Electronic homemade products from old equipment. DIY amateur radio circuits and homemade products

For those who are just starting to take their first steps in electronics, it is important to start somewhere. Well, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ideas that may come in handy in the future and at the same time give an idea of ​​how something should be done. What to choose if you want to make simple ones with your own hands? Here are options that can be used in everyday life.

Simple power regulator for smooth switching on of lamps

This type of device is widely used. The simplest is a conventional diode, which is connected in series with the load. Such regulation can be used to prolong the life of the incandescent lamp, as well as to prevent overheating of the soldering iron. They can also be used to vary the power over a wide range of values. First, there will be the simplest electronic homemade products with your own hands. You can see the diagrams here.

How to protect against line voltage fluctuations

This device disconnects the load if the mains voltage is out of range. As a rule, within the normal range, a deviation of up to 10% of the standard is considered. But due to the peculiarities of the energy supply system in our country, such a framework is not always respected. So, the voltage can be 1.5 times higher, or much lower than necessary. The result is often unpleasant - the equipment fails. Therefore, there is a need for a device that will disconnect the load before something has time to burn out. But when creating such a homemade product, you need to be careful, since the work will be carried out with considerable stress.

How to make a safety transformer

In various electronic designs, transformerless power supplies are often used. Usually such devices have low power, and in order to avoid electric shock, they are placed in an insulating plastic case. But sometimes they need to be configured, and then the protection is opened. A safety isolation transformer is used to avoid possible injury. It will also be useful when repairing such devices. Structurally, they consist of two identical windings, each of which is designed for the network. As a rule, the power of transformers of this type fluctuates in the range of 60-100 W, these are the optimal parameters for tuning various electronics.

A simple source of emergency lighting

What to do if it is necessary that in the event of a power outage, the illumination of a certain area remains? An emergency luminaire based on a standard energy-saving lamp, the power of which does not exceed 11 watts, can serve as a response to such calls. So if you need the light somewhere in the corridor, utility room or workplace, this homemade product will have to be in place. Usually, when voltage is present, they work directly from the mains. When it disappears, the lamp begins to operate on battery energy. When the mains voltage is restored, the lamp will work and the battery will be automatically charged. The best do-it-yourself electronic homemade products were left at the end of the article.

Soldering Iron Boost Power Regulator

In cases where it is necessary to solder massive parts or the mains voltage often drops, the use of a soldering iron becomes problematic. And a step-up power regulator can help out from this situation. In these cases, the load (i.e. the soldering iron) is supplied with a rectified mains voltage. The change is carried out using an electrolytic capacitor, the capacity of which makes it possible to obtain a voltage greater than 1.41 network. So, with a standard voltage value of 220 V, it will give 310 V. And if a drop occurs, say, to 160 V, then it turns out that 160 * 1.41 = 225.6 V, which will allow you to operate optimally. But this is just an example. You have the opportunity to make a scheme that suits your specific conditions.

The simplest twilight switch (photo relay)

As new parts are created, fewer and fewer components are now needed to make a piece of equipment. So, for an ordinary twilight switch, only 3 of them are needed. Moreover, due to the versatility of the design, multipurpose use is also possible: in an apartment building; to illuminate the porch or courtyard of a private home, or even a separate room. Pointing to the features of such a design as a twilight switch, it is also called a "photo relay". You can find many implementation schemes that were made either by hobbyists or industrialists. They have their own set of positive and negative properties. Negative properties are usually called either the need for a constant voltage source, or the complexity of the circuit itself. Also, when buying cheap and simple parts or whole sets, they often complain that they simply burn. The functionality of the circuit is based on three components:

  1. Photocell. Usually, it is understood as photoresistors, phototransistors and photodiodes.
  2. Comparator.
  3. Triac, or relay.

When there is daylight, the resistance of the photocell is low and does not exceed the response threshold. But as soon as it darkens, the structure will be turned on at the same moment.


Here are some interesting DIY electronic homemade products. The main thing in cases when something does not work out is to keep trying, and then everything will succeed. And having gained experience, it will be possible to move on to more complex schemes.

Those who are engaged in radio electronics at home are usually very curious. Amateur radio schemes and homemade products will help you find a new direction in creativity. Perhaps someone will find an original solution to this or that problem. Some homemade products use ready-made devices, connecting them in various ways. For others, you need to completely create the circuit yourself and make the necessary adjustments.

One of the simplest homemade products. More suitable for those who are just starting to tinker. If you have an old, but working cellular push-button telephone with a button to turn on the player, you can make, for example, a doorbell to your room from it. The advantages of such a call:

First, you need to make sure that the selected phone is capable of producing a sufficiently loud melody, after which it must be completely disassembled. Basically, the parts are fastened with screws or brackets, which are carefully folded back. When disassembling, you will need to remember what is going on for what, so that later you can collect everything.

The player's power button is soldered on the board, and instead of it two short wires are soldered. Then these wires are glued to the board so as not to rip off the solder. The phone is going. It remains to connect the phone to the call button through a two-wire wire.

Homemade products for cars

Modern cars are equipped with everything you need. However, there are times when homemade devices are simply needed. For example, something broke, given to a friend and the like. Then the ability to create electronics with your own hands at home will be very useful.

The first thing you can interfere with without fear of damaging your car is the battery. If at the right time the charging for the battery was not at hand, you can quickly assemble it yourself. This will require:

A transformer from a tube TV is ideal. Therefore, those who are addicted to homemade electronics never throw away electrical appliances, hoping that they will be needed someday. Unfortunately, there are two types of transformers used: with one and with two coils. Anyone will go to charge a 6-volt battery, and only two for 12 volts.

The wrapping paper of such a transformer shows the winding leads, the voltage for each winding, and the operating current. To power the filaments of electronic lamps, a voltage of 6.3 V with a high current is used. The transformer can be altered by removing unnecessary secondary windings, or left as it is. In this case, the primary and secondary windings are connected in series. Each primary is designed for a voltage of 127 V, therefore, combining them, they get 220 V. The secondary ones are connected in series to get 12.6 V.

The diodes must withstand a current of at least 10 A. Each diode requires a radiator with an area of ​​at least 25 square centimeters. They are connected to a diode bridge. Any electrical insulating plate is suitable for fastening. A 0.5 A fuse is included in the primary circuit, and a 10 A fuse in the secondary circuit. The device does not tolerate a short circuit, therefore, when connecting the battery, the polarity should not be confused.

Simple heaters

In the cold season, it may be necessary to warm up the engine. If the car is parked where there is an electric current, this problem can be solved by using a heat gun. To make it you will need:

  • asbestos pipe;
  • nichrome wire;
  • fan;
  • switch.

The diameter of the asbestos pipe is chosen according to the size of the fan to be used. The performance of the heater will depend on its power. The length of the pipe is everyone's preference. You can assemble a heating element and a fan in it, you can only a heater. When choosing the last option, you will have to think about how to start up the air flow to the heating element. This can be done, for example, by placing all the components in a sealed enclosure.

Nichrome wire is also picked up by the fan. The more powerful the latter, the larger diameter nichrome can be used. The wire is twisted into a spiral and placed inside the pipe. For fastening, bolts are used that are inserted into pre-drilled holes in the pipe. The length of the spiral and their number are chosen empirically. It is desirable that the spiral does not get red-hot when the fan is running.

The choice of the fan will determine what voltage needs to be applied to the heater. When using a 220 V electric fan, you will not need to use an additional power source.

The entire heater is connected to the network via a cord with a plug, but it itself must have its own switch. It can be either just a toggle switch or an automatic machine. The second option is more preferable, it allows you to protect the general network. For this, the tripping current of the machine must be less than the operating current of the room machine. The switch is also needed to quickly turn off the heater in case of malfunctions, for example, if the fan does not work. This heater has its drawbacks:

  • harm to the body from asbestos pipes;
  • fan noise;
  • smell from dust falling on a heated coil;
  • fire hazard.

Some problems can be solved by using another homemade product. Instead of an asbestos pipe, you can use a coffee can. To prevent the spiral from closing on the jar, it is attached to a textolite frame, which is fixed with glue. A cooler is used as a fan. To power it, you will need to assemble another electronic device - a small rectifier.

Homemade products bring not only satisfaction to those who are engaged in them, but also benefit. With their help, you can save energy, for example, by turning off electrical appliances that you forgot to turn off. A time relay can be used for this purpose.

The easiest way to create a timing element is to use the time to charge or discharge the capacitor through the resistor. Such a chain is included in the base of the transistor. The following details are required for the diagram:

  • high capacity electrolytic capacitor;
  • pnp type transistor;
  • electromagnetic relay;
  • diode;
  • variable resistor;
  • fixed resistors;
  • constant current source.

First, you need to determine what current will be switched through the relay. If the load is very powerful, you will need a magnetic starter to connect it. The starter coil can be connected via a relay. It is important that the relay contacts can work freely without sticking. A transistor is selected according to the selected relay, it is determined with what current and voltage it can work. You can focus on KT973A.

The base of the transistor is connected through a limiting resistor to a capacitor, which in turn is connected through a bipolar switch. The free contact of the switch is connected through a resistor with a minus supply. This is necessary to discharge the capacitor. The resistor acts as a current limiter.

The capacitor itself is connected to the positive rail of the power supply through a variable resistor with high resistance. By selecting the capacitance of the capacitor and the resistance of the resistor, you can change the delay time interval. The relay coil is shunted by a diode, which turns on in the opposite direction. This circuit uses KD 105 B. It closes the circuit when the relay is de-energized, protecting the transistor from breakdown.

The scheme works as follows. In the initial state, the base of the transistor is disconnected from the capacitor and the transistor is closed. When the switch is turned on, the base is connected to the discharged capacitor, the transistor opens and supplies voltage to the relay. The relay operates, closes its contacts and supplies voltage to the load.

The capacitor begins to charge through a resistor connected to the positive terminal of the power supply. As the capacitor charges, the base voltage begins to rise. At a certain voltage value, the transistor closes, de-energizing the relay. The relay disconnects the load. To make the circuit work again, you need to discharge the capacitor, for this switch the switch.

So. Life has developed in such a way that I have a house in the village with gas heating. It’s impossible to live there all the time. The house is used as a summer residence. For a couple of winters, I stupidly left the boiler on with a minimum coolant temperature.
But there are two drawbacks.
1. Gas bills are astronomical.
2. If there is a need to come to the house in the middle of winter, the temperature in the house is around 12 degrees.
Therefore, it was necessary to invent something.
I'll clarify right away. The presence of a WI-FI access point in the range of the relay is required. But, I think, if you get confused, you can put a connected mobile phone next to the sensor and distribute a signal from the phone.

Connecting a motion sensor 4 pins with your own hands diagram

Diy motion sensor connection diagram

It happens that you need to install in the country, or in the house, lighting that will be triggered when moving or a person or someone else.

The motion sensor, which I ordered from Aliexpress, does a good job with this function. The link to which will be below. By connecting light through the motion sensor, when a person passes through his field of vision, the light turns on, burns for 1 minute. and turns off again.

In this article I will tell you how to connect such a sensor if it does not have 3 contacts, but 4 like this one.

DIY power supply from an energy-saving light bulb

When to get 12 Volts for LED strip, or for some other purpose, there is an option to make such a power supply unit with your own hands.

DIY fan speed controller

This regulator allows you to smoothly adjust variable resistor fan speed.

The floor fan speed regulator circuit turned out to be the simplest. To fit into the body from an old Nokia phone charger. Terminals from an ordinary electrical outlet also fit in there.

The installation is quite tight, but this was due to the size of the case ..

DIY lighting for plants

DIY lighting for plants

There is a problem with a lack of lighting plants, flowers or seedlings, and there is a need for artificial light for them, and this is the kind of light we can provide on LEDs do it yourself.

Diy brightness control

Diy brightness control

It all started with the fact that after I installed halogen lamps for lighting at home. When turned on, which often burned out. Sometimes even 1 light bulb a day. Therefore, I decided to make a smooth switching on of the lighting based on the dimmer with my own hands, and I am attaching the dimmer circuit.

DIY refrigerator thermostat

DIY refrigerator thermostat

It all started with the fact that after returning from work and opening the refrigerator, he found it warm. Turning the thermostat knob did not help - the cold did not appear. Therefore, I decided not to buy a new unit, which is also rare, but to make an electronic thermostat on ATtiny85 myself. With the original thermostat, the difference is that the temperature sensor is on the shelf and not hidden in the wall. In addition, 2 LEDs have appeared - they signal that the unit is turned on or the temperature is above the upper threshold.

DIY soil moisture sensor

DIY soil moisture sensor

This device can be used for automatic watering in greenhouses, flower greenhouses, flower beds and indoor plants. Below is a diagram by which you can make the simplest sensor (detector) of moisture (or dryness) of the soil with your own hands. When the soil dries up, a voltage is supplied with a current strength of up to 90mA, which is quite enough, turn on the relay.

It is also suitable for automatically turning on drip irrigation to avoid excess moisture.

Fluorescent lamp power circuit

Fluorescent lamp power circuit.

Often, when energy-saving lamps fail, the power circuit burns out in it, and not the lamp itself. As is known, LDS with burned-out filaments, it is necessary to supply with rectified mains current using a starless starting device. In this case, the filaments of the lamp are shunted with a jumper and to which a high voltage is applied to turn on the lamp. There is an instant cold ignition of the lamp, a sharp increase in the voltage across it, when starting without preheating the electrodes. In this article we will look at do-it-yourself lds lamp start-up.

USB keyboard for tablet

USB keyboard for tablet

Somehow, suddenly, I took something and decided to buy a new keyboard for my PC. The desire for novelty cannot be overcome. Changed the background color from white to black and the color of the letters from red-black to white. A week later, the desire for novelty naturally went like water into sand (an old friend is better than two new ones) and the new thing was sent to the closet for storage - until better times. And so they came for her, did not even imagine that it would happen so quickly. And therefore the name would be even better suited not which is, but how to connect a usb keyboard to a tablet.

Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then surely after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or summer cottage with your own hands. At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example,. In fact, the process of assembling simple devices at home is not difficult. You just need to be able to read the diagrams and use the tool for radio amateurs.

As for the first point, before you start making electronic homemade products with your own hands, you need to learn how to read electrical circuits. In this case, ours will be a good helper.

From tools for novice electricians, a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a multimeter will come in handy. Some popular electrical appliances may even require a welding machine to assemble, but this is a rare case. By the way, in this section of the site we even talked about the same welding machine.

Special attention should be paid to the materials at hand, from which every newbie electrician can make elementary electronic homemade products with his own hands. Most often, old domestic parts are used in the manufacture of simple and useful electrical appliances: transformers, amplifiers, wires, etc. In most cases, it is enough for novice radio amateurs and electricians to look for all the necessary tools in the garage or shed in the country.

When everything is ready - the tools are assembled, the spare parts are found and the minimum knowledge is obtained, you can proceed to the assembly of amateur electronic homemade products at home. This is where our small guide will help you. Each provided instruction includes not only a detailed description of each of the stages of creating electrical appliances, but is also accompanied by photo examples, diagrams, and video lessons that clearly show the entire manufacturing process. If you do not understand at some point, then you can clarify it under the entry in the comments. Our experts will try to advise you in a timely manner!

Newbie radio amateurs who are interested in self-assembling circuits and repairing various electronic devices are lost in a sea of ​​numerous terms and details. Meanwhile, you can give a number of tips, what knowledge is needed in the first place, what devices to use, how to navigate when choosing circuit elements.

Required knowledge

It is very important for radio amateurs:

  • know and understand the basic laws of electrical engineering;
  • be able to navigate by schemes;
  • clearly define the role of each element in the scheme and visualize what it looks like.

Important! Theoretical knowledge must be constantly reinforced with practice.

Instruments and devices

To assemble amateur radio circuits and homemade structures, you must have the following tools:

  1. A soldering iron, the power of which must be selected as medium - no more than 40 watts. More advanced craftsmen are thinking about purchasing a soldering station;
  2. Side cutters. Not too massive tool for working with radio devices;

  1. Tin-lead solder, exists in the form of a wire.

Important! Among all devices, the main, and often the only one, is a digital multimeter or an analog tester, through which all the main parameters of the circuit can be measured.

Before you start assembling simple and interesting DIY radio circuits, you can practice dismantling old radio equipment. At the same time, practical skills are formed during soldering work.

  1. In ancient TVs on lamps, a quite useful thing is a power transformer. It can be used in many radio DIY. For example, to assemble a charger for a car battery or a power supply unit for a sound amplifier. The main thing is to know its technical data;
  2. In obsolete radio electronics devices: television equipment, video tape recorders, conventional tape recorders, there are whole microcircuits ready for use. An example is an audio amplifier whose circuitry is constructed by simply assembling components without performing etching on printed circuit boards, etc .;
  3. The tone control is also used ready-made. At the same time, the assembled sound amplifier will receive new options: the ability to control the low-frequency and high-frequency range, change the balance in the stereo speakers;
  4. Basically, all devices made by radio amateurs operate on five-, nine- and twelve-volt power supplies. These old power supplies will be the most useful.

As enclosures for circuits, you can use any available designs or buy ready-made, different sizes and shapes. Housings from non-working devices are often used for new radio self-made products.

A non-working power supply unit from a computer is very valuable, where it comes from:

  • a lot of radio components: transistors, capacitors, diodes, resistances, which are useful for assembled devices;
  • cooling radiators - an important companion element for high power transistors;
  • good wires;
  • the enclosure itself is a great place to house new designs.

Schematic assembly methods

  1. Suspended mounting. Simple soldering of components in accordance with the developed scheme. Brazed assemblies can be installed on support pads. The method is suitable for constructing radio circuits from a small number of parts;
  2. Installation on a printed circuit board - a textolite platform on which foil tracks are made as connecting conductors.

The second method is subdivided into several options:

  1. Mechanical. Cutting tracks with a sharp object to exclude a contact connection in unnecessary places;
  2. Chemical. With the help of varnish or paint on the foil, you need to draw the required scheme. Then immerse in a special composition - ferric chloride solution. After processing, a wiring corresponding to the drawing will be obtained, and all areas without varnish are removed by dissolving;
  3. Laser-ironing.

What schemes to start with

The classic start for radio amateurs is to build a basic detector receiver. The circuit contains a small number of components, and its assembly can be done by everyone. Then you can supplement the device with a sound amplifier using transistors. With the advent of experience and understanding, work begins with microcircuits.

A large number of interesting and very simple options for radio self-styling with a description of the details, the provision of diagrams is on the RadioKot website. You can, for example, collect color music, pulse clock illumination, stereo transmitter and much more. There are also useful forums where you can clarify complex issues, communicate with experienced craftsmen.

As you acquire skills, the interest in assembling complex devices will increase. Electronic homemade products are one of the most exciting activities for people of all ages.
