The difference between plasma and LCD TV. Plasma or lcd lcd tv and plasma

When choosing a TV, many of us have no idea what to look for. Some people are only interested in a demo picture, therefore, when visiting a store, they are guided only by a visual impression. Others prefer to study hardware specs and user reviews before making a purchase. You can also get good advice from the seller. Let's try to figure out which TV is better: LCD or plasma? To do this, we need to compare their main indicators and characteristics.

Which TV is better: LCD or Plasma?

The second has higher brightness and contrast. In addition, it gives very rich and rich colors and shades in a wide range. It should be noted that the viewing angle is much wider just for plasma. This is because the pixels used in this television are capable of emitting light themselves. And in LCD panels a special lamp is used for this purpose. The light from it, passing through the pixel crystal, gives an image.

Disadvantages of plasma panels

When determining which TV is better: LCD or plasma, you should point out some of their shortcomings. Before making a purchase, decide what size TV panel you need. The fact is that plasma TVs with a diagonal of less than 32 inches are not available. Their manufacturing technology involves the use of rather large pixels. Therefore, in order to achieve good expansion, manufacturers are forced to increase the size of the display. The second drawback is the ability to view images of high quality only from a long distance. Otherwise, the pupils can pick up subtle flicker, causing eye fatigue. The third drawback is the burning out of the phosphor, which limits the life of the display. Also worth noting is the high power consumption and the high price.

Disadvantages of LCD TVs

The main flaws are low quality of transmitted signals and poor broadcasting of terrestrial television. These features, of course, should be taken into account when answering the question of which TV is better: LCD or plasma. However, if you connect a PC or other high-quality source, you can get a pretty good picture. In addition, manufacturers increasingly began to integrate card readers, tuners for cable networks, hard drives, etc. into the top lines. This allows this TV receiver to remain in demand for a long time.

New type of TVs - LED

So we choose the TV. Which is better? Let's analyze another type of TV receivers that have recently appeared on the home appliance market. This is an LED TV. We can say that this is a cross between an LCD and a plasma. It shows on-air television quite well. Also, an LED TV has a higher quality picture than an LCD, and does not make noise. Today on the market there is a huge variety of TV panels of this type.

Which LED TV is better

Experts recommend purchasing a TV panel with a diagonal of 32-42 inches. In this case, the TV should be at least two meters from the eyes. This position will allow you to achieve a more comfortable and high-quality viewing. Your best bet is to purchase a high definition LED TV. This indicator significantly affects the quality of the picture. High contrast and tint quality is achieved through backlighting. However, the panel screen is noticeably thicker than when using the side LEDs. Define the relevant criteria for yourself and make the right choice.

The modern TV market is very diverse and it is simply impossible to choose the right model according to the “like it or not like it”. Many TVs are manufactured using different technologies, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, today we will try to figure out the basic parameters of the device, so that you yourself can determine which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED, exactly for your needs.

What is what?

The principle of operation of the most ordinary televisions (CRT) is known by every person who has not skipped physics lessons. This technique works as follows:

  1. Inside the cathode-ray tube, electrons knock out photons from the phosphor.
  2. As a result of this action, each point on the screen acquires its own color.
  3. The multi-colored dots make up the image, which is drawn line by line.

Important! The whole process is carried out at a speed of 25 frames per second.

Of course, the operation of conventional tube TVs delivered certain problems to the consumer, namely:

  • The image flickers, which can adversely affect vision.
  • Electromagnetic radiation also does not add health.
  • The large dimensions of the device, due to the size of the tube, does not add comfort, especially in a small apartment.

Important! Conventional tube TVs are also inferior to modern counterparts in technical characteristics, such as: contrast, image brightness, viewing angle. Therefore, few people welcome such devices, most often the question arises:which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED?

Modern television devices are mainly divided into two types:

  1. Plasma.
  2. Liquid crystal. Which, in turn, differ in the type of backlighting and are subdivided into:
    • LCD CCFL.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of television technology to figure out which TV is better - LCD or plasma. It should be noted that all TV market leaders are releasing devices with these new technologies. In our separate review, you will find the TOP of the best brands of TVs.

Plasma TVs

Plasma technology is based on a matrix filled with gas (neon or xenon). Between the two glasses, attached to each other, a small space is filled with gas, and an electric grid of wires runs inside.

Important! The electrodes, receiving voltage, ionize the gas and convert it into plasma, causing the fluorescent elements to glow. Thousands of such elements in different colors and reproduce the image.

The advantages of a plasma panel are obvious:

  • The image does not flicker. Frames change smoothly without creating color waves.
  • High contrast and color depth.
  • High-quality color saturation.
  • Natural transmission of movements.
  • Wide viewing angle (160-170 degrees).
  • The resolution of the plasma device is identical to the resolution of the input channel.
  • Spectacular slim body.
  • Modern design.
  • Large selection of models up to 80 ”.
  • Lack of electric and magnetic fields. This is important: firstly, there is no threat to health, and secondly, much less dust settles on the screen.
  • All modern models are equipped with computer connectors. If desired, the user can use the TV as an additional display for a computer or laptop.

Long service life (about 20 years).

Disadvantages of the plasma model

To determine which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the shortcomings of such, at first glance, ideal TV models:

  • The panel tends to burn out. Of course, for this you need to try, since the panel is designed for 30-40 thousand hours of use, which is 9 years, 8 hours a day.
  • Pixelation is visible due to high temperatures.
  • High power consumption. For example, the 42 ”model can use up to 350 watts.
  • Considerable weight. Some plasma TVs weigh up to 90 kg and require a powerful wall mount bracket to mount them to the wall.

Important! To understandfor the price, you need to know the following:

  1. if you choose a large display size, then plasma models will be cheaper, since it is much more difficult to make a large liquid crystal matrix than a plasma;
  2. if you choose relatively small devices, LCD TVs are cheaper.


The principle of operation of an LCD TV is as follows:

  1. There is a layer of liquid crystals between the two panels.
  2. Crystalline conductive liquid changes when exposed to electric current.
  3. With an electric field voltage, the liquid crystal passes through itself a certain part of the light flux: with one voltage, the pixel glows red, with the other, white, and with the third, yellow.

Important! The crystalline conductive liquid must be illuminated for the viewer to see the image.

Namely, according to the method of illumination, this type of device is divided into:

  • LCD CCFL - liquid crystal display, cold cathode fluorescent lamp as backlight.
  • LED - diode backlight.

Important! You need to know the designation of TVs according to the principle of the device in order to understandwhich TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED:

  1. LCD and LCD are synonyms, that is, Russian and English abbreviations, respectively.
  2. But LED is almost the same LCD, but with a different type of backlight.

What's the difference between the two types of LCD TVs?

  1. LED TV, thanks to the backlight design, has the best picture quality. In LCD TVs, one lamp illuminates the entire screen, and in LEDs, a large number of LEDs, due to which it is possible to create local dimming in one area of ​​the display and at the same time increase the brightness in another.
  2. LED devices significantly reduce power consumption. This type of backlighting saves up to 40% energy.
  3. Mercury is not used in LED TVs. This advantage allows them to be safely disposed of.
  4. LED TVs use different colored diodes to improve color reproduction.

LCD TVs exclude the disappearance of image details and thus they outperform budget LED models, in which, due to a complex diode control system, incorrect color display is possible.

Benefits of LCD TVs

Let's note the main advantages of LCD TVs so that you can understand which TVs are better - LCD or plasma or LED:

  • Correct image geometry thanks to the flat surface of the LCD panel.
  • Clear picture reproduction.
  • Profitability.
  • Low noise level.
  • Relatively low cost.

Important! Long service life is one of the indisputable advantages of this type of equipment. LCD TVs will last twice as long as plasma TVs, as they last 75,000 hours versus 30,000 hours.

Disadvantages of LCD:

  • Smaller viewing angle.
  • The contrast is lower than that of plasma. Black is not saturated enough.
  • There is a danger of pixel burnout.
  • LCD TVs are significantly smaller than LED or Plasma TVs.

LED advantages

Models based on LED technology in their characteristics represent something in between LCD and plasma:

  1. The picture quality of the picture is much higher than that of LCD TVs.
  2. They consume less electricity than plasma models.

Important! However, the price for modern models of LED devices is very high and not everyone can afford it.

Let's note the positive aspects of LED:

  • High contrast of the image.
  • High quality color reproduction.
  • Wide viewing angle (average 160 degrees).
  • Profitability.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • The screen is very lightweight, which is convenient for wall mounting.
  • Compactness. The average thickness of the TV is 3 cm.
  • Some models connect directly to the Internet and can replace a PC.

Important! The only reason LED TVs haven't replaced plasma and LCDs is their high price. The disadvantages of the device include the fact that there are few models with a diagonal of less than 40 "among them. Therefore, if you want to buy a small TV, you will have to choose from plasma models or LCDs.

Which is better: LCD or Plasma TV?

The advantages of a plasma panel are quite obvious: the image does not flicker, nothing in the design endangers the health of viewers, there is more brightness and contrast, and the viewing angle is 160 degrees. The disadvantages include high power consumption.

If you choose a technique for performance, then analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of devices.

Advantages of Plasma in comparison with LCD:

  • High contrast and color depth.
  • Excellent color saturation.
  • Large screen surface.
  • More natural transfer of movements.

LCD advantages:

  • The screen does not fade.
  • The viewing angle is wider.
  • The service life is at least twice that of Plasma. At the end of the resource, you can only change the light source (lamp), and not the entire screen.
  • Low power consumption.

Important! The disadvantages of LCD TVs compared to Plasma include:

  1. Color contrast suppresses midtones.
  2. The natural rendering of movements is complicated by the problem of the “ghost frame” loop.

Which TVs are better than LCD or Plasma or LED?

Having evaluated all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of TV, we can summarize the following to decide which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED.

Image quality:

1st place - LED.

2nd place - Plasma.

3rd place - residential complex.

Luminous flux (brightness):

1st place - LED.

2nd place - residential complex.

3rd place - Plasma.

Important! LCD LEDs are the brightest to date. Some models are capable of delivering over 100 ft-lamberts, and in a movie theater, if you're lucky, you can get 5 ft-lamberts.

Black level:

1st place - Plasma.

2nd place - LED.

3rd place - residential complex.


1st place - Plasma.

2nd place - LED.

3rd place - residential complex.

Energy consumption:

1st place - LED.

2nd place - residential complex.

3rd place - Plasma.

Important! In most cases, designers allocate a separate wall for the TV, focusing on it. We have prepared separate posts that will help you decorate the interior of the room with taste:

Life time:

1st place - residential complex.

2nd place - Plasma.

3rd place - LED.


The cheapest is LCD.

2nd place - Plasma.

3rd place - LED.

It is practically impossible to determine a winner or an outsider by calculating points from the lists above, since these indicators are not equal. For one person, the level of brightness is important, and for another, the level of black is above all.

Important! Maybe it is very important for someone that the TV will serve for many decades, but the quality of the picture is not so important, then the choice is obvious - LCD. And if you are a cinema fan, an esthete and have enough funds, then buy LED with a 3D image.


We hope that the information provided will help you choose a TV that suits you personally and your family, and will delight you in your free time by watching your favorite films and programs. Good luck and quality video!

Super User Details About TVs

Technologies for the production of plasma, LCD (CCFL LCD) and LED (LED LCD) TVs are well developed today, so they all give a fairly high-quality picture. And yet, which is better than plasma or LCD? Plasma panels and LCD and LED TV brothers have their pros and cons.

Why brothers? Because they are produced using the same technology and differ only in the way they are illuminated.

Plasma panelsgive a fairly high-quality picture: real black and generally realistic color rendition, high contrast, wide viewing angles and short response time.

Disadvantages: the brightness is not high enough and it will not be so comfortable to watch TV in a sunny room, high power consumption, large dimensions.

Screen burnout is the combustion of phosphorus in a cell. As a result, a frequently displayed picture, such as a logo, can be remembered on the screen. Plasma has this problem, but even the first models had a lifespan of 30,000 hours (about 10 years). And today manufacturers claim panel lifespan comparable to LCD TVs.

Another disadvantage is that it is impossible to create plasma with a diagonal size of less than 32 inches. But the price of a plasma of a large diagonal is lower than that of the same diagonal of an LCD or LED.

Have LCD (CCFL LCD) TVs the brightness is better than plasma, the power consumption is lower. Response time and viewing angles are inferior to plasma, but they are sufficient for comfortable viewing. Color rendition and contrast are at the same level, and differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. It should be noted, though, that black is not truly black, but rather a dark gray. This is due to the peculiarities of the technology.

LED (LED LCD) TVs, Also being LCD TVs, it is thinner than CCFL LCD due to the fact that LEDs are used to illuminate the LCD panel instead of fluorescent lamps. This improves color rendering. The downside is the price. According to this indicator, they are inferior to LCD (CCFL LCD) TVs and plasma. Moreoverthese TVs have nsome unevenness of the backlight. These are the features of LCD technology. But today this is the most modern technology for mass production of TVs.

Knowing about the pros and cons of all technologies, you can decide which plasma or LCD TV is better for you.

P.S. The first LCD TVs with a backlit fluorescent lamp (CCFL LCD) have already left the TV market. Plasma ceased production in 2014. LED LCD still occupies the main TV market. But a new technology is already coming to replace - OLED... The stated prices for Oled TVs are still very high. But they are already on sale. About models that enter the market

Plasma TVs over the years of their development have earned great popularity among users. It was the image quality that made it possible for plasma devices to occupy a leading position in the TV screen market until the introduction of ultra-high definition Ultra HD in 2014. This article was written in 2014 and the information is current at that time. In 2015, there were no longer plasma TVs of world brands on sale. The same situation was in 2016, when plasma left the TV screen market.

How a plasma screen works

Modern flat panel displays are made up of discrete dots. If a TV's resolution is measured in pixels, then each pixel is made up of three separate dots (subpixels). Each point is colored in its own color: red, green, blue. In color television, it is from these three primary colors that all the others are obtained, by mixing. In plasma screens, the resolution can be Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) or HD Ready (1366x768 pixels), and in each case there are three times more dots.

Flat panel television screens are divided into two types: those in which each point emits light itself and those in which screen elements transmit the required amount of light from the light source. Screens with elements that transmit light are called liquid crystal screens. It is the cells with liquid crystals through themselves that transmit the amount of light, which depends on the position of the crystal in the cell. In this case, the light sources can be either a lamp, then the TV is called LCD, or LEDs, then the TV is called LED. Today, backlight lamps are no longer used, only LEDs remain, therefore both "LCD" and "LED" denote the same type of TVs: on a liquid crystal matrix with backlight from LEDs.

Screens, in which each point is itself a light source, have a completely different manufacturing technology and a different principle of image formation. These screens include plasma and OLED.

Today, OLED screens are based on light emitting diodes and very few OLED TVs are commercially available. These are the flagship models of each manufacturer and they are expensive.

Plasma panels are made up of cells with gas inside and when voltage is applied, a discharge in the gas (plasma) is created. And it is from him that ultraviolet radiation emanates, which then affects the phosphor, the glow of which we see.

How the display cell works

The processor selects the desired pixel and applies a voltage to the cells, which depends on the transmitted image at this point. And so all pixels are updated in turn. In modern plasma TVs, the entire screen can be refreshed 400-600 times in one second, in the characteristics this is indicated as a frame rate of 400 Hz or 600 Hz. At such a frequency, a person will not be able to see flicker on the screen, and video display on dynamic scenes is also improved. And compared to LCD TVs, the response time of the cell to the control signal is better in plasma, which gives an advantage in such a parameter as response time.

Additional functions of TVs, such as 3D, Smart TV, the ability to connect other devices, etc., do not depend on the screen technology and they are just as present on plasma TVs as on others. You just need to look at the characteristics of each model, so that the set contains what you need.

The advantages of plasma screens

Many comparisons have been made between the two technologies over the years of plasma and liquid crystal displays. All these comparisons speak only of the advantage of plasma panels in image quality over LCD.


One of the main indicators of screen quality is the black level in the image that the screen can provide. And in this indicator, screens with a technology by which the cell itself emits light always win. And this includes plasma and OLED and CRTs that have already left the market.

In liquid crystal matrices, the crystal cell cannot completely block the light from the LEDs and therefore the black areas of the image have a shade of gray. To correct this problem, the LEDs in the backlight change their brightness in groups, and thus increase the black level in areas of the screens where a dark scene is currently displayed in the image. This is called dynamic contrast because it changes with the brightness of the backlight. But the static contrast of the matrix remains unchanged and it is worse in the LCD. But plasma does not have such problems, and to display black, they simply do not apply voltage to the cells and they do not glow. This creates a natural black. This means that the contrast in the plasma will be higher. Contrast is the ratio of the brightness of the lightest portion of an image to the brightness of the darkest portion.

Color rendering

Due to the good contrast, the color rendition is better and the color gamut is greater than that of LCD screens.

As for OLED displays, their image parameters are better than that of plasma and LCD, so that both old technologies lose comparison with them.

Plasma TV SAMSUNG PS51F8500


The years of development of plasma screens allowed overcoming the disadvantages inherent in this technology at the beginning of its development.

Yes, plasma brightness is less than LCD TVs, especially with LED backlighting and in brightly lit rooms this can be a problem. But for home viewing, plasma TVs show sufficient screen brightness.


Fragility also faded into the background. Modern plasma TVs have an operating time of several tens of thousands of hours, and maybe this is less than that of other technologies, but for a long-term service, this is quite enough for you.


This problem was inherent in the first models of plasma screens, especially when there was a motionless picture on the screen for a long time. It could have been a channel logo if you watched it all the time. Modern plasma TV models have successfully overcome this disadvantage.

Plasma TV development for 2014

We can say that the peak of popularity of plasma TVs has already passed. For a long time (since 2010) the Pioneer company stopped production of its plasma TVs, its models of the Kuro family were especially famous. Nobody could compete with these TVs at the time.

After the departure of Pioneer, Panasonic took over the leadership in the production of plasma TVs. In 2013, one of the best plasma TVs of all time was released under the name Panasonic TX-P60ZT60, the ZT60 series is considered the best among plasma TVs, and the VT60 series is also recognized as one of the best. And in March 2014, Panasonic stopped producing plasma TVs.

Plasma TV Panasonic TX-P60ZT60

After the departure of Panasonic from the plasma TV market, Samsung and LG were also engaged in the production of plasma TVs from the major manufacturers. But already in the lineup of 2014 there were very few models with plasma screens, and they were more in the budget segment. Flagship models are manufactured with LED and OLED screens.

And so in the fall of 2014, both LG and Samsung discontinued the production of plasma TVs... Today, little-known companies are still engaged in the release of models of plasma TV sets. But these devices do not occupy a leading position in the TV receiver market.

The main focus of all TV manufacturers today is on the development of 4K Ultra HD and OLED screens. It is not the ability to support ultra-high resolution, which is 4 times higher than Full HD, and did not allow further development of plasma technology for manufacturing screens. And the main group of models for different price ranges is occupied by representatives of LED TVs.

Samsung Plasma TVs for 2014: PE H4500, PE H4000. There are different diagonals, as well as representatives of 2013. Experts point out the 2013 PS F8500.

LG Plasma TVs for 2014: PB6600, PB5600.

The modern TV market is very diverse and it is simply impossible to choose the right model according to the “like it or not like it”. Many TVs are manufactured using different technologies, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, today we will try to figure out the basic parameters of the device, so that you yourself can determine which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED, exactly for your needs.

What is what?

The principle of operation of the most ordinary televisions (CRT) is known by every person who has not skipped physics lessons. This technique works as follows:

  1. Inside the cathode-ray tube, electrons knock out photons from the phosphor.
  2. As a result of this action, each point on the screen acquires its own color.
  3. The multi-colored dots make up the image, which is drawn line by line.

Important! The whole process is carried out at a speed of 25 frames per second.

Of course, the operation of conventional tube TVs delivered certain problems to the consumer, namely:

  • The image flickers, which can adversely affect vision.
  • Electromagnetic radiation also does not add health.
  • The large dimensions of the device, due to the size of the tube, does not add comfort, especially in a small apartment.

Important! Conventional tube TVs are also inferior to modern counterparts in technical characteristics, such as: contrast, image brightness, viewing angle. Therefore, few people welcome such devices, most often the question arises:which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED?

Modern television devices are mainly divided into two types:

  1. Plasma.
  2. Liquid crystal. Which, in turn, differ in the type of backlighting and are subdivided into:
    • LCD CCFL.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of television technology to figure out which TV is better - LCD or plasma. It should be noted that all TV market leaders are releasing devices with these new technologies. In our separate review, you will find the TOP of the best brands of TVs.

Plasma TVs

Plasma technology is based on a matrix filled with gas (neon or xenon). Between the two glasses, attached to each other, a small space is filled with gas, and an electric grid of wires runs inside.

Important! The electrodes, receiving voltage, ionize the gas and convert it into plasma, causing the fluorescent elements to glow. Thousands of such elements in different colors and reproduce the image.

The advantages of a plasma panel are obvious:

  • The image does not flicker. Frames change smoothly without creating color waves.
  • High contrast and color depth.
  • High-quality color saturation.
  • Natural transmission of movements.
  • Wide viewing angle (160-170 degrees).
  • The resolution of the plasma device is identical to the resolution of the input channel.
  • Spectacular slim body.
  • Modern design.
  • Large selection of models up to 80 ”.
  • Lack of electric and magnetic fields. This is important: firstly, there is no threat to health, and secondly, much less dust settles on the screen.
  • All modern models are equipped with computer connectors. If desired, the user can use the TV as an additional display for a computer or laptop.

Long service life (about 20 years).

Disadvantages of the plasma model

To determine which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the shortcomings of such, at first glance, ideal TV models:

  • The panel tends to burn out. Of course, for this you need to try, since the panel is designed for 30-40 thousand hours of use, which is 9 years, 8 hours a day.
  • Pixelation is visible due to high temperatures.
  • High power consumption. For example, the 42 ”model can use up to 350 watts.
  • Considerable weight. Some plasma TVs weigh up to 90 kg and require a powerful wall mount bracket to mount them to the wall.

Important! To understandfor the price, you need to know the following:

  1. if you choose a large display size, then plasma models will be cheaper, since it is much more difficult to make a large liquid crystal matrix than a plasma;
  2. if you choose relatively small devices, LCD TVs are cheaper.


The principle of operation of an LCD TV is as follows:

  1. There is a layer of liquid crystals between the two panels.
  2. Crystalline conductive liquid changes when exposed to electric current.
  3. With an electric field voltage, the liquid crystal passes through itself a certain part of the light flux: with one voltage, the pixel glows red, with the other, white, and with the third, yellow.

Important! The crystalline conductive liquid must be illuminated for the viewer to see the image.

Namely, according to the method of illumination, this type of device is divided into:

  • LCD CCFL - liquid crystal display, cold cathode fluorescent lamp as backlight.
  • LED - diode backlight.

Important! You need to know the designation of TVs according to the principle of the device in order to understandwhich TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED:

  1. LCD and LCD are synonyms, that is, Russian and English abbreviations, respectively.
  2. But LED is almost the same LCD, but with a different type of backlight.

What's the difference between the two types of LCD TVs?

  1. LED TV, thanks to the backlight design, has the best picture quality. In LCD TVs, one lamp illuminates the entire screen, and in LEDs, a large number of LEDs, due to which it is possible to create local dimming in one area of ​​the display and at the same time increase the brightness in another.
  2. LED devices significantly reduce power consumption. This type of backlighting saves up to 40% energy.
  3. Mercury is not used in LED TVs. This advantage allows them to be safely disposed of.
  4. LED TVs use different colored diodes to improve color reproduction.

LCD TVs exclude the disappearance of image details and thus they outperform budget LED models, in which, due to a complex diode control system, incorrect color display is possible.

Benefits of LCD TVs

Let's note the main advantages of LCD TVs so that you can understand which TVs are better - LCD or plasma or LED:

  • Correct image geometry thanks to the flat surface of the LCD panel.
  • Clear picture reproduction.
  • Profitability.
  • Low noise level.
  • Relatively low cost.

Important! Long service life is one of the indisputable advantages of this type of equipment. LCD TVs will last twice as long as plasma TVs, as they last 75,000 hours versus 30,000 hours.

Disadvantages of LCD:

  • Smaller viewing angle.
  • The contrast is lower than that of plasma. Black is not saturated enough.
  • There is a danger of pixel burnout.
  • LCD TVs are significantly smaller than LED or Plasma TVs.

LED advantages

Models based on LED technology in their characteristics represent something in between LCD and plasma:

  1. The picture quality of the picture is much higher than that of LCD TVs.
  2. They consume less electricity than plasma models.

Important! However, the price for modern models of LED devices is very high and not everyone can afford it.

Let's note the positive aspects of LED:

  • High contrast of the image.
  • High quality color reproduction.
  • Wide viewing angle (average 160 degrees).
  • Profitability.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • The screen is very lightweight, which is convenient for wall mounting.
  • Compactness. The average thickness of the TV is 3 cm.
  • Some models connect directly to the Internet and can replace a PC.

Important! The only reason LED TVs haven't replaced plasma and LCDs is their high price. The disadvantages of the device include the fact that there are few models with a diagonal of less than 40 "among them. Therefore, if you want to buy a small TV, you will have to choose from plasma models or LCDs.

Which is better: LCD or Plasma TV?

The advantages of a plasma panel are quite obvious: the image does not flicker, nothing in the design endangers the health of viewers, there is more brightness and contrast, and the viewing angle is 160 degrees. The disadvantages include high power consumption.

If you choose a technique for performance, then analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of devices.

Advantages of Plasma in comparison with LCD:

  • High contrast and color depth.
  • Excellent color saturation.
  • Large screen surface.
  • More natural transfer of movements.

LCD advantages:

  • The screen does not fade.
  • The viewing angle is wider.
  • The service life is at least twice that of Plasma. At the end of the resource, you can only change the light source (lamp), and not the entire screen.
  • Low power consumption.

Important! The disadvantages of LCD TVs compared to Plasma include:

  1. Color contrast suppresses midtones.
  2. The natural rendering of movements is complicated by the problem of the “ghost frame” loop.

Which TVs are better than LCD or Plasma or LED?

Having evaluated all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of TV, we can summarize the following to decide which TV is better - plasma or LCD or LED.

Image quality:

1st place - LED.

2nd place - Plasma.

3rd place - residential complex.

Luminous flux (brightness):

1st place - LED.

2nd place - residential complex.

3rd place - Plasma.

Important! LCD LEDs are the brightest to date. Some models are capable of delivering over 100 ft-lamberts, and in a movie theater, if you're lucky, you can get 5 ft-lamberts.

Black level:

1st place - Plasma.

2nd place - LED.

3rd place - residential complex.


1st place - Plasma.

2nd place - LED.

3rd place - residential complex.

Energy consumption:

1st place - LED.

2nd place - residential complex.

3rd place - Plasma.

Important! In most cases, designers allocate a separate wall for the TV, focusing on it. We have prepared separate posts that will help you decorate the interior of the room with taste:

Life time:

1st place - residential complex.

2nd place - Plasma.

3rd place - LED.


The cheapest is LCD.

2nd place - Plasma.

3rd place - LED.

It is practically impossible to determine a winner or an outsider by calculating points from the lists above, since these indicators are not equal. For one person, the level of brightness is important, and for another, the level of black is above all.

Important! Maybe it is very important for someone that the TV will serve for many decades, but the quality of the picture is not so important, then the choice is obvious - LCD. And if you are a cinema fan, an esthete and have enough funds, then buy LED with a 3D image.


We hope that the information provided will help you choose a TV that suits you personally and your family, and will delight you in your free time by watching your favorite films and programs. Good luck and quality video!