What to do if the blue screen of windows 7. What to do if suddenly the blue screen of death crashes when windows starts

Blue screen Windows death 7 aka BSOD (blue screen of dearh) appears when a critical error occurs in the operating system, due to which it is impossible to continue using the computer. Usually, such an error occurs due to the fault of the system drivers, but this does not always happen. It is worth noting that despite its formidable appearance, often the error is solved quite simply, which many users do not know about. Sometimes, it even resolves itself after a system reboot. Therefore, in this article, I will tell you what the Blue Screen of Death error is, when it occurs and how you can overcome it.

It is noteworthy that every operating system has this kind of error, for example, in Linux it is akin to the "Kernel Panic" error.

The Windows 7 operating system provides many different tools for dealing with error problems. For example, if you notice that when an error occurs in individual programs, the system itself continues to run, showing you only a small window with text.

However, Windows 7 is essentially the same set of programs. Internal mechanisms allow you to cope with a number of your own errors, but there are also those after which the system simply cannot continue its execution. These errors are unresolvable and the only thing that the system can do in this case is to warn the user about them, and then perform an emergency restart of the computer.

Since errors can be related to the video card, they are displayed in the very simple form, namely in the form of white or yellow text on a blue background, which fully describes the situation in which a critical system failure occurred. Actually, because of the background and fatality of the error, it received the name "Blue Screen of Death", which has become the basis of many existing jokes about Windows 7.

For most users, only two fragments of the entire typing are important, they are shown in the figure below:

As you can see, the first fragment is an inscription with uppercase letters and an underscore separator, and the second fragment is a description of files and codes. It is them that you need to write down or remember, and then look for their decryption on the Internet or on the Microsoft website.

Possible causes of the "Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death" error

Before trying to solve a problem, it is necessary to understand its source. There can be many, but the most basic ones are:

1. Problems with drivers. Unlike conventional programs, not everything is simple with drivers. Their errors can be critical for the operating system and therefore they cannot just be taken and restarted. For example, one of common mistakes There is a problem with network card drivers. In such cases, a simple reinstallation of the drivers is usually sufficient.

2. Lack of free space on the system drive. The operating system, during its execution, like some programs, creates temporary files on the system disk, so if there is no disk space at a critical moment, the system may display the Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death. solved this problem simple cleaning of the system disk.

3. Another mistake is damaging important system files. In such a case, it is necessary to Windows recovery 7.

4. Registry errors. These kinds of errors are very rare, but they do happen. V this case, you need to look for a solution on the Internet using the text from the blue screen of death.

5. Equipment failure. Errors can occur not only because of programs, and this is just as important to consider. For example, the static motherboard can cause the screen of death to appear. Or the usual overheating of the computer. At home, it is not always possible to cope with such errors. For example, with cooling, you can solve the problem yourself, but with static, only if you have the tools and the appropriate skills.

In most cases, errors occur due to some changes in the system configuration, for example, reinstalling drivers or installing specific programs, so loading Windows 7 with Last Known Good Configuration can solve the problem (sometimes just rebooting is enough). Nevertheless, I advise you to look on the Internet for the true cause of the error after loading the system. Coming back, here is an instruction on how to load the latest configuration:

1. Restart your computer and wait until after the first information screen, the screen turns black.

2. At this moment, press the F8 key to pop up the menu as shown in the figure above.

3. Within 30 seconds, select "Run with Last Known Good Configurations" among the items and press the enter button.

If the problem is not solved, then you need to try to start the system in safe mode, for this, at step 3, you must select the appropriate item. In other cases, it is necessary to look for a decryption of the error on the Internet and the appropriate way to solve it. However, it is also useful to know a few things about diagnostics.

The problem with the Windows 7 blue screen of death is not only the error itself, but also the fact that by default, given error displayed for only a few seconds. This is done so that the abandoned computer, due to an accidental failure, reboots without the user's help and "possibly" continues to function (if the error disappears after the reboot). Be that as it may, this is quite inconvenient for diagnostics, but this feature can be turned off and here's how it's done:

If the operating system on a computer becomes unstable, it's annoying because it can't really do anything. A blue screen pops up and the computer restarts, what to do?

Something on your computer running Windows control not properly. It works and then suddenly reboots. This cycle repeats continuously at random. The computer is thus practically unusable. what to do if a blue screen appears and the computer restarts?

Entering and editing Windows settings

Don't know what to do if a blue screen crashes and the computer restarts windows 7, 8, 10? Something can be done about it, although there is never a definite solution. There is a feature in Windows that will at least tell you what the problem might be.

Let's first look at where you can find information about possible causes ah the crash of the operating system.

1. Go to window Windows Search and type sysdm.cpl. Find a program with the same name in the results, and then run it.
2. Click the tab Additionally. click Setup(Parameters)
4. In the dialog box that then appears, uncheck Runautomatic reboot.
5. Make sure that the option Write event to syslog enabled.

Now, when the operating system crashes, the computer will NOT restart on its own. After the operating system crashes, a blue screen with white letters will appear. It is often called - blue screen of death (BSOD) or blue screen of death .

Something is wrong with your Windows computer. It works and then suddenly reboots and then again while running and suddenly reboots. This cycle repeats continuously at random. The computer is thus practically unusable. What can be done?


If you look at the text on the screen, the question may come to mind, what does it mean? First of all, you will be interested in the second paragraph, in which the text is written in capital letters. Write it down. Also pay attention to the "Technical Information" section, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

In Windows 10, the blue screen of death is different in design from older versions. We are interested in the text written at the very end, in capital letters. This is the name of the error.

After you have noted down the name of the error, restart your computer. Now you need to use any search engine or try to find a solution on our website. Write the name of the error in the search, and you will see a detailed solution to this problem. I would like to say that very often the cause of the blue screen of death is the driver of your computer. It is advisable to download them only from the official website of the manufacturer of your PC / laptop. The second most common reason is RAM. Check the health of the boards random access memory your computer, you can use special third-party software.

In contact with

Today we will tell you what the Windows 7 blue screen of death is, what to do when it appears. We often see this phenomenon when the computer suddenly decides to randomly reboot. Windows 7 blue screen of death gives error codes along with a lot of obscure inscriptions. Knowing the meaning of the main codes will help eliminate the problem with the greatest efficiency. If we see a blue screen, this means that the operating system cannot correct the situation on its own. The appearance of the screen ends with a reboot, and all unsaved data is often lost. The main reasons for this phenomenon: error software, problems with PC hardware elements.

Causes of BSOD - Screen of Death

Windows 7 blue screen of death occurs due to problems with individual devices computer system or errors in the drivers responsible for supporting the specified devices. BSOD in some cases occurs due to a failure in the kernel of the operating system, it is commonly called low-level software.

Using the operating system to determine the causes of the failure is not easy, but the BlueScreenView program will help us. This application scans error data files on its own and shows more detailed information about crashes.

The classic Event Viewer theoretically allows you to get similar information, but in this case it will be displayed along with information from the system log and messages about application crashes. BlueScreenView receives information about all the screens of death that have occurred in the system.

Here you can see a lot of useful information about the crash, among others:

  • The driver that caused the error.
  • Description of the error.
  • Error code.
  • The time and date the error occurred.

Let's name the main causes of the "blue screen":

  • Most often, the problem lies in the failure of the driver of one of the devices in the computer system.
  • Failure of a PC component, such as, for example, a video card or RAM.
  • Incorrect overclocking of RAM or processor.
  • misconfigured.
  • Incompatible hardware, conflict individual components PC.
  • The computer is overheating.
  • There are viruses in the system.

Advanced users and developers can use a more sophisticated tool from Microsoft called WinDbg.

Error codes


This code may appear if there are difficulties with the Compositebus.sys driver. When a portable or multimedia device is first connected to the PC, it installs the driver and resets the USB. It is the simultaneous access to Compositebus.sys that causes the error. If you try to install a third-party driver, you may experience a similar failure.


The device queue was not busy. The problem lies in the drivers or hardware. To fix the situation, you need to update the drivers. The computer also needs to be scanned for viruses. The registry needs to be cleaned up. A hard drive check for errors will also be useful. If this does not help, update the operating system to the latest version.


The error is also caused by or hardware environments. The correction algorithm is already familiar to us: we check HDD for failures, clean the registry, look for viruses, eliminate them, update drivers. If all this turned out to be useless, download it to your computer current version Windows operating system.


This code indicates an exceptional invalid situation with data access. The cause of the failure may be the PC hardware or device drivers. The recipe is already familiar to us: from everything superfluous, we eliminate viruses, we update driver versions. If this does not help, you will have to upgrade to a more modern operating system.


This failure is due to an encoding error in the Http.sys element. The operating system will need to be updated. so that the position does not repeat itself. This error occurs when the driver calls the KeAttachProcess function, and if the thread is busy with another process, a problem occurs. Using the KeStackAttachProcess function can be more efficient in this position.


This error is also related to KeAttachProcess . Moving to the KeStackAttachProcess function will also help here. Among other possible causes of this failure: a breakdown in the power supply, memory failure, overheating. It is necessary to check the health of the power supply, test the hard drive and make sure that there are no viruses in the system. If this does not help, update the operating system.

In case of critical errors in the operation of the operating system, as a result of which the PC is restarted without saving data, and further work with information becomes impossible, a blue background with white letters is displayed on the screen, which is called. The name is a literal translation of the English term Blue Screen of Death (abbreviation - BSoD).

Causes and consequences of the appearance of BSoD

You should not be afraid of a blue screen, since any mechanism can fail sooner or later, but it can be quite difficult to determine its cause. BSoD is a kind of protective reaction of the operating system and appears in case of detection of code that does not work correctly.

PC operation is not possible because the system is shutting down. The user needs to carefully study the information received, and then reboot the system.

Thus, the blue screen provides information about the type of error by encrypting it with a hex code. Identification of the cause of the failure (decryption of the code) can be found in the search engine.

Some breakdowns in the system are very frequent, others are quite rare. For example, 0x00000001 corresponds to an APC_INDEX_MISMATCH error. When entering the code, we learn that the problem occurs as a result of the first installation or reinstallation third party application for MTP and WPD devices. Such an error can be fixed by downloading and reinstalling the latest update on the OS.

We hold the error on the screen

If the user, seeing what is happening on the screen, did not take any action, Windows will automatically start to reboot. In this mode, in the absence of technical knowledge and experience, it is difficult to understand the source of the failure. As a consequence, there is a need to delay the error on the PC screen.

To make it possible to decipher the sources of the failures that have occurred, you can go in several ways:

  • take pictures of indicators;
  • view memory dump entries;
  • use the diagnostic utility.

Writing the contents of working memory is enabled after disabling reboot in automatic mode. Why, in the "Computer" menu, the "Properties" tab is activated (with the mouse button on the right or with the quick combination "Win + Pause"). In position " Extra options system" located on the left side of the screen, open the "Advanced" window.

In the selected tab, we find the item "Download and Recovery" with a number of checkboxes. Next, you need to remove the option that performs auto-reboot, and check the box that is responsible for logging the event in the system log ("Write event to the system log"). Now, when a blue screen is displayed, the OS will not automatically reboot, and the necessary information about the dysfunction of the working system will be stored in memory.

Usage special application relevant for speed diagnosing the blue screen of death. For example, the Blue Screen View utility examines individual dumps, building them into a list.

The program carefully analyzes and collects information about the details of critical failures that occur and displays the products in decrypted form, indicating the version, bit depth. Events are viewed in separate windows of the resulting report, which can be saved in text format or an .html file.

How to analyze BSoD information

On the blue screen of death, information is located in a certain sequence on English language specifying the failure and how to fix it. In particular, we are talking about displaying:

  • failure names;
  • recommendations for its elimination;
  • hexadecimal error code;
  • failure parameters;
  • driver name;
  • failure addresses.

Often there are failures that occur due to a breakdown of a PC hardware element (hard drive, RAM, video card or power supply). It is not uncommon for conflicts that occur between devices in the computer or due to the incompatibility of the connected equipment with.

Unsuitable or incompatible drivers, lack of free working space on the disk, poor functioning of coolers leading to overheating, action malware- no less common circumstances leading to the appearance of the death screen.

The main reasons that cause failures in the OS

The appearance of the Windows 7 blue screen of death upon boot is a serious enough reason to analyze the operation of the PC as a whole.

First, you can check how much space is left on the disk for system data. If there is no space, you should delete unnecessary information in the usual way or using cleaning utilities.

Periodically, it is necessary to scan the OS with antiviruses in order to destroy viruses, trojans and other software that contributes to disruption of the PC.

If the activation of the blue screen is triggered by errors in the Windows 7 codes, you can install the service pack in latest version and periodically update the system in the future. For this purpose, in the "System Properties" menu, the item " Automatic update”, in which the corresponding button “Automatic (recommended)” is activated.

If the crash occurs when a new program or driver is loaded, the error can be resolved by rolling back the driver to previous version or by deleting the program. You can use "Run Last Known Good Configuration".

The activation of the blue screen can be associated with connecting a new incompatible device to the PC. Then one of the components is replaced - either the device (with a compatible one) or the operating system that supports it.

If the device is initially compatible, but the OS still gives an error, new versions of the drivers obtained from the manufacturer's website are installed.

If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can set the settings in the BIOS. For a non-professional, it is better not to use this trick, because as a result you can get an even bigger problem than a blue screen.

The screen of death may be the result of malfunctions in the RAM. A broken line is detected through one of the testing programs. So, the MemTest86 utility allows you to test memory without an OS or connecting other drivers. To connect it, a bootable flash drive(disk). The program writes all the memory in blocks of data, and then reads and checks what has been written.

The causes of BSoD may be bad sectors or errors on the hard drive. The problem is solved through standard operations: in the "Tools" menu, a volume check is performed.

It will be useful to monitor the cleanliness of the PC, which will eliminate the problem of overheating, which provokes the blue screen of death. It is necessary to lubricate the cooling components of the processor, chipset, power supply with a special tool. If necessary, additional coolers are installed to ensure the normalization of the passage of air flows.

To fix the BSoD, you can reinstall the operating system using its licensed version.

General algorithm of actions for solving the BSoD problem without decryption

If there is a problem in the form of a blue screen, you can do without decoding the error code. To begin with, we analyze our actions with the computer recently. If their list includes a driver update, program installation, registry change, hardware replacement, access to a site with a dubious reputation, you can do it differently.

First, the OS boots when using the Last Known Good Configuration mode. To do this, all disks are removed, and the computer restarts. During the reboot, the F8 key is held down, which causes the Windows symbol to appear. Then the PC should be restarted again and, having received the inscription “ Additional options boot", select "Last Known Good Configuration".

If this attempt was unsuccessful and did not lead to the elimination of errors, the computer is loaded into " safe mode” (alternatively, “...with loading network drivers”).

After that, you can check the disk, the integrity of its system components and the presence of viruses.

So, the blue screen helps to identify failures that occur during the execution of code in the kernel's runtime mode. To do this, it is enough to keep your PC clean, use drivers and proven programs downloaded from official resources of reliable manufacturers. By following simple rules, you can reduce the possibility of interrupting the system by several times.

If BSoD began to periodically disrupt the usual rhythm of PC operation, you can easily decipher the error code, and then eliminate its cause.

One of the biggest annoyances that users have to face is a critical OS error that causes the Windows blue screen of death. Today we will analyze the causes of its occurrence and consider methods to eliminate it.

The blue screen of death got its name from the background color on which error data is displayed. For short, the English name has been changed to the abbreviation BSOD. To understand the causes of occurrence, let us turn to the architecture of operating Windows systems NT. In general, due to the modular structure of the OS, all running processes are divided into user processes and those executed in kernel mode. The former have limited access to system resources and peripherals, and the latter - unlimited. BSOD errors occur at the kernel level when the system detects a critical code error or an inability to perform operations. The operation of the OS in this case is immediately terminated, and unsaved data is deleted.


Since kernel errors are critical, Microsoft is forced to respond to them and keeps statistics on their occurrence. The aggregated data looks like this:

  • 70% - incorrect operation of drivers;
  • 15% - unidentified causes;
  • 10% - failure in the hardware configuration;
  • 5% - errors in the Windows executable code.

Detailed details regarding the drivers, unfortunately, are missing. However, the available information is sufficient to localize the problem with a high degree of probability.

Error data output

For happy users who have never experienced a BSOD, we will show you what the Windows 7 blue screen of death looks like.

The following data is displayed on the monitor:

  1. Text error code.
  2. Primary recommendations for its elimination.
  3. Technical information with error codes.

The blue screen in Windows 10 has changed its tone, and the amount of information displayed has been significantly reduced.

Now, the following data is available to the user:

  1. A link to a web page about the problem and how to fix it.
  2. Text information with an error code to call the service technical support.
  3. QR code. It is assumed that the user reads it using a smartphone and will be taken to a page with a description of the problem.

Usually the computer goes into reboot after a few seconds to prevent damage to the hardware configuration. Let's figure out what to do if you did not have time to read the information necessary for diagnosis.

Disabling automatic reboot

You can change the settings related to the behavior of the OS in case of critical failures. We launch the control panel and go to the section indicated in the screenshot.

In the window that appears, select the item marked in the quick transition area.

In the "System Failure" block, uncheck the box indicated by the arrow and confirm your decision.

Now, when a Windows 7 blue screen error occurs, you can read technical information displayed on the monitor.

Additional error information

If the cause of the blue screen of death in Windows 7 has not been determined from the preliminary information, the user can study additional information. Any event that occurs is recorded in the system log, which can be accessed using the control panel.

Select the section marked in the screenshot.

A list of administration options will open in which we are interested in the event viewer.

On the left side, expand the list of Windows logs. A list of system events will appear in the middle area of ​​the window. By marking the found error notification, you can view the details of the "culprit".

Full failure information can be retrieved automatically from created file dump. This will require you to download special utility. The most simple and does not require installation is BlueScreenView. On the developer's website, you can additionally download a file with a Russian translation of the interface. By opening the dump created by the system with its help, you can analyze in detail the error codes that appear on the blue screen of Windows 7.


The study of the reasons that caused the failure in the core of the system is best left to specialists. They will be able to read the BSOD codes much better than the average user. Consider how, following the recommendations of Microsoft, to remove the blue screen of death on your own.

  1. If any changes were made to the BIOS before the OS crash, we return the settings to their original state and disable peripherals. If possible, we also try to return the hardware configuration to a state that ensures stable operation. For example, if an error appeared after replacing components, return the old video card or RAM strips to their place. Thus, we cancel all recent physical actions with the PC, which could lead to system error.
  2. Fix blue screen caused by software errors, you can install latest updates OS or latest versions of drivers from the manufacturer's website. In some cases, on the contrary, it is necessary to “roll back” the system to a stable state using restore points.
  3. Perform hardware configuration testing to check for errors or conflicts.

HDD and RAM check

We tear off the "Explorer". Select "Computer" from the shortcut menu. Highlighting system disk, call context menu.

In the properties of the HDD, go to the "Service" tab and open the item indicated by the arrow.

We tick off both parameters in order not only to identify, but also, if possible, eliminate existing errors. We start the check.

Since the selected disk contains a working OS, we will be prompted to check it when we reboot. We agree to this condition by pressing the marked button.

Go to the control panel and again find the administration section. Open the list of tools contained in it and select the marked one.

We use the first point for diagnostics. Now, by sending the computer to reboot, we will conduct two tests of the hardware configuration at once.

First run RAM check.

Testing starts next hard drive.

If there are errors, information about them will be displayed on the screen after Windows starts.

Windows 10

All of the above steps apply to Windows 10 as well, as both OS based on a single NT kernel. In order not to switch between the old and new interface, it is better for the user to immediately open the classic control panel. The required sections are marked in the screenshot.

It is worth recognizing that universal way There is no cure for PC BSOD errors. The difference in hardware configurations requires an individual approach in each case. The most "neglected" options are "treated" only complete reinstallation OS.