How to find out where the notification is from. How to find out who sent you an email

Often, citizens are faced with the fact that state bodies write to them through the use of registered mail. It can be brought by the postman, simply handed over or left in mailbox.

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The notice itself has no information about who exactly sent it, and postmen do not have such data. Citizens become interested in who exactly sent them such a letter.

It is important to understand that court letters are stored in the mail for no more than 7 days. Other registered mail may be stored for 30 days. Some letters do not need to be taken at all.

Important Validation Concepts

And although in recent years there has been great progress in the development of technology, government agencies prefer to use postal communication, namely registered letters, to contact citizens. This can be explained by greater reliability and coverage of almost the entire population of the country.

Overview of information in the notice

A notice is a notice that a registered letter has arrived in the name of a citizen by mail. Recently, this document has been circulated in a new form. The recipient receives a letter of this type against receipt, and the sender is issued a special receipt stating that the letter has been delivered.

Thus, it is practically guaranteed that the letter will not be lost. For this reason, valuable and important letters are most often sent in such ways.

Most often, these types of shipments are used by government agencies or banks. But neither on the notification, nor on the sent envelope, you can find the address and name of the sender. Only recently, on alerts, they began to enter the sender's city and postal code.

Main parameters and differences

Very often, such letters have the abbreviation DTI. This is a registered letter, for which you must pay an additional fee. Often this type of correspondence is used to send legal and other documents.

DTI is a technology index that is used as an additional source of information for sending letters to the public. Most often it is used by the Federal Tax Service, traffic police or bailiffs.

Each service has its own index, which is used by it to send mail notifications. DTI is not presented in the post office, it is used to reduce the load from real indexes.

Sometimes it also happens that the letter arrives at the wrong address, or it contains the wrong data. For example, a citizen who does not own a land plot may receive a notification about the need to pay land tax. In this case, you will need to appeal the information received in the body that is the sender of the letter.

Is it possible at all

It is believed that until the time of receipt of a letter or parcel, it is impossible to find out information about the sender, since postal employees have no obligation to report such data. Therefore, you can find out who sent the letter only after opening the envelope.

In fact, there are ways to find out such information. This will help mail notification. There is a very high probability that you will get necessary information can be from this document. So, the place of departure and the name of the sender himself can be found from the cipher on the notice.

A registered letter can be delivered to the recipient only after presenting the passport and signing it. Thus, the sender can guarantee himself the delivery of the letter. But sometimes the recipient does not want to receive letters from this sender. In this case, he has the right to ignore the notice, and after a certain time the letter is sent to the addressee.

How to find out about the sender

Standardly ordered correspondence is stored for 30 days. This period can be doubled if the recipient has written an official statement about the need for an extension. Judicial notices can only be kept by mail for 1 week.

The notice contains the following information:

  • what type of correspondence (package, registered letter, etc.);
  • from which country the letter was sent.

If the notice contains the word "judicial", then this means that the citizen received a message about the place and date of the trial. The court notice must be served on the recipient no later than 2 weeks before the start of the trial.

If a citizen has not taken such a letter within 7 days, then it will be returned with a note that the recipient refused to receive it. Moreover, it is considered that the citizen is notified about the beginning of the trial.

In this case, the court may impose a fine on the recipient for failing to appear in court without a good reason, or to consider the case without the presence of the summoned person.

Receiving such a notification does not mean that a lawsuit has been filed against a citizen - witnesses are also called to court in a similar way. Therefore, after receiving such a notice, it is better to pick it up from the post office.

Available methods

There are several ways to find out through a notice from the Russian Post from whom a registered letter. The easiest is to try to call the post office and ask about it directly from the employees of this organization. But service instructions do not always allow them to report such data.

The second method is considered more reliable. On the notification of the arrival of the letter there is a cipher that contains all the information about the sender. This is a kind of postal identifier - a track number, which is written under the barcode.

Instructions for site search

You can get the necessary information about the sender on the official website of the Russian Post. There you need to find a section called "Track" and go into it. A window will open where you need to enter the track number. It is very important to drive in all the numbers in the appropriate order and without errors.

After that, a window will open in which there will be such information about the letter:

  • when the letter was sent;
  • from what place did the departure take place;
  • which post office received the letter;
  • Sender's name.

On the website of the Russian Post, you can get this information only if the letter came by mail. In the case of sending a letter through any other organization with similar functions or through a courier, there is no point in searching for data on this site.

If the letter came through international postal operators, then to get information about it, you should go to the website To do this, use the barcode from the notice.

Visit to the Russian Post Office

Going to Postal office you can also find out the name of the sender even before the official receipt of the letter. You can ask the postman to show the envelope before delivery. In this case, you can decide whether you need this letter or you can refuse it. But, of course, the postal employee can refuse this.

After the citizen signs for the receipt of the letter, he will be given an envelope on which will be either the sender's address or his stamp.

In addition, if there is no “on demand” mark on the envelope, then even one of the recipient’s relatives can receive it. In this case, you can also find out the name of the sender even before receiving the letter in hand.

Detailed steps

Detailed instructions for obtaining data about the sender by notification number in 2020 are as follows:

  1. Please read the notice very carefully. At the top of the document is a barcode, and below it are 14 digits. These figures will need to be used in further actions. This is the so-called track number - postal identifier. With such details, most often letters come from government agencies.
  2. On the Russian Post website, you need to find a section on tracking shipments. There is also a function to search for information about the sender.
  3. After opening the desired section, you must enter these 14 numbers in a special field and click the search button.
  4. After carrying out these actions, the citizen will see in front of him all the information about the departure. It remains just to visit the post office and get a letter.

It is important to observe the retention periods, as an important letter may be sent back.

If the letter is unwanted

Sometimes a registered letter may simply be unnecessary or undesirable to receive. Such correspondence can simply be ignored. Since registered letters can only be delivered to the recipient after signing and presenting a passport, postal employees cannot simply drop them in the mailbox.

If a set time the letter was not claimed by the recipient, it is sent back to the sender.

Pay close attention to letters from the court. Even if the recipient did not pick up such correspondence from the post office, the court may consider that the citizen received notice of the start of the trial. Since this threatens with a fine for failure to appear without a good reason, it is better to pick up such letters on time.

The Russian Post, with all its shortcomings, continues to fulfill the duties assigned to it. Letters are delivered, parcels arrive, and postmen deliver notices. Sometimes people receive a notification that they do not understand, which is marked “ZK” (ZK), and information that a registered letter is waiting for them at the nearest post office.

Naturally, before you go to get it, it is advisable to find out what these two letters mean.

How to decipher the meaning of "ZK"

So what does ZK encoding mean? In this case, everything is rather banal: this is a notification about registered letter. That is, to receive such correspondence, you must personally visit the post office and provide an identity document to receive it.

The translation of the encrypted is understandable. But from whom the registered letter ZK was sent, the notice does not say. Naturally, the recipient's next desire is to find out. To do this, you can try the following options:

  1. Go to the official portal of the Russian Post, where in search string drive fourteen characters of the code, which are located under the barcode. The site will quickly provide information if the native and correct encoding is used.
  2. If the correspondence was sent from abroad, then you can visit one of the alternative Internet resources, where you can repeat the above operation. For example, you can go to, and so on.
  3. Contact the representative of the post office by phone and ask the latter to read the information posted on the letter itself. Unfortunately, positive result in this case is unlikely, since employees of such organizations rarely agree to comply with such requests.
  4. Directly visit the required branch of the Russian Post, where, without putting your signature on receipt, inspect the envelope, referring to the fact that you want to make sure its integrity.

After identifying the sender, you can decide what to do next.

Further action plan

Before you decide on further actions, you need to know a few nuances:

  • Typically, such letters are sent by various government or financial structures. That is, the envelope may contain information from the tax service, the court, pension fund, credit organization and so on;
  • Most of these senders believe that the information they sent reached the recipient and was read by him.

Then everything is simple - go get a passport and a notice, or leave it at the post office. If a person does not want to pick up the envelope, then after a certain time it will be sent back to the sender. Typically, storage periods range from seven (for ship notices) to thirty (for other options) days. But, as already mentioned above, the sending organization will assume that the person was familiarized with the information - this should be taken into account when choosing their actions.

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Post of Russia" accepts, sends and delivers postal items in the territory Russian Federation and other states. In the branches of this national postal operator, the dispatch and receipt of both internal and international parcels.

If parcels and postal items are sent within Russia, then the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit identification number consisting of numbers, and for international shipments, an identification number of 13 characters (numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet) is assigned, similar to RA123456789RU.

Both numbers comply with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union and both the sender and the recipient of the postal item can track the parcel on them.

Russian Post tracking mail

Russian Post tracking works for both domestic and international shipments, including EMS express shipments. Shipments across Russia have a tracking number consisting of 14 digits, the first 6 of which are the sender's postal code. Outgoing international shipments have a track number similar to AA123456789RU, where the first 2 letters indicate the type of shipment.

How to track a parcel in Russia?

In Russia, the parcel is easy to track. To do this, you need to know the track number of the parcel. Only 14 digit numbers of domestic parcels and 13 digit numbers can be tracked at the Russian Post international shipments.

Enter your departure number in and our service will track your parcel at the Russian Post through the official website, and also check all the necessary foreign delivery service websites.

Russian Post tracking parcels by postal ID number

Postal identifiers are a special combination of letters and numbers that allow the postal service to uniquely identify a shipment. There are countless postal identifiers, however, Russian Post only supports tracking for two types, these are international shipments of the International Postal Union, and tracking shipments within the country.

The parcel identifiers of the International Postal Union consist of 2 letters of the Latin alphabet, in which the type of shipment is most often encoded, followed by 8 digits and the last 9 digit is check sum, at the end there are 2 more letters, and this is always the code of the country of departure.

Shipments within Russia are assigned a 14-digit numeric code, and the first 6 letters are the index of the post office from which the parcel or letter was sent.

How to find a parcel by Russian Post tracking number

The parcel is easy to find by postal ID or tracking number. Domestic parcels consist of 14 digits and begin with the index of the department from which the parcel was sent and looks like 39401900000000.

International incoming and outgoing parcels can be tracked by a special number accepted by the International Postal Union, it looks like Rx000000000CN. The first 2 letters indicate the type of departure - registered or not, small package, parcel, letter, followed by 9 digits and the last 2 letters indicate the code of the country of departure.

ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK parcel tracking

Shipments with tracking numbers of the form ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - Simplified Registered Mail - a type of postal item created by Aliexpress together with the Russian Post to reduce the cost of delivering inexpensive goods from Aliexpress.

Shipments with type tracking numbers ZJ 000000000 HK- a type of postal item, created by Joom Logistics in conjunction with the Russian Post, to reduce the cost of delivering low-cost goods from Joom.

Such parcels have only 3 statuses:

  • Accepted at the post office
  • Came to the place of delivery
  • Received by recipient

Parcels are not tracked at all stages of the journey, but the entire important information is present. It is important for the buyer to know that the goods were physically sent and arrived at the post office, and by the number ZA..LV, ZA..HK the parcel will be found and issued by post.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by Latvian Post (ZA..LV) and Hong Kong Post (ZA..HK), but the goods themselves are in China, so it takes some time until the order is transported from the seller's warehouse to the Latvian or Hong Kong post office.

The service website collects information on the delivery time of 1.5 million shipments on a weekly basis and uses this statistics to predict the delivery time of a parcel in Russian cities with an accuracy of +/- 2-4 days.

How long is a parcel or letter stored in the Russian Post office or storage periods?

The shelf life of postal orders and written correspondence, which also includes international small packages, is 30 days. Other postal items - 15 days, if more long term storage is not provided for by the contract for the provision of postal services. Items marked "Judicial" are stored for 7 days.

The start of the storage period begins on the next business day of the post office following the day the item or postal order arrives at the place of delivery.

After the expiration of the storage period, registered items (parcels, registered and valuable letters, registered and valuable parcels, registered postcards, EMS express mail) are sent to the return address at the expense of the sender. If the sender does not pick up the returned item within the storage period, the item is considered "unclaimed" and is stored for 6 months, after which it is destroyed

Receiving shipments by SMS code at the Russian Post without a passport

It is very convenient to receive shipments without a passport and filling out a postal notice, by SMS code. To do this, you just need to issue a simple electronic signature, at any branch of the Russian Post or through the State Services.

Thanks to this service, you no longer have to fill out paper notices and show your passport. Upon receipt of a registered letter or parcel at the branch, it is enough to give your last name or the number of the departure, as well as the telephone number specified during registration. An SMS will be sent to this number with a code that must be called to the operator in order to receive the shipment.

Receiving shipments at the Russian Post

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels are delivered to the recipient's mailbox.

The postman brings registered letters to the house and hands them to the addressee against signature upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not in place, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox and returns the letter to the office.

Parcels and other registered items can be collected at the branch or ordered for home delivery.

To receive the shipment at the branch, you need to present a notice (it can be filled out on the website) or a track number, as well as an identity card. Or connect a simplified receipt and confirm your identity with an SMS code.

If you do not have a notification or a track number, upon presentation of an identity card, you can ask a Postal employee to find the shipment by the name and address to which it was sent.

Russian Post search for missing parcels

Check the status of your letter or parcel by tracking number. If there is no information on the status of the shipment, or the status has not been updated for a long time, your letter or parcel has not been delivered, and the forwarding period has expired, you can initiate a search for the shipment.

To start the search, you need to submit an application on the page or submit it at any branch of the Russian Post:

  • an application for the search for a shipment in Russia or an international shipment;
  • a check issued along with the shipment, or a copy of it (the check is issued at the time of sending);
  • identification.

Applications for the search for domestic and international mail are accepted within 6 months from the date of dispatch. Applications for the search for international EMS shipments are accepted within 4 months from the date of dispatch.

The application can be submitted by both the recipient and the sender or an authorized representative of one of them (upon presentation of a power of attorney).

The Russian Post informs about the search results by registered mail to the postal address, or by letter to email address specified in the application.

The term for considering a complaint or claim and providing a written response is:

  • 5 days for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within the same locality;
  • 30 days for all other domestic mail and money orders;
  • The term for consideration of claims for international mail can be from 30 to 90 days

In the event that the shipment could not be found, compensation is paid. The sender has the primary right to receive compensation, and he also has the right to refuse compensation in favor of the recipient or other authorized person.

Simple small package tracking

Small package - a small parcel abroad with unbreakable items. A custom small package, unlike a simple small package, has a tracking number. The track number of international shipments consists of 13 characters, it uses Latin capital letters and numbers.

Simple small packages are those that are accepted from the sender without a receipt and handed over to the addressee without a receipt. Simple shipments can be letters, postcards, parcels and "small packages" (parcels less than 2 kg abroad). Regular shipments cannot be tracked. Simple letters in stamped envelopes and postcards with stamps can be self-delivered via the mailbox.

Duty free import

Records mention a messenger system in the 10th century CE. Early letters were sent on a roll with a wax or lead seal; the earliest of these seals dates from 1079 and mentions the governor Ratibor Tmutarakan. The earliest surviving letter was sent in 1391 from La Tana (now Azov) to Venice

By the 16th century, the postal system included 1600 branches, and mail reached Novgorod from Moscow in three days. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international postal route in Russia.

With the Parcels application, you can find out the exact location of your parcel or postal item delivered by Russian Post in a few seconds.

Despite the development of IT technologies, most government agencies use registered mail notifications. This method is more reliable and covers the majority of the population. This mailing allows you to make sure that the letter was delivered to the addressee, because in order to receive a notification, you will have to go to the post office, provide supporting documentation and leave your signature. Today we will tell you in detail what these new ZK notifications are and what their arrival means.

ZK notices delivered

How to find out where and from whom it came?

It's elementary simple. People who encounter these situations probably know how to get the data they're looking for. You can do this by examining the notification itself directly.

By the way, an international number can consist of 13 digits and a capital Latin letter.

With the help of special services, you can try to find out the sender, the date of sending and other useful information. Here are the official mail services to clarify information about the sender:

  •, 14 digits themselves are entered without spaces and brackets;
  • for international mail, the prefixes DHL, UPS, EMS, etc. mean the representation of a foreign addressee.

Should I get a ZK notice?

Of course, yes! The problem is that RFQ letters are stored for 7 or 30 days. In the context of a judicial notification, it will last only a week, and after the expiration of the deadline, it will go back. In this case, it is considered that the recipient is notified of the meeting. Failure to appear threatens with a fine and consideration of the issue without the participation of the recipient. Standard government notices organs will last longer - exactly a month, and, as in the previous case, it is believed that the recipient is in the know.

By the way, check out this article too: Podolsk-DTI - what is it on the postal notice

Refusal to receive does not solve anything - but it can complicate the situation very easily. Ultimately, it is more important for the final addressee to receive correspondence.

What is it and who sends it?

A ZK notice is a notice that the post office has received a registered letter in your name. These notices have been sent out recently in an updated form. is handed to the recipient against receipt, and the sender, in turn, receives a special delivery receipt. This method eliminates the loss of notification, and the postal service is the guarantor of delivery. Most often, important and valuable letters are sent in this way.

As already mentioned, it is often the state. authorities (traffic police, court), banks and insurance companies use such mailings. It is a pity, but on the sent envelope and the notice of its arrival there are no notes about the authority that sent it. Only recently envelopes and notifications marked ZK began to sign the city, postal code and address of the post office. Very rarely, such an envelope refers to spam and advertising, so getting it is important.

An example of a visitor

What should I do if I couldn't receive the email?

First of all, it is possible to order an extension of the storage period in cases where the recipient is away. Of course, this applies to standard solutions and documentation. The procedure will be perfectly described to you by mail.

If, for a good reason, you did not get a court letter zk, then you should apply for cancellation. Of course, the reason must explain the inability to receive notification. One way or another, there will be plenty of trouble.


I hope you understand what the ZK-letters that come in your name mean. Now you know how you can quickly track by the track number who exactly the notification comes from. By the way, on the official website of the Russian Post, you can connect the service of electronic registered letters, which allows you to receive most notifications immediately by email. At the end, some more relevant information on undelivered notifications.

We will talk about how to find out the sender by the notification number in the article.

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Can you tell where the letter is from?

It is usually believed that before the delivery of a letter or parcel, it is impossible to find out the sender's personal data, since postal employees are not required to give out such information.

However, simply by receiving a mail notice, you can most likely find out the place of departure and the name of the sender or the name of the organization, since information about them is encrypted in the mail notice itself.

In what cases is it necessary?

Registered letter or parcel - those types of postal items, when forwarding which the addressee wants to make sure that the addressee has received correspondence.

Usually, important documents from government agencies or various private organizations are sent this way.

A registered letter or parcel is handed over only upon presentation of a passport and against signature of delivery, and the sender can track the delivery of correspondence.

If the recipient, for some personal reason, does not want to receive correspondence from certain senders, then he can ignore the notification, and the letter or parcel will be sent back to the addressee after a certain time has passed.

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Also, registered letters can be used by various companies as advertising spam, so going to the post office for registered mail can only result in receiving an advertising booklet.

So having learned the data about the place of departure and the sender, it is possible with a high degree of probability to understand the value of the letter and its content.

Can I return a book or textbook to a store with a receipt? Find out the answer right now.

How long is registered mail kept in the mail?

Registered mail (letters or parcels) is stored at the post office for 30 days from the date of receipt.

This period can be doubled up to 60 days if the recipient contacts the post office with a written application for an extension of the storage period.

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The only exceptions are court notices, the storage period of which is 7 days from the date of receipt.

How do you know what has arrived?

The postal notice contains sufficient information from which you can learn a lot about the postal item. In particular, the notice states:

  • type of departure (registered letter, parcel post, small package, etc.);
  • departure country.

Where to send a complaint about a decision on an administrative offense of the traffic police? Read about it here.

If "judicial" is indicated

If the notice says "Judicial", then this means that the recipient received a court notice about the date, place and time of the trial.

The court notice comes at least 15 days before the date of the hearing.

If a court notice is not received within 7 days, it will be returned to the sender with a note that the addressee refused to receive the letter, and it is considered that the person was notified of the summons to the trial.

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At the same time, it is possible that the court will decide that the person was duly notified of the time and place of the trial. In such a case, the court may impose a fine for non-attendance at the hearing without a good reason or carry out the consideration of the case without the participation of the summoned.

It should be borne in mind that not only the parties to the process, but also witnesses are called by a court notice, so you should not panic ahead of time.

Therefore, if such a notice is received, it is necessary to appear at the post office for judicial correspondence.

You can learn about what to do if the court letter is returned back to the court from the video:

Methods for determining

There are two ways to find out the name of the sender, or at least the post office where the parcel or letter was sent from. You can try to call the post office and ask employees to provide information about the sender.

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However, as a rule, postal employees refuse such a request, referring to official instructions.

The second method is much simpler, since the information about the sender is encrypted in the notification itself.

To find out the sender of a registered letter or parcel, you can use the postal identifier (track number), which is indicated on the notice under the barcode.

Can I legally return clothes to a store? Find out the answer on our website.

Russian Post website guide

For parcels and registered letters within the Russian Federation, as well as international shipments using Russian Post to deliver correspondence, the track number can be checked on the official website of the company in the "Track" field, you need to enter the track room.

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The result will be:

  • departure point;
  • the post office where the item was received;
  • sender's name (surname or name of the organization who sent).

Instructions for searching

For parcels or registered letters sent not with the help of the Russian Post, but through international postal operators (DHL, Fedex, UPS, EMS, etc.), the sender must be searched not on the Russian Post website, but on the international Internet website

For this on home page site, you must select the appropriate company, the name of which must be indicated on the mail notice, and in the required field enter the number of the postal identifier, which is also indicated in the notice.

The development of electronic postal services has greatly facilitated the life of senders, as they can trace the stages of sending registered mail on the Russian Post website or using other Internet postal sites.

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This feature can also be useful for the addressee, who can track the sender's name and protect themselves from unnecessary correspondence.

How to write a claim for poor quality service? There is a sample on our website.

You can learn how to fill out the mail notice correctly from the video:

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How to find out by notification who sent you a registered letter

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Sometimes such a notice indicates "judicial", which is exactly what it means - the court notifies you of something and such a letter should be taken responsibly.

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The moped is not mine. so, flight of thought 🙂

F. Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil" (c)

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Violated, caught - answer. Disagree - Appeal.

F. Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil" (c)

F. Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil" (c)

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And then guess by the index)))

And about tracking postal items is not news for a long time))) I have been using this option for several years.

everything works - oddly enough, even Russian mail is useful

F. Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil" (c)

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there is no data on the sender, except for the postcode, city

so this info is in the notice

transport tax and non-registered mail
Fines by registered mail (device KRIS-P). There is someone in the subject.
I received a notice of a registered letter (marked "judicial Barnaul") - to receive or not?
What can you expect if you do not pick up registered letters of happiness at the post office?
A registered letter came from the tax office, and a week later a notice to him

The most visited car forums in Russia according to LiveInternet

Russian Post Parcel Tracking

The online mail tracking service will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered by the Russian Post.

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The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Post of Russia" receives, sends and delivers postal items on the territory of the Russian Federation and other states. In the branches of this national postal operator, the dispatch and receipt of both domestic and international parcels are processed. If parcels and postal items are sent within Russia, then the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit identification number consisting of numbers, and for international shipments, an identification number of 13 characters (numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet) is assigned.

Both numbers comply with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union and both the sender and the recipient of the postal item can track the parcel on them.

How to track a parcel of the Russian Post?

Tracking the status and location of a parcel by the Russian Post is extremely simple: to do this, you need to enter a unique track code for the parcel in the tracking line. After specifying the number, click on the "Track" button and find out the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment by Russian Post.

If you need to save data on several shipments by Russian Post at once, then register in personal account online package tracking service, and track several shipments at once and get accurate information on each package.

Possible statuses of Russian Post

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And he will gladly look for your parcel, and if he finds it, he will tell you where it is.

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Useful package tracking extension

Package Tracking

You can track parcels right in the extension without being distracted by going to the site!

Parcel tracking history

We will keep a list of all your parcels for better control over orders!

Uploading track codes from Aliexpress

Check all your parcels ordered on Aliexpress in one click!

New status notifications

Surf your favorite sites, and we ourselves will notify you about the new statuses of the parcels!

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Communities › DRIVE2 and GAI › Blog › How to find out by notification who sent you a registered letter

I brazenly stole the text on the Drome from the respected Varang, for which I apologize, but it is extremely necessary for the drivers of the drive to know this!

From time to time, everyone has to deal with government agencies that communicate with citizens through registered mail.

Either the postman brings it or you find a notice of registered mail in the mailbox. Moreover, the notice itself does not indicate who sent the letter (package) to you. And the post office will not tell you this information. And I want to know who writes to you)

Sometimes such a notice indicates "judicial", which is exactly what it means - the court notifies you of something and such a letter should be taken responsibly.

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It is important to know the following - judicial correspondence is stored at the post office (in Russian Post offices) for 7 days, after which it is returned to the court with a note that the addressee refused to receive the letter. At the same time, the court may consider that the person was duly notified (if we are talking about the date and place of the hearing of the case) and the civil or administrative case can be considered without your participation with the corresponding (usually negative) consequences.

Other registered correspondence is stored at the post office for 30 days.

Sometimes letters just come in that you can not pick up at all.

So - is it possible to find out from the notice where the letter comes from and who the sender is?

Here is an example of such a notice - see photo

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At the top, under the barcode, there is a 14-digit postal ID number (highlighted in red)

Here enter this same 14-digit number and captcha

et voila - you will immediately be shown who, when and where sent the letter

For correspondence such as DHL, UPS, EMS, etc. - information can be found here

taken from comments by cantvehs

There is one more detail. There, on the letters themselves, there are still different prefixes near the cipher. Sometimes they have a lot to say too. These are the markings of the sender's organization.

Comments 57

Thank you. I put everything on the shelves.

For the screen, I told you correctly, do the full width of the page. You are welcome. It's easier for others to watch.

A notice is sent by registered mail. Just about the fact that it is somewhere at the address. The postman has a book in which the recipient signs when receiving this notice. If the postman has not delivered the notice within a month, it is supposed to be "returned" to the sender. Here you need not to catch the eye of the postman and not go to the post office for the parcel where the letter is located. Everything that can be monitored is monitored by the parcel departure number (on the mail website), the stamp at the place of departure. From there you can find out the number and address of the post office, from where this letter began to move to you. But - they don’t throw registered orders into boxes if the current in the mail is all the same to them. They will not rake at the post office - a judicial or non-judicial letter - they will be a month, or even more, upholstering the recipient's doorstep. They can call home. Notice - a rectangle of offset paper, where the name of the recipient and his address are written and there is a stamp of the time the letter was received at the final destination. In view of all this, I want to say - to find out from whom exactly the letter does not work, if not return address and full name on the letter. It will be stupidly returned to the starting point of departure.

You can, of course, meet with the postman or go to the post office and deceive one of them or send a relative, but I will not paint fraudulent methods on how to find out everything about the letter.

Now on the topic: we turn on the logic - we didn’t get into an accident, we didn’t spoil other people’s property, there are no procedural cases against me, we don’t enter into an inheritance? If any of this, and the postman does not have a record of delivery, then the meeting will be considered absent / rescheduled, which means the letters will be again and again. But it’s not good to poke when you have a sin. All the same, not small children make porridge. I don’t understand those with the smell of fried tail is running out. Kabzdets is obvious, why is it extinguished? Handcuffs in registered order are not sent - max. letter weight 100 grams.

If there are any other questions on the merits, I can answer. In the past, I worked in the post office. Well, I wish you to do without violations and incidents.

Add of course. There is one more detail. There, on the letters themselves, there are still different prefixes near the cipher. Sometimes they have a lot to say too. These are the markings of the sender's organization.

thank you, right now I will add with copyright

Well, if "you can't hide from the letter" there is one option that is quite adequate. You are talking to the postmaster. You ask about the place where the letter came from. The phone number for this place is easy to find. It will be the same post office. You can call / drive up and talk about the letter there (if all this is so important), as a rule, the employees of that post office will immediately tell who sent it. But this is provided that the sender is a normal person and "does not hide anything" about himself.

It is a little more tense with transport companies due to the fact that, unlike any Russian Post, they are located "not at every residential building." And it's much harder to find out. And the "state corporation of evil" uses the services of the old fashioned way, not the TC. Well, with rare exceptions.

our bitches did this: letters from the traffic police come from the other side of the city from a place with an unpronounceable abbreviation, the tax office sends its notifications from Mytishchi MO - they have a mailing center there, some gas workers are not encrypted!

I remember I sent two registered orders at the same time. One to the neighboring area, which is a ravine from me, the second, there are 25 kilometers by car. And that's it. Like water. All trials have passed. The first letter was taken (presumably) by the guy's wife. Nothing is known about the second. Well, okay.

After 6 months I received a return receipt from Moscow - but it was lying around somewhere, everything happens in the mail! and in court we look at one thing: "Sent - duly notified and does not die!"

I write to my mail the address of the receipt. I come and pick up. Then a month later, I also find roots in another box. A trifle, but nice)

let's add this text to the post? many bookmarked it, they will come in handy!

What is there to add? Mlzhet they have there and it’s supposed to sign for the Notice in some book, only in reality none of the postmen does this! All citizens take out the Notice simply from their mailbox!

AU! People! Have any of you signed in some book for delivering notices?!)))))

Something I doubt! ;about)

Therefore, your post is more informative for people ...

I can say for myself - the authorities asked me to take people's signatures both in the book on the delivery of registered letters and valuable parcels (these were even just ordinary regular magazines) and in the notice. I remember many of the addressees asked me - is this not a letter from the court? And I really couldn't tell them where it came from. I did not participate in the admission.

Now I and everyone else is also asked to sign. And so maybe, where as usual.

We sign on the Notice of Delivery - yes. Then this notification of delivery is given to the sender (Tax, Pension, etc.) as proof that you have been notified/notified. So that in the event of a judicial recovery, they have proof that you are generally aware of everything.

And what would people sign for the Notice itself ... hardly ...

Excuse me, but I only comment on what you yourself wrote ...

"The postman has a book in which the recipient signs when receiving this notice. If the postman did not deliver the notice within a month ..." - What are your words? ;about)

Sorry, I'll be more careful.

Well, how to explain - there was a case, in the morning at work in the deposits of all sorts of junk at work, a pack of shag ... According to the date of manufacture, she was my age. Well, we gladly decided to smoke, but we didn’t have cigarette paper and a colleague thrust me my own notice, which was already signed. I realized this later when I didn’t find it, but in the little book there was a signature that I handed it over).

Not just for the announcement. It's just that this signature for the letter is duplicated in the book. The book performs the role of the registry.

In general, frankly, I just didn’t like how you spoke out in an aggressive form to the person who put this post on display for people ... That the pictures are not like that, and the post is generally avno ... and these are your words "it’s just not good to snoop around when you are behind you All the same, not small children boil porridge. I don’t understand those who, at the smell of fried food, tighten their tail. Kabzdets is obvious, why is it extinguished?

Wonderful weather! ;about)))

Yes, it didn't work out well. It needs to be a bit softer.

It happens! I guess I didn’t notice myself ... I love it when they are adequate and can really overestimate; o)

Thanks again…

Not just for the announcement. It's just that this signature for the letter is duplicated in the book. The book performs the role of the registry.

Maybe about this, that it was the letter that was handed over, I don’t argue ...

1. "- It is important to know the following - judicial correspondence is stored at the post office (at Russian Post offices) for 7 days, after which it is returned to the court with a note that the addressee refused to receive the letter."

This is where you are very much mistaken. The letter goes back marked "Storage time has expired." Well, if you come to the post office and tell the post office worker that you do not want to receive it, then yes, it will go back that "the addressee refused to receive the letter."

2. By the track number you will not know from! WHOM! it is the correspondence that is going on. You will only know the sender's index, city, weight and no more.

and it’s worth adding that the sender’s index, city, weight will not say anything useful, as many government agencies use single centers sending correspondence, and having received a letter, for example, from Penza, you will guess for a long time who exactly sent it

Thank you, very useful info)))

Fine, helpful information, that's exactly what I do, to know whether to pick up or not! Basically, it turns out that you don’t need anything😏 and you don’t have to take anything😉

Well, what the hell, they won’t send anything normal ...😊

that's right, nothing to take away when it's necessary - the bailiffs themselves will come and arrest the account)))

At least the commission will not have to be paid, as if through a bank😂

letters just don't come, what are they afraid of, went and received and found out from whom.

only zero from your cunning, I will receive a letter, but I don’t need to receive it, it still doesn’t remove responsibility, I’m talking about judicial and letters of happiness and debts to someone, etc.)))

Well, some people have been rummaging around for 2 years, waiting for the statute of limitations on the case to expire, or for the other side to get on their nerves until it stops...

it’s someone who’s lucky. my friend was so worried, and one fine day they blocked the salary card, he came and paid the fine.

did not last))). I will clarify: a double fine + a performance fee for bailiffs!

this post is written for smart smart guys, don't worry)))

➕➕➕ whoever needs it, so he set himself ✔…

didn't understand about the tick

This comm was written to your statement that "this post is written for smart smart guys, don't worry)", which you wrote to that comment that this is useless information.

It's so useful to me. I use this site all the time. Just now I looked at another letter from the IFTS, that is, from the tax office. I already know that this is a transport tax, and the amount too. I'll print it and pay. And I don’t want to waste time on eternal queues, because it usually takes 1.5-2 hours ...

ohh, well, very few people are capable of such tricks, with shaking hands I get all my orders in a neighboring building in 5-10 minutes)))

And what tricks, why should I receive (and most importantly, waste time!) Letters in which I already know what exactly. Or, for example, the site of the Arbitration Court, I receive a newsletter about the case, what date the meeting is scheduled for, I go and look. Both definitions and decisions. At the same time, letters are coming marked "judicial", the contents of which I already know ...

I repeat once again - only smart people, experts on the Internet, can know everything, be able to and analyze everything!

Yes, you know, some apparently just happy people))) They just don’t need it)))

And when in life you come across meetings, penalties, bailiffs, illegal traffic police stops, and not as a lawyer, but simply as a citizen, then you begin to understand all these subtleties ...

not all email notifications come with a tracker

I didn't see any letter from the court.

As soon as the notice came, I immediately understood - the agenda)

She was a plaintiff, so she didn’t sweat and didn’t run to the post office, but she found out about the time of the next meeting from a lawyer.

And about 7 days - everything is correct. Email is automatically sent back

Thanks, repost and bookmark.

no matter what, we need to help each other!

There is a program for smartphones to read barcodes. Same thing, just faster.

waiting for details for gadget lovers!

Necessary info. Thank you.

but if you didn’t pick up the letter on time, and the matter is important, then if we are talking about the administrative process, then you need to get a copy of the decision and file a complaint with a request to restore the missed deadline for appeal. In the petition, to motivate the impossibility of timely notification - vacation, business trip, etc.

The same is true in civil proceedings - only there you can either file an application for the cancellation of an absentee decision or appeal to a higher authority.