentioscopic tubes was used.

Part of the antenna of the radar "Defense-14"

Radar operator station "Defense-14"

The station provides three modes of viewing space:

- "lower beam" - with an increased target detection range at low and medium altitudes;

- "upper beam" - with an increased upper limit of the detection area in elevation;

Scanning - with alternate (through the review) the inclusion of the upper and lower beams.

The station can be operated at an ambient temperature of ± 50 ° С, wind speed up to 30 m / s. Many of these stations were exported and are still in operation in the military.

Radar "Oborona-14" can be upgraded on a modern element base using solid-state transmitters and a digital information processing system. The developed installation kit of the equipment allows, directly at the customer's position, to perform work on the modernization of the radar in a short time, to bring its characteristics closer to the characteristics of modern radars, and to extend the service life by 12-15 years at costs several times less than when purchasing a new station.

Main characteristics:

Wave range


View area:

in azimuth, deg.

in elevation, deg.

12 (in the "lower beam" mode)
17 (in the "upper beam" mode)

altitude, km

45 (in the "lower beam" mode)

Target detection range (fighter type) at an altitude of 10,000 m, km

300 (in the "lower beam" mode)
280 (in the "upper beam" mode)

Coordinate measurement accuracy:

range, m

azimuth, deg.

Coefficient of under-interference visibility of the SDC system, dB

Output information type


Information update rate, s

Mean time between failures, h

Power consumption, kW

Service staff, people

6 (in one shift)

Deployment time, h

Due to the particular importance of the task, new models of the S-200 long-range anti-aircraft missile system, the first S-300 battalions, MiG-31 and Su-27 fighter-interceptors, new three-coordinate radar stations, worked out elements of interaction with the aircraft radar patrol A-50 - an analogue of the American AWACS system.

This is what I want to tell you about the radar stations. They are still on the island, in fairly good condition.

Radar stations in Franz Josef Land

Radar station (radar), radar (English radar from radio detection and ranging) is a system for detecting air, sea and ground objects, as well as for determining their range, speed and geometric parameters. Uses a method based on the emission of radio waves and registration of their reflections from objects.

There are many radars on the island, so I'll start with a few of them - those that are located at the location of the 30th separate radar company "Graham Bell" (at Cape Aerography).

I'm not quite sure I got the names right. There are too many nuances there. If something goes wrong, I hope the experts will correct me.

P-14. Radar building and antenna system "Defense"

The P-14 two-coordinate early warning radar has been developed and mass-produced at NITEL JSC since 1959.


1RL113 and 44Zh6 - stationary options, located in a special building.

Radar 5N84 - mobile, located in six large vans - semitrailers.

The parabolic antenna has a mirror span of 32 meters and a height of 11 meters.

These stations provide target detection at a distance of up to 400 km at a flight altitude of air targets up to 30 thousand meters.

The large radar antenna on Graham Bell is very secure, on six guy wires.

It is in good condition.

There is a building under the antenna, but it is impossible to get inside because of snow and perennial ice.

The antenna itself is fine. Shrouds and tensioners have no visible faults.

If you climb onto the roof of a building and grasp the emitter with your hand, then all this huge structure can be turned without much effort.

There is another antenna of the same kind nearby, but it is damaged, lying on the ground.

Mobile radio altimeter PRV-11 "Top" (1RL119)

Back in 1953, the development of a noise-immune altimeter PRV-11 ("Top") was started at the NII-244 of the Ministry of Armaments. A prototype of this altimeter, manufactured by the plant No. 588 of the same ministry (chief designer of the sample V. A. Sivtsov), passed state tests in 1961 at the Donguz proving ground. The altimeter was adopted.

The purpose of the radar is to determine the height.

The altimeter provided detection of the fighter aircraft at a range of 230 km - at medium and high altitudes (up to 34 km), and 60 km - at low altitudes (0.5 km) in the sector of elevation angles from 0.5 to 30 °. In this case, the errors in measuring the range were about 1000 m, and the altitudes were 200-500 m at ranges of 200-230 km.


The radar station at Graham Bell is in excellent condition. It is quite clean inside, there is no snow, there are instruments.

Radar P-35 "Saturn"

At the end of the 50s, a circular viewing station (range finder) was developed and adopted - the P-35 radar with increased energy characteristics, with a smaller number of dips in the detection zone, with increased accuracy in determining the elevation (height) of the target. The station was used in the Air Defense Forces of the country, in the Air Force, in units of the Air Defense of the Navy and in radio engineering formations of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground.

The station was developed at plant number 37 GKRE. Start of operation - 1958.


The P-35M radar was distinguished by a modified design of antenna mirrors, an increase in the limits and speeds of tilt of these mirrors.

The Mech-35 radar differed from the P-35M in improved protection against passive interference and meteorological factors, and also provided the detection and guidance of targets at low altitudes (50-300 m) in the near zone.

Graham Bell radar has damage to the lower antenna. Kung is in perfect order. Almost all the equipment remained inside the box.

The radar station stands on a small hill, with a lot of broken bricks lying around.

Due to the fact that it is located on the outskirts of the village, you can see it from afar, and it looks incredibly picturesque.

Radar interrogator-identifier of the state identification system

I found an interesting one about him, I want to quote something from it.

The problem of identification in military affairs has a long history. The need to identify objects in the air sphere arose with the appearance of the first air attack weapons in 1911, and much earlier on the battlefield and in naval battles.

The most reliable way to protect your own aircraft from the fire of your troops is to restrict the entry into the zone of anti-aircraft missile fire of your aircraft by time or line. But in a combat situation, such a tactical technique cannot always be applied. Therefore, by all technical means (including identification means), it is necessary to achieve coherence in the conduct of joint aviation and air defense operations in the same direction and to establish complete clarity in assessing the air situation at command posts.

In order to solve this problem, all samples of ground-based air defense and aviation of the Armed Forces are equipped with state identification system equipment. The presence of the system on board the transponder and the receipt of the response signal to the request of the ground radar interrogator (NRP) significantly increases the safety of aviation. But provided that the same equipment is installed on all aircraft located in the detection and destruction zones. It turns out that the system is more adapted to the combat situation. In peacetime, it has a number of problems that affect the quality of airspace control.

On the territory of the USSR and its allies, for the first time such a radar identification system was put into operation in the 1960s. It was named "Silicon". Along with many advantages, it also had two fundamental disadvantages - the absence of a guaranteed identification mode and the use of the frequency range, which, with the development of television, was occupied by decimeter broadcasting channels, so it was decided to modernize it by creating a new unified system of state radar identification (EU GRLO) "Password ".

One of the reasons why the transition to the new "Password" state recognition system accelerated was the ill-fated flight to Japan of pilot V. Belenko on a MiG-25 aircraft. On board the interceptor, a state-identification "Silicon" transponder was installed. Our plane was disassembled and examined by Japanese and American specialists. They got the blocks and keys of the state recognition system. After that, "Silicon" ceased to be a secret. The replacement of special equipment on airplanes and the ground part of the identification system after the betrayal of V. Belenko cost the state military budget dearly. This case convincingly proved the correctness of the decision to switch to a new system of state recognition, taking into account similar situations in the future.

The creation of a new unified system of state radar identification (EU GRLO) "Password" was completed by 1970. In fact, in the field of identification there was a potential opportunity to reliably identify air targets in the interests of the country's air defense. After tests, modifications and numerous changes in 1977, the EU GRLO and its means were put into service. The importance of this link in the country's defense, the urgent need for new means of guaranteed identification for practically all types and arms of the troops determined the massive deliveries of "Parol" to the troops in 1970-1980.

In 2005, a Russian Su-27 aircraft fell on the territory of Lithuania. At the same time, a special device for destroying the "Password" system transponder unit was triggered. If we assume (theoretically) that the defendant's block and together with it the keys got to our neighbors, then this does not declassify the entire system of state recognition of the country, but only requires the adoption of urgent organizational measures. But that is why the plane with the "Password" transponder did not turn on the "Distress" signal and was not noticed by ground-based air defense systems when deviating from the planned route - this is another problem.

According to the information we have, these radars are still on the island. But next year, work on "cleaning up the Arctic" will continue there, so we have no confidence in the safety of the facilities.

Aerospace Defense No. 2, 2007



colonel, head of radar P-14 in 1972-76, in 1978-1995

Radar 5N84A "Defense" (further development of the ideas laid down in the P-14), deployed at the Ashuluk range. Photo: Georgy DANILOV

In 2003, one event in the life of the radio engineering troops passed almost unnoticed - the last P-14 radar - without exaggeration, the favorite radar station of the troops, the last of the 731 radars manufactured in 1959-76 - left the combat strength.

The creation of a VHF station with significant energy and a long detection range (ROC "Lena") was set by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 526-321 of March 14, 1955 and the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1371-632 of December 6. 57 g. The general customer was GRAU MO, the contractor was the SKB of the Gorky Television Plant named after IN AND. Lenin.


Vasily Ivanovich Ovsyanikov was appointed chief designer of the radar. SKB GTZ by that time had a rich and unique experience in creating and supporting the production of VHF radars P-3, P-8, P-10, P-12.

Naturally, all this experience was fully used when creating a new radar. Within the framework of the Lena R&D project, a number of research projects had to be carried out. This was a milestone work for the team, significantly superior in technical level and volume to all previous ones.

The development of a new powerful oscillator lamp, spark gaps, high-frequency cables of high dielectric strength, high-voltage power supplies, new insulating materials and other components was required.

The volume of the equipment (about a hundred blocks) did not allow the use of the previously used method of mounting radioelements on bulky chassis and cabinets. Designers and technologists have developed standardized standard racks and chassis blocks that were inserted into these racks. The block-functional construction method made it possible to significantly reduce the labor intensity of the equipment manufacturing, increase the station maintainability, and ensure the installation and adjustment work on a wide front.

However, despite the hard work of the team, there was a lag in terms of development and, first of all, at the stage of manufacturing a sample. The capacity of the experimental workshop was clearly not enough. The delivery of the main components and materials was not provided.

Workstation of the operator of the radar 5N84A "Defense".

The prototype of the main equipment was made in an experimental workshop, the antenna was made without a slipway, the antenna-feeder path (cables, current collectors, transitions) could not withstand the full load. The main burden of the work was transferred to the landfill. There was tension in the team: SKB could not fulfill the task of developing the main station of the RTV air defense.

In the summer of 1957, the management of the OKB, chief designer V.I. Ovsyanikov and the head of the SNKh department were summoned to a meeting of the Commission on military-industrial issues under the Presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers with a report on the status of work on the Lena design and development project. Naturally, the enterprise did not expect anything good from this procedure.

After the report of the chief designer and an explanation of the reasons for the lag in the manufacture of the sample, Academician A.N. Shchukin, a prominent specialist in radar, unexpectedly proposed to make not one sample, but as many as five in order to shorten the "development-production" cycle. The representatives of the plant were amazed, remembering with what difficulty only the layout was completed. However, the decision was made.

At the same time, the Commission gave a number of instructions to the Ministry of the Electronic Industry, the Council of the National Economy, and the Ministry of the Electrotechnical Industry to ensure the accelerated production of radar samples. Were allocated stock notices (with a "red stripe") for scarce components and even vehicles. After the decision of the military-industrial complex, work accelerated significantly.

Part of the equipment was manufactured in the workshops of the plant, the antennas - at the aircraft plant, the antenna rotation drive - at the milling machine plant. After the production of the main equipment, the center of gravity of the work moved to the landfill, where round-the-clock work was organized. Factory tests were completed rather quickly - in the summer of 1958. Together, the task of working out and delivering five samples to the customer was completed.

One prototype of the radar was sent for state tests at the Donguz GRAU test site, located in the steppes of the Orenburg region. The tests of the station were successful. However, it was not without an emergency, as a result of which the state tests were interrupted. The calculation of the station did not turn on the heating system in a timely manner to remove icing from the antenna mirror panels. This led to the destruction of the panels and the heating system itself. The State Commission, nevertheless, made no claims, tk. there was a decision on a special test of the strength of the antenna in extreme conditions. Within 10 days, the experimental workshop produced reinforced panels, which were delivered to the landfill by a special flight. The antenna was restored in three days.

In early 1959, three of the first four radars were sent by rail to the troops. One of them is to Cape Fiolent, 20 km from Sevastopol, the other is to the area of ​​Lake Khasan in the Far East, and the third is to Severo-Vostochny Bank (Azerbaijan). The fifth set was sent for periodic proof testing.

After successful State tests by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 640-283 dated 16.6.59 and by order of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR No. 0057 dated 20.07.1959, the P-14 radar was put into service.

In 1959, at the Gorky Television Plant named after V.I. IN AND. Lenin began mass production of stations, which lasted until 1976. In total, 731 sets were produced. 24 sets were exported.

The first samples of the radar were delivered to the troops with two sets of antennas, one of which was installed at the main position, the other at the spare. Subsequently, spare antennas were widely used to connect to the P-12 radar, seriously increasing its field of view.

Design features

As you know, the energy potential of the radar is determined by the transmitter power, the receiver sensitivity and the amplifying (in comparison with an elementary dipole) properties of the antenna. In the P-14 radar being created, the receiver has not fundamentally changed in comparison with the P-12, and the transmitting device and antenna have become qualitatively new and more powerful.

The transmitting device was built according to the classical scheme of the time:

A self-excited microwave generator based on a powerful metal-glass radio tube-triode GI-5B and an oscillating system in the form of a set of coaxial brass pipes repeated the design of the P-12 radar generator, only the pipes were larger in diameter, the size of GI-5B. The generator produced unmodulated "smooth" microwave pulses with a power of at least 700 kW and a duration of 10 μs;

modulator - with a full discharge of the storage device (artificial long line) and an ionic commutator - thyratron TGI-700-1000 / 25.

To protect against active interference, a tuning system was used for four spare frequencies in the allocated frequency range. Four elements in the microwave generator and one element in the high-frequency amplifier block in the receiving device were rebuilt by means of synchronous-servo drives on the selsyns by the actuating electric motors. The automatic frequency control system provided the necessary coupling of the frequencies of the local oscillator of the receiver and the generator of the microwave transmitter in the entire tuning range.

Radar 5N84A "Defense" and a new generation radar "Protivnik-G" in Ashuluk.

Structurally, the modulator was placed in a set of identical large cube blocks standing in one row: a high-voltage rectifier, a charging choke unit, a pulse transformer unit with thyratron and rectifier subunits, and two storage units. On top of these blocks, on a steel channel frame, a "pipe" of a microwave generator with automatic devices of the generator frequency tuning system lay horizontally.

The radar antenna was completely unusual for a VHF radar - a mirror type. The mirror was a cut from a double curvature paraboloid measuring 32 by 11 meters. The feed (two half-wave vibrators with a counterreflector) was placed at the focus of the antenna on a long truss. The antenna directivity factor was 600. The antenna formed a kosekan square radiation pattern with a zone ceiling (with one notch) of 45 km.

The emergence of such a powerful antenna made it possible for the first time in real radars to use the Sun as a source of radio emission to remove the antenna radiation pattern in the vertical plane. The zone was corrected by moving the feed in the vertical plane.

Also, for the first time, such a parameter as the sensitivity of the receiving path was introduced, which received the slang term "sensitivity in a large circle" in the troops. To measure the parameter, a special measuring antenna, a control dipole, was attached at a fixed place near the antenna mirror.

A calibrated signal from a standard signal generator was fed to it via a coaxial cable. The signal emitted by the dipole was received by the radar antenna, passed through the entire antenna-feeder path and entered the receiver. The level of the signal supplied from the GSS upon reaching a given signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver output determined the value of the sensitivity of the receiving path. This parameter made it possible to objectively assess the state of the antenna-feeder path at low signal levels and was a good diagnostic tool when searching for faults in it.

The antenna design consisted of two shafts - vertical and horizontal. The barrels were assembled on bolts from sections welded from steel profiles and pipes. Flat trusses made of duralumin pipes were attached to the horizontal shaft; ceramic insulators were attached to the tubes forming the inner surface of the mirror. Galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm was attached to these insulators. Despite its large size, the antenna was mounted without the use of a crane - all the equipment necessary for installation was included in the delivery set.

To combat icing, an electric current (30 kW) could be passed through this wire. To provide the required current strength, several step-down transformers were placed on the vertical shaft.

However, it should be recognized that in the European Arctic and on the Far East coast, where heavy rainfall in the form of sleet and rain at subzero temperatures is a fairly frequent occurrence, many antennas were destroyed.

Microwave energy was transmitted through a coaxial cable with a diameter of about five centimeters, in a lead sheath. A special coaxial high-frequency current collector was used to transfer energy from the fixed part of the antenna to the mobile one.

It should be noted that the joints of the high-frequency path were the weakest and most unreliable point of the radar. In the place of the slightest violation of contact, the transition quickly burned out with the melting of the polyethylene insulator. And the high-frequency current collector and cable were constantly in short supply.

The significant power of the transmitting device in combination with a large-size reflector antenna made it possible to form a visibility zone with a radio horizon realization coefficient close to unity. The radar confidently detected both low-flying targets and spacecraft in the ascending and descending sections of the flight path. It was for these purposes that a scale of 1200 km was subsequently added.

The presence of a large antenna with significant inertia required the use of an original system of its rotation.

At the far end of building No. 1 (about the location of the station just below), on a concrete foundation, there was an antenna base (like a stack about 4 meters high), assembled from metal structures.

At the top of the base lay an upper gearbox. The antenna mirror rested on the large gear wheel of the upper gear through the crosspiece. The top point of the vertical antenna shaft was held in a vertical position by means of a bearing by six guys (steel cables) pulled by hand winches, standing on concrete foundations.

In the focus of the 5N84A radar antenna on a long truss, there is an irradiator - two half-wave vibrators with a counterreflector.

A large gearbox with a set of gears was attached to a frame made of a steel corner approximately in the middle of the "whatnot". For the first time, electromagnetic clutches were used for remote gear shifting. The shaft of the upper gearbox was connected to the output shaft of the gearbox by means of a powerful propeller shaft with two crosses.

On one side of the box, two powerful AC motors were connected, connected "shaft to shaft"; on the other side of the box, there were an EMU-100 electric machine amplifier and an MI-100 DC electric motor next to it.

The system operated in three modes: "start" mode (DC drive smoothly "accelerated" the antenna from a stopped position to a speed of 2 rpm); operating mode of rotation of the antenna from the AC drive at a speed of 2, 4, 6 rpm; setting mode to a given azimuth (in this case, a direct current drive was used, in a conventional single-channel SSP system on selsyns).

To protect against passive interference, a coherent-pulse system for the selection of moving targets (SDC) was used. For the sake of fairness, it must be remembered that the system was originally called SPC (selection of moving targets). An overperiodic compensation circuit (FPK) was built on LN-5 (LN-9) subtractive potentioscopes and could operate in single or double subtraction modes.

In the mode of single subtraction, the first potentioscope was used to isolate signals of asynchronous impulse noise and compensate them in the field of view outside the passive noise. The use of potentioscopes in the PPC scheme made it possible to easily apply an asymmetric trigger to reduce the zone of "blind" speeds of the SDC system.

The SDC equipment was switched on manually, by installing special zones - "strobes", in which an echo passed through the protection equipment was fed to the indicators. In total, three such zones could be formed: the "local" strobe zone - circular in azimuth from zero to 600 km - to compensate for reflections from local objects; two "dipole" strobe zones (set at any range, length and width in azimuth).

The sizes of the "dipole" strobe zones were the same and differed only in the azimuth position. In the "dipole" gate zones, it was possible to compensate for the Doppler frequency addition due to the displacement of the passive interference in space under the influence of the wind.

Setting the size of the strobes, adjusting the wind compensation scheme were done manually by means of controls (switches and knobs) on the radar blocks.

The radar indicator equipment consisted of three identical indicators: one circular view indicator (IKO) in the radar building and two external IKO (VICO) located at the command post (PU) of the unit (at a distance of up to 1 kilometer from the radar station).

Since 1967, a new unit with a cathode-ray tube with a diameter of 45 cm has been installed in the radar instead of the 35-cm one, which has significantly improved the conditions for observing the air situation. In the same rack, there was a control indicator, on the screen of which it was possible to observe signals from the outputs of the receiving device, the PPC system, and also to use it as a built-in oscilloscope when setting up and repairing equipment. It should be noted that both indicators provided a well-focused and contrasting "picture", creating a comfortable working environment for the operator, and there was practically no reason to use the supplied oscilloscope.

The difference between VIKO and IKO was due to different primary supply voltages. In addition, to ensure the required accuracy of transmitting information about the current azimuth of the antenna, a two-channel synchronous-servo drive was used on selsyns, in contrast to the one-channel drive on the IKO.

VIKO was connected to the radar with two cables - high-frequency coaxial and multicore signal cables.

Screen view of the indicator of the circular view of the radar 5N84A "Defense".

To determine whether aircraft belonged to their Armed Forces, the radar had a ground-based radar interrogator NRZ-14M ("Tantal-M"), which was a modification of the NRZ-15 from the P-15 radar. To ensure the size of the identification zone is not less than the detection zone of the radar for the NRZ-14M, a new antenna was developed, which is a passive phased antenna array.

The equipment was built on the basis of the first generation element base; in total, about 360 radio tubes were used.

The power supply of the radar was carried out from power generating units based on a very reliable, unpretentious in operation four-cylinder YaMZ-204G diesel engine produced by the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. The supply voltage was non-standard - 200 Volts, 400 Hz. Two of the four units worked simultaneously - one for the equipment, the other for the antenna rotation system. One of the backup units was used to heat the antenna mirror. To power VIKO, the set included two gasoline units generating a 3-phase voltage of 220 V 50 Hz.

The rest of the radar did not have any fundamental differences from the well-proven and classic principles of building the same P-12 radar.

It should be noted that there is a well-developed and convenient operational documentation. The breakdown of radar systems into small-sized functionally complete units made it possible to create a product that was easy to study and operate. The electrical schematic diagrams of the radar blocks were distinguished by a well-readable and understandable structure and ensured quick recovery of failed blocks and systems. In the army, the radar station had another name - "Dubrava".

Home for the station

Placing a radar station in a stationary building was also not a new phenomenon. All VHF radars from P-3 to P-12 were also produced in stationary "packing" versions and deployed in adapted rooms.

For the first time, specially designed buildings were built for a mass-produced radar station - post No. 1 for placing the equipment and post No. 2 for the power plant.

The main part of the brick building No. 1 was divided into 4 rooms. There were narrow ventilation rooms along the long walls to the right and left; in the middle is the largest room with all the receiving and display equipment; to the left of it, between the left ventilation room and the control room, there was a room for a transmitting device with a cabinet for a radiation-free tuning system. The rest of the building was occupied by a corridor, a room for a stoker (water heating) and a spare parts room. However, the premises for spare parts were most often used as a classroom. The last two rooms in different building designs had different sizes and locations. There was a project for a building constructed from a wooden beam.

The antenna was installed near the building of post No. 1 on a detached metal mast about two meters high on a special rotating support with an MI-32 DC actuator. A single-channel synchronous-servo drive with an electric machine amplifier provided synchronous and in-phase rotation of the NRZ antenna with the radar antenna.

The brick building of the post No. 2 housed a diesel power plant. In the main spacious room, four diesel units were installed in one row, radiators to the ventilation windows in the long wall of the building. To refuel the units, a diesel fuel supply system with pipelines, a hand pump and a settling tank was installed in the building. The diesel fuel stock was stored in two bunded metal tanks, 25 cubic meters each.

Both buildings had a heating system with hot water boilers. But in the building of post No. 2, heating was most often not used: there was enough heat from warming up the diesel units.

Improvements and upgrades

Over the course of its long life, the radar has undergone several modifications.

Since about 1967, sets of indicator equipment have been supplied on a 45LM1V cathode-ray tube. But still, the main amount was refined during the overhaul. Simultaneously, a scale of 1200 km was introduced, which is used to detect spacecraft on the descent trajectory.

Some stations were supplied with the "Commutator" set, which consisted of two units - power frequency converters VPL-30 (PSCh-30) and switching equipment that provides power to the radar from the industrial network and the transition to power from diesel units.

In the early 1970s. the subunit of the thyratron in the modulator of the transmitting device was replaced. In the new subunit, there was a new TGI-1000 thyratron that was twice as small (in comparison with the TGI-700) volume, which made it possible to reduce the radar turn-on time from 8.5 minutes to 4.5. In the mid-1970s. The P-14 radar was equipped with the Kommutator-14 protection equipment against homing anti-radar projectiles.

At the same time, troops were carrying out the well-known revision of the "Capacitor" or "ARP" - a scheme for automatic threshold adjustment in the radar video path, which made it possible to noticeably improve the observability of marks from targets against the background of active noise interference in a simple way.

For the first time on the radar P-14 was tested and got a start in life preventive maintenance by the aggregate method. This made it possible to extend the service life of the station by one to two years. This type of military repair subsequently received some distribution on other models of radar equipment.

The high maintainability of the radar structure made it possible to carry out two or three major overhauls of the station. The quality of the repairs carried out by the Samara repair enterprise UKVR Air Defense was quite high.

For the first time, a target and jamming simulator was built on the P-14 radar, providing initial training for operators, especially in those regions of the country where there were no intensive aviation flights.

The radar has proven to be very reliable and easy to use. Affected both the use of proven circuit design solutions, and the stationary placement of the equipment, which ensures a stable temperature regime of the equipment.

The P-14 was distinguished by a number of undoubted advantages:

stationary placement provided comfortable living conditions for the station's crew;

high power of the transmitting device in combination with a large antenna, unique for the meter wavelength range, made it possible to form a very good gap-free detection zone;

the stable operating analogue SDC system in combination with a good field of view made the radar indispensable for reliable detection of low-flying targets;

long-range detection and stable tracking of radar targets with a clear and contrasting mark on the IKO contributed to the popularity of the radar among aviation guidance navigators.

The station consisted of two officers. This ensured (with a heavy workload of officers of air defense RTV units with issues of combat duty and life support), continuous qualified technical operation of the equipment. The captain's category of the position of the head of the radar station ensured a sufficiently high stability of personnel and a good level of training.

With all the positive qualities that distinguished the Lena from the rest of the radar stations of the radio-technical air defense forces, there was one obvious drawback - the stationary station.

After the reorganization of the Ministry of Defense, the 4th GU MO (hereinafter GUV Air Defense) becomes the general customer of radar equipment for the Air Defense Forces. In August 1967, the general customer of the Air Defense Forces issued to the enterprise new tactical and technical requirements for the modernization of the P-14 radar, called the P-14F "Van" (5N84). The prototype of the radar was developed and manufactured on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Radio Industry and the Main Directorate of the Air Defense Ministry of 25.2.1967. The radar was serially produced in 1968. Chief Designer - A.M. Flaum

The radar equipment was housed in three OdAZ-828 trailers (AP-1 - with a transmitting device, AP-2 - with all other equipment, except for VIKO, AP-3 - a half-empty cabin, which housed two VIKOs, equipment for interfacing with the automated control system. , it could accommodate radio altimeters indicator cabinets.

Of the fundamental innovations, one can note the possibility of promptly changing the elevation position of the viewing area (modes "standard" - "high-altitude") due to the introduction of an additional third vibrator with a high-speed high-frequency switch into the antenna feed.

The main tactical and technical characteristics of the radar have not changed.

The modernized radar station, having become transported, has lost all the advantages of stationary placement, but has acquired new qualities. Equipping troops was easier (no long-term and costly capital construction was required). Now it is possible to change the place of deployment, it has become easier to send the radar for overhaul.

In 1960, the SKB team for the development of the P-14 radar was awarded a high award - the Lenin Prize. V.I. Ovsyanikov, R.M. Glukhikh, N.I. Polezhaev, Yu.N. Sokolov, A.M. Klyachev, I. Ts. Grosman, A.I. Smirnov.

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History of creation

The P-14 early warning radar has been developed and mass-produced at JSC NITEL since 1959 in two versions.

  • 1RL113 and 44ZH6- stationary options are located in a special building.
  • Radar 5N84- mobile, accommodated in six large vans - semi-trailers. The parabolic antenna has a mirror span of 32 meters and a height of 11 meters. These stations provide target detection at a distance of up to 400 km at a flight altitude of air targets up to 30 thousand meters.

Tactical and technical data


Designed for early detection and measurement of range and azimuth of air targets. The Lena stationary early warning radar is located at a previously prepared position in two one-story buildings (in one - equipment, in the other - a diesel power plant). The antenna, which is a 32 x 11 m parabolic mirror, is installed next to the equipment room. To identify air targets, the station is equipped with a ground-based radio transmitter. There are two remote indicators located at the command post located at a distance of up to 1000 m from the radar station. Noise immunity of the station under the influence of active interference is ensured by tuning the operating frequency. To protect against passive interference, coherent compensation equipment based on potentioscopic tubes was used.

Radar "Lena" can be operated at an ambient temperature of ± 50 ° C, wind speed up to 30 m / s.

Wave range


View area:
in azimuth, deg.
in elevation, deg.
altitude, km


Coordinate measurement accuracy:
range, m
azimuth, deg.
Output information type


30,15 and 10

Power consumption, kW
Service staff, people

5 (in one shift)


Designed for early detection and measurement of the range and azimuth of air targets when operating as part of an automated control system or autonomously. It is a transportable modification of the Lena radar. The "Van" mobile early warning radar is located on five transport units (two semi-trailers with equipment and three trailers with a power supply system). The antenna, which is a 32 x 11 m parabolic mirror, is installed on a prepared foundation. It is transported in packages on vehicles not included in the station set. There is a remote technical post located on a separate semitrailer.

To identify air targets, the radar is equipped with a ground radio interrogator.

The station provides three modes of operation:

Standard - with maximum detection range;
- high-altitude - with an increased upper limit of the detection area in elevation
- scanning - with alternate (through the review) switching on the standard and high-altitude modes.

It is possible to control the operating modes from a remote post.

Noise immunity of the radar in the presence of active interference is ensured by tuning the operating frequency. To protect against passive interference (as in the Lena radar), coherent compensation equipment was used on potentioscopic tubes.
Radar "Van" can be operated at an ambient temperature of ± 50 ° C, wind speed up to 30 m / s.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Wave range


View area:
in azimuth, deg.
in elevation, deg.
altitude, km

12 (in normal mode)
17 (in high-altitude mode)
35 (in normal mode)

Target detection range (fighter type) at an altitude of 10,000 m, km:

300 (in normal mode)

280 (in high-altitude mode)

Coordinate measurement accuracy:
range, m
azimuth, deg.
Coefficient of under-interference visibility of the SDC system, dB
Output information type


Information update rate, s

10 and 20

Mean time between failures, h
Power consumption, kW
Service staff, people

5 (in one shift)

Deployment time, h


Designed for early detection and measurement of the range and azimuth of air targets when operating as part of an automated control system or autonomously. The "Defense-14" early warning radar is a transportable anti-jamming modification of the "Lena" radar. The station is located on six transport units (two semi-trailers with equipment, two with an antenna-mast device and two trailers with a power supply system). A separate semitrailer has a remote post with two indicators. It can be removed from the station at a distance of up to 1 km. To identify air targets, the radar is equipped with a ground radio transmitter.

The station provides three modes of viewing space:

- "lower beam" - with an increased target detection range at low and medium altitudes;
- "upper beam" - with an increased upper limit of the detection area in elevation;
- scanning - with alternate (through the review) switching on the upper and lower beams.

Noise immunity of the radar in conditions of active interference is ensured by tuning the operating frequency and a three-channel auto-compensation system used for the first time. To protect against passive interference (as in the Lena radar), coherent compensation equipment on potentioscopic tubes is used. The Oborona-14 radar can be operated at an ambient temperature of ± 50 ° С, wind speeds up to 30 m / s.

Main tactical and technical characteristics:

Sources of information
Wave range


View area:
in azimuth, deg.
in elevation, deg.
altitude, km

12 (Low Beam Mode) 17 (High Beam Mode) 45 (Low Beam Mode)

Target detection range (fighter type) at an altitude of 10,000 m, km: