How to completely remove Firefox. Full removal of the Mozilla Firefox browser in Windows

I think, if not everyone, the situation is definitely familiar to many of us when the program installed on the computer begins to work incorrectly, simply speaking, "bug". Usually all your attempts to "bring her feeling" are equal to zero, but after all, the situation must be solved somehow! With browser Mozilla Firefox., as with any other observer, there are also incidents, so you need to know what to do in such cases.

And usually everything is banal and simple: it is necessary to remove the browser, and then set it again. But how to do it, unfortunately, not everyone knows, and therefore the subject of this material will be the question: how to remove Mozilla Firefox completely? Let's find out!

Removal by standard method

There are two options to remove Firefox in full: standard way And manually. In order to take advantage of the first, do the following:

Manual removal

Usually everyone is successfully used in the first way, but if, due to any cause, it is impossible, you can apply manual removal. You need to remove only a few folders, namely:

So, summarizing, I want to once again note that remove Mozilla Firefox, or any other browser can be only two ways: manually or regular means. Make it simple enough, the main thing is to know how.

This article describes the most simple and simplest and most simple as possible. standard methods how to remove the browser from the computer completely without third-party programs and extra televitations.

For example, we will use the operating system Windows 10.However, in all other OS from Microsoft, the removal will be completely equally equally.

So, proceed:

Step-by-step instruction

# 1 Deleting via "Applications" (Installation and Removal of Programs)

# 2 deletion via file uninstaller

If item 1 did not work, which is extremely rare, we will delete Firefox through a special file. For this we need:

After successful deletion, the Mozilla Firefox folder should abdain from the C: \\ Program Files \\ directory.

# 3 Firefox User Profile Delete

The last optional step, but important, if you need it. We removed the browser from the computer, but all the information, such as: bookmarks, search history and other user data are still saved in your profile. In order to completely delete all the Firefox data you need:


Today we figured out how to remove Mozilla Firefox completely from a computer. As you can see, it is very easy and accessible to everyone. I hope you can easily do it.

If you want to try new browser I recommend downloading one of them on main page Our site.

If for some reason you decided to remove Mozilla Firefox, then we will help you do it. Causes can actually be different, but one of the most frequent -. Then it takes a complete removal and installation from scratch. But it may also be that a person just decided to change the browser to another.

It is very important to remove the browser correctly, so that there are no "Skhovsty" from him. Otherwise, in the future, when reinstalling, they can lead to various kinds of errors and program bugs. Yes, and simply can slow down the work of the computer, especially if the computing machine does not have outstanding technical specifications.

Removing the program itself

And now let's start the instructions. And at the first stage, we need to remove the browser program itself. To implement it, do the following:

Clean the registry from Firefox

The program of Mozilla we were certainly deleted, but do not hurry to close this article, so you need to do some more actions in order to remove the tails that remained after it.

To do this, we need to go to the start, in the search string to enter: perform (or simply press the Win + R keys.

Then in the window that opens, to drive in the string " Regedit.". So we will open the registry editor to which we will delete the remaining files.

In the Registry Editor, we need to find the following folders and delete them. These folders can be found on the specified paths (left column):

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ Firefoxhtml.

All these folders need to be removed if they are not, it means nothing to remove. If not hunting to search manually, then just write the paths in the search. Go to the tab " Edit"And open the link" Search"Where to drive the address of the directory.

And to finally get rid of all temporary files, you need to do something else. Namely:

All, you made a complete deletion of Firefox from your computer. You can reinstall it and not be afraid that there will be some errors.

CCleaner and installation

All versions can be downloaded on the official website of the developer Click on this hyperlink and click on the green button " FREE DOWNLOAD.", After that you will be moved to the download page. Here you can choose which distribution you need.

How to remove the browser usingCCleaner

In order to remove Mozilla Firefox with your operating system Fully, you must do the following.

If you decide to demolish Mozil from a computer, then this is your right, but I will say on garlic that as a browser is not bad. She, as it seems to me, the chromium works faster, if only because it does not splash on a separate process for each tab ... You see, here you have 20 tabs in chrome, and the same amount of chromium processes, and even more happens ...

So. And the chrome, in the meantime, firmly took the minds, that is, the users of users, honestly I do not know how it succeeds, but I read that chrome occupies a decent share in the browser market and this amount grows! That's it. Although I in a sense agrees that chrome is not bad, many heavy sites it displays as it wereight ...

Well, okay, let's turn to what I should write about here. Namely, how to remove the Mozilla Firefox completely from the computer, I will immediately say that nothing is complicated and everything will turn out.

Just in case, I will say that there is a certain remote control, which just specializes in removing software from a computer. He as a program is able to remove the garbage after her to clean. In general, my business is to offer, and you already see themselves, but I will say that the prog is suitable ...

So, proceed to the operation

Press the start and choose the control panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then I congratulate you! But there this item is in the menu that can be called with Win + X buttons!

Then we find the program icon and components:

Now what? Now look at the list of software. This list is all that you have. Here are looking where Mozilla Firefox here, we find and press the right button, and we choose to remove:

Then click Delete:

Well, all, removal will begin, it will quickly end and it will be written that everything went to Normul:

Well, it is difficult? No, nothing complicated

Now about how to clean the computer from a small garbage, it is better to remove it. To do this cleaning is optional, but since nothing in this is not difficult, then I personally do it. All the same, not so often delete the program. If you are lazy or difficult, you can skip. So. Press the Win + R buttons and write the REGEDIT command in the window:

What did we do? We opened the registry editor, here you can find and remove all traces from Mozilla, that is, everything that remains here, in referenceing what is the word Mozilla, then all this can be deleted! Here's how to do it - clamp Ctrl + F in the editor and write in the Mozilla field, then click the Find Find button:

As a result, folders and keys will be seen in the registry, where there is a word Mozilla, it's all the trash and you need to remove it! But how? See, you only need to delete what is allocated. Just do not remove anything. The folder or key will be found - here it will be highlighted, here on it right-click and you need to click and select the Delete menu. To continue the search, press F3 and so that there is no message that the search is over.

See, that's how to delete the folder:

But as the key:

Well, that is almost all as well!

When such a message appeared, it means that you all cleared already and nothing else:

Well, the guys, it seems that everything is fine, I wrote here and I really understand everything. So it remains to wish you only good luck and that you have a good mood


Many PC owners go online at aid Firefox.. However, some Mozilla users have a long time. For this reason, people wish this web browser to reinstall to eliminate the problems that have appeared. Therefore, they want to know how to remove Mozil with PC.

Popular browser Mozil to remove enough

Exercise for removing the browser

Liquidation Firefox S. personal computer It is carried out according to a specific algorithm. Its execution will allow to understand how to completely remove Mozil. It consists of the following actions:

  • The browser closes, if, of course, it is open. For this, the menu button is pressed, having a view of three strips located above each other. After that, click on the key on which the "output" is written.
  • The Start menu is started.
  • The "Parameters" section is activated.
  • In a new window, the system is selected.
  • The transition to the "Application and Functions" item.

Select Programs and Components
  • Among the entire installed software, the desired web browser is highlighted.
  • Clicks the "Delete" button.
Software Distribution Is it possible to remove the program and click Delete

Note! In the case when the Software Uninstall Wizard does not work, then you need to run it manually. To do this, the "Program Files" or "Program Files X86" directory opens and a daddy with an Internet browser is wanted, in which the Helper.exe file is located.

  • In the uninstall wizard, the program holds a click on "Next".
  • A button is pressed, which allows you to get rid of the "ferroings".
  • The button is "ready".

You will also need to eliminate other files that have not been erased during the above process. This operation Performed manually. To do this, the directory opens to which the browser was installed. After that, the folder having the name Mozilla Firefox is erased. And if you need to delete your view history, you can find out how to do it on our portal.

Browser Mozilla is one of the most popular and actively used

Erasing custom settings and data in the browser

The uninstall wizard is not able to erase the user data. These include bookmarks, as well as the history of visiting sites in global Network. To destroy such data you need to perform the following actions:

  • The "Start" menu opens.
  • On the keyboard it is necessary to start typing "% appdata%". This action will allow you to open the system search.
  • After completing the "% APPDATA%" set, the "ENTER" button is pressed. As a result, the user will see the "Roaming" daddy, which has been hidden before.
  • The folder with the name "Mozilla" opens.
  • The Firefox daddy is erased.
  • All the actions described above allow you to thoroughly deal with the question: "How to remove a maze completely?" It follows from this article that any operation can be made easily even a newcomer.

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How to simply remove Mozilla Firefox browser

One of the most popular browsers is Mozila Firefox. Among its advantages, you can note the convenient management of data (bookmarks) and fast opening pages (thanks to caching). Recently due to functionality and convenience Google Chrome. People began to move to work on it. But the problem of removing Firefox remains. As it turned out this is not so simple. Now I will explain to you how to make this procedure.

Step 1: Deleting using the "Programs and Components" utility

For this we are worth:

As a result of the actions of the actions, a wizard delete this browser will open. In the direction of deletion, do not forget to check the checkbox "Delete Personal Information, Profiles and Settings of My Firefox".

I have on Windows 8.1 there is no check box (Figure with Windows 7).

Tip! Not always, after the implementation of the specified actions, the program folder located on the disk disappears - it is worth checking it out and, if necessary, delete it (located at: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox).

It is also worth checking whether profiles and personal data were deleted. If not, delete the following folders:

  • for Windows XP: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla;
  • for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Vista: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Mozilla \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\.

Step 2: Cleaning the Registry

The computer registry is a database in which the addresses and file parameters are located. And, of course, a small part of the data about Mozilla Firefox remained in it. You should delete the following directories:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ Firefoxhtml;
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Mozilla;
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Mozillaplugins;

Other methods:

Important! For more early versions OS than Windows XP You can use the AppWiz.cpl or Control.exe AppWiz.cpl commands (to call the "Install and Delete Programs" window).

Auxiliary programs

There are a number of programs that allow all these actions with one click. One of the most convenient (and most importantly, by me by me) are:

  1. Uninstall Tools - In my opinion, the most convenient and powerful utility.
  2. CCleaner - help Clear cache and registry.
  3. Revo Uninnstaller is a powerful tool for forced cleaning.

Any of these programs will help without unnecessary efforts to erase everything that remains on your computer or Mozilla Firefox tablet. However, much more reliable will perform manual removal. How to do it, I wrote. Good luck to all!

Deleting the Mozilla Firefox web browser from its computer

Some users can deal with certain difficulties when the question concerns the removal of programs. If any software was damaged by the virus or was removed in an incorrect way - it may disappear from the list installed programsBut at the same time stay on the computer. The remaining B. system Registry Records may prevent you from installing. new version This application, and the service files will take an excess place on your hard disk. This article discusses how to completely remove the Mozilla Firefox browser from its personal computer.

First of all, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to erase the contents of the Mozilla Firefox directory manually. Such actions do not change any entries in the Windows registry and will rather harm than help. In this way, you can clean "tails" left after removing the program, but in no case remove the software itself.

Standard tools of Windows

In your operating system, there are already all tools with which you can remove unnecessary software. You can get to them through the control panel. Perform a few steps given in this manual:

After that, your Internet browser will be uninstalled. This method works in overwhelming majority.

Download CCleaner and installation

If some of the files responsible for the work of the program have been damaged or deleted manually, it is possible that previous way Do not raise effect. In this case, you will need to upload and install an additional utility.

The most common program with which you can delete an excess software and edit the registry, is CCleaner. There are 3 versions of this utility: one is in free access and is intended for home use, the second and third are paid and possess tools that will be useful to professionals and system administrators.

All versions can be downloaded on the official website of the developer Click on this hyperlink and click on the green button "Free Download", after which you will be moved to the download page. Here you can choose which distribution you need.

The possibilities of the version in free distribution are enough for your purposes.

  1. Click on the left "Free Download" button to start loading.
  2. Launch the EXE file downloaded from the Website.
  3. Select Russian Interface Language.
  4. Click on the Install button.
  5. Click "Finish" to close the installation window and run CCleaner.

How to remove a browser using CCleaner

In order to remove the Mozilla Firefox from your operating system fully, you must perform the following:

After these actions, Firefox will be guaranteed uninstalled from your PC.

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How to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from Windows

Create a copy

7. Press the "Next" button.

Tip! Do not save the reserve in system section (on disk C), as it can be deleted in case of reinstalling the system.

  • Bookmarks - bookmarks;
  • History - the history of visits;
  • Extensions - Extensions;
  • Cookies - Cookies;
  • Certificates - certificates.

10. Click "Next".

Restoration from a copy

2. Clazzo "Next".

5. Click "Scan".

How to remove Firefox completely

To erase the Firefox application from mobile device IOS. Or Android, it is enough to hold the touch on the icon until the cross appears, click on it. In the case of PC, everything is somewhat more complicated. Just remove the icon from the desktop will not be enough, this is just a link to the launcher, which loads files from the system folder - this is good to us and need to be cleaned.

Delete Firefox from Windows

How to remove firefox with Windows. This instruction Suitable for any assembly, since their architecture is slightly different. Click "Start", then - "Control Panel" and "Programs and Components". In the window we find Mozilla and press the right mouse button. The only option of further actions appears - "Delete" - click.

The uninstaller is launched with the image of a familiar and long-faced fiery fox, you press the "Next" button in it. Ready. After completion, the message "Firefox is successfully deleted from your computer will appear.

Now go to system folderin which we find and cleaned the remnants of Mozilla:

  • 32-bit Windows: C: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox.
  • 64-bit: C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Mozilla Firefox.

There is also a good utility for cleaning the registry capable of root to destroy the programs with one click - CCleaner, but it is not free.

Destruction of user data

Almost done. It remains to tell how to remove Firefox completely, because some information is still preserved on the PC. The uninstaller saves passwords, settings, tabs and bookmarks, history and cookies - this is the case that when installing a new distribution, user data is automatically recovered, which is very convenient! If plans are anew to install the browser, the next steps are contraindicated.

  • Go to the "Start" menu.
  • We introduce B. local line -% APPDATA%, press "ENTER".
  • Select the Mozilla folder, and delete it.

If you drew attention to this article, probably your favorite Mozilla Firefox "Zaand" - very long starts, slows down; Or you are in about: config, on the settings page, changed something and do not remember where and how, and FF does not work. Or maybe you have been prevented by custom benefits of another browser. Well, and this may be.

However, despite the confluence of the circumstances described above, or what other others like them, Mozil Firefox needs to be completely removed from Windows. You can do this in two ways: built-in system function and uninstaller program. Choose which one you are more convenient.

But before you plan to reinstall FF, read the creation guide backup Browser profile and restore from her former settings on the "fresh" distribution.

Reservation and Recovery Profile MozBackup utility

Create a copy

1. Open the offswice utilities -

3. On the page that opens, the Install Program clad in the "Download from SourceForge" line.

4. Instrument the downloaded distribution in the system, and then run from the desktop (click 2 times on the icon).

5. In the MozBackup window, in the Operation block, set the "Backup a Profile" command, set the "Backup A Profile" command.

6. Highlight the browser in the list.

7. Press the "Next" button.

8. Clazzo "Browse" in the "Save Backup ... .... "And specify where the utility Save the copy file.

Tip! Do not save the reserve in the system section (on disk C), as it can be deleted in case of reinstalling the system.

9. In the "Details" block, select (Install or remove the checkbox), which profile elements must be reserved:

  • General Settings - basic settings;
  • Bookmarks - bookmarks;
  • History - the history of visits;
  • Extensions - Extensions;
  • Cookies - Cookies;
  • Save From Details - Saving parts;
  • Certificates - certificates.

10. Click "Next".

Upon completion of the procedure, a file with a copy of the profile will appear in the specified directory. In his default name, the Firefox version and the creation date are specified.

1. After you manage to completely remove old version FF and display a new one, run MozBackup. Install the Restore A Profile operation (Restore Profile).

2. Clazzo "Next".

3. Click Browse, select Copies file and click in the "Open" system.

4. Again - "Next". Specify the items you want to restore (by default, all available in the copy) are enabled.

5. Run the "Next" button recovery.

6. In the additional query "Restoration Can Overwrite ...?" Click "Yes."

7. When the operation is completed, press FINISH.

Open the browser, it will again have the former look (will be as it was before reinstallation).

Method # 1: Standard Uninstall

1. Candle in the taskbar "Start" icon.

2. Go to the control panel.

3. Click the "Delete Program" section.

4. Right-click on the Firefox directory.

5. In the panel that appears, click Delete.

Method # 2: Remove Revo Uninstaller

1. Download from the offsite (, set and run Revo Uninstaller.

2. In the program window, right-click on the browser icon. In the menu that appears, select "Delete".

3. Perform standard uninstallation (see Method No. 1).

4. Select the "Advanced" scan mode to completely remove the remaining browser elements from Windows.

5. Click "Scan".

6. Upon completion of the analysis of the directories in the window "Found ... in the Registry" click: Allocate all → Delete → Next.

7. Similar actions Perform over the remaining folders and files.

Successful to you uninstall Firefox!

You may also be interested

If for some reason you decided to remove Mozilla Firefox, then we will help you do it. Causes can actually be different, but one of the most frequent -. Then it takes a complete removal and ...

If for some reason you decided to remove Mozilla Firefox, then we will help you do it. Causes can actually be different, but one of the most frequent -. Then it takes a complete removal and installation from scratch. But it may also be that a person just decided to change the browser to another.

It is very important to remove the browser correctly, so that there are no "Skhovsty" from him. Otherwise, in the future, when reinstalling, they can lead to various kinds of errors and program bugs. Yes, and simply can slow down the work of the computer, especially if the computing machine does not have outstanding technical specifications.

Removing the program itself

And now let's start the instructions. And at the first stage, we need to remove the browser program itself. To implement it, do the following:

Clean the registry from Firefox

The program of Mozilla we were certainly deleted, but do not hurry to close this article, so you need to do some more actions in order to remove the tails that remained after it.

To do this, we need to go to the start, in the search string to enter: perform (or simply press the Win + R keys.

Then in the window that opens, to drive in the string " Regedit.". So we will open the registry editor to which we will delete the remaining files.

In the Registry Editor, we need to find the following folders and delete them. These folders can be found on the specified paths (left column):

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ Firefoxhtml.

All these folders need to be removed if they are not, it means nothing to remove. If not hunting to search manually, then just write the paths in the search. Go to the tab " Edit"And open the link" Search"Where to drive the address of the directory.

And to finally get rid of all temporary files, you need to do something else. Namely:

All, you made a complete deletion of Firefox from your computer. You can reinstall it and not be afraid that there will be some errors.

One of the most popular browsers is. Among its advantages, you can note the convenient management of data (bookmarks) and quick opening pages (thanks to caching). Recently, due to functionality and convenience, people began to move to work on it. But the problem of removing Firefox remains. As it turned out this is not so simple. Now I will explain to you how to make this procedure.

Step 1: Deleting using the "Programs and Components" utility

For this we are worth:

As a result of the actions of the actions, a wizard delete this browser will open. Looking for removal Do not forget to check box "Delete Personal Information, Profiles and Settings My Firefox".

I have on Windows 8.1 there is no check box (Figure with Windows 7).

Tip! Not always, after the implementation of the specified actions, the program folder located on the disk disappears - it is worth checking it out and, if necessary, delete it (located at: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox).

It is also worth checking whether profiles and personal data were deleted. If not, delete the following folders:

  • for Windows XP: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla
    \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla;
  • for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Vista: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Mozilla
    \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\.

Step 2: Cleaning the Registry

The computer registry is a database in which the addresses and file parameters are located. And, of course, a small part of the data about Mozilla Firefox remained in it. You should delete the following directories:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ Firefoxhtml;
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Mozilla;
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Mozillaplugins;

Other methods:

Important! For earlier versions of OS than Windows XP, you can use the AppWiz.cpl or Control.exe AppWiz.cpl commands (to call the "Install and Remove Programs" window).

Auxiliary programs

There are a number of programs that allow all these actions with one click. One of the most convenient (and most importantly, by me by me) are:

  1. Uninstall Tools - In my opinion, the most convenient and powerful utility.
  2. CCleaner - help Clear cache and registry.
  3. Revo Uninnstaller is a powerful tool for forced cleaning.

Any of these programs will help without unnecessary efforts to erase everything that remains on your computer or Mozilla Firefox tablet. However, much more reliable will perform manual removal. How to do it, I wrote. Good luck to all!