Tom file system is not recognized (USB flash drive). What to do, how to recover? Restoring the USB Flash Flash Flash System Restore partitions on a flash drive

Hi Admin, I had the trouble with me, it seems that the user is experienced, but yesterday I wanted to format a USB flash drive, and formatted all sections on a portable rigid uSB disk, And there everything that has been accumulated by unbearable in a couple of years: movies, photos, programs, music, images of operating systems, and so on. In short, there were two sections on the portable winchester USB.: under the letters (F :) and (H :), and now instead of them, unallocated space. How do you advise you to recover deleted partitions on your hard disk? There are no longer any attempts to recover data, waiting for advice.

How to restore remote sections on a portable rigid disk USB

Hi friends! To restore remote sections on a portable rigid USB disk or a simple hard disk (no difference), you can use the DMDE program. The program can restore remote sections and files on various media information and I will show you how it works.

The experimental rabbit will perform my portable hard disk (volume of 1 TB), on which there are also two sections with the most important data, if I can't restore them, my partners at work until the new year will not talk to me, but I think it will cost without it .

So, we look at what is happening and the wrong trick itself without having to repeat, however, if you have an extra hard disk with unnecessary filesYou can practice on it.

I connect my portable USB hard drive (volume of 1 TB) to your computer and go to drives, as we see on my portable hard disk there are two sections with data: (G :) and (H :). Click on the disk (G :) with the right mouse and choose to remove volume. "Tom removal destroys all data on this volume." I agree and schu yes. I do the same with the disk (h :).

All, on my portable hard disk, both sections are removed along with the data and now need to be restored.

Download the DMDE program in the archive on its official website,

then they unzip and run the executable program file.

We accept a license agreement

In this window, celebrate the item " Physical devices", then select the portable rigid disk USB andOK.

Search for remote sections on our portable USB disk. OK.

In this window, we see that the program has found the first remote section (G :) volume of 547 GB and marked with its favorable green XCF indicators.

T. also, the program has found and the second remote section(H :) The volume of 453 GB also noted the BCF favorable indicators.

We can immediately restore these sections one by one, and we can look at remote files In this section, to accurately be sure that we restore the section. Sometimes the DMDE program can find the sections that have long existed on the hard disk with unnecessary files. Let's look at the remote files and make sure that we restore exactly the partition we need.

If you click two times with the left mouse on the first partition found,

a window will open in which you can select a button.

Virtual reconstruction of the file system. OK.

We see our remote files and can restore them one by one, but we will not do this, but to restore the remote section entirely with all the files. We leave from this window and click on the "Disk Section" button.

We return to the first partition and restore it, allocate it with the right mouse and click on the restore button

The program automatically defines the type of section, but I also remember that it was the main one.


Section Restored

We go to drive control and select action -\u003e Repeat Disc Check

Our restored section appears, but without a letter. We assign the letter section. Click on it with the right mouse and select "Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk"


Select the letter of the disk and approx.

Our files open on the section (G :) whole and disadvantaged.

We restore the second remote section

Return to the second program found by the remote section.(H :), the volume of 453 GB marked with favorable BCF indicators. We also view remote files, click on it twice with the left mouse

Click the button All found + reconstruction.

These are the files that we need. We return, click on the Disc Section button.




Remote section restored

We go to drive control and select action -\u003e Repeat Disc Check

I have long wanted to write a small article to recover data - yes, everything was somehow there was no case, for writing "without anything", at least uncomfortable - you can forget to write about some kind an important pointYes, and again - where to get printed screens? But, as they say, who is looking for - he will find. So I. I wanted to write an article on a specific example - please, the case introduced itself. And after all, it was necessary to happen that I would write on my own example?
The situation to pain is familiar if not every third user USB carriers Data, then every fifth one - how to drink to give. Insert with a calm soul flash drive ( hDD, memory card, ...) in USB-shka, it will be so easy for you to flash the flashes of the display - and that's it. And no activity, even in the "My Computer" window, is not displayed. The first thought is impossible to banal - well, you need to flush the flash drive in a new one. No sooner said than done. Pull out a flash drive, insert into a USB connector, and we see such a picture:

This is usually usually the understanding that:
a) Flashke came the shaggy animal
b) the flash drive was such and such important and anywhere no more saved data
c) there was still a bunch of other files on the flash drive, and you don't remember even about what was on it, why you start thinking that there was even something that was never really there, but this is something now irrevocably And unbelievable lost

And then someone is more sorry - data or flash drive; I personally have always been sort of data.

So, the situation gradually comes to the circumscribed panic of consciousness. And the first movement that occurs is to click on the "Format disk" button in the above window. If you do this, then in 99.9% of cases you will get a workable flash drive. But completely without data - for it will be formatted.

Of course, you can try to restore the necessary data using various file restoration programs. But this is a long way, complex and most importantly - unproductive, for recovery, according to statistics, mostly unimportant files, besides, most of the programs are assigned to files not their initial names, but names from the series "00001 ~ .doc", which It gives rise to the need then all the recovered files are viewed manually, looking for the necessary. In addition, such programs usually pull out not only the latest version of the file, but sometimes the enon number of its previous copies, which generates new problem - Search latest version File of interest to us. Another important disadvantage of this method, in my opinion, is that this kind of program is restored, as a rule, only the files of a certain type, for example, only text files (.doc, .txt, .xls, etc.), or just pictures - photos (.jpeg, .psd, etc.).

If we generalize, then the disadvantages of the method called the recovery of files include the following (in the order of criticality on my personal view):
- Often - the inability to restore files by folders (as they lay before), and with previous names. From here - a huge amount of time required for subsequent sorting of recovered files, search for the necessary (last) copies of the files of interest to us among the many recovered, renaming and other "finalization" of the files received. I have so eight years ago a similar situation happened to the external hard disk By 60 gig (large volume for the time time), which stored the only version of the photo archive. Until now, not all the photos are then sorted by folders - lie in one common pile of about 10 gigabytes of pictures.
- "Sharpening" of this kind of programs for restoring specific file types (only test, only photos) - and in connection with this, the impossibility of recovery, for example, start-up program files and in general any other content that does not apply to the one specified in the description of each specific program.

Therefore, I prefer another path.

Restoring the media file system.

In the Offer window, format the damaged data media needs to click "Cancel". After that, you need to make sure that this carrier Physically alive (although the above window indirectly confirms this fact). This can be checked in windows service, Called "Disks Management". In Windows 7, it is possible to make it as follows: Click right-click on the "Computer" icon and select "Control" in the drop-down menu.

In the window that opens in the left pane, disclose the "Storage devices" item (if it is not disclosed) and select "Disk Management" in it.

After operating system Progres all physical media at its disposal ( hard drives, flash drives, card readers, etc.) We are looking for your skiding drive in the list (it is possible to find it in particular knowing it - so, in my case it was a 32 gigabyte flash drive). Found - looking at the type of file system. Most likely it will be the so-called RAW.

No need to confuse the RAW file system and the RAW type of the file, in which, in particular, remove many professional cameras. These are two fundamentally different things, although by the name and the same. Although in that, and in another case, this is the so-called "raw" type of data organization, simply in one case - regarding the file system, and in another - correlated data format without any processing, that is, in the form in which They were obtained from the device to remove these very data.

The RAW type of the file system occurs when for any reason the sector is damaged on the information carrier responsible for determining the type of file system (NTFS, FAT32 or DR). It may happen in a wide variety of reasons, but the most frequent, perhaps, the following:
- Failure for power in the initialization process of information carrier
- action of viruses
- aging media information and physical fission sectors responsible for storing information about the type of file system

So, we made sure that the information carrier is alive (that is, the controller is working, which is responsible for its work, as well as the alive of the device's memory, that is, in the case of flash drives and memory cards, the microcircuit on which the information itself is actually stored).

Now you can proceed to restore the file system.

It is worth noting the following:
- The first recommendation is to create a false copy from a damaged medium of information. In practice, this means that at least one more information carrier is needed, in terms of volume superiorly recoverable information carrier. Recommendation At least not deprived of meaning, since in case of an unsuccessful attempt to restore the file system in this case, it will be possible to repeat the operation again. In real estimates, this item is usually ignored by restoring, about which some are experiencingly experiencing ...
- the principle of recovery of the file system on different media of the information in general is the same, but the preferred software - different. So for example, the magnificent program "PTDD Partition Table Doctor 3.5" can be used to restore the file system only hard disksdirectly installed in the computer. USB devices are not supported by the program. To restore the same information, the method for restoring the file system from flash drives and memory cards is very convenient to use the R.Saver program, absolutely free for non-commercial use on the territory of the former USSR.

Since in my case the damaged drive was the flash drive, I used the R.Saver program. By downloading the program from the official website of R.Lab (and "weighs" it is less than one megabyte!), Unzip it in a convenient location and launch the file "r.Saver.exe".

The program window opens, in the left part of which you choose the drive that interests us, clicking on it with the left mouse button.

On the right side of the window displays advanced information about the selected media. We are convinced that chosen the desired deviceAnd click the "Scan" button.

At the request of the program to perform a complete (sector) scan of the file system of the drive, respondingly (yes ").

After that, the process of reconstruction of the file system and the definition of the files on the drive begins:


The time of this operation depends on the volume and speed of the drive restored, as well as from the power of the computer. In my case (Hi-Speed \u200b\u200boving flash drive on 32 GB) information recovery took about 20-25 minutes.

Upon completion of this operation, we obtain the following window with displaying folders and files available on the flash drive:

We click the "Mass allocation" button to copy the files and folders you are interested in to another, working. No need to be scared that the volume of folders is shown as "0 KB". All files that must be in folders are present in them. Just the weight of the folder itself (without files contained in it) is equal to several bytes, that is, in rounding to kilobytes, 0 kilobytes are displayed. So, allocate files and folders and click the "Save Selected" button.

Select the destination folder (you need to create in advance), click "Select".

And all - the process of copying the data, upon completion of which you can, making sure that all data is really successfully restored and copied, close the program R.Saver, format a flash drive and transfer all recovered data to it, not forgetting it backup Critically important documents.

This process, of course, more relates to data recovery, but it is based on the restoration of the damaged drive file system, and therefore I consider it more progressive than, rather than standard recovery Selective file types using "classic" programs.

Read, what to do if a USB flash drive, memory card or any other type of information media works incorrectly. Cleaning the disk and its partitions using the "Clean" command and the DiskPart tool is one of the way problems. Thus, you can solve the problems with the drive that fails to format or the capacity of which is displayed incorrectly.

This trick will also delete partitions that cannot be removed built into Windows toolmi, such as drives. This process will completely delete the disk partition table, which will allow you to record it again.

Attention: This process will fully erase the entire disk, so get comfortable about the safety of your files. Also make sure that the correct disk is selected, otherwise the data cannot be deleted from that disc.


Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator

To start, run command line On behalf of the administrator. In Windows 10 or 8.1, simply click right-click on the Start menu and select "Command Line (Administrator)".

In Windows 7, find the "Command Line" in the Start menu. When you click on the right mouse button, select "Run on behalf of the administrator".


To clean the disk, use the DiskPart command. Before proceeding, make sure that the desired USB drive, a memory card or another device cleaned which you are going, connected to a computer.

In order to start the DiskPart tool, enter the appropriate command in the command line window and press ENTER:

Display the list of disks installed on the computer entering the following command:

Review the results of the execution of the command and determine the number of the disk that needs to be cleaned.

Be careful! If it is selected wrong number Disc, it will be cleared and, perhaps, important data will be lost.

The screenshot below shows that the disc 0 has a volume of 111 GB, and the disk 1 - 15 GB. We know that we need a disk with a volume of 15 GB. So the disk 1 is a USB disk, and the disc 0 is an internal hard drive of the computer.

After the disk number was defined, enter the following command replacing the sign # to the disk number.

Attention: Be very careful. If the wrong disk number is specified, all data will be deleted from that disc.

The DiskPart command selected the specified disk. Now all actions will be made with it. To fully clean the partition table, enter the following command and press ENTER.

Attention: This command will delete all this on the specified disk! Make sure you have copies of all important data before proceeding.

If everything is done correctly, you will see "Clearing the disk is successful." Close the command line.

Creating partitions and disk formatting

Now, using the disk management embedded in Windows, you can create partitions on the disk and format it. You can also use the DiskPart command for this, but using the Disk Management tool much easier.

In order to start the Disk Management tool in Windows 10 or 8.1, right-click on the Start menu button and select "Drive Management".

Now you will see that the disk with which you worked does not have sections. Right-click on the unallocated area and select "Create a simple volume" to create a partition on the disk and format it in the desired file system. By default, Windows will create one section of the size of the entire disk.

If the described method does not work, for example, the disk cleared, but it does not work out to be divided into partitions or format, or diskpart does not define it, then the disk is damaged physically and can no longer function normally. But the disk cleaning function via DiskPart is a solution that can return to life discs, which at first glance look absolutely hopeless.

If, despite the multiple warnings, you still cleaned the wrong disk (and it happens very often), do not be discouraged. Data from it can still be restored. To do this, it's perfectly suitable for data recovery from the company HETMAN SOFTWARE - Hetman Partition Recovery.

When working with USB drives, a wide variety of problems may occur. If you delete the section of your flash drive, before using this, the device must be performed by the volume recovery procedure.

You will need


  • If the remote partition contained no information, or you are not needed on it, you just create new volume. To do this, use partition program Manager. Open this utility and right-click on an unblocked area related to your USB drive.
  • In the expanded menu, select "Create a section". After opening a new window, specify the file system of the future volume and set its size. Press the "Next" and "Finish" buttons. After returning to the main menu of the program, click the Apply Changes button and confirm the launch of the section Creation process.
  • If you need to restore the section along with the information contained on it, then install acronis program Disk Director. Find an unbalanced USB drive area and click on it right mouse button. In addition, select "Restore" submenu.
  • Choose manual mode Program works, click the Next button and highlight the item " Full scanning" Press the "Next" button again and wait for the search you need to complete.
  • Highlight it by the Virgin Mouse Button and click the Next button. After that, the specified volume should appear in the main menu of the program. Locate the button "Run the specified operations" and click it. Confirm the launch of the partition recovery process.
  • Perform secure USB drive after completing the program. Connect the flash drive to the computer and open the recovered partition. If some files were still lost, then install the Easy Recovery program and restore the data using the Format Recovery function.
  • One of the problems that users can face are a few sections on a flash drive or a friend. USB accumulatorIf you have the presence of which Windows sees only the first section (thereby get a smaller available amount on USB). This may happen after formatting by some programs or devices (when the drive is not formatted on the computer), sometimes the problem can be obtained, for example, by creating a bootable drive on a large volume flash drive or an external hard disk.

    At the same time, delete partitions on a flash drive using the disk management utility in Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 to the versions of Creators Update it is not possible: all points related to work on them ("Delete Tom", "squeeze that" and so on) Simply inactive. In this instruction, details about removing partitions on a USB drive depending on set version Systems, also in the end there is a video manual for the procedure.

    In Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 early versions Actions on the partitions on the flash drive in the "Disk Management" utility are not available, and therefore will have to resort to the use of diskpart on the command prompt.

    In order to delete all partitions on the flash drive (data will also be deleted, take care of their saving), start the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.

    In Windows 10, start typing "Command Line" in searching for the taskbar, then right-click on the result and select "Run from the administrator name", in Windows 8.1 you can press the Win + x keys and select the desired item, and in Windows 7 Locate the command line in the Start menu, click on it right-click and select Start on behalf of the administrator.

    After that, in order, enter the following commands by pressing the ENTER after each of them (on the screenshot below the command list shows the entire process of executing a USB selection task):

    1. diskpart.
    2. lIST DISK.
    3. In the list of disks, find your flash drive, we need her number N.. Do not confuse with other drives (as a result of the actions described, the data will be deleted).
    4. sELECT DISK N. (where n is the number of the flash drive)
    5. clean. (The command will delete all partitions on the flash drive. You can delete them and one by one using List Partition, Select Partition and Delete Partition).
    6. From now on, there are no partitions on USB, and you can format it standard windows toolsWith a result, one main section. But you can continue to use DiskPart, all commands below create one active section and format it in FAT32.
    9. active.
    10. format FS \u003d FAT32 Quick
    11. assign.
    12. eXIT

    On this, all the actions to remove partitions on the flash drive are completed, created one partition and the drive is assigned a letter - you can use the total memory available on USB.

    In conclusion - the video instruction, if something is not clear.