What is telecommunication in computer science. Modern telecommunications is fast communication

The word technology comes from (from the Greek words ?????, which means art, cunning and ????? - science, teaching.)

Technology is a set of production methods and processes in a particular branch of production, as well as a scientific description of production methods. Explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova

First of all, technology means the process of transforming something to achieve a goal.

For information technologies, a characteristic feature is that the initial "raw material" and the final "product" in them is information. Information is one of the most important resources of society, along with natural and material resources, therefore, information transformation processes can be called a technology, which is based on a change in the quality of information.

From a high school course we know the following definition:

Information and communication technologies are a collection of methods, devices and production processes used by society to collect, store, process and distribute information.

The concept of "communication" (derived from the Latin word communicatio - message, transmission, communication).

Communication is a process, way and means of transferring an object, information from one place to another. (See Table 1 Appendix. 1)

The term "telecommunications" is not new (from the Latin tele - "into the distance", "far"), which meant some time ago simply the exchange of information at a distance. The definition looks different now.

Telecommunication - long-distance, remote communication and remote transmission of all forms of information, including data, voice, video, etc., between computers over communication lines of various types.

The term "telecommunications" is not new (from the Latin tele - "into the distance", "far"), which meant some time ago simply the exchange of information at a distance.

Today, the concept of telecommunications has become broader. At different stages of the development of society, new technical means appeared, new methods of organizing data, their transmission, storage, processing were developed. Here are examples of common technical means of communication (or telecommunications) at different times: telegraph, telex, telephone, facsimile machine, teletype, radio receiver and transmitter. In the second half of the last century, the so-called new information Technology, the transition to which became possible only thanks to the emergence of new means - the massive use of computing technology, computer networks, communication satellites, etc.

So, modern telecommunication technologies are based on the use of information networks... These technologies are characterized not only by the use of computers, but also by the active involvement in information process non-professional end users, the ability for an ordinary user to access the shared resources of computer networks.

Depending on the purpose of the network, the concept of a resource can be given different meanings. Network resources there are three types:

1. hardware;

2. informational;

3. software.

When in a computer class at a school, students use one printer or store their work results on the hard disk of one, for example, a teacher's, computer acting as a server, then they share one common hardware resource. You can use folders and the files they contain - this is how we use information resource... Computer networks also allow sharing of software resources.

A telecommunication computer network is a network for the exchange and distributed processing of information; the means of transmission and processing of information are focused on the collective use of network-wide resources - hardware, information, software.

With the advent of telecommunication networks, two very important problems have been resolved:

1.providing, in principle, unlimited access to the resources of the network of users, regardless of their territorial location;

2. the ability to quickly move large amounts of information at any distance, allowing you to receive data in a timely manner for making certain decisions.

Types of services on the Internet

The creators of computer networks probably did not expect that the concept of "service" or "service" in relation to networks in a short time will become so natural and familiar to mass users. From the user's point of view, on the Internet there are service providers who maintain the necessary information on servers, and the consumers of these services are clients.

The computers that the client users run are called workstations, and the computers that are the sources of the network resources provided to users are called servers.

The services provided are also called Internet services.

The basics of the Internet. (See Table 2, Appendix 2)

It can be seen from the presented plot that the operation of Internet services is based on the use of application protocols and on the client-server technology. The most common services provided by the Internet include:

telecommunication services:

Messaging in the " Email»Both between users of the same network and between users of different networks;

Exchange of messages between participants of teleconferences and teleseminars;

Organization of electronic news bulletins (electronic bulletin boards);

Organization of dialogue and exchange of messages between two subscribers in the "request - response" mode;

Transfer of large arrays - files;

Duplication of messages and their transmission according to a previously prepared list;

Priority service of messages according to urgency categories;

Organization of closed groups of subscribers (subnets) for the mutual exchange of information only within the group;

Delivery of fax messages;

Forwarding messages in the event of a change in the address of the recipient of information;

Issuance of copies of messages at the request of subscribers, etc.;

information services: search and viewing of text and multimedia information on issues of interest to subscribers;

consulting services: consulting on information and software network; consultations on the technology of using common network resources; training in the skills of working with a computer and other technical means, etc .;

technical services: software installation, modem installation and testing, etc .;

commercial services;

Telecommunication - communication at a distance (lat.)

Communication( the process of information exchange) is a necessary condition for the existence of living organisms, ecological communities and human society. Social development is accompanied by the development of telecommunication technologies. Telecommunication technologies have been developing especially intensively over the past few decades.

Telecommunications can be defined as technologies dealing with communication at a distance and this can be explained different ways... Figure 8.2 shows one possible representation of the various telecommunications sections.

Fig 8.2. Telecommunications: forms and types

Telecommunications are divided into two types: unidirectional and bidirectional. Unidirectional, such as mass broadcasting and television broadcasting, imply the transmission of information in one direction - from the center to the subscribers. Bidirectional supports dialogue between two subscribers.

Telecommunications use mechanical and electrical means because historically telecommunications have evolved from mechanical to electrical form, using more and more complex electrical systems. This is the reason why many traditional operators in telecommunications such as the national post office, telegraph and telephone companies use both forms. The proportion of mechanical telecommunications type regular mail and the press (newspaper mailing) is expected to decrease, while the share of electric, especially bi-directional, will increase and become dominant in the future. Already in our time, corporations and the press are primarily interested in electrical telecommunications (telecommunications) as a profitable business opportunity.

Along the edges of Figure 8.2. shows telecommunication services, at first mechanical: press (dispatch of newspapers), mail; then electrical: telegraph, telex (subscriber telegraph), telephone, radio, television, computer networks, dedicated networks, cable television and mobile phone.

Historically, telecommunications developed in approximately this order.

Telecommunication system- a set of technical objects, organizational measures and subjects that implement processes consisting of: connection processes, transfer processes and access processes.

Telecommunication systems use natural or artificial environments to exchange information. Telecommunication systems, together with the medium that is used for transmission, form telecommunication networks. The most important telecommunication networks are (Fig. 8.2.): Postal services; public telephone network (PSTN); mobile telephone networks; telegraph network; Internet - a global network of interaction of computer networks; wire broadcasting network; the network cable TV; television and radio broadcasting networks; departmental communication networks that provide communication services to authorities public service, air and sea traffic control systems, large industrial complexes; global rescue and safety networks.

The telecommunication systems listed above, as a rule, interact closely with each other and use common resources to implement communication. To organize such interaction in each state and on a global scale, there are special bodies that regulate the use of common resources; define general rules interactions (protocols) of telecommunication systems; develop advanced telecommunication technologies.

To implement communication at a distance, telecommunication systems use: switching systems; transmission systems; systems of access and control of transmission channels.

Telecommunication networks in terms of their scale are divided into three main types:

Local, referred to as Local Area Network (LAN). Subscribers are on short distance, up to ten (at most fifteen) kilometers from each other. The maximum is a WiMAX network with a transmitter on the roof of a tall building serving a couple of city districts.

Regional, they are also Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), connect subscribers of a huge city or even a country. The most striking example is the cellular structure of a mobile operator's network.

Global, Wide Area Network (WAN), covering countries and continents. These are satellite communications, radio communications, telephone networks and, of course, the Internet.

The classification according to the principle of data transmission is as follows:

Serial networks, with retransmission, when information moves from one node to another along the chain.

Broadcast networks, without relaying, when one node (in computer systems - some kind of hub) sends something to all subscribers.

In practice, there are a lot of hybrid networks, branched, extended and supplemented in various ways, depending on specific needs, so the classification is very arbitrary.


Telecommunications have long been a part of the world of computer technology. Perhaps he will soon move into this world completely. Current trends are such that, apparently, the digitalization of all telecommunications is coming in the near future.

With television, this process is already in full swing. More and more countries are introducing digital broadcasting, which will eventually replace analogue broadcasting completely.

Along the way, the telecommunications industry makes money on the sale of digital set-top boxes for conventional TVs, and also gets the opportunity to make most of the channels paid, like in satellite broadcasting.

It is likely that along with digitization, total protection against copying, recording and distribution will come. All sorts of current DRM will seem like innocent pranks.


As you can see, the discussed concept is too multifaceted to be able to grasp the immensity within the framework of one article. If you try to formulate a more or less succinct definition, telecommunications is a complex industry that provides customers with different types telecommunications, which develops and innovates, creates, sells and uses equipment that devastates citizens' wallets in many ways.

It is impossible to do without it in the civilized world, so you have to endure what is: harmful radiation from numerous transmitters, tariffs, dubious quality and honesty of work. But, on the other hand, nobody promised us that we would live in an ideal world.

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Telecommunications are means of remote transmission of information.
Such means include radio, television, telephone, telegraph and others, including computer means.

Computer Telecommunications are means of remote transmission of information from one computer to others.

Exists local and global computer networks.

Local computer networks usually combine several dozen computers located in one room or building (for example, in our classroom). V local area networks computers are connected to each other using wires (cables).
Global computer networks can unite thousands and millions of computers. There are also concepts regional networks (connect computers within a region) and corporate networks (unite organizations interested in protecting information from unauthorized access). All these networks can be classified as global, since in them computers are connected to each other not by wires, but by means of telephone lines. To connect computers to the telephone line, a special device is used - modem.

The needs of the formation of a unified world information space led to the creation Internet

THE INTERNETis a global computer network that unites many local, regional and corporate networks.

Local, regional and corporate networks usually have at least one computer - server, which has permanent connection to the Internet using a high-bandwidth communication line. As such "trunk" communication lines are usually used fiber optic or satellite lines with a bandwidth of up to 100 Mbit / s.
Thus, the "backbone" of the Internet is made up of more than one hundred million servers that are constantly connected to the network. They can be connected using dial-up telephone lines (to which ordinary telephones in apartments and offices) over a billion Internet users.


In order to become an Internet user, you need to connect your computer using a modem to the telephone network. Then, you need to use the services of a company called provider Internet services. The providers' servers have a high-speed Internet connection, and numerous users connect to these servers via dial-up telephone channels and thus get access to the Internet. Provider services are paid. Various options for the payment system are possible: either a certain number of hours of work on the Internet is paid in advance and the user has access to the Internet until this time expires, or a monthly fixed payment is made and the user has unlimited access to the Internet, or a monthly payment is made depending on the used Internet access time. The provider provides the user identifier(name) and password for Internet access, as well as various auxiliary information. After solving the hardware, organizational and financial problems, it is necessary to configure the computer software. Windows "95 and more later versions have built-in software to work on the Internet. This program " Remote access to the network ", which is part of the" Standard " Windows programs(group "Communication"). You need to run this program and enter in dialog boxes information received from the provider, as well as information about the type of connected modem and its mode of operation. After setting up a "new connection", you can connect to the Internet using the same program ("set up connection" mode).

In the receiving device, the secondary signals are converted back into message signals in the form of sound, optical or text information.


The word "telecommunication" comes from the new lat. electricus and other Greek. ἤλεκτρον (electr, shiny metal; amber) and the verb "knit". The synonym is the word "telecommunication" (from French télécommunication), used in English-speaking countries. Word télécommunication, in turn, comes from the Greek tele-(τηλε-) - "distant" and from lat. communicatio - message, transmission (from Latin communico - I make it general), that is, the meaning of this word also includes non-electrical types of information transmission (using optical telegraph, sounds, fire on watchtowers, mail).

Telecommunication classification

Telecommunications is the object of study of the scientific discipline theory of electrical communications.

According to the type of information transmission, all modern telecommunication systems are conventionally classified into those intended for the transmission of sound, video, text.

Depending on the purpose of the messages, the types of telecommunications can be qualified for the transmission of information of an individual and mass nature.

In terms of time parameters, the types of telecommunications can be operating in real time or carrying out delayed delivery messages.

The main primary signals of telecommunications are: telephone, sound broadcasting, facsimile, television, telegraph, data transmission.

Communication types

  • Cable lines - electrical signals are used for transmission;
  • Radio communication - radio waves are used for transmission;
    • DV-, SV-, HF- and VHF-communication without the use of repeaters
    • Satellite communication - communication using space repeater (s)
    • Radio relay communication - communication using terrestrial repeater (s)
    • Cellular communications - radio relay communications using a network of ground base stations
  • Fiber optic communication - light waves are used for transmission.

Depending on the engineering method of organization, communication lines are divided into:

  • satellite;
  • air;
  • terrestrial;
  • underwater;
  • underground.
  • Analog communication is a continuous signal transmission.
  • Digital communication is the transmission of information in discrete form (digital form). A digital signal is analog by its physical nature, but the information transmitted with its help is determined by a finite set of signal levels. Numerical methods are used to process a digital signal.


In general, the communication system includes:

  • terminal equipment: terminal equipment, terminal device (terminal), terminal device, source and recipient of the message;
  • signal conversion devices(OOI) at both ends of the line.

Terminal equipment provides primary processing of a message and a signal, conversion of messages from the form in which they are provided by the source (speech, image, etc.) into a signal (on the side of the source, sender) and back (on the side of the receiver), amplification, etc. NS.

Signal conversion devices can protect the signal from distortion, shaping the channel (s), matching the group signal (signal of several channels) with the line on the source side, recovering the group signal from a mixture of the useful signal and interference, dividing it into individual channels, error detection and correction on the recipient's side. Modulation is used to form the group signal and match with the line.

The communication line may contain signal conditioning devices such as amplifiers and regenerators. The amplifier simply amplifies the signal along with the interference and transfers it further, it is used in analog transmission systems(ASP). Regenerator ("re-receiver") - performs signal recovery without interference and re-shaping of the linear signal, is used in digital transmission systems(DSP). Amplification / regeneration points are serviceable and non-serviceable (OUP, NUP, RRP and NRP, respectively).

In DSP, terminal equipment is called DTE (Data Terminal Equipment, DTE), MTP is called DCE ( data link termination equipment or line terminal equipment, DCE). For example, in computer networks the DTE is the computer, and the DCE is the modem.


In the world of communications, standards are extremely important because communications equipment must be able to communicate with each other. There are several international organizations that publish communication standards. Among them:

  • International Telecommunication Union (eng. International Telecommunication Union, ITU) is one of the UN agencies.
  • (eng. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE).
  • Special Commission for Internet Development (eng. Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF).

In addition, standards are often (usually de facto) determined by the leaders of the telecommunications equipment industry.