What is MP Lz Vnukovo shop 1. MP Lz Vnukovo came a registered letter: what it is

Nowadays, it is popular for purchases via the Internet, it is particularly beneficial to buy Chinese goods, since they have a very attractive price and in quality Chinese goods are no longer inferior to any other. Most often on Ali buy: clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, minor equipment, home products.

It happens that the parcel does not come for a very long time, and in the status of shipments it is written "released customs". How much to wait for such a parcel?

Now cases of delays of parcels from abroad at customs - frequent phenomenon and this happens with each third. What are the reasons for this misunderstanding?

  • Excess the permissible limit of the parcel value;
  • Problems with documents

If the parcel detained customs - her expectation can seriously delay and you risk staying without a long-awaited product at all.

How to track the parcel

You go to Ali and make the purchase of your favorite goods. After payment, you choose the delivery service, with which the goods will be delivered to you. That is, find the "Delivery" menu to the right of the product of the product and click on "delivery from your country". Next, you can see the menu where the available delivery services will be displayed.

Here you choose the service suitable for you, about them and their features we will talk below. But, pay attention if the status "issued customs" is worth more than a day - you need to contact the service or Ali administration to solve this issue.

EMS - the largest world delivery service

Through this delivery system, you can get a parcel from Ali. What is the difference from other firms, advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage is a representative office in Russia - EMS Russian Post.

One of the parcel tracking services with EMS Russian Post - Postal Ninja. Here you can track your parcel along the track number.

The EMS representation in Russia delivers the parcel in the same way as it was sent from China, because the risk of confused and delays is practically excluded. Here are some more important features of the service:

  • delivery service is working mobile;
  • affordable price;
  • delivery of bed by courier to home;
  • it is possible to pick up the parcel and in the post office;
  • permissible mass - 31kg.

If you use the services of the EMS delivery service and your parcel detained at customs, that's what you need to do and pay attention to:

  • the parcel can be registered at customs not more than 10 days;
  • regarding the delay, you can contact the Russian representative office of the company directly.

China Post POST (China Post)

The postal postal operator carries out the services of the internal and international delivery of parcels, which has a developed system of mail processing items throughout China. The largest centers are located in: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenchen and Guangzhou. Here is a list of important features of China Post:

  • Due to the strong workload, the processing of your order can take from 7 days to 1 month;
  • China's mail cooperates with many small online shopping and large trading platforms, such as: Aliexpress, Ebay, Taobao.

It is important to understand that when making a message on this service, he is assigned a track number, but it will be impossible to track his movement after passing the Chinese border.

DHL - German logistics company

Works around the world, delivering parcels from different parts of the world. It has its own representative office in Russia and is a customs broker. One of the company's sorting centers is in the south, as well as in the center of Moscow.

In connection with the tightening of work requirements, DHL suspended the delivery of goods in Russia, with the exception of some stores, the list of which AliexPRass is included.

You can track the parcel sent using this logistics company using track24.ru tracking service. Here you will see how many items and for what time your product passes, before you get to your hands and where it is at the moment.

If the parcel fell to the customs branch of Vnukovo, this process will also affect this service. You will see when your product was accepted, processed and finally received the status of "issued customs MR Lz Vnokovo".

It should be noted that 102976 Sharapovo is the location of the international postal exchange of Vnukovo. Therefore, the Custom Sharapovo means that the parcel successfully passed customs control and from that moment the established deadlines for sending in Russia begin to operate.

Shipping Epacket.

Very convenient delivery service in China. Its main advantage is that delivery through the territory of China to the Russian border is very quickly, thanks to the internal concluded contracts for cooperation between the company and corporate ethics. Diving to the border, the parcel is transmitted to the hands of Russian Post.

When the goods delay at customs, it is possible to get information only at the store that shipped it to you. Track the parcel to the track number is possible, but if the send status is not updated for a long time - then you can only ask questions from which you made an order.

However, this method of dispatch is one of the cheapest and fast of all available on Ali. Many online store users use the services of this logistics company.

Now you know what the status of "issued customs" means, and how you can find out more information about sending and receiving your goods. Also, we figured out how much wait, how to track the parcel and where to contact if it is delayed.

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On any day we can detect a notice in our mailbox, which contains the mention of MP Lz Vnukovo. It usually signals the presence of a postal correspondence that needs to come and obtain. In this material, I will tell you what "MR Lz Vnukovo" is what the specificity of his work, and what to do in case of receipt of the postal notification with the above-mentioned string.

The "International Logistics Center of Vnukovo" is an important transit point in the logistics chain of a multitude of cargo in Russia. After completing the customs, various packages, parcels and other cargoes fall into the LC Vnukovo, where their sorting begins with subsequent dispatch by the corresponding links of the logistics chain.

The duration of sorting can differ significantly in each case. It is influenced by such factors as:

  • the loading of the logistics center at a specific point (for example, before the holidays it is large);
  • feebility of sorting equipment;
  • availability of sufficient personnel;
  • and just the human factor.

The time of staying parcels in MP Lz Vnukovo can range from several days to several weeks, therefore it is not necessary to panic if the parcel depended there for days 10-14.

Also, it is not necessary to panic if the parcel after the LC Vnukovo significantly lost weight. This is usually due to the mistakes of the human factor, and the claimed goods will reach the recipient safe and preservation.

To understand what MP Lz Vnukovo is and how to work the logistics center, I propose to see this video:

What to do when receiving notification with MP Lz Vnukovo

If you have found a notice from this LC in your mailbox, and the sender is not specified on it, you can try to get information about the last on the Mail of Russia. Enter the 14-digit number under the barcode in the mail notification you received into the corresponding site field, and press the button with the magnifying glass. You can also call back to the specified post office, and asked the lane-operational data on the sender.

Track the sender using the Russian Post Resource

What could be this correspondence?

Postal notice with MP Lz Vnokovo notifies the recipient about the presence of postal correspondence in the local department of "Post of Russia". Often it happens with any package (especially if you used something earlier on the «Aliexpress» level). Also in some cases, this may be a custom letter from state or municipal authorities, with an important information for you with which it will be necessary to familiarize yourself.

If the Vnokovo Lz next to the inscription is "", then this means an "additional technical index". The latter is used by Russian Post to facilitate the sorting of postal correspondence, allowing you to work faster with various enterprises with large postal turnover (PF, courts, banks, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to go to the mail and get the correspondence treated for you.

Public postal services continue to function properly, therefore, very often, in their personal box you can meet a variety of notifications that cannot be delivered in a different way.

Naturally, if a registered letter came, a person will have to spend his time to visit the post office specified on the form. Therefore, it is not at all surprisingly the desire of people to pre-obtain maximum information about the sender. For example, what does the designation "MR Lz Vnokovo" mean, and what exactly can contain an envelope.

What is this organization

MR Lz Vnukovo is deciphered as the "International Russian Logistics Center", located, as clear, in the village of the same place.

What it is? This is an organization that is responsible for obtaining, sorting and further sending correspondence sent from the territory of other countries.

Most often it is that way. But sometimes on the form you can also detect an additional technical index. Or - DTI. If it is affixed, then it may well be, the services of this institution decided to take advantage of any domestic organizations and structures.

What could be in envelope

As already written above, if the postal notice does not contain additional identifiers, then, most likely, the letter will be, indeed, from abroad.

If a person sees DTI, then inside may well be:

  • Notification of fines or court decisions;
  • Commercial offers or banal advertising;
  • Information about any important changes in the activities of the Pension Fund, the Insurance Company, the banking structure;
  • Reminded of debts, collector requirements.

Is it possible to know exactly the sender?

Unfortunately, this is quite problematic. Yes, you can try to call the mail representative and ask him to read information from the letter. But - an employee of the post office is not obliged to do this, so it is not a fact that he will agree.

Another option is to go to the official web resource of the Russian postal service and enter fourteen numbers to the search string, which can be seen under the barcode on the notification. Sometimes it allows us to calculate the sender, but it is extremely rare.

Reasons due to which correspondence sometimes delayed

Yes, sometimes a person is waiting for an important writing for himself, tracks him in a special application, but sees that it is the Vnuków Logistics Center that delays his movement. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Large load on the capacity of this organization, in which part of the processes occurs in manual mode;
  • Some problems with the information specified on the envelope - LC employees are forced to spend time on clarification;
  • Packaging damage to be replaced.

Transferred customs

Departure is transmitted to the FCS - Federal Customs Service for registration of all necessary customs documents for sending parcels at end addresses of destination. Depending on the types of departure, their sorting and transmission to different areas for control occurs. If sending commercial attachments is sent - it must pass a special scan.

The customs officer can open the postal sending to the viewing of the parcel personally only if there is a violation of property rights or there are objects or substances prohibited for shipment. If the parcel is revealed, an act of customs inspection is drawn up and applied to departure.

Customs clearance completed

If the FCS did not reveal anything prohibited for shipment, it returns the departure back by Russian Post. The parcel is assigned the status that customs is completed. Customs authorities work on the basis of MMPO. In order to test a huge amount of all arrivals of customs, customs works around the clock. Each customer representative is allocated for helping two postal operators.

Detained customs

The parcel is detained by the customs service to further determine the purpose of mail. If the customs value of goods in international parcels over the month exceeds 1000 euros or total weight more than 31 kg be sure to pay customs taxes in the amount of 30% of the cost of goods. In the absence of information about goods in international mail or information, it does not correspond to reality - increases time for design. Customs inspection is made and the results are drawn up with the necessary documents.

Leaked MMPO

International postal departure came out of the place of international postal exchange and sent to the sorting center, depending on the region and destination destination. Once the parcel left MMPO, the delivery time through the territory of Russia becomes relevant

Relatively recently, the mail played a crucial role in the life of every person. The only possibility of communication between cities was a sent letter or telegram. Moreover, to be aware of events, people discharged newspapers. With the development of cellular communication and the Internet, it seemed to be completely outdated for the mail. But there were parcels and custom letters. And here the development of online stores has opened a new page in

Today, most people prefer to make purchases via the Internet. And the parcels of "Russian Post" are delivered. All of them pass through a special distribution center. For international postal shipments, there is a sorting center in Sharapovo. Where it is, we will talk with you today.

"Post office"

In each region there is a branch that is responsible for the delivery of correspondence in its area. All branches are divided into 10 macroregions, each of which has one common center where all the parcels come for further distribution. In Moscow, there are two branches that are combined into one macroregion.

But that's not all. On the territory of the region there is a logistics center "Vnukovo", which processes departures not only within the country, but also international parcels.

What's going on here

We repeat once again, where it is: the sorting center in Sharapovo is located near Podolsk. Life boils here. ROUn day: Flashing with red light bulbs huge cars, buzzing conveyors. As a result, all parcels and letters are distributed and sent to the post offices of the six regions of Russia.

A person may not even know where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo acts as follows. Suppose a person sent a letter to Vladivostok. It will fall first in Podolsky ASC, then to the regional office.

Ploy inside

Residents of the region know exactly where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo for many is a place of work. Here, there are 350 people in a shift, and 1650 people are employed. It is sorted by simple and custom letters, as well as parcels. After that, they are sent by district post office, where they receive the final addressees.

For you, everything ends on the fact that you are lowering the letter in the mailbox. But the work of the postal service on it is just beginning. It enters the distribution center, receives the date of departures, and postage containers are leavinged in the district sorting center.


Most of the shipments in the processing center is corporate correspondence. This number includes notifications from government agencies, for example, fines from the traffic police. But on this functional tasks do not end, parcels and parcels are also undergoing.

Where is the sorting center in Sharapovo, you can see on the map above. The sorting speed here is the maximum - only 21 hours. So much time passes between the entrance and the output of correspondence. Every day about 3 million letters and parcels pass through the center. In the spring, the influx increases greatly, because public institutions send festive notifications. Does not lag and December - the most congratulations season.

Modernization of work

Sorting center in Sharapovo Two years ago, improved enhancement. First of all, the task was to simplify and speed up the processing of correspondence. It was done through automation and competent logistics:

  • Now all parcels are sorted using special equipment. Today it is possible on each letter or package to see the impression "left the sorting center in Sharapovo", date and time. Previously, the parcels could not leave the territory of the center for several days. In order for these changes to start working, large-scale reorganization and optimization of all business processes were carried out.
  • The second point is Logistics. Routes were revised and unnecessary points were removed. For example, a person in Omsk sent a letter to the addressee in his city. It goes to the sorting center of Moscow, and then returns back. Now local departures are processed within the city.

Branches that are subject to

The address of the sorting center in Sharapovo: 102975, Moscow, Sharapovo. That's all the data. In fact, the address is not prescribed by anywhere, all clarifications on this issue are reduced to the formulation of "near the village of Sharapovo". Apparently, this object is simply impossible here. On the other hand, it does not interfere with the letters and parcels freely fall here and go to addresses, it means that it is really easy. In submission of the object is:

  • plot;
  • several workshops.

How sorting is happening

The person starts work, or rather the operator. Its task includes primary barcode scanning. At the same time, information appears in the Special Program that the type of mail entered. Data is downloaded to the official website. Now the client who is known for the identifier code can find out where his parcel is.

Here reigns an exemplary order, which avoids errors. All containers are distributed across the workshops: written correspondence, parcels and express departures. To date, the last workshop is automated only partially. The use of manual scanning continues. According to the staff themselves, this is due to the fact that some departures have a non-standard form.

Sorting ordinary letters

Manual labor is also partially saved here. Operators fold them into boxes in such a way that they lay the "face" to each other. After that, the scanner reads the addresses and distributes letters to the desired cells. It happens very quickly. For one second, approximately 12 letters passes. If the address is recorded with errors, it will return to operators. They manually drive the index from the images of letters. To work here requires a good experience and a quick reaction.

What happens with the parcels

They are distributed to several streaming lines:

  • Boxes and convilutes that are sent abroad.
  • Large, heavy and oversized cargoes.
  • Private parcels.

As follows, the parcel tape is automatically falling into the compartments that correspond to the post office of the city or the area in which they must be delivered.