Windows 8 Loading the desktop default. Use of active corners

This can be achieved using technologies embedded directly in operating system, without use third-party utilities. It is enough just to create a special task that must be executed when entering the system. In this article, I will tell you how to do it.


First you need to start the task scheduler (Task Scheduler). To do this, press the key, enter "Schedule" (Schedule, without quotes), select the "Settings" filter and click on the results Schedule Schedule Schedule (Schedule Tasks, Fig. A). The task scheduler will start.

Figure A. Start the task scheduler with initial screen very easy.

Creating a task

Figure B. In the task scheduler, click the "Create Task" link.

In the Create Task dialog box, you must first enter the name of the task in the Name field (Name). I, as you see, called my task "Show Desktop @ Start" ("Show desktop at startup"). At the bottom of the page, select the "Windows 8" item from the drop-down menu (Fig. C) from the "Configure For). In the Security Options section, you can leave the option "Perform only for users entered into the system" (Run Only When User IS Logged ON).

Figure C. Be sure to select Windows 8 from the "Configure for" drop-down menu.

Figure D. On the Trigger tab, click the Create button.

In the New Trigger dialog box, select "Start Task" (Begin The Task) from the drop-down menu (AT Log On Item, Fig. E) from the drop-down menu. In this case, the page will be updated and the appropriate settings (Fig. F) will display.

Figure E. From the drop-down menu "Start Task", select "When entering into the system".

By default, the "Any User" options are selected in the "Settings" and "Enabled" section in the section " Extra options"ADVANCED SETTINGS). Leave everything as it is and click "OK" to continue. Returning to the "Creating Task" dialog box, go to the Actions tab (Actions, Fig. G) and click the "Create" button at the bottom of the page.

Figure G. Click the "Create" button on the Actions tab.

In the New Action dialog box, the "Start A Program" option is selected by default. In the "Settings" section, enter "C: \\ Windows \\ Explorer.exe" (without quotes) in the Program or Script field (Program / Script, Fig. H). Or click the "Browse" button, find and select the file "explorer.exe". Then click "OK" to return to the "Creating Problem" window.

Figure H. You can enter the name of the executable file and the path to it in the "Program or Script" field, and you can find it using the "Overview" button.

If Windows 8 is installed on a laptop, go to the "Conditions" tab and uncheck the "Start only power from the power supply from the power supply" (START THE TASK On IF The Computer IS ON AC Power) in the Power section. I).

Figure I. This parameter is required to change only if Windows 8 is installed on the laptop.

On the "Settings" tab, you do not need to change anything, so just click "OK" to create a task. Returning to the rear scheduler window, you will see a new task in the "Task Planner Library" section (Task Scheduler Library, Fig. J). Now the scheduler can be closed.

Figure J. By creating a task, you will see it in the task scheduler library.

By creating a task, you can test it. To do this, restart the computer using the "Wonder-button" buttons "Off" (POWER, Fig. K) or exit the system and log in again.

Previously, the option of completing the session was there in the same place, where other commands associated with turning off the computer, but in Windows 8 it moved to the initial screen and is now called "out" (Sign Out). On the home screen, right-click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select the "Out" option in the above menu (Fig. L).

Figure K. The "Restart" option (RESTart) is called using the "Wonder-button" "Shutdown".

Figure L. To see the Option option, right-click on your avatar.

When Windows 8 is rebooting, the desktop will immediately appear with the conductor window open on libraries (Fig. M). You will not see the initial screen at all.

Keep in mind that the "Documents" library icons (Documents), "Music" (Music), "Images" (Pictures) and "Video" (VIDEO) can still move for some time, because the operating system continues to load in the background mode.

Figure M. When Windows 8 is rebooted, the desktop will immediately appear with the conductor window open on libraries.

If you run applications from the task or desktop panel, you can immediately start work.

What do you think?

Do you need to download the desktop when downloading Windows 8? Will you use the described reception? Share your opinion in the comments!


Good afternoon, dear readers site. I remembered here, as in early 2013, our organization switched to Windows 8. Yes, it was a shock for almost all the staff, when, instead of booting the desktop, there was some incomprehensible tile screen (called the Metro interface). "Why is it for an incomprehensible thing?", "How can I get to your desktop or in my computer?", "You can remove these tiles?" I heard these questions almost every day. Then I still did not know, but now I know and want to tell you how to produce running Windows 8 from the desktop to avoid the initial tile screen.

Yes, the eight presented a lot of surprises. They appeared both supporters and haters of this system. Yes, many really annoyed the initial screen, as it was not clear how to work in it. Well, if you read my previous articles or watched this stunning video course Upon work in Windows, then you have already had to get used to and well in it. Especially the course is free and in it everything is intelligible.

Well, okay, let's start, and then something has already suffered. And let's start with the simplest way.

In the usual eight, good people from Microsoft have not provided a built-in function so that your operating system is loaded immediately from the desktop. But in version 8.1, such a function appeared and everything happens quite simple.

If you have Windows 8

As I said above, in the usual eight such the topic will not roll. Well, then you have to go for some tricks, namely you will set this feature using the task scheduler. It turns out that you are not a member of the Metro start screen, but when it appears, then literally a second you will find yourself on the desktop with a machine gun.

  1. Go to the task scheduler. I usually find it through the search, i.e. I press Win + Q or coming simply into the search, and then I put the "Parameters" search value. After that, I begin to enter the word "schedule" in the search field and you will have the only item. "Task Schedule". Come there.
  2. After you have opened the task scheduler, find the right column "Create a task" and click on it.
  3. Now in the "General" tab, be sure to give the name to your task (any), and also do not forget to select the point from the drop-down menu "Configure for Windows 8". Now go to the Trigger tab.
  4. In the Trigger tab, click Create, and in the new window that opens in the "Start Task" column "when logging into the system", and then click OK. By the way, as you can see, you can configure the task for both users and a specific one. While everything is clear? No questions? If there is, do not hesitate and ask.
  5. Now go to the "Actions" tab and click on the "Create" button. In the new window that opens, pay attention to the "Actions" column stood the "Starting Program" value. And now in the string "Program or script" register this path - C: \\ Windows \\ Explorer.exeor click on the "review" and find on a C (or where you have your windows) in windows folder Explorer.exe file. Now click OK. And in general, in all the following windows, click OK until you leave the main window of the program.

That's all. Now the scheduler can be closed and see how this chip will work. After rebooting, you will see that the starting tile screen has opened, and literally 1-2 seconds will automatically throw out you on the desktop. But there is one side effect. Together with the output to the desktop, the library folder opens. But, I think it is not scary.

But if you do not suit this option, you can use another chip to boot directly to the desktop. About this below. But if you are tired, you can take a break and make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. For example, I can not live without black tea (I do not like green), especially with Bergamot. Well, in general, I distracted by the topic. Go ahead.

We decide with the help of a third-party program.

To solve our question, we can take advantage excellent program ClassicShell, with which you can also, but I wrote about this in another article.

So if you don't want to see the Metro initial screen when download windows, then you please multiple options for solving this problem. Everything was clear? Hope so. But if you have any questions, do not hesitate and ask them in the comments. Let's try to decide.

And today I have everything. I will wait for your return, and for this I will try more often to write interesting articles for you. Do not forget to subscribe to updating articles of my blog and about social networks Do not forget too. See you with you in the following lessons. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

C the point of view of the general design philosophy in Windows 8.1 has not changed, but those who want to try last version OS from this did not bother in connection with new functions and improvements that Microsoft added. In our I noticed that in addition to the "Start" button, Windows 8.1 allows you to load directly to the desktop. This article will be discussed just about this feature, as well as about other options found in the new Navigation tab in the "Properties of the Task Panel" dialog box.

The possibilities of the new section "Navigation" in Windows 8.1 are full of surprises, so I studied them all. Access to this section can be obtained in the following way: Right-click on the taskbar, select "Properties" in the context menu and in the dialog box that opens, go to the Navigation tab.

Turning off or inclusion of upper left and upper right active angles

Active angles (they are also hot corners) - one of the most unpleasant windows features 8 For users desktop computers and laptops. For those who have not yet had time to get acquainted with Windows 8, we will clarify that when the mouse pointer falls into the area of \u200b\u200bthese angles, the so-called Charms Bar panel or the panel for switching between these angles is automatically occurring. running applicationsDepending on what angle is the right upper or left top. Most often these panels appear by chance, for example, when the user wants to just close the window current program. Windows 8.1 eliminates this drawback, allowing you to turn off the top active screen angles - in Windows 8 it can also be done, but only by editing the registry or using third-party applications.

The first two options on the Navigation tab allow you to enable or disable the right top corner (To call Charms BAR) and upper left angle (to open the switching interface between applications).

Command line instead of PowerShell in the "Power User" menu and vice versa

If in Windows 8 you press the Win + X key combination or click right-click in the lower left corner of the screen, you will see the "Power User" menu that allows you to run command line. In Windows 8.1, the command line in this menu is no longer there, but there is a PowerShell tool. Fortunately, Microsoft has provided the ability to return the command line. To do this, remove the third tick on the Navigation tab and click OK.

Loading to your desktop or initial screen

Windows 8.1 allows you to select which of the work areas should be opened after the OS boot - the desktop or the initial screen. Many users have been having Windows 8 only because immediately after loading OS, it was the initial screen, so third-party developers released a range of tools that allow you to change it. Now Microsoft integrates a similar function directly in the OS.

You will find the above-mentioned feature in the "Initial Screen" section on the Navigation tab.

Desktop background on the initial screen

The initial screen design in Windows 8 is limited to the ability to set several color images, so users are forced to use third-party applications (For example, Decor8) to decorate the initial screen with their own images. In Windows 8.1, the current desktop image can be applied as the front screen background. To do this, you need to activate the "Display desktop background on the initial screen" option.

It looks very beautiful and allows you to overcome the feeling that you switch between two radically different media.

Home screen on the main display

If several monitors are connected to your computer, you can configure OS in such a way that when you press the "Start" key on the main monitor will always open the initial screen

"Applications" instead of the initial screen

Windows 8.1 has a special "application" menu, which can be opened by pressing a small arrow in the lower left corner on the initial screen. If you want the default instead of the initial screen you have opened this menu, Activate the option "When you go to the initial screen to automatically open the application" application ".

By default, the search for the "Applications" menu is carried out only in your applications. If you want the search to be done everywhere, activate the penultimate function.

Finally, if you activate the latest function, when sorting applications by category in the "Applications" menu, will be the first to display classic programs.

In general, Microsoft has done a wonderful job, eliminated disadvantages of Windows 8 and significantly improved the convenience of work.

Excellent day!

After the operation of the operating room windows systems 8.1, users have the ability to select the completion of the Windows 8.1 operating system download immediately to the desktop. Microsoft B. new version Windows operating system has provided a choice for the user, how the operating system will look immediately after loading. What exactly will be open - the desktop, or will be opened "Initial Screen" with a tiled interface.

Before that, when using the Windows 8 operating system, so that when it starts it, the desktop is immediately opened, it was necessary to implement some changes in the operating system tinctures. Now it can be done much easier.

Receive update to Windows 8.1

All users of the license operating system Windows 8 can update their operating system to free windows version 8.1. To do this, they will need to go to " Windows Store"(Windows Store) to download the system update to Windows 8.1. The Windows 8.1 operating system will be downloaded to your computer from the Windows Store in the edition and discharge that was installed on your computer.

There are several options that differ, depending on the requirements.

After updating the system on your computer, Windows 8.1 operating system will be installed. In it, developers have introduced the ability to choose how to download Windows display when loading the operating system.

By default, when starting or restarting the Windows 8.1 operating system, the "initial screen" opens or differently "new user interface"(Modern UI), previously known as Metro UI. Now the user has the ability to choose what it will be necessary to open when starting or rebooting the operating system.

Many users do not like the default tile interface. After opening the "initial screen", they will be forced, immediately after that, open the desktop. Such extra televiations cause irritation from many users.

Still, the use of the desktop is more convenient to stationary computerbecause in one place you have wider access to different functions of your computer than the launch of applications in the tile interface, and the transition to other functions and commands is not very convenient when not sensory control. Moreover, it will still have to open the desktop to make many actions.

Loading to the desktop in Windows 8.1

In order to change the display of Windows after loading, you will need to click the right mouse button on the free place of the taskbar and navigation. After that it will open context menuin which you need to select the item "Properties".

In the "Initial Screen" field, opposite the item "When entering and closing applications, open the desktop instead of the initial screen", check box, and then click on the "OK" button.

After that, the display of the Windows 8.1 operating system, after loading the system or after closing all applications, will be changed to the desktop.

Conclusions Articles

Now on your computer will be booting the desktop in Windows 8.1 immediately after starting the operating system. You can immediately get to the desktop without doing extra movements.

Moreover, switching to the tile interface in Windows 8.1 is very easy. To do this, simply click on the left mouse button on the Start button, immediately after that the "Initial Screen" opens with a tile interface.

The greatest discontent of users previous versions Windows when moving to a new operating system, two things caused:

  1. By default, a new initial screen with "tiles" was opened, so it was necessary to click on the appropriate tile to go to the "familiar" desktop. At the next entry into the system, everything was repeated again.
  2. To turn off / restart the computer with the mouse I had to "call the magic buttons, to enter the parameters, select the shutdown and select the desired action.
With the exit, it became obvious that the developers from went to certain concessions to the "anneamians", not wanting to "redeem". Here we briefly describe the most important (useful) "chips" of Windows 8.1, which are very lacked in Windows 8.

In the usual place, the "Start" button appeared. By pressing right The mouse button on this button appears a convenient menu with the ability to immediately select shutdown or restart PC.

However, at the start of the system, tiles are still open, not a desktop. To configure the opening of the desktop instead of "tiles", you must first go to the "desktop". Then you need to click right The mouse button on the "taskbar".

Next, in the pop-up menu, select the item "Properties". The window dedicated to all settings of the taskbar and "navigation" will open. It is the "Navigation" tab, it is necessary to configure the opening of the desktop instead of the "initial screen". On this tab we find the item "When you enter the system and closing all applications to open the desktop instead of the initial screen" and put a tick.

Do not forget to click the "Apply" button, otherwise the changes will not be taken into account. Now when you turn on a computer or laptop, an old good desk will always be opened instead of the initial screen (tiles).

Recall that owners licensed windows 8 can be absolutely free to update the system to Windows 8.1 - you can do it through the Windows Store. If you buy one of the versions of the Windows 8 product or