How to delete file history in 1s 8.3. Correcting errors with the help of the file system

Some errors that occur when using software products firm 1C, you can solve the procedure, which is commonly called "clearing the cache". Exception symptoms indicating cache problems:

  • A specific user cannot launch the application;
  • Data is displayed incorrectly at one workplace;
  • Form or module updates did not work for everyone.

General information: what is cache and caching and what is it for

To speed up the work of programs, their creators prefer to save some frequently used static information on the user's computer. This process is called caching. Subsequently, the platform, instead of requesting this data from the server, will take it from the computer. This stored information is called cache.

In particular, if we talk about 1C, in the process of working on local computer it saves configuration files. It is these files that interfere with the normal operation of a single user.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of problems with the cache, if we single out the three most common ones, we can note:

  1. Several consecutive dynamic configuration updates;
  2. Hardware failures in the operation of network equipment;
  3. Non-standard situations when updating a release.

From the description of the problem, let's move on to ways of solving it.

Correcting errors with the help of the file system

The 8 version of the 1C platform saves its data in two folders stored in the user directory (CP).

Please note that different versions of the operating system have different storage directories. In the case of XP, they are in:

  • KP-> Local Settings-> Application Data-> 1C-> 1Cv82;
  • KP -> Application Data-> 1C-> 1Cv82.

Late Windows versions contain cache files in folders:

  • KP-> AppData-> Roaming-> 1C-> 1Cv82;
  • KP -> AppData-> Local-> 1C-> 1Cv82.

For server operating systems, KP should be replaced with C: \ Users \ "Username".

Alternatively, you can find where the cache is stored. simple search by the system of folders with the search key "1Cv".

As a rule, the storage location looks like (Fig. 1).

By deleting all folders with names of letters and numbers, which are hexadecimal numbers, you can thereby clear the application cache.

Two important points:

  1. During deletion, 1C should not be running on the user's computer;
  2. In addition to folders with long alphanumeric names, you do not need to delete anything.

Naturally, in cases where cleaning has to be done often, when users are scattered far from each other, and just to avoid abnormal situations associated with incorrect deletion, it is better to create a small executable bat file with code (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2

Cleaning by removing the base

It should be noted right away that, despite the effectiveness and simplicity of this method, it is not entirely correct to call it "cleaning".

To fix cache errors in this way, you only need the configurator selection window (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

Using it, you need to remove the problem database from the list and then add it there again, preferably under a different name.

Thus, the following set of actions will be performed:

  1. The existing base will be unlinked from the temporary storage folder;
  2. For the base will be created new folder containing up-to-date data.

As you can see from the above list, the problem cache folder itself is not going anywhere. Therefore, it will take up disk space.

Cleaning with advanced options

The second method, also provided by the 1C platform, is to add additional ones.

To use it in the configuration selection window (Fig. 3):

Thus, with each subsequent start of the program with this additional line the cache of the current base will be cleared.

There are three nuances to consider when using this method:

  1. Clearing the cache takes some time, therefore, the startup process can be significantly delayed;
  2. This method only works in thick and thin client mode;
  3. This cleanup, processing the request cache in client-server mode, does not affect the local metadata cache at all, so if the problem was there, it will not go away.

What you should be prepared for

The logic of the system as a whole will not be violated after clearing the cache. However, the habitual for given user settings for displaying forms and dialogs, fonts, selections and arrangement of windows and panels. In general, you still have to sacrifice something.

It would seem that a hackneyed topic is cleaning the cache 1c, but it constantly arises how to clean it, I decided to sketch a small article on this issue. Very often, after the update, users or administrators have strange errors after the proceedings, it turns out that the reason for such "glitches" in 1C is the cache.

What is 1C cache and how to clean it

Caching- the process of creating a buffer of frequently used information and, as a rule, static information. Caching is used to speed up the work of the program, in particular, in 1C, configuration files are loaded onto the user's computer so as not to request them from the server with each call.

However, very often the 1C platform does not correctly handle configuration caching and, as a result, we get inappropriate configuration behavior.

The first way to clear the 1C cache

To solve problems and "glitches" of 1C, clearing the cache of the 1C platform very often helps.

We go for (Windows 7)

% userprofile% AppDataRoaming1C1Cv82

% userprofile% AppDataLocal1C1Cv82 for

% userprofile% Local SettingsApplication Data1C1Cv82

% userprofile% Application Data1C1Cv82

Going there, we find many interesting folders:

All selected directories are 1C database cache, you can safely delete them. IMPORTANT!!! Before deleting, it is imperative to log out of the IB.

If you do not want to look for where the files are located, you can use a small bat-nickname (for 8.2 and 8.3 different, if different platforms are used, you can combine them into one), which cleans up the folders with temporary files - you can download it under the article. Do not forget that you use them at your own risk. They contain the following command:

rmdir “% AppData% 1C1Cv8 ″ / S / Q

rmdir “% LOCALAPPDATA% 1C1Cv8 ″ / S / Q

Second way

The second method is simpler, but it is not entirely correct. To clean it, it is enough to delete this configuration and create a new one with the same path to the IB.

As a result, the old folder with the cache will be “unlinked” from this IB and a new directory will be created.

You can do it this way, the cache is cleared, but temporary files remain on the hard disk.

One of the options for cleaning is a little bit different from what the article is about (but as one of the options there is a place to be, and you must not forget about it).

This special parameter launch / ClearCache. This method is recommended if the glitches are persistent due to the presence of temporary files. However, it degrades system performance. Note that this method is intended to clear the client-server call cache, which stores form metadata, modules, and so on. for thin and thick clients in 1C: Enterprise mode, it does not affect the local metadata cache, therefore, if there is an error in the local metadata cache, then this will not help.

In order to use this method, in the additional launch parameters (in the list of bases, change the button, the last tab), you must write the command / ClearCache.

Quite often, users experience strange errors while working in 1C. At one workplace, the program functions absolutely normally, while at the other it gives errors during various operations or refuses to start at all. Errors can look like this:

As a rule, after investigations, it turns out that the problem is in the program cache.

What is cache

1C cache is, as a rule, static information about a specific infobase: user settings, size and placement of windows, location of toolbars, etc. The cache is created by the program automatically and is updated with each session. It is needed to speed up the program, so that every time you do not need to contact the server for the same type of information.

The fact that the program periodically accesses the cache files is both a plus and a minus. If in the process of working with the cache a freeze occurs, a program crashes, an unscheduled computer shutdown, etc., then the cache files may be written with an error. In this case, the next time you connect to the infobase or during work, errors will appear in the database.

Below we will consider options for solving this problem.

Cache clearing methods

Many believe that this way is the most reliable. It consists in directly deleting folders with cache files from the user's computer. These folders are located:

  • C: \ Users \<имя пользователя>\ AppData \ Roaming \ 1C \ 1cv8
  • C: \ Users \\<имя пользователя>\ AppData \ Local \ 1C \ 1cv8

Following this path, we will see:

Folders with a long incomprehensible name are our goal. Each folder corresponds to one database that is or was once installed on your computer. Removing a database from a computer does not automatically clear its cache.

After we have found the necessary folders, we simply delete them from the computer. At the next launch, the program will automatically create new cache files, which it will work with in the future. In this case, the first launch information base after clearing the cache, it will take longer than usual. This will happen because the program will create new files.

This method is suitable if problems with cache files persist. It only works with thin client 1C. The essence of the method is that we add the following line to the infobase launch parameters:

  • / ClearCache

How to do it? We open the list of 1C bases, select the base we need from the list, but do not start it. On the right side of the window, click the "Change" button, as shown in the screenshot:

In the next window, do not change anything, click "Next".

In the third window, enter the desired text, as shown in the screenshot, and click "Finish".

After that, every time the infobase is started, the cache files will be automatically cleared.

This method is as effective as the first, but, in our opinion, it is not very correct. Its essence is that we remove the infobase from the list of databases, and then add it again.

When adding a database to the list, even an existing one, the cache files are created anew (the program considers this infobase to be new). The method is not correct, because deleting a database from the list, as well as directly deleting a database, does not clear the cache files. That is, we will create new files, and the old ones will remain on the hard disk. If you clear the cache in this way, then sooner or later HDD the computer will be full.

As we can see, there is nothing difficult in the process of clearing the cache, so in the future, if you encounter errors associated with it, you can deal with this problem yourself.

Very often, users get strange errors: for one user, the program works correctly, for another, nearby, on another computer, in a completely different way. Often, after long trials, it turns out that the reason for such "glitches" in 1C 8 is the cache.

Below I will tell you what 1C cache is and how to clean it.

Caching- the process of creating a buffer of frequently used and usually static information. Caching is used to speed up the work of the program, in particular, in 1C, configuration files are loaded onto the user's computer so as not to request them from the server with each call.

However, very often the 1C platform incorrectly handles configuration caching, and as a result, we get inappropriate configuration behavior.

The reasons for the incorrect behavior can be different: dynamic configuration updates, software or hardware failures.

The first way is to manually clear the 1C cache

To solve problems and "glitches" of 1C, cleaning the cache of the 1C 8.3 platform usually helps.

This is done as follows:

step 1

Find the directory where temporary 1C files are stored, they can be seen in the setup menu in the IB list:

Step 2

We got an address like

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C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Application Data \ 1C \ 1Cv82 \ tmplts \ 1c

Cache folders are located at

C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Application Data \ 1C \ 1Cv82 \

* where username is the system username, and the 1Cv82 folder may differ depending on the version of the 1C platform

Going there, we find many (the number of folders is equal to the number of configurations) interesting folders:

All selected directories are 1C database cache, you can safely delete them. Before deleting, it is imperative to log out of the IB.

If you don't want to look for where the files are located, you can use special program(baht file), which cleans up temporary file folders - download. Do not forget that you use them at your own peril and risk. They contain the following command:

rmdir "% AppData% \ 1C \ 1Cv8" / S / Q
rmdir "% LOCALAPPDATA% \ 1C \ 1Cv8" / S / Q

The second way to clear 1C temporary files is to remove the database from the list

The second method is simpler, but it is not entirely correct. To clean it, it is enough to delete this configuration and create a new one with the same path to the IB.

As a result, the old folder with the cache will be "unlinked" from this IB, and a new directory will be created.

You can do it this way, the cache is cleared, but temporary files remain on the hard disk.

The third way is the ClearCache parameter

It is necessary to write the command in the additional launch parameters (in the list of bases the Change button, the last tab) / ClearCache... Usage example:

Video on clearing the cache in 1C programs:

If the "glitches" in 1C did not disappear after clearing the cache, and 1C does not work as you would like, you can refer to.

If you are starting to learn 1C programming, we recommend our free course (do not forget subscribe to youtube - new videos are released regularly):


How to clear the cache in 1C: Enterprise 8 system programs

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Clearing the cache is standard procedure maintenance of many software products.
The programs of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 system are not an exception in this regard, and clearing the cache is a standard service operation that is recommended to be carried out to restore the operability of 1C programs.
Clearing the 1C cache is an effective solution to many problems and errors that arise during the operation of 1C programs (for example, errors when opening forms, incorrect display of the interface, etc.). Any administrator, specialist or user who independently maintains 1C software products should be able to use this technique.

What is 1C cache and what is it for?

The cache is a buffer of temporary data. It is needed to speed up the program, to store and quick access to service information, so as not to request it every time you access the server (for example, the location of windows, history of selections, setting fonts, colors, and many other data related to the work of the 1C user).
As a result of various software or hardware failures, power outages, etc. information in the cache can be corrupted, or there can be a mismatch between the data stored in the cache and in the database (for example, when dynamic update configuration, setting up user rights, etc.). To eliminate errors, you need to clear the cache.

There are several options for clearing the cache.

Option 1.

Directly from the 1C program.

In the list that opens, we find the lines: "Cache of program interfaces", "Cache of files from the resource of general key information" Taxcom "," Cache of files from the resources of operators of operators electronic document management according to the universal scheme ".

Open the required cache, for example "Cache of program interfaces" and delete temporary files from the list. Using the URL indicated in the "Identifier" column, you can try to calculate specific files that need to be deleted to eliminate an error in the service (for example, "https: // / ..." - refer to the service 1C: Counterparty, "http: // / ..." - 1C-Reporting service, and "https: // / ..." - 1C-Taxcom) ...

Please note that all operations must be performed on behalf of a user with Administrator rights.

After that, users who encountered the error should exit the program and log in again.

This option often helps to eliminate errors in working with the services "1C-Reporting", "1C-Contractor", "1C-Taxcom", "1C: EDO", but does not allow you to delete all temporary files.

Option 2.

Run the program with the "/ ClearCache" startup parameter, this clears the cache of client-server calls, which stores form metadata, modules, etc., as well as the saved search index in the module texts.

To do this, start the 1C program. In the list of infobases, select the required infobase and click the "Change" button. In the window that opens, in the " Extra options launch "insert the / ClearCache parameter.

Please note that using this parameter can lead to a decrease in the speed of the program. This option also does not allow you to delete all temporary files.

Option 3.

The option is the simplest for ordinary users, it allows you to completely update all temporary 1C cache files.
You must first remove the infobase from the list and then add it again.

To do this, run 1C. As in the previous version, in the list of infobases, select the required infobase and click "Change".

Copy the path to the database from the "Information base directory" field and click "Cancel".

Then we press the "Delete" button, we agree with the warning.

Now click "Add", in the window that opens, select the option "Add an existing infobase to the list".

In the next window, select the type of infobase location "On this computer or on a computer in local network"and in the" Infobase directory "field from the clipboard, paste the path to the database that you copied in the previous step.

In the same window, you can change the name of the infobase "Infobase # 1" to a more understandable name for displaying it in the list.
Next> Finish.

Option 4.

This option assumes manual removal of files from directories and is intended for advanced users.

The 1C Enterprise 8.3 cache is stored in the user profile in the following folders:

  • % userprofile% \ AppData \ Roaming \ 1C \ 1Cv82
  • % userprofile% \ AppData \ Roaming \ 1C \ 1Cv8
  • % userprofile% \ AppData \ Local \ 1C \ 1cv82
  • % userprofile% \ AppData \ Local \ 1C \ 1cv8
The variable% userprofile% - contains the path to the profile of the current user in Windows, so you can copy the path in the address field of the explorer, as indicated above.

Operating room Windows system will understand you and go to desired folder with 1C cache files. If there are problems with copying, then the path will look like this

C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ ..., and then as in the examples above.

As you can see, catalogs have names consisting of a large set of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet - the catalog name is a unique identifier for the database.

Within each directory, in turn, contains other folders. There are directories whose name also consists of a character set and is a unique user identifier, as well as directories Config, ConfigSave, DBNameCache, SICache.

If you can determine which of the identifiers refers to a specific user and the right base data, you can only clear its contents. If you cannot determine the ownership of users and databases, you can delete everything. The platform will recreate the necessary 1C cache service files the next time the 1C infobase is launched.