International Russian Logistics Center (MP Lz) Vnukovo - how to find out the sender of the registered letter? MP Lz Vnokovo What is it on the postal notice.

Modern world Literally filled with various abbreviations, incomprehensible notation and specific symbols - each service, even sometimes separate organizations are something like this for themselves. Such moments are sufficiently relevant, since it allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of work by optimizing time to assess one or another concept.

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However, what to make ordinary citizens who first encountered incomprehensible signs? In such situations, they remain only to refer to competent specialists or independently get acquainted with information on the Internet.

Separate attention deserves Russian Post, in whose activities there are many completely different marks on correspondence and parcels. The recipient when considering the notice, often simply do not understand what the content of the departure came to his name. In particular, in 2020, the question is the most relevant question that is MP LC Vnukovo on the postal notice.

Determined similar interest in the increased popularity of world shopping Internet sites. To understand the main subtleties of the mail, it is recommended to study individual provisions with which you can obtain a significant information from only one notice.

Decryption options

To begin with, it is worth dealing with the decoding of the abbreviation. So, MP Lz Vnukovo is an international Russian logistics center localized in Vnukovo. In other words, this is simply one of the divisions of Russian Post of Russia, which is carried out by the processing of international correspondence.

Interest in relation to letters with such designation among citizens, regularly using foreign trade departments, such as Ebay, Aliexpress. Each correspondence with such resources has an appropriate mark that it has been processed in the International Russian Logistics Center.

Important information

The vast majority of parcels to Russia comes from the territory of China. Obviously, the lion's share is acquiring on special Internet sites.

It is also worth noting that the services of MRC Vnukovo often resort to state structures and other legal entities. Russian Federation, including financial institutions, commercial and non-commercial focus.

At the same time, the forwarding may contain both simple printing correspondence and weighing parcel - to clarify this moment It is possible at the notice itself, where the weight of the departure is indicated. Therefore, if the document is spelled up to 25-30 grams, then this is a simple envelope.

It should also be repelled that another abbreviation - DTI or an additional technological index is often attributed to the MP Vnokovo.

This designation has its own purpose, which is actively used by the public services of the federal significance:

  • The Federal Tax Service;
  • State road safety inspection;
  • Federal Bailiff Service;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Also under it can hide banks and individual structures. Upon receipt of the letter with DTI, it is not necessary to ignore it, as it usually contains important information.

As for another fairly urgent momentum for many citizens, the duration of the processing of parcels and correspondence, this indicator may be completely different in each individual point in time.

It is determined by the fact that such factors affect it:

  • loading of the logistics shop at the moment;
  • availability of good equipment used for sorting;
  • availability in sufficient personnel;
  • human factor.

As a result, the time of staying of departures in MP LC Vnukovo can be up to several weeks. Therefore, you should not succumb to panic if the parcel remains on site 10-15 days.

Additionally, it is worth noting if the weight designations after sorting have been changed, it does not always mean theft or loss of the object of the object. It is possible that the operator turned in numbers.

Other nuances of reconciliation

Postal notice with the mark of MP LC Vnukovo informs the recipient that the postal correspondence is expected in the local service department.

As already noted, this is usually a package from other countries acquired on trading platforms world-class. IN this case The recipient himself knows that he ordered and what should receive.

In some situations, correspondence from domestic state structures is possible - this is evidenced by the additional inscription DTI. At least a registered letter with such a note was received from the territory of the country, it can still handle the International Russian Logistics Center in Vnuknich.

It is also worth noting that this additional technological index greatly facilitates the work of postal services, since in connection with its specificity, the processing takes significantly less time.

How to find out who sender

You can explain the distrust of people when they receive notification with incomprehensible abbreviations instead of the usual address (especially if the parcel came to the child's name). Therefore, Russian Post provides for the opportunity to find out from whom the correspondence with such marks came.

To do this, on the official website of this service there is a special internal service. To purchase actual informationIt is necessary to enter a set of numbers specified in the received notification (a unique identifier of 14 characters) in the search string. After you need to wait a few seconds, after which the system issues the name of the sender, as well as the items that the parcel passed.

It is worth understanding that the information does not always fall into the system in a timely manner, so you do not need to count on real-time mode. Although, with adequate consideration, the information still remains relevant.

Also, the identifier code is also available to the sender. After the parcel left the first compartment, in a special application or on the site you can track its further passage.

How to avoid fraud

Upon receipt of the notice, this attention should be paid to the need for postal transfer services. IMPORTANT: If this service was not independently selected when ordering a product, or nothing was ordered at all, it is not necessary to hurry and spend your money. Usually, such inconsistencies are the activities of fraudsters.

They all available ways will incorporate a citizen to translate funds. But, in addition, unscrupulous persons wish to receive copies of personal documents and any other personal information.

It should be understood that state structures will not use mail to solve financial issues - they only notify the presence of debts or fines. This is especially relevant, as fraudsters are in most cases hiding under the false mask of public service or other companies with a reliable business reputation.

Therefore, when specifying in correspondence on the presence of debts and sanctions, it is necessary to solve such moments in the local branch of the relevant authority.

Problems with delivery

Unfortunately, not uncommon when problems arise with the delivery of the parcel. In this case, there is a separate regulation regarding the processing time, which depends on the delivery method and the location of the recipient in the country.

In case of delay, the person has the right to compensation. The current moment is prescribed in the rules for the provision of postal service services, where the size of the expectation coverage is determined.

Thus, in case of non-compliance with the established time frames, allocated to send mail and implement remittances aimed at meeting personal, family and homework (in other words, they are not related to entrepreneurial activities), communication operators are obliged to pay a penalty. Its value is set at the rate of 3% of the shipment charge for every day of the delay, but no more than the amount that was made as payment.

If the violations concerns the transfer of departure by air, then the difference between the air and ground transportation fee is compensation.

In the final consideration, it turns out that if the parcel or correspondence was detained for a period exceeding 33 days, the recipient can count on the full reimbursement of shipping costs.

Obviously, just no one will pay anything. Therefore, after receiving the parcel with a violation of the processing time, you need to make an appropriate application for compensation.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that consideration of such requests is carried out during a very long period, while the postal service will be all their forces from compensation. Therefore, it is recommended to save the package of parcel with all the shortcuts and marks.

Cases with the delay are much more preferable than situations when they do not at all come. First you need to establish the fact itself. To do this, it will be necessary to write a statement about the search for the departure, after which you will send it to any post office of communication.

The following documents will also be needed:

  • directly, statement;
  • internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • receipt of shipment or its photocopy;
  • power of attorney - relevant if the request submits a person who is not related to shipment.

After submission, the application remains only to wait. At the same time, the legislation establishes a time frame for Russian Post to find a lost shipment - they constitute a period of up to 2 months.

With a successful circumstance, the fact that the recipient is confirmed, after which the recipient can count on compensation, the amount of which is a set of costs for shipping and the cost of the disposal itself. It is important that the real price tag of the parcel is installed in advance.

However, many citizens neglect some rules. For example, individuals when ordering products from foreign sites, do it without tracking and without establishing the real value of the parcel - they simply are trying to save as much as possible. As a result, in case of her disappearance, they will not be able to get their funds back.

If a citizen is very negative about the work of the Russian Post, and he has good reason, it may further punish this service. For this, on the official website of Roskomnadzor, fill the special form of appeal to indicate the cause and provision of evidence.

After that, the mail is likely to be charged with a penalty for unfair activities. The main convenience is that only information is required from the applicant, the rest of the supervisory and control system.

If Russian Post does not want to cooperate, does not accept or ignore the statement, or simply disappear, then you can either leave everything as it is, or to file a lawsuit.

It should be understood that litigation take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, if presence alternative ways Problem solutions are recommended to contact them.

On any day we can detect in our mailbox The notice that refers to the "MP Lz Vnokovo". It usually signals the presence of a postal correspondence that needs to come and obtain. In this material, I will tell you what "MR Lz Vnukovo" is what the specificity of his work, and what to do in case of receipt of the postal notification with the above-mentioned string.

What is MP Lz Vnukovo?

The "International Logistics Center of Vnukovo" is an important transit point in the logistics chain of a multitude of cargo in Russia. After completing the customs, various packages, parcels and other cargoes fall into the LC Vnukovo, where their sorting begins with subsequent dispatch by the corresponding links of the logistics chain.

The duration of sorting can differ significantly in each case. It is influenced by such factors as:

  • the loading of the logistics center at a specific point (for example, before the holidays it is large);
  • feebility of sorting equipment;
  • availability of sufficient personnel;
  • and just the human factor.

The time of staying parcels in MP Lz Vnukovo can range from several days to several weeks, therefore it is not necessary to panic if the parcel depended there for days 10-14.

Also, it is not necessary to panic if the parcel after the LC Vnukovo significantly lost weight. This is usually due to the mistakes of the human factor, and the claimed goods will reach the recipient safe and preservation.

To understand what MP Lz Vnukovo is and how to work the logistics center, I propose to see this video:

What to do when receiving notification with MP Lz Vnukovo

If you have found a notice from this LC in your mailbox, and the sender is not specified on it, you can try to get information about the last on the Mail of Russia. Enter the 14-digit number under the barcode in the mail notification you received into the corresponding site field, and press the button with the magnifying glass. You can also call back to the specified post office, and asked the lane-operational data on the sender.

Track the sender using the Russian Post Resource

What could be this correspondence?

Postal notice with MP Lz Vnokovo notifies the recipient about the presence of postal correspondence in the local department of "Post of Russia". Often it happens with any package (especially if you used something earlier on the «Aliexpress» level). Also in some cases, this may be a custom letter from state or municipal authorities, with an important information for you with which it will be necessary to familiarize yourself.

If the Vnokovo Lz next to the inscription is "", then this means an "additional technical index". The latter is used by Russian Post to facilitate the sorting of postal correspondence, allowing you to work faster with various enterprises with large postal turnover (PF, courts, banks, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to go to the mail and get the correspondence treated for you.

Visit the local Russian Post Office and get the correspondence

Also on our site disassembled specifics of letters from, from organizations, as well as a registered letter with DTI.


In this material, we disassembled that it is MP LC Vnukovo, and what is the specificity of his work. Upon receipt of this notice, it is recommended to try to find out the sender on the Russian Post site, and then go to the post office where you get a letter spelling.

In November 2013, the news in the Russian media passed the news that Russian Post was opened by a new logistics center for the processing of international mailings.

The news passed the background, but even to the celebration of the New Year 2013/2014, due to this center, it was possible to avoid a standard previous year for the Post of the New Year Collapse with the delay in the parcels and the mail came from abroad.

By the end of 2014, the new logistics center came at full capacity and now processes up to 300,000 shipments per day!

Now everything you ordered for the new year will be in your hands really for the new year, and not to the new school year)))

I managed to visit a specially organized excursion on this object and see everything with my own eyes.

Let's see!

In the photo below, you can see that Russian Post is not going to stop there, because everything that I have already described is located only in the 1st Corps!

And all of them here 6! So the Russian Post is going to grow strongly and expand:


Excursion to the sorting (he is a logistic) center conducted Alexey SkatinDeputy general Director FSUE "Mail of Russia" with their colleagues.


Here he is! :)


Protection in the sorting center corresponds!


And believe me, everyone understands everything. New Year, everyone is waiting for the parcels and quickly.

Therefore ... :) put a reminder:


But not for the sake of the Christmas tree came here.

The fact is that now in this center is treated about half of the total Russian volume of international mail. Incoming flow of this mail.

And it was possible only thanks to modern technologies and high automation.

Moreover, this is generally the first such object in Russia, in which customs clearance International postal shipments are combined with their automated sorting in the direction of delivery. But we still talk about customs separately.

Look better on this glittering giant red eyes:


No, this is not an automatic burner of your mail, and not even a system of confusion of mail in Russian Post warehouses :) A couple of years ago, Russian Post, including thanks to the new personnel (such as Alexey Skatin), refused this direction :)))

A couple of years ago, Russian Post to the total change of old processes and the installation of new equipment.

For example, in this logistics and sorting center were installed:

Multisorrower for all types of mail
Conveyor systems transportation of bags, shipments and boxes
- Recessable conveyors with advanced sections
-Molochetic scanners of reading information and device sorting of shipments by dimensions
-Other the latest technologywhich allows you to maximize and speed up the processing process

Naturally, not 2115 years old, and the process does not do without people:



Here the postal shipments scan to put a mark in the system that they came to Russia and now go to customs clearance.

Yes, the parcel flies :) about it a little later.


A little bit in order, but the unloading and control of the customs on the arrival of a certain amount of parcels into the territory of Russia occurs.


By the way, this is a bag of China - basically I only saw them.

The flow of departures from China Town is great:


Then the bags deliver incoming bags))) I do not know what the positions of these people are called, but they make important work:

Get out of the bag parcel, send the scanner to the sticker on it, all the information is automatically entered into the computer, make fast check About whether information from stickers correctly scanned. If everything is fine, then they are approaching "OK", and in the tracking of Russia, a mark is set that your departure is now located in Russia.

Your departure is put on the tape and leaves for a customs scanner.


"How does it leave if nothing leaves?!", "Ask you looking at the photo above.

Yes, there are such clusters.

And now you will surprise, but it is for your own good.

The fact is that 300,000 departures per day are a very large load. And if people start mistaken, then you will not get your package soon. And what should be done so that people are not mistaken?

Right - observe the working conditions. (not the only condition, of course. But very important)

The rules of breaks in work are posted on everyone's review. Depending on the level of load, each one has a certain number of interruptions. And behind it follows.

Therefore, in the photo you can see that on the one hand some packages have already accumulated. It's true a bit, believe me.

Here are the rules. Especially pleased the seals showing the charge for the eyes))) If there are cats, then everything will be fine with Russian Post:


As I already wrote, this is the first object in which the customs clearance of international mailing is combined with their automated sorting in the direction of delivery.

For the first time in Russian history, it was possible under the same roof in a single process to unite Russian Post and the Customs Service!

For example, in Japan, these are completely different processes in different places.


Immediately after the mark of coming to Russia, the mail goes to the scanner to customs officers:


If nothing illegal is detected there, then your package automatically gets in the tracking system (trekking) status that customs check is passed and the parcel left for sorting.


But in some cases your package will be revealed!

For example, this case occurred right during the excursion:


If I remember correctly - only when I drove a knife through the scanner and 2 was already unpacked!

In general, thanks to such an inspection several dozens of criminal cases were initiated, and some characters were even put in prison ... such cases. So do not order some illegal pieces.

In case of opening the parcel, everything complicates and the parcel will go long. Since in this case, everything needs to be photographed, to configure, etc. In general, in this case, not to avoid paper rolls, even if everything is legal.

In other cases, all incoming departures have a sticker on which one half is designed to scan the sending side, the second to scan the Russian side.


If customs have no questions, they scan sticker and ... voila! Customs passed :)

Well, maybe there are some nuances yet, but in general it is like this :)


And immediately after the customs, the employees of the Russian Post posts departure on the trays and send to the sorting machine:


By the way, all zones in the center are divided by numbers. And each employee works only in its area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility:


And taking into account the fact that the customs is located right there, then there is even a fence on between zones!

On the panorama below (* you can click on it and look in greater resolution!) You can see this fence.

If some parcel cross this fence, not noticeing at customs, it is smuggling. And smuggling punishes in accordance with the Criminal Code! Roughly speaking, the zone behind the fence from the sorting machine is as if conditionally neutral space to Russia. That is, what the fence is actually already in Russia, but legally no yet.


You can also see on the panorama that the parcel travover ride upstairs.

Upstairs they fall under the all-seeing scanner eye, which reads information from the label on the parcel:


According to the reader, the parcel is sent to the conveyor, and the reader information is processed in a computer that determines where exactly the parcel should be descended.

At the entrance of the parcels in the conveyor cost another scanner, which determines which carriage as a scanned parcel hit:


This is this magical process like this:\u003dC0EYJEM-KVI

And now, as promised, back to the flying parcels :)

In the photo below, I even photographed this incredible process))) did not resist.

And, naturally, asked Alexey Skatin's question about how legitly it is and adequately.

It turned out that separately with the Chinese mail was held negotiations and the subsequent huge work on the standardization of packing packing! That is, each parcel is packaged in such a way that it cannot be damaged. And your parcels remain safe. This applies to all parcels. But only parcels can fly to a certain weight and without a definite marking.

If the "Caution", "glass", "not throw", "gem", etc. is pasted on your premise or written. It will only work with it only in manual! The same applies to the parcels with a lot of weight.


Despite what happens in the photo above. I personally watched as the same woman, some parcels attributed manually. Even when it was her well, it was very uncomfortable due to the crookedly delivered cells for the parcels. And the other then quit again.

That is, it really works.After all, for example, it makes no sense to manually wear covers for the phone. But some serious departure is not worth throwing.

Moreover, if employees are noticed in violating this rule, most of their remuneration for work are missing.

By the way, the photo above and below photographed the so-called "Hospital" for parcels :)

The parcels fall here if for some reason they cannot be processed by the sorting machine, then they are "down to" them, "correctly, correct the label errors, print new, stick, and again searcate on the sorting machine.


Judging by the photo "Hospital" above - the rule of rest is observed strictly :) I believe that it is good. I would not like the mail to handle embittered, not rested and inattentive people.

And below the photography of the sorting center plan.

My photo dropped, of course, but the main thing is understandable - the shipping zone (1) for the processing and zone of reception reception (10) (that is, sending further in Russia) already processed parcels are on different sides of the complex. This ensures the right phased passage and the processing of parcels through this complex. Well, it becomes almost impossible to confuse something.


And it is central touch monitor Control this powerful machine.

On it immediately light up in a certain color of the zone, where something goes wrong. Or everything burns green - it means that everything is fine:


Immediately you can see how it matures each of the carriages on the conveyor, and in which carriage what lies. If some carriage goes too long, without sorting it - it is marked with different color. And in a 99% case, the machine itself sends parcels that cannot be sorted into the "hospital".


All this gigantic car costs about 5,000,000 euros.

And the power consumption of her, as they say, just like several irons;)

And here, in the photo below, you can see the scheme of the entire car entirely and affect its performance. For example, speed up the rotation of the conveyor :) or stop everything.

By the way, this car uses modern carriages or magnetic, or with magnetic and some basics that helps sort mail. Plus the carriat surface is made of such a material so that trays with the parcels are sculpted.

For example, in Germany, wooden carriages are used in sorting centers, because There these centers built more than 30 years ago!


And on this screen shows the "pulse" of the sorting machine.

As you can see, failures or failures, there was only a couple of parcels that have come by chance at once at once 2 carriages:


Here they, parcels, ride at high altitude, waiting for sorting:


When they come to the desired slide, the carriage throws them straight to the employee, sorting the departure already in bags to send to you home!


Gorki enough for everyone! :)


Some parcels even have to wait as long as 15 minutes! :)

For Russian Post is a speed close to the speed, compared to the fact that it was only 2 years ago:


Now pay attention to how the last stage goes.

Russian Post decided to step over 30-50 years of late and immediately step into the future:


Each employee on the sorting slide has a special scanner with a device attached to hand and finger:


Each parcel, descended from the slide, scan and note its passage at this stage, after which it is thrown into a bag of a certain direction.

In the tracking system, after that, it will be the status that the parcel is sent from Moscow to your region:


I found here even my native region :)


After filling the bag, it is put in the cage and bring to the goal:



After the introduction of this sorting center the number of claims to Russian Post decreased by 25%!

Quality assessment for some other international standards before the introduction of this center was equal, Funny to say, 3.5%! Three and a half! :))) And now this figure is equal to 90%!

By the way, the period of passing such departure in Moscow managed to cut up to 3 days. It will be necessary to personally check somehow :)

And at the bottom - the last photo! Panorama! You can also click on it to see more.

By the way, on the left, under the nine digit, and a little right, you can see special capturing grids for those shipments that forgot to put on the tray (they then sculpt). We look at the latest photo-beauty:


By the way, through this center there are parcels up to 50kg. Higher shipments are treated somewhere else.

By the way, in terms of installation of equipment from Russia, in some sense there is a big bonus.

The bonus is that we have nothing! :) And this means that now we have the new equipment from possible!

Here such things were introduced as:
-Automatic sorting of all types of mail
-Potable mail processing method without storage
- Electronic data exchange with postal operators
-Tasy OT. paper Forms and simplifying processing technologies

And by the mid-2015, Russian Post plans to translate such centers by 100% electronic document flow. Including with regard to interaction with the Customs Service. You understand, agree with such a state structure as customs is not so easy ...

But it is worth noting that what was shown to us is only the first milestone even in this location near Vnukovo airport.

By 2022, the mail processing center will expand and automate even more. And there will be not only international, but also intraartensian departures here. And then the volume of the processed mail will reach almost 22 000 000 (million!) Units per month!

If you have any questions - ask! Employees of Russian Post promised to answer any of the most trusted and incredible issues related to this center and processing international shipments.

So as not to miss the following my reports - Click on to subscribe to my blog.

And, of course, if you like it, be sure to place the like and share with friends! (* Use the buttons right under these letters)

In the modern practice of Russian Post, the automation of processes began to play a more important role. Sorting logistics centers correspondence reduce the load and increase the efficiency of the service. But such automatism causes some users many questions. For example, many do not know what is on the postal notice denotes MP Lz Vnukovo. We will tell who the sender and where the letter was actually sent.

What it is?

MP Lz Vnokovo - the Russian Federation's Logistics Center for the processing of international correspondence. This is an extensive automated complex in which, in addition to sorting shops, a customs service works. The daily volume of the processed parcels exceeds 300 thousand. units. Center index: 102976, contact phone 8-800-200-58-88. The building is located in Sharapovo.

  • This is a modern complex equipped. large quantity Sorting workshops, conveyors on multiple lines. The service personnel is responsible for distributed after sorting and verification. Specialists of the so-called "hospital" parcels restore the integrity of the packaging.
  • The passage time through the center varies from 12 hours to 14 days.
  • The operation of the complex controls its own system, which demonstrates problem areas. Under this implies malfunctions, a large parcel cluster or high loading.
  • In case of damage to the package or label, the workshop staff will establish a new one. The likelihood of the loss of parcel when passing the check and sorting is minimal.

How to track the parcel?

Each stage of sorting is fixed by the system, which allows you to determine the readiness step in real time. Separately, it is worth specifying the presence of special wrist scanners with fixation on the fingers of the employee at the final stage. After the passage of this stage, a message is displayed about the successful passage of MP LC Vnukovo and the subsequent shipment to another object, directly by sending letters and parcels.

You can track the path of the parcel using the website. To do this, use a special track number that is specified on the post notice (under the barcode) - 14 digits. We will take them into the form and you will see all the steps of registration packages and shipping date.

In addition, the services of MP Lz Vnukovo actively enjoy civil services and various organizations of the Russian Federation, including banks, non-profit and commercial companies. It can be both correspondence and parcel. On the same notification should be a mark of the weight of the departure, if it is 10, 15 or 20 grams, then this is an envelope.

If the DTI abbreviation will be addicted to MP Vnokovo possible reasons Purge notice:

  • tax inspectorate;
  • pension Fund;
  • Traffic police;
  • bank (offer of services or delivery of products);
  • court, collectors.

How to pick up the parcel to notice from MP Lz Vnukovo

To do this, it is necessary to arrive at the mail separation specified in the notice (the address is indicated on the right in the frame), taking a passport with it. During the receipt, you will need to fill out the notification and sign for delivery. Keep in mind if you do not pick up your package, the parcel can be stored up to 30 days, during which secondary ZK notifications can be sent.

How not to become a victim of fraudsters?

If you have not chosen the postal translation as a method of payment for the goods and do not expect similar correspondence, then in no case should you pay for the package and its delivery.
Fraudsters can ask for money under any prepositions - it is quite natural, but except for money they are interested in copies of documents and other personal information. Government bodies and commercial companies do not use mail to resolve issues, and send alerts.

The attackers are often masked under the civil servants and authoritative companies, providing the address of their site as a contact. If the text of the letter refers to fines, foam, debts and other problems, then it is necessary to solve them in the nearest branch of the relevant organization, or to nick them hot line.

By the way, read this article too: Sorting center Lviv - where it is

Let's summarize

Now you know what MP Lz Vnukovo means in the postal notice and where the parcel is coming (letter). Russian Post is actively developing and increasing capacity. The introduction of sorting centers of the MP Type of Lz Vnukovo contributes to the acceleration of processing, and hence the delivery of parcels and parcels to recipients. On its equipment and capacity is one of the most powerful automated logistics centers in the country. It is through it that goes the greatest number Shopping from China. That is why the posting mark from there often meet buyers in foreign online stores and shopping grounds.