Explorer version 6.0. We update the Internet Explorer browser to the current version.

Browser Internet Explorer. The default is part of each operating system Windows, which makes it one of the most popular browsers in the world. However, on the computer, as a rule, an outdated version of Internet Explorer is installed. This is due to the fact that the computer is currently actual at the time of the operating system output and not always users download the recommended Windows updates in automatic mode.

The use of an outdated browser is extremely dangerous, as it is vulnerable to viruses and does not support new features. Thus, modern sites will not be displayed correctly on it.

In this article you will learn how to update internet Browser Explorer to the current version and make it updated automatically.

For various operating rooms windows systems Different versions of Internet Explorer are available. For Windows XP, the latest supported version is Internet Epxlorer 8, for Windows Vista - Internet Explorer 9, for Windows 7 and older - Internet Eplorer 11.

To find out what you have current version IE browser on your computer Open the INTRERNET Explorer and click " Service"(Or key combination Alt + X.) and click " About the program". The window will pop up in which your version of Windows will be written.

In my case, on Windows 7, the Internet Explorer 10 browser is installed and as it was written above, the last version for this operation is the 11 version, so it needs to be updated. By the way, choosing a daw " Install new versions automatically", Internet Explorer browser will be automatically updated if installed on the computer windows updates. But back to the topic of updates.

To update Internet Explorer browser, go to the IE download page on the Microsoft website and click Download Internet Explorer 11 (for Windows 7 users below Windows 7 will offer 9 or 8 browser version.

After downloading the installer, run it. Start the installation of the latest available for your version. Windows browser Internet Explorer. In my case, this is Internet Explorer 11.

In case you have Windows 7 and the program could not upgrade to the 11 version, most likely you lack the Global Service Pack 1 to update for Windows 7.

Go to the menu StartControl Panelsystem and safetyWindows Update Centerchecking for updates. Set all the necessary updates after the detection. After that, try installing Internet Explorer again.

At the end of the installation you will be prompted to restart the computer.

On this Internet Explorer update completed.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to the article.

Internet Explorer - almost the most famous web browser, and to this day remains one of the most popular among users around the world, although in Russia, according to statistics, its position is far from so strong: being well-fastened with such programs as Google Chrome., Opera Browser, Yandex Browser, Firefox, as well as the popularity of Orbitum, is perceived by most users only as a mandatory appendage to the operating system.

Nevertheless, among many both consumers and the creators of the content, this browser for one reason or another is still relevant.

Updates to the current version

As you know, many developers software With different periodicity release updates for their products. Most often this is done in connection with the addition defined functions Programs, adaptation for new equipment, as well as the correction of certain errors. But sometimes there are situations in which the release of the new update is due to the termination of support from the developers of old versions of programs. This is also true for the Internet Explorer browser, the support of the old versions of which Microsoft was fully completed. In addition, users who did not update the browser users lose and critical security updates and compatibility for topical versions of operating systems.

The last and currently relevant version of Internet Explorer is V. eleven, affordable users Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 operating systems (Windows XP holders have the opportunity to upgrade to the maximum up to the eighth version, working in windows Environment Vista will have to be content with the ninth).

In some cases, the browser receives topical updates along with Windows updates. This happens when the automatic update option is activated in the Windows Update Center. In this situation, no action is required from the user, since the most recent version of the browser is always ready for work. But in situations in which automatic download updates are disabled or missing permanent connection To the Internet, update the program is manually (often the browser will independently remind you of the need to download the next update).

For different versions Windows has various approaches to updating Internet Explorer.

For Windows XP.

Anyone official update It is recommended to download exclusively from the software manufacturer sites. First, for security reasons, and secondly, because of the convenience, since the process of developers the process is scheduled for steps and quite laconic. However, in the case of Windows XP, for which official support Microsoft already Several years stopped, this option will not work. It will not be possible to organize updates and means of the operating system itself. Therefore, Windows XP users remain only two options: search on third-party resources and at your own risk and risk to make the necessary actions or use a rather tricky way to edit the registry and replacing the operating system signatures to attempt to update through the update center.

Windows Vista.

For this operating system, update scenario through Microsoft servers, users are no longer available, but the browser 9 versions can still be downloaded from the official website.

For 32-bit systems: https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id\u003d29254

For 64-bit systems: https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id\u003d43374

After downloading, you need to start the file and follow the installer's instructions.

Windows 7, 8.1, 10

For Win 7, there are two ways to update the Internet Explorer browser.

Through the center of updates

If configured automatic update, I don't need to do anything, in other cases in the "Search for Computer Search" section, you must click the "Update Check" button, after which the OS will display the list of available updates, and the user will have the opportunity to choose the required. At the same time, the refreshments for security and the functionality of the operating system of the update will be labeled as "important", however, the decision still takes the user itself.

Use Microsoft Download Page

You need to go to the Special Section of Microsoft, located at https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/17621/internet-explorer-downloads, after which you select the Windows version and then the corresponding battery of the operating system installation file. (The discharge can be found in the properties of the system). With this method of updating, the forced deletion of the previous version of the program is not required: the installer will produce all the necessary actions itself.

It should be borne in mind that installing 11 version of Internet Explorer will succeed only by those whose version of Windows 7 has already been updated to Service Pack 1. If for one reason or another this update is not installed in the system, and the last version of the browser is needed, will help the center of updates through which the required files can be downloaded to the computer.

In win 8 browser latest version Not supported. First, it is necessary to pro-write the system to 8.1, and only after that, to install IE 11. Most likely, most users do not have any actions, because few people were ready to work in rather ambiguous Windows 8, and at the first opportunity was updated to 8.1. The same who did not do this, to use all the advantages of the eleventh version of the Microsoft browser, update the system will still have (without this, the browser installation simply does not start).

All this is performed in several stages.

  • You need to start the update center and install all current updates of the operating system, designated by the "important" margin. During the installation process, the computer can be rebooted several times.
  • After all important updates will be installed, you can start windows installation 8.1. This operation is available from the Windows Store.
  • After completing the installation of the update Win 8.1, the user also gets at his disposal and full-featured version of the Internet Explorer 11 browser version.
  • Via Windows Update. You can both automatically and in manual mode Download and install all available updates for both the operating system itself and the browser.

In Windows 10, the developers initially planned a complete replacement of outdated IE, but some compatibility issues forced them yet, to the joy of many users, Internet Explorer from the operating system cannot be removed. So currently windows users 10 can take advantage of the two pre-installed browsers from Microsoft.

Microsoft EDGE - newest browser, designed in the future finally replaced outdated Internet Explorer, but being an integral part of the operating system now.

Internet Explorer itself final eleventh version. All topical updates can be obtained by windows services Update. Moreover, by default, in Windows 10, auto-update is on constantly, and it is not necessary to disable it with the usual most users.

Internet Explorer 6.0, final edition new version The most popular web browser is posted on a network for free download by all those who want

Microsoft has released the final version of the new version of its Web browser Internet Explorer 6.0.. From yesterday, it is possible to copy it for free from the Microsoft website. The same version will be included in the new Windows XP.Computers with which will appear at the end of September, and the box version - October 25 of this year.

Long before the exit IE 6.0 It was criticized by a wide Internet publicity, since this browser does not support two main competing products that are used on most Web sites on the worldwide network: Java programming language and built-in plug-ins (plug-ins) third-party manufacturers. Failure to automatically support plugins means some programs, including multimedia player QuickTime Apple produced will not work by default if site developers will not meet Microsoft meets. Therefore, IE 6.0 users to see the Web pages where Java programs or clips are used in QuickTime format, you will need to download special patches.

Microsoft declares that the refusal to support "outsiders" technologies was made to strengthen the browser protection system, and everyone else believes that in this way Microsoft clears the place for their technologies (for example, Windows Media. Player. instead of QuickTime I. ActiveX. instead of Sun Java).

IE 6.0 is characterized by greater functionality than previous versions And has several innovations designed to surprise the user. Microsoft removed from the browser a number of controversial functions, which, in the view of the testers, gave the company "Too much power over the network." Among such functions - SmartTagstransforming keywords On the web page in hyperlinks to "approved" Microsoft Content. Tags allowed to click on words and terms. Go to explanatory information that was stored, of course, on Microsoft sites. On the recommendation of the testers from the browser are also excluded Personal Bar. and Contacts..

IE 6.0 will support confidentiality standard P3p. (Platform for Privacy Preferences), allowing the user to "unsubscribe" from downloading cookies (small fragments of data on the prehistory of appeals this user To this WWW server, they are automatically created by the server on the user's machine) with some servers. Users will be able to choose from five settings that allow you to expand the ability to define servers, where to download cookies should not be. IE6 can be installed under any windows versionBut not earlier Win95.

Prepared based on Infoart and CNews