What can open the PSD file. Additional information about PSD format

Photoshop definitely best editor To work with the file in pSD format. It keeps the entire history of the transformation so that you can close and resume work at any time. The complexity here is that licensed photoshop () is very checked pleasure. If you need to open and view only a few files created in Photoshop, then there is no need to use such a heavy software.

Fortunately, there is free options. Are they the same good as Photoshop? - Not. How powerful or flexible? - By no means. In fact, most of these applications will only be able to view PSD, without the possibility of working with layers. But often viewing and small edits - that's all we need.



Google Disc

  1. It seems strange to use Google disk as a means of viewing pictures, but do not confuse - it works quite well. Log in to the service, click "My Disk" and select "Upload Files ...".
  2. Find and open the PSD file. Double-click the file to view. Probably, this is the easiest way to view one or more files in the PSD closed format.

Video: Gimp Graphic Editor Overview

Graphic files with which many users work almost every day in modern world Presented in the most different formats, some of which cannot interact with each other. But not all programs for viewing images can quietly open files of various extensions.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what the PSD file itself represents and how to open this format using various programs for viewing and editing graphic documents.

A file with the PSD extension is a raster graphic information storage format. It was created specifically for Adobe Photoshop.. The format has one important difference from the standard JPG - the compression of the document is made without data loss, so the file will always be in the initial resolution.

Adobe has not made the file format publicly available, so not all programs can safely open the PSD and edit it. Consider several software solutions that are very convenient for viewing the document, and some of them allow you to edit it.

Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

It is logical that the very first program that will be mentioned in the methods of opening the PSD file will be the Adobe Photoshop application for which the expansion was created.

Photoshop allows you to make a variety of different actions over the file, including standard viewing, easy editing, editing at the layer level, convert to other formats and much more. Among the minuses of the program, it is worth noting that it is paid, so not all users can afford it.

Opened PSD through the product from Adobe is quite simple and quickly, you need to perform only a few steps, which will be described in more detail below.

App from Adobe company has a free analogue that is no worse than anything original version From the famous company, but they can use absolutely everything. We will analyze it in the second way.

Method 2: GIMP

As mentioned above, GIMP is a free analogue of Adobe Photoshop, which differs from paid program Only some nuances, especially unnecessary for almost all users. Download the GIMP can any user.

Among the advantages can be noted that it supports all the same formats that can open and edit Photoshop, GIMP allows not only to open PSD, but also edit it in full. Of the minuses, users notice a long-loading program due to large number Fonts and rather uncomfortable interface.

PSD file opens through GIMP almost like through Adobe Photoshop, only with some features - all dialog boxes Open through the program, which is quite convenient when the computer is not the fastest.

Unfortunately, there are no more worthy programs that allow not only to open PSD files, but also to edit them. Only Photoshop and Gimp allow you to work with this extension "in full force", so further consider the convenient tools for viewing PSD.

Method 3: PSD Viewer

Perhaps the most convenient and simple program for viewing PSD files is PSD Viewer, which has a clear task and works with highest speed. Compare PSD Viewer with Photoshop or Gimp is meaningless, since the functionality in these three applications is significantly different.

Among the advantages of PSD Viewer can be noted fast speed Work, simple interface and no extra. It can be said that there are no minuses from the program, since it accurately performs its function - gives the user the ability to view the PSD document.

Open a file with Adobe extension to PSD Viewer is very simple, even Photoshop itself cannot boast such simplicity, but this algorithm must be illuminated so that no one has questions.

PSD Viewer is one of the few solutions, which allows you to open graphic images with this speed, because even standard applications Microsoft is not capable of it.

Method 4: XnView

XnView is something similar to PSD Viewer, but it is possible to produce some manipulation over the file. These actions are not connected with the image encoding and with deep editing, you can only change the size and trim the picture.

The advantages of the program include a certain number of editing tools and work stability. Of the minuses, it is necessary to pay attention to a rather complex interface and English, which is not always convenient. Now let's see how to open PSD through XnView.

XnView works very quickly and stable that it is not always possible to say about PSD Viewer, so you can safely use the program even on the loaded system.

Method 5: IrfanView

The last convenient solution that allows you to view PSD - IrfanView. Immediately it is worth saying that there are almost no differences from XnViewe, so the pros and cons of the program are the same. It can only be noted that this product supports Russian.

The PSD file opening algorithm is similar previous way, everything is done quickly and simple.

Almost all programs from the article work the same (last three), they quickly open the PSD file, and the user can gladly view this file. If you know some other comfortable software solutionscapable of opening PSD, then share in the comments with us and other readers.

Personally, we love the format of PSD files used in Adobe Photoshop. it the best way Save everything that happens in a graphic editor in a separate time taken, so you can calmly postpone work and return to it later or make some changes in already ready files Without the need to start the whole process first.

However, many people, including graphic artists, do not want or simply are not ready to spend money on this expensive graphic editor.

If your friend send you important files in PSD format or you just downloaded them from the Internet, then a real problem with their opening may occur, especially if you do not have your own copy of Adobe Photoshop.

Fortunately, there are several free tools that allow you to circumvent an artificial restriction and work with this type of files. These are free, capable of viewing and edit PSD files in a familiar edit environment.

Paint.Net + PSD Plugin

Paint.net is a simple, free image editor. This, of course, not Photoshop, but it is nevertheless very convenient and has a lot of tools for editing images. However, you may notice that he lacks the ability to work with PSD files. Just here to help you can come a special .NET PSD.

After downloading, make copy file "photoshop.dll" in the folder "filetypes", which is in the Paint.Net directory and the next time with * .psd format, the Paint.NET program will open it as any other file.


GIMP - free editor An open source images. It is said that he climbed the closer to Photoshop in its functionality. It is more complicated in mastering than paint.net and requires more learning time to work.

Like Paint.Net, GIMP supports the installation of extensions. True, to read the PSD format, the installation of the plugin is not needed. GIMP supports PSD by default, and you can view files immediately after installing the editor.


If you have a need only to Photoshop PSD., I do not need to install a full-fledged image editor. Instead, look at IrfanView.

You may have already heard about IrfanView before or even used it.

Of course, it may be, the program interface and looks like a surler of the past era, but as the viewer of the images it is definitely not outdated.

It is incredibly compact and universal utilitywhich, as a rule, can depict any format. The same is true for PSD files that IrfanView opens the default.

All programs in the selection are free. With the functionality of photoshop, they, of course, will not compare, but with simple tasks Create. At a minimum, you can simply open the PSD file as an image, and some of these programs even open the layers.

1. Gimp.

  • Operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Russian language: Supported.

This is one of the most interesting. free analog Photoshop. Gimp reads PSD files without installing additional plugins, so you can open the file as well as regular images: File → Open.

Gimp opens the PSD document layers for editing. But here there are your underwater stones: the program reads not all layers, some need to raster. And the GIMP may incorrectly save the changes to PSD. After that, the file may not open in Photoshop. The latter should not disturb you if you opened a file for minor edit and save the picture in JPEG.

  • Operating system: Starting with Windows 7.
  • Russian language: Supported.

Paint.net is better than standard Microsoft Paint, but the same as clear as possible and easy to use. If you do not know what to do with the GIMP file, open Paint.Net.

The program reads PSD, but only after installing the corresponding plug-in. For this:

  • Load the plugin.
  • Remove files from the downloaded archive.
  • Copy photoshop.dll file.
  • Go to the Paint.NET installation folder (for example, C: \\ Program Files \\ Paint.net).
  • Insert the photoshop.dll file to the fileTypes folder.
  • Run Paint.Net.

  • Operating system: Any, since the application opens in the browser.
  • Russian language: Supported.

PhotoPea is an online service, the interface of which resembles Photoshop or Gimp. His advantage - no need to install anything. The program will open in the browser on any device. But online applications are often not as practical as installed programs. Photopea is no exception, but it allows you to work with layers in a PSD document.

  • Operating system: Windows (for Linux and MacOS there is a version).
  • Russian language: Supported only in Standart and Extended versions.

XnView is a kind of graphic organizer, in which you can open and arrange the collection of images on your PC. In XnView, there are primitive editing features: you can change the color palette, add a filter or effect.

The program is unpopular, and in vain: it is capable of opening images in more than 500 formats and reconnect them in another 70. So install it as a primitive editor for PSD or converter.

IN base version Only English, French and German are supported.

  • Operating system: Windows.
  • Russian language: Supported.

The IrfanView program, like XnView, is intended for viewing and converting graphic files. But IrfanView supports less formats. The program opens PSD as a picture. Edit layers can not be edited, but the usual image can be. To get more processing options, the PSD file must first be converted to another format.

IrfanView works quickly and weighs little ( setup files occupy a little more than 3 MB).

If none of the options are suitable, you can convert PSD to JPG using Go2Convert or any other converter. You can also open a PSD as a picture in Google Drive.

PSD - Format of graphic files for maximum compression Without memory loss. It was created specifically for adobe Programs Photoshop.

This format supplies not only images, but also graphic layers, text, masks And other information from Photoshop. It supports monochrome Color Images and Systems RGB. and CMYK..

These pictures can be opened in several ways. The most common are the following applications.

Use Adobe Photoshop.

This is a full-fledged multifunction graphic editor developed by Adobe System. This application is intended for professional processing Images and creation of graphic files. An indispensable assistant for web design and creating layouts and sketches.

To get started with PSD in Adobe Photoshop you need run the programthen click " File" in the upper right corner.
Further " Open».

Then to find Document and press ENTER or " Open" If the pictures are several, then allocate Right-click:

This method of working with documents is suitable only for the licensed version of the editor, the value of which is great. If there is no possibility to purchase a license, you can use other photo edits or convert the necessary pictures.

Paint.net application + PSD Plugin

Most plain Software photo editing developed by .NET Framework. Works on the basis of Windows. To work with graphic images, the possibility is minimal. In addition you can install PSD Plugin., To process documents of this format.

Gimp Editor

Free Analog Adobe Photoshop. It has an open source code code. This allows the user to make changes in the documents. Excellent service to create templates of websites, posters and collages from photos. Convenient interfaceTo deal with which everyone can.

Use InfanView.

Program for view Graphic files, audio recordings and video files on the computer. Qualitatively can view anyone Digital image. Works with Windows and Reactos. Works with many formats, including format photoshop images. On the Internet extends is free.

Open with go2convert

Free service for converting documents. It works with images formats PSD, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WMF, TIFF, TGA. File transformer has no separate programwhich can be downloaded. You can only use its services. online.