How to make a stand for a tablet with your own hands. Stand for a tablet made of pvc pipes with your own hands How to make a stand for a tablet yourself

It is not a big task to get a stand for a tablet computer, but, nevertheless, I still used a ceramic mug in this capacity. This necessity somehow slipped away from consciousness. I used to put the "tablet" on its side and while it was full everything was OK, but the empty one sometimes slid along the surface of the table and then the tablet loudly slammed on the tabletop. He expressed himself in his hearts and put him back as usual.

I don’t know if I’m tired of picking it up, listening to the sound of slaps, or realizing the futility of the situation, but mentally looking around my possessions, in reality I found a piece of plumbing pipe left over from the repair. I thought of making something suitable out of it. The first attempt to cut a few centimeters straight with a hacksaw for metal was unsuccessful, then I put the pipe on the table with the available even edge and made marks with the help of a square. Having connected them, I got an even circular line.

He made an even cut along it. Using this technique again, I got such a ring with a diameter of 110 mm and a width of 30 mm. And its ends became completely even and smooth, as can be seen in the photo, after having processed them on a sheet of large emery cloth laid on the table. Then, on the ring, at a distance of 80 mm from each other, I made cuts with a width of 13 mm (for the thickness of the tablet computer) to a depth of 20 mm with an inclination (approximately 45 degrees).

I tried it on and was satisfied. I guessed with the angle of inclination (however, this is individual), it is worth it correctly. Stands confidently, no hints of overturning, even with a slightly careless movement in the horizontal plane. There is a possibility for touch manipulations.

Now you can see the latest posts on ours. But then a defect came to light. With the horizontal arrangement of the tablet computer, access to the touch control icons was difficult, and very difficult.

Stand sketch

On the stand, it was required to make a cutout, preferably rounded. There is very little chance of cutting it "by hand" that everything will be smooth. So I made this sketch on the computer. It is for workpieces with a diameter of 90 - 120 mm and a width of at least 30 mm. The thickness must be sufficient to ensure the strength of the entire structure.

I cut out the printed image, glued it to the stand with PVA glue, and when it dried out, made the maximum possible cutout with a hacksaw, then called on powerful side cutters for help, and finally, cleanly, processed it with a round file with a diameter of 15 mm.

Finished stand. Now everything is convenient and even seems to be pretty. And it's also great to do what you need with your own hands. The thing will serve for a long time and always evoke positive emotions. Is there anything more weighty in life than a good attitude towards oneself ?! Author - Babay iz barnaula.


Do you like to cook and watch your favorite TV show at the same time? Or do you often use recipes from the Internet or an e-cookbook? In a word, if during your stay in the kitchen you often use gadgets, this master class should come in handy: we will make a comfortable tablet stand with our own hands. To do this, we will use the fact that will not get out of the interior of your kitchen - an ordinary cutting board.

We also advise young parents to pay attention to this lesson. If your kid eats only for cartoons, then this homemade gadget stand will clearly come in handy for you: it is reliable, convenient and extremely easy to manufacture. It is possible that all the tools and materials necessary for work are already in your home. Take a look at the list and feel free to get down to business - making a tablet stand from a cutting board at home is not difficult at all.

What do we need?

  • small wooden board
  • molding or wood plank
  • small wooden block
  • paints
  • jigsaw
  • Super glue

Try to choose a cutting board that is large enough to fully support your tablet, but not too large. It is optimal if its edges protrude only a couple of centimeters.

How to make a stand?

Take a molding or plank and use a jigsaw to cut a piece that is slightly shorter than your board (or an inch longer than the tablet).

Smooth the edges of the plank with sandpaper to keep it smooth. Superglue it to the bottom of the board.

A rectangular triangle must be cut out of a wooden block. The longer its hypotenuse is, the stronger the tilt of the tablet will be. It is optimal to make a high triangle with one acute angle. Glue it to the back of your cutting board.

In the next step, you can paint our tablet stand: paint the front of the cutting board, the holder and the back support with one or more colors of your choice.

We advise you to try using additional decoration methods. This can be decoupage of wooden products (we previously told you how to make such a decor using the example of wooden coasters). Alternatively, you can stencil, airbrush, or burn out a beautiful painting.

You can also paint the stand by hand using thin brushes or make splashes with a wide brush. Also, your new kitchen craft can be artificially aged or decorated with pasted beads. In a word, there are dozens of options - choose the one that fits into your interior.

If you think that a cover or a convenient stand for a device can only be bought, then you will be delighted that all these accessories can be made for a tablet with your own hands with maximum benefit for yourself and a useful experience for the future. And you will be surprised how useful things can be that you got rid of for a long time because of their uselessness.

Comfortable stand

Only some tablet computers have their own stand, for the rest of the devices you have to buy expensive cases, which eventually get bored or broken. Therefore, now in a few minutes you will learn how to make a wide variety of coasters from inexpensive and simple materials.

Most likely, each user cut out various figures from cardboard in childhood, and now it's time to remember the old days again and take up office supplies and build a convenient stand for the tablet with his own hands.

Stand drawing

The image above shows a schematic drawing that you can change for a specific device - this is a kind of template, but no one forbade fantasizing.

Be sure to take thick cardboard, it is best suited from the packaging boxes of household appliances, well, unless of course it's not a pity.

Result of work

Now we transfer the drawing to cardboard and carefully cut it out, fold it in half, as shown in the image, and a convenient stand for the device is ready. Its service life is practically unlimited, every day you can do something new, the main thing is that there should be more source material in stock.

Coffee glass

Continuing the theme of working with stationery, with the help of an empty glass and scissors, an original stand can come out, and it is done in a matter of minutes.

Notch scheme

Such an unusual design will appeal to those users who like to spend a lot of time in coffee shops: I made it, used it and threw it away, and the next day you can make a new one.

Result of work

Please note that depending on the angle of the notches, you can change the position of the device in space as you like. You can independently come up with a variety of designs and share them with your friends, and someone will definitely appreciate it.

Application of boxes

And to complete the series of cardboard crafts, the laziest users can make a practical stand out of any small box.

Small instruction

Moreover, you can use any boxes, most likely many owners of touch gadgets have small containers left from under chargers, from cartridges, shoes, boxes from photo or video equipment, and so on. The main thing is to have a good imagination, and, of course, desire.

The most unusual coasters

Anyone can cut out of cardboard, but coming up with something really original and unique is already a much more difficult task, so just below you can familiarize yourself with the most extravagant designs for a tablet; making the same with your own hands is not only easy, but also entertaining. A wide variety of improvised means will come to the rescue.

Metal stand

Most likely, in every house you can find an old and good metal hanger in the nooks, which, with the help of skillful hands and brute force, can be turned into a convenient stand for a tablet. In appearance, of course, such a device is not very good, but you are not doing it for show, but for home use and when there is nothing else at hand, even a very wonderful idea.

The second life of the hanger

You need to be very careful with sharp ends so as not to inadvertently damage the case, or even worse than the tablet computer screen, it is recommended to use pliers for bending. If you are still afraid, you can, as an option, glue pieces of foam rubber and then nothing threatens your tablet.

Plastic hangers can also be put into work, but when bending, you will have to heat up the bending points, because the product is very easy to break.

Everything will come in handy

If you feel sorry for spoiling the hanger, and a piece of stiff wire is lying somewhere on the farm, then using the same pliers and an elastic band, you can make a beautiful and aesthetic stand that will be much more attractive than the previous one.

Pencils and pens

At school, many of the neighbors on the desk took pens and pencils away to build some kind of unusual structure, and now imagine what you can do by adding a regular rubber band to this structure.

Original design

That's right, you can make a very interesting and unusual stand for all occasions. Pay attention to the image, from improvised stationery we make a small tetrahedron, which we tie in knots with rubber bands and as a result we get an excellent desktop device. Every day, you can change the colors and shapes of the pencils, add pens and rulers to the design, or both.

Baby Lego

If you have children, then you most likely understand and have already felt on yourself more than once how it is for the tenth or hundredth time in a row to step on small parts from under a toy Lego. And we have already thought many times where they can be thrown or hidden, but we never could have imagined that these small details could be used in another way, see below.

The variety of Lego parts is so great that you can bring to life the most bizarre and unusual forms for stands: from the simplest ones, as in the image above, to full-fledged stands in the form of a cover made of toy parts. Minimum costs, maximum useful time with the child and the development of hand motor skills are only advantages.

For the laziest

You can use an old lamp in the form of a stand and holder, the main thing is to firmly and securely fix the tablet so that it does not accidentally fall. For fastening, it is best to use an elastic band or, in extreme cases, a strip of some kind of fabric.

Old lamp

Another rather extravagant element of supporting the tablet in an upright position is a plunger, look at the image and be surprised at what you see.

As you can see, people's imagination is practically unlimited: very convenient and useful devices can be made from the simplest things.

And our hit parade ends with familiar book stands, which will be in the “arsenal” of schoolchildren for a long time.

Another interesting way

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Do-it-yourself tablet stand.
Tablets have become part of our lives, we use them everywhere. And I suggest you make a tablet stand with your own hands. Such a stand for a tablet will look especially good in the kitchen, but in principle, in the absence of another, you can use it in any other room.

1. Wooden chopping board (can be used, say, a little cracked).
2. A piece of wooden skirting board (not every piece will work, one edge should be folded).
3. The paint is white, brush.
4. PVA glue.
5. Clamp (desirable, but not required).
6. A piece of wooden board.
7. Pencil.
8. Ruler.
9. Sandpaper.

The stand will be made up of three pieces of wood cutting board, a piece of plinth that will be used as a holder, and a triangular block.

We use the bar as a support for our holder.

If a used wooden plank is used for manufacturing, then, of course, it must be well cleaned with sandpaper.

The skirting board must be sawn off to size, the width of the cutting board, the edges must be sanded with sandpaper so that there are no burrs.

A triangular block, if one is not at hand, can be made from a piece of thick wood plank. Drawn with a pencil and sawed out. I draw your attention to the fact that the triangle has an angle of 90 degrees, and from the slope of the hypotenuse, in the future, the angle of inclination of the stand will depend.

Now the parts of the stand need to be connected together using PVA glue. It is advisable to press the parts together with clamps until the glue dries completely.

After gluing. General sanding and painting. After drying, the paint can be used.

That's all it turned out to be an excellent stand for a tablet, an inexpensive item to manufacture that can be easily made with your own hands.

It happens that you urgently need a tablet stand, but you don't have time to look for the nearest electronics store and accessories. Then in a matter of minutes from the available means, and for this you do not need to be a master or a sculptor. A little patience and ingenuity is enough. And if you are interested in making, for example, a holder-case, then you've come to the right place. In any case, see how you can make such a stand yourself.

Simple holders

Stands made of wood and other materials

To make a tablet holder out of wood or other materials, you need to remember that during the manufacturing process you may need tools such as a saw, sandpaper, knives, and the like, so be safe and be very careful.

I must say that not all holders are made according to the same scheme, just everyone modifies the accessory for themselves. This can be a stand with a continuation in the form of a mini-table for food. Or arrange the bottom for the stylus on the right. In addition, you can provide a compartment for inserting the keyboard, then your tablet holder can be turned into a full-fledged computer station.

Stand case

And, of course, the most popular type of tablet covers today is a cover in the form of a book-stand. It is quite possible to make such an accessory with your own hands at home. Have patience and the necessary set of tools: leather (or any facing material), hard plates (you can use cardboard or other hard material), an elastic band for fasteners, a pencil, a ruler, scissors, double-sided tape, glue, cardboard paper. As you work, you will see for yourself which tools you may need and which ones will be more convenient to work with. Now let's get down to business.

We've looked at almost every possible stand combination. As you can see, many of them have a similar design, and therefore, you can beat them in any way. Open the door to your fantasy world and take the initiative. Perhaps you can come up with a very interesting and original tablet holder. It all depends on the skill of your hands and the limitlessness of your imagination. Get creative with the process and you will get the most out of the result.