How to install Far Manager plugin. Plugins

However, despite all his versatility, Far can not all. For example, it is impossible to work with the registry or normally edit unicode files. It's good that there are fans who wrote a lot of plugins and additions for this useful program. Full of their list, including almost half a thousand names, you can easily find at the address We traded from them ten the best. If you bought a disc log, then you don't have to download anything: we have already downloaded the most interesting add-ons for FAR and placed on DPK-CD.

Installing most of them should not cause any problems with you. As a rule, you must create a subfolder with the name of the module in the catalog C: PROGRAM FILESFARPLUGINS And then unpack all files from the plug-in archive. All - after restarting the FAR program identifies the expansion and will work with it.

Far Navigator

Far Navigator

The second name of this module is Proxyftp. Undoubtedly, the most useful plugin for those who often enjoy the Internet and works with FTP servers. Among the features - the ability to connect to the server even through a proxy, inaccessible in the standard FAR module; the ability to move and copy files on different servers without pre-boot to the user computer (read - several times faster and without traffic spending); Support for unusual authorization regimens; Processing nested files and all that you can only wish from any commercial FTP client. At the same time absolutely free. Wonderful, isn't it?


Built-in archives support in FAR through the Multiarc module, of course, is universal, but it is implemented exclusively through external programs, which is not always convenient and accurately inferior in the speed of separately executed archivers. Plus the need to search for executable files of different archivers, and then configure them. To be honest, it is not very upsetting us, but if there is a more convenient solution - why not use it? 7-zip already contains support for Zip, Rar, Gzip and Tar, which most users are enough for the eyes.

Registry Browser.

Editing system registry Windows is unpleasant, but, unfortunately, a fairly common operation. So, for example, get rid of the notorious error 1311 when installing the favorite game, you can only edit the registry. If it is too lazy to get out of FAR and run regedit.exe - Use Registry Browser.. You can edit any necessary data directly through the file manager interface. Moreover, copying keys and entire branches is not more difficult than duplicating files and folders.

Background File Copy.

The main advantage of some paid file managers before FAR has always declared background copying, which allows you to simultaneously perform a number of operations on files, not starting several FAR windows. Well, this advantage is reduced to no module Background File Copy, which allows our favorite program to do the same, not only with copying, but also moving, deleting and even editing files. The main thing is carefully read the attached installation instructions and note: the module does not work under Windows 98 / Me.

Right Click + Right Click Menu Activator

The second (and last) useful quality of ordinary file management programs - standard context windows menuThe right mouse button. In FAR, as you know, instead there is a banal selection of the file. If you want to have access to the context menu, install both plugin: one of them will create a window with a message list, and the second will assign it to the call to the right mouse button. And do not ask me why it was impossible to make it one module - this is a mystery covered with darkness. The only drawback is the absence of beautiful pictures next to some menu items.

Web Editor

Web Editor

If you are more or less seriously engaged in creating websites or it is your main occupation, then you probably know that almost all existing HTML editors make the so-called dirty code that takes more space and looks sloppy. As a rule, the page is brought to mind to the usual text editor, for example, in the same FAR. And with the Web Editor module, this operation has become even easier and more convenient. Among its pleasant features - automatic insertion hTML tags and even pHP functions, convenient creation Built-in images, menus and various shapes.

Plugin Calculator

Plugin Calculator

The need for a convenient calculator with support for expressions, automatic translation Results in hexadecimal, tenual and binary Systems There is always. The said is especially true for those who are engaged in programming or simply love to dig in the files of the saved games with the aim of their small modification. Plugin Calculator is embedded in FAR and allows not only to perform simple calculations, but also transfers units of measures and scales from one system to another. This is probably useful when solving problems in physics and reading classical American literature, crowded with feet and inches.

Far Mail

Thus, who for some reason does not use Outlook Express (well, let's say, from religious considerations) and who alternative customers seem to The Bat. Or Mozilla Mail seems not enough "cool", you should install Far Mail. The ability to send and accept letters in text and HTML formats in absolutely any encoding, support for nested files, address book and multiple mail accounts (SMTP, IMAP and, of course, POP3). Even filtering letters - and it is available. However, imagine that someone would prefer this program individual postal customers, it is very difficult for us.

Multimedia Viewer.

Multimedia Viewer.

The need to use external utilities for viewing pictures and video files is an unpleasant feature of almost all file managers. However, in our case, this problem is solved very simply - just install the Multimedia Viewer module to see all the pictures straight in the Far window. Moreover, the plugin allows you to even listen to the melodies without leaving the program interface. The main thing: Do not forget to download an additional library (located on our disk) so that all this has earned it right.


And finally, the most useless plugin for FAR. No, rather, even the most harmful. This supplement, as you probably guessed and yourself, makes it possible to play the famous "Tetris" straight in the program window. Work in this case risks to be deferred to the background until better times. Nostalging on the Epoch DOS Readers will surely remember that the creation of Alexander Pashet-Nova was built into ancient file manager Dos Navigator and then prevented important things.

plugin Program Operating Key

The plugin is a module to the program that is created separately and, if necessary, can be connected to an already working application. The main task of the plug-in is the expansion of the functionality of the main program.

Installing plugin

  • 1. Download the plugin from the Internet.
  • 2. Copy the folder on the path C: Program Filesfar Managerplugins.
  • 3. Restart Far Manager so that the plugin is fully integrated into the program.
  • 5. To configure this plugin, we need to go to the program menu, select the parameters, then the parameters of plug-ins.
  • 6. In the window that appears, select the plugin that we need to configure, and click Enter.
  • 7. Now we see a window with the parameters of the plugin we need. Configure it for your needs and click OK.

How to create a plugin.

Far extends to a full set of files for writing Plug-in themselves on anyone with a compiler for Windows. The topic of this article is to write these modules by Visual C ++ (I used Visual C ++ 5.0).

  • 1. Runs VC, do new project Type "Win32 Dynamic-Link Library" named SimpleFP. Creates a file simplefp.cpp - here, in fact, we will write. In the SimpleFP directory, you copy the header file plugin.hpp from the plugdoc.rar archive (edge: Starting with Far 1.70 Beta 5, examples are installed in a separate Plugdoc directory).
  • 2. Now we need to do .Def file is a file that describes the functions that are called from external modules. We must describe the Far-A functions that we will use in our module. We make a text file simplefp.def, in which we write:
  • 3. Library
  • 4. Exports.
  • 5. [Email Protected]
  • 6. [Email Protected]

[Email Protected]

Here we describe 3 functions that we will use. And now add simpledef.def to project files (Project - Add to Project - Files - Simplefp.def).

7. Now we write the Plug-in itself - we work with the SimpleFP.CPP file. I decided to give the text of the program itself with comments - you can copy to C ++ and start messing with it. But first about the basics.

FAR works on the same principles as Windows - you refer to the program on those functions already available in the system that you want to use. Far provides features to work with screen forms in Console Application mode. When starting Plug-in-A Far launches the OpenPlugin function, we will consider it as analogue main () or winmain (). But besides this, I also need to inform FAR-in data about our Plug-in. This makes the GetPluginInfo function.

  • * SimpleFP is a simple plug-in to Far-y. (C) 2000 PHOENIX, MOSCOW

#Include. // To call Sprintf

#Include. // for Windows functions

#Include "plugin.hpp" // for FAR functions

#Define plugin_name "Open Windows" // Name Plug-In-A

#Define Window_head "Open Windows List" // The menu header that we do

// Describe the FAR functions that we work with.

void WinAPI _Export SetStartupInfo (struct pluginstartupinfo * info);

Handle WinAPI _Export OpenPlugin (int openfrom, int item);

void winpi _export getplugininfo (struct plugininfo * info);

static Struct PluginstartupInfo info; // Information about our plug-in-e

// Module information is defined by us in the INFO structure

void WinAPI _Export SetStartupInfo (struct pluginstartupinfo * info)

// This feature is called to obtain information about Plug-in.

// We must fill in the INFO structure fields.

void WinAPI _Export GetPluginInfo (Struct Plugininfo * info)

Info-\u003e structsize \u003d Sizeof (* info); // Info structure size

Info-\u003e flags \u003d 0; // we don't need it

Info-\u003e diskmenustringsnumber \u003d 0; // we don't need it either

// Determine the string with the name of the module

static Char * pluginmenustrings;

Pluginmenustrings \u003d plugin_name;

// Determine the name plug-in module

Info-\u003e pluginmenustrings \u003d pluginmenustrings;

Info-\u003e pluginmenustringsnumber \u003d

sizeof (pluginmenustrings) / Sizeof (pluginmenustrings);

Info-\u003e pluginconfigstringsnumber \u003d 0; // we don't need it

// This feature is called when the plug-in module is started.

Handle WinAPI _Export OpenPlugin (int openfrom, int item)

HWND HWND; // Use to get Handle

char P, O; // To create menu rows

int i \u003d 0; // Counter

struct Farmenuitem MenuItems; // Description of the menu that will create for us FAR

mEMSET (MenuItems, 0, Sizeof (MenuItems)); // Initialize our menu

Menuitems.selected \u003d true;

hwnd \u003d getdesktopwindow (); // Get Handle for Desktop

hWND \u003d GetWindow (HWND, GW_CHILD); // Get Handle

while (hwnd! \u003d 0) // While it is not the last

hWND \u003d GetWindow (HWND, GW_HWNDNEXT); // Get handle windows

GetWindowText (HWND, P, 128); // and his title

if (strlen (p)\u003e 0) // If the title is

sPRINTF (O, "% 0.8xld% s", hwnd, p); // Make a line

sTRCPY (MenuItems.Text, O); // Copy this line into the MenuItems array

// Call the menu you created, get the number of the selected item - MENUCODE

iNT MENUCODE \u003d info.Menu (info.moduleNumber,

Fmenu_autohighlight | fmeNu_WrapMode,

return (invalid_handle_value);

Complete, copy to Farplugin and restart FAR. In FAR-e, press F11 is a plug-in module list. Now it should appear the Open Windows string. Look at the result.

Description of some plugins

Clipboard. Copy, Clipboard. Copy Alt.

These plugins are designed for the usual in Windows, but previously inaccessible to Far Manager using the clipboard to copy and move files and folders. Permissible copying (movement) from both Windows in FAR and vice versa. By itself, this possibility significantly facilitates the usual copy and movement operations, but it cannot be said that it is implemented very conveniently (if Windows is enough, as you know, pressing the right button and select the desired action, then in FAR you have to perform a combination F11FBUFER / Cut or insert). True, you can not require the authors of the plug-ins impossible: it is such a way and it is assumed based on the logic of the plug-in modules itself. This idea was originally implemented in the Clipboard Copy plugin, but not fully worked out: when you try to copy some files. It gives an error of the file system. A similar functionality appeared similar to the functionality of the Clipboard Copy Alt plugin, in which we did not encounter erroneous situations. It is very likely that in a short time this possibility will be implemented in the file manager itself through the built-in conductor's context menu itself. . Plugin Clipboard Copy; Works starting from Far1.60, plugin Clipboard Copy Alt; Works starting from Far1.65.

File List Creator.

Designed, as follows from the name, to create in the current directory of a file containing a list of names of selected files. Although there is, of course, the usual possibility of copying the names of the selected files to the clipboard when you press Ctrl + Ins and the subsequent insertion from the buffer in the text file, this plugin also in some cases is quite convenient. It allows you to copy files with ways (enter for a group of files long paths manually - extremely dubious entertainment), as well as complement the created list of files with new files and handle the nested folders (naturally, in the case of their selection). There are situations when it is simply indispensable (for example, the author of this article, as a teacher, it is often required when the formation of independent tasks). Works starting from Far1.60.

Regular Expression Search and Replace.

A very useful plugin designed to search for files according to expressions contained in them, that is, in situations where a file with a certain information is urgently needed, but you do not remember any name or the location on the disk. The search is carried out very quickly, and it is possible both on all Winchester and in a specific folder. It is possible to automatically hold the replacement of expressions found in the text file text. Works starting from Far1.65.

Edit swap.

In fact, this plugin represents two modules: "pair brackets" and "Rus<->Lat ", designed, naturally, to edit the file in the FAR text editor. The first module is responsible for the search and selection of single and double paired brackets. of different types. The plugin was written for Far1.63, which did not provide such an opportunity. The version of 1.70b2 FAR program already includes a built-in bracket plugin that performs the same features. As for the module "Rus<->Lat ", then it can still be connected manually and provides very useful opportunity Recoding the selected block according to QWERTY rule<->Yatsuken, and such a need arises completely and beside, if you simply forgot to switch the alphabet, and you have no special desire to recruit the text again. Although the plugin is written for Far1.63, it works great in subsequent versions of the program. True, the search and selection function of the brackets is duplicated.

Special Folders.

Provides fast access Special windows folders: "Main menu", "My Documents", "Network Surroundings", "Desk", "Printers", "Programs", etc. (Fig. 3), thereby saving the user from the need to memorize their location on the disk, and then long and tediously reach them. In this case, you can get into a special folder in two ways: standard for plug-ins: via F11 and through the FAR disk menu "A, for example, according to Alt + F1, Alt + F2 (you should select the additionally appearing Special Folders in the menu). Archive: Works Starting from Far1.63.


The plugin allows uninstalling programs from Far Manager in the same way as is usually carried out from the control panel. Works starting from Far1.65.

Far Navigator (Proxyftp).

This module allows you to work not only with FTP servers (download or delete files and directories from the server, copying your files to the server), as the standard FTP client plugin, but also with HTTP servers (download from the server). In case of cliff connection, files are possible. As for downloading files to a computer, then there are, of course, and more convenient features provided by the download managers specifically designed for this (here and more conveniently organized a device, and work on the schedule, and the download of downloads at the maximum possible speed, etc. ), so this direction, in general, to an amateur. And if we talk about the reverse operation, the functions of the plugin must be interested in a wide audience. Works starting from Far1.65.

Web Editor.

This plugin allows you to create and edit HTML files in the built-in environment. text editor Far due to the insertion of templates of a fairly wide spectrum of HTML tags (Fig. 4), CSS attributes, pHP structures (Fig. 5), etc. The process of complete creation of web pages in this way requires considerable time and effort and inspires little, especially if you recall the specially designed for these purposes software products. However, this module can be very useful in debugging the page when you need to make minimal changes, save and immediately check the result. In addition, part of the tags (necessary, for example, for the successful promotion of your page) anyway you have to insert manually, and the Web Editor helps to significantly speed up the entire process. Works starting from Far1.7.

Far Plugins Programming Help Encyclopedia of Developer.

It is an encyclopedia in Russian Plugring Help for plug-ins. In principle, and in the Far Manager distribution there is a help file, but it is rather brief. Therefore, the authors of this plugin decided to write a real HELP encyclopedia, in which the plug-in development technology is considered in detail in relation to C / C ++ and Pascal (structures, service functions, exported functions, etc.), specific recommendations are given in this area and are given. Numerous examples. In addition, articles of various authors regarding the pitfalls with which they had to face different stages of developing their plugins were published. In other words, this encyclopedia is a great help for those who decided to replenish the number of authors of plugins. To start the encyclopedia, it is enough to click on the pluginsr.chm file. Focused on version FAR1.7B3.


The plugin is designed to work with the database of plug-ins - plugring. The wide user may be interested in the organization of targeted viewing plugins by category. The advantage of this plugin is that it is not necessary to study the entire database of plugins for a long time and persistently, if you need to find out, for example, what plugins exist to work with the Internet or with the printer. However, the functionality of PlugringViewer is much wider: it is downloading plug-ins from the database, and the update, and the addition of new plug-ins. But this possibility is focused mainly on the authors of plugins. Works starting from Far1.65.

I am sure that many use some file manager, and most probably use one of the most popular - Total Commander.. For those who do not know what a file manager will tell in two words. File Manager is a program that provides a convenient and multifunctional interface to work with the entire file system and the files themselves, respectively. Basically, file managers are created to speed up the work with the following, frequently executed actions: creating, editing, deleting, searching for files, renaming, copying, moving, opening / playing / viewing, change of attributes and properties, assignment rights, etc. Other words file managers are not only convenient daily work, but also significantly save the extension costs of the mouse keys. There are file managers in which built-in a large number of additional featuresthat are not always needed to each user. Therefore, I was looking for such that by default was the minimum of functionality, but at the same time I needed the possibility of adding additional modules (plugins) with which you can enlarge functionality. And the most basic search criterion, there was a simple and minimum interface that would not distract from work, but contained all the most necessary and frequently used. Of course, almost all file managers corresponded to such criteria, and most of them contain a number of settings, with which you can adjust both the interface and functionality. There are also paid and free, the choice is pretty great. I chose for myself Far Manager., which actually goes today.

Far Manager. - Free Console File Manager for Windows.

W. Far Manager. There is a sufficiently large abundance of plugins using which you can first increase the capabilities of the program, and secondly to make this file manager more convenient for yourself.

As I said a little higher, there are a large number of file managers with sufficiently different interfaces. But the most convenient in my opinion this file manager is made in the form of two columns, which makes it much faster to carry out various operations with files. Accordingly chosen by me Far Manager. Contains two columns in its interface.

Of course command line Windows Lack is sufficient compared to the one that in UNIX systems, but still it is. And file manager Far Manager. Supports work with the command line, which allows you not to switch between two windows, but to interact with files and with the command line. I mainly use the command line in Windows when developing some softwareand I often had to use Far Not only as a file manager, but also as a convenient tool for working with the command line. But now I found for myself, in which there is a very convenient tool for working with the command line, and Far Manager. Now I use both solely in working with directories, files and archives.

IN Far There are quite good support for working with FTP.. But for some reason I got so hard in the work that support FTP in Far Manager I practically do not use, although everything is done quite comfortable and simple.

You can describe the capabilities of the Far file manager to infinity, since there are a number of plugins that significantly increase the capabilities of the program. I only told about some, often used by the functions of the program, everything else can be added as needed, and the fact that it goes by default with the basic functions of the big plus file manager, as each user will collect Far Manager. What kind of needed to him.

Installing Far Manager.

In order to install a file manager, you need to download it from the official site, where several versions are available for download. Far Manager., namely:

  • for x86 version V2.0 and V1.75 - archive (not installation file), MSI (installation file)
  • for x64 version V2.0 and V1.75 - archive (non-installation file), MSI (installation file)

In my case, I will download the version v2.0 for x86 installation mSI file . In order to download exactly the version that you need, you need to go to the following link - I downloaded Far Manager as follows the following link -
Now you need to start the downloaded file, I have a file name
After launch installation File A welcome window appears in which you need to click Next to continue.

In the next window, it is proposed to read the text of the license in which you need to check the box. I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement(I accept the terms of the license agreement) if you agree with all the terms of the license. After which you need to click Next to continue.

The next window offers a setup for both the current user and for all users of the system:

  • Install Just for You (Admin)(Install only for the current user)
    Far Manager 2 Will BE Installed in A Per-User Folder and Be Available Just for Your User Account. You do not Need Local Administrator Privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed in the current user folder and will be available only for account of this user. You do not need to have administrator rights.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Documents and settings, Namely to the user folder.
  • Install for All Users of this Machine(Install for all users of this computer)
    Far Manager 2 Will Be Installed in A Per-Machine Folder by Default and Be Available for All Users. You can Change the Default Installation Folder. You Must Have Local Administrator Privileges. Far Manager 2 will be installed for all users of the system. You can change the default setting folder. You must have administrator privileges.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Program Files..

After which you need to click Next to continue.

In the next window, you can change the installation location Far Manager.. After which you need to click Next to continue.

In the next window, you can select various additions and settings that will be installed with Far Manager. If you noted any additions and then you want to return all the default values, then you need to press the button Reset.. I decided to choose all items for testing.

For each item, an additional menu is available in which you can choose as each element separately ( Will Be Installed On Locale hard Drive. - will be installed on hDD) So the whole group ( Entire Feature? Will Be Installed On Locale Hard Drive - The entire component will be installed on the hard disk), and the third element ( Entire Feature? Will Be Unavailable - The component will not be installed on the hard disk).

After which you need to click Next to continue. And the next window will appear where you can choose Install To install or Back To return back.

After pressing the button Install The following window will appear where the installation process will occur Far Manager. and all selected components. The installation will take no more than two minutes.

In the last window you can check box Launch Far Manager 2 New(Launch Far Manager 2). After that you need to press the button FINISH To complete the installation.

On this installation Far Manager. finished after pressing the button FINISH The main menu of the program will appear.

Registration of an earlier version of Far Manager

Earlier Far Manager. It was necessary to register, so that all the functionality of the program would be available. And if you have installed old version Far Manager., then the following instructions for you:
I will quote 2 CONTENTS OFFICE FILE " License.xussr.txt«:

2. Citizens of the countries of the former USSR have the right to use this version Far in non-commercial purposes for free.

I will say that this file manager is absolutely free, reading the same file becomes clear how to register FAR, namely - paragraph 3:

3. To unlock the functions of the registered version of the specified
Categories of persons when registering after starting 'Far -R', you need to enter
as a username:
xussr registration
At the same time, as a registration code should be introduced by small
Russian letters current day of the week.

And so that we should do this:
Run Far We write - far -r., after which the window will be released, and as shown in the lower screenshot, we enter:

Registration name - xussr registration
Registration code - tuesday (here we write the current day of the week)
Well, all this ended the logging of a file manager, successful use!
If you downloaded one of recent versions File Manager Far, I do not need to register it.

Rusification Far Manager.

By default, the program will speak with us in English. Here everything is much easier than with the Russification of most programs. If you all made the above instructions, the Russian language is already installed in the Far Manager program, you just need to be enabled, and for this you need to do the following:

  • in open window click on the button F9.(Start the main Far menu)
  • go to the menu Options.
  • press the menu subparagraph Languages.

After that, the window will start in which you can select a language for the menu, and there is a choice of, several languages, namely:

  • Chez (Czech)
  • English (English)
  • German (German)
  • Hugarion (Hungarian)
  • Polish (Polish)
  • RUSSIAN (Russian)
  • Spanish (Spanish)

We choose the one that you need you, in my case it is Russian (Russian).

After selecting the menu of the menu, the following window will appear in which you need to select a language language, here are slightly less, namely:

  • English (English)
  • Hugarion (Hungarian)
  • RUSSIAN (Russian)

But the one I need is still present in the list - Russian (Russian).

After all these actions, you must have a file manager on your computer. Far Manager.Russian language.

Using Far Manager

The default program window contains two panels in which you can open different directories and files. In each of the panels, you can use both the keyboard as much as the mouse, but the file managers in my opinion are created in order to speed up the process of working with directories and files from the keyboard. Of course, there is not only the process of work, but also the convenience rises at times.
So that in any of the panels to sort the files, you need to hold the key Ctrl on the keyboard, after which the menu will be displayed in the bottom in which each item corresponds to the keys from F1 to F10 and to F12 Full on screen mode:

  • F1 - show / hide left panel
  • F2. - show / hide the right panel
  • F3. - Sort by file name
  • F4. - Sort by expansion
  • F5 - Sort by recording time
  • F6 - sort by size
  • F7. - Do not sort
  • F8. - Sort by time to create
  • F9. - Sort by access time
  • F10. - Sort by description
  • F11 - Sort by file owner
  • F12. - Run the sort menu

Alt.which is mainly designed to work with files and directories, namely:

  • F1 - open the current disc in the left pane
  • F2. - open the current disc in the right pane
  • F3. - Here you can open a file for viewing both in the external program and in the File Manager itself.
  • F4. - Here you can open a file for editing both in the external program and in the File Manager itself.
  • F5 - Print files
  • F6 - Here you can create a link (label) on a file or folder
  • F7. - File search
  • F8. - Display the team history
  • F9. - changing the size of the program window
  • F10. - Search Folders
  • F11 - Display viewing and editing history
  • F12. - Display folder history

You can also open the Additional menu by holding the button. Shift.which is mainly designed to work with files and archives, namely:

  • F1 - Add files to the archive
  • F2. - Extract files from the archive
  • F3. - execute archive management commands
  • F4. - edit a new file
  • F5 - copy the file under the cursor
  • F6 - renaming or transferring a file under the cursor
  • F7. - absent
  • F8. - delete file under the cursor
  • F9. - Save configuration
  • F10. - Select the last executed menu item
  • F11 - use sorting about groups
  • F12. - show marked files first

The next menu is started by pressing the key F9. on keyboard. It has the following items:

  • Left - Basic operations that relate to the left pane
  • Files - Basic operations with files
  • Teams - Various teams
  • Parameters - Here are the basic settings for the program
  • Right - Basic operations that relate to the right pane

I tried to reveal some not great features of the program, but the most important assistant in the study of this file manager is one of the items of the bottom menu, namely - Help, run which can be pressed by key F1 on keyboard.
As I spoke earlier in Far Manager, a large number of additional plugins are available, but on this moment I use only one plugin - Noisy Player.. I have not already written about this useful and interesting plugin, which allows you to play music files on your computer.
All other plugins can be downloaded from the official website of the program.


  • - Official Website
  • - Plugin Catalog

Good use!

Far Manager is a free console file manager in Russian and English (has a multilingual interface). The functionality is similar to any other file manager, such as Total Commander. It has a built-in editor text files Like notepad, but with highlighting the syntax. It is possible to change file encoding, as well as many other useful features.
The interface is a simple column, like the Norton Commander file manager from MS-DOS, WINDOTICS.

Where to download Far Manager

Far Manager is distributed free of charge, you can download the version of the program on the official website:\u003dru. Below will be described how to change the language of the interface into Russian.

Installing and configuring Far Manager

In special settings and assemblies does not need. You just swing the installer and install Far Manager as a regular program. However, you can always make your own adjustments. For example, by default, the interface is quite small font.

List of abbreviations and their decoding:

To enlarge it, you need to go to the properties of a shortcut on the desktop, find and enlarge the font (PCM (right mouse button) on the label - Properties - Font)

  1. Choose Lucida Console font
  2. A new font size scale will appear. Size Select to taste, for example, 20

As a result, the interface will be more convenient.

Now you can change the interface language into Russian. To do this, you need to open Far Manager and click F9 - Options - Languages. In the appeared window to choose Russian

In general, at this stage, the primary setting is completed. Next, learn to use this program, more precisely, read and perceive the interface.

How to use Far Manager

To begin with, about the device of the interface of this program.
The interface is a column in the central region, the control panel is below and information from above. Columns in the center are two global compartments. Each compartment may have one or more speakers, by default two.
The compartment is a file level system of a specific disk. To move above in the level, you need to translate the cursor by the arms on the keyboard or the mouse to the highest position on the character .. and press ENTER. To go to the current directory subdirectory, translate the cursor to it and press ENTER. Also, you can use the mouse, the double click on the catalog will take you into it. To change the disk, you need to use Alt + F1 or Alt + F2 hotkeys. Now more on the interface and with illustrations:

About the control panel - digits are indicated. Each digit means index panels with F1-F12 on the keyboard

  1. F1 - Help - Far Manager directory. At least beat the directory, many questions will disappear by themselves
  2. F2 - Custom menu. At first, an unnecessary option
  3. F3 - View the contents of the files. On the catalogs shows their size
  4. F4 - edit files. On the catalogs calls the attribute change menu
  5. F5 - Copy selected files and folders (directories). Selection is made using the Insert, Ins button or PCM (right mouse button). Also, you can copy files dragging the mouse
  6. F6 - transfer selected files and folders (directories). Selection is made using the Insert, Ins or PCM button. Also, you can clamp shift and transfer files of the LKM (with the left mouse button)
  7. F7 - Create a directory (folder) in the current directory (folder)
  8. F8 - Delete a folder or file. You can delete multiple files and folders simultaneously, after selecting them insert or PCM
  9. F9 - mentioned this command. Causes at the top of the options menu. Examine it, much can come in handy
  10. F10 - close Far Manager
  11. F11 - Calls a list of Far Manager plug-ins with the possibility of further configuration (for example, change the encoding of the contents of the file), as well as some other additional functions.
  12. F12 - Built-in screens. Far Manager allows you to use multiple copies of the program viewing and editing files. This button allows you to quickly switch between them, withdrawing a complete list of open screens. Use F1 to get acquainted with this opportunity. This option for advanced users

By the way, it is worth noting that Far Manager has the ability to control the mouse. So, the entire control panel at the bottom is easily controlled by the LKM. Personally, I do not use the opportunity for this, because I find a more convenient and rapid use combinations of hot keys, but I admit that someone will be more convenient to control the mouse.

Also, if you clamp alt or shift, additional buttons will appear in the control panel. Thus, hotkeys are going, additional teams In Far Manager.

Far Manager teams

Or, as it will be more correct to say, hot keys on the keyboard, which most often have to use:

  • Ctrl + O - Show or Hide Panel and Constitute Content
  • Tab, SHIFT + TAB Moving between left and right compartments
  • SHIFT + 2 - change the number of columns in the global compartment. Instead 2, you can use any button from 1 to 9. Default 2
  • Alt + F9 - Go from the window mode to Fullscreen and vice versa
  • Home - Move to the top of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • End - Move to the end of the file list and subdirectories of the current directory
  • Pageup - Navigate to top of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • Pagedown - Move to the bottom of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • Ctrl + Pageup - move to the directory at 1 level above
  • Ctrl + F1, Ctrl + F2 - Move to the directory at 1 level above in the left (Ctrl + F1) and the right (Ctrl + F2) compartments
  • Ctrl + A - Displays the properties of a file or folder (directory, directory). You can immediately change and save the changes. For example, you can change the file creation date

  • INSERT, INS, PCM - selection of files one for mass manipulation by them (transfer, copying, deletion)
  • SHIFT + PAGUP, SHIFT + PAGEDOWN - Select files for subsequent mass manipulation by them (transfer, copying, deletion)
  • Alt + F6 - Create a symbolic link
  • SHIFT + F1 - Pack the selected files and directories to the archive

  • SHIFT + F2 - unpack the selected archive in the specified catalog

  • Alt + F1, Alt + F2

    The dialog box with the discovertation of the disc select, as well as other options, as a rule, the list is compiled by plugins (Netbox, WinSCP, registry editor, folder for temporary files, network access, processes list)

  • Alt + F7 - Search among files in the current directory

    The file mask is better to leave free *. *, Then the search will be held in all files. If you need to search, for example, only among PHP files, that is, having an extension. PHP (for example, index.php and db.php), use the * .php mask.
    You can change it at your discretion.
    Also, you can select the button on the INSERT keyboard files And folders (catalogs), then put the cursor on one of them to search only inside them.

  • ALT + INSERT - useful if you want to copy text from console

    While staying in the console, you just click the Alt + Insert hotkeys (cursor will change your form), then with the mouse or using the arrows and, clamping SHIFT, highlight the desired text fragment and copy it using ENTER

Plugins for Far Manager

Plugins can quite thoroughly expand Far Manager functionality, turning it from the file manager to a multifunctional combine.
Full list of plugins you can find in Far Manager Plugring
First of all, we will need. This plugin allows you to connect to servers on Linux OS: Ubuntu, Debian, FreeBSD, CENTOS using SCP protocols (outdated), SSH (SFTP), FTP, WebDAV.

NetBox - Connection plugin to a remote server by SSH, FTP, WebDAV

NetBox is a plugin for Far Manager, the WinSCP traditions, which implements the client part of the SCP protocols, SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), FTP (Files Transfer Protocol) and WebDAV. Intended to connect to remote server On Linux OS: Ubuntu, Debian, FreeBSD, CENTOS - software, FTP or WebDAV and management of them: creating, editing, copying, deleting files by the above protocols, their transfer between your computer and servers supporting these protocols in our case, server Hosting sites. With it, we will interact with the hosting file system where your sites are located: download and download files ,.

How to install NetBox

Now Far Manager comes with pre-installed Netbox, but you can download NetBox in Plugring Far Manager.
The downloaded file is unpacking in the folder with plugins
(Start - Run -% ProgramFiles% \\ Far Manager \\ Plugins)
On this, installing Netbox in Far Manager is complete, you only need to restart the lapse.

Connection to the remote server by SSH, FTP, WebDAV using NetBox, WinSCP

We click the combination of keys Alt + F1 or Alt + F2, in the menu that opens, select NetBox, it is 2.

Now you need to create a connection to our server. Suppose there is data for SSH connection:
Login: root, password: Pass, Server IP:, port 22
As suggested to create a new session, click SHIFT + F4 and introduce the data:

Connect to the server. Now we will be able to copy files from the computer to the server and back (using F5, more described above), change them (F4), as well as if you have your own server, use the console to manage it.

If you need to connect via FTP or WebDav protocol, simply select the protocol from the drop-down list

) And I have never seen it, nevertheless, probably, you still understood who this is and with what they eat. For those who have not read the last article, but for some reason I decided to read this, I will say that Far Manager is an analogue of Norton Commander (File Management Programs), which works in the console (text mode), but using all Windows power. Approval about the analogue Norton`a is a bit controversial, we assume that this is my subjective opinion, which there will be many more. I liked it - then swing it from and run. By the way, the third beta has already come down since the writing of the past article. I immediately say about registration - it is free for the residents of the former USSR.

So you downloaded it. What did not like? All right? Then read on.

For whom still intended this article? Rather, for those who have long used Far, but does not suspect how widely its possibilities are. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous for those who have not chosen a file manager to taste. I confess that I initially did not imagine how powerful the thing is Far, until I found a website with plugins on the Internet :)

Plugins. And who are they?

Plugin (from English Plug-in - Connected Module) - These are external connected modules (plugins), which are used to expand program capabilities. Plugins are not a specific feature of FAR. With their help expand, for example, the possibilities of ICQ, Adobe Photoshop. or winamp. There are also in other file managers, for example, in Windows Commander. But, compared to other file managers, only FAR plugins are provided truly fantastic capabilities: plugins work anywhere - in the panels, in the editor, in the viewer; They can be launched directly from the command line. Sometimes you just do not know who will perform the following team - Far.exe itself or plugins, so closely merged the shell with his assistants. The ideology of plugins itself allows you to adjust the shell by adding the desired and miscarriage. This is the most important advantage of systems with plugins in front of monolithic programs.

And now the most interesting

Since the plugins have a huge number (on the day of writing this line there were 288), then I will try to describe the most useful (in my opinion). And I will use, mainly copyright comments and its subjective opinion.

So, according to the rating, the first place is Farnavigator (former Proxyftp). Just recently, he bypassed the plugin that will be described below - Colorer. The author is Vasily Moshnininov. The FAR includes a standard FTP client, but it has only basic functions. And thanks to this Far plugin becomes an excellent FTP client, since it can be used with any kind of proxy servers. In the latest version, it also began to work with HTTP servers.

Colorer - plugin to highlight the syntax of programming languages \u200b\u200b(example - setting up colors in any software environment) in the FAR editor. It is very convenient if you need to quickly confirm the source code, and the shell start lazy. The author is Igor Russians. Contains a huge number ready-made scripts For coloring different languages. A few words about the installation: This plugin consists of two parts - the library of the syntax and plugin itself.

Search and Replace (S_and_R). The author is Ivan Syntureurin. The plugin that allows you to replace in a large number of files, expands the search capabilities in the standard editor, and also provides the ability to search and replace using regular expressions. As the author said, it is a plugin for smart, and for those who know what regular expressions are, is the thing indispensable ...

7-zip. The plugin that does work with the archives is transparent, that is, does not require the presence of archivers themselves by car. It is initially sharpened under Zip, so it is able to archive only in Zip, but unzipped - from most archives.

In addition to these plugins, there is still a lot of others. For example, to manage Winamp from FAR, to support various languages \u200b\u200band encodings, for every mass processing of files. In fact, each wishes can write the desired plug-in under its specific task than and convenient modular architecture.

And now consider standard delivery plugins.

Advanced Compare is a plugin that expands the capabilities of the catalogs. Why describe it - just look at the dialogue, which he gives out.

Editor \\ Align is a plugin for formatting blocks in the embedded editor. I recommend using Format Block instead.

Editor \\ autowrap is a plugin for rows autotransfers when entering.

Editor \\ Brackets - Plugin for auto party in the editor between brackets. It is alleged that he is not needed if you have a colorer, as he knows how to do it all.

Editor \\ Drawline is a plugin for drawing lines in the editor. Amateurs "Dos Nafigator" is dedicated.

Editor \\ Editcase - plugin to change the register of the words of the words. I know how to do everything - "all lowercase", "start from capital", "all uppercase", "change the register", "cyclic change".

Farcmds is a very powerful and multifunctional plugin. Since it goes in the standard set, I recommend reading "Help". An example of using is to make the same directory on the next panel as on the current one.

FileCase - a plugin similar to EditCase, but does the same with file names. IN next version s_and_r (1.6) will do the same, but for ease of work, I would still recommend using this plugin.

FTP is a standard FTP Client. For nephese work with FTP is quite sufficient. If you work with FTP constantly, I recommend putting the ProxyFTP described above, and this delete.

HLFViewer is a plugin for plug-in developers. Used to view an arbitrary HLF file - aid file for Far`a.

Multiarc is a powerful plugin to work with archives.

Network - plugin to work with the network. Very comfortable. Perhaps in this version it will be slightly changed for the better. Who has already enjoyed, knows that the old Network Browser did not know how to get out of the resources on the network, it knows how much it is true, while only for Microsoft Network. The owners of Novell NetWare will have to wait a bit.

Printman - new plugin. Replaces standard print functions in Far`E, starting with version 1.70 Beta1. Prints almost on all types of printers. Able to delete tasks from the print queue.

Proclist is a list of processes. A pleasant plugin for removing processes and viewing quite detailed information about them. In addition, he knows how to change priorities from running processes. By the way, here - to get a list and switching tasks, you can use the Ctrl-W combination in the Far`e, and for the removal of the menu that appears - the DEL key. At the same time, they are removed immediately and without questions, unlike what makes Windows (by Ctrl-Alt-Del).

TMPPanel is a temporary panel. The main purpose is to fold the files found when searching.

EMENU - Plugin to get the context menu of Windows. Able to give a text or graphic menu.

As I noted above, many standard plugins are additives for users, they do not provide all needs, and in many cases their functionality is overlapped with more advanced plugins, which means they can be deleted if not using them. The main meaning of standard plugins are examples for those who want to start writing plugins, as they all go with the source texts.

Where to take them and how to install?

All FAR plugins are stored in separate folders placed in the "Plugins" folder (which, in turn, is located there, where and far.exe). Having found a new module, Far saves information about it and subsequently loads only if necessary, so inactive modules do not require additional memory. However, if you are sure that you do not need any modules, you can delete them to save the disk space. In addition, be sure to read all text files such as readme.txt, whatsnew.txt, File_ID. DIZ. There may be described specific features to install this plugin. Also, look sometimes at the homepage of the authors of the plug-ins, which must be specified in these files.

Now let's see how to install them. So, you need to go to that folder where FAR is installed (usually C: \\ Program Files \\ Far \\), in the Plugins subdirectory, to create a subdirectory with the name corresponding to the title name (in principle, it is not important, useful only for orientation), And it will copy the entire contents of the Upgraded Archive. Next restart FAR. Remove the plugin is a bit harder. My way is to enter the directory with Plugins, click. (Point) and SHIFT-ENTER, exit Far`a, delete a directory with a plugin (DEL) and run FAR again. If you want to install new version plugin, then you need to delete it first, and then install. Sometimes, if the plugin is not loaded into memory, you can do without exiting FAR.

You can take plugins on the plugring - the site of the community of plagiance. By the way, in the last article I wrote that Plugring ( is an unofficial site. So, now he became official, but did not change his directions: there is the main thing (and, in principle, the only one) collection of plug-ins for FAR. There were shorter and fast memorable addresses for it - and Also, to keep abreast of all fresh plugins, I recommend subscribing to the forum - [Email Protected].

And the conclusion would like to express my gratitude to those who helped me write this article - especially Ivan Sinturin, as well as Far developers, plugins for him.