Installing and replacing the processor. How to change the processor on a computer to a more powerful one (is it possible on a laptop) If you change the processor, what will change in the computer

First of all, you need to understand that replacing the processor is possible only if the motherboard has such an opportunity (if it has a socket). A socket is a kind of connector that completely repeats the design of the contact legs of the processor itself.

A radiator with a cooler (cooling fan) is built on the "charged" socket. A huge catalog of processors is presented in online stores today.

Anyone who decides to replace the processor should understand that incorrect assembly can lead to processor failure. We are talking about significant overheating.

To prevent this from happening, a radiator (aluminum or copper) is used. With the help of a special thermal paste, a high degree of heat transfer is achieved. The waste heat is dissipated by a cooler.

If you removed the motherboard from the computer before integrating the processor, do not forget about using a special mat that will protect the printed circuit board from static electricity.

AMD processors are not inferior in their characteristics to Intel. In addition, they are supplied with the thermal paste already applied. On the one hand - savings for the buyer, on the other hand, it will be more difficult to install the processor without touching the delicate layer.

To install, you need the following instrumental set:

  • a set of small screwdrivers;
  • tweezers;
  • magnifying glass (loupe);
  • good lighting.

Since the processor is square, take extra care to ensure that it is seated correctly. To do this, a key (triangle or semicircle) is depicted on it.

In order to monitor the operating temperature of the processor (since its excess is the main reason for equipment failure), it is recommended to install special software.

On the Internet, you can easily find free programs (not pirated, but freeware). With its help, you will immediately receive an alarm in the event of a significant excess of the operating temperature of the processor.

Detailed instructions to help you replace the processor yourself:

Well, our electronic friends are aging too quickly. So the time has come when yesterday a smart laptop began to "crawl like a turtle" and barely pull the programs you need and games. If the cost of a new one does not match your budget in any way, and you no longer have the strength to endure the brakes, it's time to think about an upgrade.

Let's start with the most important part of a computer - the central processor. Today we will talk about how to replace the processor on a laptop of any brand - Asus, Acer, Dell, HP, Samsung, Lenovo, MSI, etc., with a more productive one.

Is it possible?

Since you are thinking about replacing the CPU, of course you want to put something newer and more powerful. Alas, this is not always possible. However, we'll talk about compatibility a little later, first you need to find out if your laptop can be upgraded at all. More precisely, whether its processor is removable.

How to find out:

  • Determine the processor model using the device manager.
  • Open the model specification on the manufacturer's website and determine the type of its housing (socket).

This example shows a removable AMD percentage, which can be easily changed to another (not surprising, because it is a desktop one).

And here's another one - mobile non-removable:

He, of course, can also be replaced, but only in service centers on special equipment. Such CPUs are changed only in the event of a malfunction.

What in these designations indicates the removability / non-removability of the processor? The letters in the name of the body type. Any combination of the abbreviation “ BGA» ( b all g rid a rray) indicates that the chip is non-removable. Its contacts are an array of balls with which it is soldered to the board.

Removable Intel processors are usually named with “ PGA» ( p in g rid a rray). Their contacts are an array of "pins" or legs that are inserted into a connector (socket).

With AMD products, everything is ambiguous. Determining the removability of the CPU at a glance at the name of the case will not work. So, the cases of mobile processors FT3, FP4 are non-removable, and S1, FS1, AM2 are removable. You can find information about them on the Internet.

In addition to "Uncle Google", programs can find out the type of socket of your "pebble". Below are screenshots of utilities HWiNFO 32/64 , CPU-Z and Aida64.

They will also bring final clarity to the issue of "upgradeability" of the laptop, if the percent is produced in different types of cases, such as, for example, Intel Core i3-2310M.

What parameters determine compatibility

Having made sure that the processor can be dismantled without a soldering station, let's turn our attention to the parameters by which compatible models are selected. There are three of them:
  • Type of shell(socket). Naturally, it should be the same for both the old and the new model.
  • Kernel codename... It must also match, otherwise the platform chipset will not be able to interact with the processor. Interchangeability of CPUs with different code names within the same microarchitecture (for example, Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge) is sometimes possible, but rather as an exception, not a rule. If you want to conduct such an experiment, take an interest in the experience of other users.
  • Thermal power (TDP). The new CPU should be the same as the old one, or lower. Above is impossible, since the cooling system will not be able to provide the necessary heat dissipation. The laptop will still slow down, only now due to overheating. And, very likely, it will quickly fail.

To find out these parameters will also help the site of the CPU manufacturer or utility, which I mentioned above.

Finding a compatible model

As an example, let's see what we can change the above Intel Core i3-2310M provided that we got a modification in a removable case. Let's find out its characteristics according to the specifications on the Intel website:
  • The socket is PPGA988.
  • The codename is Sandy Bridge.
  • TDP (Intel calls this parameter "design power") - 35 W.

It turns out that a Sandy Bridge CPU in a PPGA988 package (other names G2 or rPGA988B) with a TDP of up to 35 W inclusive is suitable for replacement.

Referring to the pivot table of mobile processors on the site and choose models with suitable parameters:

  • Intel Core i5-2540M
  • Intel Core i7-2620M
  • Intel Core i5-2520M
  • Intel Core i5-2450M etc.

All of them can replace our Core i3-2310M.

The table does not indicate the types of sockets. To find out, just open the model page by clicking on her name.

By the way, according to the same table, you can assess the feasibility of replacement by looking at the benchmark results, which are given in the last five columns. Or refer to the website for detailed comparisons of different CPUs.

How to get an old percent out of a laptop and install a new one

And so, you have bought a suitable model and are ready to proceed with the installation. Before tackling the screwdriver, the computer is up to the latest version: without this, the platform may not recognize the new processor. Also prepare instructions for disassembling your laptop, a tube of thermal paste, and a tissue.

Disassembly instructions can often be found on the Internet by requesting “ HPPavilion disassembly», « AsusA52jservicemanual», « AcerAspireOne disassembly”, Etc. The model, of course, should be specified. More useful results are usually given by English-language queries.

When choosing a thermal paste, be guided by its thermal conductivity: the higher it is, the better. It is undesirable to use pastes with thermal conductivity less than 3 W / (m · deg).

The popularly beloved KPT-8 is not suitable for laptops! Its thermal conductivity is only 0.6-1 W / (m · deg).

What is described below is performed at your own risk. If your computer is under warranty, you will lose it

  • Disconnect all power supplies from the laptop.
  • According to the instructions, dismantle the body parts that cover the cooling system. On some laptops, it is enough to remove the cover of one compartment, on others - the entire bottom, on the third - the bottom and keyboard, the fourth require almost complete disassembly.
  • Remove the cooling system - first the fan, then the radiator. Please note: there are numbers near the screws that attach the latter to the board. It is in this order (1-2-3-4) that they must be screwed in to ensure a uniform clamping of the crystal and not damage it. Unscrewing, respectively, is performed in the reverse order (4-3-2-1). If there are no numbers, start unscrewing the screws from either end and move from one to the other in a diagonal or zigzag fashion.
  • When the screws in the cooling system have different lengths and thicknesses, remember their places. If confused, the consequences can be very dire. A screw screwed into an unsuitable hole in width can fall out over time and cause a short circuit. In order not to be mistaken, do this: draw a diagram of the location of the screws on a sheet of paper and, as you unscrew, stick them into those places of the diagram where they are in reality.
  • After unscrewing all the screws and disconnecting the fan, grab the heatsink in the area of ​​the heat sink (the metal platform that adjoins the chip) and lift it vertically upwards. Try not to put in a lot of effort. If you feel resistance (it can be created by too viscous or dried thermal paste), carefully move the radiator horizontally.
  • Remains of thermal paste and sometimes thermal pads stick to the lower surface of the heat sink (this purple "garbage" in the photo below). The processor is covered with paste, and the gaskets provide heat dissipation to neighboring nodes - bridges, a video chip, and very hot elements of power circuits. The remains of the paste must be removed (for this you have prepared a napkin), the pads can be reused if they have retained their elasticity.

Do not replace thermal pads with thermal grease!

You may know that thermal pads conduct heat slightly worse than paste. So why not replace the first with the second? Unfortunately, this is not done. Gaskets save the day when the crystal surfaces do not come into contact with the heat sink. Laptops are too cramped to provide individual heatsinks for each chip, so manufacturers often use a single heatsink with a common heatsink. But the chips, you guessed it, have different heights. The paste is applied to the highest (processor), and the rest are protected with thermal pads.

  • So, you removed the radiator and got to the goal. Now you need to dismantle the processor. On one side of its attachment there is a cross-cut screw. Place a flathead screwdriver in it and twist until the micro-lift pushes the processor up. Then pry it up and pull it out.
  • and place in the nest. Pay attention to the key - a small triangle on one of the corners of the processor, near which there are no one or two contacts. It must be aligned with the same label on the socket. However, you will not be able to insert the CPU incorrectly unless you apply considerable force to it. The "stone" should fit into the nest without the slightest difficulty. Turn the screw in the opposite direction to fix it in the connector.
  • Reinstall the cooling system radiator. After that, screw and connect the fan, and finish the rest of the laptop assembly.

Be sure to replace all protective pads if you removed them during the dismantling process!

Just after making sure that you have no "extra" parts and everything is in place, connect the power supply and press the Power button. If the replacement was successful, the laptop will "come to life" and an image will appear on the screen. However, there should be no other result, otherwise you made a mistake somewhere. If the computer does not turn on at all or starts to make noise, but the screen remains black, make sure the replacement is correct and try again from the beginning. I'm sure you will succeed.

Everyone, even the most conservative owner of a personal computer, sooner or later wonders how to update a computer. Purchased only two or three years ago, it is already hopelessly outdated, especially in light of the existence of inexpensive modern alternatives. Not everyone dares to change everything at once, the more simple replacement of the processor often makes it possible to "breathe a second life". With proper care, you can do this yourself.

Replacing the processor begins by reading the instructions for the mainboard used). There are now two main manufacturers of central processing units - Intel and AMD. Their products are incompatible with each other either electrically or in terms of the configuration of the pins. In addition, even for the same manufacturer, different generations of processors can be radically different.

Replacing the processor implies understanding the meaning of the word "socket". Physically, the central one is a microcircuit. There are two ways to connect it to the motherboard:

Classic, when a lot of thin copper pins are soldered on one side of the CPU. The microcircuit is inserted with these pins into a special connector (socket) on the motherboard. AMD adheres to this method;

Intel has taken a completely different approach. The pins are soldered into the connector itself, and the CPU chip only has copper pads.

On this basis, you can immediately determine the manufacturer, but the features of the installation are much more important, which we will indicate below.

To summarize: those who decided to increase the speed of their computer and are studying information on the topic of "replacing the processor" should look at the instructions for the motherboard in the "CPU" section and find out the list of supported processors. All that remains is to go to the store and purchase the desired processor from the list.

The choice should be based on the frequency and number of cores. Moreover, the latter gives a more significant performance gain in modern applications.

Replacing the processor in a laptop and a computer is similar. The difference is that in a laptop you need to dismantle the entire internal cooling system.

Consider the procedure for replacing in a personal computer. Here is a new processor purchased. First you need to remove the motherboard from the case. With enough experience, you can replace the CPU right in the system unit, but beginners should not do this.

We disconnect all the wires from the system unit, raise it on the table to the light, put it sideways and remove the case cover. Now we take out the expansion boards. Objective: to free the motherboard and remove it from the case. We remember where that was!

The cooling system remains on the motherboard with the processor under it and (they do not interfere). Let's dismantle the cooling. If it is standard, then no screwdrivers are required. Usually, you need to turn the plastic retainer (s) and remove the entire structure. All holding locks are always in sight, so we do everything carefully. Do not wobble the radiator to the sides (especially for the LGA socket), but only pull it up. The processor is held in the socket by a hold down lever. We unlock it and, grasping the two sides of the CPU with our fingers, take it out. Do not touch the contacts and do not place them on metal!

We take a new processor and place it in the socket. You need to be very careful when working with the LGA and not put any effort into it. There is a key mark on the CPU case to indicate the orientation in the socket. Also, many CPU models have a special shape that does not allow them to be inserted into the socket incorrectly. The instructions for the processor always indicate the installation method (the socket key must match the key on the CPU). We check that the processor is located without distortions, and fix it by turning the pressure lever. If there is no thermal paste on the underside of the heatsink, then apply it to the processor cover. If it is available (all modern models are just like that), it remains to place the cooling system. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly.

Hello dear blog readers. Today, the article will focus on such a popular topic as upgrading your computer.

Nowadays, not many people use the possibility of upgrading a computer, therefore, basically, when there is a question about upgrading a computer, opinions differ.

Personally, I have a very positive attitude towards upgrading a computer, because with the right approach, upgrading a computer can be relatively inexpensive and significantly increase the power of your computer.

2 Computer upgrade

Here's a story turned out as an example. Of course, the upgrade does not always go as smoothly as in this situation. But it never hurts to learn more about the current computer and estimate the configuration for the upgrade.

Under the modernization of the computer, we mean the improvement of the components of the system unit. , keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc. are not taken into account. Upgrading the system unit means replacing old obsolete parts with new, more productive ones. First of all, these are: replacing the processor, video card, adding RAM and replacing or adding a hard drive.

Most often, to replace the processor, you have to change the motherboard, and when you replace the video card, you need to buy a more powerful power supply. Let's go through each point separately.

1. Processor... Almost every upgrade starts with replacing the processor. Weigh everything carefully before replacing the processor. Since replacing the processor most often requires replacing the motherboard and RAM. And these are additional costs.

First, you need to determine the really lack of performance of the current processor and understand which processor will cope with your tasks by 100%.

If the most difficult tasks that the computer processes are games, then you need to look at the tests of your processor and compare them with the tests of the model that you would like to put instead of it.

Basically, when a dual-core processor is not the worst, then replacing it with a more powerful 4- or 6-core does not give such an increase in games as a replacement for a more powerful video card, for example.

In the case when a computer is used for work in which a high computing power of the processor is required, then there is nowhere without replacing it.

We choose a processor according to the criteria that I described in the article - and compare it in tests with our own. If you are nowhere without a new processor, then perhaps you will be able to choose the optimal processor model that will fit your motherboard.

Do not chase the most productive models. All the same, in half a year it will come out better, and the price of the old one will go down. In addition, among the old models, there are still strong and powerful stones that are able to give even some new products to buy.

Thus, you will save money and increase the power of your computer.

2. Video card. Mainly changes to improve gaming performance. Less often, of course, for working in programs like maya for example.

First, we select the desired video card according to such criteria as: price / quality ratio, power consumption of the power supply, power that meets the requirements of your games and the presence of a video card connector on the motherboard. I wrote more about this in the article -.
Keep in mind that modern video cards are connected via the PCI-Express X16 slot. If you still have an old AGP 8X on your motherboard, then it is better to change the motherboard and install a new video card.

Than looking for something better than your AGP 8X video card. The AGP connector is already dead, and computers with such motherboards often cannot be upgraded - the entire system unit must be changed.

We check the selected video card in tests on popular sites. At the moment, the best models in terms of price / quality ratio are the HD 6950 (better than the 6930 but difficult to find) and the GTX 560.

Someone might argue with me, but these video cards are a great combination of great price and performance.

In tests, pay attention to how the video card behaves in the most resource-intensive games at maximum settings. If, on an equal footing with its competitors, it keeps up with dignity, then in your games the video card should show good results.

To answer this question, you need to calculate the power consumption of your gaming computer.

If not enough, then we select a new power supply. I advise you to take with a margin, so as not to change it in the future. Take a 600-650W 80 plus certified power supply.

This also applies to the case, it is better to take a good large case once than to change the entire computer later. How to choose .

4. Motherboard... I think from the first two points, you already understand when you need to replace the motherboard.

When replacing the motherboard, try to choose the model on which you can later install a more powerful, new processor and not buy a new motherboard. I wrote more about this in the article -.

Of course, it is not always possible to do this, because you do not know when the next upgrade will be, but if you weigh everything well, then after 3-4 years you can still buy a processor for the motherboard that you buy today.

5. RAM... When replacing the motherboard, most often you have to buy new RAM. If the replacement of the motherboard did not take place, then it is advisable to increase the amount of existing RAM somewhere up to 4GB.

Especially if the processor was replaced. It will be possible to install a 64 bit system and possibly get rid of.

I wrote in more detail about RAM in the article -.

6. Hard disk... Last but not least, remember the hard drive. For gaming computers, a 500 GB or 1 TB hard drive is usually bought in addition. It is advisable to take the model faster with 7200 rpm, 32-64 MB cache. More about that.

New hard drives are faster, so after purchasing it is advisable to reinstall the system on it. Thus, the loading speed of Windows may increase. I already wrote an article on the topic -.

3 Upgrading Your Computer - Conclusion

Most often, when upgrading a computer, the budget is limited. Therefore, it is more logical to start by replacing the bare essentials.

If we are talking about a gaming computer, then this is, of course, replacing the video card, adding RAM and replacing the power supply as needed. If the performance is not enough, then you can already think about replacing the processor.

If you work in programs in which the main load falls on the processor. Then we change the processor and add RAM. And finally, make sure your computer does its best. Good luck 🙂

Replacing the central processor on the computer may be necessary in the event of a breakdown and / or obsolescence of the main processor. In this matter, it is important to choose the right replacement, as well as to make sure that it fits all (or many) characteristics to your motherboard.

If the motherboard and the selected processor are fully compatible, then you can proceed to the replacement. Those users who have a poor idea of ​​how a computer looks from the inside, it is better to entrust this work to a specialist.

At this stage, you need to buy everything you need, as well as prepare the computer components for manipulating them.

For further work you will need:

  • New processor.
  • Crosshead screwdriver. You need to pay special attention to this point. Be sure to check that the screwdriver matches the fasteners on your computer. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the bolt heads, thereby making it impossible to open the system case at home.
  • Thermal paste. It is advisable not to skimp on this point and choose the highest quality paste.
  • Tools for cleaning the inside of a computer - not hard brushes, dry wipes.

Before starting work on the motherboard and processor, disconnect the system unit from the power supply. If you have a laptop, you also need to remove the battery. Clean the inside of the case thoroughly to remove dust. Otherwise, you can put dust particles into the socket when you change the processor. Any dust particle that gets into the socket can cause serious problems in the operation of the new CPU, up to and including its inoperability.

Stage 1: removing old components

At this stage, you will have to get rid of the old cooling system and processor. Before working with the "insides" of the PC, it is recommended to put the computer in a horizontal position so as not to knock down the fasteners of certain elements.

Follow these instructions:

Stage 2: installing a new processor

At this stage, you need to correctly install a different processor. If you selected a processor based on the parameters of your motherboard, then there should be no serious problems.