How to use the computer keyboard button functions. Assignment of keys of the keyboard of a personal computer


I guess it's no secret to you that the keyboard is mainly used to enter data into a computer. But besides this, the keyboard is also used to carry out various operations to control a computer. Only for beginners in computers it seems that there are a lot of keys on the keyboard and it is impossible to remember all of them. But using keyboard shortcuts dramatically increases the number of actions that can be performed using the keyboard.


An ordinary keyboard can be conditionally divided into several areas.



At the very top of the keyboard are keys that are not used to enter data into the computer.


These keys perform auxiliary actions, which are shown in the table below.


Below the function key area is the symbol key area, which contains keys for entering numbers, letters, and other symbols.

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Many keys show two or three characters each.

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The letter keys show Russian and Latin letters, and when switching the input language to English, Latin letters will be entered, and when switching to the Russian keyboard layout, Russian letters will be entered.

There are keys in this area, which are called modifier keys. (Ctrl, Alt and Shift keys) ... These keys are named so because they allow you to change the meaning of the symbol keys.



For example, if the key has three characters,


then one of them is entered by simply pressing a key (this is the character "3"),


the second - by pressing the symbol key and the key at the same time Shift(this is the symbol "No." if the Russian keyboard layout is selected),


the third character - when switching the keyboard layout to another language and simultaneously pressing the symbol key with the key Shift(this is the symbol "#" If English keyboard layout is selected).



We haven't looked at text input yet, but I think we should introduce the concept text cursor, since the next group of keys is associated with it.

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Text cursor called a flashing vertical or horizontal bar, which indicates on the screen the location of the newly entered character from the keyboard. You've probably seen it if you ran any text input program.
So, the text cursor control keys:



Slightly above the cursor keys are usually placed additional keys which are also related to cursor control.

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The actions performed by these keys are difficult to describe without casting practical examples... Therefore, in the table below I give short description these keys, and you can use this table in the future as a reference. Return to her when we study the work in text editors.



On the right side of the keyboard there is an additional keyboard, which contains numeric keys and keys for mathematical operations, as well as an additional Enter key.

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The additional keyboard is enabled by pressing the NumLock key.



With NumLock disabled additional keyboard can be used to control the cursor- on the numeric keys there are additional inscriptions indicating the functionality of the key.

Many (but not all) keyboards have an area that contains mode indicators. These indicators light up when the corresponding key is pressed:



We've covered basic keyboard shortcuts, but that's not all.

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Global keyboard shortcuts on Windows


Ctrl + Tab ⇆ - switch between bookmarks or windows of one application;
Alt + F4 - close the active window;
Alt + Space (space) - Opens the window's system menu. With it, you can close, minimize, maximize, move and resize the window without using the mouse;
Alt + ⇧ Shift or Ctrl + ⇧ Shift - switch language;
Ctrl + Alt + Delete - opens the "Task Manager" or "Windows Security" window;
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Esc - open the "Task Manager" window ";
Win - open / close the Start menu;
Ctrl + Esc - open / close the "Start" menu;
Win + D - minimize / restore all windows, including dialog ones, i.e. show the Desktop;
Win + E - open the "Explorer" program;
Win + R - open the "Run Program" window ("Start" -> "Run ...");
Win + F - open the search window;
Win + L - lock the computer;
Win + M - minimizes all windows except dialog ones;
Win + Pause / Break - open the "System" window;
Print screen- place a screenshot of the entire screen on the clipboard. In MS-DOS, it was used to output screen contents to the printer;
Alt + Print Screen - place a snapshot of the active window on the clipboard;
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert - copy to clipboard;
Ctrl + V or ⇧ Shift + Insert - paste from the clipboard;
Ctrl + X or ⇧ Shift + Delete - cut to clipboard;
Ctrl + F - open the search box on the page
Ctrl + Z - undo (back);
Ctrl + Y - undo (forward);
Ctrl + A - select everything;
Ctrl + S - save;
Ctrl + W - close the window;
Ctrl + R - refresh;
Ctrl + T - open a new tab in the browser;
Ctrl + P - printout;
Ctrl + ← Backspace - delete a word (deletes to the left);
Ctrl + Delete - delete a word (deletes to the right);
Ctrl + ← / → - move the cursor one word back / forward;
⇧ Shift + Ctrl + ← / → - select the word left / right;
Ctrl + Home (End) - move the cursor to the beginning (end) of the text;
⇧ Shift + Ctrl + Home (End) - select to the beginning (end) of the text;


Alt + ← / → - back / forward;
ALT + D - select text in the browser address bar;
ALT + Double-click with the left mouse button "- opens the object properties window (analogous to ALT + ↵ Enter);
ALT + Tab ⇆ - makes another running application active (the one that was active just before the current one). To switch to other applications, press the Tab ⇆ key several times while holding down the ALT key. In this case, a panel will appear in the center of the screen showing all running applications and which one is active if you release the ALT key. Using ALT + Tab ⇆, when switching to an application that has been minimized to the taskbar, that application is restored (expanded);
Alt + ⇧ Shift + Tab ⇆ - switch between active windows in reverse direction(from the current active to the first, which became inactive, then to the second inactive, etc. in a circle);
ALT + ESC - makes another running application active (the one that was active just before the current one). To switch to other applications, press the ESC key several times without releasing the ALT key. Unlike ALT + Tab ⇆, the panel showing all running applications will not appear in the center of the screen, and the applications will be activated in the order in which they were opened. Using ALT + ESC, when switching to an application that has been minimized to the taskbar, that application is not restored (not maximized). A minimized active window can be expanded by pressing the ↵ Enter key.
Win + Tab ⇆ - Switch between application buttons in the Taskbar. When ⇧ Shift is added, the iteration goes to reverse order... In Windows 7, this combination



How to type on the keyboard characters that are not on it?


For example, the euro sign and many others. It turns out that this is very easy to do.

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Press and hold the Alt key and we type these numbers on the keyboard (exclusively with right side):

Alt + 1 = ☺
Alt + 2 = ☻
Alt + 3 =
Alt + 4 = ♦
Alt + 5 = ♣
Alt + 6 = ♠
Alt + 7 =.
Alt + 8 = ◘
Alt + 9 = ○
Alt + 10 = ◙
Alt + 11 = ♂
Alt + 12 = ♀
Alt + 13 = ♪
Alt + 14 = ♫
Alt + 15 = ☼
Alt + 16 =
Alt + 17 = ◄
Alt + 18 = ↕
Alt + 19 =‼
Alt + 20 = ¶
Alt + 21 = §
Alt + 22 = ▬
Alt + 23 = ↨
Alt + 24 =
Alt + 25 = ↓
Alt + 26 = →
Alt + 27 = ←
Alt + 28 = ∟
Alt + 29 = ↔
Alt + 30 = ▲
Alt + 31 = ▼
Alt + 177 = ▒
Alt + 987 = █
Alt + 0130 = ‚
Alt + 0132 = „
Alt + 0133 = ...
Alt + 0134 = †
Alt + 0136 = €
Alt + 0139 = ‹
Alt + 0145 = '
Alt + 0146 = '
Alt + 0147 = “
Alt + 0148 = "
Alt + 0149 =.
Alt + 0150 = -
Alt + 0151 = -
Alt + 0153 = ™
Alt + 0155 = ›
Alt + 0167 = §
Alt + 0169 =
Alt + 0171 = "
Alt + 0174 = ®
Alt + 0176 = °
Alt + 0177 = ±
Alt + 0183 =.
Alt + 0187 = "


I think you have probably already heard that keyboard Is the most convenient and quick way control of the computer, but most likely you cannot believe it, because you cannot understand how you can control the keyboard faster e, than hover the mouse over the desired location on the screen and click with one finger. So, it really is. The author of this article himself once thought so too, but some time passed and everything fell into place.

Keyboard work faster!

The fact is that in fact, in order to perform several actions in a matter of seconds, a mouse is not suitable at all, because you need to reach out to the mouse, coordinate the movements with this hand, etc. But the keys are always under your fingers and to press several keys you need to apply dozens of times less concentrated effort. I'm not even talking about any altered states of consciousness, like alcohol or drug intoxication - it is almost impossible to work with a mouse in these states, but with skillful use of the keyboard, the performance does not decrease even in such cases :)

What are the main groups of keys on the keyboard?

    The keyboard can be conditionally divided into the following logical blocks:
  1. Letters, numbers and punctuation marks - this group can be called alphanumeric. There are most of these keys on the keyboard. They are located in the center of the keyboard. Serve for typing texts, entering commands and program code.

    In order to use these keys as conveniently and efficiently as possible, you need to master. He explains how fingers should be positioned on the keyboard, since the keyboard is divided into several zones, and each zone has a corresponding finger. It is not possible It is quite difficult to learn and requires decent patience and perseverance, but this skill pays off a hundredfold, since it greatly simplifies the use of a computer.

  2. This group is a row of twelve keys at the very top of the keyboard. They are used to perform many operations, which are described in detail in the article dedicated to them.
  3. Control keys. It is about them that we are going to talk on this page of the site. These are keys that are not assembled into any block. Enter, Alt, Ctrl, Tab, Shift, Backspace, spacebar - and several others.They are located all over the keyboard - according to its periphery. This is done so that they do not interfere with typing and at the same time are always available. When mastering the aforementioned ten-finger method, these keys are almost all pressed with the little fingers. However, for getting to know them, this is not important for us yet. We will analyze their names, purpose and basic functions of the control keys.
  4. Cursor keys. They are often singled out in a separate group, with only 4 keys. In our opinion, these keys can be safely referred to as control keys, which they are in essence. They are needed to move the cursor. They are responsible for direction. Thus, among the control keys there are related ones Home, End, PgUp, PgDown. These keys are used, for example, to move around it, as well as for it.
  5. Numeric block - NumPad. A separate block with the arrangement of numbers as on a calculator. These keys are referred to as auxiliary keys, on some keyboards they are absent, since they duplicate the numbers located in the top row of the alphanumeric block. Additional numeric keypad used when working with numbers, arithmetic operations, for example. It is much easier for a person who does not know the ten-finger dialing method to use numbers there. But in general it is not effective, and, for some, we recommend mastering the use of numbers in the top row of the main keyboard.

Now, let's look at the use of some basic combinations using mainly a group of control keys.


And we will start with the fact that the most important key is Enter. It allows you to send data from forms, text fields, the address bar of the browser, in general, in all those places where you need to enter any data. It works always and everywhere, not only on the pages of sites, but also in your entire operating system and even outside of it ... But the Enter key is replaced with various buttons designed to enter data using the mouse - next to the address bar of your browser there is a button "Go ", On the forms of web pages these are buttons such as" Enter "," Search ", etc. So, if you still use the "mouse" counterparts of the Enter key, I strongly recommend that you start using it. In fact, such a data entry operation will be shortened for you by only a second or two, but how many times during operation is this operation performed? So I'm talking about the same thing - everything is made up of the smallest details, and in the art of navigation, this small detail is one of the main ones.


Next, the Tab key (tabulate) is very useful for us - this key allows you to move the input focus from one object to the next, in order from top to bottom and from left to right. The clearest example of her help is the use of this key when entering your username and password in the form to enter your e-mail(I assume you are already using email, although even if not, I will tell you about this in another article).

Let's say you opened your service page Email... Instead of leading and clicking in the field for entering a username (login), press only the key Tabwith the little finger of the left hand and you will see how much faster it is. This is because the field for entering a name (login) is almost always the very first field in the structure of any web page where an authorization form is provided. The same can be said about search engine pages, when opening a search engine page, the first thing to do is click Tab, and you will invariably find yourself in the field for entering a query to the search engine, and this is what you need. You may find it incredibly inconvenient for the first few times, but believe me, these several times are worth it. In general, a super-fast site login algorithm is as follows: immediately after loading the web page you want, you click Tab, enter your login, click again Tab(get used to it push it with your little finger), enter the password, click Enter... By the way, I will say that Enter is also worth pressing with your little finger right hand ,

It is interesting! The Tab and Enter keys are made especially large, so that you can easily hit them with a blow of your little finger.

At first it will be inconvenient, but this inconvenience will pass in a couple of days. But you can already compare the time it takes to enter the site, and you yourself will feel that this procedure now happens just lightning fast, compared to how you entered the site before, when using only a mouse for navigation.

Shift + Tab

You might say, "The Tab key is fine, of course, but I still have to grab the mouse if I miss one of the fields, or if I skip while typing, and I need to go back to the previous field, above or to the left." ... But I will answer you that this is always and everywhere provided, in such cases, to the above-described Tab, the Shift key comes to the rescue. That is, here we use not only the single Tab key, but the so-called combination, or a key combination commonly referred to as Shift + Tab... This designation<клавиша 1>+<клавиша 2>, always means that in in this case you must first press the 1 key, and while holding it down, press the 2 key. This action As you get used to the keyboard, it becomes like pressing two keys at the same time, for the time between pressing two keys gradually decreases with experience. That is, to use Shift + Tab, to return to the previous input field, you need to hold down Shift and press Tab.

Shift is also a pinky key. Rather, the keys and, because on a standard keyboard, there are necessarily two of them. This is done in order to use them regardless of which key you need to press with it. The standard technique, which the first keyboard developers counted on, is Shift, you need to press with the little finger of the hand that is free from pressing other keys. This means that the most correct and ergonomic way to press a command Shift + Tab there will be pressing and holding the right Shift with the little finger of the right hand, and clicking on Tab with the little finger of the left hand.

Focus transfer key in the address bar.

The address bar is an indispensable and essential element of any browser. It is with her help that we manage to convey desired address site to the browser in order for the latter to display its content to us. The address bar is located at the top of your browser window; it automatically displays the address (url) of what the browser displays in the main window. So, in order to effectively use this function, there must be a hotkey that allows you to transfer the input focus to this very line. Standard keys for this are:

By the way, in Opera you can change this value to any other key, say, the same F6... Besides, F6 serves for this not only in the browser, but also in the standard Explorer any operating system Windows family, because it uses the same engine both for the IE browser and for the shell of the Explorer OS itself. Directly in the system, you can use the address bar to navigate throughout file system Your computer. Let's say you are in the C: Program Files directory of Internet Explorer, and in order to instantly move to the root of the C: drive of your system, all you need to do is click F6, type "C:" and press Enter. It takes dozens of times less time than the same action using the mouse.

By the way, you may have noticed that when you transfer focus to the address bar using a hotkey, the value that is in this moment is in the line is automatically highlighted. This is done so that immediately after the focus is transferred, you can type the desired address without being distracted by clearing the address bar field, as you would have to do it with the mouse. Another useful thing is that when you start typing an address, a list of already visited addresses appears, if you want to use this function in the browser, and that's it. possible options jump if you are navigating through the file system. You just need to select the desired address and click Enter. A number of function keys are quite far from the main keyboard, so you can press these keys as you like. Most the best option- if you are not yet accustomed to using the function keys, then I recommend pressing F6 with the middle finger of your right hand. F8 is most conveniently pressed with the ring finger of your right hand.

F5 - page refresh

In any browser there is a refresh function (refresh) of the current web page. In the browser toolbar, the button for calling this function usually looks like two arrows forming a ring. This process implies a forced request current page from the server, in order to download possible content changes, because while you are reading the page, it is physically located only on your computer, and during this time on the server this page could have changed. This is sometimes necessary, for example, when checking e-mail, when reading forums, because the content there really changes quite often. So, when the page is refreshed, the browser will load the changes that have occurred. This is what the F5 key is for. Most it is convenient to press this key with the index finger of any hand, in fact, it doesn't matter which hand - which one will be more convenient for you.

True, there is one more opportunity to update the page from the keyboard. Maybe someone will find it more convenient to use the combination Ctrl + R. Sometimes it is more convenient to press it than to reach for the F5 key. It will be correct to press it - the right little finger on ctrl and the left middle finger on R, this is the recommended setting of the fingers. Although for those who do not know the ten-finger dialing method, it will be more convenient to press the combination completely with the left hand - the left pinky to the left ctrl and the left index to R.

Navigation - Forward / Backward

In any browser there is a function of flipping the viewed web pages. This function is available using the left and right arrow buttons on your browser toolbar. It is used to return to previously or later viewed pages. Suppose, being on some page "a", you clicked on the link, and went to page "b", there you clicked on the link again and found yourself already on page "c". And suddenly you need to be on page "b" again, but you do not know the address of that page. This is what the back function is for. By clicking "back" once, you will find yourself on page "b". What if you double-click? That's right, you will find yourself on page "a". And so you can turn over until you find yourself on the very first page from which you started surfing. But now you have looked what you wanted to see on page "a", and you again need page "c". No problem - there is a forward function for that. While on page "a", you need to double-click on "forward", and you will find yourself on page "c". Just? Elementary. Comfortable? You will understand in a couple of days.

Well, we figured out the function itself, now we need to find hot keys for it, which, in fact, are discussed in this article. These keys are also standard, and work in almost all the most famous browsers, and again, they work when navigating the Windows file system using the standard Explorer. These are the keys Alt + left- back and alt + right- forward. In addition, to turn pages back, the key is also standard in any browser. Backspace, but I do not recommend getting used to it, because it is less advisable to use it, I say this, based on my own experience. The backspace key should always and everywhere be pressed with the little finger of the right hand... The Alt + right and Alt + left combinations are most correct to press as follows: Left Alt - with the ring finger of the left hand, and while holding it, with the little finger, click the arrows to the left or to the right. "But it's hard!" - you say. Yes, it's hard - at first. But it will be very easy a little later.

Hand position

There are also a couple more convenient options for pressing these combinations, which I myself use. The first of them is purely "navigational" - this is a special position of the hands, which I, perhaps, will talk about in another article. And the option is that three fingers of the right hand are on the arrows, and, accordingly, we press the index to the left, and the nameless to the right. Left Alt is held with the left thumb. The rest of the fingers in this position are located very conveniently on the other control keys, but more on that another time.

The second option, for example, we have a mouse in our right hand, with which we scroll the page. In order to flip the page back and forth without taking your hands off the mouse, you need holding the little finger of the left hand right Alt, flip left or right with the index finger of your left hand... Just? Like diffusion. There is another option - with a busy left hand, we scroll as follows: right thumb to the right Alt, and with the little finger of the right hand, scroll using the arrows.

We have already learned. Now it's time to explore the keyboard. In order to write a letter, or a request to search engine the Internet, we cannot do without a keyboard. Plus, if your mouse doesn't work, you can use the keyboard. It is enough to know a few simple commands. Real programmers and hackers don't use a mouse at all. For them, the main tool is the keyboard. Perhaps you will also work like this someday, but for now we will learn the basics of working on the keyboard.

Key layout

The entire keyboard, depending on its functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function Keys(F1-F12)- are used for special tasks. If you press the same key again, the action is canceled. F1 key - calls the help of the program in which you are at the moment;
  • Alphanumeric- these are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HOME,END,PAGEUP,PAGEDOWN,DELETE and INSERT.
  • Cursor keys- are used to move the cursor through documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (Ctrl,Alt,CapsLock,Win,Fn) - used in various combinations and separately.
  • Numeric keys- to quickly enter numbers.
  • Editing keysBackspace, Delete.

The keyboard layouts may vary slightly. Often on modern keyboards there are also multimedia keys. Such as mute / unmute, volume control, go to mailbox etc.

Keyboard Key Assignments

Each key performs a specific action:

  • Space bar is the longest key on the keyboard. Located at the very bottom in the middle. Apart from its main function, doing
    space between words, it also removes the "selected" object.
  • Esc- cancels last action(closes unnecessary windows).
  • Print screen- takes a "screenshot" of the screen. This screenshot can be pasted into Word or Paint. This screen shot is called a "screenshot". And also this key prints out the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock- serves for scrolling information up and down, but not on all computers this button works.
  • Pause / Break- suspends an active computer process, but also - does not work on all computers.
  • Insert- serves to print text over the already printed. If you press this key, the new text will be printed, erasing the old one. To undo this action, you must press the Insert key again.
  • Delete(often abbreviated on the keyboard Del) - delete. Deletes characters on the right side of the blinking cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • Home- go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End- jump to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up- turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspase- deletes characters to the left of the blinking cursor while typing text. And returns to previous page in browsers and in Windows Explorer, replacing the back arrow in the upper left corner.
  • Tab- tabulation fixes the cursor at a certain place in the line.
  • Caps lock- toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Shift- short pressing of this key - gives capital letter... In order to print a capital letter, you must first press the Shift key and hold it down and press the desired letter. The Shift key can be pressed both to the right and to the left, as you prefer.
  • Alt- to switch to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) - press the Alt key and keep the Shift key pressed. Pressing and holding the AltGr key (right Alt) is used to go to the second level of the keyboard.
  • Ctrl- right and left. Opens additional features programs.
  • Nut look- includes an additional numeric keypad.
  • Enter- key for entering information, confirms the command "yes", or go to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (to the left). With the help of these arrows, you can move not only through the text that you are typing, but also through the open pages of sites and programs.


You've probably heard this expression. " Hot"They are called because when you press a combination of these keys, you can quickly call some program or menu.

Each program has its own set of these keys. You don't need to memorize them. If you are constantly working in a program, then it makes sense to memorize them. Gradually, we will study many of these combinations.

In many program windows, when you open any menu, in front of a particular command, shortcuts are indicated for calling the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Usually such combinations are indicated with the sign + (plus). For example, Win + E... This means that you must first press the key Win and then the key E.

Letters mean Latin, no matter what layout you have at the moment.

Essential keyboard actions

  • To switch to another language, it is necessary to press simultaneously the key Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl.
  • To print capital (capital) letter, you must hold down the key Shift and click on the desired letter.
  • To print all text only in large letters, press Caps Lock and let it go. And to switch to small letters again, press this key again.
  • In order to print a comma, you must press the key Shift and a semicolon key. They are usually located next to each other on the right.
  • Point in English layout located next to, to the left of the point of the Russian layout.
  • To quickly bring up the menu Start, you can press the key Win... It usually has a window icon (Windows logo) drawn on it.
  • Key Fn designed for laptop. If you press it and any of the keys F1- F10 , then you can enable or disable additional functions... Usually on the keys F1- F10 a small icon is drawn that shows what exactly this key does.

While this knowledge about the keyboard is enough for you. Find each key on your keyboard and try it out.

The keyboard is used to enter information into a computer and send control signals. It contains standard set alphanumeric keys and some additional keys - control and function keys, cursor keys, as well as small digital block keyboard.

General concepts

Information entry point (cursor)- the symbol "|" blinking on the monitor screen, indicating the position in which the next character entered from the keyboard will be displayed.

The keyboard has a built-in buffer- intermediate memory of small size, where the entered characters are placed. All characters typed on the keyboard are immediately displayed on the monitor at the cursor position. However, if the system is busy, then the characters may not be immediately displayed on the screen, but placed in the keyboard buffer in order to display the entered characters on the screen after the system is released. If the keyboard buffer overflows, the key press will be followed by sound signal, which means that the character is not entered (rejected).

The most common today is 105 (7) - keyboards with key layouts Qwerty(reads "quart"), named after the designations of the keys located in the upper left row of the alphanumeric part of the keyboard.

Alphanumeric keys

The alphanumeric keys on the keyboard are designed to enter English and Russian letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and some other symbols. To change the input language, you need to click in the indicator area Taskbars by the keyboard indicator icon and select the desired language.

The language can also be changed using the keyboard. This is usually done using one of two keyboard shortcuts: Alt (left) + Shift or Ctrl + Shift.

Alphanumeric keys also enter symbols of other national alphabets. For example, if you have the Belarusian language installed in your system, then most of the letters of the Belarusian language coincide with the arrangement of the letters of the Russian language. But there are also differences. They are presented in the following table:

Function Keys

At the top of the keyboard are located 12 function keys. F1-F12... Function keys may have different meanings in different applications. Here is an example of the actions that the key performs F5.

Note that many programs use the key to get help (hints). F1.

Control keys

Control keys have the following purpose:

Enter- enter key. In text editors, pressing the Enter key completes the paragraph. When working, for example, in a folder window or Conductor pressing the Enter key performs the same function as double-clicking the left mouse button (usually the default action is open).

Esc(escape - exit) key to cancel any action, for example, to exit a dialog box, from a menu, etc.

Key Alt is used to select a command from the menu of the active application without using the mouse. By pressing the Alt key, the user gains access to the first menu item of the active application. Further selection of the command is carried out using the navigation keys ↓ ← → and pressing the key Enter... Key Alt widely used in combination with other keys. Here are some of them:

Key Ctrl has no independent meaning, but when pressed together with other alphabetic or control keys, changes their action. Here are some examples of using such combinations:

Shift(register) - provides change the case of keys(top to bottom and vice versa). For example, pressing the key Shift together with the alphabetic key, allows the entry of uppercase letters.

Insert(insert) - toggles the modes of insertion (new characters are entered between the ones already typed, pushing them apart) and replacements (old characters will be mixed with new ones).

Delete(delete) - deletes the character from the position to the right of the cursor (information entry point).

Back space deletes the character before the cursor, that is, to the left of the information input position. Recall that the key Back space located on the keyboard above the key Enter.

Tab - the tab key, in text editors, it moves the cursor to the right several positions at once to the next tab stop, in dialog boxes serves to move between different control elements.

Caps lock- locks in uppercase, providing input uppercase letters instead of lowercase... Note that the key Caps lock works only with letter keys and does not affect the input of special characters.

Scroll Lock- used only in spreadsheets to scroll through information without changing the active cell.

Print screen- provides copying information displayed in this moment on screen in Clipboard.

Long bottom key untitled - designed to enter spaces (to separate words).

The Windows logo key displays Main menu Windows. In addition, it is used to execute some commands, the list of which is given in the table below:

Keyboard shortcut Appointment
Windows + Break Opening a dialog box System properties
Windows + D or Windows + M Minimize all windows
Windows + Shift + M Restoring minimized windows
Windows + E Opening the My Computer window
Windows + F Search for a file or folder
Ctrl + Windows + F Find computers
Windows + F1 Displaying Windows Help
Windows + L Lock a computer when joining a domain or switch users if a computer is not joined to a domain
Windows + R Opening a dialog box Execute
Windows + U Opening the Utility Manager

The key is used to call the context menu of the selected object, that is, it replaces a right-click on the selected object.

Navigation keys

Navigation keys have the following purpose.

The ↓ ← → keys are used to move the cursor accordingly up, down, left and right one position or line.

Home and End- provide movement of the cursor to the first and last position of the line, respectively.

Page Up and Page Down- provide movement through the text one screen page back and forth, respectively.

Small numeric keypad

Small numeric keypad can be used in two modes: for input numbers and for cursor control... Switching between these modes is carried out by pressing Num lock.

Hi :) Today I will talk about Windows hotkeys. Windows hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts (ie, several held down buttons, for example "Ctrl" and "V") on the keyboard with which you can easily perform the actions you want. Sometimes it is very convenient to use them and it takes less time than making a few mouse clicks, opening the context menu and choosing the desired action. For example, to copy a folder, you would have to right-click on the folder and select Copy. It is not comfortable! By the way, it's very easy to remember hotkeys :)

How should you enter the Windows hotkeys, which will be discussed below? Everything is very simple! For example, you want to quickly copy something using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + C". In this case, you first need to hold down the "Ctrl" key, then without releasing it, hold down the "C" key. The result is "Ctrl + C" :) Now that you understand the principle of using hotkeys, let's look at the list of Windows hotkeys that are the most useful and popular.

Copy selected text / folder / files / shortcuts... The hotkeys for this action are "Ctrl + C". Many people are mistaken that this action can only be done in a Word. If you were able to select the text wherever it is, then you can copy it. Also you can copy files, folders and shortcuts.

Paste selected text / folder / files / shortcuts... The Windows hotkeys for this action are "Ctrl + V". You can insert not only text, but also a picture, a file. But not everywhere, for example, the copied password from the account can not be pasted on all sites.

Undo action... Performed by the "Ctrl + Z" keyboard shortcut. You can cancel the movement of the file, and again the combination of these keys is very helpful when working with text.

Select all... It is performed using the "Ctrl + A" keys. Selects all text or all files / folders / shortcuts in the current window.

Seal... The Windows hotkey for this action is "Ctrl + P". You can call the print window with this command, for example, in a Word or on the Internet and then print open page(or several pages).

Minimize to window... The hotkeys for this action are Win + Down Arrow. "Win" is the key with the Windows logo, ie. its icon (see image below). Using these keys, you can minimize any program.

Open the window... The Windows hotkeys for this action are Win + Up Arrow. Opens a minimized window of any program.

Switch between open windows programs... Alt + Tab keys. Sometimes it can be useful not to manually search for the minimized program with the mouse.

Opens a window where you can call the task manager, change the user's password, log out, lock the computer and change the password. The hotkeys for this action are “Ctrl + Alt + Del”.

This is what this window looks like:

Screen magnifier... You can zoom in on the details you need in a photo, in a browser, anywhere. The keys for this action are "Win + -" or "Win + +".

Cut selection... It is performed using the "Ctrl + X" keys. By pressing this key combination, you will cut the selected elements in order to then paste them in another place. Unlike copying, after you paste the cut items, they will be removed from their previous location.

Close a window... The Windows hotkeys for doing this in this way are "Ctrl + F4". For example, you can quickly close the window of a program. And if you press these keys in the browser, then the open current tab will be closed.

Open new tab in the browser... The hotkeys for this action are "Ctrl + T".

And if suddenly closed the required deposit, then reopen it This key combination "Ctrl + Shift + T" will help you:

Saves the document... With the help of these hotkeys of Windows "Ctrl + S", you can quickly save your work in any program, for example, in Notepad, Word. Thus, you do not have to go into the menu and look for the save button there.

Also in programs, you can save a file under a different name and in a different location, this is called "Save As". However, each program has different Windows hotkeys for doing this. For example, to execute the "Save As" command in a document Microsoft Word, just press the "F12" key.

Rename file / folder / shortcut... With only one key "F2", you can quickly rename any file, folder or shortcut. Those. if without using this key, you have to right-click on the desired file, folder or shortcut and select "Rename", and only then specify the new name. By pressing F2 on the desired element, you can immediately enter a new name.

Refresh the page... With this command, you can quickly refresh the page in the browser, or the contents of the folder. Hot Windows key for this action - "F5". Most often, this button is used to refresh the pages of sites to see some changes, for example. But you can also update the contents of folders in Windows, if, for example, something was copied there, but it is not displayed.

I hope these combinations will help you speed up your Internet browsing experience! If you recall any more useful combinations keys that I forgot to mention, I will add them to the article :) Good luck and success!