1 What is Windows. Windows operating system

Windows 7. - Windows Operating System, issued on a commercial basis in October 2009. At the development stage, the system was known under the code names "Blackcomb" and "Vienna."

Windows 7 is built on the Vista kernel. For most users, Windows 7 benefits over Vista are accelerated times Downloads, new user interface and adding a new version of Internet Explorer.

OS is available in three retail versions - Windows 7 home extended (Professional) and maximum (Ultimate). Starter Version, OEM and Corporate (Enterprise) are available in some markets.

Windows 7 functions

  • DirectAccess for Mobile Workers - allows system administrators to update the settings group Policy And to supply updates for programs every time the mobile device has access to the Internet, regardless of whether logging in to the account. DirectAccess supports multifactor authentication and encryption.
  • XP compatibility mode - allows you to run old applications designed to work in Windows XP in a special virtualized space. The usual user does not see differences when you start such applications.
  • BranchCache - Technology Optimizing Network Traffic Transmitted by WAN-Channels through the use of local cache available.
  • BitLocker to Go - the technology expands the capabilities of encryption and control keys to portable storage.
  • Virtual support hard disks - Windows 7 allows you to mount a virtual hDD (VHD) and work with it as with an ordinary physical disk.
  • ENTERPRISE SEARCH - this system Allows you to search for documents in remote repositories, on SharePoint sites and in web applications.
  • AppLocker - Function allows system administrators to use group policies to set the rules for starting certain applications on a specific computer.
  • Extended support VDI - system administrators You can use the same reference image for remote customers through the use of the infrastructure of the virtual desktop, and for ordinary computers.

Computer, such as a processor, rAM, peripheralscan work effectively only if their joint work coordinate special programs. Otherwise, the devices will work inconsistently or will not be able to benefit at all. Therefore, the operating system is used on any computer. Operating system (OS) - is called a set of management programs designed to manage the computing process and the most efficient use of all resources of the computing system. Operating system Exercises the planning of the computing process and managing its move. All programs that we install on the computer are running and controlling the operating system. All devices that we connect to a computer "communicate" with the operating system through special programs - device drivers. In addition, the operating system provides the user with an interface to interact with computer resources.

Operating systems depending on their destination may have or not to have the following number of properties:

  • Multitasking - Ability to run and perform more than one program at the same time.
  • Work in real time. OS with this property is used most often to control automatic complexes. Their main feature is the ability to quickly respond to an unpredictable flow of external events;
  • Multiplayer mode. Special regimewhich allows you to work multiple users for several terminals by sharing the resources of the same computer;
  • Distribution. With a distributed mode of operation, the user can access the resources of different computers. OS so manages these resources that the user has the impression of work at one single computer.
  • Builtness. Built-in OS works on a computer that is built into a device and controls this device. Other functions does not fulfill such a computer. The built-in OS is delivered only with the device and does not apply separately from it.
  • Interactivity. Interactive systems are designed for a user who sits behind the terminal and expects a system response to its actions.

The opposite of interactive OS is the OS with batch processing, which do not assume the availability of the user.

Interactive systems may have a text interface, and may have a graphical interface.

Operating systems Windows family systems

Modern Windows OS - This is graphic, interactive, multitasking OS Microsoft Corporation. The Windows family family consists of two groups:

  • Windows 9X. OS Group for $ 16 $ and $ 32 $ -drawing processors. Produced from $ 1995 $ $ 2,000 year. Currently, the OS of this group is outdated;
  • Windows NT. This is a group of modern OS. The entire OS of this group is $ 32 $ and $ 64 $ -digible and operate accordingly $ 32 $ and $ 64 $-digit processors. This group includes popular Windows XP systems, Windows $ 7 $, Windows $ 8 $. There are OS, intended for managing server computers;
  • Windows for smartphones. This group includes Windows CE, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Windows $ 10 $ Mobile. Systems of this group can be purchased exclusively as part of finished smartphones.;
  • Windows Embedded. The group of built-in real-time OS used for various specialized devices. For example, for information and payment terminals, video surveillance systems.

File system

One of the basic concepts of inextricably linked with the concept of the operating system is file system. The file system is a whole complex mechanism, which is responsible for saving data on hard disk and other external media. This mechanism works as follows. In order for the user to refer to the data that it saved on the disk, this data should be somehow named naturally for a user. This named part of the disk is called the file. The file size can be any - the user saves so many data under a single name as it considers it appropriate. Data area (Winchester, USB flash drive, removable hard drive, etc.) is divided into so-called $ 512 bytes sectors. And the sectors are combined into clusters. The cluster is a minimal unit addressable. disk memorywhich is stored for storing the file. One cluster can store only one file data. The cluster size is fixed and is different for different file systems. The process of marking the storage area is called formatting.

Picture 1.

Windows $ 7 $ is supported by four types of file systems:

  • FAT16. This is a pretty old file system designed for disks of less than $ 512 $ MB. The maximum volume that supports Fat $ 16 $ is $ 2 $ GB.
  • FAT32. Used for flash memory more than $ 2 $ GB.
  • eXFAT. It was designed as an improved version of FAT $ 32 $ for flash memory.
  • NTFS. This file system is basic for Windows $ 7 $. It was created to fully displace Fat $ 16 $ and Fat $ 32 $. NTFS is faster and more reliable than its predecessors, has data encryption tools. Windows $ 7 can only be installed on a disk, which is formatted in the NTFS file system, but at the same time Windows can work with other storage areas that are formatted in FAT $ 16 $, FAT $ 32 $ and EXFAT.

Figure 2.

Other file systems are used for operating systems of other families. For example, for OS Linux hard The disk is formatted in the EXT $ 3 file file system. You can format a single disc on the same computer to format in NTFS and install Windows $ 7 $ there, and another section format in ext $ $ 3 and install Linux on it. In this case, working under Windows the user will not see the section formatted in ext $ $ 3 and can not receive data from it.

In order to find out which file system (from available for Windows) is selected on a specific section hard disk You need to right-click on the disk icon and select the "Properties" clause in the context menu. In the window that opens, you can read information about the size of the disk, the number of free space and the file system.

(NT 6.0)

2006 Not supported
Almost not used (NT 6.1) 2009 Not supported
Actively used (NT 6.2) 2012 Not supported
Almost not used (NT 6.3) 2013 Supported
Almost not used (NT 10) 2015 Supported
Actively used

Server Windows

Logo Version Year Status
1993 Not supported
As a rule, not used
2003 Not supported
Still used
2009 Supported
Actively used
2018 Start of use

All versions of Windows by rulers + chronology

Rule Years List versions
16 bits 1985 - 1995 Windows 1/2 / 3
32 bits
1995 - 2001 Windows 95/98 / Me
(32 and 64 bits)
since 1993. Windows NT 3.1 / NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 / NT 4.0 Workstation / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
NT Servers
(32 and 64 bits)
since 1993. Windows NT 3.1 / NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 / NT 4.0 Server / 2000 Server / 2003/2003 R2 / 2008/2013 R2 / 2012/2012 R2 / 2016/2019

History of success

This success story reflects the frequency of use of the system; the number of glitches with which users encountered; Reviews.

Windows 1. Failure
Windows 2. Neutral
Windows 3. Success
Windows 95. Failure
Windows 98. Success
Windows Millenium. Failure
Windows 2000. Neutral
Windows XP. Big success
Windows Vista. Failure
Windows 7. Success
Windows 8. Failure
Windows 8.1. Failure
Windows 10. Success

* Despite the failure of some versions of the operating system, they carried new features that have switched to successful versions. For example, beautiful icons and windows have appeared in Millennium, which switched to Windows 2000. Therefore, the failure should not be assessed as an unsuccessful work.

Windows 1.

Years of support: 1985 - 2001. Branch: 16 bits.

Editions: -

What's new

Before Windows 1 was MS-DOS, so the most important innovation is a graphical interface and the ability to control with the mouse.

System requirements

Windows 3.

Years of Support: 1990 - 2008. Branch: 16 bits.

Editions: -

What's new

  • The first (from Microsoft) is a user-friendly interface.
  • The appearance of the program dispatcher.
  • The emergence of multimedia features.
  • Network support (from 3.1).

System requirements

Windows NT 3.1.

Editions: -

What's new

  • The first system based on nt kernel.
  • Support file System NTFS.

System requirements

CPU Intel 80386.
Hard disk volume 8 MB

Windows NT 3.5 Workstation

Editions: -

What's new

  • Built-in WinSock and TCP / IP support.
  • The appearance of the server and client DHCP and WINS.
  • Support VFAT.

System requirements

CPU 33 MHz
Hard disk volume 70 MB

Windows NT 3.51 Workstation

Editions: -

System requirements

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation

Editions: -

System requirements

Windows 98.

Years of support: 1998 - 2006. Branch: 9x (32 bits).

System requirements

Windows Millenium.

Years of support: 2000 - 2006. Branch: 9x (32 bits).

System requirements

Windows 2000.

Years of Support: 2000 - 2010. Branch: NT.

System requirements

Windows XP.

Editorial: XP, XP Professional

System requirements

Windows Vista.

Years of support: 2006 - 2017. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Starter (Starter), Home Basic (Basic), Home Extended (Premium), Business (Business), Corporate (Enterprise), Maximum (Ultimate)

System requirements

Windows 7.

Years of support: 2009 - 2020. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Initial (Starter), Home Basic (Home Premium), Professional (Professional), Corporate (ENTERPRISE), Maximum (Ultimate)

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk volume 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows 8.

Years of Support: 2012 - 2016. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk volume 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows 8.1.

Years of support: 2013 - 2023. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: 8, 8 Professional (Pro), 8 Corporate (Enterprise)

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk volume 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows 10 (Last For Personal Computers)

Years of support: 2015 - 2025. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.


  • Homemade (Home). For most home computers. There is no possibility to configure the remote desktop so that the system can be connected remotely; There is no possibility of using group policies and joining the domain.
  • Professional (Pro). Contains all the functions of the home version + the ability to join the domain, the use of group policies, the ability to connect to a computer using a remote desktop.
  • Corporate (Enterprise). Cuts some functions of the home version. There are all additional features version pro. + DirectAccess, AppLocker.
  • S. is a trimmed version; Preset to some devices. Does not support the standard application setting - it is possible to install only from the Windows Store.

What's new

Windows 10 undergoes strong changes with new builds. Therefore, we will consider innovations based on this.

  • Improved performance.
  • The new built-in Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Automatic compressing the adjacent window, when pressing the active window in one of the sides of the desktop.
  • "All applications" in "Start" support the display of 2048 elements (earlier only 512).
  • Forced installation of updates.
  • Using virtual voice assistant Cortana.
  • Updated Start Menu - Presents Hybrid previous versions And Windows 8 (the old opening option returned, and tiles appeared on the right side).
  • Ability to create multiple desktops.
  • Refusal to the Windows 8 tile system.
  • The possibility of handwriting (Windows Ink).
  • Identification using a webcam.
  • Synchronization from a mobile notification device.
  • Change the system parameters menu.
  • Built-in support for virtual reality helmets.
  • Game Mode
  • The default is offered command line in PowerShell.
  • Access to the classic control panel is hidden from context menu. Now it can be called by a team control.
  • Improving the work of the built-in antivirus.
  • Identification using a webcam for Active Directory.
  • Ability to create a screenshot with the allocation of the area using the WIN + SHAFT + S key combination.
  • Breile font support.
  • Increased battery life.
  • The ability to work Cortana on one device and the end of work on the other.
  • Disable SMBV1 protocol. You can enable manually.
  • The appearance of the "People" panel.
  • Information about the GPU in the Task Manager.
  • Full-screen microsoft mode Edge.
  • Increased battery life (Power Throtttle).
  • The appearance of the EMDZI panel.
  • Selective synchronization ONEDRIVE.
  • Fix braking problems in games.
  • Ability to restore the password using the test questions.
  • Dark theme for the conductor.
  • The ability to receive access to the message from the phone (the "Your Phone" function).
  • Insulated desktop for safe application launch.

* This list contains a part of innovations. Full list on Wikipedia page.

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Hard disk volume 16 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server

Years of support: 1993 - 2001. Branch: NT. Bigness: 16, 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: -

System requirements

CPU Intel 80386.
Hard disk volume 8 MB

Windows NT 3.5 Server

Years of support: 1994 - 2001. Branch: NT. Bigness: 16, 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: -

What's new

  • Built-in WinSock and TCP / IP support.
  • The appearance of the server DHCP and WINS.
  • Providing overall access to files and printers.
  • Support VFAT.

System requirements

CPU 33 MHz
Hard disk volume 70 MB

Windows NT 3.51 Server

Years of support: 1995 - 2001. Branch: NT. Bigness: 16, 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: -

System requirements

CPU 33 MHz
Hard disk volume 70 MB

Windows NT 4.0 Server

Years of support: 1996 - 2004. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Server, Enterprise Edition, Terminal Server

System requirements

Windows 2000 Server

Years of Support: 2000 - 2010. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Publications: Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server

System requirements

Windows Server 2003.

Years of support: 2003 - 2015. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter

System requirements

Web, Standard, Enterprise:

Datacenter Edition:

Windows Server 2003 R2

Years of support: 2005 - 2015. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Publications: Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter

System requirements

Standard, Enterprise:

Datacenter Edition:

Windows Server 2008.

Years of support: 2008 - 2020. Branch: NT. Bitness: 32 and 64 bits.

Editions: Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, HPC, Storage, Itanium

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Architecture 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
CPU 1 GHz 1.4 GHz 2 GHz
RAM 512 MB 2 GB
Hard disk volume 10 GB 40 GB

Windows Server 2008 R2

Years of support: 2009 - 2020. Branch: NT. Bitness: 64 bits.

Publications: Foundation, Small Business, Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, HPC, Itanium

System requirements

Windows Server 2012.

Years of support: 2012 - 2023. Branch: NT. Bitness: 64 bits.

System requirements

Windows Server 2012 R2

Years of support: 2013 - 2023. Branch: NT. Bitness: 64 bits.

Editions: Foundation, Essentials, Standard, Datacenter

System requirements

Windows Server 2016.

Years of Support: 2016 - 2026. Branch: NT. Bitness: 64 bits.

Editions: Essentials, Standard, Datacenter

What's new

  • Licensing of physical cores of the processor (minimum 16).
  • New installation mode - Nano.
  • The appearance of container virtualization.
  • OpenGL and OpenCL for RDP.
  • Encryption of virtual machines and internal network traffic.
  • Block replication of file storages.

System requirements

Windows Server 2019 (latest for servers)

Years of support: 2018 -?. Branch: NT. Bitness: 64 bits.

Publications: Standard, Datacenter

What's new

  • Improved Security - Built-in Defender ATP and Defender Exploit Guard technologies.
  • Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) - containers for supporting Linux paving.
  • To build a cluster with an even number of nodes as a disk-dive can be a USB disk.

Today, such concepts like " personal Computer For home use "and" software Windows ", steel for the overwhelming majority of domestic users practically synonymous. The popularity of Microsoft operating systems is really high and if the US OS X operating system, installed on computers and Apple laptops, still received proper distribution (its share is about 17.8%), then on the Russian market, Windows is an unconditional leader, not Planning to give up even tenths of their closest competitors.

On the account of Microsoft, starting with Bill Gates, shown in 1985 (BILL GATES) windows platforms 1.0, there are nine full versions of the corporate operating system. For 30 years, a constantly criticized, so hated by many, modified by unrecognizable and improving very controversial decisions, the system was improved taking into account the trends in computer-building and user wishes, having achieved unprecedented success.

It is today that Windows celebrates its anniversary: \u200b\u200b30 years since the release of the first version of the same name graphic interface from Microsoft. We congratulate this date colleagues from Russian and international Microsoft offices and, of course, all users of the Windows operating system!

Windows: Beginning

The first graphical interface that has become the result of the works of Microsoft programmers under the guidance of the founder of Bill Gates, was presented in 1985 and received name windows 1.0. Its originally created as a tool for working with MS-DOS, Windows 1.0 allowed to enter commands not only in text form from the keyboard, but also to use the peripheral accessory in the same time - a computer mouse.

Windows 1.0 could boast a simple, but convenient file manager (MS-DOS Executive), as well as perceived today as proper to applications calendar, a card file, notepad, terminal, calculator and clock. The first game integrated in the Windows-shell was reversi, whose task was to entertain users of users of computer skills.

Windows 2.0 and Windows 3.0: from the auxiliary interface to the popular operating system

The success of Windows 1.0 and the development of the industry promised the emergence of the next product from Microsoft, which became an announced in 1987 a graphical user windows interface 2.0. If in the first project, the team of Bill Gates implemented only the so-called "tile windows", then in the second version of Windows they have become overlapping. In addition to this, Windows 2.0 began maintaining 16-color graphic VGA mode.

Windows 2.0 has become no less fundamental brainchild Microsoft than its predecessor. It is in this version of the user interface for MS-DOS "control panel" for the first time, providing quick access to system settings, PIF files and tandem office applications - Word with Excel.

As for Windows 3.0, the release of which was held in 1990, it became the first truly popular and received the propagation of OS from Microsoft. A system has highlighted not only much more intuitive interface friendly with respect to the user, but also effectively discontinued computational potential of Intel 286 and 386 processors algorithm.

In addition, Windows 3.0 is a new "control panel", own "program manager" and "File Manager", as well as support for 256 colors. And, of course, Windows 3.0 is Solitaire "Soliter", which was for many faithful and exciting way to pass a hourly hour free time.

Windows For Pen Computing 1.0: Down keyboard, because we have an on-screen entry

All new is well forgotten old. Current tablet computers, practically devoid of physical keys, simply do not need a separate QWERTY-keyboard. Her place was taken by a virtual analogue of the keyboard, entering the text from which is carried out thanks to the touchscreen display - by pressing the digital keys on the screen. The first tablets - devices with inflative input - began to be actively developed in the 90s. And the Windows For Pen Computing 1.0 interface is designed for a new "portable" electronics for Penpoint OS, shown by Microsoft in 1992, just had a notepad for writing notes with a stylus, a convenient on-screen keyboard and a number of other unlocked under the designated application segment.

Windows 95: Start, without which Windows is not Windows

For seen the light in 1995, Windows 95 was carefully thought out. advertising campaign: Microsoft's leadership appealed to the PR and attracting attention to its products to the popular music team of Rolling Stones and the actors of the "Friends" series. As for the platform itself, the "ninety-fifth" developers made a bet on multitasking and Plug and Play technology, which allowed the system to automatically select the driver for the peripheral connected to the computer.

In the 32-bit shell of the 95 year of release, it was possible to detect the Internet Explorer browser, which was to be interested in the few users of the World Wide Network and to compete with such tools for web surfing as Netscape Navigator and NCSA Mosaic.

Microsoft Bob: Serious OS in "Cartoon" wrapper

If you save the basic idea, taken as a basis when creating an operating system, and instead of a strict and classic interface, you will offer a very unusual addition to the user, then the output will be a very unusual addition, like the Microsoft BOB graphical interface for Windows 3.1.

By the way, the notorious character in the form of a paper clip "Strays" and other virtual helpers from Microsoft Word appeared thanks to Microsoft Bob.

Windows 98: Concept - the same, but with a fair amount of improvements

Windows 98 came out in 98 and brought a whole wipes of pleasant additions and improvements in the already familiar interface. The list of changes contained the appearance of the "quick start panel", the "active desktop", the navigation buttons "back" and "forward". Internet Explorer 4 browser acquired, in turn, the address bar.

Windows 2000: Enter business with Microsoft products

The Windows 2000 operating system based on Windows NT, which has become available in 2000, was focused primarily on a business segment, and not on home use. Nevertheless, it is this OS that became a prototype for the Windows XP platform, which replaced it in the client sector.

Windows 2000 was produced in four publications: Professional, Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server, designed for servers, workstations and advanced users. It is also worth mentioning about exclusive editions - Windows 2000 Advanced Server Limited Edition and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Limited Edition, aimed at disclosing the potential of 64-bit microprocessors Intel Itanium.

Windows 2000 has highlighted the automatic update function and the presence of such a useful option as hibernation - "sleep mode".

Windows XP: all the best in one bottle

2001 brought all PC users and laptops to send the Windows XP output, which is rightfully considered to be a real long-liver among all ever released Microsoft operating systems. The release of updates for Windows XP was officially suspended only in 2014, after 13 years after the announcement of the platform, which caused the storm of indignations from corporate clients.

The recycled Windows XP style, closed in "soft forms" and a bright color gamut, straightening up on gray Windows 98: Green button "Start", blue "Taskbar" in a set with a number of pleasant eye visual interface ornaments without any functional load Initially predisposed to themselves. ClearType technology to smooth out the LCD panel of text, an integrated CD record wizard, a quick switching mechanism between users, "Remote Assistant", which provided simple and fastest access to third-party system, customizable depending on the requirements and personal preferences of the toolbar - These innovations and remembered Windows XP. Well, of course, the "Restoring System" function is the OS rollback to the user-chosen point, usually practicing in order to return the system to its initial working condition when errors occur, failures and a number of other problems.

According to statistics, relevant for 2014, approximately 430 million computers installed Windows XP operating system, despite the release of more recent Vista platforms, Windows 7 and 8.

Windows Vista: Moderate to recognize errors

Six years of expectations, criticizing Microsoft for attempts to implement not just controversial, but irrational decisions, a number of accompanying problems, due to which the final version of the OS lost part of the stated initially options, led to the appearance of unambiguously failure and frankly passage shell of Windows Vista.

NOT saved Windows Vista neither translucent design of the user interface, nor the promised reduction in the time of loading and exit from sleep mode, nor the instant file search nor the corporate transparent side panelnor even a relatively high level of security with a set of tools to prevent hacking and ensuring reliable protection of personal data.

Microsoft recognized what users were told on the network: Windows Vista failed to surpass Windows XP. This was confirmed by the popularity among product buyers with a pre-installed Windows Vista trend, when those intend to remove the licensed OS and returned even to "pirate", but much more stable and understandable Windows XP.

Windows is again in numbers: a magnificent "seven", strange « eight "And saving" 8.1 »

After unfinished Windows Vista and abundance of criticism, sprinkled on the developers' heads, Microsoft simply did not have the right to re-error. The result of a thorough analysis of the disadvantages of "Vista" was Windows with the number "7", announced in 2009. Externally, the platform still has changed not so much as the furious users were expected, and the bet was made to maximize productivity optimization and the correction of a considerable number of errors. The ergonomics was improved, which now completely seemed to be customer-oriented, who wished on Windows 7 times and forever spread with such horrors of Windows Vista, as countless pop-ups.

Windows 7 has a set of own unique features, among which the recognition algorithm has been highlighted. handwritten text, Multitouch control mode, quick access to multimedia content through "transition lists", simplified setup home network And simple connection to wireless coating. But the main thing is that Windows 7 looked more stable, faster (in fact, the difference with Windows Vista was not so significant), as well as much easier to operate.

After three years, at the wave of commercial success of Windows 7, Microsoft specialists prepared in 2012 to release Windows 8. However, the radical changes on which the developers themselves felt like everyone else. And it is not even about the missing button and the "Start" menu, which are offered to use the initial screen focused on the tablets with Windows 8 "on board".

There was a feeling that in an attempt to create a unified platform under various devices - Desktops and tablets with a touchscreen display - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe initial and dominant orientation on the PC sector went to the background. "Live tile" in Windows 8, swinging from mobile system Windows Phone and replaced familiar badges and labels for launch installed applications, it was clearly not understood or simply undervalued by users.

Of course, Windows 8 as a whole was good: the purchases could be made immediately in a digital store, a high-speed USB 3.0 data transmission interface has appeared. The system worked quickly and did not give trouble to his owner, but the owners of screens without supporting the sensory input ignored the new OS, wishing to work comfortably in the usual environment using a conventional keyboard and mouse.

I solved a free update to Windows 8.1 problem, the download of which began in October 2013. After exactly a year after the release of Windows 8, the "Start" button returned to the place to call the corresponding menu on the desktop, and the desktop itself is a familiar look, which in favor of the tablet owners was rethought and modified, - now you could download the default.

Windows 10: Instead of Windows 9 and the next step forward - jump and access to a better level

The author of this article. Just a couple of months ago, I updated my Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 for free. So far, to give an objective assessment, based on the benefits and time detected for such a short period of time disadvantages of Windows 10, it seems obviously hasty decision. Nevertheless, the subjective feeling is expressed quite concise: "Like!"

Among the innovation is to celebrate the Microsoft Edge browser, which came to replace the slow and in a number of nuances of an extremely incomplete "old man." Internet Explorer. Help to understand the entire implemented manifold is designed by the personal digital Cortana Assistant, which is responsible for performing your voice commands. Windows 10 is also ready to please all gamers support DirectX 12 / WDDM 2.0 for output computer games On the new graphic level with the unattainable first image realistic image.

The most recent version of the Microsoft platform seems extremely universal without prejudice to any of the parties, ready to offer comfortable interaction with all types of modern devices regardless of their size - tablets, laptops of various diagonals, desktop systems, widescreen panels for Surface Hub presentations.

Fast start panel programs. It is noteworthy that it was the last system based on MS-DOS.

  • Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) (May 9, 1999)
  • In 2000, to the onset of the new millennium, the Windows Me system (MILLENNIUM) was released with improved video and music playback, increased reliability and System Restore, with Windows Media. Player I. Windows Movie. Maker.
  • Windows NT.

    Windows Embedded family

    The popularity of Windows is the popularity of Windows

    Windows security



    Termination of support and release of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 updates

    As of January 20, 2020, according to FSTEC of the Russian Federation, information systemsaH federal and regional government bodies, local government, as well as organizations continue to apply the following versions of operating systems Microsoft Windows. 7 and Microsoft. Windows Server 2008 R2 certified by information security requirements:

    • Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1) in the editors "Professional", "Corporate" and "Maximum";
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) in Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 STANDARD EDITION SERVICE PACK 2 ";
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 "Standard Edition version 32-bit / 64-bit;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition SERVICE Pack 2 ";
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 "ENTERPRISE EDITION versions 32-bit / 64-bit;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 "Datacentter version 32-bit / 64-bit editorial.

    The use of such a wide spectrum of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 FSTEC in particular connects to the presence of a large number of data developed by the operational systems of specific applied software used in Russia by state authorities and organizations.

    A prerequisite for use in information systems used in Russia certified versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, as declares the FSTEC of the Russian Federation, in accordance with operational documentation, is to install certified updates of these systems. Updates are issued by Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 developer - Microsoft Corporation - and provided russian manufacturers operating systems.

    In connection with the termination of support and release of updates for Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008, the FSTEC has taken a number of measures. Namely:

    • stopped the certificate of conformity on Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1) in the editorial board "Professional", "Corporate" and "Maximum";
    • ceased certificates of conformity to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) in the Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions;
    • decided to exclude June 1, 2020 from state registry certified means of protecting information for certificates of certificates NN 2180/1, 2181/1, 1928/1, 1928, 1929/1, 1929, 1930.

    State authorities and organizations that use certified versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems to protect information, FSTEC of Russia recommends planning the transfer activities before June 1, 2020, operating systems supported by their manufacturers . Prior to this transition, given the models of information security threats, FSTEC advises to adopt the following additional protection measures:

    • install all current mandatory certified updates of certified versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems, issued by Russian manufacturers;
    • install the ban on automatic update certified versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems;
    • to configure and ensure periodic control of the protection mechanisms of certified versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems based on the relevant manuals;
    • if possible, exclude connecting to the Internet and to the departmental / corporate local computing networks of funds computer equipment or segments of information systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2;
    • if it is impossible to apply the measurement of information systems and the protection of their perimeter and dedicated segments at the impossibility of such a disconnection;
    • provide regular backup information, software and means of protecting information contained on the means of computing or in segments of information systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, on external media;
    • regulate and ensure control over the use of removable machine media, exclude from their number unregistered in the information system and not tested by means of anti-virus protection;
    • periodic analysis of the vulnerabilities of the segments of information systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 using certified information security control tools, as well as periodic monitoring of the integrity of installed operating systems;
    • apply additional certified information security tools for operating systems;
    • monitoring publicly available sources publishing information about vulnerabilities, for information about vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, and make appropriate measures;
    • develop and implement rules and procedures for the actions of officials in case of vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or the occurrence of information security incidents related to their application.


    Accessibility of Commercial Support OpenJDK on Microsoft Windows Platform

    Windows has ceased to be the main business of Microsoft

    In April 2018, Bloomberg released an article entitled "Microsoft officially stopped being a Windows company." Journalists noticed that operating systems bring the American company far from the greatest income compared to other products, and the software gigant itself is increasingly focused on cloud technologies.

    In 2012, then held the post general Director Microsoft Steve Ballmer stated that the company "There is nothing more important than Windows." During one of the conference, he emotionally chant: "Windows! Windows! Windows! ".

    Microsoft has become less likely to release regular updates and also made them part of the cost of buying a new computer or contract for the supply of a PC batch for companies instead of customers paid for new equipment or updated the operating system when the next version comes out.

    Each year, no more than 15% of the sales of smartphones, tablets and computers together are taken on devices running Windows, and the OS does not penetrate into new areas, such as unmanned cars or systems "smart" at home.


    Windows XP is leading in terms of installations in enterprises

    Windows 10 output

    Windows 10 will ensure the operation of devices of various types:

    • desktop PCs
    • laptops,
    • tablets
    • tVs.

    Windows 3.0 had a pleasant graphical user interface (compared to what was still appearing for IBM PC), provided a significant range of services, operated on all the amount of memory, addressing the microprocessor 80286, 80386 and higher. With 32-bit microprocessors (80386 and higher) and in the presence of at least 2 MB windows's memory 3.0 could use virtual memory, this mode of operation was named expanded (386 Enhanced Mode).

    1988-1993: Court with Apple due to the visual interface

    On March 17, 1988, Apple was claimed by Microsoft in connection with Windows, and Hewlett-Packard in connection with the New Wave - a new product of this company based on Windows. Apple claims that the company has spent millions of dollars and several years to develop a visual interface that has become a distinctive feature of Macintosh. Apple accused Microsoft in a violation of prisoner in 1985 license Agreement, arguing that Windows 2.03, released at the end of 1987, is the illegal use of "impressions and sensations" ("Look and FEEL") from the Macintosh interface. Apple insisted at the stop of the sale and distribution of Windows, awarded to her all profits from windows sales 2.03.

    Microsoft filed an objection to the claim with the statement that the company conscientiously complied with the 1985 Agreement. Parts of this Agreement were made public, indicating that Apple provided Microsoft license to use visual elements already included in Six Microsoft programs (Windows 1.0, Multiplan, Chart, File, Excel and Word for Macintosh) in all available or future application programs. In addition, Apple provided Microsoft the right to sublicening these elements. Microsoft argued that the 1985 Agreement covers Windows 2.03 by default, and therefore the company is not going to modify Windows or written applications for it and will continue to produce and sell these products.

    In early 1990, the case was transferred to the judge Waller from the Federal District Court of San Francisco. Judge Walker, in addition, considered Xerox lawsuit against Apple, in which Xerox accused Apple in violating the same copyright. This claim was rejected in early May 1990.

    Betting both sides in this process were high. If you won Apple, Microsoft could make you remove the Windows 3.0 from the market or pay Apple for each copy sold. If it was solved in favor of Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, Apple could lose the market advantage of originality because then the path was opened for copying all the firms of the interface features that constitute the uniqueness of Macintosh.

    In 1993, the Judge Walker decided to favor Microsoft Process "Apple against Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard" and rejected Apple's claims to the fact that it has copyright on some interface elements.

    1987: Windows 2.0 output

    Since 1987, the situation began to change dramatically. In November of this year, a new version was published - Windows 2.0, powerful and well-known applications written to work under Windows began to appear.

    1985: Boxes from the first Windows appeared in stores

    Microsoft Windows 1.0. There have had many flaws and bugs, it was considered a bad copy of the Apple Operations.

    On November 10, 1983, Microsoft announced the start of the development of the Windows graphics operating shell, although at the end of 1982 the Microsoft programmers began to create a universal set of graphic procedures called Computer Graphic Interface (CGI).

    By the November 1983 exhibition Comdex The first prototype of Windows was ready. When presenting the first version of Windows, it was promised that commercial sale will begin in May 1984. In the spring of 1984, the start date of sales was moved to November. In November 1984, this date was postponed to June 1985.

    Windows and piracy

    In 2007, Microsoft published an interesting statistics. According to data obtained from the results of the Windows Genuine Advantage program, each fifth (22%) Windows in the world is unlicensed. At the same time, according to the analytical company Business Software Alliance, the percentage of use of pirate copies of the OS is much higher, and is about 35%.

    Microsoft is actively struggling with the illegal use of its operating system. Thus, in 2007, Microsoft provided corporate users with the possibility of switching from pirate Windows to licensed, while paying only a "license". By participating in this action, the organization was exempted from penalties for using Pirate Windows.

    In December 2008, Microsoft filed 63 claims against counterfeit software sellers of 12 countries. They were accused of selling pirated copies of the Windows XP operating system. According to Microsoft, the sellers offered on-line auctions the Windows XP version of Blue Edition. Buyers reported that Blue Edition is a special licensed windows version XP with low price.

    At about the same time, the Frunzensky District Court of Vladivostok sentenced the local resident to one year of imprisonment conditionally and fine at 117 thousand rubles for the illegal installation of the Windows XP operating system and office package microsoft applications. Then, the investigation found that the defendant for 2 thousand rubles has set counterfeit on four computers. microsoft programs Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Office