Win 8 is loaded. Who is such a sysadmin? Manual Windows loader recovery using boot disk

Loading a safe mode in the seventh windows version I did not imagine any difficulty, because everything that was required of the user is to have time to press the F8 function key before the start of the system.
However, in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, the developers decided to abandon this method Downloads.

Computer load in safe mode is one of the most important OS functions. it special regime OS, which is intended mainly to eliminate various kinds of problems and failures in the system itself

In most cases, these failures are caused by programs and drivers, which, for example, may prevent the correct Windows startup. When the computer is loaded, only the basic drivers of the system itself are launched in safe mode, which gives us the ability to remove third-party software, including incorrect installed Drivers. By the way, I recommend reading the article "Installing Drivers or". Compliance with these simple rules Guarantee you the correct installation and operation of the drivers.

As I said above, due to objective reasons, including to increase the speed of downloading new Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 systems, from loading a secure mode by means of the F8 soft key, it was customary to refuse that the users have caused certain inconveniences. And today we will look at the three most simple wayHow to upload Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 in safe mode.


The first way is to use the "SHIFT" key during the reboot of the computer. Press and hold the "SHIFT" key on the keyboard, then select "Start" and on the "Shut-off" parameter using the right key of the mouse Find the "Restart" item.

The same actions can be done on the login screen in Windows or in the "Parameters" panel (as shown in the screenshot).

Before us section "Diagnostics". Here you should choose the item " Extra options».

In the "Advanced Parameters" section, we are interested in the "Download Settings".

Depending on what parameters you need, select the appropriate item. In our case, it function keys F4, F5 or F6.

2. Utility "msconfig"

Most users, this method is familiar with the previous versions of Windows. To implement it, we will need to run the MSCONFIG system configuration utility.

We use the combination of the Win + R keys ("Run) or through" Search "on the" taskbar "enter the command" msconfig "(without quotes). We specify for which system (if several of them) need to be launched safe mode, and mark the required checkbox, not forgetting to click on the "Apply" and "OK" keys.

To return to normal download windows It will take again to start the utility and remove the check mark opposite the previously marked "Safe Mode" item.

3. Special download options

The easiest way to download safe windows Mode 10 and Windows 8.1 - through the "Special Download options". It is enough to click "Parameters" and go to the "Update and Security" section.

Disclaimer: This article was published on our website two years ago. However, the methods described in it then partially stopped working. On the this moment The article is updated and relevant, everything written below is checked on Windows 8.1 updated.

I will tell you about three ways how to boot into safe mode:

  1. Using the system shutdown menu, it works when the system is loaded at least to the user selection screen;
  2. Through the msconfig utility - only if it is possible to run it;
  3. The use of a system recovery disk is a more time-consuming method and will help those who do not load "eight".

1. Loading in safe mode through the system shutdown

This is the easiest and fast option. It works, regardless of whether the user entered his account or not. Hover the mouse on the off system menu, and hold the SHIFT key, select "Reboot".

After a short wait, the system restore menu opens. An alternative option for starting this menu is a set in the command prompt:

Here we are interested in the section "Diagnostics". We go along the path "Diagnostics" - "Advanced Parameters" - "Download Settings".

At the output, we will meet the boot options window with a detailed description of what we get after Windows reboot.

Click "Restart" and select the appropriate key to the desired parameters:

As a result, Windows 8.1 will boot in safe mode.

In order to return to normal mode windows work, just restart the system.

2. Log in to secure mode through the system configuration utility

In safe mode, you can get in another way that requires entry into account windows recording 8. To launch the configuration settings, discover the search, enter And run the utility.

Switch to the "Load" tab and check the box opposite the secure mode.

You can also choose the type of safe mode:

  • The minimum is a normal safe mode;
  • Another shell is a secure command line support mode;
  • The network is a secure mode with downloading network drivers.

Select the download option, click OK and restart the computer. As a result, it will automatically boot in safe mode.

If you restart your computer again, it will again fall into a safe mode, and it will be constantly. To return to a normal system loading, open the msconfig and remove the checkbox, click OK, and restart the system.

3. Using the recovery disk

The two methods shown above allow you to start the safe mode when the system running. But what to do if Windows 8 is not loaded at all, and the SHIFT + F8 key combination does not work? In this case you will need a recovery disk that you, as a prepared user, created in advance. Not? Then it is necessary to create it and act according to the scheme described below.

Created disk windows restoration 8 is very simple - the set of the "eight" includes the creation utility. We launch it and act on the instructions of the program, everything is very simple and intuitive (the creation process boot flash drive You can see on the video at the end of the article). The only requirement for the disk / flash drive - the carrier must accommodate at least 256 MB of data.

So you have a disk recovery. You must boot from it and select one of the keyboard layouts offered. After that, follow the path "Diagnostics" - "Advanced Parameters" - "Command Line" (Direct links to the system load in safe mode you will not see).

Select the command line and enter:

bCDEDIT / SET (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions True

After receiving a message about a successfully completed operation, close the command line and select "Continue".

We have a long-awaited menu.

Choose what you need and load.

There is one point: after the actions described above, Windows 8 will always offer this menu. In order to return the usual download mode, enter the following command on the command line:

bCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (GlobalSettings) AdvancedOptions

We looked at three ways to launch the command line under Windows 8.1. I hope that they will help you return to life a fallen system or eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Finally, the video in which everything is written in this article, only more briefly.

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Sooner or later in the life of any user comes the moment when you want to start the system in safe mode. This is necessary in order to correctly eliminate all problems in the OS, which may be caused. incorrect work software. Windows 8 is quite different from all its predecessors, so many may have a question about how to get into the secure mode on this OS.

It is not always possible to launch Windows 8. For example, if you have a critical error or the system is seriously damaged by the virus. In this case, there are several simple ways to enter a secure mode without loading systems.

Method 1: Using key combination

Method 2: Using the boot flash drive

The next time you start, you can run the system in safe mode.

If you can go to Windows 8

In safe mode, no programs are launched, except for the main drivers required for the system. Thus, you can correct all errors that have arisen as a result of the failure of the virus or the effects of the virus. Therefore, if the system works, but absolutely not the way I would like, read the methods described below.

Method 1: Using the "System Configuration" utility

Now, the next time you start, the system will be loaded in safe mode.

Method 3: Using the "Command Line"

After you restart the device, you will have to enable the system operation in safe mode.

Thus, we reviewed how to enable secure mode in all situations: and when the system starts, and when it does not start. We hope with the help of this article you can return the operating system and continue working at the computer. Share this information with friends and acquaintances, because no one knows when it may be necessary to run Windows 8 in safe mode.

Windows 8 recovery disk or Windows 8.1 recovery disk is designed to troubleshoot the operating system, if the computer is not possible. The recovery disk runs the recovery tools for restoring Windows restoration.

In the process of working on a computer, sometimes, problems caused by different reasons. Malfunctions happen due to non-standard operation of equipment, software errors, and, perhaps, the most frequent cause: incorrect user actions.

If you have serious problems, the user can run the system recovery in different ways:

  • Restoration system files and parameters using the previously created system recovery points.
  • Computer recovery (Refresh) without deleting personal data.
  • Deleting all data and reset Windows.

These recovery options are started directly from operating system. If it is impossible windows startup, it is possible to start recovery by booting from the boot flash drive or from the DVD disk with the image of the operating system, and if the user does not image of windows, After downloading from the recovery disk.

Installation DVD disk or boot flash drive from Windows 8.1 (Windows 8) can also be used as a recovery disk by entering the operating system recovery environment.

Disk recovery windows systems 8.1 will be needed in the following cases:

  • there is no user installation disk or boot flash drive with Windows1 operating system (Windows 8);
  • with a serious computer failure;
  • if you are not possible to download Windows.

After booting from the recovery disk, using the recovery tools, the user can carry out the necessary troubleshooting work on the computer.

Creating Windows 8.1 Recovery Disk

The user can independently create a Windows 8.1 recovery disk and write it on the USB flash drive.

When creating Windows 8.1 recovery disk, follow successively:

  1. Log in to "Parameters", then click on the control panel.
  2. Log in to "Restore", select "Creating a recovery disk".
  1. In the next window, it is proposed to copy the recovery partition from the computer to the recovery disk. If such a partition is on the computer, the user can put a daw on the point "Copy the recovery section from the computer to the recovery disk" in order to use it to restore or return the computer to its original state.
  2. Click on the "Next" button.

  1. The application will check the computer for the presence of connected disks. In Windows 8, it is possible to record on a CD / DVD disk (for this you need to run another application), in Windows 8.1, the recovery disk is created only on the flash drive.
  2. Then the window opens with accessible discs. Choose disc with USB drive. The size of the flash drive must be at least 256 MB, all information with USB devices will be deleted.

  1. Agree with the removal of all data from the flash drive. Transferring the data (if any) from the USB device to another disk.
  2. Click on the "Create" button.
  3. Next, formatting and copying service files.
  4. Recovery disk is ready, click on the "Finish" button.

Remove USB flash Windows 8.1 Recovery Drive Drive from Computer.

The boot flash drive with the Windows 8.1 system recovery disk is created. Now, in the event of a failure of the operating system, the user will have a chance to return the computer into the working condition.

Windows 8.1 boot flash drive to restore the system

Now let's see how to start recovery in Windows 8.1 from the installation disk or from the loading flash drive. Recovery disk (not installation disc) will start in a similar way, only without windows to install Windows 8.

Select in the BIOS or UEFI priority of the system loading from the connected disk ( USB drive or DVD disc), or immediately enter the boot menu to start the disk from there.

In the Windows 8 installation window, click the Next button. Here, the default language and keyboard layout is already correctly selected.

In the next window, click on the "System Restore".

In the "Selecting Action" window, two options are offered:

  • Diagnostics - Restoration of the system, refund to the original state or use of additional funds.
  • Turn off computer.

Select "Diagnostics".

The following actions are proposed in the Diagnostics window:

  • Restore - restore the system while saving personal files.
  • Return to the original state - reinstalling the system with loss of personal data.
  • Additional parameters - the use of other recovery tools.

Select "Advanced Parameters".

The following system recovery tools are available in the "Advanced Parameters" window:

  • System Recovery - Windows Restores using previously created recovery points.
  • Restoring the system image - Windows restoration using a previously created backup image image.
  • Recovery when loading - eliminating a failure that interferes with the operating system boot.
  • Command Line - Run a command line to troubleshoot.

Select the desired tool to solve the problem in the computer.

Conclusions Articles

The user can create a bootable disk recovery disk Windows 8.1 (Windows 8), which will help run the system recovery tools, if you have serious problems in your computer, the impossibility of running Windows.

"Thank you all have everything!"
"No, no, all the best"
"You got with your updates!".

It is with such opinions in their surveys faced Microsoft managers. Interested in why users do not want to change, new, more beautiful and fast Windows 8.

What to say, even today, "seven" is installed on computers nearly 60% of Windows users. And yet, there are people enthusiasts. People who are not accustomed to enjoy the "familiar" versions. People for whom experiment is more important than the result. Subjectively, I'm for everything new, even if it is not familiar at first, it seems not very convenient. Yes, let me notice exactly "it seems." Often it is convenient for us what we are accustomed to. And on the contrary, it is inconvenient what is not used to. So that's why Windows 8 has become not very popular, probably because of its innovation, to which people were simply not ready.

Where to download windows 8

You will be surprised, but it can, without any problems, to do on the official website of Microsoft. Of course, as I always, I am for the installation of licensed OS, so in this article we are not talking about krysaki, kagemen, etc. If you have already purchased the key for Windows 8, well, or somewhere they took it 🙂 This article will be very useful to you. (Although often the process of installing the license and pirate OS is practically no different).

This article will discuss windows installation 8 from scratch or reinstalling the system. If you want to update Windows 7 to Windows 8 I will write about it separately. (Updates in this article we will touch only casual).

If you installed Windows 8 simply because you have license key it is from this version that will be updated good decision. Still, Windows 10 is already thoroughly finalized. If for some reason you need the Windows 8 from the update refusing. By the way, the update can be done by itself later.

Our Windows 8 is successfully installed. Congratulations! Installing any OS has its own nuances and the framework of one article is difficult to predict all possible difficulties. If such arose, do not be discouraged, and below in the comments, be sure to describe them and get help.