Download bat mail in Russian. Configuring the Bat mail program

The Bat! is a handy and powerful email application with a simple and clear interface and many additional useful functions... This product, developed by the Moldovan company Ritlabs, appeared in 1997 and since then has won many fans.

If earlier the first versions of the program were small and fit on floppy disks, now, after numerous updates and improvements, it has become "heavier" and overgrown with numerous options. The growth in the volume of the program had a positive effect not on its functionality, now it is a full-fledged mail application for working at home and in the office with. Now this mail client can even be used as a mailing list server.

To use the Russian interface to the program, you must additionally download the language module, which, in addition to Russification, provides the ability to check spelling when writing letters. Installing it is not difficult, but when switching to new version programs, reinstallation is not required.

Among the features of the program, the following should be noted:
- unlimited number of accounts for mailboxes on different servers, and with the ability individual customization each account;
- support for protocols such as POP, APOP, IMAP4, SMTP.
- simultaneous reception of mail from all mailboxes using a special command;
- Simultaneous checking of accounts, sorting messages and editing letters;
- management of letters on the server, including automatic. This feature is especially useful when fighting spam.
- importing letters from the old account as an archive (in this case, you need to make sure that the basket in this box is cleaned and compressed, otherwise the program will "pull out" all long-deleted letters);
- a well-thought-out system of filters for incoming and outgoing mail;
- search for contacts and their email addresses in the program catalogs, and the request can be made in any language;
- sorting and compression of stored letters;
- active lines of URL and e-mail for quick transition;
- "parking" messages to prevent them accidental deletion or moving to another folder.

Program interface
As already mentioned, there is a possibility of Russification of the program. The language can be changed in the "Properties" menu in the main working window of the mailer. It is possible to view the contents of each folder in separate window, which makes reading mail more convenient. There is also a scrolling notification system that will notify you in time that mail has arrived and show the sender and the number of letters. This is useful for monitoring emails while working with other applications.

Nobody wants his personal correspondence to fall into the wrong hands, therefore, when choosing a postal service, great attention is paid to his safety. In this regard, the mailer in question provides ample opportunities.

The program can encrypt mail using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) - a family of programs that use the most reliable encryption algorithms using "public key cryptography" technology. This method allows you to safely use open communication channels for exchanging files and messages, and without a secure channel for exchanging keys.

It is worth noting that, unlike its competitor Outlook Express, in which you have to pay for digital notifications, encryption of letters in this program is free.

Among the security capabilities of this email client, there are other pleasant points:
- the ability to protect all or individual mailboxes with a password;
- PGP compatibility with digital signatures, which allow you to check the nominal sender and whether the message has changed in transit;
- the APOP command, which enables an encrypted login to the POP server to prevent the transmission of the password to the network.

Writing letters
A well-thought-out letter editor provides ample opportunities for editing letters: replacing the font, highlighting individual words or phrases with color, setting auto-format, etc. It is possible to check the spelling of messages in Russian and English... If Word is installed on the computer, the mailer will independently find and connect its dictionaries. The presence of template and blank text allows you to speed up the writing of letters. Moreover, the system of templates and macros is so developed in Bath that it can be used as a mailing list server.

The program has correct support for all common encodings (both Russian and Eastern European), and you can change the encoding effortlessly with just two mouse clicks.

The address book in this mailer allows you to create not just an entry with the addressee's name and his e-mail, but to enter Additional information: home and work addresses and phone numbers, dates of birth, photos and other information.

Setting up the bat
After Russification of the program, you can use files or numerous tutorials on this topic. are very extensive, they relate to both the very software product, and each box separately. At the very beginning, the program will offer you to install this mailer as the default mail receiving program. Then you will need to set up your mailbox, and after that you can already move on to more.

All in all, this email program is an elaborate product with a wide range of features and capabilities. It is suitable for use by both beginners and more advanced users, and it can be done without any problems. At the same time, the program is equally good for offices and for home use... Possibility of Russification, low weight, flexible system settings and rich functionality make it easy to use. In spite of a large number of competitors (in addition to products from Microsoft, there is also Mozilla Thunderbird, Gmail, etc.), Bat has his fans and the popularity of the program is beyond doubt.

The Bat is a great free email client for Windows any version. Available for download in Russian on the official website of the developer and our portal via direct links. Development idea mail program The Bat appeared due to the fact that most PC users and regulars of the Internet usually have not one, but several e-mail boxes at once, which must be regularly checked and put in order, clearing them of spam and other unwanted messages - otherwise you will find in the huge list of received mail anything useful will be absolutely impossible.

Especially often this problem is encountered business people, whose email address, for some reason, is in the public domain (most often, this is due to the specifics of the business): they can receive such a quantity of various spam every day that their secretaries will only deal with its removal all working day.

Well, for those people who want to minimize this kind of negative nuances when interacting with e-mail, one of the best will certainly come in handy. mail clients for Windows 7 (8, 10), with the help of which you can not only quickly and effortlessly sort all the received correspondence, but also be sure that not a single virus will penetrate your email correspondence.

The Bat mail program is an internationally renowned mail dispatcher that is specially designed to make interaction with e-mail simple and enjoyable. Even if you create several new mailboxes every day, the email client will work with all of them without any problems, because it does not have any restrictions on the number of email addresses.

This mail client, working under Windows, provides an interface in Russian, which cannot but please the Russian-speaking audience of users. The translation of the program is quite correct, which was to be expected, since The Bat has been released on the computer software market for a long time.

Download The Bat for free in Russian also available from the official website. It comes with a free 30-day trial period that allows you to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this software. Version available for 32 and 64 bit Windows.

The email client is very well protected from hacker attacks from the outside, namely, it has good antivirus protection. Considering that the developers are constantly working to improve the functionality of the program, The Bat is constantly receiving new and very useful add-ons that help save precious time and nerves.

Unlike the existing counterparts of mailers, the bat can be configured even by an illiterate user, and one of the popular mail services (Google Mail, Yandex, Yahoo and others) can be configured in just half a minute. The Bat also stands out from its competitors by a package of software encryption technologies called PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), which make sending files and messages to a specified email address extremely safe, even if the letter is sent via an unsecured communication channel (when the certificate is not used security).

The user is provided with the most modern and strong encryption algorithms, including public key cryptography. Using this technology, you can verify the authenticity of the received digital signature and find out if there have been any changes with it during the transfer from the sender to the recipient.

Moreover, this functionality is provided for data protection absolutely free, which cannot be said, for example, about Outlook Express from the legendary Microsoft.
Users who are constantly suffering from an incredible amount of unnecessary advertising emails (spam), regularly arriving in all mailboxes, no longer need to worry about it. After all, The Bat is able to prevent its appearance even at the stage of getting to the mail server. To activate this function, you need to open the "Mail Management" tab located in the mailbox properties section, then activate the Mail Dispatcher itself, and then set the necessary rules to block spam.

The the email client stands out among its counterparts not only by the simplicity of setup, understandable even for a novice user, but also by a well thought out user interface, a nice-looking, well-thought-out design and a set of purely those functions that are really needed in the process of working with a mailer.

The Bat supports a large number of languages ​​out of the box, and to switch between them, the user does not have to restart the application. This is very convenient, especially for those who have to correspond at once in several languages ​​and from different e-mail addresses. The user can also collect all correspondence from different e-mail boxes in one click using a convenient function Check Mail For All (receive mail (all mailboxes), which is located in the "Tools" menu) or by using hotkeys Alt + F2.

The Bat Pro version of the program uses its own address book, which will not be linked to a similar book from Microsoft Windows... The user can create several separate books at once - according to his preferences and needs. For more convenient and efficient work with contacts, letters, boxes and files, the program has a special system of templates that can be customized for completely different tasks. In addition, the user is able to set the necessary special rules for sorting letters according to the selected folders by himself using a visual filter system.

With this mail client for Windows you can transfer all your letters from other mail clients, including Pegasus Mail, Microsoft Outlook Express, Eudora Lite, or Netscape Communicator. For these tasks, a convenient data transfer wizard is built into the program.

The Bat will appeal not only to the sharks of the business world, but also to ordinary computer users who are more interested in informal correspondence... To their delight, the software has a huge collection of funny emoticons that can be stuffed with any email or message.

For additional protection of some e-mail addresses, the user can use the password system when checking and sending mail. In addition, the utility supports the active function encrypted server login so that your passwords do not enter the Internet in clear text.

We remind you that The Bat is one of the first mail client programs, which allows you to conveniently administer a large number of mailboxes using a single window, making the user work as productive as possible with a minimum of time and nerves.

The bat professional- powerful email client for emails which is very powerful yet very easy to use. It has a large number of settings and tools, but don't be scared of it - despite all its functional "richness", The Bat is very easy to use, and will also greatly simplify your life! If you have a large number of accounts in various postal services(, gmail,, rambler and others) and you spend a lot of time to check your mail - The Bat is exactly what you need!

The Bat client supports an unlimited number of mailboxes that work through the POP and IMAP protocols. Also, The Bat has a secure data encryption channel, thanks to which your address book, as well as all letters, will be truly protected, and your right to confidentiality will be respected 100%, and all data will be safe and sound, inaccessible to external encroachments!

Download The Bat free mail

Download The Bat - a free email client for your Email, You can by following the link below, and it will be latest version a program that will surprise you with its intuitive functions, and user-friendly interface will only contribute to this. In addition, The Bat program is completely in Russian, which makes it even easier to configure and use. After that, all you have to do is just enjoy the convenience of using this program, and be amazed at how you coped without The Bat before!

    Run the program and configure it using the installation wizard.

    In the window Create a new mailbox specify the following account parameters:

    • Your name - the username (for example, Alice Little);

      Email address - your mailing address on Yandex (for example, [email protected] );

      Protocol - IMAP or POP.

    Click "Next .

    If you have already configured The Bat! and you want to add another one, open Box → New mailbox.

    In the Incoming mail window, specify the following account settings:

    • To receive mail use- IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol v4;

      Server address -;

      Port - 993.

    Click "Next .

    In the Outgoing mail window, specify the following account settings:

    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) address-;

      Connection - Secure on spec. port (TLS);

      Port - 465;

      Enable the option My SMTP server requires authentication.

    Click "Next .

    In the window Account details click Finish.

    Synchronize the created account with the server to get a list of folders. To do this, right-click on the box name and select Refresh folder tree.

    "," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": false," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false)])) \ ">

    Right-click on the box name and select Mailbox properties... On the left go to the menu Mail management... In the box on the right, find the block Using IMAP folders as standard... Enable the Sent Items option and select the Sent Items value from the list. In the same block, enable the Recycle bin option and select the Deleted items value from the list. Then go to block Connect to server automatically and set the value when starting The Bat!.

    "," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": false," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false)])) \ ">

    Click item Mail management→ Delete and specify the Deleted Items folder as the folder for normal and alternative deletion. Also disable the option Use alternative deletion for old emails and enable the option Automatically shrink folders after emptying.

    "," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": false," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false)])) \ ">

    Click Options and enable options Check when starting The Bat! and Compress all folders when exiting The Bat!.

    "," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": false," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false)])) \">

    Click OK to apply the changes and restart the program.

Problems with The Bat!

This is step by step guide will help you solve problems related to your mail program.

Select a problem:

What message did you receive?

If a message appears stating that there is no connection to the server, try logging into web interface Yandex.Mail with the same username and password that you use in the program. Enter your username and password manually, without using the ones stored in the browser.

Mail programs the protocol you want to use is \\ n enabled. \\ n

Make sure that you have specified the following server parameters \\\\ n in the mail program settings: \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

If you are using IMAP

    \\\\ n \\\\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\\\ n

    port - 993.

    \\\\ n
    \\\\ n \\\\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\\\ n

    port - 465.

    \\\\ n
\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

If you are using POP3

\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n Incoming mail \\\\ n \\\\ n

    \\\\ n \\\\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\\\ n

    port - 995.

    \\\\ n
\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n Outgoing mail \\\\ n \\\\ n
    \\\\ n

    the address mail server-;

    \\\\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\\\ n

    port - 465.

    \\\\ n
\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

\\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n \\\\ n

For more information on how to check server settings in different \\\\ n mail programs, see the section.

\\\\ n ")])) \\">

Make sure that you have specified the following server parameters \\ n in the settings of the mail program:

\\ n \\ n \\ n

If you are using IMAP

    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 993.

    \\ n
    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 465.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

If you are using POP3

\\ n \\ n \\ n Incoming mail \\ n \\ n

    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 995.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n Outgoing mail \\ n \\ n
    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 465.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

Encryption of transmitted data.

\\ n \\ n ")])) \">

Make sure in the settings section Mail programs the protocol you want to use is enabled.

Make sure that you have specified the following server parameters \\ n in the mail program settings: \\ n \\ n \\ n

If you are using IMAP

\\ n \\ n \\ n Incoming mail \\ n \\ n

    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 993.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n Outgoing mail \\ n \\ n
    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 465.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

If you are using POP3

\\ n \\ n \\ n Incoming mail \\ n \\ n

    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 995.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n Outgoing mail \\ n \\ n
    \\ n

    mail server address -;

    \\ n

    connection protection - SSL;

    \\ n

    port - 465.

    \\ n
\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

\\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n

For more information on how to check server settings in different \\ n mail programs, see the section Encryption of transmitted data.

\\ n ")])) \">

Make sure that you have specified the following server parameters in the settings of your mail program:

If you are using IMAP

Incoming mail

    mail server address -;

    connection protection - SSL;

    port - 993.

Outgoing mail

    mail server address -;

    connection protection - SSL;

    port - 465.

If you are using POP3

Incoming mail

    mail server address -;

    connection protection - SSL;

    port - 995.

Outgoing mail

    mail server address -;

    connection protection - SSL;

    port - 465.

For more information on how to check the server settings in different mail programs, see the section Encryption of transmitted data.

If the message "Authentication required" appears, "Sender address rejected: Access denied" or "Send auth command first", authorization on the Yandex SMTP server is disabled in the mail client settings. Make sure the option is enabled User authentication(for Outlook Express) or SMTP Authentication(for The Bat!).

If a message appears "Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user", the address from which you are trying to send a letter does not match the one under which you are authorized on the SMTP server. Make sure that in the settings of the mail program as return address the address is specified, the login from which is used in the SMTP authorization settings.

If a message appears Login failure or POP3 disabled, the mailer cannot access mailbox via POP3 protocol. Make sure that you entered the correct password for the mailbox and in the settings section Mail programs POP3 access enabled.

If a message appears "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM", the content of your message has been recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open web interface Yandex.Mail and send any one letter in the form of a test. This will prove to the system that it is not a robot that sends letters.

Check your computer for viruses using free antivirus software: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.

If the mail program does not receive or does not send letters, check the correctness settings of your mail program, as well as the settings for connecting your computer to the Internet.

If you are using antivirus program, firewall or proxy server, disable them and check if the problem is reproducible.

personal data and link to your account phone number.

Read step by step instructions to search for missing letters. Before starting work open Yandex.Mail in a new tab.

Select a problem:

When you delete messages, they go to the Deleted Items folder and are stored in it for 30 days. During this period, you can restore them:

    Go to the Deleted Items folder.

    Highlight the letters you want.

    Click the To folder button.

If more than a month has passed since their deletion, the messages cannot be restored - they were permanently deleted from Yandex.Mail servers.

If the messages are not in the folder where they should be, then most likely they got into another folder, for example, in Deleted Items or Spam. If you remember the name or address of the sender, part of the body of the letter or the subject - try look for letters in all folders in your mailbox.

Did you find the letters?

You can recover emails:

    Go to the folder where the letters were found.

    Highlight the letters you want.

    Click the To folder button.

    Select the folder where you want to move the messages from the list - for example, Inbox.

Why letters go missing and how to avoid it

The Deleted messages folder is stored for 30 days, in the Spam folder - 10 days. After that, they will be permanently deleted from Yandex servers. Why letters can get into these folders without your knowledge:

Another user has access to your mailbox

Emails can be deleted by a user who has access to your mailbox: perhaps you forgot to end the session after working on someone else's device. To end the session, click the link in the account menu Logout on all devices... You can also do this on the page Passports- using a link Log out on all computers.

Letters disappear in the mail program

service page

Configured a rule that deletes or moves letters. Letters disappear in the mail program

If you use the mail program and delete letters in it, then they disappear on service page... This happens because your program is configured using the IMAP protocol - the structure of the box on the service is synchronized with the structure of the box in the program. To delete messages only in the program, but leave them in Yandex.Mail, you can configure the program using the POP3 protocol, but we recommend not to do this: emails may not sync correctly with the server.

Configured a rule that deletes or moves messages Indicate in Yandex.Passport reliable personal data and link to your account phone number. Perhaps our security system found your account suspicious and blocked the mailbox. Most often this happens due to the fact that a phone number is not tied to the mailbox or a fictitious name and surname are indicated in the Passport. It usually takes a couple of hours to unlock the lock.

If you delete messages in the mail program, but they are still in their folders on the Yandex.Mail website, then most likely your mail program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not be correctly synchronized with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use IMAP protocol... For information on how to reconfigure your email client from POP3 to IMAP, see Migrating from POP3.

If the mail program does not display sent messages, then most likely your mail program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not be correctly synchronized with the server. It is recommended to use the IMAP protocol to work with Yandex.Mail. For information on how to reconfigure your email client from POP3 to IMAP, see Migrating from POP3.

If, when activating SSL encryption in your mail program, you receive errors about an invalid certificate, make sure that the mail program and operating system configured correctly:

Add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates manually (Windows)

Attention. If you are not sure if you can install the certificate yourself, contact a specialist.

To add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

    Download the certificate... (If the link opens directly in your browser, click CTRL + S and save the file to your computer; you don't need to copy text from the file.)