How to make an aquarium for fish out of an old TV. How to make an aquarium from an old TV with your own hands Pet house from an unnecessary TV

How to make an aquarium for fish out of an old TV

Have you found a TV set from prehistoric times in your attic and don't know what to do with it? Well, such, with imitation wood and convex large and round buttons? I'm sure it simply cannot compete with today's flat-panel TVs, much less home theaters, with stunning picture and sound, and amplified by AV receivers.

But this is not a reason to send the old man straight to the trash heap - if you are a creative person. By the way, you can turn your old TV into a unique aquarium. Just follow these instructions.

1. Find an old wooden console TV.

2. Open the wooden console itself. Console TVs usually have a removable back cover, although you may need to remove the side cover as well.

3. Disconnect all electrical components.

Be especially careful not to damage the cathode ray tube, as older models can also be very dangerous. See warnings for more information.

4. If necessary, detach any internal separation panels. If you don't plan on using them for design, remove the inner compartments to make room on the inside.

5 . Consider whether or not you need to remove any control buttons. They may or may not protrude from the wooden console, depending on the TV model. Since your goal is to clear the console to make room for the aquarium, you may need to remove a few buttons; however, if they are bolted to the same plate, leave them in place and install the required components on the side panels or at the corners of the cabinet (for example, an air compressor).

6. Measure the inner chamber of the TV.

If necessary, measure the area for the future aquarium and its components separately.

7. Buy the necessary components for the aquarium. Using the internal measurements of your TV, buy an aquarium and any additional necessary components, including a filter, air compressor, light bulb, and tubing. Make sure the tank is wider and slightly taller than the screen itself. Be especially careful not to forget to leave space between the top of the aquarium and the console lid for the overhead light, which will be needed for fish and plants if they are closed in a dark box.

Place an air compressor inside the console to suppress noise. However, it can be installed outside if there is not enough space.

If you don't have room to place the overhead light inside, use an LED ballast instead.

If your console TV doesn't fit the standard aquarium size, you'll have to customize it.

8. Place the aquarium inside an empty TV. Place it inside your console TV and make sure there is room for everything. Don't set up the aquarium yet.

9. Drill the holes for the tubing in the back cover of the console, if necessary. Also, if possible, make additional holes to improve ventilation and prevent condensation.

10. Make the top cover. The best way is to cut the entire existing top panel at the seams.

Attach the hinges to the base and secure them to the lid so that it can be closed and opened. Alternatively, you can ditch the existing top panel altogether and replace it with a flip cover made from a new piece of wood, matching the color of your old console TV.

Replace the back of the TV.

11. Reinforce the bottom of the console if necessary. If you're not sure if the bottom can handle gallons of water, you can either replace it with a sturdier piece of wood or reinforce it underneath with another piece of wood or a metal lid.

12. Seal all surfaces several times. Use a waterproof polyurethane sealant to protect the enclosed space from water damage.

13. Install a voltage regulator on the outside of the back of the chassis, if necessary. If you need to run the cord from the water tank to the power source and it does not reach the wall, attach a voltage regulator with a long cord directly to the back of the aquarium to cover the distance.

14. Assemble the aquarium inside the console. Attach the compressor, filter and hoses, then install the aquarium itself.

Install all of the above components before filling the aquarium with water and fish, check that everything is working properly. This is absolutely essential if you want them to live for more than a week or two. If you put the fish directly into the aquarium, then the ammonia formed during the decomposition of their waste products will accumulate in the water faster than beneficial bacteria. So the filter must be put into operation first, and then the aquarium must be left alone for at least three days.

15. Done.

Connect your aquarium light through one of the controls on your original TV. To do this, you just need to remove it.
Choose an aquarium that is taller than the screen width and you will have more water in it, and you can hide the filter and heater.
This kind of insulation using a console TV for your aquarium will keep the temperature in it constant.

Choose a beautiful background for your TV aquarium. You can use underwater scenes (which can be found at most pet stores), or you can choose your own background. (Take measurements and fit the image, then head to the nearest print shop and print.)
Use the extra space inside as a place to store food and cleaning tools.


You can take your old TV for repair and ask to remove the CRT (cathode ray tube) there. While the contents of the CRT are usually not dangerous, the air inside the vacuum tube itself can explode if the tube is cracked or otherwise damaged. (A TV tube up until 1960 did not have built-in explosion protection and could be extremely dangerous. If it has a label that says "This tube has built-in explosion protection.", You can remove it yourself. the inscription, you better give the TV to the workshop.)

If you are using the existing stand, make sure it is strong enough to handle the weight of the water.
Capacitors and other electronics can store a charge for many years after last use. The danger of electric shock may still exist, therefore care must be taken when removing and disposing of electronic components.
Radiation shielding and other components can have very sharp corners.

Make sure you are prepared to take responsibility for purchasing and maintaining your aquarium. You will have a lot more trouble than you think!
Make sure you have finished setting up the enclosure before you start placing the aquarium inside.

We often feel sorry to part with our favorite things, even if they have long been broken or have lost their relevance. In this case, designers offer many original solutions that give old things a new life. It's hard to believe, but an ordinary Soviet TV set can turn out to be an exclusive and functional piece of furniture. You just need to make some effort, connect your imagination, and then the result will surpass any expectations.

Currently, technologies do not stand still and are constantly evolving. Bulky, black-and-white televisions have been replaced by various plasma panels and LCD devices that can fantastically reproduce any image. Therefore, many people got rid of Soviet-era equipment long ago - they were dismantled for parts or taken to a landfill. If a rare specimen is still kept somewhere on the balcony or in the country, there is no need to rush to get rid of it. You can make a lot of unique things from an old device using a minimum of available tools. One of the most interesting and popular options is the aquarium.

To make an original fish bowl, it is best to use a wooden, console TV. First of all, remove the rear cover and carefully remove all electrical parts.

ATTENTION! It is necessary to be extremely careful when disconnecting all the insides of the TV, especially with regard to the ray tube (usually located in the very center).

When only the foundation remains, experts advise adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The future aquarium can be given a more attractive appearance by covering the wooden body with a special varnish. It is worth waiting for a while until the product is completely dry.
  2. Using a tape measure, you need to carefully measure the empty case of the old device.
  3. In a specialist store, you should purchase an aquarium that is suitable for the specific size.
  4. Designers recommend covering the back of the aquarium with a special film. It's good if it has an image on the marine theme.
  5. Next, you need to remove the upper part of the case and make it completely removable. This is to make it easy to feed the fish. You can also install hinges, then you get a folding structure.
  6. Since the fish need warmth and light, it is advisable to screw a small lamp at the bottom.
  7. After all the preparatory work, the aquarium is filled with water, inserted into the case of an old TV and the fish are launched.

IMPORTANT! An aquarium requires settled water with special useful additives. Ordinary tap water will lead to the rapid death of fish.

All that remains is to connect the lamp and enjoy the spectacular interior detail. But the imagination of designers is far from limited.

Mini-bar from TV receiver

Surely not everyone has a private minibar at home. This problem can be easily solved with an old TV receiver. You just need to follow a certain plan:

  1. All electrical parts must be carefully removed from the unnecessary device.
  2. If a plastic cover is installed at the back, it is better to remove it and screw a suitable piece of fibreboard or plywood onto the body.
  3. For a more attractive appearance, the inner walls of the future product should be pasted over with a beautiful film of your choice or mirrors should be installed. For fixing mirrors to pieces of furniture, mounting tape, silicone or special compounds are usually used.
  4. Inside the case, it is advisable to make a small backlight from an LED strip (sold in specialized stores).

ATTENTION! Optionally, you can manufacture and install a front hinged cover. She will close alcoholic drinks from prying eyes.

Among other things, many home craftsmen pay special attention to the external decoration of the TV case. The result is unique pieces. Everything here should depend on individual preferences and capabilities.

House for a pet from an unnecessary TV

Everyone's forgotten old TV can easily turn into a beautiful and cozy house for a cat. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Carefully remove all the "insides" from the old device, leaving only the box. She will be a new house for your beloved pet.
  2. Various accessories, bright stickers and special paints and varnishes will help to create an original design. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the master.

REFERENCE! A domestic cat will certainly be happy with the gift, since almost all cats have a special passion for boxes. This is due to the animal's instinctive desire to hide in a secluded place.

TV cabinet

Another original option is a stylish locker for books, spice jars or any other small things. Such a product will not take up much space and will harmoniously fit into any interior. As in previous cases, to create this piece of furniture, you must carefully remove all the details, and then experts recommend:

  1. Carefully measure the empty case, make and install shelves and doors (some can do without them).
  2. Decorate an original piece of furniture to your taste. So, you can paint the product in a bright color, in harmony with the general style of the interior, paste over with foil or wallpaper.

At the end of the work, you should put the cabinet in place and fill it with various little things.

Flower bed

An old TV can become an exclusive decoration for a flower garden or vegetable garden. The easiest way to make an original flower bed is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the rare model is freed from all the "stuffing".
  2. A sufficient amount of soil must be poured inside the box, flower seeds must be sown and placed in a sunny place.

REFERENCE! If you immediately transplant a beautiful flower into a new flower bed, you will not have to wait for the seeds to germinate.

A new flower bed can be hung somewhere. In this form, the design will look very interesting.

Thus, you should not rush to get rid of old things. Using your imagination and improvised means, you can easily breathe new life into them. All your efforts will quickly pay off. Instead of collecting dust on the balcony or in the closet, an ordinary black and white TV can turn into a unique piece of furniture. He will not only significantly transform the design of the room, but will also continue to benefit his owners.

If an old Soviet-era TV was found in the pantry, which has wood-like decor, speakers and niches in the lower part of the structure, then you should not rush to send it to the trash. From such a rare installation, you can make a completely unique aquarium.

The TV turns, the TV turns ... into an aquarium!

First you need to open the wooden console, which can be done by removing the back cover. Next, you have to disconnect the internal components, you also need to get rid of the dividing panels.

Then you need to measure the internal space of the structure, this will allow you to purchase elements for the manufacture of an aquarium, corresponding to certain dimensions. You will need tubes, a filter, a compressor and a light bulb. You should make an aquarium that will exceed the screen in width and height.

It is necessary to provide free space between the edge of the aquarium and the lid of the structure, which will allow the overhead light to be installed. The compressor must be located inside the structure to prevent the propagation of noise. The glass base must be placed inside the empty TV.

Final works

Using a drill, you need to provide the holes in the back cover required. And the presence of additional holes will provide better ventilation, which will prevent the formation of condensation.

Next, you will need to make the top cover, the best option would be the top panel, which can be cut at the seams. In order to use such a door conveniently, you should fix the hinges on the lid. The top panel may not be used; instead, you can use a flip cover made of wood. It will only be important to choose the blank that matches the color.

The previously dismantled rear panel can be replaced in its place. The bottom of the structure must be additionally strengthened, since it will have to undergo significant loads. For this, you can use a sturdier workpiece. Strengthening can also consist in fixing another piece of wood. A more reliable option would be to use a metal cover.

In order to exclude leaks, it is necessary to ensure reliable sealing of joints and surfaces in several approaches. A waterproof polyurethane compound will do an excellent job.

Have you found a TV set from prehistoric times in your attic and don't know what to do with it? Well, this one, with imitation wood and convex large and round buttons? I'm sure it just can't compete with today's flat-panel TVs, but that's not a reason to send it straight to the trash heap - if you're a creative person. By the way, you can turn your old TV into a unique aquarium. Just follow these instructions.

So ladies, a post for boys, so for you a link to branded wedding dresses, if a man can make an aquarium according to these instructions, then feel free to go beyond him. His hands know what to do;)

1. Find an old wooden console TV.2. Open the wooden console itself. Console TVs usually have a removable back cover, although you may need to remove the side cover as well.
3. Disconnect all electrical components.
Be especially careful not to damage the cathode ray tube, as older models can also be very dangerous. See warnings for more information.

4. If necessary, detach any internal separation panels. If you don't plan on using them for design, remove the inner compartments to make room on the inside.
5 . Consider whether or not you need to remove any control buttons. They may or may not protrude from the wooden console, depending on the TV model. Since your goal is to clear the console to make room for the aquarium, you may need to remove a few buttons; however, if they are bolted to the same plate, leave them in place and install the required components on the side panels or at the corners of the cabinet (for example, an air compressor).
6. Measure the inner chamber of the TV.
If necessary, measure the area for the future aquarium and its components separately.
7. Buy the necessary components for the aquarium. Using the internal measurements of your TV, buy an aquarium and any additional necessary components, including a filter, air compressor, light bulb, and tubing. Make sure the tank is wider and slightly taller than the screen itself. Be especially careful not to forget to leave space between the top of the aquarium and the console lid for the overhead light, which will be needed for fish and plants if they are closed in a dark box.
Place an air compressor inside the console to suppress noise. However, it can be installed outside if there is not enough space.

If you don't have room to place the overhead light inside, use an LED ballast instead.
If your console TV doesn't fit the standard aquarium size, you'll have to customize it.
8. Place the aquarium inside an empty TV. Place it inside your console TV and make sure there is room for everything. Don't set up the aquarium yet.
9. Drill the holes for the tubing in the back cover of the console, if necessary. Also, if possible, make additional holes to improve ventilation and prevent condensation.
10. Make the top cover. The best way is to cut the entire existing top panel at the seams.
Attach the hinges to the base and secure them to the lid so that it can be closed and opened. Alternatively, you can ditch the existing top panel altogether and replace it with a flip cover made from a new piece of wood, matching the color of your old console TV.
Replace the back of the TV.
11. Reinforce the bottom of the console if necessary. If you're not sure if the bottom can handle gallons of water, you can either replace it with a sturdier piece of wood or reinforce it underneath with another piece of wood or a metal lid.
12. Seal all surfaces several times. Use a waterproof polyurethane sealant to protect the enclosed space from water damage.
13. Install a voltage regulator on the outside of the back of the chassis, if necessary. If you need to run the cord from the water tank to the power source and it does not reach the wall, attach a voltage regulator with a long cord directly to the back of the aquarium to cover the distance.
14. Assemble the aquarium inside the console. Attach the compressor, filter and hoses, then install the aquarium itself.
Install all of the above components before filling the aquarium with water and fish, check that everything is working properly. This is absolutely essential if you want them to live for more than a week or two. If you place the fish directly into the aquarium, then the ammonia formed during the decomposition of their waste products will accumulate in the water faster than beneficial bacteria. So the filter must be put into operation first, and then the aquarium must be left alone for at least three days.
15. Done.

Connect your aquarium light through one of the controls on your original TV. To do this, you just need to remove it.
Choose an aquarium that is taller than the screen width and you will have more water in it, and you can hide the filter and heater.
This kind of insulation using a console TV for your aquarium will keep the temperature in it constant.
Choose a beautiful background for your TV aquarium. You can use underwater scenes (which can be found at most pet stores), or you can choose your own background. (Take measurements and fit the image, then head to the nearest print shop and print.)
Use the extra space inside as a place to store food and cleaning tools.


You can take your old TV for repair and ask to remove the CRT (cathode ray tube) there. While the contents of the CRT are usually not dangerous, the air inside the vacuum tube itself can explode if the tube is cracked or otherwise damaged. (A TV tube up until 1960 did not have built-in explosion protection and could be extremely dangerous. If it has a label that says "This tube has built-in explosion protection.", You can remove it yourself. the inscription, you better give the TV to the workshop.)
If you are using the existing TV stand, make sure it is strong enough to handle the weight of the water.
Capacitors and other electronics can store a charge for many years after last use. The danger of electric shock may still exist, therefore care must be taken when removing and disposing of electronic components.
Radiation shielding and other components can have very sharp corners.
Make sure you are prepared to take responsibility for purchasing and maintaining your aquarium. You will have a lot more trouble than you think!
Make sure you have finished setting up the enclosure before you start placing the aquarium inside.