The extensions of doc files on the flash drive are gone. Recovering missing files, documents on a USB flash drive

Surely, every user at least once, but faced such a problem when, after working on someone else's computer and saving all the data to a USB flash drive, at home he was surprised to find that there were no files on it - it was empty. Are you starting to remember when you managed to delete files or, perhaps, completely forgot to save them to a USB flash drive? But documents and files can be very important. How could this happen?

This usually happens when viruses live on the computer. Some viruses can change the attributes of folders and files to "hidden" or "system". Thus, they seem to delete files, but in fact they just make them invisible. To verify this, you need to check the volume occupied memory on the device. To do this, go to "My Computer" and see how much space is occupied on the flash drive. If the volume is greater than zero, it means that all files remain intact, they are simply invisible to the user.

Recovering "deleted" files

There are several ways to make all files visible again. The simplest one is to enable display hidden folders and files in Windows. To do this, open any folder and select "Tools" - "Folder Options" in the menu bar. Then go to the "View" tab and select "Show hidden files and folders ". If after that all the "deleted" files are visible on the flash drive, then you need to select them and open their properties with the right mouse button. In the window that appears, you need to uncheck the "hidden" attribute and click "Apply". But as a rule, this method helps very rarely.

Another way to make files visible is with the command line. To do this, go to "Start", select the line "Run", enter the word "cmd" (without quotes) and press Enter. In the window that appears, you need to type "dirn: / x" (without quotes). N is the letter assigned to the flash drive, which can be viewed through the "My Computer" shortcut.

This command will show a list of all files on the flash drive. If there is a folder with the name "E2E2 ~ 1", then you need to rename it to "ren E2E2 ~ 1 abc" (instead of "abc" you can write any other name of the folder). Next, go to the USB flash drive - and all the data will be in the "abc" folder.

You can also use various file managers... They usually show hidden files by default, and you just need to copy them to another location.

That's basically it. The most important thing is not to forget to remove the virus on the flash drive using an antivirus, otherwise the problem will repeat itself.

Once again, a client contacted me with a familiar problem: files on the flash drive are missing... The problem is common, and in most cases viruses are to blame. Viruses, as a rule, are not so difficult to remove, but to restore files that disappeared from the flash drive, not always easy. The situation can be divided into two groups: simple, when files are easily restored, and difficult when it is necessary to work in command line... And now for more details.

Situation number of times.

There are files that were in the root of the flash drive, folders too, but when opened, the folders open empty. This is usually due to viruses: AutoRun.FlyStudio.B, AutoRun.PSW.Delf.C, Dorkbot.D and many others. They all work on the same principle.

The virus changes the attributes of your folders to hidden and system, and replaces the folders with an exe file with the same name and folder icon. If you have not enabled the display of hidden and system files, then you will not see files which disappeared from the flash drive... To display in a window with an open flash drive, click Tools => Folder Options => Click on "show hidden files, folders and drives" and uncheck the box "hide protected system files(recommended) "=> we answer yes to the warning.

The files have appeared - we are happy.

Now you need to change the folder attributes so that they are displayed on any computer, but, unfortunately, they are built into Windows by means to do this will not work. The well-known Total Comander will come to our aid. Launch, first go to Configuration => Settings => Panel Content and tick the box "show hidden / system files", close the settings window.

Open our USB flash drive => select all the "lost folders" => click Files => Change attributes and uncheck the Hidden and System attributes.

That's all we have returned the folders to their original state. Don't forget to check the box next to "show hidden files, folders and drives" in Windows Explorer.

Situation number two.

Now let's move on to the tricky one. If after displaying hidden files nothing on the flash drive has changed, then most likely you have a virus known as Radmin.13... Where did he do your folders? Radmin.13 I moved all your folders with files to a folder named ".." just like that - 2 points. The fact is that windows are prohibited folders whose names end with a dot, so we do not see a folder named "..".

To return the contents of the ".." folder, we need to rename it. For this we need a command line. Go to C: \ Windows \ System32 copy the cmd.exe file to the root of our flash drive, launch it and enter the command

Dir / x / ad

The dir command displays all the contents of our flash drive, the / x switch displays short file names, and the / ad switch displays only folders.

Now we see that the folder named ".." corresponds to the short file name "E2E2 ~ 1". We just have to rename this folder and access our files. This is done simply:

Ren E2E2 ~ 1 lost

those. we rename the "E2E2 ~ 1" folder to the "lost" folder We go to the USB flash drive and see the "lost" folder, and in it all those files which gone.

Questions are often asked: “ How can a USB flash drive be repaired?”, “I insert a USB flash drive, and the device is not formatted to me!”, “How to recover data from a USB flash drive?”. In this regard, I began to write several self-made articles on the topic of flashes. I present to your attention the first of them!

June 21 update. If you have lost files (documents) from one or more folders - go to the article :

Q .: How to recover data from a USB flash drive?

A.: It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance! And in many cases, even a novice user can do it.

Option 1: (Easiest):

The flash drive is working fine, and the file (program, photo, document, etc.) was accidentally deleted.

and forward, from the point of downloading this program in the second version!

Option 2: (Harder)

After connecting to the computer, the USB flash drive is detected, but when you try to open it, it says “Insert disk” or “The disk in the device is not formatted”, or it simply has nothing on it, and it seems empty.

Do not be afraid! If she is even a little alive, then you can recover files from a flash drive with a fairly high probability! So let's get started! In order to ensure that the system “recognizes” our flash drive, we go to the following address: "Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> .

We confirm that we in our right mind want to format it, and wait for the end of the operation.

After this procedure, we got a working, but alas, empty USB flash drive. Now let's move on, sobsno, to the data recovery process!

For this we need a program for data recovery "PhotoRec"

Under no circumstances after formatting NOTHING cannot be written to a recoverable flash drive !!

So, the archive with the program has been downloaded and unpacked somewhere on the computer. Run the file photorec_win.exe and in the window that appears, using the up and down keys, select our USB flash drive and press “Enter”:

It is usually labeled as “USB Flash Drive”.

After that, the program will ask whether to search for data only on the newly created partition or shovel the entire USB flash drive. We choose the second option ("No partition"):

After that, the meticulous programulina will again ask about file system... Let's choose “Fat / NTFS”:

So, the end of the work is close!) It remains to choose a place to save the found files:

Choosing a location to save recovered files

Again, to make the process easier, just press “Y”, which will confirm our desire to save everything directly to the folder with the program itself and go do some time-killing things. For example, by searching for a new "flash drive", since there is a fairly high probability that the situation will repeat itself in the future.

The process will take 20-50 minutes.:

A compact USB drive, known to most users as a USB flash drive, is today considered the most common device for storing and exchanging various data. A common problem: "No files are visible on the flash drive" can have quite disastrous consequences. After all, often transferred to Flash USB Drive-device important documents of a confidential nature, unique photographs and other types of valuable information may be in a single copy. If this is your first time encountering a problem like this, don't panic. Chances are high that the disappeared data is still in the same place - on the USB flash drive. You just don't see them, because they are hidden. To solve the problem of "invisibility", we turn to the practical experience of the experienced and consider the main aspects of digital recovery.

Two main reasons: why did the information disappear?

So, when you insert the USB drive into your computer, you find that files are not visible on the flash drive. In the vast majority of cases, it is the user who is the culprit for this kind of trouble. And most often it is as a result misuse The Flash device starts working in the "magician" mode. Of course, factory defects in the manufacture of a product and unfavorable accidents of a metaphysical nature cannot be disregarded. However, the harsh reality shows that the cause of the malfunction can be either hardware or software.

No files visible on the flash drive: ways to fix the problem

The first thing that needs to be done is to carry out a visual inspection of the subject of our attention. Perhaps the information transfer device is purely mechanically damaged. A once spilled cup of coffee can also be directly related to the disappearance of files. Make sure the contacts on the Flash drive are not oxidized. If the device is equipped with a signal LED, operability must be confirmed by the indicator light. However, if a computer detects a connected device, then, most likely, the "hero of the occasion" has software roots, which may well be undermined by a malicious one. Nevertheless, such "tricks" can be exposed as a result of the use of special software, but before ...

Standard methods of dealing with "invisibility"

If files are not visible on the flash drive, try the following:

  • Connect your USB device to your computer.
  • Press the "Win + R" key combination to bring up the "Run" window.
  • Next, enter "cmd" in the checkbox.

  • In the "Command Editor" write "Attrib -h -r -s / c / d k: \ *. *", Where the Latin k must have the literal meaning of your removable media.
  • Press Enter and the hidden files will be revealed again.

Second Windows solution: change system settings

It is quite possible that the "hide" attribute has been assigned to the folders and files that are on the USB flash drive. In this case, the Flash drive connected to the PC will be displayed as empty.

  • Go to the "Control Panel" menu.
  • Now go to the "Appearance and Personalization" section.
  • In the section "Folder options" activate the link "Show hidden files".
  • The last item in the list must be activated. That is, the item "Show hidden files, folders ..." should be marked with a marker.

If this way did not have the desired effect, and still not visible, try the method described below.

Option three: checking the parameters of one of the registry branches

As a result of a virus infection, malicious code can change entries in system log Windows OS. Therefore, you need to make sure that the parameters involved are intact. It should be noted that when working with the registry, you should be very careful, since incorrect actions and incorrectly made changes can critically affect the full performance of the Windows system as a whole.

  • Through the "Run" menu you need to open
  • Enter the "regedit" command.
  • After the utility utility opens, follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced \ Folder \ Hidden \ SHOWALL.
  • The record of the "CheckedValue" key (the right area of ​​the working window of the editor) must correspond to the value "1".
  • In the column "Type", except for "REG_DWORD", there should be nothing.

If the entry did not match the specified pattern, it is likely that your PC is infected computer virus, which means that it is necessary to check the system for the presence of "destructive code".

A clear question: "How to open invisible files?" and an effective answer to it

Algorithm of actions:

  • Download antivirus utility to your PC Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free.
  • Run the installed software.
  • Scan everything partitions hard a PC disk and a USB stick.
  • If a "digital infection" is detected, remove the source of infection.

It is worth noting that in some cases, even after processing the hard drive and storage area of ​​the flash drive with antivirus software, the problem will not disappear. Since, as a result of the destructive activity of an unfavorable code, the service files of the OS and even the structure of the disks could be changed. In such cases, the recovery process, and in the case of the system - complete reinstallation Windows simply cannot be avoided.

How to recover lost data

As a rule, as a result of improper manipulations with removable media, beginners have a question: "Why can't a flash drive see files?" To resolve this kind of issue, you need to download and install on your PC special program... Among the huge number of similar software, the most attractive is free utility to recover Recuva information, which you will learn about from the section below, as well as learn the basic techniques of working with it.

Recuva - free data "reincarnator"

So what needs to be done?

  • Download this software product from the official site.
  • After installation, run the utility.
  • Select the type of information you are looking for. The most acceptable option is all files.
  • In the next window, select "On the memory card".
  • Once you have confirmed your choice, the scanning process will begin.
  • If the result is ineffective, go to the "Advanced mode" tab in a special window of the program.
  • Mark all inactive items and repeat the startup process again.
  • The files found in this way need to be restored. Click the button of the same name in the lower right corner of the program.
  • Check the checkboxes next to the found files.
  • After activating the "Restore" button, your data will be saved to the directory you specified.

As you can understand this program just as effectively cope with the possible difficulty when the memory card does not see the files. However, with the help of Recuva, you can recover deleted information from almost any type of media.

Instead of an afterword

So, you have learned what to do if the flash card does not see the files. Nevertheless, do not forget about the elementary operating rules, the observance of which guarantees the long-term operation of the storage device:

  • Do not save information on a USB flash drive that has not been previously verified by antivirus software.
  • Remember that you need to disconnect the USB drive correctly by deactivating it using the Windows tool: "Safely Remove Hardware".
  • You shouldn't use the same flash drive in different systems. This warning is especially relevant for mobile storage devices (eg SD memory cards).
  • Do not forget to make a copy of the data from the USB-drive to the hard drive of your PC.
  • In some cases, in order to recover lost files from a certain modification of the storage device, you may need specific specialized software.

All the best to you and flawlessly working Flash devices!

Hello, friends! Today many people use flash drives, save on them important information, the documents. And sometimes it happens that files have disappeared from the flash drive how to recover - they do not know and think that everything is gone. But often the information can be returned. How to do this and why the folders on the USB flash drive and other documents disappeared, we will analyze below.

Where did it all go?

The answer to the question is this: Viruses are mainly to blame for missing files. As a rule, flash memory is often used on one computer, then on another, etc. And few people check it for viruses, but in vain. Often, flash drives turn into a carrier of any "infection". Therefore, I advise you to periodically check it for viruses.

It is extremely rare, but sometimes, data loss occurs when the flash card is incorrectly removed from the PC. Like this? You copy the data and after the process is over, you remove the memory from the socket, this is not entirely correct. V Windows system the function of safely removing drives is provided. This is done very simply and does not take much time.

How do I get my files back?

Now we will try to recover the missing information. Most likely, the folders and files are in place, you just do not see them, since viruses change their format, change their status to "hidden".

There are two ways to see hidden files. You can read how this is done in another article of mine:

After the information that was hidden is displayed, you will need to change the attributes so that all files are visible to you in normal mode.

To do this, select all the folders and other information found on the USB flash drive, right-click and select "properties".

If you do it through Total Comander: select Flash, - "Selection" - "Select All" - "Change Attributes".

Uncheck the boxes for "Archive", "Read Only", "Hidden" and "System". The information should now be displayed as usual.

Option for advanced users:

We go to "Start" in the command line, type in cmd
In the window that appears, write: "attrib -h -r -s / d / s #: \ *. *", Instead of # - put the letter that denotes your flash drive. After that, all information will be visible to you.

If the first option did not fit

There is another option, the virus has moved your information to a folder with a changed name. It might look like ".." or like ".". It is not important, our task is to rename and return everything to its places. This requires a command line.

We drive the cmd command into it.

If you see something like E2E2, E2E2 ~ 1 or something similar, write ren E2E2 ~ 1 NewDoc and press Enter. This procedure will rename the folder to NewDoc.

Now you can open the USB flash drive and find the NewDoc folder, it should contain your "lost" documents. After that, I would advise you to scan the USB flash drive for viruses.

This concludes. If the tips helped you, share the information in social networks, the buttons are below, thanks!