Utilities to restore lost files. How to restore deleted from "Basket" Files: Theory and Practice

Deleting a document, pictures or video from the Windows basket does not mean the final disappearance of the data. For some time the file will be stored on a disk labeled as a remote and invisible for the user. Over time, if there is no free space, it will be lost another information. While this did not happen, the remote object can be restored.

Restoration of shadow copies

Shadow copies are created by the operating system through certain intervals (if this function is enabled). If not a lot of time has passed after removal, there is a possibility to find it in special shadow volumes. First of all launch Command lineFor this, press Win + R and execute the CMD application.

vssadmin. List Shadows.

Vssadmin is an application for managing shadow copying, running from the command line. It is not very convenient to read information from the screen, so the result of the team is better to put in a text document:

vssadmin List Shadows\u003e C: \\ temp \\ s.txt

As a result, we obtain the information:

Now connect the selected volume shadow copy team mklink:

mklink / d C: \\ Temp \\ Copy4 \\\\? \\ Globalroot \\ Device \\ HardDiskvolumeshadowCopy4 \\

At the end of the name Tom add a symbol \\. As a result of B. folder temp A link to the selected volume will be created. Go to it with the help of a conductor or any file Manager, how in conventional folder. We are looking for a remote element. In case of good luck, copy it to another place. After you delete the link with the RD command:

rd. C.:\ temp.\ copy.4

Restoration using backups

There are many software for creating backups data. One of them - free program FreeFilesYNC.. With it, it is synchronized folders with important information. You can configure the application of the application as follows. If in one of the folders, a certain file has changed the date and size or created from scratch, then when starting the synchronization, it will be copied to another. As a result, the contents of the folders must be identical. This mode is called Mirror. In case, in the source folder, the document was deleted, it can be easily found and restored.

To do this, click the button. Compare. The file that has been deleted earlier is displayed on the right side of the screen. By right-clicking on it, run the command to copy to ... and choose a new storage location.

Program Recuva.

Recuva has simplicity and suitable for a novice user. The recovery process is organized by a wizard prompting the user a sequence of actions. Management is carried out using the buttons < Назад, Далее \u003e I. Cancel. First you need to choose the type of remote documents - pictures, music, video or something else. Then you need to specify the place from where they were deleted - removable media, folder My documents, basket, disk:

After all the clarifications launch the process. It takes place in three stages:

  1. search remote information;
  2. analysis damage;
  3. analysis content.

At the end, a list of types is issued:

Now you need to choose a specific object, ticking it, and press the button. Restore… . Recuva will ask for a place to place the file and restore it.

Wise Data Recovery Program

Data recovery work begins with a disk selection. Press the button Search. We receive a list of remote objects in the form of a table:

If you narrow the width of the first columns of the table, then on the right side of the screen you can see the state of the broken documents - good, secondary or they are irretrievably lost. Tick \u200b\u200bthe specific file click Restore. Select the folder to save if you try to place a restored object on the same disk, the program will issue a warning about possible problems.

SMART NTFS Recovery Program

This program restores deleted files on disks with the NTFS file system. After starting, you must select a disk ( SELECTa.drive.) and specify a file or a search mask ( Fileor.mask.to.find.). The default mask is installed *. * - All files. Can choose documents Word. (* .doc), graphic (* .jpg) and so on.

Press the button Find. (To find). Search starts remote files. This process can be delayed for a long time.

After the search is completed, you can view the list of previously deleted objects:

In the last visible column, the possibility for recovery is good ( Good.) or worse ( Poor.). Letter a specific file and launch recovery ( Restore.). The application warns that the object can be badly damaged, take note (continue button (Continue)), and then click Yes (Yes). Recycled object is copied to a special folder. Restored Files. On the desktop. It is possible to appear messages about the shortage of memory, in this case you will have to complete the operation of the program through the task manager.

We think that everyone has happened to delete important files. Many people remember that in most cases the files after removal are placed in the basket, the extraction of which is not difficult. Knowing this fact, people forget that, depending on the method of deleting and used applications, not all files are in the basket. Also, how to be if you have already cleared the basket? Therefore, how to restore deleted files from the basket, we will also tell me further.

First, if you deleted your files recently, then with a large probability, they are still in their places, if, of course, you did not have time to write something over. Therefore, to restore deleted files from the basket you need to use special program. Established in the company Mansoft Easy Drive program Data Recovery. Will in most cases restore files deleted from the basket. In addition, the program is able to restore remote files on flash drives, memory cards, various options. hard disks etc.

A convenient, simple and thoughtful interface will help to comfortably work with the program for all user groups. In order to make sure that you do not need to buy a program. You can test her work for free by downloading Easy Drive Data Recovery from our site. Therefore, you first need to restore deleted files from the basket, and then decide on the purchase.

Files and folders that we delete fall into a special computer department. It is called "Basket".

The basket is an icon on the desktop (on the screen). Everything goes there all that we are erased from the computer. This means that all deleted folders and files can be returned. And you can delete them completely.

Open the "Basket". You will see files and folders that have been deleted for some time ago.

To restore the file / folder from "Basket", that is, return to the computer, you need to click on it with the right mouse button. A list of commands will open, from which you want to select "Restore".

After that, the file (folder) will disappear. This means that he returned to the place from which he was once removed. That is, if the folder used to be in the "documents", it will return back to the "Documents".

And what if you do not know where there was a remote file before?! Then you need to click on it with the left mouse button and look at the bottom of the open "basket".

Here is written the place from which he was removed. So, if you recover the file, it will return there. In my example, the remote folder will return here: Local disk D → Music → Music.

Note: You can restore from the "Basket" only those files and folders that were removed from the computer. If you erase them with a CD / DVD disc or from a flash drive, then it will not be possible to restore them in this way. In the case of CD / DVD discs, information is erased completely - it is impossible to return the remotely. And in the case of flash drives, the data can be tried to restore using a special program (read next).

How to completely delete a file or folder

Just above, I said that all the files and folders that we delete from the computer are not erased forever, but fall into the "basket". If you are sure that they will no longer need, you can remove them completely. To do this, in the "Basket", click the right mouse button on the file or folder you want to erase, and from the list, click Delete.

The computer will ask, whether you are confident in your decision.

Press "Yes" - and computer will erase the file forever, and if you click "No," it will leave it untouched.

How to recover deleted from basket files

If you delete a file from a computer and from "Basket" or erased information from a flash drive (camera), then in order to restore it, you will need to use a special program. There are several such programs. I propose to use free Recuva.. You can download it by reference.

Open the downloaded file. A window appears in which you need to click on "Run".

Then press the Orange "Install" button.

After about a minute, the program will be installed. Remove the bird from the View Release Notes item and click on Run Recuva.

The program will open in Russian. And also on the desktop, that is, on the computer screen, an icon will appear for its startup.

When you start, we immediately offer to restore files. Click "Next".

A window appears in which it is proposed to select the type of file (pictures, music, documents, etc.). This is done for convenience. Initially, the universal type "All Files" is selected.

Now you need to choose the place from which the file has been removed. If the file has been removed from the basket, memory cards (flash drives) or from documents, select the appropriate item. If it, for example, was removed from the local disk D, then select "in the specified place", click on the "Overview" and select the local Disk D.

And you can specify "exactly unknown", then the program will search all over the computer and connected to it devices, which can be quite a long time.

After that, Recuva offers to start searching or enable an in-depth analysis. Click "Start".

A search will begin, after which those files will appear which program can be restored. Put the bird next to the desired one - for this click on the square next to it. Then click on "Restore ..." (below right).

A small window will appear. Select the place in it to which you want to send a recovered file, and click OK.

If everything is in order and the file is restored, a small window will appear, which is reported by this.

Voila! Now you can open the place in which you recovered the file, and check whether everything is in order with it.

Alas, not all files can be returned. This happens for many reasons, for example, a file has been removed too long. You can try other programs to restore information or invite data recovery specialist.

And today I would like to highlight the question of how to restore the files deleted from the basket. First, let's look at the basic concepts a little. Everyone knows that before the files are completely removed from the computer, they fall into a certain intermediate system buffer. In the case of operating systems windows family This area is called "Basket". Such an algorithm is characteristic not only for Windows, a similar buffer is present in all modern operating systems, including those operating on mobile platforms.

All files placed in the basket are for some time in it, as long as you do not clean it yourself. True, a situation may arise, in which due to the lack of space, the system simply will reboot data more new, without notifying the user. And some operating systems produce cleaning files from the intermediate buffer at a certain time. So, for example, photos on my iPad are temporarily placed in the album "Recently deleted" and stored there a month. After that, safely removed in automatic mode. But let's come back to the question of how can I restore the files deleted from the basket?

Recover files using Recuva

Of last release You already know that when deleting the files are not immediately erased. The system only deletes the record of them from file System. Thereafter operating system It can safely write to the place of remote data. To restore the file, the record of which was the steer from the file system, you need to use the resuscator program. The Internet can offer many options for such recovery programs. According to the experience I can say that for such a simple task it will be quite suitable for the Recuva program. It restores files removed from the basket in a matter of times if they were not overwritten.

Download and install the program

Step 1. Go to the site of developers www.piriform.com And in the top menu, select "Download". In the open list, click "Download Recuva".

Step 2. On the page that opens, we offer two variants of the program. Paid and free. The functionality of the latter is quite suitable for recovering accidentally remote files from the basket. Click on the first link to FileHippo.com.

Step 3. We have opened a new site with a large green button "DowLoad Latest Version". Just press it and wait until the program installer latest version Boosts on our computer.

Step 4. Run the downloaded file and in the first window using the drop-down list, select the Russian installation language. Click "Next". We are waiting for the program to change the language and click "Next".

Step 5. The newly opened window contains many ticks. We remove the last. We will not load our computer with superfluous updates. Click "Install".

Step 6. We wait for the end of the installation. Remove a tick from the point of forced launch and ignore the opportunity to get acquainted with features free version. Click "ready."

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

Algorithm for recovery of remote files from the basket of files

Step 1. For example, you will delete your graduation project from the basket. I hope that Recuva will cope with its recovery.

Step 2. On the desktop we click on the basket of the right mouse button and select "Search for deleted files".

Step 3. The program began to analyze the disk. This process It lasts not long. You just need to wait a little.

Step 4. Once the analysis is completed, a new window will open before us. In the list of files we are looking for the one to be restored. I choose the document document and click "Restore."

Step 5. In the dialog that opens, select a place to restore the file. And I "OK". In the case of successful recovery, the corresponding plate appears on the screen indicating the number of recovered objects.

ATTENTION! When restoring, be sure to specify the path to save the renewed files from the basket to another section (for example, a D disc) or even a carrier (separate USB flash drive)!

Step 6. Be sure to check the integrity of the files that restored. Opening the diploma, I see that all the tables remained in place. Formatting the document in the order and no negative changes after the successful resurrection is observed.

Unfortunately, the recovery process is not always going so smoothly. This is due to the fact that the files could be removed for too long ago, and the system has already managed to lose them with new data. But, as a rule, if you do not delay long, lost materials can be restored in minutes. So this summer I managed to restore the video files already removed from the basket for its first training roller. It saved the situation, and the first roller appeared on the world, which half a year later scored a thousand views. If suddenly, using the Recuva program, you could not restore the information, then be sure to try to make it programR-Studio. From the past issue.

With you was Denis Beached and the issue of blog information technologies website. Today we learned how to restore the files deleted from the basket. Subscribe to update. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. See you in the next issue. All excellent mood and new knowledge!

Class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

You probably managed to make sure that the most important and most susceptible part of the computer is its software part. It is because of the failures in it, serious mistakes occur, causing very unpleasant problems. One of these is the loss of data.

Of course, if you have already managed to create copies of the most important documents on removable media, then avoid most of the problems when random removal Files will succeed in any case. But what if these files were there in a single instance? Many at this stage lower hands, as it is believed that the remote files will not be able to restore ever. But people familiar with special data Recovery Utilities, not only will not stop, trying to forget about the problem - they will go further, and in reinforced pace.

Today I would like to consider the two most common programs that, in the presence of a very powerful and useful functional, also distributed on the Internet for free - this is Recuva and undelete 360. Both have a minimalist interface, even the extended settings will not cause any questions - everything is simple and convenient.


The RecuVA program was created by CCleaner developers, which still enjoys great popularity among Windows devices. From CCleaner she had only the best - it is a simple and "right" design, as well as huge opportunities and high performance.

At the first start, Recuva starts in the "Master" mode, where everything you want from you is just selecting the type of deleted files and specify the place where they are in yours were. Everything. After that, the application starts the analysis of the entire partition (it is even possible to search for remote files on removable media), specifying the number of files, their names, and how great is the chance that they will be restored. Files marked with "green" will be able to restore with 90% probability, but with the "red" will be more complicated. Such files are restored, sometimes it is very problematic, but at the same time you still have a chance.

Undelete 360.

The Undelete 360 \u200b\u200bprogram is also a fairly good assistant in case of data loss. Like Recuva, the developer did not limit its functionality only by scanning sections hard disk - Undelete 360 \u200b\u200bis able to work with external media, such as USB cards or removable hard drives. If speak about appearance Applications, it is also very good. Everything is done at a good level and tasteful - especially for free app.

After the scan is completed, you can select one or more files that appeared in the filtered list, and also access the properties of each of them. Sorting the files themselves turned out to be unexpectedly understandable and simple. Another interesting feature of the program is the possibility complete removal files.

Undelete 360 \u200b\u200bcan restore almost any lost files, and it does not matter how you deleted them - with the help of "Basket", command line In DOS or by chance (antivirus or application for cleaning a hard disk from "unused" files, for example).

Recuva Unlike Undelete 360, is able to carry out a deep analysis, in which it will be very easy to find even files that have been removed for a very long time or removed using full formatting. Recuva program, besides, can even find music or video deleted from your player. When connecting a flash drive or player, it recognizes them as a removable medium and, after analysis, deleted files will show.