How to return the old VKontakte design: three working ways. How to return the old design of Vkontakte

A few days ago, the social network Vkontakte turned 10 years old, of course, in honor of such an event, the developers could not sit still and a couple of months ago they organized a new design for Vkontakte, which many, unfortunately, did not like.

In the month of August 2016, the VK design was transformed and began to be shown to absolutely everyone, and not only to users who participated in testing. Those, in turn, could still press the cherished button "Return to the old design", but now it is gone. And what to do? How to return the old VK design?

For this case, I have found several options that will bring the design back. I think that such a feature will not work for a long time and sooner or later you will have to switch to a new design.

Attention! After scouring the information on the Internet, I found various scripts, shortcuts, and so on, which supposedly will help to switch to the old design. Indeed, earlier it was, but now these methods are already outdated and do not work 100%, so you don't even have to try. The method I have given below is a little damp, but allows to some extent use the old design that we once loved.

Old VK design, how to switch to it?

So, one very good developer has created a browser plugin that allows you to switch to the old design. To install this extension follow this link.

When you find yourself on the site click on the link Install Stylish, after that you will be prompted to install the Stylish extension.

Turn on the extension on the browser panel and go to the Vkontakte website.

Click on the plugin icon and select the item there "Find other styles for this website", you will be redirected to the same site where you need to select the first link "Old design VK".

You will be redirected to a page where you need to click on the green button Install With Stylish... Confirm the installation of the add-on for the extension.

Go to the VK website and click on the extension icon and check the box "Old design VK"... Bottom check mark "Disable all styles, remove"... We update the page and voila, we have an old VK design.

It is interesting:


For me, the new design pleased my taste, although it was not familiar, for some it was terrible. At the moment, this method of switching to the old design is the only one, since no scripts and shortcuts are working anymore. The disadvantage of this extension is that it hasn't been finalized yet. You will see many flaws, but in general Vkontakte will be similar to the one that was before. Enjoy your transition.

A new version (new design, appearance, design) of VKontakte appeared in April 2016. The old one has existed for a very long time and is outdated. At first, during the trial period, each user could turn on the new version for himself, and if he didn’t like something, then return to the old one.

How was the new version of VK included?

At first it was like this: the person who wants to open the news himself in the VK blog and at the very end of the page clicked "Join testing".

You could also enable the new version by following the link "Use the new version of the site by default" in the left column of the site, below (if you open VK on your computer, not on your phone).

How was the old version included?

You could return the old one back in the same place, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, a pale gray link. It was called "Return to the old version of the site." Then it did not remain with everyone, and even later it disappeared completely. Read on:

Why did the new version turn on by itself and how to get back?

Since June 9, 2016, part of VK users (about 10 percent) received a new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they could no longer return to the old one. You could also be one of these users. Nothing can be done about it, you could only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. The best option is to take the change calmly. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem uncomfortable to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site would not have been able to maintain the old version for a long time.

This was the beginning of a massive transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not fall into the mentioned 10%, for some time still could switch to the new version and back to the old one, but from August 17, VKontakte completely switched to the new version, she herself turned on for everyone without the possibility of returning to the old one.

Since then, due to numerous requests from users, some changes have been made (changed the font, left the opportunity to use dialogs similar to those in the old version, and the like). But in general, there will never be a return to the old version. Most likely, it no longer exists.

How do I revert to the old version of dialogs?

Go to "Messages" and find the gear icon below -. Click on it and choose Switch to classic interface. After that, you will have dialogues as in the old version. To return back to the new version, in the same way, click on the gear and select Go to new interface.

Is the new version on your phone too?

The new version is understood as the full version of the site that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is developed and updated separately (see How to download VK to your phone). There is also a mobile version of the VK site, which also exists separately, but it gradually borrowed many elements from the new "full" version.

How to return the old version of the VK mobile application on the phone?

You can install the old version of the mobile application manually, described here:

The old version may not have music playing. Nobody can guarantee that older versions of the app will work at all. The VK administration can turn them off. For the future, you can turn off automatic updates for yourself, and the application will not be updated.

A better option is to get used to the new version of the application. When something new appears, there are always people who don't like it. So it was with the new version of the VKontakte website - many promised to leave VK forever, but they still sit there perfectly. It's all about habit.

Who doesn't like the new version of VKontakte?

Not everyone likes the new version of VKontakte. Many people demand to return to the previous version, which they find more convenient. Someone claims that the new design is too similar to Facebook and even Odnoklassniki. Users even created an online petition demanding that the old version be kept and given "the right to choose" (this did not affect anything). Online petitions are often created for a variety of reasons and are widely disseminated through them. But in reality, the petition has not helped anyone yet. When the noise dies down, everyone forgets about her.

VKontakte laughed at its users, who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to sit in VK ().

It is known that some of the people always meet any major update with hostility, since it is too painful for them to change old habits. But over time, they calm down.

Our instructions will help you quickly navigate the new version of VKontakte: Where are the settings in the new version of VKontakte, my answers, music, birthdays, exit, statistics ...?

Please write in the comments below what you think about the new version of VKontakte! Your opinion is important.

Why is it important? When you express your opinion, it becomes easier, you release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for where to write - they do not care. Congratulations if you're reading this! If you really want to contact VKontakte employees and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support service - but we don't think this will affect anything.

What happened to VKontakte music? Why is it paid now?

It has long been rumored that a paid music subscription will appear in the VK application. At the end of April 2017, VK decided to transfer music listeners to the Boom application, where there is just a paid subscription. The application belongs to the partner Group, which includes VKontakte itself. The music section in VK has changed - playlists and ads have appeared. Music caching has disappeared in the VK application for Android (it is no longer possible to save music and listen to it without the Internet). Why did all this happen? The fact is that if everyone listens to music for free, the musicians will have nothing to eat and they will have to leave for another job. Therefore, it could not continue indefinitely. You can express your indignation right here in the comments. Be sure to share this page with your friends!

Here's how VK representatives answer questions about free music in the app.

For a long time, the design of Vkontakte has changed in detail, delighting users with the addition of new functions or frustrating with the removal of old ones. Suffice it to recall the moment when the local “currency” - votes - suddenly ceased to exist. But these changes were all small things compared to the recent update.

Since August 17, 2016, the site of the social network "Vkontakte" forcibly and already irrevocably switched to a new design. Up to this point, users were offered to switch between the new and the old design in test mode, and some users have retained this function, but most of them do not have the coveted "switch to old design" link in the settings. Of course, for some people the new design is more convenient, it is more optimized for browsing through mobile devices, which makes it easier for the average layman to use, but in many respects it turns out to be less practical for specialists. The more the irritation of being forced to switch to it, with a lack of choice. Therefore, users are looking for ways to switch to the old design, and some even create their own plug-ins. A much easier way, allowing anyone to return the old VKontakte design, is to install a standard browser extension that allows you to change the display style of the required pages.

A simple and reliable way to return the old VKontakte design

This method requires the user to perform several simple operations, which boil down to downloading and configuring the appropriate extension, modifications of which exist for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. Stylish is one such extension. We will consider the option with Google Chrome as the most common browser:

Regarding simpler methods of returning the old version of Vkontakte

Unfortunately, there are no simpler methods to "return the old VKontakte design". The "switch to old design" link, which used to be reliably hidden in the new design, is now missing as a class. Self-writing scripts even for an experienced programmer will take more time than installing an extension + style. Thus, any simple solution to the problem will be a variation on the above method.

Stylish is one of many extensions that allow you to use custom scripts to change the visual side of your website design. For the extension to work, Javascript must be enabled in the browser. Stylish scripts are written by people, so in some cases the result obtained in this way will be far from ideal. Nevertheless, with a timely update of the style, the moment will eventually come when its author prescribes all the necessary parameters. Also, among the available styles, you can choose intermediate versions of the design, which will have the advantages of the old and the new.

It will not be possible to fully return the old VK design, but you can get as close as possible to the old style of visual design. If Stylish's script options are not to your liking, the closest alternative is the Tampermonkey extension. Despite the fact (or rather due to the fact ...) that both extensions serve the same purpose, in parallel they may not work correctly. Therefore, it is better to remove or deactivate the first before installing the second, and vice versa.

Reading 5 min. Views 2k. Posted on 10/26/2017

Despite the fact that the developers strive for the ideal, a new update of a familiar application does not always bring pleasure to the user. This is more of a habit, though. However, many people want to leave the application as it was before the changes were made and are looking for information on how.

It should be noted that VKontakte completely updated its mobile application in the fall of 2017. This is one of the most tangible changes that the program interface has undergone recently, before that, a similar upgrade was presented by the developers in April last year. Almost everything has changed, from new user capabilities to the overall organization of the workspace. And even "likes" are now red.

Despite the fact that the optimization is pretty good and the application itself has become more convenient, many (as, indeed, last time) want to continue using the old, more familiar version.

The whole problem in PlayMarket

All Android users are well aware of the PlayMarket service for downloading and installing new applications. Depending on the settings set in this application, the programs installed on the user's device will be updated in two available modes:

  • Manual - when PlayMarket simply offers and recommends available updates, and the owner of the gadget independently decides which of them to install and which to ignore.
  • Automatic - as soon as a new update appears in the Device Market, the installed program automatically accepts it and updates itself. In this case, the user enters the application and sees a new design and interface (as it happens with VKontakte).

In this connection, the first action that a follower of the old software for VKontakte should do is to disable auto-updates for applications and switch it to manual mode.

To do this, go to the PlayMarket application menu, for this click on the "sandwich" in the upper left corner, in the menu that appears, go down and find the "Settings" section. In the group of general settings, we find the item "auto-update applications" and select "Never" of the three proposed settings options.

At this stage, the settings are complete. This was the first step in resolving the issue,how to return the old version of VK to Android.Now PlayMarket will not automatically update installed programs, and the user can safely use the old-style program without fear of autocorrect. If you need to get a new version of the program, just go to the installed applications section yourself and check for updates, and also, if necessary, start the upgrade.

After the external settings affecting the version update are installed, you can start working with the program on the device itself.if the Market does not automatically update applications already? In this case, everything is quite simple, the process is divided into two steps, which involve uninstalling the updated program and installing the required version.

Remove the updated application

This step is extremely simple and straightforward, you just need to completely delete the existing one. If you are an inexperienced user and are worried about losing information or access to your account, then these are unfounded fears. The old version will contain everything that is on your page now, it does not depend on the use of the software.

There are several ways to remove an installed application:

After the updated version, you can additionally clear the cache and delete unnecessary files on the phone. The procedure is optional, but it will not be superfluous.

Install the required version

After the smartphone's memory has been cleared of the remnants of the previous version of the program, it is time to take the final step in resolving the issue,how to return the old version of VK to Android.

The main question of this stage is where to get the distribution kit of the previous version of VK. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of offers to download and install any program, not just VKontakte. Before turning to any source, you should first check its reliability. Installing software for mobile access to a personal VK page from a third-party resource can be fraught with unpleasant consequences, and VK itself does not distribute previous versions of the application.

Before downloading a package of files and installing them on your phone, you should look for reviews about the source. Today, old versions of VK can be found on TrashBox or UpToDown.

Before downloading the distribution, you need to set the settings on the gadget. To ensure greater security, devices by default have pre-configured settings that prohibit downloading and installing applications from third-party resources. To install the old version, you need to change these settings. Usually, when trying to install the desired program, a pop-up window pops up. A warning about unauthorized actions and a proposal to prohibit or allow the process.

We allow the installation and wait for the process to complete. As a result, the userwill return the old version of VK to Androidand will continue to use the application in the old interface. If necessary, you can always update from PlayMarket. Still, updates often change the application for the better, you just need to get used to the changes.

How to return the old design of Vkontakte on a computer quickly, in 5 seconds? In May, Vkontakte changed its design and address from to, which was an unpleasant surprise for many VK users.

Hello everyone!
Today I hung up on Vkontakte, as a result of communication it became clear on what topics you can write articles.
For today, 2 had to answer this question, asked in different word forms, but this did not change the meaning).
For example, there was another question.
How to switch to the old version of Vkontakte?
Everything in order.

On August 17, 2016, the social network Vkontakte changed the site address from to, and also removed the old design, which, to put it mildly, was not a very pleasant surprise for many.
To be more precise, VK began to change the old design to a new one not all at once, but gradually.
For example, the design of my Vkontakte page was updated for the first time just a couple of weeks ago.

I'm sitting at my own laptop, as always, I have a bunch of open tabs, you can talk there, look here, read here ... in general, I click on the tab of my VKontakte page, a new version flies out ... then the first thought was what then the mobile version, I look at the address, ... the second thought is a phishing site. In general, I poked, I poked, my problem was that I did not have 1 account in contact, well, they like the contact to freeze pages, and there is nothing for that, people openly scatter advertisements about cheating and selling VK accounts on the open walls of groups and this rules, then you throw a thematic link and they block you ... In general, the meaning is that account passwords are stored in the browser's memory, well, along the way, when I change the new design to the old one, VKontakte security works, I am thrown out of the site and I cannot go).
Summing up the point under all that has been said.
I don't like the new version of contact.
Yes, hell knows it's a habit or a design, but I don't want this design, I like the old VK on the computer.
Many people say that the new design is disgustingly similar to the design of Facebook.

Okay, I will not load you with my weekdays), let's get down to business.

How to return the old design of Vkontakte

At the moment, this is the best way! There are simply no others. Watch the video and repeat.

It's actually quite easy to bring back the old design. I heard that he has irrevocably changed from someone, it seems to me that they are lying, they are lying). Control murderous at the end, but not long ago appeared).
I will show you 2 ways to change the new VKontakte design to the old one.

The first way.

Scroll with the mouse almost to the very end of the VKontakte page, click the full version.
You will return the old design of your contact page.

If that doesn't work for you, let's move on to the second option.

Second option.
Contains the digits "0" in addition to the url
Just write before, add 0, it should look like this: ...... then your id.

I hope you succeed.
If not, follow the link to this site
That's all.
I am leaving to rest, do not disturb for a week).
Good luck to everyone, see you here, July 14;)