How to make small letters on a laptop. How to make small letters on the keyboard


In most cases Word app from the manufacturer Microsoft Office installed with pre-configured settings. In particular, as a rule, the text in this program is typed like this by default. The sentence, as it should be according to the rules of the Russian language, begins with a capital letter, the text in lowercase. As soon as you put a full stop, the new sentence will automatically be capitalized.

But sometimes in the text it is necessary to replace small letters with large ones. There are several ways to do this. For example, if you need to dial text document write a word in capital letters, press the Shift button (there are two of them on the keyboard - left and right, use any one) and hold it while writing a word or abbreviation.

You can also write a word in capital letters using the Caps Lock keyboard key. Press this button once and type your text. Whenever you need to change the case, press the key again. If you are typing words using Caps Lock, to type multiple letters in lowercase, press and hold Shift. Once you have made the necessary changes, release the key.

If you have already written a word in small letters and you need to replace it with capital letters, use the mouse to select the word or part of the text that needs editing. Then move the mouse cursor to top panel tools and find the "Format" section. Open the menu with one click on the button with the corresponding inscription and select the "Register" option. Click this button and in the window that opens, select one of the proposed text writing options: as in sentences, all lowercase, all uppercase, start with uppercase (in this case, each word will be written with a capital letter), change the case. After specifying the appropriate way to change the letters, press the "OK" button to confirm the operation.

If you just need to change the size of the letters in the text, select a word or phrase, right-click and select "Font" in the drop-down window. In the new window, the table "Size", select the desired font size. Click OK. In the same table, you can apply other changes to the text: font, style, text color, modification, underline, as well as spacing and animation.

There is also an easier way to change the text written in small letters. To do this, select it and simultaneously press the Shift + F3 keys. When you press them again, the case will change: from lowercase letters to uppercase letters, as in sentences, each word with a capital letter, etc. In this case, you will only have to stop at one of the options.

We all love to correspond with friends on the Internet, but few people like it when they write to him in CAPITAL LETTERS. According to the unwritten law of the Internet, capital letters symbolize rage and anger: the interlocutor gets the impression that they are yelling at him. We are civilized people and we do not like to raise our voices in public places. But bad luck - no matter what you print, those same barbaric screams come out. Don't worry, we'll show you how to make small letters on your keyboard!

How to make small letters on the keyboard

And you never had a question - how can the same key print characters of different sizes? This is due to the so-called lower and upper registers: the first is responsible for small letters, and the second for large letters.

When changing case, other characters also change: for example, the forward slash turns into a vertical stick when switching to upper case.

To switch between registers, just press the button Caps Lock. On both regular and MacOS keyboards, this button is located to the left of the others.

Caps Lock Key Location

On the top right of the keyboard, or on the Caps Lock key itself, there is a small paw. When the button is pressed, it turns green, and when pressed again, it turns off.

The location of the light bulb on a conventional keyboard

If the light is on, then you have upper case enabled, and you will type in capital letters, and if disabled - in small letters.


Key Shift is also responsible for switching between registers, but, unlike Caps Lock, it must be held while typing. If you release it, you will be typing in lowercase again.
For convenience, these buttons are located on both the left and right side keyboard.

Arrangement of Shift buttons on a conventional keyboard

If even after disabling Caps Lock keyboard prints in all caps, then check both Shift keys: perhaps one of them is stuck.

So, we described how to make small letters on the keyboard. We hope this information was useful to you!

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When entering text, you periodically have to change the case of letters. Use the Caps Lock key to switch between lowercase (small) and uppercase (uppercase, uppercase) letters. If the capitalization mode is on, then in the right upper corner on the keypad, the signal lamp of the same name lights up and uppercase characters are entered. Pressing the Caps Lock key switches to lowercase letter mode. The signal light goes out and lower case letters are entered.

For temporary switching between cases, when you need, for example, to enter only one uppercase letter at the beginning of a sentence, you should use a different method. Temporary switching is carried out by simultaneously pressing the left or right Shift key and the key of the character being entered. If the keyboard is configured to work in uppercase letter mode, this method will temporarily switch to lowercase letter mode. Conversely, if the keyboard is configured for lowercase mode, it will temporarily switch to uppercase mode. Holding the Shift key down allows you to enter an arbitrary number of letters in a different case. However, to enter a large number it is better to use constant switching with the CapsLock key.

Many of us, typing text in a Word, do not think about the subsequent formatting. What if you suddenly need to convert lowercase letters to uppercase or vice versa for a whole paragraph? Well, do not type this text again. I want to suggest easy way how to make all letters capitalized or small in Word.

To change the case of letters in Word document select the text you want to change. Next go to the tab home if it is not active and press the button Register.

In this case, in the drop-down menu, select the desired type of changing the case of letters:

  • As in sentences... The lowercase letter of the first word in the sentence will be capitalized.
  • all lower case... Converts each letter in the text to lowercase.
  • ALL CAPITAL... Converts each letter in the text to uppercase.
  • Start With Uppercase... The first letter of each word will capitalize
  • CHANGE REGISTER... Converts the first letter of each word to lowercase and capitalizes the remaining letters.

For example, if you forgot to turn off the key Caps lock and without looking typed a couple of sentences, then you get something like:

Highlight the text and select the first option As in sentences... The letters will be case-correct.

You can use the keyboard to convert uppercase letters to lowercase. To do this, select the text and press Alt + I to activate the tab home... Then press Alt + 7 and then select the option you want using the cursor keys Up and Way down or keys NS(As in sentences) E(all lower case), V(ALL CAPITAL), H(Start with uppercase), M(CHANGE REGISTER).

This is how easy it is to change the case of letters in Word and make the letters small or large.

By the way, the keyboard shortcut Shift + F3 allows you to select any register mode except the last - CHANGE REGISTER if you press this combination several times in turn.

Despite the age of advanced technology, many people are still just getting started with computers. And it is not easy for them, because the capabilities of modern PCs are much wider than the first models. Novice PC users always have a lot of questions during their work. How to remove large letters on the keyboard is one of the most common, to which you will see the answer today.

What are the reasons for changing the font?

Many people have a great need to reduce the font on the screen while working with a stationary personal computer. This problem can be caused by a system failure of the device, when all the shortcuts have increased dramatically in size, or you just need to make the font smaller so that more information can fit on the computer screen.

Yes, it is not particularly important, since the methods for solving the problem will be the same for all cases. This material should help a novice user to cope with the task at hand, and he only needs a keyboard and a computer mouse.

If you are puzzled by the question of how to remove large print on the keyboard, then this means that the visualization of symbols on the workspace of your device has ceased to satisfy your vision. This feature becomes boring very quickly when working in a browser or in any of the utilities, for example: Microsoft Word, Excel and others. It also happens that actions need to be taken, since some label captions are not displayed as expected, which means that it is necessary to reduce the size of the system output of the operating system symbols Windows systems.

The main methods for solving the problem

Among the countless ways to remove large letters on a computer, there are the most popular and simple solutions.

Method 1

Just use the Control (Ctrl) and Minus (-) keys. This method is universal for most computer programs Windows OS, and for third-party software too. Just press Ctrl and hold it, and then press the minus - you will immediately see how everything decreases.

Important! If you suddenly want to increase something, then replace the minus with a plus (+), and everything will return to its place.

Method 2

You can also use the settings of the browser you are using. When surfing the world wide web space, there may be a need to reduce the size of the font that this browser displays. Such measures are necessary to make surfing comfortable.

To “play with letters:

  1. Just go to the program settings and find the parameter that is responsible for the dimensions there.
  2. Install desired values and keep using the internet.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can try changing the scale of the page. There will be a menu in the settings, which usually contains the keys responsible for adjusting the display size in the form of "minus" and "plus".

Method 3

You can also try controlling the resolution of your monitor. Resolution is the number of dots that are simultaneously displayed on the screen. If you change the values ​​of this parameter, then both icons and fonts will change their size, will look clearer, and the operation personal computer will become more comfortable.

Important! Do you want to change the already annoying screen design, but have no idea how to implement it? Read the detailed instructions:

In order to crank all these actions, right-click (right-click) on an empty area on the desktop space and select the section called "Screen Resolution", in which you need to switch to higher screen resolutions.

Important! Do not forget to take into account the capabilities of your display device and do not set those values ​​that exceed its technical parameters.

Method 4

You can try to decrease the size of the letters using the built-in standard tools operating system Windows. This method is also effective, and to use it you only need a computer running in operating mode:

  1. You need to hover over computer mouse on an empty area in the workspace and right-click.
  2. Before you will open context menu, in which you need to select the section with the title "Personalization".
  3. Now go to the “Window Color” tab, and then to “ Extra options registration ”. There you should see elements, for example "Icon" and put down those sizes that will suit your needs. Here you can also change the visualization of windows, and the size of the letters that the system windows use.

Method 5

And finally, you can use the screen setting:

  1. Go to Control Panel from the Start Menu and open Manage and Personalization.
  2. Now we are looking for the item "Screen", go into it and adjust the size to a smaller side, if possible.

Important! You can also use another option called “Different font size” - you can find this option in the same menu on the left.