Missing or Missing Task Scheduler Service - Solution. Missing or Missing Task Scheduler Service - Solution Disable Task Scheduler

In the world of information technology, there is no perfection, and therefore it is not surprising that even in the polished operating system Windows 7 sometimes there are insidious errors, the fixing of which can take a lot of time.

It is not necessary to go far beyond the examples. You just need to type the phrase Task Scheduler selected task “(0)” error in the Google search engine to understand how many people have encountered and continue to face such a nice, but terribly annoying dialog box in everyday work at the computer:

The selected task “(0)” no longer exists. To see the current tasks, click refresh (The selected task “(0)” no longer exists. To see the current tasks, click “Refresh”) - this phrase can bring a heart attack to any inveterate user of Microsoft products, and so that this does not happen, we decided to publish a number of recommendations on the project pages, the implementation of which, perhaps, will eliminate the error dialog box and establish the normal functioning of the Windows 7 task scheduler.

So, if the message The selected task “(0)” no longer exists is displayed when the Task Scheduler application starts, then we adhere to the following tactics.

Open the Disk Defragmenter window and make sure that Scheduled Defragmentation is enabled. If it is not activated, then we turn on the periodic ordering of the information stored on the hard disk (for example, once a month), restart the computer and check if the above error has been eliminated. In case of failure, follow on.

We open the console, using the sfc.exe system file checker and the sfc / verifyonly command, we check the versions of all protected files. If any inaccuracies emerge during the check, run the utility again with the / scannow key and prepare in advance that Windows 7 will ask for a disk with the operating system distribution kit.

If the operations performed above did not help, then we pick up some file manager (for example, FAR, launched under the administrator account) and put things in order in the directories C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Tasks \ and C: \ Windows \ Tasks ... Hovering means creating a backup copy of the data and then sequentially deleting the files, each time launching the task scheduler and checking the elimination of the error “The selected task“ (0) ”does not exist anymore”. After detecting a "broken" file, do not forget to restore previously deleted objects.

In the event of a fiasco, we work in a similar way with the system registry and the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Schedule \ TaskCache branch, eliminating “suspicious” entries. Editing the Windows Registry is a big deal, so it is highly recommended that you back up the Registry before experimenting. You can do this by creating a Windows restore point or by typing regedit.exe / E c: \ backup.reg at the command line and copying all the registry branches to the backup.reg file. Subsequently, if everything goes wrong, it will be enough to run the file created in advance and restore the registry entries to their original form.

In systems of the Windows family, there is a special built-in component that allows you to schedule in advance or schedule periodic execution of various procedures on a PC. It is called "Task Scheduler"... Let's find out the nuances of this tool in Windows 7.

"Task Scheduler" allows you to schedule the launch of specified processes in the system at a specified time, when a certain event occurs, or to set the frequency of this action. Windows 7 has a version of this tool called "Task Scheduler 2.0"... It is used not only directly by users, but also by the OS to perform various internal system procedures. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable the specified component, since later various problems in the operation of the computer are possible.

Launching the "Task Scheduler"

By default, the tool we are studying in Windows 7 is always enabled, but in order to control it, you need to launch a graphical interface. There are several algorithms for this.

Method 1: Start Menu

The standard way to launch the interface "Task Scheduler" its activation through the menu is considered "Start".

Method 2: "Control Panel"

Also "Task Scheduler" can be run through "Control Panel".

Method 3: Search box

Although the described two methods of opening "Task Scheduler" are generally intuitive, yet not every user can immediately remember the entire algorithm of actions. There is also an easier option.

Method 4: Run window

The start-up operation can also be carried out through the window "Run".

Method 5: "Command line"

In some cases, if there are viruses in the system or malfunctions, it is not possible to launch using standard methods "Task Scheduler"... Then this procedure can be tried using "Command line" activated with administrator privileges.

Method 6: Direct start

Finally, the interface "Task Scheduler" can be activated by directly running its file - taskschd.msc.

Features of the "Task Scheduler"

Now after we figured out how to run "Scheduler", let's find out what he can do, and also determine the algorithm for user actions to achieve specific goals.

Among the main actions performed "Task Scheduler", the following should be highlighted:

  • Create a task;
  • Creation of a simple task;
  • Import;
  • Export;
  • Logging on;
  • Display of all running tasks;
  • Folder creation;
  • Deleting a task.

Creating a simple task

First of all, consider how to form in "Task Scheduler" a simple task.

  1. In the interface "Task Scheduler" on the right side of the shell is the area "Actions"... Click on the position in it "Create a simple task ...".
  2. The shell for creating a simple task is launched. To the area "Name" be sure to enter the name of the element to be created. You can enter any arbitrary name here, but it is advisable to briefly describe the procedure so that you yourself can then immediately understand what it is. Field "Description" optional, but here, if you wish, you can describe the procedure to be performed in more detail. After the first field is filled in, the button "Further" becomes active. Click on it.
  3. The section now opens "Trigger"... In it, by moving the radio button, you can specify the frequency with which the activated procedure will be launched:
    • When you activate Windows;
    • When starting the PC;
    • When the selected event is entered into the log;
    • Every month;
    • Every day;
    • Every week;
    • Once.

    After you have made your choice, press "Further".

  4. Then, if you did not specify a specific event after which the procedure will be launched, but chose one of the last four items, you need to specify the date and time of the launch, as well as the frequency if more than one execution was scheduled. This can be done in the appropriate fields. After the specified data is entered, click "Further".
  5. After that, by moving the radio button next to the corresponding items, you need to select one of three actions that will be performed:
    • Application launch;
    • Sending a message by email;
    • Display a message.
  6. If you chose to launch the application at the previous stage, a subsection will open in which you should specify a specific application to be activated. To do this, click on the button "Overview…".
  7. A standard window for selecting an object will open. In it, you need to go to the directory where the program, script or other element that you want to run is located. If you are about to activate a third-party application, most likely it will be located in one of the directories of the folder "Program Files" in the root directory of the disk C... After the object is marked, press "Open".
  8. After that, there is an automatic return to the interface. "Task Scheduler"... The corresponding field will display the full path to the selected application. Click on the button "Further".
  9. Now a window will open, where the summary information on the generated task will be presented based on the data entered by the user in the previous stages. If something does not suit you, then press the button "Back" and edit as you see fit.

    If everything is in order, then to complete the formation of the task, press "Ready".

  10. The task has now been created. It will appear in "Task Scheduler Library".

Create a task

Now let's figure out how to create a common task. In contrast to the simple analogue, discussed by us above, it will be possible to set more complex conditions in it.

  1. In the right pane of the interface "Task Scheduler" press "Create a task ...".
  2. Section opens "General"... Its purpose is very similar to the function of the section where we set the name of the procedure when creating a simple task. Here in the field "Name" you also need to provide a title. But unlike the previous option, in addition to this element and the possibility of entering data in the field "Description", you can make a number of other settings if necessary, namely:
    • Assign the highest rights to the procedure;
    • Specify a user profile, upon entering which this operation will be relevant;
    • Hide procedure;
    • Specify compatibility settings with other OS.

    But only the name is required in this section. After all the settings are completed here, click on the name of the tab "Triggers".

  3. In chapter "Triggers" the start time of the procedure, its frequency or the situation in which it is activated is set. To go to the formation of the specified parameters, press "Create…".
  4. The trigger creation shell opens. First of all, you need to select the conditions for activating the procedure from the drop-down list:
    • At startup;
    • On event;
    • When idle;
    • When logging in;
    • Scheduled (default), etc.

    When you select the last of the listed options in the window in the block "Options" it is required to indicate the frequency by activating the radio button:

    • Once (default);
    • Weekly;
    • Daily;
    • Monthly.

    In addition, in the same window, you can configure a number of additional, but not required parameters:

    • Validity;
    • Delay;
    • Repetition, etc.

    After specifying all the necessary settings, click "OK".

  5. After that, there is a return to the tab "Triggers" window "Create a task"... The trigger settings will also be displayed according to the data entered in the previous step. Click on the name of the tab "Actions".
  6. After going to the above section to specify the specific procedure to be performed, click on the button "Create…".
  7. A window for creating an action will be displayed. From the dropdown list "Action" choose one of three options:
    • Sending email;
    • Displaying a message;
    • Launching the program.

    When choosing to launch an application, you need to specify the location of its executable file. To do this, click "Overview…".

  8. The window starts "Open", which is identical to the object we observed when creating a simple task. In it, in the same way, you need to go to the directory where the file is located, select it and click "Open".
  9. After that, the path to the selected object will be displayed in the field "Program or script" in the window "Create an action"... We just have to press the button "OK".
  10. Now that the corresponding action is displayed in the main task creation window, go to the tab "Conditions".
  11. In the section that opens, it is possible to set a number of conditions, namely:
    • Specify power supply settings;
    • Wake up the PC to perform the procedure;
    • Specify the network;
    • Configure the start of the process when idle, etc.

    All these settings are optional and apply only for special cases. Then you can go to the tab "Options".

  12. In the above section, you can change a number of parameters:
    • Allow the procedure to be performed on demand;
    • Stop a procedure that takes longer than the specified time;
    • Forcibly terminate the procedure if it does not complete upon request;
    • Start the procedure immediately if scheduled activation is missed;
    • If a failure occurs, restart the procedure;
    • Delete the task after a certain time if no recurrence is scheduled.

    The first three options are enabled by default, and the other three are disabled.

    After specifying all the necessary settings to create a new task, just click on the button "OK".

  13. The task will be created and displayed in the list "Libraries".

Deleting a task

If necessary, the created task can be deleted from "Task Scheduler"... This is especially important if it was not created by you yourself, but by some third-party program. There are also frequent cases when in "Planner" the execution of the procedure is prescribed by the virus software. If you find something like that, the task should be deleted immediately.

Disable Task Scheduler

"Task Scheduler" it is highly not recommended to disable it, as in Windows 7, unlike XP and earlier versions, it serves a number of system processes. Therefore, deactivation "Planner" can lead to incorrect operation of the system and a number of unpleasant consequences. It is for this reason that there is no standard shutdown in Service Manager the service that is responsible for the operation of this OS component. However, in special cases, it is temporarily required to deactivate "Task Scheduler"... This can be done by manipulating the system registry.

  1. Click Win + R... In the displayed object field, enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. "Registry Editor" activated. In the left area of ​​its interface, click on the section name "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
  3. Go to the folder "SYSTEM".
  4. Open the directory "CurrentControlSet".
  5. Then click on the name of the section "Services".
  6. Finally, in the long list of directories that opens, find the folder "Schedule" and select it.
  7. Now we move our attention to the right side of the interface. "Editor"... Here you need to find the parameter "Start"... Double click on it Paintwork.
  8. The parameter editing shell is opened "Start"... In field "Meaning" instead of numbers "2" put "4"... And press "OK".
  9. After that, there will be a return to the main window. "Editor"... Parameter value "Start" will be changed. Close "Editor" by clicking on the standard close button.
  10. Now you need to reboot PC... Click "Start". Then click on the triangular shape to the right of the object Completion of work... Select from the displayed list.
  11. The PC will restart. When you turn it on again "Task Scheduler" will be deactivated. But, as mentioned above, it does without "Task Scheduler" Not recommended. Therefore, after the problems that required disabling it have been eliminated, go to the section again "Schedule" in the window "Registry Editor" and open the parameter change wrapper "Start"... In field "Meaning" change the number "4" on "2" and press "OK".
  12. After restarting the PC "Task Scheduler" will be activated again.

By using "Task Scheduler" the user can schedule the implementation of almost any one-time or periodic procedure performed on the PC. But this tool is also used for the internal needs of the system. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable it. Although, if absolutely necessary, there is a way to do this by making a change in the system registry.

Today we will talk about how the Windows 7 Task Scheduler works. This tool helps the user to customize the launch of applications as they wish. Sometimes a program gets blocked due to overprotection of files.

Windows 7 Task Scheduler: Turn off and on

To activate the tool, open the "Run" item in the "Start". Enter C: WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe -k netsvcs. Press the Enter key. Windows 7 Task Scheduler will open. If necessary, set the appropriate mark by activating the automatic launch of the tool. After enabling the service, restart the computer. There is also an alternative way to launch the tool. To use it, enter the name in Russian in the search item when opening the Start menu.


If, for some reason, the Windows 7 Task Scheduler has disappeared, create a text document and enter there the file code that belongs to this tool. We save the document. Turn on the display of file type extensions by going to the "View Settings" tab in the "Folder Options" function. Rename the created document by changing its extension to .reg. Open the file with a double click of the mouse, then confirm the changes made in the system. We are waiting for the registry update. We reboot the computer. We configure the automatic launch of the application in the way described above.

Restoring Task Scheduler

First of all, we check for the presence of system files of this element at its standard address. To do this, you need to understand the question of where the Windows 7 Task Scheduler should be found. Open disk "C". Go to the Windows folder. We will find the files we need in the System32 directory. The main one among them is schtasks.exe, and this group also includes schedcli.dll, mstask.dll and schedsvc.dll. If there are no files, manually transfer them to the specified directory by copying everything you need from the Windows operating system disk. When the display of system data is not activated, you should enable it using the "Folder View" tab. Let's move on to the next step. We check the integrity of system folders and files. At the command line, enter: sfc / scannow. This will start checking the contents of the system catalogs for damage. If signs of errors are found, the OS will restore the data using a backup. We need to remember exactly when the required component disappeared. We use the built-in recovery of the operating system. We return to the state of the computer at the time of the correct operation of the scheduler. We select a restore point that is suitable by date. To start the process, open "Start", go to the "All Programs" section, there we are looking for the "Service" directory. We launch the corresponding program. If the system is too damaged, we copy personal data to another partition of the hard disk and reinstall Windows. This requires a disc with the appropriate software.


Next, we will discuss in detail how to disable the Windows 7 Task Scheduler. Click on the "My Computer" icon, which is usually placed on the desktop, with the right mouse button in order to bring up the context menu. We select the item "Management". By the way, if there is no "Computer" on the desktop, the corresponding section can be started using "Start". So, before us there was a window "Management". We select the section "Services" on the left side. It is located at the bottom of the list. We click on it with the left mouse button, after which three sections with settings appear on the right. We select the item "Services". A list opens in which we find the "Task Scheduler". We mark it with the left mouse button. We select in the line located at the top of the window, the section called "Action". In the list that appears, indicate the item "Properties". Here we see that the task scheduler we are interested in is working. This is evidenced by the item "Status". Below it are the buttons to stop and start the service. Click on "Stop" to disable the Windows 7 Task Scheduler. To pause the tool for a while, click on "Pause". To deactivate an element without automatically starting it the next time you turn on the PC, click on "Stop", then open the "Startup type" section, which is located just above. We select the option "Disabled". As for the "Manual" item, it assumes the activation of the instrument only by agreement with the user.

04.10.2009 17:50

With the improved Windows 7 Task Scheduler, you can schedule any program to run at a specific time with specific conditions. You can also schedule e-mails to be sent and even display a specific message.

To start Task Scheduler, open the Start menu, type in the search box and press Enter (in non-Russian Windows 7, instead of the word type taskschd.msc).

You can also open Control Panel (Advanced View) -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler.

In the menu on the right Actions click Create task(or Create a simple task).

Enter the name of the new task and its description in the window. If you need to run the program with elevated administrator rights, then activate the function Execute with the highest rights.

Switch to tab, click the button Create and assign a date, time and frequency to the task. To set the date when the scheduled task will be terminated, activate the function Validity and include the date and time.

Go to the tab Actions and press the button Create.

To schedule the execution of the program according to the specified schedule, in the drop-down list Action select and using the button Overview specify the location of the executable.

To schedule a scheduled email to be sent, in the dropdown list Action choose Sending email and fill in the standard fields: From(your name and email address), To whom(name and address of the recipient of the letter), Theme(email header) and Text(Message text). If you need to attach files to the message you send, use the button Overview specify the location of the file you want to attach. In field Server smtp specify the smtp server of your email provider (e.g. smtp.mail.ru) and press OK.

To schedule a specific message to be displayed on the screen at a specified schedule, in the drop-down list Action choose Displaying a message and fill in the fields Heading and Message.

A very handy thing when you need to remind yourself that in 5 minutes the New Year will come, that it's time to feed the cat, turn off the soup, or go to the Windows 7 website - Impressions and Facts. Such a message will look something like this:

Go to the tab Conditions and specify the conditions for completing the task.

You can also set additional parameters for the task execution on the tab.

After completing all these steps, press OK to create a task.

To change the created task, open Task Scheduler, select the task in the list, in the right menu Actions choose Properties, edit the parameters you want and press OK.

To delete a scheduled task, open Task Scheduler, select the task in the list, in the right menu Actions choose Delete and confirm your intentions.

Note... For Task Scheduler to function, the Task Scheduler service must automatically start with Windows 7. Open Control Panel (Advanced View) -> Administrative Tools -> Services... In the list of services find, double-click on it, on the General tab, set the startup type Auto and press OK.

Probably, every user is faced with a situation when, when turning on the computer, you have to wait for background programs and all applications that open with the system to load. Inexpensive technology can get stuck on a large number of concurrent processes. To regulate them, there is a "Task Scheduler" in Windows (it is available in version 10 and earlier). It allows you to:

  • configure autostart applications (for example, ICQ or other instant messengers, antivirus) or disable it;
  • specify a convenient time for performing resource-intensive tasks (disk cleaning, installing updates) so that they do not interfere with your work;
  • remove irrelevant processes from the launch;
  • specify which applications can be disabled to save battery power;
  • set an alarm or send a letter.

Configuring Task Scheduler in Windows.

The Task Scheduler in Windows XP can be found in the Utilities section. In the eighth version, the utility was moved to the "Control Panel". Everything looks different in Windows-10: the software is located in the Computer Management section - in the same place as other administration elements. In fact, the files of this application are stored on the system drive C (Windows - System 32 - Taskschd.msc), and from here they can also be launched.

How to open the "Task Scheduler"

We will now show you how to start Task Scheduler in different ways.

Start menu

  1. In Windows XP and 7, follow the path: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "System Tools".
  2. In Windows 10 - "Start" - "Administrative Tools"
  3. In Windows 8, using the "Start" to open the application will not work.

Control Panel

Open Task Scheduler in Windows 10 and 8 as follows:

  1. Expand the search bar and write "Control Panel".
  2. Open the section and pay attention to the inscription "View" at the top right. "Categories" should be changed to "Large icons".
  3. Now we see a shortcut "Administration" - when you click on it, a list of services will open, among which there will be "Scheduler".

In Windows 7 and XP, as we remember, it was moved to the utilities.

Search field

The easiest way to find an application is by typing its name in the Windows search bar. As soon as you start writing down a phrase, the system will automatically find the software, and you can immediately turn it on.

Run window

  1. Press the combination Win + R.
  2. The "Run" window appears with an empty line, where we enter "taskschd.msc" (ignore the quotes).
  3. We press "Inter" and wait until the application opens.

Command line

  1. Again, call the "Run" window and enter "cmd" (without quotes)
  2. Press Enter and wait for the "Command Line" to appear.
  3. We enter there "C: /Windows/System32/taskschd.msc" and click OK.

You can also concretize the command by adding to it without spaces:

  • / Create - to create a new task;
  • / Delete - to remove the task;
  • / Query - to view the created tasks;
  • / Change - to correct the task.

Direct start

As mentioned above, Task Scheduler can be launched directly from the root folder, where all its files are stored. To do this, just go along the path: drive C - Windows - System 32 - Taskschd.msc and double-click it.

Disable Task Scheduler

Sometimes it happens that due to an incorrectly configured "Scheduler" there are some problems in the operation of the OS, if you have not found the exact reason, you can disable it altogether (this function is not supported by some Windows assemblies).

  1. Look for the "This PC" shortcut. If it's not in Desktop, click File Explorer (the yellow folder icon) and you'll see it in the list on the left.
  2. Click the auxiliary mouse button (it is on the right) and select "Management" - "Task Scheduler" - "Action" - "Properties".
  3. The table shows that the application is currently running. Click "Stop" and specify the startup type - "Disabled". Thus, the next time you turn on the computer, this service will not work.

Before disabling Windows 7 Task Scheduler, please note that in this version the correct system operation depends on this application. The only thing that can be done in this case is to remove some tasks so that the application does not perform them.