Basic elements of Windows. context menu

Modern computers cannot be imagined without the presence of an operating system in them - a means of interaction between the user and the computer (programs and hardware components). Today there are dozens of them. Consider the question of what are the main objects of the operating system on the example of Windows OS.

Form of organization of interaction between the user and the operating system

At the present stage of development of the computer industry, most OS developers use object-oriented programming methods and graphical interfaces to simplify the user's work as much as possible or provide quick access to the necessary information or settings.

If earlier OS with batch data input was used, when it was necessary to set the system to execute a certain command by manually entering it, today, thanks to the presence of a graphical interface, this task has been greatly simplified. The user does not enter commands, but presses buttons to organize an event, activate a process, confirm the execution of programs, change settings, etc. But what operating system objects exist, what role do they play, what are their properties, what actions to take with them can be produced? Consider the basic concepts.

The main objects of the operating system

At one time, Microsoft, when developing the first version of Windows, abandoned the use of the organization of work used in DOS systems. The very name of the Windows operating system indicated that it consisted of windows in a graphical representation, which allowed the use of the so-called multitasking mode with quick switching between programs, options and settings. However, even the essence is not in the windows.

Today you can find many different classifications, but in the broadest sense, operating system objects can be represented as the following list:

  • GUI(“Desktop”, windows, panels, menus, shortcuts and icons, switches, buttons, interactive shells);
  • file organization of files and directories);
  • applications and documents (executable elements, programs or their combination, files created in programs).


One of the main places is given to the interface. The first thing the user sees after starting the OS is the “Desktop” and “Taskbar”, which contain buttons, shortcuts and other auxiliary elements. The properties of objects of this type are such that with their help you can access almost all the functions and capabilities of the OS.

Particular attention in this regard is given to the "Start" button and the menu of the same name that is called when you click on it. Most of the links to programs and basic settings are located here. Please note that the applications are physically located in a different place, and the menu contains only shortcuts, presented in the form of application names or settings with icons.

Pictograms or icons as objects of the operating system are small graphic images. The difference between shortcuts and icons is that, in addition to the program name or file name, shortcuts also describe some properties of applications, settings or documents, and also indicate the location of the file itself to be opened. To describe the files, there is also an indication of the program with which it can be opened.

Menus are means of selecting user actions. Conventionally, they can be divided into main and contextual (those that are called by the right click). However, the organization of the main menus is part of the objects called windows. And the menu can also be attributed to the controls, since it is in them that the user is prompted to select a specific action.

Windows: types and available operations with them

Windows are basic objects (Windows or any other computer OS). They have the main space where information is displayed, or, as it is also called, the work area. There are also special panels with main menus containing sets of commands or actions, buttons quick access to certain functions, scroll bars, etc.

Actions with operating system objects of this type consist in the fact that their sizes can be reduced or increased, minimized and expanded, to quickly switch between programs, change the scaling of the workspace, etc. In addition, the windows themselves are basic and dialog, which provides closer interaction between the program and the user.


And here it is worth dwelling separately on the controls. The main element, apart from tablet PCs or smartphones, as well as touch screens, is the cursor, with which you can move around the entire interface, call some actions, resize, etc.

The cursor is "attached" to the mouse in stationary PCs or to the touchpad in laptops. In general terms, a cursor is not just a pointing element. For example, when stretching windows, it changes its icon. Thus, even by changing the state of the cursor, you can always determine what kind of action is performed or is supposed to be performed in this moment. Again, if an hourglass appears on the screen or a rotating one indicates that some process is currently being executed and there will be no access to it until it is completed.

Another control element - screen keyboard, which has received the main distribution on tablets and smartphones, when the connection of the "iron" keyboard is not provided.

Files and folders

Finally, the largest class are directories (directories, folders) and files, which together form a single structure called the file system.

From the point of view of a computer system, files and folders do not differ from each other, since even directories themselves are files without an extension and also occupy a certain disk space (and for empty folder may be specified zero size in the file manager, but in fact it is not). Just for the convenience of grouping files that are similar in some way, the method of combining them into one directory is used.

In physical terms, despite the fact that some files seem to be present in some directory, they can be located in completely different places on the hard drive. The properties of operating system objects of this type are determined primarily by size (occupied space on the hard disk), location in the file structure, type, etc.

And for sure everyone knows exactly what actions can be performed with both types. Working with objects presented as separate files or entire directories is not only about simple operations like copying, deleting, renaming or moving. For files, for example, viewing, editing, opening in a specific program (often with the ability to choose the application yourself) and many other actions are provided.

Instead of total

But in general it is only short review the main objects of any OS. Note that here we did not consider the organization of the same system registry only for the simple reason that today you can also find OSes in which it is absent as such (Linux), and the key structure is very similar to the organization of files and folders. Actually, the keys themselves are files. By the way, applications and programs are also files or a collection of files to be executed by means of the operating system.

Common Microsoft Management Console (MMC) concepts

Windows Server 2003 uses a single, already traditional for Windows 2000/XP technology of administration tools, called the Microsoft Management Console (MMC, Microsoft Management Console), to manage the operating system. This universal management console is designed to run all software modules administration, configuration or monitoring of local computers and the network as a whole. Such complete modules are called snap-ins. The management console itself does not perform any administrative functions, but serves as a working environment for running snap-ins. Snap-ins are control components that are bundled in an MMC environment. From several snap-ins, you can create an individual control tool.
The Microsoft Management Console first appeared as standard remedy management as part of Windows 2000, which was due to the desire to create a single and flexible management interface for all operating systems of the Windows family. MMC allows you to create more advanced administrative tools that can represent different levels of functionality. Such tools are easily modified and customized to the user's requirements. In this sense, the tool is not only standalone application, and may consist of one or more snap-ins, and each snap-in in turn may contain additional snap-in extensions. This modular structure allows the system administrator to significantly reduce the cost of system management by creating custom tools based on selected snap-ins that provide only the necessary features and viewers. The administrator can save each individual tool in separate file(MMC document file with msc extension) and send it to other users or administrators who have been delegated the rights to perform these administrative tasks.


Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 use Microsoft Management Console version 2.0. This environment allows you to open MMC documents created in early versions MMS (1.1 and 1.2). However, if the files are stored in new version, they are automatically converted and cannot be restored to previous versions.

The Microsoft Management Console is an application with a multi-window interface, all the features of which are determined by the snap-ins connected to it. Microsoft and independent software vendors develop a variety of MMC snap-ins to perform local computer and network management tasks.
MMC does not replace existing enterprise management tools such as HP OpenView or the IBM Tivoli Management Environment. The Management Console enhances these tools by providing a means for them to interact with each other or by grouping these tools into snap-ins that can be accessed from the MMC. For example, an enterprise management application might detect an event and send a notification to the snap-in (Figure 6.1). The system administrator will then detect the event in the MMC session and take appropriate action.

Rice. 6.1. The MMC console provides a common interface for management tools, including enterprise management layer applications

MMC programming interfaces allow you to integrate snap-ins with the console (Fig. 6.2). These interfaces provide only extensions to the user interface, since each snap-in defines the mechanism (logic) for performing its tasks on its own. MMC interfaces allow snap-ins to share a common host environment and provide integration between applications. The MMC itself does not perform any management functions.

Rice. 6.2. Application interfaces allow integration of snap-ins with the console

Tools not designed to work in the MMC environment can be integrated into the MMC through snap-ins or run independently. A system administrator can run both stand-alone management tools and MMC instances on the same computer at the same time.

Benefits of MMS

  • Possibility of individual adjustment and transfer of powers.

In addition to providing integration and a common environment for administrative tools, the MMC is fully customizable so that administrators can create management consoles that include only the tools they need. This setting allows you to focus administration on the performance of specific tasks, and the administrator can select only the necessary objects and elements.

Console customization also allows administrators to delegate some of the authority to less experienced employees. Using MMC, you can create a console that will contain the objects needed to perform only certain functions.

  • Integration and unification.

MMC provides a common environment in which snap-ins can run, and administrators can manage multiple network products from a single interface, making it easy to learn how to use different tools.

  • Flexibility in the choice of tools and products.

A variety of tools and snap-ins can be used in the MMC environment. To be used in the MMC environment, the snap-in must support the Component Object Model (Component Object Model, COM) or distributed COM (Distributed Component Object Model, DCOM). This allows you to choose the most optimal product among toolings, and its full compatibility with the MMC environment is guaranteed.

MMS user interface

The MMC management console has a user interface that allows you to open multiple documents (Multiple Document Interface, MDI). An example of an MMC console interface with several connected snap-ins is shown in Figure 1. 6.3. The Back and Forward navigation arrows on the toolbar allow you to quickly move between the windows of the various snap-ins connected to this MMC tool.
The parent window of the MMC console has a main menu and a toolbar. The main menu provides file and window management functions, as well as access to the help system. Unlike previous versions MMC, in version 2.0, the toolbar is available only in the parent window, it is absent in child windows.
The two child windows of the MMC console provide different views of the console's offline document. Each of these windows contains a structure panel (scope pane, left window) and a results or information panel (result pane, right window). The structure pane displays the tool namespace as a tree that contains all visible nodes that are a managed object, task, or viewer. The results pane in the child window displays a list of the elements of the selected node. This list may contain folders, snap-ins, controls, web pages, taskbars, and other items.

Rice. 6.3. Example of a custom MMC console

The MMC console tools also allow you to display the window in a simplified way that is accessible to less experienced administrators. In its simplest form, a window may contain a set of icons that provide access to certain tasks.

Snap Types

There are two types of rigs in MMC.

  • A standalone snap-in performs its functions even in the absence of other snap-ins, such as Computer Management.
  • An extension snap-in can only work after the parent snap-in has been activated. The purpose of an extension snap-in is to increase the number of features supported by the parent snap-in. An extension snap-in is a sub-element of certain snap-ins, and each time you run those snap-ins, the MMC will automatically run any extensions associated with them.

Snap-in extensions can provide a variety of functionality. For example, such snap-ins can expand the console's namespace, increase the number of menu items, or add specific wizards.


All of the snap-ins available in Windows Server 2003 are briefly described in Table 1. 6.1 and 6.2.

Configuring MMC Consoles

In Windows Server 2003, you can manage your computer using the standard snap-ins that come with the system. However, if you need to fine-tune your system or don't like the feature set of individual snap-ins, you can add missing items to an existing console or create a new MMC console. MMC consoles (or administrative tools) may contain snap-ins, plug-ins, taskbars, and documentation needed to manage the hardware, software, or network components of the system.
All MMC tools consist of a set of snap-ins. Each snap-in is the smallest unit of control. On the technical side, the snap-in is an "in-proc server" (in-proc server - this is how DLLs are often called in the COM model) that runs in the context of the MMC process. The snap-in can call other controls and dynamic libraries (DLLs) to perform its task.
A set of snap-ins with specific functionality can be combined by an administrator into a tool (also called a document) that is saved in a file with the .msc (Management Saved Console) extension. The *.msc file can then be transferred to another administrator (for example, by e-mail), who can use the tool contained in it at their workplace.


In practice, the terms tool and tooling can sometimes be used interchangeably, since some MMC tools (both standard and newly created) contain only one tool. On the other hand, the term snap-in is used more often, since it is in the snap-in that all the functionality is implemented, and it can be included in various tools - including those that the administrator configures himself. Therefore, it is more common to come across a phrase like "this function is implemented using a snap-in ..." (rather than "using a tool ...").

Thanks to the possibility of individual mms settings the administrator can create the best tool based on the available snap-ins. Each tool can have many features: for example, service management capabilities Active Directory, replication topology, file access, etc. large networks administrators can have a set of tools organized by category for the tasks they perform.

Create a new console

In order to get an idea of ​​the flexibility of MMC, it is useful to review the process of creating a console file - an MMC tool (document) - from the very beginning. For example, let's describe the procedure for creating a new console and adding the Computer Management and Certificates snap-ins to it.
1. From the Start menu, select Run, type mmc, and then click OK. The Consolel window will open with an empty console.


By default, the MMC console opens in author mode, in which you can create new consoles and edit previously created administrative tools. An empty console has no functionality until snap-ins are added to it. The MMC menu commands in the menu bar at the top of the window apply to the entire console.

2. From the File menu (Console), select Add/Remove Snap-in. The Add/Remove Snap-in window opens, listing standalone snap-ins and extension snap-ins that will be added to (or already included with) the console. Snap-ins can be added to the root of the management console or to already existing stand-alone snap-ins (other nodes in the tree); this is indicated in the Snap-ins added to list. In our case, we will leave the default value - Console Root (Console Root).
3. Click the Add button. The Add Standalone Snap-in window (Fig. 6.4) will appear on the screen with a list of standalone snap-ins available in the system.


You should distinguish between the names of snap-ins (i.e. their names that were given by the developers and which are fixed in the supplied snap-in packages, see Fig. 6.4) and the names of menu items, MMC tools and nodes in the MMC console snap-in tree.

4. Double click on Computer Management. A window will appear with configuration options for this snap-in.

Rice. 6.4. Window with a list of snap-ins available in the system

5. Leave the switch in the Local computer position. Then click the Finish button. The first snap-in has been added to the console.
6. In the snap-in window, select Certificates and click the Add button.
7. In the next window, select the appropriate radio button - This snap-in will always manage certificates for(This snap-in will always manage certificates for):

  • My user account (my account user);
  • Service account (service account);
  • Computer account (computer account).

8. Click the Finish and Close buttons.
9. In the Add/Remove Snap-in window (which displays a list of plug-in snap-ins), click the Extensions tab. This tab lists the extension snap-ins that come with the selected isolated snap-ins. If you do not intend to include all extension snap-ins, deselect the Add all extensions check box (which is checked by default) and uncheck extra snap-ins. When the procedure is complete, click the OK button.
10. Close the window for adding snap-ins by clicking the OK button. The console window now contains two snap-ins, Computer Management and Certificates .
11. To save the created instrument, select the Save item from the File menu and specify the file name and folder in which the console file will be saved.


An additional benefit of this approach is that if a user has a roaming profile, that user will always have access to all the tools they create.

Snap-in window customization

After adding snap-ins, you can maximize snap-in windows to make them easier to work with.

Rice. 6.5. Customized user console window

To do this, follow these steps:
1. In the left subwindow (structure window) of the newly created console, right-click the Computer Management node and select New Window from Here from the shortcut menu. The Computer Management window will open, representing the snap-in of the same name.
2. Do the same for the Certificates node. In the new window, click the Show/Hide Console tree button on the toolbar to hide the structure panel.
3. Close the original window containing the Console Root node.
4. From the Window menu, select the Tile Horizontally command. The console will look like shown in Fig. 6.5. Please note that in MMC 2.0 the toolbar is available only for the entire console, in child windows this toolbar is missing.

Create a taskbar

When you want to create a console file for another user, it's useful to provide the user with a simplified tool that allows them to perform only a set of specific tasks. Such a tool is called the taskbar (taskpad). The taskbar is an HTML page that can contain shortcuts (or tasks) that execute snap-in commands that run external programs or opening links to favorite pages (Favorites) of the MMC console.
To create a taskbar, do the following:
1. From the Action menu or from the context menu of the node you are interested in in the console window, select New Taskpad View.
2. The New Taskpad View Wizard window will open. Click the Next button.
3. On the next page of the wizard, you will be prompted to select the type and size of the taskbar (Fig. 6.6). Next, you must specify whether the tasks will be associated only with the current node or with all nodes of this type. In the latter case, the taskbar will open whenever you select a node (container, organizational unit, etc.) of the same type in the structure window as the node specified when the panel was created.
4. Then enter a name and description for the taskbar you are creating.
5. Checkbox Start New Task wizard (Start the wizard for creating a new task) on last page wizard is installed by default. In this case
when the New Taskpad View Wizard completes, the New Task Wizard starts. With its help, a specific function of the task is set: managing objects (switch Menu command ), launching a command ( Shell command ) or switching to a selected page ( Navigation ).

Rice. 6.6. Taskbar Wizard window

6. If new task will run a program or script, the next page of the wizard will prompt you to specify the path to the program's executable file, launch options, the computer on which this program will run, and the size of the program window. In our example, we will create commands to manage directory objects in organizational units (OUs).
7. On the Shortcut Menu Command page (Fig. 6.7), select the command that will be placed on the taskbar. From the Command source list, you can select any representation of the objects and the commands available for them that best suits your needs. Let's choose a command to create objects of type Computer in subdivisions.
8. On following pages wizard, specify the name of the task, its description and select an icon to display the task (from among those supplied with the system or your own icon).

Rice. 6.7. New Taskpad Wizard page that allows you to select a command for the taskbar you are creating

Rice. 6.8. User console window with created taskbar

9. If you want to create multiple tasks on one panel, select the Run this wizard again check box in the last window of the wizard. Then click the Finish button.
10. In fig. Figure 6.8 shows the resulting taskbar. (Note that, in addition to the taskbar, the Standard tab on the right window can also display the normal view of directory objects.) Using the commands on the bar, you can quickly perform common tasks in any specified organizational unit.
The created taskbar can be reconfigured (add/remove tasks, change the appearance of the panel, etc.) or deleted. To do this, select the node that has the taskbar in the structure window and execute the Edit Taskpad View or Delete Taskpad View command from the context menu, respectively. To add tasks, the New Task Wizard already described above is used.

Setting console options

If the console is being created for another user, it may be useful to set the console to not be modified.
To do this, perform the following operations:
1. From the File menu (Console), select Options.

Rice. 6.9. MMC Console Options Setting Window

2. In the window that opens (Fig. 6.9), in the Console mode list, select the User mode - full access value. In this mode, the user will not be able to add new snap-ins to the instrument, but will be able to change the arrangement of windows. (The new mode will take effect the next time you run the console file.)
3. You can also prevent the user from changing the appearance of the console by unchecking Allow the user to customize views(Allow the user to customize the appearance of the console).
4. Click OK and save the console file.
The saved console file can also be opened using Windows Explorer. To do this, double-click on the file with the msc extension. The console file will be opened in the MMC environment.


If, for any reason, you want to restrict user access to snap-in creation mode, do the following:
1. Open an object group policy A that applies to the specified user group.
2. In the structure window, select a node User Configuration | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Microsoft Management Console(User Configuration | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Microsoft Management Console) (Fig. 6.10).
3. In the details panel, double-click the policy Restrict the user from entering author mode(Prohibit users from using author mode).
4. In the window that opens, check the Enabled radio button. In order to allow the user to work in snap-in creation mode, select the Not Configured (He is set) or Disabled (Disabled) radio buttons.
To selectively restrict work with snap-ins, you can use the policy Restrict users to the explicitly permitted list of snap-ins(Restrict the use of snap-ins to the list of explicitly allowed snap-ins). It can be used to deny user access to all snap-ins except those that are explicitly allowed.
To restrict/allow user access to certain snap-ins, open the Restricted/Permitted snap-ins node, select the required snap-ins, and set the appropriate policy settings for them.

Rice. 6.10. Restricting user access to editing snap-ins using group policy settings


By default, users have access to all snap-ins and the ability to create new snap-ins.

Launching MMC tools

You can use one of the following methods to launch the standard, pre-configured MMC administrative tools installed on your computer.

  • Open menu Start | Administrative Tools (Start | Administrative Tools) and select the required tool.
  • Double click the Administrative Tools icon in the Control Panel. The Administrative Tools window opens, containing icons for all the tools installed on the computer.
  • Execute the command Start | Run (Start | Run) and in the Run window, enter the name of the snap-in with the extension: for example, the gpedit.msc command allows you to run the local GPO for editing.

Windows Server 2003 snap-ins

In table. Table 6.1 lists in alphabetical order the major snap-ins that are available in Windows Server 2003, while Table 6.1 lists them in alphabetical order. 6.2 - snap-ins that appear in the system interface only on domain controllers. For snap-ins included in the user interface, the names of the corresponding menu items are given, for other snap-ins, their own names are given. Snap-ins that can be accessed directly from the Start menu or from the Administrative Tools group in Control Panel—that is, snap-ins included in the user interface when the system was installed—are marked with an asterisk (*).

Table 6.1. Snap-ins available in Windows Server 2003

.NET Framework 1.1 Configuration
(.NET Framework Configuration)
Allows you to customize the .NET Framework
ActiveX Control (ActiveX Control)
Connecting various ActiveX controls to the console tree
Authorization Manager
Allows you to create a flexible environment for managing corporate applications based on access mechanisms based on the concepts of "role", "task", "operation"
Certificate Templates
Provides work with certificate templates that are part of the corporate certification authority (Certification Authority)
Used to manage certificates issued to a user, service, or computer
certification authority
Allows you to work with certificate authorities deployed in the corporate network
Component Services
(Component Service)*
Configures and manages COM+ component services
computer management
(Computer Management)*
Provides system administration functions.
Contains a number of isolated snap-ins and extension snap-ins
device manager
(Device Manager)
Disk Defragmenter
(Disk Defragmenter)
Contains a list of all devices connected to the computer and allows you to configure them
Used to analyze and defragment disk volumes
Disk Management
(Disk Management)
Serves for disk management and data protection, for partitioning disks into logical volumes, formatting, managing sharing, quotas, etc.
Distributed file system
(Distributed file system DPS*
Creates and manages distributed file systems that unite shared folders on different computers
Event Viewer*
Used to view and manage the system log, security and application logs
Used to add a new folder to the tree
Group Policy Object Editor (Group Policy)
Serves to assign registration scripts, group policies for a computer and users of a certain network computer; allows you to view and modify the security policy, audit policy, and user rights
indexing service
(Indexing Service)
Used to index documents various types in order to speed up their search
Internet Authentication Service (IAS)
IP Security Monitor
Manages the operation of the Internet Authentication Service
Performs the same functions as the IPSecmon.exe utility in Windows 2000: provides monitoring of various aspects of the IPSec protocol
IP Security Policy Management
(IP Security Policy Management)
Used to manage IPSec policies for secure communication with other computers
Link to Web Address
(Link to web resource)
Serves to connect web pages (html, asp, stml)
Local Security Policy*
Allows you to configure local security settings (the Security Settings node of the local GPO); available only on non-domain-joined computers
Local Users and Groups
(Local Users and Groups)*
Used to manage local user and group accounts. Present on the Start menu unless the computer is a member of a domain
Performance Logs and Alerts (Alerts and performance logs)
Configures system activity data logs and alert service
Remote Desktop*
Allows you to manage multiple terminal access sessions to remote computers
Removable Storage Management
(Removable media management)
Serves to manage removable storage media
Resultant Set of Policy
(resulting policy)
Lets you view the resulting Group Policy for a computer and a user. The snap-in can be used to view active policies, as well as to schedule policy usage for a selected computer or user
Routing and Remote Access*
Serves to manage routing and remote access
Security Configuration and Analysis(Analysis and security setting)
Serves to manage system security using security templates
Security Templates
(Security Templates)
Provides the ability to edit security template files
Starts, stops and configures Windows services (services)
Shared Folders
Displays shared folders, current sessions and open files
Telephony (Telephony)
Used to configure telephony services
Terminal Services Configuration*
Allows you to manage the configuration of the Terminal Services server
Wireless Monitor
Allows you to control wireless (infrared, etc.) connections to the system
WMI Control
(WMI control)
Used to configure Windows Management Instrumentation

Table 6.2. Snap-ins installed only on Windows Server 2003 domain controllers

Active Directory Domains and Trusts(Active Directory - Domains and Trusts) *
Used to manage domains and trust relationships
Active Directory Sites and Services(Active Directory - Sites and Services) *
Defines the topology and schedule for Active Directory replication. Provides change to enterprise-grade services
(Active Directory - Users and Computers) *
Manages users, groups, organizational units (OUs), and other Active Directory objects
Domain Controller Security Policy(Domain controller security policy) *
Serves to manage security settings (represented in the Security Settings node of the GPO linked to the Domain Controllers OU) on domain controllers
Domain Security Policy
(Domain Security Policy) *
Serves to manage security settings (represented in the Security Settings node of a GPO bound to a domain object) for the entire domain


In addition to those listed in Table. 6.1 and 6.2 snap-ins, in the system after installing additional services and components - for example, network services (DNS, DHCP, WINS, etc.), the Support Tools package, the Active Directory Migration Tool, Internet Services, Fax Services, Terminal Services (Terminal Services) - there are many other snap-ins used to administer these services. Such snap-ins are discussed in the relevant chapters of the book.

In table. 6.3 lists system management tools that are not implemented as snap-ins or have specifics when working with them. Almost all of these tools can be accessed from the Start | Administrative Tools (Start | Administrative Tools).

Table 6.3. Additional Windows Server 2003 Management Tools

Cluster Administrator*
Utility for managing cluster configurations
Configure Your Server Wizard *
Wizard that allows the administrator to configure the server according to the selected roles (file server, Internet services server, etc.)
File Server Management
A snap-in that allows you to centrally manage file server shares, disk systems, and access to it. The snap-in can be launched by the name filesvr.msc or by clicking the Manage this file server link in the Manage Your Server wizard window
A utility that allows you to manage client licenses across the enterprise
Manage Your Server*
A wizard that provides a clearinghouse for managing various server roles, accessing support services and support tools, and allowing you to quickly find information about updates, troubleshooting, and more.
Network Load Balancing Manager*
In clustered systems, this utility can be used to manage the distribution of network load on cluster nodes
System Information
(System Information)*
In Windows 2000, this utility is available as a snap-in that is part of the Computer Management snap-in. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, this is a standalone utility. To start, you need to select the command start | All Programs | accessories | System Tools | System Information(Start | Programs | System Tools| system information)
Terminal Server Licensing*
A utility that allows you to manage CALs for Terminal Services running in Application Runtime mode
Terminal Services Manager*
Terminal Services Manager, which allows you to monitor terminal servers across the enterprise; allows, in particular, to control client sessions and running tasks

Computer Management snap-in

The tool (and the snap-in of the same name) Computer Management (Fig. 6.11) is one of the main tools system administrator to configure the computer. This snap-in can be used to administer both the local system and remote computers (including Windows 2000 systems and, with some limitations, Windows NT 4.0 computers). This allows the administrator to troubleshoot and configure any computer on the network that is running Windows Server 2003 from their desk.
There are two ways to launch the Computer Management snap-in: select the appropriate command from the Start | Administrative Tools, or right-click My Computer on the Start menu and select Manage from the context menu.

Rice. 6.11. The Computer Management snap-in allows you to manage many computer services

The snap-in namespace has three nodes: System Tools, Storage, and Services and Applications. These nodes are containers and contain a number of snap-ins:

  • System Tools - the node contains tools for system administration. This node includes snap-ins:
    • Event Viewer;
    • Shared Folders;
    • Local Users and Groups (Local users and groups);
    • Performance Logs and Alerts (Alerts and performance logs);
    • Device Manager (Device Manager).
  • Storage - the node contains snap-ins that are used to manage the disk system:
    • Removable Storage (Removable storage);
    • Disk Management (Disk Management);
    • Disk Defragmenter (disk defragmentation).
  • Services and Applications - The node contains the following snap-ins:
    • Telephony (Telephony);
    • Services (Services);
    • WMI Control (WMI Control);
    • Indexing Service (Indexing Service);
    • Other accessories (for example, fax, Windows Media Services, Routing and Remote Access, DNS, Internet Information Services etc.) - depending on what additional services are installed in the system.

Utilities (System Tools)

The System Tools node displays the configuration of the computer and brings together tools for managing it. Support staff use this information when troubleshooting problems on the local computer.

Event Viewer snap-in

The Event Viewer node corresponds to a snap-in of the same name and a standard utility that was present in Windows NT 4.0. It can be used to view operating system, security, and application event logs. This snap-in is discussed in detail in Chapter 7 "Monitoring and Optimization Tools".

Snap Shared Folders

The Shared Folders snap-in lets you view information about connections and resource usage on a local or remote computer. This snap-in is used instead of the Server program in the Control Panel of Windows NT 4.0.
The Shared Folders snap-in contains three nodes: Shares (Resources), Sessions (Sessions) and Open Files (Open files). When these nodes are selected, the content of the corresponding node is displayed in the results pane.
With the snap-in, you can perform the following tasks:

  • create, view, change properties and delete shares on local or remote computers (Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP and Windows Server 2003) and set access permissions to them. You can also control how public folders are cached (if they are used as isolated folders). Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 introduced a very handy new feature for managing the process of publishing a shared folder in the Active Directory (Figure 6.12) - you can publish it to the directory immediately after creating a shared folder without resorting to the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in. All necessary actions are quite obvious from the content of the above example: in this case the fax service public folder containing the client software for systems that do not have it (for example, Windows 9x);

Rice. 6.12. Publishing Public Folders to Active Directory

  • view the list of remote users connected to the computer and disable them;
  • View a list of files opened by remote users and close open files.

Local Users and Groups snap-in

The Local Users and Groups node corresponds to the snap-in of the same name, the equivalent of which in Windows NT Server 4.0 was the administrative utility User Manager for Domains. Functions and purpose remained unchanged: using this snap-in, user and group accounts are created, modified, and deleted on the local computer. The use of this snap-in is described in sufficient detail in other chapters of the book, primarily in Chapter 10, "Common Administrative Tasks." The snap-in is not available on domain controllers. The snap-in is used to manage users and groups in a domain. Active Directory Users and Computers(Active Directory - Users and Computers), described in Chapter 20 "Domain Administration".

Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in

The Performance Logs and Alerts extension snap-in allows you to configure logs to record data and the system alert service (Alerter) to notify you when a counter exceeds a certain value. This snap-in allows you to capture data on the degree of computer usage and the operation of services (services) on the local and remote computers. This snap-in is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7 "Monitoring and Optimization Tools".

Device Manager

The Device Manager node (Device Manager) is a snap-in of the same name, which displays in a tree view all hardware devices installed on the local computer and shows their status, versions software drivers, resources used (I/O ports, memory addresses, and IRQs). This snap-in allows you to change the configuration of hardware elements, as well as the mechanism of their interaction with central processing unit computer. Device Manager allows you to:

  • find out if the computer hardware is working correctly;
  • change the configuration settings of the equipment;
  • identify the device drivers that are loaded for each device and obtain information about the drivers of all devices;
  • change additional settings and device parameters;
  • install updated device drivers and roll back drivers;
  • disable and enable devices;
  • identify device conflicts and manually configure resource settings;
  • print summary information about the devices that are installed on the computer.

Device Manager is primarily used to check the status of hardware and update device drivers on a computer. Experienced users who are well versed in hardware computer can use the diagnostic capabilities of Device Manager to resolve device conflicts and change resource settings.


Changing resource settings can disable hardware components and cause your computer to malfunction. Therefore, it is recommended that you change resource settings only for users who have sufficient knowledge of the hardware and hardware configurations of computers. Typically, users do not need to change resource settings because the system automatically allocates resources to hardware components during installation.
Device Manager can only be used to manage devices on the local computer. On a remote computer, this snap-in will only work in view mode.

Each device on your computer is allocated a unique set of system resources to ensure that the device works correctly. These resources include:

  • interrupt request numbers (IRQ);
  • channel numbers of direct memory access (Direct Memory Access, DMA);
  • I/O port addresses (Input/Output, I/O);
  • memory address ranges.

The Windows Server 2003 Plug and Play mechanism (see Chapter 2, "Hardware Support") allocates resources automatically during the installation of all devices that support this mechanism. If two devices access the same resources, then a hardware conflict occurs. In this case, you must manually change the resource settings to ensure they are unique for each device. In general, you should not change the resource settings manually, because this can cause complex conflict situations, the elimination of which requires a deep understanding of the operation of hardware and software (including drivers).
Device Manager allows you to disable and remove devices from the computer's system configuration. When a device is disconnected, the physical device remains connected to the computer, but changes are made to the system registry so that the device drivers will not be loaded the next time the system is started. Disabling devices is useful if you need to have multiple computer hardware configurations or if you are working on a portable computer that is used in conjunction with an expansion station (docking station).
A hardware profile is a set of instructions that tells the system which devices to start when the computer is turned on. When you install Windows Server 2003, a default hardware profile is created. IN this profile all devices available on the computer by the time the operating system is installed are activated.
Hardware profiles are especially useful when used laptop. For example, you can create a profile that will activate network card and an external monitor if the computer is connected to an expansion station, and a profile without support for these devices otherwise.
To create a new hardware profile, run the System utility from the Control Panel and go to the Hardware tab in its window. If you have multiple hardware profiles, you can select a default profile that will be loaded every time you start your computer. After you create a hardware profile using the Device Manager snap-in, you can enable and disable the devices that the profile contains.


If you disable a device in a hardware profile, the drivers for that device are not loaded the next time you start your computer.

To change the appearance of the Device Manager snap-in results pane, select the View menu command to display Devices by type, Devices by connection, Resources by type, or Resources by connection. connection). As you can see, devices and resources can be sorted by type or by connection.


This menu can also be opened by right-clicking on the Device Manager node and selecting the View command from the shortcut menu.

To view hidden devices, select the Show hidden devices check box in the View menu. Hidden devices include devices that do not support the Plug and Play mechanism (devices with legacy drivers previous versions Windows NT systems), and devices that have been physically removed from the computer but their drivers remain.
To install a new device, move the cursor to the right window, select the Scan for hardware changes command from the Action menu. The snap-in will check the computer's hardware configuration and, if new devices are found, it will launch the Add New Devices Wizard. If you need to uninstall a device, select it in the device tree and select Uninstall from the Action menu.
The properties window of any selected device can be opened using the Properties command on the Action menu or by double-clicking on its name.

Storage devices

The Storage container contains snap-ins that are used for management and maintenance logical drives and disk drives.

  • With the Removable Storage snap-in, you can easily manage your tape libraries, removable optical discs and devices with automatic disc feeder (jukebox). More information about this snap-in can be found in Chapter 8 "Working with Disk Resources".
  • The Disk Defragmenter snap-in is used to analyze and defragment remote and local logical drives. This snap-in is discussed in detail in Chapter 8 "Working with Disk Resources".
  • The Disk Management snap-in manages logical disks. This snap-in (its functions and how to use it) is discussed in detail in Chapter 8, "Working with Disk Resources".

Services and Applications

Using the Services and Applications node, you can change settings to manage installed services or server applications such as telephony services, multimedia services, or the DHCP server. Some of these services used in Windows Server 2003 and how to manage them are described in their respective chapters in this book.

Tooling Services

The Services snap-in allows you to start, stop, pause, and resume services (services) on remote and local computers, as well as configure options for starting and restoring services.
As seen in fig. As shown in Figure 6.13, in Windows Server 2003, the Services snap-in has an additional Extended tab that provides a description of the selected service and contains control commands.

Rice. 6.13. Services snap-in node in the Computer Management snap-in

With the Services snap-in, you can perform the following operations:

  • manage services on the local and remote computer (only on computers running Windows control Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT"4.0);
  • perform service recovery operations (for example, automatically restart the service or computer) (on computers running Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 only);
  • enable or disable the ability to start a service for a specific hardware profile;
  • view the status and description of services.

Configuring Installed Services
To determine the service startup mode:
1. Select the service to be configured and execute the Properties command from the Action menu or the Properties command from the shortcut menu. You can also double click on the service name. A window with service parameters will open on the screen.
2. On the General tab, select one of the values ​​from the Startup Type list: Automatic, Manual, or Disabled. If you select Disabled , then the service will be completely disabled.
3. To specify the user account with which the service will be logged in, click the Log On tab and set the radio button to either Local System account or This account.
4. If the radio button is in the This account position, then click the Browse button to select a user account. In the window that opens, select the object type (the Object Types button), its location (the Locations button), and enter the username in the list Enter the object name to select(Enter the names of the objects to select).
5. To allow the service to use the user interface, check the box Allow service to interact with desktop(Allow the service to interact with the desktop).


You must be logged on as a member of the local Administrators group to change service startup options.

To start, stop, pause or resume a service, right-click on its name and select the appropriate command from the context menu: Start (Start), Stop (Stop), Pause (Pause), Resume (Continue) or Restart ( Restart).


If you want to specify startup parameters for the service, open the service's properties window (Properties command) and enter the parameters on the General tab in the Start parameters field before clicking the Start button. A backslash (\) is interpreted as a space character, so two backslashes must be entered in the parameter to get a backslash character.

WMI Control snap-in

The WMI Control node (the WMI control element (and the snap-in of the same name) allows you to configure the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) tools (tools) on the local system and on remote computers. For example, using this snap-in, you can set permissions for authorized users and groups, maintain a repository of WMI objects, turn error logging on and off For more information on WMI technology, see Chapter L, Managing Windows Systems in a Corporate Environment.

Indexing Service

The indexing service is installed as standard Windows component Server 2003. This service indexes the contents of all drives local computer, which allows the user to search for any word or phrase found in documents in this computer. The Indexing Service snap-in is a GUI system tool for the indexing service that simplifies a number of administrative tasks, including the following:

  • checking the status of the indexing process and parameters of indexed directories;
  • setting global parameters for all directories on the computer;
  • creating and configuring new directories for optimal performance;
  • choice of indexed directories.

This snap-in is described in more detail in Chapter 16, Internet Services.

List of Windows Server 2003 services

In table. Table 6.4 lists the main services (services) installed by default in Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (including Internet Services). The list of services currently running on the system can be easily obtained from the command line by typing net start. Knowing the name of the service, you can manage it from command line or batch files using net start / net stop commands<названиеСлужбы>. Executable file name (image name)
displayed for a running service in the Task Manager window on the Processes tab. Knowing the correspondence between the names of services and executable files, it is easier to understand the processes occurring in the system, and in this case, for example, it will not surprise you why several processes with the same image name svchost.exe are always running on the system.

Table 6.4. List of core Windows Server 2003 services

Display name
Service name
Executable file name (image name)
Application Layer Gateway Service
Application Management
Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
ClipBook (Sharing Folder Server)
COM+ Event System (COM+ Event System)
COM+ System Application ( System application COM+)
Computer Browser
Cryptographic Services (Cryptographic Services)
DHCP Client (DHCP client)
Distributed File System (DPS Distributed File System)
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Distributed Link Tracking Server
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (Distributed Transaction Coordinator)
DNS Client (DNS client)
Error Reporting Service
Event Log
File Replication Service
Help And Support
Human Interface Device Access
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
Indexing Service
Internet Connection Firewall (IGF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (Internet Firewall (ICF) / General access to the Internet (ICS))
Shared Access
Intersite Messaging
IPSEC Services
Kerberos Key Distribution Center (Kerberos Ticket Distribution Center)
License Logging
License Service
Logical Disk Manager
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service
Messenger (message service)
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider
Net Logon
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
Network Connections
Network DDE (Network DDE Service)
Network DDE DSDM (Network DDE Manager)
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
NT LM Security Support Provider (NT LM Security Support Provider)
Performance Logs And Alerts (Performance logs and alerts)
plug and play
Portable Media Serial Number Service
Print Spooler
Protected Storage
* Lsass.exe
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
R as Auto
Remote Access Connection Manager
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Remote Registry
Remote Server Manager remote server)
Removable Storage
Resultant Set of Policy Provider
Routing And Remote Access
Remote Access
Secondary Logon ( Secondary input into the system)
Security Accounts Manager
Shell Hardware Detection
Smart Card (Smart cards)
Special Administration Console Helper
System Event Notification
Task Scheduler
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (NetBIOS over TCP/IP Helper)
Telephony (Telephony)
Terminal Services
Term Service
Terminal Services Session Directory
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Universal Plug And Play Device Host
Upload Manager
upload mgr
Virtual Disk Service
Volume Shadow Copy
WebClient (Web client)
Windows Audio
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Windows Installer
Windows Management Instrumentation (Windows Management Instrumentation)
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions (WMI Driver Extensions)
Windows Time (Windows Time Service)
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
WinHttpAutoProxy Svc
Wireless Configuration
WMI Performance Adapter (WMI Performance Adapter)
Workstation (Workstation)

A detailed description of the purpose of services and their settings (state, startup type, and account name used to start the service) can be obtained by clicking the Export List button in the Services snap-in window and saving the information in a text file.


In Windows Server 2003, the IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service, which burns CDs on CDRW devices, is disabled by default; so don't be surprised if the user interface for the CDRW doesn't have the appropriate commands. If you need this functionality, enable the service, set the startup mode to Manual, and reboot the system.
You can also use the new Windows XP interface style on Windows Server 2003 by enabling and starting the Themes service. After that, you can set the desired style in the display properties window.

System Information Utility

The System Information utility provides comprehensive information about your computer's hardware, system components, and software environment. System information is divided into categories, which in the structure window correspond to the following nodes (Fig. 6.14): System Summary (Information about the system), Hardware Resources (Hardware resources), Components (Components), Software Environment (Program environment) and Internet Settings (Parameters Internet).

  • The System Summary node displays general information information about the computer and operating system: OS version and build number, processor type, RAM size, BIOS version, regional settings, and information about the amount of physical and virtual memory on the computer.
  • The Hardware Resources node displays information about hardware settings such as DMA channels, interrupt numbers (IRQs), input/output (I/O) addresses, and memory addresses. The Conflicts/Sharing node identifies devices that share resources or conflict with other resources. This information helps identify problems with hardware devices.
  • The Components node displays information about Windows configuration and is used to determine the status of device drivers, network devices, and media device software. In addition, this node contains extensive information about the history of drivers with a record of all changes that have been made to components.

Rice. 6.14. System Information Utility window

  • The Software Environment node displays a "snapshot" of the software loaded into the computer's memory. This information can be used to view a list of running tasks or to find out the version number of a product.
  • The Internet Settings node contains, in particular, information about program settings Internet Explorer.


Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 also have a SystemInfo.exe command-line utility that can be used to get general information about a local or remote system. To learn about the utility options, type systeminfo /? at the command prompt.

Using the View menu, you can switch between two display modes: Current System Information and System History. The System History view displays information about all the changes that have been made to the system since installation, which may be of interest to advanced users or Microsoft Technical Support.
The resulting information can be saved in a file with an nfo extension (the file will be saved as an MSInfo document) or exported to a text file using the File | Export for further analysis.
You can also run some very useful diagnostic utilities from the Tools menu, such as Net Diagnostics and the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. The second utility is especially useful for testing the system's multimedia capabilities.

1. Window. One of the main elements of Windows. Windows runs all Windows programs.

2. Desktop. Appears immediately after Windows boot. It contains the most necessary programs and tools presented as icons and shortcuts.

Icon matches a single file (document or program) or folder. Each document type has its own icon, so file extensions are hidden by default. Any icons can be renamed, moved from folder to folder, deleted or copied using the mouse. It should be remembered that any operations with iconsthese are operations on original files. Removing an icon from the desktop or from any folder physically removes the file from the disk.

Labels- a special type of icons, any operations with which will not affect the original files in any way. They differ from ordinary icons by the presence of a small black arrow in the lower left corner.

3. Context menu. Called when the right mouse button is pressed. The content depends on the selected object.

4. Reference system. The Windows help system is context-sensitive (the displayed help section depends on the place of the call), interactive (it is able to communicate with the user at a certain level), multi-level (different levels of help information detail).

5. To work with files in Windows, use the Internet Explorer program. The main purpose of this program is an Internet browser, but to work with files, it transforms into "My Computer" and "Explorer".

6. Control Panel. The control panel contains icons for managing and windows settings. You can bring the following settings: date/time; sound; gaming devices; Internet; keyboard, etc.

7. Basket. A special folder on a disk that contains files deleted by the user and the system.

8. Task bar. Each open window or running program is automatically displayed on the taskbar as a rectangular button

9. Menu« Start» . Primary means of access to installed programs. Contains the following submenus:

· Programs.

· Reference;

· Search. Designed to search for files and folders;

· Setting. Provides access to the control panel, taskbar options, printer configuration menus, and desktop settings”;

· Run. Analogue of the DOS command line;

· Ending a session. Serves to end a Windows session without restarting the computer;

· Completion of work.

20. Service software: purpose and capabilities.

Service software is a set of software products that provide the user with Additional services in working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of operating systems.

By functionality, service tools can be divided into tools:

Improved user interface;

Protecting data from destruction and unauthorized access;

Recovery data;

Accelerating data exchange between disk and RAM:


Antivirus tools.

According to the method of organization and implementation, service tools can be represented by: shells, utilities and stand-alone programs. The difference between shells and utilities is often expressed only in the universality of the former and the specialization of the latter.

Shells are like settings above the operating system. All shells provide some degree of protection against user error, which reduces the chance of accidental destruction of slides.

Utilities and stand-alone programs have a highly specialized purpose and each perform its own function. But utilities, unlike stand-alone programs, run in the environment of their respective shells. At the same time, they compete in their functions with OS programs and other utilities.

These utilities most often allow you to perform the following functions:

Disk maintenance (formatting, ensuring the safety of information, the possibility of its recovery in case of failure, etc.);

Serving files and directories (similar to shells);

Creating and updating archives;

Providing information about computer resources, disk space, the distribution of RAM between programs;

Printing text and other files in various modes and formats;

Protection against computer viruses. Anti-virus protection software provides diagnostics (detection) and treatment (neutralization) of viruses. The term "virus" refers to a program that can multiply, infiltrating other programs, while performing various undesirable actions.

Of the utilities that have received the greatest popularity, one can name the multifunctional complex Norton Utilities.

21. General information about computer viruses: classification of viruses, symptoms of PC infection.

Basic elements of Windows


WINDOWS is based on the principle of a file-folder structure, but the capabilities of this environment are so great that it is even called an independent operating system, and not just an operating shell over MS DOS.

In its development, WINDOWS has gone through a number of stages-versions, the most widespread in our country being WINDOWS 3.11 (for workgroups) and WINDOWS'95/'97/'98/'2000/'XP.

For the WINDOWS operating environment, there are also original shell programs (applications) that facilitate the user's dialogue process. These are program and file managers, a program explorer. Let's consider in more detail the functionality of WINDOWS, its objects and the main actions with them.

WINDOWS features include:

Working with windows and mouse;

Multitasking mode;

Graphical representation of objects (pictograms or icons, labels);

Ability to use "long" object names;

Support for the principle of "Plug and play" ("plug and play"), which does not require special configuration of existing computer hardware;

Built-in support for functioning in a computer network and much more.

Starting and exiting Windows

When you turn on the PC, after the self-test process, the following message appears:

Starting Windows

This means that the Windows operating system has started loading. Full loading of the operating system occurs when a graphic image of the desktop appears on the monitor screen.

Logging out of Windows is required for:

Turning off the computer

Restarting the computer if there were failures in its operation.

It should be remembered that before turning off the computer, you must always exit Windows, since turning off the computer while working in Windows can lead to information loss. For exit from Windows necessary:

1. Press the button with the mouse Start.

2. Select item Shutdown.

3. Set option Turn off computer or To restart a computer.

4. Press the button YES.

5. Wait for the inscription to appear and turn off the computer.

Basic elements of Windows

Desktop - occupies the main part of the screen and serves to place objects or shortcuts to objects on it.

Task bar - serves to display all running programs on the computer and quickly jump to them

Start button located on the left side of the taskbar and is designed to call the Main system menu.

An object - PC element with which the user works (disk, folder, file, printer, modem, etc.)

Main desktop objects:

My computer- allows you to have access to all disks, folders and files on your computer, and make settings for devices that are connected to the PC.

network- allows you to have access to all PCs and servers connected to the local area network.

Basket- designed for temporary storage of deleted files, folders, shortcuts. The Recycle Bin allows you to restore items deleted by mistake.

Label - provides quick call a specific application or document, a transition to a folder or disk and is a link to a particular object (but not the object itself!).

Distinguish the shortcut icon from the object icon can be moved by the inward arrow, which is always present on the shortcut icon. This arrow is called Jump arrow".

For creation label required:

1. Right-click on the desktop.

2. Select commands in sequence Create, Label.

3. Press the button Review.

4. Select the drive and directory where the object is located.

5. Select the file for which the shortcut is being created.

6. Press the button Open and then the button Further.

7. Specify the name of the label (arbitrarily).

8. Press the button Ready.

For changes label icon is required:

1. Select a label.

2. Right click on the shortcut.

3. Run a command Properties.

4. Select a bookmark Label or Program.

5. Press the button change icon.

6. Select an icon.

7. Close all windows using buttons OK.

For removal label follows:

1. Select a label.

2. Press the key .

Confirm deletion.

Let's consider in more detail

Windows main menu.

Main system menu - is used to launch programs, open documents, quickly search for files and folders.

Clicking the START button or pressing the CTRL+ESC key combination

allows you to open the Main menu of the Windows operating environment.

The Main Menu structure includes:

arbitrary and

required section.

An arbitrary section is located above the dividing line and its items can be created by the user at will. Sometimes they are generated automatically when you install some applications.

Each item this section menu is a collection of commands and pointers to them to control the operation of Windows.

To select a menu item, click on its name or press the key , Where - a key with an underlined letter.

If an arrow 8 is indicated to the right of the item name, then after selecting it, the screen displays submenu.

Windows main menu opens access to a hierarchical structure containing pointers for launching applications installed on the PC.

Windows in Windows

Window A user interface element that is a framed portion of the screen that can display an application, document, or message.

A window in Windows can be located in three states:

· full screen, taking up the entire display screen;

· normal, taking up part of the screen;

· rolled up while on the taskbar.

All windows in Windows have the following basic elements:

header - contains the name of the program and document, if the program works with documents.

Control Panel , which is used to quickly execute commands using the mouse.

Toolbar , the window may contain depending on the setting.

Workspace, where is the content of the window.

System menu contains commands for resizing a window, moving it, minimizing it, closing it.

ButtonCollapse places a minimized window on the taskbar.

Button Expand expands the window to full screen.

Button close closes a program or window.

Status bar contains help information.

Scroll bar used to view the document.

The main objects and methods of managing Windows OS. Functions of the Windows operating system Basic objects and management techniques of Windows OS All Microsoft operating systems: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Vist and Windows 7 are operating systems that provide multitasking in a multi-window graphical user interface for many users. The main difference between Windows 98 and later and their predecessors is that they provide tighter integration with the Internet. Thus...

Share work on social networks

If this work does not suit you, there is a list of similar works at the bottom of the page. You can also use the search button

Lecture 8. The main objects and methods of managing Windows. Features of the Windows operating system

Basic objects and methods of managing Windows OS

All Microsoft operating systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are operating systems that providemultitasking work in multi-window graphical user interface many users.

Windows OS difference 98 and later from their predecessors mainly in that they provide moreclose integration with Internet.

All of these operating systems are capable of providing both batch and interactive modes of operation with the user.

in batch modeall the required programs and data are entered into the computer, after which the system automatically executes the specified sequence of commands. The result of the work is entered into the RAM or into the registers of the processor. While executing commands, the computer not available for external control.

Dialogue (interactive)the operating mode of the OS is much more progressive. In this mode, the computer is in direct interaction with the user and technical devices. The essence of the interactive mode is that the OS is waiting for the next user command. Having executed it, the OS issues a response and waits for the next command. All personal computers operate mainly in this mode.

So any OS Windows is a software system that enables the user to work in dialogue mode with PC.

Possibility of dialogue work of the user with PC based on the system interrupts provided by the processor PC.

The interrupt system organizes continuous polling of the keyboard, mouse and other devices with which the user communicates with PC.

Its task is to make application programsdid not monopolizeprocessor operation, and also so that various programs do not mix up their data stored in RAM. Thus, the interrupt system provides constant control of all processes in PC in accordance withestablished priorities.

The user perceives the readiness of the OS to perform the next operation as a proposal to create an event.

The main tools for creating events are the keyboard, mouse, and also touch screen. In addition, when peripheral devices are connected to the computer, they are automatically configured to process events associated with them, which is provided by the hardware installation wizard. Plug-and-play.

Thus, when using the OS Windows , the computer is not only ready for dialogue with the user, but is able todevelop and improve.

Types of user interfaces:

  • command line interface strings (MS DOS, Norton Commander). Control body - keyboard;
  • GUI (Windows and so on.). Controls Keyboard and graphical mouse Touch screen, etc.

GUI controls:

  • active this is the mouse cursor; a graphical object, the movement of which on the screen is synchronized with the movement of the mouse;
  • passive these are graphical application controls (on-screen buttons, icons, switches, checkboxes, menu bars, drop-down lists, etc.).

Features of the Windows operating system

Ensuring automatic start

For disk The OS creates a program code record in a special (system) area of ​​the hard disk.

This code is accessed by programs located in BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) ) basic computer input-output system. Completing their work, they give a command to load the contents of the system area of ​​the storage device (in particular, the hard disk).

Non-disk OS are typical for specialized computing systems. These are embedded operating systems, in particular, automated systems control (ACS). Implementation of automatic start in them is performed by hardware.

File system organization

The principle of organizing the OS file system on disks tabular specifically the file allocation table FAT (File Allocation Table).

HDD itset of surfaces("whatnot"), each of which is divided into circular tracks, and the track into sectors. Size of each sector fixed and equal 512 bytes.

Reading and writing information is carried out by heads that move along the tracks not separately, but simultaneously, therefore, instead of the concept of "track" use the concept"cylinder".

Cylinder is a set of all disk tracks that have the same numbers, i.e., equidistant from the axis of rotation. Therefore, the location of the file is determined by 3 address components:sector number,surface number And cylinder number.

But sector too small storage unit, so larger storage unit is used for addressing cluster .

cluster is a group of neighboring sectors. Its size depends on the size of the hard drive. Typical cluster values: 8, 16, 32 and 64 sectors.

You can only write data to the cluster one file , but a file can span multiple clusters.

If the disk is free, then clusters belonging to the same file are written sequentially to adjacent clusters. But if the disk fills up, then single file clusters can be scattered throughout the disk, i.e., be located in any free space on disk memory.

In each of the clusters of the chain related to one file, there is a link to address next cluster. This allows you to rationally use disk space, repeatedly erase and write files of various sizes, without worrying about where their clusters are located.

Information about which disk cluster starts file are stored in the system area of ​​the disk, namely, in a special file allocation table: the FAT table(File Allocation Table) or NTFS (New Technology File System).

For reliability, it is written in two instances, the identity of which is constantly controlled by the means of the OS.

An outdated version of the OS - Windows 95 used 16-bit addresses in the file allocation table. This file system is called FAT 16.

It allowed to place no more than 65536 (2 16 ) records of the location of files, i.e. their addresses and characteristics.

As a result of this, even if the disk cluster has maximum volume, i.e., consists out of 64 sectors , and is equal to:

512 x 64 = 32768 bytes or 32.7 KB,

then with the number of addresses 65536 it is possible to provide work with hard disks, the size of which does not exceed:

32768 x 65536 \u003d 2 15 x 2 16 \u003d 2 147 483 648 \u003d 2.15 G B,

which, of course, held back the development of computer technology.

Therefore, in Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Me, a more advanced, 32-bit file system was used - FAT 32, which provides storage for 232 or 4.3 billion addresses and work with disks, the size of which reaches:

32768 x 4,294,967,296 = 215 x 232 = 140,737.5 GB > 140 TV

which makes it possible to work with modern disks.

The Windows NT line of operating systems also runs on the 32-bit NTFS file system, but much more advanced, providing greater reliability.

Cluster size in the system NTFS can be installedat the discretion of the userwhen formatting a disk.

In practice, the cluster size is limited four kilobytes in order to as much as possiblemore effectiveuse disk space.

At the same time, theoretically, the maximum volume size NTFS is 17.6 TB.

However, due to limitations related to file system reliability, this value is reduced to 2.2TB that at the moment the development of information technology is quite enough.

File system maintenance

The tabular file system is provided to the user in the form of the most convenient hierarchical structures. All necessary transformations of the file structure are provided by the OS.

File structure maintenance functions:

  • creating files and naming them;
  • creating directories and naming them;
  • renaming files and directories;
  • copying and moving files between computer disks and disk directories;
  • deleting files and directories;
  • navigation through the file structure;
  • file attributes management (read-only; hidden; system; archive).

View file attributes: (right mouse button on file name) Properties.

In the latest versions of the OS, two attributes are subject to configuration: read-only and hidden.

Application execution management

From the point of view of managing the execution of applications (programs), there are single-tasking and multi-tasking OS.

Single-tasking OS, in particular MS DOS , transfer all resources to one executing application and do not allow any parallel execution of another application.

At the same time, in single-tasking OS, simultaneous work is possible. special programs called resident. They do not rely on the OS, but workdirectlywith the processor using its interrupt system.

multitasking OS systems, for example, Windows manage distribution PC resources between tasks and provide:

  • the possibility of simultaneous or sequential operation of several applications;
  • the ability to exchange data between different applications;
  • the ability to share software, hardware, network and other resources among several applications.

Multitasking operating systems are systems of the Windows 9x line, but they are not reliable enough.

A successful combination of reliability and versatility has already been achieved in Windows 2000, and until recently it was the main operating system for specialized workstations.

Currently, the most common operating systems are: productive and reliable Windows XP, and more recently, Windows 7.

Installing and uninstalling applications

Distributive The software package is a semi-finished product, from which a full-fledged working application is formed during the installation process. At the same time, the application is bound to the existing hardware and software environment and configured to work in it. (The kit has launch files either setup .exe , or install .exe ).

Correct installation and removal must be carried out through the "Control Panel", the "Add or Remove Programs" section along the path: "Start" "Control Panel" "Programs and Features".

Before installation, it is recommended to close all running applications. After installing the application in the previous operating systems, as a rule, a computer restart was required. But already in Windows XP, the need to reboot rarely occurs, although sometimes it may still be required. After restarting the components installed program are activated.

Uninstalling applications is also carried out only through the Control Panel. This is necessary because Windows implements the principle of resource sharing, so uninstalling one application should not be allowed to remove resources that other applications rely on, even if these resources were once installed with the application being uninstalled

After the process of uninstalling the application, some application components (folder and files) remain responsible for deleting the application. They should be removed to the Trash. manually and observe the performance of the system for several days. If it is not violated, then the components from the Recycle Bin can be removed.

Interaction with hardware

Each equipment developer applies special equipment control software to it drivers. As a rule, several drivers are released, namely, for each of the operating systems: DOS , Windows 95/98/ Me , Windows NT /2000/ XP /7 etc.

Under DOS, device drivers are loaded as resident programs that directly work with the processor and other devices on the motherboard. At the same time, the participation of the OS was limited only to providing the user with the opportunity to load the driver. Next, the driver itself intercepted interrupts used to access the device, and ruled its interaction with the calling program.

Commands for loading and configuring drivers are usually included in files that are automatically read when the PC boots. In DOS, such files are called configuration files, there are two of them: config.sys and autoexec.bat . They include, first of all, commands for loading drivers for the keyboard, mouse, CD and DVD drives, sound card, etc.

Modern operating systems Windows , as a rule, does not need drivers obtained from the device manufacturer, but uses driversfrom own base data.

However, Windows OS of all versions allow you to manage not only the installation and registration of software device drivers, but also the process of hardware-logical connections in general.

Each connected device can use up to three motherboard hardware resources:

  • addresses of external ports of the processor;
  • processor interrupts;
  • direct memory access channels.

Legacy tires ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) and EISA (Extended extended), previously used before the advent of the tire PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) , i.e. - the relationship of peripheral components), did not support the principleautomatic installation equipment .

In this situation, the OS carried out only accounting for the resources already captured by devices and did not provide their dynamic redistribution.

Only when connecting peripherals to the motherboard via the bus PCI there was a technical possibility of organizing feedback between the motherboard and the connected equipment, which allowed the operating system to analyze the requirements of devices to allocate resources to them and respond flexibly to them, excluding the capture of the same resources by different devices.

The principle of dynamic allocation of OS resources is called Plug-and-Play (play and play), and devices that satisfy this principle -self-aligning.

In this case, the equipment is installed automatically through the "Hardware Installation" section of the Control Panel using the "Installation Wizard" program.

Computer maintenance

Produced by including standard service applications in the regular composition of the OS: Start All programs - Standard Service.

Utilities (service) programs are also opened by right-clicking on the disk name and selecting the "Properties" option.

Disk Checkers

These tools are a mandatory requirement for any OS. The check is carried out in two categories:

  • logical integrity of the file structure;
  • physical diagnostics of the surface.

Logical errors are eliminated by means of the OS, while physical ones are only localized and excluded from active work.

Logical errors have two characteristic manifestations: lost clusters and common clusters.

Lost Clustersare formed as a result of an incorrect exit from the system (shutdown while the program is running or an incomplete exit procedure from the OS). They are not used, but the program reports that they are busy with files. This error is easily eliminated by a standard OS tool.

(disk checker scandisk).

An error that appears as common clusters , is characterized by the fact that according to the data FAT -Table two or more files claim the same disk space. The reason for this may be incorrect recovery of previously deleted data using off-system tools due to their inadequacy or violation of the order of data recovery operations (in particular, recovery of files written by Windows tools, MS DOS tools). This error is remedied by re-writing both conflicting files. One of them is necessarily corrupted, but, however, there is a high probability of damage to the other file.

The standard utilities section contains optimization tools: cleaning, defragmentation, disk compression, as well as programs for editing the registry, system recovery, etc.

Virtual memory controls

Modern OS, in particular OS Windows , not only provide direct access to the entire field of RAM, but also allow it to be expanded due to the virtual memory created on the hard disk. Virtual memory is implemented in the form of the so-called paging file.

If there is not enough RAM for the application to work, a part of the memory is temporarily freed with saving the data image (paging file) on the hard disk. Since the speed of RAM is many times (three orders of magnitude) greater than mechanical operations with a hard disk, the performance PC increases significantly. This is especially effective when multitasking.

However, it should be noted that when changing tasks, saving data to or reading from the hard disk slightly reduces the performance of the PC. Therefore, the OS takes care of all the necessary data exchange between RAM and disk, changing the size automatically .

But you can also change the size of the paging file manually along the path:Computer Properties Advanced system settings Performance etc.

However, this must be done with care so as not to accidentally reduce the speed of the computer.

Disk caching tools

In view of the fact that the interaction of the processor with computer disks occurs much slower than the exchange operations with RAM, sometimes it is advisable to store data read from the disk in RAM, which are constantly used in solving any current task.

At the same time, when the processor needs to repeatedly access data previously read from the disk, it finds them in a specially allocated area of ​​RAM called disk cache.

In modern operating systems, this function is included in system core , and it works automatically, although some customization is left to the user.

Data backup tools

When working with important data, a necessary means of protecting them is to ensure that they are copied to external media. This also applies to operating systems.

Typically, operating systems contain basic utility programs of the form ntbackup.exe to back up or archive data. As a result of copying, disk images of the computer are saved, i.e. configuration, settings, etc.

In Windows 7, you can also create a system recovery disk along the path:Start All Programs Maintenance.

In addition to this possibility, OS recovery can be done by creating a restore point along the path:Control Panel System and Security System System Protection Create.

The process of restoring the OS from a restore point is carried out along the path:All Programs Standard Utilities System Restore (select point...).

Other functions of operating systems

These include:

  • opportunity to work in local network without special software - peer-to-peer network;
  • providing access to the Internet;
  • the possibility of creating Internet servers, its maintenance and management, including remote, remote connection;
  • availability of means of protection against unauthorized access;
  • the ability to provide comfortable work for several users while maintaining individual settings working environment;
  • the possibility of automatic maintenance of a PC according to a given schedule or under control from a remote server;
  • the possibility of work of persons with physical disabilities.

Modern operating systems include a standard set of application software that allows you to solve practical problems:

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