How to recover an accidentally deleted file. How do I recover recently deleted files on my computer? Use a paid program to recover deleted files

Surely, everyone at least once faced a situation when important files on the computer were accidentally deleted. It is good if they take up a little and are located on the hard drive. In this case, nothing terrible happened: you can return the data by restoring it from the "Recycle Bin". Worse when the carrier is a flash drive. In this case, there is no intermediate stage, and the information is deleted immediately.

Despite the seemingly irreversible situation, the matter can be improved. If the user accidentallydeleted files from flash drive, how to restore them- will tell our material.

A bit of theory

Information on digital media, be it a flash drive or a hard disk drive, is organized into a file system. This is a kind of log, in which data is entered about where which file is physically located (in cells of solid-state memory or sectors magnetic disk), how much it takes, and other information. During normal deletion through the conductor, only this service information is often erased. To improve performance and extend the life of the drive, data is not physically erased. Thus, despite the absence of any mention of files in the FS, the cells themselves are still occupied by the cherished bytes belonging to the previously erased file. They are cleared only when trying to write new data to the same place.

That is, after deleting files from the FS, they physically continue to be present on the disk. The principle of information recovery is based on this. To regain access to them, you need to analyze the contents of the cells marked as free and find areas filled with data there.

Each type of file, be it images, music, video or document, has a specific structure. If the program for information recovery finds a section corresponding to a certain type of data, it reports on the identification of the deleted file and tries to return it.

Can I recover deleted files myself?

Numerous organizations offer. Among them - how service centres specializing in all types of PC maintenance, and laboratories engaged only in this area. They will even return information from a broken drive, but the cost of services can amount to tens of thousands of rubles.

If for an organization that has lost the program log due to a system failure and failure of drives accounting, customer base, other unreserved documents, prices can be called acceptable (otherwise the size of losses reaches millions), then for ordinary users they will seem huge. Despite the fact that a personal photo archive or videos from family celebrations may not cost a penny in the market, they are dear to a person as a memory. The lost results of work at home also do not bring in losses for millions, but a few wasted days can be worth it.

It is quite natural that the question “how to recover files deleted from the recycle bin, independently ”, interests everyone. It is quite possible to do this, but a successful result is not always achieved and depends on a number of factors. To increase the likelihood of a successful recovery, there are a few rules to follow:

  • The less time has passed since the deletion, the better... Do not waste precious minutes postponing recovery until later. What could be fixed right away may not be possible later.
  • It is not recommended to use the drive after deleting files... In this regard, it is easier with a flash drive: you can simply remove it and put it aside for a while. Harder with hard disk, especially if it is the only one in the PC, and the deleted information was stored on system partition... In this case, you should close all programs and proceed to downloading the program to recover files.
  • When downloading recovery programs, you cannot use the disk from which the files were deleted... It is better to download (and install) software on a third-party media (preferably a USB flash drive). Otherwise, the risk increases that new files will be written to the place where the data of interest was previously, and it will no longer be possible to save them.

Recovery software

To restore deleted files on the computer, you need the appropriate software. There are quite a few similar programs. Many of them are paid (and relatively expensive, like all professional software). But it should be noted free apps: Recuva, R.saver (free for home use in the former USSR) and Wise Data recovery... They have approximately the same functionality, as an example, we will cite the latter, as the most simple, but effective.

How to Recover Deleted Files from Hard Drive or USB Flash Drive Using Wise Data Recovery

To recover deleted files from a flash drive or hard disk, you need to download and install the application (it is not recommended to install it on the target disk). The developers' site is in English, but there is an opportunity to translate the interface into Russian using the Google translator.

After starting the program, a window opens with a minimalistic but clear interface... To proceed to scanning, you need to select the section in the upper left corner that contained the files that need to be restored.

After starting the scanning procedure, the program checks the drive for deleted files, which are displayed on the panel. The search time ranges from a few seconds to several minutes. It depends on the size of the disk, overall performance PC and the number of files that have fallen under the knife.

After completing the search procedure, the program displays a list of detected deleted data on the panel. The color of the icon next to the file name indicates the level of its preservation. Green indicates that the document can be saved, yellow indicates the possibility of failure, and red indicates that the data area has already been damaged. In this case, even if you succeed in saving the file, there is a high risk that it will not be fully restored. And if, in the case of a photo, this turns into empty fragments of the image (like missing puzzles), then the archive in a poor state will most likely not be able to unpack.

It should be noted that you should not be afraid of the yellow color. In the above image, the “Windows 10 PE” file is marked as “risky”. But this is a specially deleted disk image to demonstrate the capabilities of the program, which is successfully restored completely.

When the files of interest are found, there is little to do: it remains to save them by moving them to a new location. It is necessary to mark the documents of interest with check marks, press the "Restore" button below and select a location to save.You cannot specify the same section where the source files were stored.This can entail, in the course of rescuing one document, overwriting another. And then the second file cannot be restored.

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can try another software.

How to recover deleted files with Recuva

Recuva comes in free and paid versions. You can download it from the developers website. Once downloaded, installed and launched, the application will launch the “Recuva Wizard”, which will guide you through the recovery procedure step by step. First of all, you should indicate the type of data of interest. This makes your search faster and more efficient.

Recuva then proceeds to select the location of the deleted data. You need to set a section or folder to search for information.

After that, the program is ready to scan. The checkbox "Enable in-depth analysis" will significantly increase the likelihood of success, but the search time increases, sometimes reaching an hour or more.

After the search, the list of detected files will also be displayed in the program window. Similarly, a color indicator indicates the status of the detected file and the chance of saving it.

For easy search, you can sort the results by name, size, date modified, location, and status. If the required file is found, you need to select it and press the "Restore" button, indicating the location for copying. If the document was not found, you can try to enable in-depth analysis.

Other programs are structured in a similar way. In general, the functionality of such software is at the same level, only the professional versions are distinguished by wider capabilities and increased efficiency.

If 2,3 or even 5 programs show equally disappointing results, you will have to accept: the data is lost irretrievably. Most likely, they were rewritten, and even the pros who demand impressive money for their work will not be able to help.


Recover Deleted Files from Recycle Bin after Emptyingcan. The likelihood of success directly depends on how timely the detection was accidental deletion... There is a lot of software on the network for these purposes, both free and for money. The programs have limited, but sufficient functionality. Which one to choose is a matter of tastes and wallet; to recover deleted files it is not necessary to donate.

To obtain positive result, you should prevent overwriting a blank area of ​​the media by placing new data in it. You can do it yourself, and the chance to save information is high enough. All recommendations should be followed, and then the question "how to recover deleted files from a flash drive or hard drive" will not bother you.

If you need help or don't knowhow to recover deleted files on computer- ask in the comments, we will try to answer all questions.

Situations when users accidentally permanently deleted some necessary file or formatted a flash drive with important information occur quite often. But you should not despair in these cases. After all, something was erased from the disk, physically this data is still saved. The main thing is that they are not overwritten. There are several ways to efficiently recover data, both on HDD and Flash-drive. We will consider the most effective ones.

Recovering information from a hard disk using standard Windows tools

First of all, make sure that the items you are looking for are not in the Trash. If they are there, then all you need to do is right-click on the file and select "Restore".

If you have not found the file you are interested in in the Trash, you should try next way... Click Start => Control Panel => System and Maintenance => Backup and Restore. Then select the command "Restore system settings or computer" and follow the prompts of the wizard.

The second option is to click on the Computer component and select the drive or folder where the deleted files were stored. right-click on this object and click "Restore old version". After that you will see a list previous versions disk or folder. It will contain the files backed up. Here you will have access to points for their backup.

Recovering data from a hard drive using special utilities

To recover data from a hard drive, go to the "Start" menu and select "Computer". Next, find the drive or folder where the deleted data you are interested in was stored. Right-click the drive or folder and select Restore Previous Version. After that, a list of files will appear, including those you are looking for (saved in the backup). Double-click on the object you are looking for and select the version (for example, if you deleted the folder today, specify yesterday), and then drag the recovered file (folder) to another location.

For example, after launching Recuva, it offers to specify the type of files that need to be found and restored, as well as the location where they were located. After that, scanning will begin - files found that can be fully returned are highlighted in green. Further - directly restoration. When scanning, we recommend setting "Deep analysis".

  1. Recovering data from a flash drive

It is also possible to recover files deleted on a USB drive. But before using the applications, scan the drive with antivirus. This can be done with or. The point is that some malware can provoke data hiding - they will not be displayed.

If it turned out that the information on the USB drive was still deleted, you can reanimate it with tools, Easy Drive Data Recovery or.
When specifying the location where you want to find data sent into obscurity, select " Removable drive"(" Memory card "," Specified location "). Note that some data can only be partially recovered. During the analysis, Recuva marks what is in doubt yellow or red (as opposed to those that will be recovered 100% - they are marked in green).

There is a high probability of "returning everything to normal" if you did not save anything to the Flash drive after you deleted something there. disadvantages free software that ensure the recovery of deleted files is either a limitation in the period of use, or a limitation of functionality (here the support of different file systems and different formats the files you are looking for). You can compare utilities from different manufacturers in the selection.


In most cases, files and folders are not immediately removed from your computer. They are placed in the "Trash" folder, the contents of which can be viewed from the desktop. To restore a folder from the trash can, open it by clicking on the icon with the left mouse button. Find the folder you need, select it and click on the "Restore object" link in the typical tasks pane on the left side of the window.

Alternative ways: right-click on the folder in the basket and select in context menu the "Restore" command. Or click on the folder you want to return with the left mouse button. A new "Properties: [Your Folder Name]" dialog box will open. On the "General" tab, click on the "Restore" button in the lower right part of the window. After that, look for the restored folder in the directory where it was originally located.

In the event that you have already managed to empty the trash, try restoring the system from the checkpoint when the deleted folder was still on the computer. This function can only be used if the restore function is enabled.

Click the Start button or Windows key, click on the "All Programs" item to expand the menu. In the "Standard" folder, select the "System" subfolder and click on the "System Restore" task. A new dialog box will appear. Choose the suitable control point(date) and click on the "Restore" button. After rebooting the operating system, check the directory in which the folder was located before.

If this operation did not help, install on the computer special application to recover lost data, for example, EasyRecovery. Examine the program interface and choose the option that suits you: specify the disk from which you have removed required files and folders, scan. The method of action may differ in different applications, but, as a rule, the interface of all utilities is intuitive, so you should have no difficulty in restoring the folder you need.

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Accidental press keys "Delete", and then an equally random hit on "input" - and the folder with important documents is in the trash. And it happens that it was removed on purpose, but after a while you realized your mistake. It is still possible to recover documents.

You will need

  • A computer.


You will see a window in which select the drive on which you want to search for files to recover. Then click the "forward" button. A search will be performed, during which the program will show all files available for recovery. Select the required documents and click on the "Recover" button.

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USB sticks are quite fragile devices. Any failure can lead to failure of the flash drive, and loss of important information... However, if your USB device suddenly ceases to be detected or denies access to files, do not rush to throw it away and swear. There are special programs that can solve such problems.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - RecoveRx program.


Go to the manufacturer's website. You can find out the manufacturer's name from the package or the case of the USB-drive, and you can find the official website through search engines... Look for the "Service" or "Support" section. Some manufacturers immediately upload ready-made programs to the Download page. On the website of the Transcend manufacturer, the utility you are looking for is located in the Tech Support section, the Download Center item, and it is called RecoveRx.

Download the RecoveRx program to the computer memory and launch it. The program will ask you to select a device - do it. Then you will have the opportunity to mark the partition on the media that you want to restore. Click Recover to start the recovery procedure. At the end of the work, the program will display a window with a message in which it will inform you about the number of recovered files.

Try to open it again. Copy files from USB to hard drive. You should not store important data on such a fragile thing. If the recovery process is unsuccessful, the USB device's firmware memory may be damaged. Use the utility to flash the flash drive. You can find it through search engines by matching the hardware numbers of the media and the flashing program.

Also, do not forget that the flash drive can be damaged by various physical consequences. To do this, you will have to carry it to a specialized center, where experienced employees will restore and transfer to another medium all the important data that you need. However, try to keep backups all the information that is most important to you in your work. In general, we can say that it is not so easy to extract information from a portable device.

Modern hard drives work in such a way that most of the deleted files can be recovered fairly quickly. Naturally, there are certain types of files that do not lend themselves well to this process.

You will need

  • - Easy Recovery.


Install a program designed to read hidden areas of your hard drive. Use the Easy Recovery utility. Remember that the sooner you start recovering data, the higher the percentage of "saved" files will be. Never install the program on the hard disk partition where the deleted resources were located.

Launch Easy Recovery and go to the Data Recovery menu. Find Deleted Recovery and open it. After defining the existing partitions, a new window will open. Choose one local disk from which you recently deleted files. Now fill in the File Filters field. Specify remote formats using the following recording scheme: * .avi | * .mkv | * .mp4. Activate the Complete Scan option by checking the box next to it. This method scanning is most effective for this program.

Click the Next button and wait until the scan of the selected hard disk partition is completed. This operation can take a long time. The time spent searching for deleted files depends on the size of the specified partition, the performance of your computer, and the selected file types.

After the search for deleted files is completed, the process of preparing them for recovery will begin. At the same time, these files will appear in the left menu of the program. After the utility completes, select the files that you want to recover. To do this, check the boxes opposite their names. If you are not sure about the correctness of the selected file, then click the View Files button and view its contents.

Click the Next button and select the folder where the recovered data will be saved. You must use any partition of the disk, except for the one from which you are recovering. Click the Next button and wait for the Easy Recovery utility to complete.

Principle of operation operating systems with files on hard drives allows you to successfully recover deleted information. To carry out this process, you need to apply a special software.

You will need

  • Easy Recovery program.


Try to recover deleted files using Easy Recovery Professional. Install it on a local drive where no remote folders were located. This is necessary in order not to accidentally overwrite the sectors on which the data being restored is located.

Open the program and select the Data Recovery menu. The utilities are not designed to search for deleted folders, but you can recover the necessary files separately. Open the Deleted Recovery menu. Specify the local drive (hard drive partition) where the remote folder was located.

Activate the Complete Scan item by putting a check mark next to it. If you need to find files of a certain type, then indicate it by filling in the File Filter field. If you are not sure of the correctness given parameters then leave this field blank. V in this case the program will search for all pre-existing files.

Click Next and wait while the program finishes searching for deleted data. In the left window of the menu that appears, find the folders containing the files you want. Select the required directories or individual documents by ticking the boxes. Click the Next button.

Click the Browse button and select the folder where the selected files will be copied. Check the box next to Generate Recovery Report if you want to save the list of recovered files. Click the Next button. In the new menu, click Save and wait for the files to be saved.

Close Easy Recovery. Open the folder you specified for data recovery. Check the quality of the files. If some of them were not completely recovered, then use the File Repair feature of Easy Recovery.

Probably, many of the users got into a situation where it was accidentally deleted from a flash card necessary information... However, you did not create a copy of the files. Or it was formatted by mistake. Even after full formatting flash card information can be recovered. Moreover, the percentage of successful data recovery is very high.

You will need

  • - TuneUp Utilities 2011 program.


It is very important, after you notice that information has been deleted from your flash card, not to write new data to it, since in this case the chance of a successful data recovery operation is reduced. It is advisable to connect a flash card to a computer using a card reader.

To recover data, you need TuneUp Utilities 2011. Download it from the Internet and install it on HDD computer. Although the program is paid, it has a trial period.

Launch TuneUp Utilities. When the program is launched for the first time, it starts analyzing your PC. Upon completion, a notification about system optimization will appear. If you agree, the program will optimize your system and fix errors (you can refuse this procedure). Then you will be taken to its main menu. Go to the "Troubleshooting" tab.

In the next window, select the "Recover Deleted Files" option. Then a list of all drives that are connected to the computer will appear. Uncheck the box next to all partitions hard disk other than your flash drive. Then proceed further.

Do not enter anything in the "Search Criteria" line. Indeed, in this moment you need to recover as much information as possible, not a specific file. Uncheck the box next to Search 0 Byte Files. This will make the data retrieval process faster. After setting the parameters, click "Next".

Hello everyone. Not infrequently, some novice users, for some reason, accidentally completely delete important documents from their computers, without the possibility of recovery through the trash can.

If you have come across this, then today's article, where I will tell how to recover permanently deleted files in windows will help you.

Where do completely deleted files go?

You will probably be surprised, but even files deleted from your computer are not completely removed from your computer and are stored on your hard disk for some time. Therefore, if a little time has passed since the deletion of the document, then there is still hope that they can be restored.
You cannot do this with improvised means, so I advise you to download the Handy Recovery program here at this address: handy recovery and install it on your computer.

This program is also good because in addition to recover deleted files, she also knows how to recover infected as a result virus attacks files, if you want to know more about this, please unsubscribe in the form of comments.

How to recover deleted files?

To do this, launch Handy Recovery, after which it will ask you to select a local disk for analysis.

Select the disk where the deleted document was located and click "Analyze", after which the program will begin to analyze this disk for recoverable files.

When the analysis is complete, you will be able to see all the files that can be returned.

Select any of them and pay attention to the "probability of recovery" tab, in which you can see the probability of what the chances are of getting the files back without damaging them.

To continue, click the "restore" button.

Then a window will appear in which, by clicking the "Browse" button, you can select the folder where the file will be restored. Now click "OK" and the process will start. The time it takes to recover a file depends on its size.

After the end of the process, you will find your previously deleted document in the same place from which it was deleted.

I would like to add that this program does not guarantee you a complete recovery of the document, and in principle, there are no programs that can guarantee this. But on the other hand, one more of her useful function is what she can.

That's all for me! If you have any questions or have something to add to this topic, then write in the comments. And I say goodbye to you on this, for now, everyone.

Don't know how to recover deleted files or digital documents? Want to recover accidentally deleted files and folders from the Trash? Don't know how to recover file information after formatting a FAT or NTFS logical partition?

Recover files with the program

RS File Recovery

Use the program to recover deleted files. The program recovers not only accidentally deleted files, but also information lost after formatting hard disk, memory card, USB stick etc. The extremely simple interface of the program will allow you to restore the necessary files in a matter of minutes.

Download Registration Screenshots

The list of disks on your computer and devices connected to it can be seen in the "my computer" tab. By selecting the required disk or folder in the program Explorer tree, you can view their contents in the same way as you do in MS Windows Explorer.

Scan the selected drive

Select the drive from which you want to recover files from the list of logical drives on your computer and devices connected to it, from which you want to recover files.

Double-click on the selected disk or right-click and select “Open” from the context menu to start scanning the logical disk or flash card. The program will start analyzing the selected disk and display its contents. This procedure will take a few seconds.

Note: if the program needs to scan large amounts of information, this may take longer.

After analyzing the disk in the Explorer tree, the program will display a list of folders on the selected disk. By selecting the required folder, you will be able to view its contents. Deleted files and folders will be marked with a special red cross.

To see only deleted files and hide existing ones, use the "Filter" option (menu "View" - "Filter").

To find the deleted file in the scan results, use the special tools of RS File Recovery (file filter, document search and view).

Basically, you need to find and select the files you want to recover and proceed with the actual recovery.

When you have found the files you need and decided to restore them, select them and click on the "Restore" button on the main panel, or by right-clicking, select "Restore" from the context menu. The save wizard will open.

If you need to recover multiple files from different folders, use the "Recovery List Panel". To do this, simply drag the file onto the Recovery List Panel or right-click and select Add for Recovery from the context menu. After you have prepared the necessary files, in the main menu of the program, select "File" - "Restore from the list". The save wizard will open.