Creating a Mac OS boot disk. Reinstalling the Mac OS system

Most users are faced with the problem of creating a boot disk for Apple computers when reinstalling the system.

This instruction will help you create a boot disk and rearrange the system from scratch.

Before proceeding with the reference system, make sure you have everything you need:

  • flash drive at least 8 GB. The flash drive should not contain important files, because during the preparation we will have to format it. Or DVD DL (two-layer DVD disc)
  • Ilife 11.

If you bought Mac OS X Lion or Mac Os Mountain Lion and you do not have an image - do not waste, you need to put on the operating system installer, which is located in the program folder, right-click and click "Show Package Content"

In a new window, you will find the contents of the installer. Go to the Contents-\u003e SharedSupport folder and reopt the installesd.dmg to the desktop. This is your boot image.

Everything we figured out. Now you need to carry out simple manipulations to prepare the installation flash drive or recording the installation image on the DVD DL disk.

Creating a Mac OS boot flash drive.

1) Open the program disk utility that is on the way Finder-\u003e Programs-\u003e Utilities

2) In the top menu, press File -\u003e Open the disk image, and select Your Installation Image

3) Slide the USB flash drive and make sure it is displayed in the disk utility

4) Click on it and go to the "Disk section" menu.

5) In the drop-down menu "Section Scheme", select "Section: 1"

6) Low below is the "Parameters" button, click on it and put a check mark in front of the GUID section scheme item

7) And in the "Format" section, select the "Mac OS Extended" disk format as shown in the bottom of the bottom, and the MMA will take at its viewing

10) Click the "Apply" button to make changes to force. Recall: all data from flash drives will be deleted

Now we can only bow the image on the USB flash drive. For this:

11) Go to Clack "Restore" and drag the USB flash drive to the item "Purpose", and the image to the "Source" point

12) Click "Restore"

13) The disk utility will warn it that deletes all the data from the flash drive, we agree by clicking on the "Erase" button

Copy takes up to 20 minutes. After that you can start installing the operating system.

Creating a Mac OS boot disk.

In addition to the loading flash drive, you can create a boot disk with the system. In some cases, this option is easier, for example, if there is no flash drive at hand or you often reinstall the system.

As written above for the boot disk you will need:

  • installation Systems 10.7 or older
  • DVD DL disk (two-layer DVD disc)
  • We strongly recommend to have an ILIFE installation disk. Since iPhoto, iMovie, IDVD, GarageBand are not installed along with the system, and go a separate package.

1) Open the program disk utility that is on the way Finder-\u003e Programs-\u003e Utilities

2) From the top menu, click "Write" and select Your Installation Image

3) After a short preparation and check, the "Record" button will light up to start writing to the disk.

Installing Mac OS from scratch

Now it's time to move to the installation of the Mac OS operating system.

1) Turn off the computer.

2) Enable the computer reservoir button until the selection of boot volumes appears.

3) To boot from the installation flash drive, lay the double click on it with the mouse and wait for the full download.

4) 2-3 minutes after selecting the boot volume, you will be offered to choose a language -Select convenient, for example Russian.

5) After a few seconds you will see a window with utilities that you will help refresh the operating system.

6) Run the disk utility and format the disk, for this, make items 4-10 of this instruction, but not for a flash drive, but already internal disk. Then close the program. As always forced to warn - all your files, data, programs, etc. are de. If you want to save the data, use the backup setting to Mac OS

7) You will now need a utility that is slightly higher - "Reinstall OS X". This is the last program of which we need to help on our way to reinstalled system. Run it and follow the instructions that will be displayed on the screen.

If you have arises of complexity or questions -, they will make a maximum effort to help you.

The MacOS operating system has a large number of embedded programs. Moreover, some of them have much more opportunities than it seems at first glance. In this material we will tell about two standard MacOS applications that allow you to record video from the screen on Mac.

The screen recording function in the QuickTime Player video player appeared on the MAC still with OS X Lion Apple output.

Write a video from the Mac screen with QTP is quite simple, for this:

1. Open the QuickTime Player application. The program is on the way Finder → ProgramsAlso easily opens through Launchpad (in the other folder) Or search Spotlight.

2. To start recording, you can use a key combination ⌘Cmd + Control + N or simply select the appropriate item in the menu bar.

3. Immediately after activating the recording, you will see a black window in which you can configure some options.

Here you can choose a microphone to write explanations to your video, as well as turn on the display of the mouse clicks on the video.

4. When you turn on the display of the mouse clicks, while recording when you click on any object on the screen, a black circle will be displayed around the pointer.

5. After clicking on the record button, you can choose: write the image from the entire screen or mark a specific area.

6. Upon completion, click on the button " stop»On the menu bar.

9. To change the resolution (quality) video while saving, go to the menu File and select Export as.

How to record a video from the Mac screen using the screen snapshot (MacOS Mojave only)

With the release of Macos Mojave Apple developers equipped the standard video capture feature from the MAC screen. With the help of new tools, the video capture process from the screen will be even easier. The function does not intend to use QuickTime Player, the application for writing the screen can be found on the new toolbar.

1. Open the application Screenshot. The program is on the way Finder → Programs → Utilities → ScreenshotAlso easily opens through (in the folder Others) Or search Spotlight.

application Screenshot It also starts using a combination of keys ⌘cmd + ⇧shift + 5.

After starting the program, a horizontal toolbar appears at the bottom of the screen, the left part of which refers to the creation of screenshots, and the right-to-shoot video from the MAC screen.

2. Tap "Record the entire screen" or "Write the selected area".

3. To start recording, click "Record".

4. Select a part of the screen you want to write if you want to capture only its part. The record will start immediately after your choice.

5. Click the button "Stop" On the menu bar to stop the record.

6. If necessary, click on the thumbnail of the captured video in the lower right corner to start the video editing screen.

How to choose a default location for screen entries in MacOS Mojave

Despite the fact that for records after creating them, you can choose any place on a computer disk, a new tool allows you to make a default choice.

1. Open the program Screenshot any of the methods of the above, for example, using a key combination ⌘cmd + ⇧shift + 5.

2. Tap "Parameters".

3. Select "Desktop", "Documentation", "Clipboard", "Post office", "Messages" etc. to set the location of saving.

How to set a timer to start recording video from the MAC screen (for MacOS Mojave and newer)

1. Open the program Screenshot

2. Tap "Parameters".

3. To set the timer, select "5 second" or "10 Seconds"to disable, select Option "Not".

How to Show Mouse Cursor on Screenshots (for Macos Mojave and Newer)

1. Open the program Screenshot Any of the methods mentioned above.

2. Tap "Parameters".

3. Tap "Show mouse cursor".

When you turn on the display of the mouse pointer, while recording video from the screen when you click on any object on the screen, a black circle will be displayed around the pointer.

How to edit (Trim) Video Recording Screen (for MacOS Mojave and Newer)

1. After recording video in the lower right corner, its miniature will appear. Click on it to start the edit mode.

If you did not have time to click on the miniature, open the video taken on the path shown in Parameters. Default is Desktop.

2. Press the trim button in the upper right corner of the edit window.

3. If necessary, move the capture points at both ends of the recording time scale to change the recording length.

4. Click "Ready".

6. To change the resolution (quality) video while saving, open the video in the QuickTime Player application and go to the menu File and select Export as.

If you downloaded an ISO image of a third-party system, such as Windows 10 or Ubuntu to your MAC and want to copy it to a USB flash drive, then at a certain point will come across the problem.

One way to help copy the image to an external medium is the use of the terminal. We will describe this material about all the features of this method.

The main snag that may occur is related to the Sudo command. First, it requires a mustache administrator password. Secondly, due to the specifics of the work of the command, the incorrect user actions can damage and loss of copied data.

Before copying, make sure that all the names of the flash drive and image correspond to those that are recorded in the team. The correspondence must be complete, otherwise Mac will erase other data. Also, all information on the USB drive will be automatically removed and the ISO image of the system will be recorded on top. Neither requests nor confirmations will be.

1. Connect the USB flash drive to the computer.
2. Run the terminal.
3. Enter the following command:

4. The command will display all the devices connected to the Mac approximately in this form:

$ diskutil list
/ dev / disk0
#: Type Name Size Identifier
0: guid_partition_scheme * 251.0 GB Disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB Disk0s1
2: Apple_Corestorage 250.1 GB Disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.1 MB Disk0s3
/ dev / disk1
#: Type Name Size Identifier
0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD * 249.8 GB Disk1
Logical Volume ON Disk0s2
Unlocked Encrypted.
/ dev / disk3
#: Type Name Size Identifier
0: Partition_scheme * 5.3 MB Disk3
1: Partition_Map 32.3 KB Disk3S1
2: Fat_32 The_Destination 8.2 GB Disk3S2
/ dev / disk4
#: Type Name

5. In this list, find your USB drive by name, which in our case is called the_destination.
6. Pay attention to the device identifier, in our case it is disk3s2. Write it down in order not to lose.
7. Run the following command:

sudo Umount / Dev / Identifier

Insert the desired parameter to the identifier, in our version the command will look:

sudo DD if \u003d / image.iso of \u003d / dev / Ridency BS \u003d 1M

The command needs to substitute its parameters. Not only the identifier, but also the path to the image, as well as its name. Example:

sudo dd if \u003d ~ / desktop / windows10_x64_en-us.iso of \u003d / dev / rdisk3s2 bs \u003d 1m

Pay attention to the R parameter before the identifier and BS \u003d 1M after it. They are not required for the copying and recording process, but significantly accelerate this process.

10. If you entered all commands correctly, you can press ENTER.
11. The system will require an administrator password entry, after which the copy process will be launched.

Note that the lines of progress will not be. The speed of copying and recording is also not constant and will depend on many parameters, including Mac performance, flash drive speed and so on. Upon completion of the process, you can turn off the drive and proceed to its use as a boot.

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It's time to write another useful instruction for Mac users. Today I will show you how to create a boot USB flash drive with Mac OS X Installer.

Why do you need it? Well, situations where you can apply such a flash drive there are more than a few. Suppose your old hard drive "flew" (God forbid), and now you want to install the system to a new hard disk, or you just want to install the system at once to several computers, or you need to perform a "clean" installation of OS X. Well, same your option ...

Let's be proceeding to the process itself.

Create a boot flash drive with an OS X installer is not at all difficult. And the paths for this there are also several.

For a variety, I will give two options for your choice. Choose any ... at your discretion, well, or the level of advancement.

Minimum requirements:

  • The first thing we need is a flash drive itself. Minimum amount of 8GB (be prepared that you will lose all data from this drive during formatting). The drive can be any ... Even external railway
  • Downloaded from Mac App Store Installer OS X in Format.App

Download Installer OS X

First of all, we need to download the installer OS X. We are now specially not tied to a certain version of OS X, because Each year Apple releases an update.

The old version of the operating system almost immediately becomes inaccessible to download from the App Store. At the moment, the current version is OS X 10.11.3 EL Capitan. Therefore, download the file with the installer on the link below.

Downloaded by installer Install OS X El Capitan.App"It has a size of 6.2 GB and the default is placed in the folder Programs (Applications).

Create a bootable USB flash drive with an OS X Installer

And here for your choice, as I promised, two ways to solve our problem are presented:

  1. The first method, as for me, the simplest and fully automated (involved third-party software).
  2. The second implies some actions on your part (not required to install third-party software).

Method number 1: Use the DiskMaker x 5 application

To create a boot USB flash drive with an OS X installer, good people have created a special application - Diskmaker X.. It is completely free and fully automates the process of formatting and transfer the installer to USB media. A brief instruction is shown below.

Step 2 - Run the DiskMaker X application and in the window that opens, select the version of the operating system we want to upload to USB media. In our case, it is El Capitan.

Step 3 - Next will follow a couple of steps, where you need to confirm the location of the installer itself (folder /Programs) And which carriers require it to write. Follow the tips on the screen and agree where it is necessary.

The process of creating a bootable flash drive with OS X takes about five minutes, so be patient. After the process is completed, the appropriate message will appear.

To use the boot flash drive, you must restart the computer with the Option (Alt) button, and select USB media from the download manager.

Method number 2: We use only state funds OS X

This method is a bit more complicated and longer, because We will do everything manually. Follow the instructions below.

Part 1: USB Preparation Media

Step 1 - Insert the USB flash drive and run the disk utility. Then click on the left side of the window named this flash drive. Once again I remind you that the flash drive must be a volume of at least 8 GB.

Step 2 - Select the " Erase"And in a string Format Specify Mac Os Extended (Journaled). Click the erase button ... and confirm your intentions again.

Step 3 - Click the " Disc section" Expand Menu Section scheme and select Section 1.

Step 4 - in the field Name Enter untitled. (This is important, because In the next part, we will access the USB media by this name).

Step 5 - Click the Settings button ... and select item GUID section scheme (It is necessary to copy system files to USB media). Confirm clicking OK.

Step 6 - After that click on the Apply button. When the USB preparation process is completed, close the disk utility.

Our flash drive is ready! Now it remains to transfer the OS X installer, downloaded earlier. This is more detailed in the second part below.

Part 2: Transfer OS X installer to USB media

Step 1 - At the very beginning of the article, you had to download the installer OS X EL Capitan. If you still have not done so, come back and download. As a result, the downloaded installer "Install OS X El Capitan.App" (size 6.2 GB) must be in the folder Programs.

Step 2 - Run Terminal And run the following command (so as not to make a typo, simply copy and paste the text below):

sudo / Applications / Install \\ os \\ x \\ el \\ -Volume / Volumes / Untitled -ApplicationPath / Applications / Install \\ OS \\ X \\ EL \\ Capitan.App

If you can't run this command in the terminal, and instead issues a message " command Not Found"So you immediately indicated something wrong.

In my case, I incorrectly indicated the name of the installer, which ultimately should be like this: Install \\ OS \\ X \\ EL \\ Capitan.App ( before each space in the file name in the terminal, you must install a reverse slash).

Step 3 - Enter the administrator password when you are asked ( in the terminal window, your password will not be highlighted, and it will seem that you don't dial anything at all - it should be). After you click Enter, you will be asked to clean the media USB cleaning - enter the letter Y. And once again press ENTER.

Step 4 - In the window Terminal The process of creating a boot USB flash drive will begin with OS X EL Capitan. The USB flash drive will rewn the boot files and the OS X installer itself.

Step 5 - After successfully completing the process, close the window Terminal. To use the flash drive, restart the computer with the Option (ALT) button and in the download manager, select Replaceable media.

Something like that! The first method of creating a boot USB flash drive with OS X was much easier, but the second method does not particularly strain, although it has to work a little handles. As always, the choice is yours.

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