Formatting hard drive through bios. Formatting hard disk via BIOS

Often, before installing the operating system, users are wondering how to format hDD through bios. This procedure has to be resorted to clear sections inaccessible after windows startup. However, it is worth remembering that it will not be possible to completely remove information from the hard drive in this way.

Description of the procedure

To perform it, you will need a boot device from the recorded OS (it is desirable to create in advance). The sequence of actions to format the disk through the BIOS is as follows:

  1. Reload the computer with the connected media and immediately after starting to enter the input / output system using the appropriate key. This is usually F12, F8 or Escape, but if the version is strongly outdated, other combinations can be used.
  2. In the window that appears, you must open the BOOT tab Next Boot Option Priorities. This section allows you to select where the OS is loaded (from a flash drive or other device), which is required to be done. Depending on the removable media, mark the USB port or CD-ROM.
  3. Exit, retaining the changes made, after which the computer will reboot. Before you start formatting a disc, you will need to start the OS from the selected device by pressing any key on the laptop.
  4. Call a command line. If the procedure is performed using a media with Windows 7, you should press the combination of SHIFT + F10. For the 8 version, this method does not work, it replaces the user interface.
  5. Make sure in the correct letter designation before formatting the disk. After starting from the boot device, it may change, so to not delete important files, you need to enter "WMIC LogicalDisk Get DeviceID, Volumename, Size, Description".
  6. Go directly to the cleaning procedure. To do this, you need to drive in the "Format / FS: NTFS X: / Q" window, instead of X, I screens out the desired designation, for example, C (disk, most often in need of deleting data from the system partition).

Then he will only wait for the end of the process, confirming the command by pressing ENTER.

Other methods

WINDOVS installer allows you to do without CMD, which some people are afraid to use some people. Here will be involved only the familiar interface, however, before proceeding with formatting hard disk Through the BIOS, you will have to implement the first 3 points of the previous section.

After the language selection phase, click on the "Full Installation", call the list of available disks and customize installation. In the opened parameters, the cursor must mark the "Formatting" item and follow further instructions. However, this method is not suitable if the installation of the operating windows systems not required.

In addition, you can use the ERD COMMANDER program by creating a bootable CD based on it. In BIOS, it will also be necessary to select a priority device for starting (in this case - drive unit). When the program opens, you should log in to the Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset section and click "Next" until it opens working window. It is necessary to click on the "Cleaning" point, after which the formatting of the hard disk will begin (through the BIOS without third-party products it's impossible).

There is another program that allows you to do all the same and write an emergency flash drive - Aomei Partition Assistant. Standard Edition. She happens to be free analogue Utilities for working with various drives and has a friendly interface, so the user will be able to understand how to format a hard disk without third-party tips.

In general, the algorithm of action is almost the same for most OS, but the names of items can differ significantly from each other. The same applies to the I / O system: sections names may not coincide with the above due to the difference in versions. However, even though the hard drive with Windows is easier to clean, it is important to remember that the use of third-party resources is mandatory. It is not possible to format through the BIOS due to the lack of proper functional, so you have to stock up the boot device.

In today's article, we will tell you several ways to format the hard disk, as well as why it is necessary. Each user is once faced with the fact that he needs to reinstall its operational system. This may occur due to the replacement of auxiliary equipment, problems caused by non-incorrigible system errors, the acquisition and installation of a new disk, as well as the presence of a poor virus in Windows.

In any of these cases, it will be necessary to format the device disk. At the same time, although many specialists say that this can be done directly when installing, however this method It is not always relevant. Therefore, we now show how to format a hard disk through the BIOS and with the help of a spare flash drive.

Previously, many users used the boot CD as a spare tool to reinstall the operational system. However, in some modern models of computers and laptops, drives for these devices have already disappeared. Accordingly, this option has lost its relevance, and we will focus on using only Flash-Drive. So for boot flash drive We need the following:

  1. Flash drive with a volume of order 4 or even 8 GB.
  2. An image of ISO to load from the required Windows OS.
  3. Special RUFUS utility that will help quickly create the desired image on the device.

As you can see, for our option you will need not so much tools.

The process of recording the image of the boot flash drive

In order to create an image on a flash drive, you will need to perform a number of actions:

  • start from starting the RUFUS program and connect your Flash-Drive to any of USB ports;
  • then, in the program, select your flash drive and an exhibition of the section (usually indicate the MBR);
  • after that define the future file System (We advise NTFS);
  • next specify ISO Image with windows;
  • and last step - click on "Start".

If everything was performed correctly, then in 10 minutes or even less, your boot flash drive will get a ready image.

How to format hard disk via bios

In order for the computer to boot, he must first see Flash-Drive. And so that it happens, you will need to perform proper setting BIOS. And although, there all the commands are written in English, its setting should not cause any problems. Everything is pretty simple:

  1. To configure, you first need to go to the BIOS. The input buttons will depend on the computer or laptop manufacturer. Usually for this use F2 or DEL. Sometimes the button name can be seen directly on the display during boot.
  2. Next, you need to search for the "Boot" or "Advanced" function and disable " Secure Boot", If there are any actions with a flash drive.
  3. Then it will be necessary to perform all the settings for the boot priority, it will be necessary to install USB Strorage Device.
  4. The last step will be pressing F10, which will allow you to save the new settings and run the reboot of the computer.

Important! Given the fact that there are several different versions bios.It is impossible to create any one to configure it, a fully universal recipe.

However, for the majority modern computers It is quite suitable for the instruction described in our article - how to format a hard disk through the BIOS.

How to format hard disk in Windows 7: Video

How to format a hard disk using Windows Installer

If the boot flash drive was recorded without errors and the BIOS of your computer is configured correctly, then immediately after rebooting on the screen there should be a new Windows Window window with a greeting. After that, simply click on "Next", and then select the option from the list allows you to complete the installation of the OS. Now you can proceed to the disk formatting process. There is nothing complicated here. You now have a non-formatted disk without a single section. Click on the "Create" icon and calmly continue the installation. And if you do not know how to format the hard disk after downloading, then immediately select the desired section and click on "format".

If your computer has a high capacity hard disk, the size of which, for example, is about 500 GB or more, then we would recommend to make at least two sections (we wrote about before). The first can be used directly in Windows, and the rest are under various folders or documents. This approach will help to avoid big problems in the future if your computer ever becomes a dangerous virus. It will be enough to simply reinstall Windows, leaving all the parks and documents unchanged.

If working with a disk with the installer, Windows has passed successfully, then you will not need anything else, but if nothing happens, then you can see how to format a hard disk using special Program Aomei Partition.

We use Aomei Partition Assistant

This utility is designed for collaboration with various drives. The program is distributioned for free and is an analogue of such programs as Acronis DISK. Director and Partition Magic. With it, you can format hard disksAnd also create new sections on them and remove old. The whole process takes quite a bit of time and passes together with the creation of a new boot flash drive. For its launch, we carry out the following actions:

  1. Connect Flash-Drive to any USB port and turn on the program.
  2. Then we click on the "Master" section and indicate the designation there for a new disk based on the flash drive.
  3. After a few minutes, the wizard is completed and the flash drive is fully ready for formatting your hard disk
  4. To do this, click on the desired disk and in the new menu, click on "format".

Important! This operation Will destroy all available information on the disk!

4 ways to format a hard drive: video

As we see, there are several different options at once, allowing to solve this task. This can be done using the ready-made Flash-Drive bootable or create it. In addition, we also told about how to format a hard disk through BIOS with help windows bootloader. So you have a good choice, which ways to use it is better to use.

In the process of operation personal computer it is possible to format sections tough disk without loading the operating system. For example, the presence of critical errors and other malfunctions in the operation of the OS. Only possible variant In this case, the formatting of the hard drive via BIOS. It should be understood that the BIOS here performs only as an auxiliary tool and a link in a logical chain of action. Format HDD in the firmware itself is not yet.

To perform the task, we will need a DVD or a USB drive with the WINDOVS distribution, which is available in the store with any wise PC user. Let us also try to create an emergency loading media.

Method 1: Using third-party software

To format a hard disk via BIOS, one of the many disk managers from various developers can be applied. For example, freely distributed.

Method 2: Using the command line

Recall the good old MS-DOS and long-known teams that many users are undeservedly ignore. And in vain, because it is very simple and convenient. Command line Provides broad functionality To control PC. We will figure it out how to apply it in this case.

Method 3: Applying Windows Installer

In any Windows installer there is a built-in ability to format the desired section of the hard drive before installing the operational system. The interface here is elementary understood for the user. There should be no difficulty.

We looked at several ways to format a hard disk via BIOS. And we will look forward to when the developers of the "sewn" firmware for motherboards Create a built-in tool for this process.

After buying a hard drive, it is necessary to format it, without this, the system will not be able to use the device accordingly. Typically, the procedure is carried out from under Windows, however, in some cases (for example, if absolutely new is purchased system unit) It becomes impossible. In such situations you need to know how to format the hard disk through the BIOS.

Nuances of the procedure

The need to clean the hard drive via BIOS typically occurs if it is impossible to access the appropriate operating system tool. This happens in two cases:

  • acquisition of a new computer on which the software is completely absent;
  • critical malfunctions in the work of equipment that do not allow formatting.

It should be related that formatting through the BIOS is a conditional concept, since in most available versions of the BIOS there is no necessary toolkit, although access to the widdle drive is open by default.

This means that the user will still need auxiliary tools, and the BIOS acts in the formatting algorithm only in a logistic link, which allows you to perform the necessary operations, without using the operating system functions.

Need to understand that full formatting It will destroy all the information stored on the HDD-drive, and it will be impossible to restore it. If you need to manipulate the disk on which something valuable is, you should make a copy of the data in advance or send them to the cloud.

Auxiliary tools

The formatting procedure can be performed in several ways, but for each of them you will need an additional tool, namely: boot USB drive, disc with recorded operating system or Live CD.

As a rule, HDD and SSD carriers quickly and without problems are formatted at the initial stage of installation of the operating system.

If you need to completely clean the hard disk and reinstall Windows, it is better to use boot disk or flash card with the system. If there is no need for installing OS (for example, when the carrier is formatted for subsequent sale), it is worth using special utilities.

Working with bootable carriers

You can use both flash drives and CDs or DVDs as auxiliary tool. Since DVD drives actually lost popularity, it makes sense to describe the process algorithm, pushing out from using the boot flash card. In order to get it, you need to perform the following actions:

When the creation of the boot drive is completed, you can move to the next step - setting up bios.. That the computer loads not from the hard drive, but from the required media, you need to enter the BIOS and set the appropriate parameters in this order:

  1. At the time of turning on the PC, a laptop or netbook, you need to press the DEL or F2 key several times.
  2. When the BIOS menu appears on the screen, you must find the Advanced section in the list of the proposed items (sometimes it is called BOOT).
  3. You should disable the Secure Boot option, and then select the Boot Device Priority item in the list and press the Enter key.
  4. You need to put a USB Storage Device on the first place and confirm the changes in the F10 key.

If all manipulations are made correctly, the next time you start the PC will start loading from the flash drive. Of course, it needs to be inserted into the USB port. When the Installer's welcome window appears on the screen, you need to click on the "Next" button, and then select the option of full system installation. After that, click on the disk you want to clean, click the "Disk Settings" button and select the "Format" item. This method is ideal for cases when you need to format a new hard disk and immediately install Windows on it.

Special programs

If the installation of the operating system is not required, it is best to use programs for formatting hard disks.

To do this, it will also be necessary to pre-create a bootable media, but the basis will not be Windows, but the utility itself.

An algorithm for recording such a flash card is similar to that described above.

To format an HDD or SSD drive, you can use the following utilities:

The methods described will help clean the desktop hard drive or format the laptop with Windows 7/8/10. The sequence of actions is the same for most operating systems and versions of BIOS, although some items can differ somewhat from each other. In any case, it will have to be stocking the boot device, because to format the carrier through the BOS is not directly submitted.


Almost every user soon or later faces reinstalling Windows (viruses, system errors, buying a new disk, transition to new equipment, etc.). Before installing Windows, the hard disk must be formatted (modern Windows 7, 8, 10 offer it right during the installation process, but sometimes this method does not work ...).

In this article, I will show how to format the hard disk by a classic way through the BIOS (when installing Windows), and alternative option - Using the emergency flash drive.

1) How to create an installation (loading) USB flash drive with Windows 7, 8, 10

In most cases, hard disk HDD. (yes and SSD too) easily and quickly formatted at the stage windows installations (Just need to go to the advanced parameters during installation, will be shown below in the article). With this, I propose to start this article.

In general, you can create both the booting USB flash drive and the boot DVD (for example). But since lately DVD drives Rightly losing popularity (there are no more in some PCs, and in laptops instead some put another disk), then I will focus on the flash drive ...

What you need to create a boot flash drive:

  • the ISO boot image from the desired Windows OS ( where can I get it, explain, probably not needed? 🙂);
  • the loading flash drive itself, at least 4-8 GB (depends on the OS that you want to write on it);
  • the RUFUS program (OF. Site) with which you can easily and quickly burn the image on the USB flash drive.

The process of creating a loading flash drive:

  • highlights run the RUFUS utility and insert a USB flash drive to USB;
  • next in RUFUS, select the connected USB flash drive;
  • specify the section scheme (in most cases it is recommended to set MBR for computers with BIOS or UEFI. What is the difference between MBR and GPT, you can learn here :);
  • next, select File System (NTFS recommended);
  • following an important point - Select an ISO image from OS (specify the image you want to write);
  • actually, the last step is to start recording, the start button (see the screenshot below, all settings are indicated).

Options for creating loading USB flash drives in rufus.

After 5-10 minutes (if everything is done correctly, the flash drive and did not occur) the loading flash drive will be ready. You can move on ...

2) How to configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

To "see" a flash drive to the USB port inserted into USB and be able to boot from it, you must properly configure the BIOS (BIOS or UEFI). Despite the fact that in BIOS everything is in English, it is not so difficult to set it up. Let's go in order.

1. To set the appropriate settings in the BIOS - it is impassable first to enter. Depending on the manufacturer of your device, the input buttons can be different. Most often, after turning on the computer (laptop) you need to press several times the button Del. (or F2.). In some cases, the button is written directly on the monitor, when the boot screen is first. Bully below, I give a link to an article that will help you log in to Bios.

How to enter the BIOS (buttons and instructions for different device manufacturers) -

2. Depending on the BIOS version, the settings can be the most different (and universal recipe, unfortunately, how to configure the BIOS to load from the flash drive, does not exist).

But if you take in general, then different configuration manufacturers are very similar. Need to:

  • find the Boot section (in some cases Advanced);
  • first turn off the Secure Boot (if you created a USB flash drive as described in the previous step);
  • next, configure the load priority (for example, in Dell's laptops, this is all done in the BOOT section): You need to install USB STRORAGE DEVICE (i.e. boot USB device, see the screenshot below);
  • next, press the F10 button to save the settings and restart the laptop.

Setting BIOS to boot from USB flash drives (on the example of the Dell laptop).

For those who have a somewhat excellent BIOS, from the above, I propose the following article:

  • setting BIOS to boot from flash drives:

3) How to format the hard drive installer Windows

If you correctly recorded the loading USB flash drive and configured the BIOS, then after restarting the computer, a welcome appears windows window (which always pops up before starting the installation, as in the screenshot below). When you see such a window, just click Next.

Starting Windows 7 installation

Then, when you reach the installation type selection window (screenshot below), then select Option full installation (i.e. with the task of additional parameters).

Further, in fact, the disk is formatted. The screenshot below shows a non-formatted disk, on which there is no single partition. With it, everything is simple: you need to click the "Create" button, and then continue the installation.

If you want to format disk: just select the desired partition, then click the "Format" button ( Attention! The operation will destroy all the data on the hard disk.).

Note. If you have a spacious hard drive, such as 500 GB and more, it is recommended to create 2 (or more) partitions on it. One section under Windows and all the programs you install (50-150 GB are recommended), the rest on the disk for another section (partitions) is under files and documents. Thus, it is much easier to restore the system's performance in case, for example, Windows failure is loaded - you can simply reinstall the OS on the system disk (and the files and documents will remain not touched, because they will be on other sections).

In general, if your disk is formatted through the Windows installer - then the task of the article is executed, and the method will be shown below what to do if you format the disk does not work ...

4) disk formatting through

Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

Program for working with drives, with IDE, SATA and SCSI, USB interfaces. Is a free analogue of popular partition programs Magic and Acronis Disk Director. The program allows you to create, delete, combine (without data loss) and format hard disk partitions. In addition, in the program you can create a bootable emergency flash drive (or CD / DVD disc), booting from which, you can also create partitions and format the disk (i.e., it will be very helpful in cases where the main OS is not loaded). All main Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 are supported.

Creating a bootable flash drive in Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

The whole process is very simple and understood (the more the program supports the Russian language in full).